Esempio n. 1
    def purge(self, sets):

        topurge = rangeset.RangeSet()

        committed = sets[COMMITTED]
        l = committed.length()

        while l > self.max_journal_history:

            first = committed[0]

            # a range contains a single txid
            r = rangeset.RangeSet([[first[0], first[0] + 1]])

            committed = rangeset.substract(committed, r)
            l -= 1

        for rng in topurge:

            for txid in range(rng[0], rng[1]):

        sets[PURGED] = rangeset.union(sets[PURGED], topurge)
        sets[COMMITTED] = rangeset.substract(sets[COMMITTED], topurge)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_concurrent_3_record(self):

        n_tx = 10
        ks = ('foo', 'bar', 'duu')

        def _tx(i):
            while True:
                    with ZKTransaction(zkhost) as t1:

                        for ii in range(len(ks)):
                            k = ks[(ii+i) % len(ks)]

                            foo = t1.lock_get(k)
                            foo.v = foo.v or 0
                            foo.v += 1


                        dd(str(t1) + ' committed')

                except (Deadlock,
                        HigherTXApplied) as e:
                    dd(str(t1) + ': ' + repr(e))
                except TXTimeout as e:
                    dd(str(t1) + ': ' + repr(e))

        with ututil.Timer() as tt:

            for th in [threadutil.start_daemon(_tx, args=(i, ))
                       for i in range(n_tx)]:


            dd('3 key 10 thread: ', tt.spent())

        t = ZKTransaction(zkhost)

        for k in ks:
            rst, ver = t.zkstorage.record.get(k)
            self.assertEqual(n_tx, rst[-1][1])

        rst, ver = t.zkstorage.txidset.get()
        self.assertEqual(n_tx, rst[COMMITTED].length())

        # check aborted txidset
        sm = rangeset.union(rst[COMMITTED], rst[PURGED])
        self.assertEqual(rst[COMMITTED][-1][-1] - 1, sm.length())
Esempio n. 3
    def redo_all_dead_tx(self):

        sets, ver = self.zkstorage.txidset.get()

        # Only check for holes in the txid range set.
        # With `txidset = [[1, 2], [4, 5]]`, tx-2 and tx-3 is unfinished tx.
        # Check these tx

        # A tx is committed or purged that does not need to handle it again.
        known = rangeset.union(sets[COMMITTED], sets[PURGED])

        for rng in known[:-1]:

            txid = rng[1]

            if not self.is_tx_alive(txid) and not self.has_state(txid):
Esempio n. 4
    def test_int_inc_union(self):

        cases = (
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[None, None]],  [[None, None]]),

            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[None, 1]],  [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[None, 10]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[None, 11]], [[None, 11],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[9,    11]], [[None, 11],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[10,   11]], [[None, 11],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[11,   12]], [[None, 12],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[12,   13]], [[None, 10], [12, 13], [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[18,   19]], [[None, 10],           [18, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[19,   21]], [[None, 10],           [19, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[20,   21]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[24,   25]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[29,   30]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[29,   31]], [[None, 10],           [20, 31],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[30,   31]], [[None, 10],           [20, 31],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[31,   32]], [[None, 10],           [20, 32],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[32,   33]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30], [32, 33], [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[39,   39]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [39, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[39,   40]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [39, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[39,   41]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [39, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[40,   41]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[41,   42]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),
            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[41, None]], [[None, 10],           [20, 30],           [40, None]]),

            ([[None, 10], [20, 30], [40, None]], [[8, 25], [35, 40]], [[None, 30], [35, None]]),

        for a, b, expected in cases:
            dd('case:', a, b, expected)

            a = rangeset.RangeSet(a, range_clz=rangeset.IntIncRange)
            b = rangeset.RangeSet(b, range_clz=rangeset.IntIncRange)

            rst = rangeset.union(a, b)

            dd('rst:', rst)

            self.assertEqual(expected, rst)
Esempio n. 5
    def purge(self, sets):

        committed_set = sets[COMMITTED]
        length = committed_set.length()

        if length <= self.max_journal_history:

        purged_set = sets[PURGED]
        purged_end_jid = length - self.max_journal_history

        topurge = rangeset.RangeSet()
        for jid in range(purged_end_jid):
            if purged_set.has(jid):

            topurge.add([jid, jid + 1])

        for rng in topurge:
            for jid in range(rng[0], rng[1]):

        sets[PURGED] = rangeset.union(sets[PURGED], topurge)