def create_hpxmap_hist_figure(): #fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5,4)) #gridspec=plt.GridSpec(1, 3) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12., 4.)) gridspec = plt.GridSpec(1, 3, wspace=1.0) #gridspec.update(left=0.07,right=0.91,bottom=0.15,top=0.95,wspace=0.08) return fig, gridspec
def Plot(x, y, legx='', legy=''): """ fig = pl.figure() grid = pl.GridSpec(2, 2) print(grid) ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[0, :]) pl.plot(tab[whatx],tab[whaty],'k.') ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[1, 0]) ax.hist(tab[whatx],histtype='step') ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[1, 1]) ax.hist(tab[whaty],histtype='step') """ fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) grid = pl.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.8, wspace=0.8) main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 1:]) y_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 0], xticklabels=[], sharey=main_ax) x_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[-1, 1:], yticklabels=[], sharex=main_ax) # scatter points on the main axes #main_ax.plot(x, y, 'ok', markersize=3, alpha=0.2) main_ax.plot(x, y, 'ok', markersize=1.) # histogram on the attached axes x_hist.hist(x, 40, histtype='step', orientation='vertical', color='red') #x_hist.invert_yaxis() y_hist.hist(y, 40, histtype='step', orientation='horizontal', color='blue') y_hist.invert_xaxis() main_ax.set_xlabel(legx) main_ax.set_ylabel(legy)
def plot_hpxmap(hpxmap, raRange=[-180, 180], decRange=[-90, 90], lonRef=0.0, percRange=[0.1, 99.9], figsize=(6.5, 4), cbar_kwargs=dict(), hpxmap_kwargs=dict()): if isinstance(hpxmap, basestring): hpxmap = healpy.read_map(f) fig = plt.figure(10, figsize=figsize) fig.clf() gridspec = plt.GridSpec(1, 2) bmap = FgcmBasemap(lonRef=lonRef, raMin=raRange[0], raMax=raRange[1], decMin=decRange[0], decMax=decRange[1]) bmap.create_axes(rect=gridspec[0:2]) im = bmap.draw_hpxmap(hpxmap, percRange=percRange, **hpxmap_kwargs) bmap.draw_inset_colorbar(**cbar_kwargs) ax = plt.gca() ax.axis['right'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax.axis['top'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.95) return fig, ax
def anim_setup(): fig = py.figure() # Define a 2 x 2 grid gs = py.GridSpec(2, 2) # 2 rows, 2 columns # Define 3 subplots. First one spanning both rows of column 1, the rest two taking the ramining 2 subplots ax_xy = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0], aspect=1) # xy plane (column left, both rows) ax_yz = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], aspect=1) # yz plane (column right, top row) ax_xz = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], aspect=1) # xz plane (column right, bottoom row) # Set figure dpi and size fig.set_dpi(100) fig.set_size_inches(14, 9) # Lower and upper limit of the axes of the three subplots ax_xy.set_xlim(x_lim[0], x_lim[1]) ax_xy.set_ylim(y_lim[0], y_lim[1]) ax_yz.set_xlim(y_lim[0], y_lim[1]) ax_yz.set_ylim(z_lim[0], z_lim[1]) ax_xz.set_xlim(x_lim[0], x_lim[1]) ax_xz.set_ylim(z_lim[0], z_lim[1]) # Initialize bead patches beads_xy = [] beads_yz = [] beads_xz = [] for p in range(Np): cl_p = particle_color(p) # Defined in module beads_xy.append( plt.patches.Circle((r_um[0, p, 0], r_um[1, p, 0]), ro[p] * 1e6, fc=cl_p, ec='k', zorder=10)) beads_yz.append( plt.patches.Circle((r_um[1, p, 0], r_um[2, p, 0]), ro[p] * 1e6, fc=cl_p, ec='k', zorder=10)) beads_xz.append( plt.patches.Circle((r_um[0, p, 0], r_um[2, p, 0]), ro[p] * 1e6, fc=cl_p, ec='k', zorder=10)) time_template = 'Time = %.1f s' time_string = ax_xy.text(0.05, 0.90, '', transform=ax_xy.transAxes) text_string1 = ax_xy.text(0.05, 0.85, '', transform=ax_xy.transAxes) text_string2 = ax_xy.text(0.05, 0.80, '', transform=ax_xy.transAxes) return fig, ax_xy, ax_yz, ax_xz, beads_xy, beads_yz, beads_xz, time_template, time_string, text_string1, text_string2
def Plot(med_log, bands, season, whata, whatb, simu_name, thetype, saveplot=False): if saveplot: dirout = 'Plots_' + simu_name + '_' + thetype + '/Season_' + str( season) if not os.path.isdir(dirout): os.makedirs(dirout) for band in bands: idxb = med_log['band'] == band sel = med_log[idxb] """ figa, axa = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1) figa.suptitle(band+' band') axa.plot(sel[whata],sel[whatb],'k.') axa.set_xlabel(whata) axa.set_ylabel(whatb) """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) fig.suptitle('Season ' + str(season) + ' - ' + band + ' band') grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.8, wspace=0.8) main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 1:]) y_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 0], xticklabels=[], sharey=main_ax) x_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[-1, 1:], yticklabels=[], sharex=main_ax) # scatter points on the main axes #main_ax.plot(x, y, 'ok', markersize=3, alpha=0.2) main_ax.plot(sel[whata], sel[whatb], 'ok', markersize=1.) # histogram on the attached axes x_hist.hist(sel[whata], 40, histtype='step', orientation='vertical', color='red') #x_hist.invert_yaxis() y_hist.hist(sel[whatb], 40, histtype='step', orientation='horizontal', color='blue') y_hist.invert_xaxis() main_ax.set_xlabel(whata) main_ax.set_ylabel(whatb) if saveplot: plt.gcf().savefig(dirout + '/' + whata + '_' + whatb + '_' + band + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
def anim_setup(): fig = py.figure() # Define a 2 x 2 grid gs = py.GridSpec(2, 2) # 2 rows, 2 columns # Define 3 subplots. First one spanning both rows of column 1, the rest two taking the ramining 2 subplots ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0], aspect=1) # xy plane (column left, both rows) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], aspect=1) # yz plane (column right, top row) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1], aspect=1) # xz plane (column right, bottoom row) # Set figure dpi and size fig.set_dpi(100) fig.set_size_inches(14, 6) # Lower and upper limit of the axes of the three subplots ax1.set_xlim(-1e6 * xrange_limit, 1e6 * xrange_limit) ax1.set_ylim(-1e6 * xrange_limit, 1e6 * xrange_limit) ax2.set_xlim(-1e6 * xrange_limit, 1e6 * xrange_limit) ax2.set_ylim(1e6 * zlow_limit, 1e6 * zhigh_limit) ax3.set_xlim(-1e6 * xrange_limit, 1e6 * xrange_limit) ax3.set_ylim(1e6 * zlow_limit, 1e6 * zhigh_limit) # Initialize bead patches beads_xy = [] beads_yz = [] beads_xz = [] for p in range(Np): beads_xy.append( plt.patches.Circle((r_um[0, p, 0], r_um[1, p, 0]), ro[p] * 1e6, fc='#C21808', ec='k', zorder=10)) beads_yz.append( plt.patches.Circle((r_um[1, p, 0], r_um[2, p, 0]), ro[p] * 1e6, fc='#C21808', ec='k', zorder=10)) beads_xz.append( plt.patches.Circle((r_um[0, p, 0], r_um[2, p, 0]), ro[p] * 1e6, fc='#C21808', ec='k', zorder=10)) time_template = 'Time = %.1f s' time_string = ax1.text(0.05, 0.9, '', transform=ax1.transAxes) return fig, ax1, ax2, ax3, beads_xy, beads_yz, beads_xz, time_template, time_string
def plot_neuron(tp): fig2 = py.figure(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=200) grid = py.GridSpec(8, 8, hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1) ax = fig2.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 1:7], projection='3d') ax.set_title('True CSD') # ax.scatter(posxyz[0], posxyz[1], posxyz[2], alpha = 0.1, s = 20, # c = vs[:, tp], cmap='PRGn', vmin = -60, vmax = 60, antialiased=True) # ax.scatter(posswc[2, ::skip], posswc[3, ::skip], posswc[4, ::skip], alpha = 0.5, s = 8, # c = vs[:1216, tp], cmap='PRGn', vmin = -60, vmax = 60, antialiased=True) ax.scatter(posswc[3, ::skip], posswc[2, ::skip], posswc[4, ::skip], alpha=0.1, s=12, c='grey', linewidths=0, antialiased=True) ax.scatter(wsp_ele[1], wsp_ele[0], wsp_ele[2], alpha=1, s=6, c=pots[tp, :], cmap='PRGn', vmin=-0.2, vmax=0.2, linewidths=0.5, edgecolors='black', antialiased=True) ax.scatter(posxyz[1], posxyz[0], posxyz[2], alpha=0.5, s=15, c=-ks[:, tp] - nas[:, tp] - pas[n, tp], cmap=cm.bwr, vmin=-0.3, vmax=0.3, antialiased=True) ax3 = fig2.add_subplot(grid[-1, 1:-1]) ax3.plot(xtime, pots[:, 0], label='ele bot') ax3.plot(xtime, pots[:, 15], label='ele mid') ax3.plot(xtime, pots[:, 31], label='ele top') py.legend() ax3.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax3.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax3.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax3.set_xlim(100, 150) ax3.axvline(xtime[tp], linestyle='--') ax.view_init(elev=90, azim=0) return fig2
def plot_facade_cuts(self): facade_sig = self.facade_edge_scores.sum(0) facade_cuts = find_facade_cuts( facade_sig, dilation_amount=self.facade_merge_amount) mu = np.mean(facade_sig) sigma = np.std(facade_sig) w = self.rectified.shape[1] pad = 10 gs1 = pl.GridSpec(5, 5) gs1.update(wspace=0.5, hspace=0.0) # set the spacing between axes. pl.subplot(gs1[:3, :]) pl.imshow(self.rectified) pl.vlines(facade_cuts, *pl.ylim(), lw=2, color='black') pl.axis('off') pl.xlim(-pad, w + pad) pl.subplot(gs1[3:, :], sharex=pl.gca()) pl.fill_between(np.arange(w), 0, facade_sig, lw=0, color='red') pl.fill_between(np.arange(w), 0, np.clip(facade_sig, 0, mu + sigma), color='blue') pl.plot(np.arange(w), facade_sig, color='blue') pl.vlines(facade_cuts, facade_sig[facade_cuts], pl.xlim()[1], lw=2, color='black') pl.scatter(facade_cuts, facade_sig[facade_cuts]) pl.axis('off') pl.hlines(mu, 0, w, linestyle='dashed', color='black') pl.text(0, mu, '$\mu$ ', ha='right') pl.hlines( mu + sigma, 0, w, linestyle='dashed', color='gray', ) pl.text(0, mu + sigma, '$\mu+\sigma$ ', ha='right') pl.xlim(-pad, w + pad)
def plot_score_test(inputs,test_parameter,test_scores,test_tuning_indexes,test_parameter_label,same_vmax=True,tuning_index_lims=(-0.03,0.6)): """ Plot gridness scores and grid-tuning indexes agains a test parameter (e.g., modulation depth, tuning strengths) """ ms=5 fig=pl.figure(figsize=(4,2.5)) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.2,bottom=0.2,right=0.8) num_cells=6 gs = pl.GridSpec(3,num_cells,hspace=0.35,wspace=0.1) cell_idxs=np.linspace(0,n**2-1,num_cells).astype(int) vmax=inputs.max() for idx,cell_idx in enumerate(cell_idxs): ax=fig.add_subplot(gs[0,idx],aspect='equal') r_map=inputs[:,cell_idx].reshape(nx,nx).T if same_vmax is True: ax.pcolormesh(r_map,rasterized=True,vmin=0,vmax=vmax) else: ax.pcolormesh(r_map,rasterized=True,vmin=0) pp.noframe(ax) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:3,0:num_cells]) ax1=pl.gca() color = 'tab:red' ax1.set_xlabel(test_parameter_label) ax1.set_ylabel('Grid tuning index', color=color) ax1.plot(test_parameter, test_tuning_indexes, color=color,marker='o',lw=0,alpha=.5,ms=ms,mec='none') ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax1.set_ylim(tuning_index_lims) ax1.spines['top'].set_color('none') pl.plot(test_parameter[cell_idxs],np.ones_like(test_parameter[cell_idxs])*0,'vk') ax2 = ax1.twinx() color = 'tab:orange' ax2.set_ylabel('Gridness score', color=color) ax2.plot(test_parameter, test_scores, color=color,marker='o',lw=0,alpha=.5,ms=ms,mec='none') ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color) ax2.set_ylim(-1,2) ax2.spines['top'].set_color('none')
def plot_hpxmap_hist(hpxmap, raRange=[-180, 180], decRange=[-90, 90], lonRef=0.0, cbar_kwargs=dict(), hpxmap_kwargs=dict(), hist_kwargs=dict(), fit_gaussian=False, figsize=(10, 4)): hist_defaults = dict(peak=True) set_defaults(hist_kwargs, hist_defaults) if isinstance(hpxmap, basestring): hpxmap = healpy.read_map(f) fig = plt.figure(10, figsize=figsize) fig.clf() gridspec = plt.GridSpec(1, 3) bmap = FgcmBasemap(lonRef=lonRef, raMin=raRange[0], raMax=raRange[1], decMin=decRange[0], decMax=decRange[1]) bmap.create_axes(rect=gridspec[0:2]) im = bmap.draw_hpxmap(hpxmap, **hpxmap_kwargs) bmap.draw_inset_colorbar(**cbar_kwargs) ax1 = plt.gca() ax1.axis['right'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax1.axis['top'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2 = Subplot(fig, gridspec[2]) fig.add_subplot(ax2) ret = draw_hist(hpxmap, fit_gaussian=fit_gaussian, **hist_kwargs) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(6, prune='both')) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) ax2.axis['left'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(False) ax2.axis['right'].major_ticklabels.set_visible(True) ax2.axis['right'].label.set_visible(True) ax2.axis['right'].label.set_text(r'Normalized Area (a.u.)') ax2.axis['bottom'].label.set_visible(True) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.95) return fig, [ax1, ax2], ret
def draw(): #-----Simulation map plot----------------------------------------------------------------- grid = pl.GridSpec(3, 2, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.3) pl.subplot(grid[0:, 0]) pl.cla() pl.pcolor(envir, cmap =, vmin = 0, vmax = 15) pl.axis('image') pl.hold(True) # Plot the walls on the matrix pl.scatter(np.add(wall_x, [0.5]), np.add(wall_y, [0.5]), marker = "s", c = 'gray') # Plot the office on the matrix pl.scatter(np.add(office_x, [0.5]), np.add(office_y, [0.5]), marker = "s", c = 'gray') # Plot the gates on the matrix pl.scatter(np.add(gate_x, [0.5]), np.add(gate_y, [0.5]), marker = "s", c = 'green') # For each agent plot: location, intention, goal for ag in agents: # Plot the agent's location on the matrix x, y = ag.get_pos() pl.scatter(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, c = "dark" + ag.color) if(len(ag.goal) > 0): goals = ag.goal # Plot the agent's goal on the matrix pl.scatter(goals[1] + 0.5, goals[0] + 0.5, marker = "x", c = "green") pl.title('t = ' + str(time)) #-----Stats text: Orders ----------------------------------------------------------------- ax2 = pl.subplot(grid[0, 1]) ax2.axis("off") ax2.invert_yaxis() to_plot_string1 = "\nTotal orders: "+ total_numb_orders + "\nDone orders: "+ str(len(orders_list[orders_list["status"] == 2].index)) ax2.text(0,0, to_plot_string1, verticalalignment="top") #-----1° Stats plot: Articles----------------------------------------------------------------- pl.subplot(grid[1, 1]) x = range(0, len(total_stats)) pl.plot(x, total_stats["Articles"], color = 'blue') pl.title('Articles') #-----2° Stats plot: Conflicts----------------------------------------------------------------- pl.subplot(grid[2, 1]) x = range(0, len(total_stats)) pl.plot(x, total_stats["Conflicts"], color = 'red') pl.title('Conflicts') pl.hold(False)
def draw(self): fig = _pylab.figure(1) gs = _pylab.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=(1, 4)) axMachine = _pylab.subplot(gs[0]) axMachine.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) self.drawMachine() axOptics = _pylab.subplot(gs[1]) self.plotOptics() def machineXlim(ax): axMachine.set_autoscale_on(False) axOptics.set_xlim(axMachine.get_xlim()) def click(a): if a.button == 3: print self.tfs.NameFromNearestS(a.xdata) axMachine.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', machineXlim) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', click) plt.imshow(np.resize(mean, (26, 26)), plt.title('mean') diff = np.zeros((213, 676)) for i in range(len(data)): diff[i] = data[i].astype('float64') - mean # end for plt.imshow(np.resize(diff[0], (26, 26)), plt.title('diff image #1') layout = pylab.GridSpec(213 + 1, 4) fig = plt.figure() subplt = fig.add_subplot(layout[0, 0]) subplt.set_title('#') subplt = fig.add_subplot(layout[0, 1]) subplt.set_title('o') subplt = fig.add_subplot(layout[0, 2]) subplt.set_title('m') subplt = fig.add_subplot(layout[0, 3]) subplt.set_title('d') for i in range(len(data))[::50]: subplt = fig.add_subplot(layout[i + 1, 0]) subplt.set_title('#{}'.format(i)) subplt = fig.add_subplot(layout[i + 1, 1])
def plot_tracking(frame, pos, target_sz, im, ground_truth): global tracking_figure, tracking_figure_title, tracking_figure_axes, tracking_rectangle, gt_point,\ z_figure_axes, response_figure_axes, z, response timeout = 1e-6 # timeout = 0.05 # uncomment to run slower if frame == 0: # pylab.ion() # interactive mode on tracking_figure = pylab.figure() gs = pylab.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[3, 1, 1]) tracking_figure_axes = tracking_figure.add_subplot(gs[0]) tracking_figure_axes.set_title("Tracked object (and ground truth)") z_figure_axes = tracking_figure.add_subplot(gs[1]) z_figure_axes.set_title("Template") response_figure_axes = tracking_figure.add_subplot(gs[2]) response_figure_axes.set_title("Response") tracking_rectangle = pylab.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0) tracking_rectangle.set_color((1, 0, 0, 0.5)) tracking_figure_axes.add_patch(tracking_rectangle) gt_point = pylab.Circle((0, 0), radius=5) gt_point.set_color((0, 0, 1, 0.5)) tracking_figure_axes.add_patch(gt_point) tracking_figure_title = tracking_figure.suptitle("") elif tracking_figure is None: return # we simply go faster by skipping the drawing elif not pylab.fignum_exists(tracking_figure.number): # print("Drawing window closed, end of game. " # "Have a nice day !") # sys.exit() print("From now on drawing will be omitted, " "so that computation goes faster") tracking_figure = None return tracking_figure_axes.imshow(im, rect_y, rect_x = tuple(pos - target_sz / 2.0) rect_height, rect_width = target_sz tracking_rectangle.set_xy((rect_x, rect_y)) tracking_rectangle.set_width(rect_width) tracking_rectangle.set_height(rect_height) if len(ground_truth) > 0: gt = ground_truth[frame] gt_y, gt_x = gt = (gt_x, gt_y) if z is not None: z_figure_axes.imshow(z, if response is not None: response_figure_axes.imshow(response, tracking_figure_title.set_text("Frame %i (out of %i)" % (frame + 1, len(ground_truth))) if debug and False and (frame % 1) == 0: print("Tracked pos ==", pos) # tracking_figure.canvas.draw() # update pylab.draw() pylab.waitforbuttonpress(timeout=timeout) return
def log_tracked(image, tracked_roi, cached, template_f, response_f): timeout = 1e-6 tracking_figure_axes = results.tracking_figure_axes tracking_figure = results.tracking_figure tracking_figure_title = results.tracking_figure_title response_figure_axes = results.response_figure_axes tracking_rectangle = results.tracking_rectangle gt_rectangle = results.gt_rectangle template_axes = results.template_axes if not results.initialized: # pylab.ion() # interactive mode on tracking_figure = results.tracking_figure = pylab.figure() gs = pylab.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[3, 1, 1]) tracking_figure_axes = results.tracking_figure_axes = tracking_figure.add_subplot(gs[0]) tracking_figure_axes.set_title("Tracked object (and ground truth)") template_axes = results.template_axes = tracking_figure.add_subplot(gs[1]) template_axes.set_title("Template") response_figure_axes = results.response_figure_axes = tracking_figure.add_subplot(gs[2]) response_figure_axes.set_title("Response") tracking_rectangle = results.tracking_rectangle = pylab.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0) tracking_rectangle.set_color((1, 1, 0, 0.5)) tracking_figure_axes.add_patch(tracking_rectangle) gt_rectangle = results.gt_rectangle = pylab.Rectangle((0, 0), 0, 0) gt_rectangle.set_color((0, 0, 1, 0.5)) tracking_figure_axes.add_patch(gt_rectangle) tracking_figure_title = results.tracking_figure_title = tracking_figure.suptitle("") elif tracking_figure is None: return # we simply go faster by skipping the drawing elif not pylab.fignum_exists(tracking_figure.number): print("From now on drawing will be omitted, " "so that computation goes faster") results.omitted_at_frame_number = loader.frame_number() results.tracking_figure = None return tracking_figure_axes.imshow(image) tracking_rectangle.set_bounds(tracked_roi[0] - tracked_roi[2] / 2, tracked_roi[1] - tracked_roi[3] / 2, tracked_roi[2], tracked_roi[3]) gt = loader.get_gt_bounding_box() gt_rectangle.set_bounds(gt[0], gt[1], gt[2], gt[3]) if template_f is not None: template_axes.imshow(template_f, if response_f is not None: response_figure_axes.imshow(response_f, tracking_rectangle.set_color((0 if not cached else 1, 0.5 if not cached else 0, 0, 0.7 if not cached else 0.2)) tracking_figure_title.set_text("Frame {}".format(loader.frame_number())) pylab.draw() if results.initialized: pylab.savefig(loader.get_log_dir() + 'image%05i.jpg' % loader.frame_number(), bbox_inches='tight') pylab.waitforbuttonpress(timeout=timeout) results.initialized = True return
def run_single_tilt_angle(ang, subtomogram, offset, vol_size, particle_position, particle_rotation, particle_filename, particle_number, binning, img, create_graphics, fsc_path, dimz, peak_border): """ To run a single tilt angle to allow for parallel computing @param ang: the tilt angle @type ang: int @param subtomogram: the filename of the subtomogram @type subtomogram: str @param offset: the offset used (x,y,z) @type offset: list(int, int, int) @param vol_size: the size of the volume to be reconstructed (in pixels) @type vol_size: int @param particle_position: the position of the particle in vector format, as given by particle.pickPosition().toVector() @type particle_position: tuple @param particle_rotation: the rotation of the particle (Z1/phi, X/the, Z2/psi) @type particle_rotation: tuple @param particle_filename: the filename of the particle, as given by particle.getfilename() @type particle_filename: str @param particle_number: the number of the particle, to allow for unique mapping @type particle_number: int @param binning: the binning factor used @type binning: int @param img: the filename of the projection to be used @type img: str @param create_graphics: to flag if images should be created for human inspection of the work done @type create_graphics: bool @return: the newly found positions of the particle, as a list in the LOCAL_ALIGNMENT_RESULTS format @returntype: list """ print(ang, offset, binning, particle_position) from pytom.tompy.transform import rotate3d import numpy as np from math import cos, sin, pi from pytom.tompy.transform import cut_from_projection from import read subtomogram = read(subtomogram) img = read(img) # Get the size of the original projection dim_x = img.shape[0] dim_z = dim_x if dimz is None else dimz print(dim_x, dim_z) x, y, z = particle_position x = (x + offset[0]) * binning y = (y + offset[1]) * binning z = (z + offset[2]) * binning # Get template # First rotate towards orientation of the particle, then to the tilt angle rotated1 = rotate3d(subtomogram, phi=particle_rotation[0], the=particle_rotation[1], psi=particle_rotation[2]) rotated2 = rotate3d(rotated1, the=ang) # 'the' is the rotational axis template = rotated2.sum(axis=2) # Get coordinates of the paricle adjusted for the tilt angle yy = y # assume the rotation axis is around y xx = (cos(ang * pi / 180) * (x - dim_x / 2) - sin(ang * pi / 180) * (z - dim_z / 2)) + dim_x / 2 # Cut the small patch out patch = cut_from_projection(img.sum(axis=2), [xx, yy], [vol_size, vol_size]) patch = patch - patch.mean() # Filter using FSC fsc_mask = None import os if os.path.isfile(fsc_path): f = open(fsc_path, "r") fsc = map(lambda a: float(a), f.readlines()) f.close() fsc_mask = create_fsc_mask(fsc, vol_size) elif fsc_path != "": print("Not an existing FSC file: " + fsc_path) # Cross correlate the template and patch, this should give the pixel shift it is after ccf = normalised_cross_correlation(template, patch, fsc_mask) points2d = find_sub_pixel_max_value_2d(ccf, ignore_border=peak_border) x_diff = points2d[0] - vol_size / 2 y_diff = points2d[1] - vol_size / 2 if create_graphics: # Create an image to display and/or test the inner workings of the algorithm m_style = dict(color='tab:blue', linestyle=':', marker='o', markersize=5, markerfacecoloralt='tab:red') m_style_alt = dict(color='tab:red', linestyle=':', marker='o', markersize=5, markerfacecoloralt='tab:blue') points = find_sub_pixel_max_value(ccf) nx, ny, nz = particle_position nx += x_diff ny += y_diff npatch = cut_from_projection( img.sum(axis=2), [xx + x_diff, yy + y_diff], [vol_size, vol_size] ) # img.sum(axis=2)[int(xx+x_diff-v):int(xx+x_diff+v), int(yy+y_diff-v):int(yy+y_diff+v)] # npatch = npatch - np.mean(npatch) nccf = normalised_cross_correlation(template, npatch.squeeze()) npoints = find_sub_pixel_max_value(nccf) npoints2d = find_sub_pixel_max_value_2d(nccf, ignore_border=peak_border) import pylab as pp grid = pp.GridSpec(3, 3, wspace=0, hspace=0.35, left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05) ax_0_0 = pp.subplot(grid[0, 0]) ax_0_1 = pp.subplot(grid[0, 1]) ax_0_2 = pp.subplot(grid[0, 2]) ax_1_0 = pp.subplot(grid[1, 0]) ax_1_1 = pp.subplot(grid[1, 1]) ax_1_2 = pp.subplot(grid[1, 2]) ax_2_0 = pp.subplot(grid[2, 0]) ax_2_1 = pp.subplot(grid[2, 1]) ax_2_2 = pp.subplot(grid[2, 2]) ax_0_0.axis('off') ax_0_1.axis('off') ax_0_2.axis('off') ax_1_0.axis('off') ax_1_1.axis('off') ax_1_2.axis('off') ax_2_0.axis('off') ax_2_1.axis('off') ax_2_2.axis('off') axis_title(ax_0_0, "Cutout") ax_0_0.imshow(patch) axis_title(ax_0_1, "Template") ax_0_1.imshow(template) axis_title(ax_0_2, "Shifted Cutout\n(based on cross correlation)") ax_0_2.imshow(npatch.squeeze()) axis_title(ax_1_0, u"Cross correlation\ncutout × template") ax_1_0.imshow(ccf) ax_1_0.plot([p[1] for p in points], [p[0] for p in points], fillstyle='none', **m_style) ax_1_0.plot([points2d[1]], [points2d[0]], fillstyle='none', **m_style_alt) ax_1_0.plot([vol_size / 2], [vol_size / 2], ",k") ax_1_1.text( 0.5, 0.8, "Red: 2D spline interpolation\nx: {:f}\ny: {:f}\nBlue: 1D spline interpolation\nx: {:f}\ny: {:f}" "\nBlack: center".format(x_diff, y_diff, points[0][0] - vol_size / 2, points[0][1] - vol_size / 2), fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax_1_1.transAxes) axis_title(ax_1_2, u"Cross correlation\nshifted cutout × template") ax_1_2.imshow(nccf) ax_1_2.plot([p[0] for p in npoints], [p[1] for p in npoints], fillstyle='none', **m_style) ax_1_2.plot([npoints2d[0]], [npoints2d[1]], fillstyle='none', **m_style_alt) ax_1_2.plot([vol_size / 2], [vol_size / 2], ",k") axis_title(ax_2_0, u"Zoom into red peak\nin CC cutout × template") d = 10 peak = ccf[int(points2d[0]) - d:int(points2d[0]) + d, int(points2d[1]) - d:int(points2d[1] + d)] ax_2_0.imshow(peak) axis_title( ax_2_1, u"Zoom into red peak\nin CC cutout × template\ninterpolated") ax_2_1.imshow(points2d[2]) axis_title(ax_2_2, u"Cutout\nGaussian filter σ3") import scipy ax_2_2.imshow(scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(patch, 3)) pp.savefig("polish_particle_{:04d}_tiltimage_{:05.2f}.png".format( particle_number, ang)) return particle_number, x_diff, y_diff, ang, 0, 0, particle_filename
def make_plots_seg(data_dict, max_events, normed_img, pred_dict): """ Copy of make_plots adapted for pid plots """ target_plane_codes = {9: 1, 18: 2, 27: 3, 36: 6, 45: 4, 50: 5} pkeys = [] for k in data_dict.keys(): if len(data_dict[k]) > 0: pkeys.append(k) print('Data dictionary present keys: {}'.format(pkeys)) types = ['energy', 'time'] views = ['x', 'u', 'v'] # TODO? build dynamically? # only working with two-deep imgs these days # plotting_two_tensors = True def get_maybe_missing(data_dict, key, counter): try: return data_dict[key][counter] except KeyError: pass return -1 evt_plotted = 0 with PdfPages("evt_all.pdf") as pdf: for counter in range(len(data_dict[EVENTIDS])): evtid = data_dict[EVENTIDS][counter] segment = get_maybe_missing(data_dict, SEGMENTS, counter) planecode = get_maybe_missing(data_dict, PLANECODES, counter) n_hadmultmeas = get_maybe_missing(data_dict, N_HADMULTMEAS, counter) (run, subrun, gate, phys_evt) = decode_eventid(evtid) if evt_plotted > max_events: break status_string = 'Plotting entry %d: %d: ' % (counter, evtid) title_string = '{}/{}/{}/{}' title_elems = [run, subrun, gate, phys_evt] if segment != -1 and planecode != -1: title_string = title_string + ', segment {}, planecode {}' title_elems.extend([segment, planecode]) if planecode in tuple(target_plane_codes.keys()): title_string = title_string + ', targ {}' title_elems.append(target_plane_codes[planecode[0]]) if n_hadmultmeas != -1: title_string = title_string + ', n_chghad {}' title_elems.append(n_hadmultmeas) if pred_dict is not None: try: prediction = pred_dict[str(evtid)] title_string = title_string + ', pred={}' title_elems.append(prediction) except KeyError: pass print(status_string + title_string.format(*title_elems)) # run, subrun, gate, phys_evt = decode_eventid(evtid) fig_wid = 9 fig_height = 9 grid_height = 3 fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(fig_wid, fig_height)) fig.suptitle(title_string.format(*title_elems)) gs = pylab.GridSpec(grid_height, 3) for i, t in enumerate(types): datatyp = 'energies+times' # set the bounds on the color scale if normed_img: minv = 0 if t == 'energy' else -1 maxv = 1 else: maxes = [] mins = [] for v in views: maxes.append( np.abs(np.max(data_dict[datatyp][v][counter, i, :, :])) ) mins.append( np.abs(np.max(data_dict[datatyp][v][counter, i, :, :])) ) minv = np.max(mins) maxv = np.max(maxes) maxex = maxv if maxv > minv else minv minv = 0 if minv < 0.0001 else 0 if t == 'energy' else -maxv maxv = maxex for j, view in enumerate(views): gs_pos = i * 3 + j ax = pylab.subplot(gs[gs_pos]) ax.axis('on') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.NullLocator()) cmap = 'Reds' if t == 'energy' else 'bwr' cbt = 'energy' if t == 'energy' else 'times' datap = data_dict[datatyp][view][counter, i, :, :] # make the plot im = ax.imshow( datap, cmap=pylab.get_cmap(cmap), interpolation='nearest', vmin=minv, vmax=maxv ) cbar = pylab.colorbar(im, fraction=0.04) cbar.set_label(cbt, size=9) pylab.title(t + ' - ' + view, fontsize=12) pylab.xlabel('plane', fontsize=10) pylab.ylabel('strip', fontsize=10) # plot pid for j, view in enumerate(views): gs_pos = 6 + j ax = pylab.subplot(gs[gs_pos]) ax.axis('on') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.NullLocator()) cmap = 'tab10' cbt = 'pid' datap = data_dict["pid"][view][counter, 0, :, :] # make the plot im = ax.imshow( datap, cmap=pylab.get_cmap(cmap), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=7 ) cbar = pylab.colorbar(im, fraction=0.04, ticks=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])['nth', 'EM', 'mu', 'pi+', 'pi-', 'n', 'p', 'oth']) cbar.set_label("pid", size=9) pylab.title("pid" + ' - ' + view, fontsize=12) pylab.xlabel('plane', fontsize=10) pylab.ylabel('strip', fontsize=10) pdf.savefig() evt_plotted += 1
def f5_cadence_plot_new(lsstpg, band, lims=None, median_log_summary=None, median_log_summaryb=None, dict_marker=None, lims_sncosmo=None, mag_range=(23., 26.5), dt_range=(0.5, 15.), target={}, targetb={}, alpha=1., simu_name='', thetype='all', seas=1, save_it=False): # SNR=dict(zip(['LSSTPG::' + b for b in 'grizy'], # [20., 20., 20., 20., 10.]))): dt = np.linspace(dt_range[0], dt_range[1], 50) m5 = np.linspace(mag_range[0], mag_range[1], 50) b = [band] * len(m5) f5 = lsstpg.mag_to_flux(m5, b) F5, DT = np.meshgrid(f5, dt) M5, DT = np.meshgrid(m5, dt) metric = np.sqrt(DT) * F5 #print('metric',metric) sorted_keys = np.sort([k for k in lims.keys()])[::-1] # draw limits fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.8, wspace=0.8) main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 1:]) y_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 0], xticklabels=[], sharey=main_ax) x_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[-1, 1:], yticklabels=[], sharex=main_ax) main_ax.imshow(metric, extent=(mag_range[0], mag_range[1], dt_range[0], dt_range[1]), aspect='auto', alpha=0.25) if median_log_summary is not None: idx = median_log_summary['band'] == band m = median_log_summary[idx] main_ax.plot(m['m5'], m['cadence'], 'r+', alpha=alpha) m5_exp = np.median(m['m5']) idxb = (median_log_summary['band'] == band) & (median_log_summary['cadence'] <= 30) m = median_log_summary[idxb] #print(len(m),m['cadence']) # histogram on the attached axes x_hist.hist(m['m5'], 40, histtype='step', orientation='vertical', color='red') #x_hist.invert_yaxis() y_hist.hist(m['cadence'], 40, histtype='step', orientation='horizontal', color='blue') y_hist.invert_xaxis() """ x_hist.set_xlabel('$m_{5\sigma}$', fontsize=18) x_hist.set_ylabel('Number of Events', fontsize=18) y_hist.set_xlabel('Observer frame cadence $^{-1}$ [days]', fontsize=16) y_hist.set_ylabel('Number of Events', fontsize=18) """ #print 'h1',band,np.median(m['m5']) if median_log_summaryb is not None: """ idx = median_log_summaryb['band'] == band m = median_log_summaryb[idx] plt.plot(m['m5'], m['cadence'], 'b+',alpha=alpha) m5_exp=np.median(m['m5']) """ #print 'h2',band,np.median(m['m5']) for key, val in median_log_summaryb.items(): idx = val['band'] == band m = val[idx] main_ax.plot(m['m5'], m['cadence'], dict_marker[key], alpha=alpha) m5_exp = np.median(m['m5']) cadence_ref = 3 if lims is not None: fmt = {} ll = [lims[zz][band] for zz in sorted_keys] print('limits', ll) cs = main_ax.contour(M5, DT, metric, ll, colors='k') dict_target_snsim = Get_target(cs, sorted_keys, cadence_ref, m5_exp) strs = ['$z=%3.1f$' % zz for zz in sorted_keys] for l, s in zip(cs.levels, strs): fmt[l] = s main_ax.clabel(cs, inline=True, fmt=fmt, fontsize=16, use_clabeltext=True) if lims_sncosmo is not None: #llc = [lims_sncosmo[zz][band.split('::')[1]] for zz in sorted_keys] llc = [lims_sncosmo[zz][band] for zz in sorted_keys] b = [band] * len(llc) print 'baba', band, llc, [zz for zz in sorted_keys ], lsstpg.flux_to_mag(llc, b) csc = main_ax.contour(M5, DT, metric, llc, colors='b') dict_target_sncosmo = Get_target(csc, sorted_keys, cadence_ref, m5_exp) strs = ['$z=%3.1f$' % zz for zz in sorted_keys] for l, s in zip(csc.levels, strs): fmt[l] = s main_ax.clabel(csc, inline=1, fmt=fmt, fontsize=16) """ t = target.get(band, None) print target, t if t is not None: main_ax.plot(t[0], t[1], color='r', marker='*', markersize=15) """ main_ax.set_xlabel('$m_{5\sigma}$', fontsize=18) main_ax.set_ylabel(r'Observer frame cadence $^{-1}$ [days]', fontsize=18) main_ax.set_title('$%s$ - %s' % (band.split(':')[-1], simu_name), fontsize=18) main_ax.set_xlim(mag_range) main_ax.set_ylim(dt_range) main_ax.grid(1) if save_it: outdir = 'Plots_' + simu_name + '_' + thetype + '/Season_' + str(seas) if seas == -1: outdir = 'Plots_' + simu_name + '_' + thetype Check_Dir(outdir) plt.gcf().savefig(outdir + '/metric_' + band + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
else: pstring = '{} - {} - {} - {}'.format(run, subrun, gate, phys_evt) print(pstring) evt = [] titles = [] if data_x is not None: evt.append(data_x[counter]) titles.append('x view') if data_u is not None: evt.append(data_u[counter]) titles.append('u view') if data_v is not None: evt.append(data_v[counter]) titles.append('v view') fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(9, 3)) gs = pylab.GridSpec(1, len(evt)) # print np.where(evt == np.max(evt)) # print np.max(evt) for i in range(len(evt)): ax = pylab.subplot(gs[i]) ax.axis('on') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.NullLocator()) # images are normalized such the max e-dep has val 1, independent # of view, so set vmin, vmax here to keep matplotlib from # normalizing each view on its own minv = 0 cmap = 'jet' if have_times: minv = -1 cmap = 'bwr'
#sim.recompute_and_save_amplification_index() sim.load_steady_scores() # recompute gridness scores #sim.compute_steady_scores(force_input_scores=True) #sim.save_steady_scores() #%% ### COMPARE GRIDNESS SCORE AND GRID-TUNING INDEX fig=pl.figure(figsize=(8,3.5)) pl.subplots_adjust(top=0.95,right=0.95,bottom=0.15,left=0.15) gs = pl.GridSpec(3,3,hspace=0.55,wspace=0.35) ax_joint = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:3,0:2]) ax_marg_x = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0:2],sharex=ax_joint) ax_marg_y = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:3,2],sharey=ax_joint) xlims=0,0.6 ylims=-0.3,1.7 ms=5 ax_joint.plot(sim.grid_tuning_out_inhib,sim.ri_scores,color='dodgerblue',marker='o',lw=0,alpha=0.5,ms=ms,mec='none') ax_joint.plot(sim.grid_tuning_in,sim.he_scores,color='m',marker='o',lw=0,alpha=0.5,ms=ms,mec='none') ax_joint.plot(sim.grid_tuning_out,sim.re_scores,color='black',marker='o',lw=0,alpha=0.5,ms=ms,mec='none') ax_joint.set_xlabel('Grid tuning index') ax_joint.set_ylabel('Gridness score')
def allplot(xb, yb, bins=30, fig=1, xlabel='x', ylabel='y'): """ Input: X,Y : objects referring to the variables produced by PyMC that you want to analyze. Example: X=M.theta, Y=M.slope. Inherited from Tommy LE BLANC's code at astroplotlib|STSCI. """ #X,Y=xb.trace(),yb.trace() X, Y = xb, yb #pylab.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) fig = pylab.figure(fig) pylab.clf() gs = pylab.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1], height_ratios=[1, 3], wspace=0.07, hspace=0.07) scat = pylab.subplot(gs[2]) histx = pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=scat) histy = pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=scat) #scat=fig.add_subplot(2,2,3) #histx=fig.add_subplot(2,2,1, sharex=scat) #histy=fig.add_subplot(2,2,4, sharey=scat) # Scatter plot scat.plot(X, Y, linestyle='none', marker='o', color='green', mec='green', alpha=.2, zorder=-99) gkde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde([X, Y]) x, y = numpy.mgrid[X.min():X.max():(X.max() - X.min()) / 25., Y.min():Y.max():(Y.max() - Y.min()) / 25.] z = numpy.array(gkde.evaluate([x.flatten(), y.flatten()])).reshape(x.shape) scat.contour(x, y, z, linewidths=2) scat.set_xlabel(xlabel) scat.set_ylabel(ylabel) # X-axis histogram histx.hist(X, bins, histtype='stepfilled') pylab.setp(histx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # no X label #histx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no X label # Y-axis histogram histy.hist(Y, bins, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal') pylab.setp(histy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # no Y label #histy.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.NullFormatter()) # no Y label #pylab.minorticks_on() #pylab.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) #pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1) pylab.draw()
def plot_vars(cls, var_dic, suffix="evolution", show=False, save=True, func=utils.plot): """plot variation/comparison/boxplots of all variables organized by categories Args: var_dic: suffix: (Default value = "") show(bool): If True, show the figure (Default value = True) save(bool): If True, save the figure (Default value = False) func: (Default value = plot) Returns: """ fig = plt.figure() grid = plt.GridSpec(2, 3) for nb in range(len(GATES)): gate = GATES[nb] cls.plot_vars_gate(gate, var_dic['{}__mdp'.format(gate)], var_dic['{}__scale'.format(gate)], var_dic['{}__tau'.format(gate)], fig, grid[nb], (nb % 3 == 0), func=func) cls.plot_vars_gate('h', var_dic['h__mdp'], var_dic['h__scale'], var_dic['h__alpha'], fig, grid[5], False, func=func) plt.tight_layout() utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}Rates_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300) fig = plt.figure() grid = plt.GridSpec(1, 2) subgrid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(4, 1, grid[0], hspace=0.1) for i, var in enumerate(CONDS): ax = plt.Subplot(fig, subgrid[i]) func(ax, var_dic[var]) # ) ax.set_ylabel(var) if (i == 0): ax.set_title('Conductances') fig.add_subplot(ax) subgrid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(4, 1, grid[1], hspace=0.1) for i, var in enumerate(MEMB): ax = plt.Subplot(fig, subgrid[i]) func(ax, var_dic[var]) # ) ax.set_ylabel(var) if (i == 0): ax.set_title('Membrane') ax.yaxis.tick_right() fig.add_subplot(ax) plt.tight_layout() utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}Membrane_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300) plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(211) func(ax, var_dic['rho_ca']) # , 'r') plt.ylabel('Rho_ca') plt.yscale('log') ax = plt.subplot(212) func(ax, var_dic['decay_ca']) # , 'b') plt.ylabel('Decay_ca') utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}CalciumPump_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300)
# SCRIPT # # # # # # # # # # # ax1 predefined dt = 0.1 # ms per bin T = 2e3 # in ms t = np.arange(0, T, dt) spktr = np.zeros(t.shape) spktr[[4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 14000]] = 1 fig1 = pl.figure(num=1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) lim1 = [0.24, 0.24, 0.72, 0.70] gs = pl.GridSpec(5, 3, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.5) fig2 = pl.figure(num=2, figsize=spiketrain_figsize, dpi=dpi) if __name__ == "__main__": import os, inspect # FIGURE 1 PLOTTING current_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir) figure1, figure1_spiketrain = plot() figure1.savefig(current_dir + "/figures/Fig1_raw.pdf") figure1_spiketrain.savefig(current_dir +
# ax_ts.set_ylim([0, 5.0]) # ax_ts.set_xlim([0, 6*np.pi]) # ax_ts.set_xticks([0, 2*np.pi, 4*np.pi, 6*np.pi]) # ax_ts.set_xticklabels([r'$0$', r'$2\pi$', r'$4\pi$', # r'$6\pi$']) # # fig.tight_layout(**layout_pad) # fig.savefig('cont_plot/cont' + "%03d" % (i,) + '.png', # bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close(fig) # Desync movie pulse_inds = range(len(ts_pre), len(ts_pre) + len(ts_pulse)) for i in xrange(ys_pert.shape[0]): fig = plt.figure(dpi=70, figsize=(6, 2.2)) gs = plt.GridSpec(1, 3) ax_ss = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_ss.plot(model.sol[:, 0], model.sol[:, 1], 'k') ax_ss.plot(ys_pert[:i, :, 0].mean(1), ys_pert[:i, :, 1].mean(1), 'r--') ax_ss.plot(ys_pert[i, :, 0], ys_pert[i, :, 1], 'go') ax_ss.plot(ys_pert[i, :, 0].mean(0), ys_pert[i, :, 1].mean(0), 'ro') ax_ss.set_xlim([0, 0.8]) ax_ss.set_xlabel('X') ax_ss.set_ylabel('Y') ax_ss.set_ylim([0, 5.0]) ax_ts = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:], sharey=ax_ss) ax_ts.set_xlabel(r'$\hat{t}$') ax_ts.plot(ts_pert[:i] - ts_pert[0], ys_pert[:i, :, 1].mean(1), 'r--') ax_ts.plot(ts_pert[i] - ts_pert[0], ys_pert[i, :, 1].mean(0), 'ro') ax_ts.set_ylim([0, 5.0])
pp.save_fig(sl.get_figures_path(), fname, exts=['png', 'svg'], transparent=True) #%% ### BUMP LOCATION AND AMPLITUDE WITH SWITCHING OFF FEED-FORWARD INPUTS (ATTRACTOR DYNAMICS) fig = pl.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) time = np.arange(num_snaps) * sim.delta_snap * sim.dt gs = pl.GridSpec(8, 1, hspace=2., wspace=0.1, bottom=0.15, left=0.125, right=0.99) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:2, 0]) for idx, curr_sim in enumerate(sims): pl.plot(time, curr_sim.bump_peak_evo[0, :] / 30., color='salmon') pl.plot(time, sims[4].bump_peak_evo[0, :] / 30., color='black', lw=1.5) pp.custom_axes() pl.yticks([0, 1]) pl.ylabel('Bump\nphase\n(vert.)') pl.xlim([-0.1, walk_time + 0.1]) pl.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
def plotting_from_dat(data, area='PFC'): pdf = PdfPages('/Users/veronikasamborska/Desktop/' + area + 'from_dat.pdf') cmap = palettable.scientific.sequential.Acton_3.mpl_colormap dm = data['DM'][0] fr = data['Data'][0] neuron_ID = 0 for s, session in enumerate(dm): # Get raw spike data across the task firing_rate = fr[s] DM = dm[s] n_trials, n_neurons, n_times = firing_rate.shape choices = DM[:, 1] b_pokes = DM[:, 7] a_pokes = DM[:, 6] i_pokes = DM[:, 8] reward = DM[:, 2] task = DM[:, 5] _t_1 = np.where(task == 1)[0] _t_2 = np.where(task == 2)[0] _t_3 = np.where(task == 3)[0] x_points = [132, 232, 232, 332, 332, 432, 432, 532] y_points = [2.8, 3.8, 1.8, 4.8, 0.8, 3.8, 1.8, 2.8] global _4 global _2 global _7 global _1 global _9 global _3 global _8 global _6 _4 = [x_points[0], y_points[0]] _2 = [x_points[1], y_points[1]] _7 = [x_points[2], y_points[2]] _1 = [x_points[3], y_points[3]] _9 = [x_points[4], y_points[4]] _3 = [x_points[5], y_points[5]] _8 = [x_points[6], y_points[6]] _6 = [x_points[7], y_points[7]] a_1 = globals()['_' + str(int(a_pokes[_t_1][0]))] a_2 = globals()['_' + str(int(a_pokes[_t_2][0]))] a_3 = globals()['_' + str(int(a_pokes[_t_3][0]))] b_1 = globals()['_' + str(int(b_pokes[_t_1][0]))] b_2 = globals()['_' + str(int(b_pokes[_t_2][0]))] b_3 = globals()['_' + str(int(b_pokes[_t_3][0]))] i_1 = globals()['_' + str(int(i_pokes[_t_1][0]))] i_2 = globals()['_' + str(int(i_pokes[_t_2][0]))] i_3 = globals()['_' + str(int(i_pokes[_t_3][0]))] ind_init = 25 ind_choice = 36 ind_reward = 42 a_rew_1_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 1) & (choices == 1) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) a_nrew_1_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 1) & (choices == 1) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) a_rew_2_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 2) & (choices == 1) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) a_nrew_2_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 2) & (choices == 1) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) a_rew_3_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 3) & (choices == 1) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) a_nrew_3_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 3) & (choices == 1) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) b_rew_1_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 1) & (choices == 0) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) b_nrew_1_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 1) & (choices == 0) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) b_rew_2_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 2) & (choices == 0) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) b_nrew_2_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 2) & (choices == 0) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) b_rew_3_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 3) & (choices == 0) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) b_nrew_3_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 3) & (choices == 0) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) i_rew_1_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 1) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) i_nrew_1_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 1) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) i_rew_2_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 2) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) i_nrew_2_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 2) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) i_rew_3_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 3) & (reward == 1))[0]], 0) i_nrew_3_f = np.mean( firing_rate[np.where((task == 3) & (reward == 0))[0]], 0) plt.ioff() task_arrays = np.zeros(shape=(n_trials, 3)) task_arrays[:_t_2[0], 0] = 1 task_arrays[_t_2[0]:_t_3[0], 1] = 1 task_arrays[_t_3[0]:, 2] = 1 isl = wes.Royal2_5.mpl_colors isl_1 = wes.Moonrise5_6.mpl_colors vector_for_normalising = np.concatenate([a_rew_1_f,a_nrew_1_f,a_rew_2_f,a_nrew_2_f,\ a_rew_3_f,a_nrew_3_f,b_rew_1_f,b_nrew_1_f,b_rew_2_f,b_nrew_2_f,\ b_rew_3_f,b_nrew_3_f,\ i_rew_1_f,i_nrew_1_f,i_rew_2_f,i_nrew_2_f,\ i_rew_3_f,i_nrew_3_f], axis = 1) normalised = vector_for_normalising / ( np.tile(np.max(vector_for_normalising, 1), [vector_for_normalising.shape[1], 1]).T + .0000001) a_rew_1_f = normalised[:, :n_times] a_nrew_1_f = normalised[:, n_times:n_times * 2] a_rew_2_f = normalised[:, n_times * 2:n_times * 3] a_nrew_2_f = normalised[:, n_times * 3:n_times * 4] a_rew_3_f = normalised[:, n_times * 4:n_times * 5] a_nrew_3_f = normalised[:, n_times * 5:n_times * 6] b_rew_1_f = normalised[:, n_times * 6:n_times * 7] b_nrew_1_f = normalised[:, n_times * 7:n_times * 8] b_rew_2_f = normalised[:, n_times * 8:n_times * 9] b_nrew_2_f = normalised[:, n_times * 9:n_times * 10] b_rew_3_f = normalised[:, n_times * 10:n_times * 11] b_nrew_3_f = normalised[:, n_times * 11:n_times * 12] i_rew_1_f = normalised[:, n_times * 12:n_times * 13] i_nrew_1_f = normalised[:, n_times * 13:n_times * 14] i_rew_2_f = normalised[:, n_times * 14:n_times * 15] i_nrew_2_f = normalised[:, n_times * 15:n_times * 16] i_rew_3_f = normalised[:, n_times * 16:n_times * 17] i_nrew_3_f = normalised[:, n_times * 17:] for neuron in range(n_neurons): neuron_ID += 1 #Port Firing fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 15)) grid = plt.GridSpec(2, 1, hspace=0.7, wspace=0.4) fig.add_subplot(grid[0]) plt.scatter(x_points, y_points, s=100, c='black') plt.plot(np.arange(a_1[0] - 30, a_1[0] + 33, 1), a_rew_1_f[neuron] + a_1[1] + 1, color=isl[0], label='task 1 A') plt.plot(np.arange(a_1[0] - 30, a_1[0] + 33, 1), a_nrew_1_f[neuron] + a_1[1] + 1, color=isl[0], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(a_2[0] - 30, a_2[0] + 33, 1), a_rew_2_f[neuron] + a_2[1] + 1, color=isl[1], label='task 2 A') plt.plot(np.arange(a_2[0] - 30, a_2[0] + 33, 1), a_nrew_2_f[neuron] + a_2[1] + 1, color=isl[1], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(a_3[0] - 30, a_3[0] + 33, 1), a_rew_3_f[neuron] + a_3[1] + 1, color=isl[2], label='task 3 A') plt.plot(np.arange(a_3[0] - 30, a_3[0] + 33, 1), a_nrew_3_f[neuron] + a_3[1] + 1, color=isl[2], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(b_1[0] - 30, b_1[0] + 33, 1), b_rew_1_f[neuron] + b_1[1] + 1, color=isl[0], label='task 1 B') plt.plot(np.arange(b_1[0] - 30, b_1[0] + 33, 1), b_nrew_1_f[neuron] + b_1[1] + 1, color=isl[0], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(b_2[0] - 30, b_2[0] + 33, 1), b_rew_2_f[neuron] + b_2[1] + 1, color=isl[1], label='task 2 B') plt.plot(np.arange(b_2[0] - 30, b_2[0] + 33, 1), b_nrew_2_f[neuron] + b_2[1] + 1, color=isl[1], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(b_3[0] - 30, b_3[0] + 33, 1), b_rew_3_f[neuron] + b_3[1] + 1, color=isl[2], label='task 3 B') plt.plot(np.arange(b_3[0] - 30, b_3[0] + 33, 1), b_nrew_3_f[neuron] + b_3[1] + 1, color=isl[2], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(i_1[0] - 30, i_1[0] + 33, 1), i_rew_1_f[neuron] + i_1[1] + 1, color=isl_1[0], label='task 1 I') plt.plot(np.arange(i_1[0] - 30, i_1[0] + 33, 1), i_nrew_1_f[neuron] + i_1[1] + 1, color=isl_1[0], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(i_2[0] - 30, i_2[0] + 33, 1), i_rew_2_f[neuron] + i_2[1] + 1, color=isl_1[1], label='task 2 I') plt.plot(np.arange(i_2[0] - 30, i_2[0] + 33, 1), i_nrew_2_f[neuron] + i_2[1] + 1, color=isl_1[1], linestyle=':') plt.plot(np.arange(i_3[0] - 30, i_3[0] + 33, 1), i_rew_3_f[neuron] + i_3[1] + 1, color=isl_1[2], label='task 3 I') plt.plot(np.arange(i_3[0] - 30, i_3[0] + 33, 1), i_nrew_3_f[neuron] + i_3[1] + 1, color=isl_1[2], linestyle=':') inds = [ a_1, b_1, b_1, b_2, b_2, b_3, b_3, i_1, i_1, i_2, i_2, i_3, i_3 ] for i, ind in enumerate(inds): plt.vlines(np.arange(ind[0] - 30, ind[0] + 33, 1)[ind_init], ymin=ind[1] + 1, ymax=ind[1] + 2, linestyle='--', color='Grey', linewidth=0.5) plt.vlines(np.arange(ind[0] - 30, ind[0] + 33, 1)[ind_choice], ymin=ind[1] + 1, ymax=ind[1] + 2, linestyle='--', color='Black', linewidth=0.5) plt.vlines(np.arange(ind[0] - 30, ind[0] + 33, 1)[ind_reward], ymin=ind[1] + 1, ymax=ind[1] + 2, linestyle='--', color='Pink', linewidth=0.5) plt.legend() # Pokes plt.axis('off') # Heatmap fig.add_subplot(grid[1]) heatplot = firing_rate[:, neuron, :] # normalised = (heatplot - np.min(heatplot,1)[:, None]) / (np.max(heatplot,1)[:, None]+1e-08 - np.min(heatplot,1)[:, None]) heatplot = heatplot / ( np.tile(np.max(heatplot, 1), [heatplot.shape[1], 1]).T + 1e-08) heatplot_con = np.concatenate([heatplot, task_arrays], axis=1) plt.imshow(heatplot_con, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto') plt.xticks([ind_init, ind_choice, ind_reward], ('I', 'C', 'O')) plt.title('{}'.format(neuron_ID)) pdf.savefig() plt.clf() pdf.close()
trackfilename = sys.argv[2] trackarr = None if trackfilename: trackarr = pylab.load(trackfilename) zsegs = [0, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9, 5, 10] desc = [ 'upstream of target 1', 'target 1', 'between 1 and 2', 'target 2', 'between 2 and 3', 'target 3', 'between 3 and 4', 'target 4', 'between 4 and 5', 'target 5', 'downstream of target 5' ] zdesc = dict(zip(zsegs, desc)) fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) gs = pylab.GridSpec(4, 3) pur = pylab.zeros_like(arr) for i in range(11): pur[i, :] = arr[i, :] / arr.sum(axis=1)[i] if trackarr is not None: trackpur = pylab.zeros_like(trackarr) for i in range(11): trackpur[i, :] = trackarr[i, :] / trackarr.sum(axis=1)[i] for i, v in enumerate(zsegs): ax = pylab.subplot(gs[i]) ax.set_autoscaley_on(False) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0]) ax.set_ylabel('fraction of events') ax.set_title('true ' + str(v) + ':' + zdesc[v], loc='right')
def run_single_tilt_angle(subtomogram, ang, offset, vol_size, particle_position, particle_rotation, particle_filename, particle_number, binning, img, create_graphics, fsc_path, dimz, peak_border): """ To run a single tilt angle to allow for parallel computing @param ang: the tilt angle @type ang: int @param subtomogram: the filename of the subtomogram @type subtomogram: str @param offset: the offset used (x,y,z) @type offset: list(int, int, int) @param vol_size: the size of the volume to be reconstructed (in pixels) @type vol_size: int @param particle_position: the position of the particle in vector format, as given by particle.pickPosition().toVector() @type particle_position: tuple @param particle_rotation: the rotation of the particle (Z1/phi, X/the, Z2/psi) @type particle_rotation: tuple @param particle_filename: the filename of the particle, as given by particle.getfilename() @type particle_filename: str @param particle_number: the number of the particle, to allow for unique mapping @type particle_number: int @param binning: the binning factor used @type binning: int @param img: the filename of the projection to be used @type img: str @param create_graphics: to flag if images should be created for human inspection of the work done @type create_graphics: bool @return: the newly found positions of the particle, as a list in the LOCAL_ALIGNMENT_RESULTS format @returntype: list """ from pytom.reconstruction.reconstructionFunctions import alignImageUsingAlignmentResultFile from pytom.tompy.transform import rotate3d, rotate_axis from pytom.gui.guiFunctions import datatypeAR, loadstar import numpy as np from math import cos, sin, pi, sqrt from import create_circle from pytom.tompy.transform import cut_from_projection from pytom.tompy.filter import applyFourierFilterFull, bandpass_circle from import read, write from pytom.tompy.correlation import meanUnderMask, stdUnderMask import os import time t = time.time() # print(particle_filename, ang) # Filter using FSC fsc_mask = None k = 0.01 subtomogram = read(subtomogram) * read( '/data/gijsvds/ctem/05_Subtomogram_Analysis/Alignment/GLocal/mask_200_75_5.mrc' ) import os from pytom.tompy.filter import filter_volume_by_profile, profile2FourierVol fsc_path = '' if os.path.isfile(fsc_path): profile = [line.split()[0] for line in open(fsc_path, 'r').readlines()] fsc_mask3d = profile2FourierVol(profile, subtomogram.shape) subtomogram = applyFourierFilterFull(subtomogram, fsc_mask3d) # Cross correlate the templat # e and patch, this should give the pixel shift it is after from pytom.tompy.correlation import nXcf # Get template # First rotate the template towards orientation of the particle, then to the tilt angle img = read(img) rotated1 = rotate3d(subtomogram, phi=particle_rotation[0], the=particle_rotation[1], psi=particle_rotation[2]) rotated2 = rotate_axis( rotated1, -ang, 'y') # SWITCHED TO ROTATE AXIS AND ANGLE *-1 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT template = rotated2.sum(axis=2) # write('pp1_template.mrc', template) # img = read(img) try: patch, xx, yy = cut_patch(img, ang, particle_position, dimz=dimz, vol_size=vol_size, binning=binning) mask2d = create_circle(patch.shape, radius=75, sigma=5, num_sigma=2) patch *= mask2d # write('pp1_patch.mrc', patch) if os.path.isfile(fsc_path): profile = [ line.split()[0] for line in open(fsc_path, 'r').readlines() ] fsc_mask2d = profile2FourierVol(profile, patch.shape) patch = applyFourierFilterFull(patch, fsc_mask2d) template = normalize_image(template, mask2d, mask2d.sum()) patch = normalize_image(patch, mask2d, mask2d.sum()) if 1: ff = xp.ones_like(patch) else: ff = bandpass_circle(patch.squeeze(), 6, 25, 3) ccf = normalised_cross_correlation(template, patch, ff) points2d1 = find_sub_pixel_max_value_2d(ccf.copy(), ignore_border=peak_border) points2d2 = find_sub_pixel_max_value(ccf.copy(), ignore_border=peak_border) points2d = list(points2d2[:2]) + [points2d1[-1]] x_diff = points2d[0] - vol_size / 2 y_diff = points2d[1] - vol_size / 2 dist = sqrt(x_diff**2 + y_diff**2) #rx, ry, ii, oox, ooy, x2, y2 = find_sub_pixel_max_value_voltools(ccf.copy()) #print(rx,ry, x_diff, y_diff, x2, y2, oox, ooy, ii.shape) #print(f'{particle_number:3d} {ang:5.1f}, {dist:5.2f} {x_diff} {y_diff} {ccf.max()}') if create_graphics: rx, ry, ii, oox, ooy, x2, y2 = find_sub_pixel_max_value_voltools( ccf.copy(), k=k) print(rx, ry) from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter # Create an image to display and/or test the inner workings of the algorithm points = find_sub_pixel_max_value(ccf, ignore_border=peak_border) nx, ny, nz = particle_position nx += x_diff ny += y_diff npatch = cut_from_projection( img.squeeze(), [xx + x_diff, yy + y_diff], [vol_size, vol_size] ) # img.sum(axis=2)[int(xx+x_diff-v):int(xx+x_diff+v), int(yy+y_diff-v):int(yy+y_diff+v)] # npatch = normalize_image(npatch, mask2d, mask2d.sum()) nccf = normalised_cross_correlation(template, npatch.squeeze(), ff) npoints = find_sub_pixel_max_value(nccf, ignore_border=peak_border) npoints2d = find_sub_pixel_max_value_2d(nccf, ignore_border=peak_border) #rx, ry = abs(xp.array(npoints2d[:2]) - 100) from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter # Create an image to display and/or test the inner workings of the algorithm points = find_sub_pixel_max_value(ccf, ignore_border=peak_border) nx, ny, nz = particle_position nx += x_diff ny += y_diff npatch = cut_from_projection( img.squeeze(), [xx + x_diff, yy + y_diff], [vol_size, vol_size] ) # img.sum(axis=2)[int(xx+x_diff-v):int(xx+x_diff+v), int(yy+y_diff-v):int(yy+y_diff+v)] # npatch = normalize_image(npatch, mask2d, mask2d.sum()) nccf = normalised_cross_correlation(template, npatch.squeeze(), ff) npoints = find_sub_pixel_max_value(nccf, ignore_border=peak_border) npoints2d = find_sub_pixel_max_value_2d(nccf, ignore_border=peak_border) #rx, ry = abs(xp.array(npoints2d[:2]) - 100) m_style = dict(color='tab:blue', linestyle=':', marker='o', markersize=5, markerfacecoloralt='tab:red') m_style_alt = dict(color='tab:red', linestyle=':', marker='o', markersize=5, markerfacecoloralt='tab:orange') grid = pp.GridSpec(3, 3, wspace=0, hspace=0.35, left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.90, bottom=0.05) ax_0_0 = pp.subplot(grid[0, 0]) ax_0_1 = pp.subplot(grid[0, 1]) ax_0_2 = pp.subplot(grid[0, 2]) ax_1_0 = pp.subplot(grid[1, 0]) ax_1_1 = pp.subplot(grid[1, 1]) ax_1_2 = pp.subplot(grid[1, 2]) ax_2_0 = pp.subplot(grid[2, 0]) ax_2_1 = pp.subplot(grid[2, 1]) ax_2_2 = pp.subplot(grid[2, 2]) ax_0_0.axis('off') ax_0_1.axis('off') ax_0_2.axis('off') ax_1_0.axis('off') ax_1_1.axis('off') ax_1_2.axis('off') ax_2_0.axis('off') ax_2_1.axis('off') ax_2_2.axis('off') axis_title(ax_0_0, "Cutout") ax_0_0.imshow(applyFourierFilterFull(patch, xp.fft.fftshift(ff))) axis_title(ax_0_1, "Template") ax_0_1.imshow(template) axis_title(ax_0_2, "Shifted Cutout\n(based on cross correlation)") ax_0_2.imshow(npatch.squeeze()) axis_title(ax_1_0, u"Cross correlation\ncutout × template") ax_1_0.imshow(ccf) ax_1_0.plot([points[1]], [points[0]], fillstyle='none', **m_style) ax_1_0.plot([points2d[1]], [points2d[0]], fillstyle='none', **m_style_alt) ax_1_0.plot([vol_size / 2], [vol_size / 2], ",k") ax_1_1.text( 0.5, 0.8, "Red: 2D spline interpolation\nx: {:f}\ny: {:f}\nBlue: 1D spline interpolation\nx: {:f}\ny: {:f}" "\nBlack: center".format(x_diff, y_diff, points[0] - vol_size / 2, points[1] - vol_size / 2), fontsize=8, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax_1_1.transAxes) axis_title(ax_1_2, u"Cross correlation\nshifted cutout × template") ax_1_2.imshow(nccf) ax_1_2.plot([npoints[0]], [npoints[1]], fillstyle='none', **m_style) ax_1_2.plot([npoints2d[0]], [npoints2d[1]], fillstyle='none', **m_style_alt) ax_1_2.plot([vol_size / 2], [vol_size / 2], ",k") axis_title(ax_2_0, u"Zoom into red peak\nin CC cutout × template") d = 10 points2d = list(xp.unravel_index(ccf.argmax(), ccf.shape)) + [points2d[-1]] peak = ccf[int(points2d[0]) - d:int(points2d[0]) + d, int(points2d[1]) - d:int(points2d[1] + d)] ax_2_0.imshow(peak) axis_title( ax_2_1, u"Zoom into red peak\nin CC cutout × template\ninterpolated") ax_2_1.imshow(ii) ax_2_1.plot([y2 + (y_diff - ry) / k], [x2 + (x_diff - rx) / k], fillstyle='none', **m_style) ax_2_1.plot([y2], [x2], fillstyle='none', **m_style_alt) axis_title(ax_2_2, u"Cutout\nGaussian filter σ3") import scipy ax_2_2.imshow(scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(patch, 3)) pp.savefig( "../Images/test/polish_particle_{:04d}_tiltimage_{:05.2f}_shift_{:.1f}.png" .format(particle_number, ang, dist)) del img except Exception as e: print(e) x_diff = y_diff = 0 print( f'{particle_number:3d} {ang:4d} {x_diff:5.2f} {y_diff:5.2f} {points2d1[0]-patch.shape[0]//2:.2f} {points2d1[1]-patch.shape[0]//2:.2f} {time.time()-t:5.3f}' ) return particle_number, x_diff, y_diff, ang, 0, 0, particle_filename
py.xlabel('$x$ ($\mu$m)') py.ylabel('$y$ ($\mu$m)') #py.figure(3) # Animation call # ============================================================================= print('Processing animation ... \n') fig = py.figure() # Define a 2 x 2 grid gs = py.GridSpec(2,2) # 2 rows, 2 columns # Define 3 subplots. First one spanning both rows of column 1, the rest two taking the ramining 2 subplots ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,0],aspect = 1) # xy plane (column left, both rows) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1],aspect = 1) # yz plane (column right, top row) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1],aspect = 1) # xz plane (column right, bottoom row) # Set figure dpi and size fig.set_dpi(100) fig.set_size_inches(14, 6) # Lower and upper limit of the axes of the three subplots
def jointplotx(X, Y, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, binsim=40, binsh=20, binscon=15): """ Plots the joint distribution of posteriors for X1 and X2, including the 1D histograms showing the median and standard deviations. Uses simple method for drawing the confidence contours compared to jointplot (which is wrong). The work that went in creating this method is shown, step by step, in the ipython notebook "error contours.ipynb". Sources of inspiration: - Usage: >>> jointplot(M.rtr.trace(),M.mdot.trace(),xlabel='$\log \ r_{\\rm tr}$', ylabel='$\log \ \dot{m}$') """ # Generates 2D histogram for image histt, xt, yt = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=[binsim, binsim], normed=False) histt = numpy.transpose( histt) # Beware: numpy switches axes, so switch back. # assigns correct proportions to subplots fig = pylab.figure() gs = pylab.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1], height_ratios=[1, 3], wspace=0.001, hspace=0.001) con = pylab.subplot(gs[2]) histx = pylab.subplot(gs[0], sharex=con) histy = pylab.subplot(gs[3], sharey=con) # Image con.imshow(histt, extent=[xt[0], xt[-1], yt[0], yt[-1]], origin='lower',, aspect='auto') # Overplot with error contours 1,2 sigma # Contour plot histdata, x, y = numpy.histogram2d(X, Y, bins=[binscon, binscon], normed=False) histdata = numpy.transpose( histdata) # Beware: numpy switches axes, so switch back. pmax = histdata.max() cs = con.contour(histdata, levels=[0.68 * pmax, 0.05 * pmax], extent=[x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]], colors=['black', 'blue']) # use dictionary in order to assign your own labels to the contours. #fmtdict = {s[0]:r'$1\sigma$',s[1]:r'$2\sigma$'} #con.clabel(cs, fmt=fmtdict, inline=True, fontsize=20) if xlabel != None: con.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel != None: con.set_ylabel(ylabel) # X-axis histogram histx.hist(X, binsh, histtype='stepfilled', facecolor='lightblue') pylab.setp(histx.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # no X label pylab.setp(histx.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # no Y label # Vertical lines with median and 1sigma confidence yax = histx.set_ylim() histx.plot([numpy.median(X), numpy.median(X)], [yax[0], yax[1]], 'k-', linewidth=2) # median xsd = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(X, [15.87, 84.13]) histx.plot([xsd[0], xsd[0]], [yax[0], yax[1]], 'k--') # -1sd histx.plot([xsd[-1], xsd[-1]], [yax[0], yax[1]], 'k--') # +1sd # Y-axis histogram histy.hist(Y, binsh, histtype='stepfilled', orientation='horizontal', facecolor='lightyellow') pylab.setp(histy.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # no Y label pylab.setp(histy.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # no X label # Vertical lines with median and 1sigma confidence xax = histy.set_xlim() histy.plot([xax[0], xax[1]], [numpy.median(Y), numpy.median(Y)], 'k-', linewidth=2) # median ysd = scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(Y, [15.87, 84.13]) histy.plot([xax[0], xax[1]], [ysd[0], ysd[0]], 'k--') # -1sd histy.plot([xax[0], xax[1]], [ysd[-1], ysd[-1]], 'k--') # +1sd