class FormPanelExample: def onModuleLoad(self): # Create a FormPanel and point it at a service. self.form = FormPanel() self.form.setAction("") # Because we're going to add a FileUpload widget, we'll need to set the # form to use the POST method, and multipart MIME encoding. self.form.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART) self.form.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST) # Create a panel to hold all of the form widgets. panel = VerticalPanel() self.form.setWidget(panel) # Create a TextBox, giving it a name so that it will be submitted. self.tb = TextBox() self.tb.setName("textBoxFormElement") panel.add(self.tb) # Create a ListBox, giving it a name and some values to be associated with # its options. lb = ListBox() lb.setName("listBoxFormElement") lb.addItem("foo", "fooValue") lb.addItem("bar", "barValue") lb.addItem("baz", "bazValue") panel.add(lb) # Create a FileUpload widget. upload = FileUpload() upload.setName("uploadFormElement") panel.add(upload) # Add a 'submit' button. panel.add(Button("Submit", self)) # Add an event handler to the form. self.form.addFormHandler(self) RootPanel().get().add(self.form) def onClick(self, sender): self.form.submit() def onSubmitComplete(self, event): # When the form submission is successfully completed, this event is # fired. Assuming the service returned a response of type text/plain, # we can get the result text here (see the FormPanel documentation for # further explanation). Window.alert(event.getResults()) def onSubmit(self, event): # This event is fired just before the form is submitted. We can take # this opportunity to perform validation. print "onSubmit", event if (len(self.tb.getText()) == 0): Window.alert("The text box must not be empty") event.setCancelled()
def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.outer = VerticalPanel() self.loader = Image(u"/loader.gif") self.eventInfo = None self.nameText = TextBox() self.categoryListBox = ListBox(False) self.subCategoriesListBox = ListBox(False) self.hostText = TextBox() self.locationText = TextBox() self.cityText = TextBox() self.createEventButton = Button(u"Create Event") self.apiClient = ApiFactory.getInstance()
def onModuleLoad(self): # Create a FormPanel and point it at a service. self.form = FormPanel() self.form.setAction("") # Because we're going to add a FileUpload widget, we'll need to set the # form to use the POST method, and multipart MIME encoding. self.form.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART) self.form.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST) # Create a panel to hold all of the form widgets. panel = VerticalPanel() self.form.setWidget(panel) # Create a TextBox, giving it a name so that it will be submitted. self.tb = TextBox() self.tb.setName("textBoxFormElement") panel.add(self.tb) # Create a ListBox, giving it a name and some values to be associated with # its options. lb = ListBox() lb.setName("listBoxFormElement") lb.addItem("foo", "fooValue") lb.addItem("bar", "barValue") lb.addItem("baz", "bazValue") panel.add(lb) # Create a FileUpload widget. upload = FileUpload() upload.setName("uploadFormElement") panel.add(upload) # Add a 'submit' button. panel.add(Button("Submit", self)) # Add an event handler to the form. self.form.addFormHandler(self) RootPanel().get().add(self.form)
class EventEditor(Composite): """ Let user create a new Event. CSS Configuration <ul> <li>.gwittit-EventEditor </ul> """ @java.init def __init__(self, *a, **kw): self.outer = VerticalPanel() self.loader = Image(u"/loader.gif") self.eventInfo = None self.nameText = TextBox() self.categoryListBox = ListBox(False) self.subCategoriesListBox = ListBox(False) self.hostText = TextBox() self.locationText = TextBox() self.cityText = TextBox() self.createEventButton = Button(u"Create Event") self.apiClient = ApiFactory.getInstance() @__init__.register @java.typed() def __init__(self, ): self.__init__._super() self.outer.addStyleName(u"gwittit-EventEditor") self.outer.setSpacing(10) self.initFields() self.outer.add(self.createLabelAndInput(u"Name", self.nameText)) self.outer.add(self.createLabelAndInput(u"Category", self.categoryListBox)) self.outer.add(self.createLabelAndInput(u"SubCategory", self.subCategoriesListBox)) self.outer.add(self.createLabelAndInput(u"Host", self.hostText)) # outer.add ( createLabelAndInput ( "EventEnds" , endTimePicker ) ); self.outer.add(self.createLabelAndInput(u"Location", self.locationText)) self.outer.add(self.createLabelAndInput(u"City", self.cityText)) self.outer.add(self.createEventButton) class _anonymous(ClickHandler): @java.typed(ClickEvent) def onClick(self, event): self.saveOrUpdate() self.createEventButton.addClickHandler(_anonymous()) self.initWidget(self.outer) @java.private def saveOrUpdate(self): """ Save event to facebook """ jEvent = Json() jEvent.put(u"name", self.nameText.getValue()) jEvent.put(u"host", self.hostText.getValue()) jEvent.put(u"location", self.locationText.getValue()) jEvent.put(u"city", self.cityText.getValue()) selectedCategory = Integer(self.categoryListBox.getValue(self.categoryListBox.getSelectedIndex())) # Save Category selectedSubCategory = Integer(self.subCategoriesListBox.getValue(self.subCategoriesListBox.getSelectedIndex())) jEvent.put(u"category", EventInfo.Category.values()[(selectedCategory - 1)].toString()) jEvent.put(u"subcategory", EventInfo.SubCategory.values()[(selectedSubCategory - 1)].toString()) jEvent.put(u"start_time", Date().getTime() + Long(u"9999999999")) jEvent.put(u"end_time", Date().getTime() + Long(u"9999999999999")) eventInfo = EventInfo.fromJson(java.str(jEvent)) self.outer.add(self.loader) class _anonymous(AsyncCallback): @java.typed(Throwable) def onFailure(self, caught): self.outer.remove(self.loader) errorResponse = ErrorResponseUI(caught) @java.typed(JavaScriptObject) def onSuccess(self, result): self.outer.remove(self.loader) self.outer.add(HTML(u"Created event with ID " + java.str(result))) self.apiClient.eventsCreate(eventInfo, _anonymous()) # Create the event. @java.private def initFields(self): """ Create widgets, and set default values if any """ self.nameText.setValue(u"Birthday") self.hostText.setValue(u"host") self.locationText.setValue(u"location") self.cityText.setValue(u"Palo Alto, CA") for category in EventInfo.Category.values(): self.categoryListBox.addItem(java.str(category).replace(u"_", u" "), u"" + java.str(category.getId())) for subCategory in EventInfo.SubCategory.values(): self.subCategoriesListBox.addItem(java.str(subCategory).replace(u"_", u" "), u"" + java.str(subCategory.getId())) @java.private @java.typed(String, Widget) def createLabelAndInput(self, label, field): h = HorizontalPanel() l = HTML(java.str(u"<b>" + java.str(label)) + u": </b>") l.setWidth(u"150px") h.add(l) h.add(field) return h