def tune_model(self): """Function to tune the model.""" acc = 0 generator_config = GeneratorConfig( data=self.trainon, algo=self.model.model_name, batch_size=self.model.config.batch_size) self.gen_train = Generator(config=generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, tuning=True, session=self.sess) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() self.evaluator.test_batch(n_iter) acc = self.evaluator.output_queue.get() self.evaluator.stop() self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return acc
def train_model(self): """Function to train the model.""" loss = 0 if self.config.loadFromData: self.load_model() else: generator_config = GeneratorConfig( data=self.trainon, algo=self.model.model_name, batch_size=self.model.config.batch_size) self.gen_train = Generator(config=generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) if not self.tuning: self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, session=self.sess) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): loss = self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) if not self.tuning: self.test(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() if not self.tuning: self.evaluator.save_training_result(self.training_results) self.evaluator.stop() if self.config.save_model: self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() if self.config.disp_summary: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() if not os.path.exists("./tmp"): os.mkdir("./tmp") save_path =, "./tmp/model.ckpt") self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return loss
def train_model(self): """Function to train the model.""" loss = 0 if self.config.loadFromData: self.load_model() else: self.gen_train = Generator(config=self.generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) if not self.tuning: self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, session=self.sess) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): loss = self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) if not self.tuning: self.test(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() if not self.tuning: self.evaluator.save_training_result(self.training_results) self.evaluator.stop() if self.config.save_model: self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() if self.config.disp_summary: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() self.export_embeddings() self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return loss
def test(self, curr_epoch): """function to test the model. Args: curr_epoch (int): The current epoch number. """ if not self.evaluator: self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, session=self.sess) if not self.config.full_test_flag and ( curr_epoch % self.config.test_step == 0 or curr_epoch == 0 or curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1): self.evaluator.test_batch(curr_epoch) else: if curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1: self.evaluator.test_batch(curr_epoch)
class Trainer(TrainerMeta): """Class for handling the training of the algorithms. Args: model (object): Model object debug (bool): Flag to check if its debugging tuning (bool): Flag to denoting tuning if True Examples: >>> from pykg2vec.utils.trainer import Trainer >>> from pykg2vec.core.TransE import TransE >>> trainer = Trainer(model=TransE(), debug=False) >>> trainer.build_model() >>> trainer.train_model() """ def __init__(self, model, trainon='train', teston='valid', debug=False, tuning=False): self.debug = debug self.model = model self.config = self.model.config self.training_results = [] self.gen_train = None self.tuning = tuning self.trainon = trainon self.teston = teston def infer_tails(self, h, r, sess, topk=5): tails = self.model.infer_tails(h, r, topk) self.saver.restore(sess, "./tmp/model.ckpt") tails = tails.eval() print("\n(head, relation)->({},{}) :: Inferred tails->({})\n".format( h, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in tails]))) def infer_heads(self, r, t, sess, topk=5): heads = self.model.infer_heads(r, t, topk) self.saver.restore(sess, "./tmp/model.ckpt") heads = heads.eval() print("\n(relation,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred heads->({})\n".format( t, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in heads]))) def build_model(self): """function to build the model""" self.model.def_inputs() self.model.def_parameters() if getattr(self.model, "def_layer", None): self.model.def_layer() self.model.def_loss() if not self.debug: self.sess = tf.Session(config=self.config.gpu_config) else: self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False) if self.config.optimizer == 'sgd': optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'rms': optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adagrad': optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) else: raise NotImplementedError("No support for %s optimizer" % self.config.optimizer) grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.model.loss) self.op_train = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=self.global_step) self.saver = tf.train.Saver() if not self.tuning: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() ''' Training related functions:''' def train_model(self): """Function to train the model.""" loss = 0 if self.config.loadFromData: self.load_model() else: generator_config = GeneratorConfig( data=self.trainon, algo=self.model.model_name, batch_size=self.model.config.batch_size) self.gen_train = Generator(config=generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) if not self.tuning: self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, session=self.sess) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): loss = self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) if not self.tuning: self.test(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() if not self.tuning: self.evaluator.save_training_result(self.training_results) self.evaluator.stop() if self.config.save_model: self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() if self.config.disp_summary: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() if not os.path.exists("./tmp"): os.mkdir("./tmp") save_path =, "./tmp/model.ckpt") self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return loss def tune_model(self): """Function to tune the model.""" acc = 0 generator_config = GeneratorConfig( data=self.trainon, algo=self.model.model_name, batch_size=self.model.config.batch_size) self.gen_train = Generator(config=generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, tuning=True, session=self.sess) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() self.evaluator.test_batch(n_iter) acc = self.evaluator.output_queue.get() self.evaluator.stop() self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return acc def train_model_epoch(self, epoch_idx): """Function to train the model for one epoch.""" acc_loss = 0 num_batch = self.model.config.kg_meta.tot_train_triples // self.config.batch_size if not self.debug else 10 start_time = timeit.default_timer() for batch_idx in range(num_batch): data = list(next(self.gen_train)) if self.model.model_name.lower() in [ "tucker", "tucker_v2", "conve", "convkb", "complex", "distmult", "proje_pointwise" ]: h = data[0] r = data[1] t = data[2] hr_t = data[3] rt_h = data[4] feed_dict = { self.model.h: h, self.model.r: r, self.model.t: t, self.model.hr_t: hr_t, self.model.rt_h: rt_h } else: ph = data[0] pr = data[1] pt = data[2] nh = data[3] nr = data[4] nt = data[5] feed_dict = { self.model.pos_h: ph, self.model.pos_t: pt, self.model.pos_r: pr, self.model.neg_h: nh, self.model.neg_t: nt, self.model.neg_r: nr } _, step, loss = [self.op_train, self.global_step, self.model.loss], feed_dict) acc_loss += loss if not self.tuning: print('[%.2f sec](%d/%d): -- loss: %.5f' % (timeit.default_timer() - start_time, batch_idx, num_batch, loss), end='\r') if not self.tuning: print('iter[%d] ---Train Loss: %.5f ---time: %.2f' % (epoch_idx, acc_loss, timeit.default_timer() - start_time)) self.training_results.append([epoch_idx, acc_loss]) return acc_loss ''' Testing related functions:''' def test(self, curr_epoch): """function to test the model. Args: curr_epoch (int): The current epoch number. """ if not self.config.full_test_flag and ( curr_epoch % self.config.test_step == 0 or curr_epoch == 0 or curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1): self.evaluator.test_batch(curr_epoch) else: if curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1: self.evaluator.test_batch(curr_epoch) ''' Procedural functions:''' def save_model(self): """Function to save the model.""" saved_path = self.config.tmp / self.model.model_name saved_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) saver = tf.train.Saver(self.model.parameter_list), str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def load_model(self): """Function to load the model.""" saved_path = self.config.tmp / self.model.model_name if saved_path.exists(): saver = tf.train.Saver(self.model.parameter_list) saver.restore(self.sess, str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def display(self): """Function to display embedding.""" options = { "ent_only_plot": True, "rel_only_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only, "ent_and_rel_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only } if self.config.plot_embedding: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, vis_opts=options, sess=self.sess) viz.plot_embedding(resultpath=self.config.figures, algos=self.model.model_name, show_label=False) if self.config.plot_training_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, sess=self.sess) viz.plot_train_result() if self.config.plot_testing_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, sess=self.sess) viz.plot_test_result() def export_embeddings(self): """Export embeddings in tsv format.""" if not self.model: raise NotImplementedError('Please provide a model!') save_path = self.config.embeddings / self.model.model_name save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # export entity embeddings idx2entity = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2entity') self.save_tsv_(save_path, "ent_vecs.tsv", "ent_meta.tsv", self.model.ent_embeddings, idx2entity) # export relation embeddings idx2relation = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2relation') self.save_tsv_(save_path, "rel_vecs.tsv", "rel_meta.tsv", self.model.rel_embeddings, idx2relation) def save_tsv_(self, save_path, vec_fname, meta_fname, embeddings, names): emb_tensor = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, list(names.keys())) emb_array = with open(str(save_path / vec_fname), 'w') as out_v, \ open(str(save_path / meta_fname), 'w') as out_m: for idx in names: out_m.write(names[idx] + "\n") out_v.write("\t".join([str(x) for x in emb_array[idx]]) + "\n") def summary(self): """Function to print the summary.""" print("\n------------------Global Setting--------------------") # Acquire the max length and add four more spaces maxspace = len(max([k for k in self.config.__dict__.keys()])) + 20 for key, val in self.config.__dict__.items(): if key in self.config.__dict__['hyperparameters']: continue if isinstance(val, (KGMetaData, KnowledgeGraph)) or key.startswith( 'gpu') or key.startswith('hyperparameters'): continue if len(key) < maxspace: for i in range(maxspace - len(key)): key = ' ' + key print("%s : %s" % (key, val)) print("---------------------------------------------------") def summary_hyperparameter(self): """Function to print the hyperparameter summary.""" print("\n-----------%s Hyperparameter Setting-------------" % (self.model.model_name)) maxspace = len(max([k for k in self.config.hyperparameters.keys()])) + 15 for key, val in self.config.hyperparameters.items(): if len(key) < maxspace: for i in range(maxspace - len(key)): key = ' ' + key print("%s : %s" % (key, val)) print("---------------------------------------------------")
class Trainer(TrainerMeta): """Class for handling the training of the algorithms. Args: model (object): Model object debug (bool): Flag to check if its debugging tuning (bool): Flag to denoting tuning if True Examples: >>> from pykg2vec.utils.trainer import Trainer >>> from pykg2vec.core.TransE import TransE >>> trainer = Trainer(model=TransE(), debug=False) >>> trainer.build_model() >>> trainer.train_model() """ def __init__(self, model, trainon='train', teston='test', debug=False, tuning=False): self.debug = debug self.model = model self.config = self.model.config self.training_results = [] self.gen_train = None self.tuning = tuning self.trainon = trainon self.teston = teston self.evaluator = None self.gen_train = None def build_model(self): """function to build the model""" self.model.def_inputs() self.model.def_parameters() if getattr(self.model, "def_layer", None): self.model.def_layer() self.model.def_loss() if not self.debug: self.sess = tf.Session(config=self.config.gpu_config) else: self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False) if self.config.optimizer == 'sgd': optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'rms': optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adagrad': optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adadelta': optimizer = tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) else: raise NotImplementedError("No support for %s optimizer" % self.config.optimizer) grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.model.loss) self.op_train = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=self.global_step) self.saver = tf.train.Saver() if not self.tuning: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() self.generator_config = GeneratorConfig( data=self.trainon, algo=self.model.model_name, batch_size=self.model.config.batch_size, process_num=self.model.config.num_process_gen, neg_rate=self.config.neg_rate) ''' Training related functions:''' def train_model(self): """Function to train the model.""" loss = 0 if self.config.loadFromData: self.load_model() else: self.gen_train = Generator(config=self.generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) if not self.tuning: self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, session=self.sess) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): loss = self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) if not self.tuning: self.test(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() if not self.tuning: self.evaluator.save_training_result(self.training_results) self.evaluator.stop() if self.config.save_model: self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() if self.config.disp_summary: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() self.export_embeddings() self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return loss def tune_model(self): """Function to tune the model.""" acc = 0 self.gen_train = Generator(config=self.generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, tuning=True, session=self.sess) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() self.evaluator.test_batch(n_iter) acc = self.evaluator.output_queue.get() self.evaluator.stop() self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return acc def train_model_epoch(self, epoch_idx): """Function to train the model for one epoch.""" acc_loss = 0 num_batch = self.model.config.kg_meta.tot_train_triples // self.config.batch_size if not self.debug else 10 start_time = timeit.default_timer() for batch_idx in range(num_batch): data = list(next(self.gen_train)) if self.model.model_name.lower() in [ "tucker", "tucker_v2", "conve", "convkb", "proje_pointwise" ]: h = data[0] r = data[1] t = data[2] hr_t = data[3] rt_h = data[4] feed_dict = { self.model.h: h, self.model.r: r, self.model.t: t, self.model.hr_t: hr_t, self.model.rt_h: rt_h } else: ph = data[0] pr = data[1] pt = data[2] nh = data[3] nr = data[4] nt = data[5] feed_dict = { self.model.pos_h: ph, self.model.pos_t: pt, self.model.pos_r: pr, self.model.neg_h: nh, self.model.neg_t: nt, self.model.neg_r: nr } _, step, loss = [self.op_train, self.global_step, self.model.loss], feed_dict) acc_loss += loss if not self.tuning: print('[%.2f sec](%d/%d): -- loss: %.5f' % (timeit.default_timer() - start_time, batch_idx, num_batch, loss), end='\r') if not self.tuning: print('iter[%d] ---Train Loss: %.5f ---time: %.2f' % (epoch_idx, acc_loss, timeit.default_timer() - start_time)) self.training_results.append([epoch_idx, acc_loss]) return acc_loss ''' Testing related functions:''' def test(self, curr_epoch): """function to test the model. Args: curr_epoch (int): The current epoch number. """ if not self.evaluator: self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, data_type=self.teston, debug=self.debug, session=self.sess) if not self.config.full_test_flag and ( curr_epoch % self.config.test_step == 0 or curr_epoch == 0 or curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1): self.evaluator.test_batch(curr_epoch) else: if curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1: self.evaluator.test_batch(curr_epoch) ''' Interactive Inference related ''' def enter_interactive_mode(self): self.build_model() self.load_model() print( "The training/loading of the model has finished!\nNow enter interactive mode :)" ) print("-----") print("Example 1: trainer.infer_tails(1,10,topk=5)") self.infer_tails(1, 10, topk=5) print("-----") print("Example 2: trainer.infer_heads(10,20,topk=5)") self.infer_heads(10, 20, topk=5) print("-----") print("Example 3: trainer.infer_rels(1,20,topk=5)") self.infer_rels(1, 20, topk=5) def exit_interactive_mode(self): self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. print("Thank you for trying out inference interactive script :)") def infer_tails(self, h, r, topk=5): tails_op = self.model.infer_tails(h, r, topk) tails = print("\n(head, relation)->({},{}) :: Inferred tails->({})\n".format( h, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in tails]))) idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2relation') print("head: %s" % idx2ent[h]) print("relation: %s" % idx2rel[r]) for idx, tail in enumerate(tails): print("%dth predicted tail: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[tail])) return {tail: idx2ent[tail] for tail in tails} def infer_heads(self, r, t, topk=5): heads_op = self.model.infer_heads(r, t, topk) heads = print("\n(relation,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred heads->({})\n".format( t, r, ",".join([str(i) for i in heads]))) idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2relation') print("tail: %s" % idx2ent[t]) print("relation: %s" % idx2rel[r]) for idx, head in enumerate(heads): print("%dth predicted head: %s" % (idx, idx2ent[head])) return {head: idx2ent[head] for head in heads} def infer_rels(self, h, t, topk=5): rels_op = self.model.infer_rels(h, t, topk) rels = print("\n(head,tail)->({},{}) :: Inferred rels->({})\n".format( h, t, ",".join([str(i) for i in rels]))) idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2relation') print("head: %s" % idx2ent[h]) print("tail: %s" % idx2ent[t]) for idx, rel in enumerate(rels): print("%dth predicted rel: %s" % (idx, idx2rel[rel])) return {rel: idx2rel[rel] for rel in rels} ''' Procedural functions:''' def save_model(self): """Function to save the model.""" saved_path = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name saved_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) saver = tf.train.Saver(self.model.parameter_list), str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def load_model(self): """Function to load the model.""" saved_path = self.config.path_tmp / self.model.model_name if saved_path.exists(): saver = tf.train.Saver(self.model.parameter_list) saver.restore(self.sess, str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def display(self): """Function to display embedding.""" options = { "ent_only_plot": True, "rel_only_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only, "ent_and_rel_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only } if self.config.plot_embedding: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, vis_opts=options, sess=self.sess) viz.plot_embedding(resultpath=self.config.figures, algos=self.model.model_name, show_label=False) if self.config.plot_training_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, sess=self.sess) viz.plot_train_result() if self.config.plot_testing_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, sess=self.sess) viz.plot_test_result() def export_embeddings(self): """ Export embeddings in tsv and pandas pickled format. With tsvs (both label, vector files), you can: 1) Use those pretained embeddings for your applications. 2) Visualize the embeddings in this website to gain insights. ( Pandas dataframes can be read with pd.read_pickle('desired_file.pickle') """ save_path = self.config.path_embeddings / self.model.model_name save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) idx2ent = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2entity') idx2rel = self.model.config.knowledge_graph.read_cache_data( 'idx2relation') series_ent = pd.Series(idx2ent) series_rel = pd.Series(idx2rel) series_ent.to_pickle(save_path / "ent_labels.pickle") series_rel.to_pickle(save_path / "rel_labels.pickle") with open(str(save_path / "ent_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2ent.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") with open(str(save_path / "rel_labels.tsv"), 'w') as l_export_file: for label in idx2rel.values(): l_export_file.write(label + "\n") for parameter in self.model.parameter_list: all_ids = list(range(0, int(parameter.shape[0]))) stored_name =':')[0] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if len(parameter.shape) == 2: op_get_all_embs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(parameter, all_ids) all_embs = with open(str(save_path / ("%s.tsv" % stored_name)), 'w') as v_export_file: for idx in all_ids: v_export_file.write( "\t".join([str(x) for x in all_embs[idx]]) + "\n") df = pd.DataFrame(all_embs) df.to_pickle(save_path / ("%s.pickle" % stored_name)) def summary(self): """Function to print the summary.""" print("\n------------------Global Setting--------------------") # Acquire the max length and add four more spaces maxspace = len(max([k for k in self.config.__dict__.keys()])) + 20 for key, val in self.config.__dict__.items(): if key in self.config.__dict__['hyperparameters']: continue if isinstance(val, (KGMetaData, KnowledgeGraph)) or key.startswith( 'gpu') or key.startswith('hyperparameters'): continue if len(key) < maxspace: for i in range(maxspace - len(key)): key = ' ' + key print("%s : %s" % (key, val)) print("---------------------------------------------------") def summary_hyperparameter(self): """Function to print the hyperparameter summary.""" print("\n-----------%s Hyperparameter Setting-------------" % (self.model.model_name)) maxspace = len(max([k for k in self.config.hyperparameters.keys()])) + 15 for key, val in self.config.hyperparameters.items(): if len(key) < maxspace: for i in range(maxspace - len(key)): key = ' ' + key print("%s : %s" % (key, val)) print("---------------------------------------------------")
class Trainer(TrainerMeta): def __init__(self, model, debug=False, tuning=False): self.debug = debug self.model = model self.config = self.model.config self.training_results = [] self.gen_train = None self.tuning = tuning def build_model(self): """function to build the model""" self.model.def_inputs() self.model.def_parameters() if getattr(self.model, "def_layer", None): self.model.def_layer() self.model.def_loss() if not self.debug: self.sess = tf.Session(config=self.config.gpu_config) else: self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False) if self.config.optimizer == 'sgd': optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'rms': optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) elif self.config.optimizer == 'adagrad': optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer( learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate) else: raise NotImplementedError("No support for %s optimizer" % self.config.optimizer) grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.model.loss) self.op_train = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=self.global_step) if not self.tuning: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() ''' Training related functions:''' def train_model(self): """function to train the model""" loss = 0 if self.config.loadFromData: self.load_model() else: generator_config = GeneratorConfig( data='train', algo=self.model.model_name, batch_size=self.model.config.batch_size) self.gen_train = Generator(config=generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) if not self.tuning: self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, debug=self.debug) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): loss = self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) if not self.tuning: self.test(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() if not self.tuning: self.evaluator.save_training_result(self.training_results) self.evaluator.stop() if self.config.save_model: self.save_model() if self.config.disp_result: self.display() if self.config.disp_summary: self.summary() self.summary_hyperparameter() self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return loss def tune_model(self): """function to tune the model""" acc = 0 generator_config = GeneratorConfig( data='train', algo=self.model.model_name, batch_size=self.model.config.batch_size) self.gen_train = Generator(config=generator_config, model_config=self.model.config) self.evaluator = Evaluation(model=self.model, debug=self.debug, tuning=True) for n_iter in range(self.config.epochs): self.train_model_epoch(n_iter) self.gen_train.stop() self.evaluator.test_batch(self.sess, n_iter) acc = self.evaluator.output_queue.get() self.evaluator.stop() self.sess.close() tf.reset_default_graph( ) # clean the tensorflow for the next training task. return acc def train_model_epoch(self, epoch_idx): acc_loss = 0 num_batch = self.model.config.kg_meta.tot_train_triples // self.config.batch_size if not self.debug else 10 start_time = timeit.default_timer() for batch_idx in range(num_batch): data = list(next(self.gen_train)) if self.model.model_name.lower() in [ "tucker", "tucker_v2", "conve", "complex", "distmult", "proje_pointwise" ]: h = data[0] r = data[1] t = data[2] hr_t = data[3] rt_h = data[4] feed_dict = { self.model.h: h, self.model.r: r, self.model.t: t, self.model.hr_t: hr_t, self.model.rt_h: rt_h } else: ph = data[0] pr = data[1] pt = data[2] nh = data[3] nr = data[4] nt = data[5] feed_dict = { self.model.pos_h: ph, self.model.pos_t: pt, self.model.pos_r: pr, self.model.neg_h: nh, self.model.neg_t: nt, self.model.neg_r: nr } _, step, loss = [self.op_train, self.global_step, self.model.loss], feed_dict) acc_loss += loss if not self.tuning: print('[%.2f sec](%d/%d): -- loss: %.5f' % (timeit.default_timer() - start_time, batch_idx, num_batch, loss), end='\r') if not self.tuning: print('iter[%d] ---Train Loss: %.5f ---time: %.2f' % (epoch_idx, acc_loss, timeit.default_timer() - start_time)) self.training_results.append([epoch_idx, acc_loss]) return acc_loss ''' Testing related functions:''' def test(self, curr_epoch): if not self.config.full_test_flag and ( curr_epoch % self.config.test_step == 0 or curr_epoch == 0 or curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1): self.evaluator.test_batch(self.sess, curr_epoch) else: if curr_epoch == self.config.epochs - 1: self.evaluator.test_batch(self.sess, curr_epoch) ''' Procedural functions:''' def save_model(self): """function to save the model""" saved_path = self.config.tmp / self.model.model_name saved_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) saver = tf.train.Saver(self.model.parameter_list), str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def load_model(self): """function to load the model""" saved_path = self.config.tmp / self.model.model_name if saved_path.exists(): saver = tf.train.Saver(self.model.parameter_list) saver.restore(self.sess, str(saved_path / 'model.vec')) def display(self): """function to display embedding""" options = { "ent_only_plot": True, "rel_only_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only, "ent_and_rel_plot": not self.config.plot_entity_only } if self.config.plot_embedding: viz = Visualization(model=self.model, vis_opts=options) viz.plot_embedding(sess=self.sess, resultpath=self.config.figures, algos=self.model.model_name, show_label=False) if self.config.plot_training_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model) viz.plot_train_result() if self.config.plot_testing_result: viz = Visualization(model=self.model) viz.plot_test_result() def summary(self): """function to print the summary""" print("\n------------------Global Setting--------------------") # Acquire the max length and add four more spaces maxspace = len(max([k for k in self.config.__dict__.keys()])) + 20 for key, val in self.config.__dict__.items(): if key in self.config.__dict__['hyperparameters']: continue if isinstance(val, (KGMetaData, KnowledgeGraph)) or key.startswith( 'gpu') or key.startswith('hyperparameters'): continue if len(key) < maxspace: for i in range(maxspace - len(key)): key = ' ' + key print("%s : %s" % (key, val)) print("---------------------------------------------------") def summary_hyperparameter(self): """function to print the hyperparameter summary""" print("\n-----------%s Hyperparameter Setting-------------" % (self.model.model_name)) maxspace = len(max([k for k in self.config.hyperparameters.keys()])) + 15 for key, val in self.config.hyperparameters.items(): if len(key) < maxspace: for i in range(maxspace - len(key)): key = ' ' + key print("%s : %s" % (key, val)) print("---------------------------------------------------")