def setUp(self): data = [[0,0], [-0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5], [0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5]] self.delau = DelaunayTri(data) sphere_data = [[0.3927286959385721, 0.3027233106882571, -0.0642087887467873], [-0.3040289937812381, 0.08411211324060132, -0.3879323695524365], [-0.4167147320140305, -0.1124203247935928, 0.252409395022804], [-0.09784613055257477, 0.3994051836806832, 0.2844321254445218], [0.0167085276338464, 0.4969839143091518, 0.05222847903455247], [-0.3010383814570601, 0.3973744439739354, 0.03833332970300512], [0.321916886905792, -0.3514017778986294, -0.1512822144687402], [-0.02357104947939958, 0.4654006301246191, -0.1812364728912125], [0.3199720537828011, -0.3299443654301472, -0.1968618818332127], [-0.4630278928730662, -0.1886147011806086, 0.005446551209538857]] self.spdelau = DelaunayTri(sphere_data) #Make sure higher dim works. points = np.random.randn(10, 5) self.hddelau = DelaunayTri(points) #Check that bad points raises an error. bad_points = [[0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0]] self.assertRaises(ValueError, DelaunayTri, bad_points)
def section1(fname='./data/elephant.pwn', K=5, ndisc=50): # read in data (N x 3) print('reading data...') data = read_file(fname) # discretize volume (XYZ x 3) and voxel size (3) print('voxel grid...') xyzpts, dx = get_grid(data, ndisc=ndisc) # calculate mean distance to K nearest neighbors print('calculate distance...') neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=K).fit(data.numpy()) dist, _ = neigh.kneighbors(xyzpts.numpy(), return_distance=True) dist = torch.Tensor(dist).mean(1) # filter out points that are "far" from the point cloud kept = dist < np.linalg.norm(dx) xyzpts = xyzpts[kept] dist = dist[kept] # delaunay triangulation print('delaunay...') M = DelaunayTri(xyzpts.numpy()) points = torch.Tensor(M.points) tetvertices = torch.LongTensor(M.vertices) trivertices = get_trivertices(tetvertices) # choose epsilon print('choosing epsilon...') eixes = dist.sort().values[torch.linspace(0, len(dist) - 1, 50).long()] epsilon = eixes[int(len(eixes) * 0.5)] is_in_band = dist < epsilon return points, tetvertices, trivertices, is_in_band, epsilon, dist
def alpha_shape(points, alpha): def add_edge(points, i, j): if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges: return edges.add((i, j)) edge_points.append((points[i], points[j])) tri = DelaunayTri(points) edges = set() edge_points = [] for i1, i2, i3 in tri.vertices: x1, y1 = tri.points[i1] x2, y2 = tri.points[i2] x3, y3 = tri.points[i3] a = hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) b = hypot(x2 - x3, y2 - y3) c = hypot(x3 - x1, y3 - y1) s = (a + b + c) / 2.0 area = sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) radius = a * b * c / (4 * area) if radius < 1.0 / alpha: add_edge(tri.points, i1, i2) add_edge(tri.points, i2, i3) add_edge(tri.points, i3, i1) shape = cascaded_union(list(polygonize(MultiLineString(edge_points)))) return shape
def __init__(self, diameter, density): self.fmt = GeomVertexFormat.getV3c4() self.diameter = diameter r = diameter / 2 # Sample random points in a 2d plane points_2d = [] for i in range(int(density * pi * r**2)): x, y = random_in_circle() points_2d.append((x * r, y * r)) # Compute triangulations triangulation = DelaunayTri(points_2d) # Save points in 3d space self.points = [] for x, y in triangulation.points: p = Vec3(x, y, elevation(x, y)) self.points.append(p) # Save triangles self.vertices = triangulation.vertices # Save a graph with the triangulation self.nodes = [set() for i in range(len(self.points))] self.edges = [] for a, b, c in triangulation.vertices: self.nodes[a] |= {b, c} self.nodes[b] |= {a, c} self.nodes[c] |= {a, b} self.edges.append((a, b)) self.edges.append((b, c)) self.edges.append((c, a))
def face_swap(img1, img2, points1, points2): img1Warped = np.copy(img2) # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Find convex hull hull1 = [] hull2 = [] # hullIndex = cv2.convexHull(np.array(points2), returnPoints=False) hullIndex = ConvexHull(np.array(points2)).vertices for i in range(0, len(hullIndex)): hull1.append(points1[hullIndex[i][0]]) hull2.append(points2[hullIndex[i][0]]) # Find delanauy traingulation for convex hull points sizeImg2 = img2.shape rect = (0, 0, sizeImg2[1], sizeImg2[0]) # dt = fbc.calculateDelaunayTriangles(rect, hull2) dt = DelaunayTri(hull2, True).vertices # dt = Dela if len(dt) == 0: quit() # Apply affine transformation to Delaunay triangles for i in range(0, len(dt)): t1 = [] t2 = [] #get points for img1, img2 corresponding to the triangles for j in range(0, 3): t1.append(hull1[dt[i][j]]) t2.append(hull2[dt[i][j]]) fbc.warpTriangle(img1, img1Warped, t1, t2) # Calculate Mask for Seamless cloning hull8U = [] for i in range(0, len(hull2)): hull8U.append((hull2[i][0], hull2[i][1])) mask = np.zeros(img2.shape, dtype=img2.dtype) cv2.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.int32(hull8U), (255, 255, 255)) # find center of the mask to be cloned with the destination image r = cv2.boundingRect(np.float32([hull2])) center = ((r[0] + int(r[2] / 2), r[1] + int(r[3] / 2))) # img2 = cv2.cvtColor(img2, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) # Clone seamlessly. img2 = cv2.seamlessClone(np.uint8(img1Warped), img2, mask, center, cv2.NORMAL_CLONE) return img2
def construct_model(self): # build model w/o runtime model_points_features = [[f1, f2] for [[f1, f2], f3] in self.model_points] self.log_debug("construct_model point count: " + str(len(self.model_points))) self.log_debug("Constructing model with points: " + str(self.model_points)) # do initial triangulation with model_points # refer: self.tri = DelaunayTri(model_points_features)
def _concave(points, alpha): if len(points) <= 3: return points # Create delaunay triangulation. tri = DelaunayTri(points) # For each edge, count the number of faces that reference it. edge_counts = Counter() for (i, j, k) in tri.vertices: d1 = dist(tri.points[i], tri.points[j]) < alpha d2 = dist(tri.points[i], tri.points[k]) < alpha d3 = dist(tri.points[j], tri.points[k]) < alpha if (d1) and (d2) and (d3): edge_counts[tuple(sorted((i, j)))] += 1 edge_counts[tuple(sorted((i, k)))] += 1 edge_counts[tuple(sorted((j, k)))] += 1 perim_edges = defaultdict(list) # Store vertices on perimeter. for (i, j), count in edge_counts.items(): # If edge has one reference, it is on the perimeter. if count == 1: perim_edges[i].append(j) perim_edges[j].append(i) for i, vl in perim_edges.items(): if len(vl) != 2: raise InvalidHullException() start_v = list(perim_edges.keys())[0] ordered_verts = [start_v] next_v = perim_edges[start_v][0] prev_v = start_v while next_v != start_v: ordered_verts.append(next_v) if perim_edges[next_v][0] != prev_v: prev_v = next_v next_v = perim_edges[next_v][0] else: prev_v = next_v next_v = perim_edges[next_v][1] perim_edges[prev_v].remove(next_v) return ordered_verts, (tri, edge_counts)
def resample(mdp, solve_result, num_points): policy = solve_result['policy'] value = solve_result['value'] tension = get_tension_matrix(mdp, policy, value) density = {a: -b for (a, b) in tension.items()} density_sf = sf_from_tension(density, alpha=1.5) support_points = mdp.get_support_points() shape = mdp.get_grid().get_map().shape grid = mdp.get_grid() def support(): x = np.random.rand(2) return np.array([x[0] * shape[0], x[1] * shape[1]]) def weight(p): cell = np.floor(p) cell = (int(cell[0]), int(cell[1])) empty = grid.is_empty(cell) if not empty: return 0 d = density_sf.query(p) return d sampled_points = rejection_sampling(support=support, weight=weight, N=num_points) points = support_points + sampled_points from pyhull.delaunay import DelaunayTri delaunay_tri = DelaunayTri(points) print delaunay_tri.vertices print delaunay_tri.points solve_result['delaunay_tri'] = delaunay_tri solve_result['sampled_points'] = sampled_points solve_result['tension'] = tension solve_result['density_sf'] = density_sf solve_result['support_points'] = support_points return solve_result
legkeys = [] legitems = [] if dim == 3: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') for pt in points: p, = plt.plot(pt[0], pt[1], 'ro') if dim == 2 \ else plt.plot([pt[0]], [pt[1]], [pt[2]], 'ro') legkeys.append(p) legitems.append("Points") d = DelaunayTri(points) for s in d.simplices: for data in itertools.combinations(s.coords, dim): data = np.array(data) p, = plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'g-') if dim == 2 else\ ax.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], data[:,2], 'g-') legkeys.append(p) legitems.append("Delaunay tri") d = ConvexHull(points) for s in d.simplices: for data in itertools.combinations(s.coords, dim): data = np.array(data)
# y *= 3000 # vertices.append((x, y)) side = 200 vertices = list() imax = round(2000 / (side * math.sqrt(3) / 2)) jmax = round(3000 / side) side = 2000 / imax / (math.sqrt(3) / 2) for i in range(imax): for j in range(-1, jmax+1): x = side * (i * math.sqrt(3) / 2 + 0.5) y = side * (j + 0.5 * (i % 2)) + 1500 % side if y > 0 and y < 3000: vertices.append((x, y)) # Generate graph edges delaunay= DelaunayTri(vertices,joggle=True) edges = set() for i, j, k in delaunay.vertices: edges.add((min(i, j), max(i, j))) edges.add((min(j, k), max(j, k))) edges.add((min(k, i), max(k, i))) # Add vertices to the ggb file for i, vertex in enumerate(vertices): element = ElementTree.SubElement(construction, 'element', type='point', label=vertex_name(i)) ElementTree.SubElement(element, 'coords', x=str(vertex[0]), y=str(vertex[1]), z='1') ElementTree.SubElement(element, 'show', object='true', label='false') ElementTree.SubElement(element, 'condition', showObject='ShowRoadmap') # Add edges to the ggb file for i, j in edges:
dim =2 #for pt in b: # p, = plt.plot(pt[0], pt[1], 'ro') d = DelaunayTri(b) del b for s in d.simplices: for data in itertools.combinations(s.coords, dim): data = np.array(data) p, = plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'g-') for s in d.simplices: for data in itertools.combinations(s.coords, dim): data = np.array(data) p, = plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'b-')
def test_joggle(self): joggled_delau = DelaunayTri(self.delau.points, joggle=True) expected_ans = set([(0, 1, 3), (0, 1, 2), (0, 3, 4), (0, 2, 4)]) ans = set([tuple(sorted(x)) for x in joggled_delau.vertices]) self.assertEqual(ans, expected_ans)
def grid_interpolating(defaultPose, minimalPose, maximalPose, workerTarget): print('defaultPose: ', defaultPose) nx = 20 #50 ny = 15 #60 nz = 5 nxj = 20j nyj = 15j nzj = 10j #points = np.random.rand(8, 3)*10 points = np.array([[-10, -10, -10], [10, 10, 10], [0, 0, 0], [-10, -10, 10], [-10, 10, -10], [-10, 10, 10], [10, -10, -10], [10, 10, -10], [0, 0, 0], [10, -10, -10], [10, -10, 10], [10, 10, -10]]) points = np.array([[-10, -10, -10], [-10, -10, 10], [-10, 10, -10], [10, -10, -10], [0, 0, 0], [-5, -5, -5], [5, 5, 5], [0, 5, 5], [5, 5, -5], [5, -5, -5], [-5, 5, -5], [10, 10, 10], [10, 5, 10]]) #points = np.array([[-10, -10, -10], [-10, -10, 10], [-10, 10, -10], [10, -10, -10]]) values = f(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], workerTarget) print('points: ', points) print('values; ', values) grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = np.mgrid[minimalPose[0]:maximalPose[0]:nxj, minimalPose[1]:maximalPose[1]:nyj, minimalPose[2]:maximalPose[2]:nzj] gridDist = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y, grid_z), method='linear') plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(workerTarget[0], workerTarget[1], workerTarget[2], c='r', marker='x') if False: tri = DelaunayTri(points, joggle='Qz') shape = np.shape(grid_x) grid_xr = np.reshape(grid_x, -1) grid_yr = np.reshape(grid_y, -1) grid_zr = np.reshape(grid_z, -1) grid_z2 = np.empty(len(grid_zr)) grid_z2.fill(-1) print(grid_z2) for simplex in tri.simplices: print('points: ', simplex.coords) simplexValues = np.zeros(4) for idxV, vertex in enumerate(simplex.coords): for idx, point in enumerate(points): if np.all(point == vertex): simplexValues[idxV] = values[idx] for idx in range(0, len(grid_xr)): if simplex.in_simplex( [grid_xr[idx], grid_yr[idx], grid_zr[idx]]): grid_z2[idx] = simplexValues, np.transpose( simplex.bary_coords( [grid_xr[idx], grid_yr[idx], grid_zr[idx]]))) grid_z2 = np.where(grid_z2 == -1, np.nan, grid_z2) grid_z2 = np.reshape(grid_z2, shape) #ax.plot_trisurf(points[:,0], points[:,1], points[:,2], triangles=tri.vertices.copy()) ax.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], 'o') x = np.linspace(minimalPose[0], maximalPose[0], nx) y = np.linspace(minimalPose[1], maximalPose[1], ny) Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.nanmin(gridDist), vmax=np.nanmax(gridDist)) print('m: ', np.nanmin(gridDist), ' M: ', np.nanmax(gridDist)) #ebenen #for index_z, z in enumerate(np.linspace(minimalPose[2], maximalPose[2], nz)): #cset = ax.contourf(X, Y, gridDist[:, :, int(np.round(index_z*nzj*-1j/nz))], zdir='z', offset=z, cmap=cm.jet, norm=norm) #points boxMarkerN = ax.scatter(grid_x.flatten(), grid_y.flatten(), grid_z.flatten(), marker='o', c=gridDist.flatten(), s=20) #plt.colorbar(cset, orientation='vertical', extend='both...') # Tweak the limits and add latex math labels. #ax.set_zlim(0, 1) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z')
def tessellation_file(input_dir, input_file, cut_distance, output_dir): """ Write tessellation file based on pdb_codon_dssp files, all simplex whose edges greater than distance_cut will be removed. """ f = list( open(os.path.join(input_dir, '%s_pdb_codon_dssp' % input_file), 'r')) g = open(os.path.join(output_dir, "%s_tessellation" % input_file[:5]), 'a') codon_list = [] residue_num = [] coordinates = [] dssp_list = [] # Extract codon, residue number, coordinates, dssp info. for i in range(len(f)): codon = f[i][:2] res = [m.split('\t', 3)[2] for m in [f[i][:-1]]][0] cor_x = float([m.split('\t', 4)[3] for m in [f[i][:-1]]][0]) cor_y = float([m.split('\t', 5)[4] for m in [f[i][:-1]]][0]) cor_z = float([m.split('\t', 6)[5] for m in [f[i][:-1]]][0]) dssp = [m.split('\t', 6)[6] for m in [f[i][:-1]]][0] codon_list.append(codon) coordinates.append([cor_x, cor_y, cor_z]) residue_num.append(res) dssp_list.append(dssp) # Perform Delaunay Tessellation using pyhull, inputs are coordinates. tri = DelaunayTri(coordinates) # Sort DelaunayTri.vertices inside list first, then entire list. sort_tri_vertices = [] for i in range(len(tri.vertices)): cache0_tri = sorted(tri.vertices[i]) sort_tri_vertices.append(cache0_tri) sort_tri_vertices = sorted(sort_tri_vertices) for i in range(len(sort_tri_vertices)): cache_tri = sort_tri_vertices[i] # Four neighbor codons as a simplex. simplex = codon_list[cache_tri[0]] + codon_list[ cache_tri[1]] + codon_list[cache_tri[2]] + codon_list[cache_tri[3]] # Rewrite simplex based on alphabet. simplex_sort = sorted([ codon_list[cache_tri[0]], codon_list[cache_tri[1]], codon_list[cache_tri[2]], codon_list[cache_tri[3]] ]) sorted_simplex = simplex_sort[0] + simplex_sort[1] + simplex_sort[ 2] + simplex_sort[3] # Write residue number based on simplex (not sorted simplex). r1 = residue_num[cache_tri[0]] r2 = residue_num[cache_tri[1]] r3 = residue_num[cache_tri[2]] r4 = residue_num[cache_tri[3]] # Calculate residue distance. residue_distance = int(r4) - int(r1) - 3 cor1 = coordinates[cache_tri[0]] cor2 = coordinates[cache_tri[1]] cor3 = coordinates[cache_tri[2]] cor4 = coordinates[cache_tri[3]] # Calculate tetrahedron edges length, volume and tetrahedrality. l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, volume, tetrahedrality = tetrahedron_calculation( cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4) # Write dssp based on simplex (not sorted simplex). ss1 = dssp_list[cache_tri[0]] ss2 = dssp_list[cache_tri[1]] ss3 = dssp_list[cache_tri[2]] ss4 = dssp_list[cache_tri[3]] edge_list = [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6] edge_list = [float(j) for j in edge_list] # Check if all edge length less or equal to 12 Angstrom. # Write simplex, sorted_simplex, residue numbers, residue distance, edges length, volume, tetrahedrality, dssp. if all(edge <= cut_distance for edge in edge_list): g.writelines(simplex + '\t' + sorted_simplex + '\t' + r1 + '\t' + r2 + '\t' + r3 + '\t' + r4 + '\t' + str(residue_distance) + '\t' + l1 + '\t' + l2 + '\t' + l3 + '\t' + l4 + '\t' + l5 + '\t' + l6 + '\t' + volume + '\t' + tetrahedrality + '\t' + ss1 + '\t' + ss2 + '\t' + ss3 + '\t' + ss4 + '\n') g.close()
def face_average(img1, img2, points1, points2): images = [] allPoints = [] allPoints.append(points1) allPoints.append(points2) images.append(np.float32(img1) / 255.0) images.append(np.float32(img2) / 255.0) w = 300 h = 300 boundaryPts = fbc.getEightBoundaryPoints(h, w) numImages = len(images) numLandmarks = len(allPoints[0]) imagesNorm = [] pointsNorm = [] pointsAvg = np.zeros((numLandmarks, 2), dtype=np.float32) # Warp images and trasnform landmarks to output coordinate system, # and find average of transformed landmarks. for i, img in enumerate(images): points = allPoints[i] points = np.array(points) img, points = fbc.normalizeImagesAndLandmarks((h, w), img, points) # Calculate average landmark locations pointsAvg = pointsAvg + (points / (1.0 * numImages)) # Append boundary points. Will be used in Delaunay Triangulation points = np.concatenate((points, boundaryPts), axis=0) pointsNorm.append(points) imagesNorm.append(img) # Append boundary points to average points. pointsAvg = np.concatenate((pointsAvg, boundaryPts), axis=0) # Delaunay triangulation rect = (0, 0, w, h) # dt = fbc.calculateDelaunayTriangles(rect, pointsAvg) dt = DelaunayTri(pointsAvg, True).vertices # Output image output = np.zeros((h, w, 3), dtype=np.float) # Warp input images to average image landmarks for i in range(0, numImages): imWarp = fbc.warpImage(imagesNorm[i], pointsNorm[i], pointsAvg.tolist(), dt) # Add image intensities for averaging output = output + imWarp # Divide by numImages to get average output = output / (1.0 * numImages) output = output * 255.0 output = np.uint8(output) # print(output) return output
def make(self, prod_svg, debug_svg): x0, y0 = self.x0, self.y0 x1, y1 = self.x1, self.y1 b0 = (x1 - x0) / 2 - (6.125 + 7.5) block = Polygon.Polygon([ (x0 + b0, y0 + 0), (x1 - b0, y0 + 0), (x1 - b0, y0 + 14.25 + 7.5), (x0 + b0, y0 + 14.25 + 7.5), ]) b1 = (x1 - x0) / 2 - 6.125 tunnel = Polygon.Polygon([ (x0 + b1, y0 + -10), (x1 - b1, y0 + -10), (x1 - b1, y0 + 14.25), (x0 + b1, y0 + 14.25), ]) width = (x1 - x0) + 150 height = (y1 - y0) + 150 points = poisson_disc_samples(width=width, height=height, r=self.cfg.r) points = [(p[0] + x0 - 75, y1 - p[1] + 75) for p in points] # for p in points: # prod_svg.add(, 0.5, fill="green")) dely = DelaunayTri(points) cells = spooky_cells(dely) wx0 = min(p[0] for p in self.window[0]) wx1 = max(p[0] for p in self.window[0]) wy0 = min(p[1] for p in self.window[0]) wy1 = max(p[1] for p in self.window[0]) g0 = Graph(prod_svg, (wx0, wx1), (10, 10 + 30), (0.0, 1.0), "darkblue") g1 = Graph(prod_svg, (wx0, wx1), (10 + 30 + 5, 10 + 30 + 5 + 30), (0.0, 1.0), "darkgreen") for i, cell in sorted(cells.items()): inbounds = all(x0 - 50 < x < x1 + 50 and y0 - 50 < y < y1 + 50 for (x, y) in cell) if not inbounds: continue fixed = make_convex(cell) cx, cy = centroid(fixed) t = cx / (wx1 - wx0) s = cy / (wy1 - wy0) v = 0.73 * ( 0.5 + noise.snoise2(0.5 * s, 0.25 * t) + 0.5 * noise.snoise2(1 * s, 0.5 * t + 100) + 0.25 * noise.snoise2(2 * s, 1 * t + 200) ) v = geom.clamp(0, v, 1) g0.plot(cx, v) boost = inset_boost(v) g1.plot(cx, boost) inset_amount = self.cfg.line_width / 2.0 + boost p = inset(fixed, inset_amount) if p is None: continue cell = Polygon.Polygon(p) if len(cell & self.wall) == 0: continue c = centroid(cell.contour(0)) a = cell.area(0) r = (a / pi) ** 0.5 circle = Polygon.Polygon([p.point2 for p in circle_points(Vec(*c), r, 20)]) debug_svg.add(debug_svg.polygon(cell.contour(0), fill_opacity=0, stroke="black", stroke_width=0.25)) debug_svg.add(, r, fill_opacity=0, stroke="black", stroke_width=0.25)) # new = geom.interpolate_poly_circle(debug_svg, cell.contour(0), c, r, 1 - v) new = Polygon.Polygon([p.point2 for p in new]) debug_svg.add(debug_svg.polygon(new.contour(0), fill_opacity=0, stroke="orange", stroke_width=0.25)) cell &= self.window circle &= self.window new &= self.window self.result += new debug_svg.add(debug_svg.polygon(self.window.contour(0), fill_opacity=0, stroke="black", stroke_width=0.25)) debug_svg.add(debug_svg.polygon(self.wall.contour(0), fill_opacity=0, stroke="black", stroke_width=0.25)) self.result = self.wall - self.result