Esempio n. 1
def test_check_dup_table():
    from pyigm.field.utils import check_dup_table
    table = create_fake_target_table()

    isdup, idx, coords = check_dup_table(table)
    assert np.sum(isdup) == 12
    assert all(isdup[:3])
Esempio n. 2
    def clean_duplicates(self, table, tol=1*u.arcsec, method='first'):
        """ Clean duplicates in table based on (ra,dec) coordinates

        table : Table
            Table to clean duplicates based on (ra, dec)
        tol : Angle, optional
            Angular tolerance for considering duplicates
        method : str, optional
            Method to use. Current options are:
            ``'first'``: if duplicates exist keep only the first one

        cleaned_table : Table
            A version of `table` without duplicates

        # TODO: add more methods for merging/cleaning duplicates

        if method not in ['first']:
            raise RuntimeError('Not ready for this method=`{}`'.format(method))

        isdup, idx, dcoord = pfu.check_dup_table(table, tol=tol)
        dup_inds = np.where(isdup == True)[0]
        keep = []

        if method == 'first':
            for ii in dup_inds:
                mtch = np.where(dcoord[ii].separation(dcoord) < tol)[0]

            first_dup = np.unique(np.array(keep))

            no_dup = np.arange(len(idx))[~isdup]
            clean_inds = np.append(no_dup, first_dup)
            clean_inds = np.sort(clean_inds)

        return table[clean_inds]