def _phase_map(self): self.dphi = (2*P.pi * self.nhop * P.arange(self.nfft/2+1)) / self.nfft A = P.diff(P.angle(self.STFT),1) # Complete Phase Map U = P.c_[P.angle(self.STFT[:,0]), A - P.atleast_2d(self.dphi).T ] U = U -*P.pi))*2*P.pi self.dPhi = U return U
def _phase_map(self): self.dphi = (2*P.pi * self.nhop * P.arange(self.nfft/2+1)) / self.nfft A = P.diff(P.angle(self.STFT),1) # Complete Phase Map U = P.c_[P.angle(self.STFT[:,0]), A - P.matrix(self.dphi).T ] U = U -*P.pi))*2*P.pi self.dPhi = U return U
def analysis(self,x): X = stft(x,,self.n) delta = pl.angle(X) - self.phs self.phs = pl.angle(X) delta = unwrap(delta) freqs = self.fc + delta**pl.pi*self.h) self.n += self.h return abs(X),freqs
def xyamb(xytab,qu,xyout=''): mytb=taskinit.tbtool() if not isinstance(qu,tuple): raise Exception,'qu must be a tuple: (Q,U)' if xyout=='': xyout=xytab if xyout!=xytab: os.system('cp -r '+xytab+' '+xyout) QUexp=complex(qu[0],qu[1]) print 'Expected QU = ',qu # , ' (',pl.angle(QUexp)*180/pi,')',nomodify=False) QU=mytb.getkeyword('QU')['QU'] P=pl.sqrt(QU[0,:]**2+QU[1,:]**2) nspw=P.shape[0] for ispw in range(nspw): st=mytb.query('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID=='+str(ispw)) if (st.nrows()>0): q=QU[0,ispw] u=QU[1,ispw] qufound=complex(q,u) c=st.getcol('CPARAM') fl=st.getcol('FLAG') xyph0=pl.angle(pl.mean(c[0,:,:][pl.logical_not(fl[0,:,:])]),True) print 'Spw = '+str(ispw)+': Found QU = '+str(QU[:,ispw]) # +' ('+str(pl.angle(qufound)*180/pi)+')' #if ( (abs(q)>0.0 and abs(qu[0])>0.0 and (q/qu[0])<0.0) or # (abs(u)>0.0 and abs(qu[1])>0.0 and (u/qu[1])<0.0) ): if ( pl.absolute(pl.angle(qufound/QUexp)*180/pi)>90.0 ): c[0,:,:]*=-1.0 xyph1=pl.angle(pl.mean(c[0,:,:][pl.logical_not(fl[0,:,:])]),True) st.putcol('CPARAM',c) QU[:,ispw]*=-1 print ' ...CONVERTING X-Y phase from '+str(xyph0)+' to '+str(xyph1)+' deg' else: print ' ...KEEPING X-Y phase '+str(xyph0)+' deg' st.close() QUr={} QUr['QU']=QU mytb.putkeyword('QU',QUr) mytb.close() QUm=pl.mean(QU[:,P>0],1) QUe=pl.std(QU[:,P>0],1) Pm=pl.sqrt(QUm[0]**2+QUm[1]**2) Xm=0.5*atan2(QUm[1],QUm[0])*180/pi print 'Ambiguity resolved (spw mean): Q=',QUm[0],'U=',QUm[1],'(rms=',QUe[0],QUe[1],')','P=',Pm,'X=',Xm stokes=[1.0,QUm[0],QUm[1],0.0] print 'Returning the following Stokes vector: '+str(stokes) return stokes
def update_design(self): ax = ax.cla() ax2 = self.ax2 ax2.cla() wp = self.wp ws = gpass = self.gpass gstop = self.gstop b, a = ss.iirdesign(wp, ws, gpass, gstop, ftype=self.ftype, output='ba') self.a = a self.b = b #b = [1,2]; a = [1,2] #Print this on command line so we can use it in our programs print 'b = ', pylab.array_repr(b) print 'a = ', pylab.array_repr(a) my_w = pylab.logspace(pylab.log10(.1*[0]), 0.0, num=512) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=my_w*pylab.pi) gp = 10**(-gpass/20.)#Go from db to regular gs = 10**(-gstop/20.) self.design_line, = ax.plot([.1*[0],[0], wp[0], wp[1], ws[1], 1.0], [gs, gs, gp, gp, gs, gs], 'ko:', lw=2, picker=5) ax.semilogx(w/pylab.pi, pylab.absolute(h),lw=2) ax.text(.5,1.0, '{:d}/{:d}'.format(len(b), len(a))) pylab.setp(ax, 'xlim', [.1*[0], 1.2], 'ylim', [-.1, max(1.1,1.1*pylab.absolute(h).max())], 'xticklabels', []) ax2.semilogx(w/pylab.pi, pylab.unwrap(pylab.angle(h)),lw=2) pylab.setp(ax2, 'xlim', [.1*[0], 1.2]) ax2.set_xlabel('Normalized frequency') pylab.draw()
def _pvoc2(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None): """ :: alternate (batch) implementation of phase vocoder - time-stretch inputs: X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase [R] - resynthesis hop ratio output: updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum """ N, W, H = self.nfft, self.wfft, self.nhop R = 1.0 if R is None else R dphi = P.atleast_2d((2*P.pi * H * P.arange(N/2+1)) / N).T print "Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat U = P.diff(A,1) - dphi U = U -*P.pi))*2*P.pi t = P.arange(0,n_cols,R) tf = t - P.floor(t) phs = P.c_[A[:,0], U] phs += U[:,idx[1]] + dphi # Problem, what is idx ? Xh = (1-tf)*Xh[:-1] + tf*Xh[1:] Xh *= P.exp( 1j * phs) self.X_hat = Xh
def _pvoc(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None): """ :: a phase vocoder - time-stretch inputs: X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase [R] - resynthesis hop ratio output: updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum """ N = self.nfft W = self.wfft H = self.nhop R = 1.0 if R is None else R dphi = (2*P.pi * H * P.arange(N/2+1)) / N print "Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat phs = A[:,0] self.X_hat = [] n_cols = X_hat.shape[1] t = 0 while P.floor(t) < n_cols: tf = t - P.floor(t) idx = P.arange(2)+int(P.floor(t)) idx[1] = n_cols-1 if t >= n_cols-1 else idx[1] Xh = X_hat[:,idx] Xh = (1-tf)*Xh[:,0] + tf*Xh[:,1] self.X_hat.append(Xh*P.exp( 1j * phs)) U = A[:,idx[1]] - A[:,idx[0]] - dphi U = U -*P.pi))*2*P.pi phs += (U + dphi) t += P.randn()*P.sqrt(PVOC_VAR*R) + R # 10% variance self.X_hat =
def plot_phases(in_file, plot_type, plot_log): flags = ['histogram','phases'] plot_flag = 0 log_flag = 0 def no_log(x): return x fig = pylab.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) try: img = spimage.sp_image_read(in_file,0) except: raise IOError("Can't read %s." % in_file) values = img.image.reshape(pylab.size(img.image)) if plot_log: log_function = pylab.log else: log_function = no_log if plot_type == PHASES: hist = pylab.histogram(pylab.angle(values),bins=500) ax.plot((hist[1][:-1]+hist[1][1:])/2.0,log_function(hist[0])) elif plot_flag == HISTOGRAM: hist = pylab.histogram2d(pylab.real(values),pylab.imag(values),bins=500) ax.imshow(log_function(hist[0]),extent=(hist[2][0],hist[2][-1],-hist[1][-1],-hist[1][0]),interpolation='nearest') else: ax.plot(pylab.real(values),pylab.imag(values),'.') return fig
def _pvoc(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None): """ :: a phase vocoder - time-stretch inputs: X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase [R] - resynthesis hop ratio output: updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum """ N = self.nfft W = self.wfft H = self.nhop R = 1.0 if R is None else R dphi = (2 * P.pi * H * P.arange(N / 2 + 1)) / N print("Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R) A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat phs = A[:, 0] self.X_hat = [] n_cols = X_hat.shape[1] t = 0 while P.floor(t) < n_cols: tf = t - P.floor(t) idx = P.arange(2) + int(P.floor(t)) idx[1] = n_cols - 1 if t >= n_cols - 1 else idx[1] Xh = X_hat[:, idx] Xh = (1 - tf) * Xh[:, 0] + tf * Xh[:, 1] self.X_hat.append(Xh * P.exp(1j * phs)) U = A[:, idx[1]] - A[:, idx[0]] - dphi U = U - / (2 * P.pi)) * 2 * P.pi phs += (U + dphi) t += P.randn() * P.sqrt(PVOC_VAR * R) + R # 10% variance self.X_hat =
def plot_phases(in_file, plot_type, plot_log): plot_flag = 0 def no_log(x): return x fig = pylab.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) try: img = spimage.sp_image_read(in_file, 0) except IOError: raise IOError("Can't read %s." % in_file) values = img.image.reshape(pylab.size(img.image)) if plot_log: log_function = pylab.log else: log_function = no_log if plot_type == PHASES: hist = pylab.histogram(pylab.angle(values), bins=500) ax.plot((hist[1][:-1] + hist[1][1:]) / 2, log_function(hist[0])) elif plot_flag == HISTOGRAM: hist = pylab.histogram2d(pylab.real(values), pylab.imag(values), bins=500) ax.imshow(log_function(hist[0]), extent=(hist[2][0], hist[2][-1], -hist[1][-1], -hist[1][0]), interpolation='nearest') else: ax.plot(pylab.real(values), pylab.imag(values), '.') return fig
def _pvoc2(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None, R=None): """ :: alternate (batch) implementation of phase vocoder - time-stretch inputs: X_hat - estimate of signal magnitude [Phi_hat] - estimate of signal phase [R] - resynthesis hop ratio output: updates self.X_hat with modified complex spectrum """ N, W, H = self.nfft, self.wfft, self.nhop R = 1.0 if R is None else R dphi = P.atleast_2d((2 * P.pi * H * P.arange(N / 2 + 1)) / N).T print("Phase Vocoder Resynthesis...", N, W, H, R) A = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat U = P.diff(A, 1) - dphi U = U - / (2 * P.pi)) * 2 * P.pi t = P.arange(0, n_cols, R) tf = t - P.floor(t) phs = P.c_[A[:, 0], U] phs += U[:, idx[1]] + dphi # Problem, what is idx ? Xh = (1 - tf) * Xh[:-1] + tf * Xh[1:] Xh *= P.exp(1j * phs) self.X_hat = Xh
def _istftm(self, X_hat=None, Phi_hat=None, pvoc=False, usewin=True, resamp=None): """ :: Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform. Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None. Inputs: X_hat - N/2+1 magnitude STFT [None=abs(self.STFT)] Phi_hat - N/2+1 phase STFT [None=exp(1j*angle(self.STFT))] pvoc - whether to use phase vocoder [False] usewin - whether to use overlap-add [False] Returns: x_hat - estimated signal """ if not self._have_stft: return None X_hat = if X_hat is None else if pvoc: self._pvoc(X_hat, Phi_hat, pvoc) else: Phi_hat = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat self.X_hat = X_hat * P.exp( 1j * Phi_hat ) if usewin: = P.hanning(self.nfft) *= 1.0 / ((float(self.nfft)*(**2).sum())/self.nhop) else: = P.ones(self.nfft) if resamp: = sig.resample(, int( * resamp))) fp = self._check_feature_params() self.x_hat = self._overlap_add(P.real(self.nfft * P.irfft(self.X_hat.T)), usewin=usewin, resamp=resamp) if self.verbosity: print "Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat" return self.x_hat
def _istftm(self, X_hat=None, Phi_hat=None, pvoc=False, usewin=True, resamp=None): """ :: Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform. Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None. Inputs: X_hat - N/2+1 magnitude STFT [None=abs(self.STFT)] Phi_hat - N/2+1 phase STFT [None=exp(1j*angle(self.STFT))] pvoc - whether to use phase vocoder [False] usewin - whether to use overlap-add [False] Returns: x_hat - estimated signal """ if not self._have_stft: return None X_hat = self.X if X_hat is None else if pvoc: self._pvoc(X_hat, Phi_hat, pvoc) else: Phi_hat = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat self.X_hat = X_hat * P.exp(1j * Phi_hat) if usewin: if is None: = P.ones( self.wfft) if self.window == 'rect' else P.hanning(self.wfft)) if len( != self.nfft: = P.r_[, - self.wfft)] if len( != self.nfft: error.BregmanError( "features_base.Features._istftm(): assertion failed len(" ) else: = P.ones(self.nfft) if resamp: = sig.resample(, int( * resamp))) fp = self._check_feature_params() self.x_hat = self._overlap_add(P.real(P.irfft(self.X_hat.T)), usewin=usewin, resamp=resamp) if self.verbosity: print("Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat") return self.x_hat
def _icqft(self, V_hat): """ :: Inverse constant-Q Fourier transform. Make a signal from a constant-Q transform. """ if not self._have_cqft: return False fp = self._check_feature_params() X_hat = pylab.array(, V_hat) ) * pylab.exp( 1j * pylab.angle(self.STFT) ) self.x_hat = self._overlap_add( pylab.real(fp['nfft'] * pylab.irfft(X_hat.T)) ) if fp['verbosity']: print "Extracted iCQFT->x_hat" return True
def plot_image(in_file,*arguments): try: img = spimage.sp_image_read(in_file,0) except: print "Error: %s is not a readable .h5 file\n" % in_file plot_flags = ['abs','mask','phase','real','imag'] shift_flags = ['shift'] log_flags = ['log'] plot_flag = 0 shift_flag = 0 log_flag = 0 for flag in arguments: flag = flag.lower() if flag in plot_flags: plot_flag = flag elif flag in shift_flags: shift_flag = flag elif flag in log_flags: log_flag = flag else: print "unknown flag %s" % flag if shift_flag: img = spimage.sp_image_shift(img) def no_log(x): return x if log_flag: log_function = pylab.log else: log_function = no_log if (plot_flag == "mask"): pylab.imshow(img.mask,origin='lower',interpolation="nearest") elif(plot_flag == "phase"): pylab.imshow(pylab.angle(img.image),cmap='hsv',origin='lower',interpolation="nearest") elif(plot_flag == "real"): pylab.imshow(log_function(pylab.real(img.image)),origin='lower',interpolation="nearest") elif(plot_flag == "imag"): pylab.imshow(log_function(pylab.imag(img.image)),origin='lower',interpolation="nearest") else: pylab.imshow(log_function(abs(img.image)),origin='lower',interpolation="nearest")
def _istftm(self, X_hat, Phi_hat=None): """ :: Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform. Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None. """ if not self._have_stft: return False if Phi_hat is None: Phi_hat = pylab.exp( 1j * pylab.angle(self.STFT)) fp = self._check_feature_params() X_hat = X_hat * Phi_hat self.x_hat = self._overlap_add( pylab.real(fp['nfft'] * pylab.irfft(X_hat.T)) ) if fp['verbosity']: print "Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat" return True
def _istftm(self, X_hat=None, Phi_hat=None, pvoc=False, usewin=True, resamp=None): """ :: Inverse short-time Fourier transform magnitude. Make a signal from a |STFT| transform. Uses phases from self.STFT if Phi_hat is None. Inputs: X_hat - N/2+1 magnitude STFT [None=abs(self.STFT)] Phi_hat - N/2+1 phase STFT [None=exp(1j*angle(self.STFT))] pvoc - whether to use phase vocoder [False] usewin - whether to use overlap-add [False] Returns: x_hat - estimated signal """ if not self._have_stft: return None X_hat = self.X if X_hat is None else if pvoc: self._pvoc(X_hat, Phi_hat, pvoc) else: Phi_hat = P.angle(self.STFT) if Phi_hat is None else Phi_hat self.X_hat = X_hat * P.exp(1j * Phi_hat) if usewin: if is None: = P.ones(self.wfft) if self.window == 'rect' else P.hanning(self.wfft)) if len( != self.nfft: = P.r_[, - self.wfft)] if len( != self.nfft: error.BregmanError( "features_base.Features._istftm(): assertion failed len(") else: = P.ones(self.nfft) if resamp: = sig.resample(, int( * resamp))) fp = self._check_feature_params() self.x_hat = self._overlap_add( P.real(P.irfft(self.X_hat.T)), usewin=usewin, resamp=resamp) if self.verbosity: print("Extracted iSTFTM->self.x_hat") return self.x_hat
def calc_phase(self): self.s = (fourier.rb_fft_1d(self.r, undersampling=0, fft_shift_flag=1)).T # self.s = self.s.T self.abs_array = abs(self.s) self.phase_array = pylab.angle(self.s) for i in range(0, np.shape(self.phase_array)[0]): for j in range(0, np.shape(self.phase_array)[1]): self.phase_array[i][j] = self.phase_array[i][j]*180/np.pi n_i=np.shape(self.r)[0] n_t=np.shape(self.r)[1] #calculate the frequency axis self.s_axis[0]=np.fft.fftfreq(n_t, 3e8*100*2.11e-15) self.s_axis[0]=self.s_axis[0][:n_t/2] self.i_max=self.abs_array[0].argmax() print("Frequency, rough guess:", self.s_axis[0][self.i_max]) #now refine this by weighted averaging??? #this function is general, but it assumes that s[0] is the best interferogram w0=np.average(self.s_axis[0][self.i_max-2:self.i_max+3], weights=self.abs_array[0][self.i_max-2:self.i_max+3]) print("Frequency, refined guess:", w0) tau=1/(w0*3e8*100e-15) #now find the phases at the i_max and the point before and after i_fit=list(range(self.i_max-1, self.i_max+2)) #these are three points ph=np.zeros(n_i) for j in range(0, n_i): ph[j]=np.average(self.phase_array[j][i_fit]) print(ph[0], ph[1]) simple_phase= (ph[0] - ph[1]) print(simple_phase)
def _calculatefdData(self,tdData): #no need to copy it before (access member variable is ugly but shorter) #calculate the fft of the X channel fd=py.fft(tdData.getEX()) #calculate absolute and phase values fdabs=abs(fd) fdph=abs(py.unwrap(py.angle(fd))) #calculate frequency axis dfreq=py.fftfreq(tdData.num_points,tdData.dt) #extrapolate phase to 0 and 0 frequency fdph=self.removePhaseOffset(dfreq,fdph) #set up the fdData array t=py.column_stack((dfreq,fd.real,fd.imag,fdabs,fdph)) #this is so not nice! self.fdData=t unc=self.calculateFDunc() t=self.getcroppedData(t,0,unc[-1,0]) #interpolate uncertainty intpunc=interp1d(unc[:,0],unc[:,1:],axis=0) unc=intpunc(t[:,0]) return py.column_stack((t,unc))
for flag in arguments: if flag in flags: plot_flag = flag elif flag in log_flags: log_flag = flag else: print "unknown flag %s" % flag if log_flag == 'log': log_function = pylab.log else: log_function = no_log if plot_flag == 'phases': hist = pylab.histogram(pylab.angle(values),bins=50) ax.plot((hist[1][:-1]+hist[1][1:])/2.0,log_function(hist[0])) elif plot_flag == 'histogram': hist = pylab.histogram2d(pylab.real(values),pylab.imag(values),bins=500) ax.imshow(log_function(hist[0]),extent=(hist[2][0],hist[2][-1],-hist[1][-1],-hist[1][0]),interpolation='nearest') else: ax.plot(pylab.real(values),pylab.imag(values),'.') return fig if __name__ == "__main__": try: plot_phases(sys.argv[1],*sys.argv[2:]) except:
pi = pl.pi sig = pl.cos(2 * pi * 5 * t / T) + pl.sin( 2 * pi * 15 * t / T) + pl.cos(2 * pi * 10 * t / T - pl.pi / 4) spec = dft(sig) pl.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) pl.subplot(221) pl.title('Real (cosines)') pl.ylim(-1, 1) pl.stem(t, spec.real, 'k-', linewidth=1) pl.subplot(222) pl.title('Imaginary (sines)') pl.ylim(-1, 1) pl.stem(t, spec.imag, 'k-', linewidth=1) pl.subplot(223) pl.title('Magnitudes') pl.ylim(0, 1.1) pl.stem(t, abs(spec), 'k-', linewidth=1) pl.subplot(224) pl.title('Phases') pl.ylim(0, 1.1) j = 0 for i in abs(spec): if abs(i) < 0.1: spec[j] = 0 + 0j j += 1 pl.stem(t, pl.angle(spec), 'k-', linewidth=1) pl.ylim(-pi, pi) pl.tight_layout()
def calculateinitsunc(self,H,l,sigma_L = 1e-6,sigma_Theta = 1,n_exact = 1,filename=None): # Calculates the uncertianty on n and k according to: # W. Withayachumnankul, B. M. Fisher, H. Lin, D. Abbott, "Uncertainty in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy measurement", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 25, No. 6, June 2008, pp. 1059-1072 # # sigma_L = standard uncertainty on sample thickness in meter # sigma_Theta = interval of sample misallignment in degree # n_exact = exact value of the refractive index of air during the measurements n, k = self.calculateinits(H,l) n = py.asarray(n) k = py.asarray(k) Asam = [] Aref = [] Bsam = [] Bref = [] for i in range(len(self.H.getfreqs())): Asam.append((py.sum(py.imag(self.H.fdsam.getFAbs().tolist()[i]*py.exp(1j*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs().tolist()[i]*self.H.fdsam._tdData.getTimes()))*self.H.fdsam._tdData.getUncEX())**2)) Aref.append((py.sum(py.imag(self.H.fdref.getFAbs().tolist()[i]*py.exp(1j*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs().tolist()[i]*self.H.fdref._tdData.getTimes()))*self.H.fdref._tdData.getUncEX())**2)) Bsam.append((py.sum(py.real(self.H.fdsam.getFAbs().tolist()[i]*py.exp(1j*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs().tolist()[i]*self.H.fdsam._tdData.getTimes()))*self.H.fdsam._tdData.getUncEX())**2)) Bref.append((py.sum(py.real(self.H.fdref.getFAbs().tolist()[i]*py.exp(1j*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs().tolist()[i]*self.H.fdref._tdData.getTimes()))*self.H.fdref._tdData.getUncEX())**2)) # Uncertainty on n sn_Esam_2 = ((c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))**2 * py.asarray(Asam)/self.H.fdsam.getFAbs()**4)/self.H.fdsam._tdData.numberOfDataSets sn_Eref_2 = ((c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))**2 * py.asarray(Aref)/self.H.fdref.getFAbs()**4)/self.H.fdref._tdData.numberOfDataSets sn_l_2 = ((n-self.n_0)*sigma_L/l)**2 #sn_l_2_1 = (c*self.H.getFPh()/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l*l))**2 * sigma_L**2 #sn_H_2 = (c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))**2 * self.H.getFPhUnc()**2 fn_Theta = (n-self.n_0.real)*(1/py.cos(sigma_Theta*py.pi/180)-1) fn_H = (c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))*py.absolute(-py.angle(4*(n-1j*k)*self.n_0/(n-1j*k+self.n_0)**2)) fn_FP = (c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))*py.absolute(-py.angle(1/(1-((n-1j*k-self.n_0)/(n-1j*k+self.n_0))**2*py.exp(-2*1j*(n-1j*k)*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l/c)))) fn_n0 = abs(self.n_0.real - n_exact)*py.ones(len(self.H.getFPh())) u_n = py.sqrt(sn_l_2+sn_Esam_2+sn_Eref_2)+fn_Theta+fn_H+fn_FP+fn_n0 # Uncertianty on k sk_Esam_2 = ((c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))**2 *(Bsam/self.H.fdsam.getFAbs()**4 + ((n-self.n_0)/(n+self.n_0))**2 * sn_Esam_2/n**2))/self.H.fdsam._tdData.numberOfDataSets sk_Eref_2 = ((c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))**2 *(Bref/self.H.fdref.getFAbs()**4 + ((n-self.n_0)/(n+self.n_0))**2 * sn_Eref_2/n**2))/self.H.fdref._tdData.numberOfDataSets sk_l_2 = (k*sigma_L/l)**2 + (c*(n-self.n_0)/((n+self.n_0)*n*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))**2*sn_l_2 #sk_l_2_1 = ((c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l*l))*py.log(self.H.getFAbs()*(n+self.n_0.real)**2/(4*n*self.n_0.real)))**2 * sigma_L**2 #sk_H_2 = (-c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l*self.H.getFAbs()))**2 * self.H.getFAbsUnc()**2 fk_Theta = k*(1/py.cos(sigma_Theta*py.pi/180)-1)+c*(n-self.n_0.real)*fn_Theta/(n*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l*(n+self.n_0.real)) fk_H = (c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))*(py.log(py.absolute(n/(n-1j*k)*((n-1j*k+self.n_0.real)/(n+self.n_0.real))**2))+py.absolute(fn_H)*(n-self.n_0.real)/(n*(n+self.n_0.real))) fk_FP = (c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))*(py.absolute(-py.log(py.absolute(1/(1-((n-1j*k-self.n_0)/(n-1j*k+self.n_0))**2*py.exp(-2*1j*(n-1j*k)*2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l/c)))))+py.absolute(fn_FP)*(n-self.n_0.real)/(n*(n+self.n_0.real))) fk_n0 = (c/(2*py.pi*self.H.getfreqs()*l))*(n-self.n_0.real)*(self.n_0.real - n_exact)/(n*self.n_0.real) u_k = py.sqrt(sk_l_2+sk_Esam_2+sk_Eref_2)+fk_Theta+fk_H+fk_FP+fk_n0 # Convert n in epsilon Epsilon = Epsilon_1 + j Epsilon_2 = (n+jk)**2 # Epsilon_1 = n**2 - k**2 # Epsilon_2 = -2nk Epsilon_1 = n**2 - k **2 Epsilon_2 = -2 * n * k u_Epsilon_1 = py.sqrt((2*n*u_n)**2 + (-2*k*u_k)**2) u_Epsilon_2 = py.sqrt((-2*k*u_n)**2 + (-2*n*u_k)**2) # Calculate absorption coefficient # alpha = 4 * pi * k * f / c1 alpha = 4 * py.pi * k * self.H.getfreqs() / (100 * c) # in cm^-1 u_alpha = 4 * py.pi * u_k * self.H.getfreqs() / (100 * c) # in cm^-1 # Calculate maximum measurable absorption coefficient according to # P. U. Jepsen and B. M. Fisher: "Dynamic Range in terahertz time-domain transmission and reflection spectroscopy", Optics Letters, Vol. 30, n. 1, pp. 29-31, Jan 2005 alpha_max = 2 * py.log((self.H.fdsam.getDR() * 4 * n)/(n + 1)**2) / (100 * l) # in cm^-1 # Save results into a table accessible from outside self.n_with_unc=py.real(py.column_stack(( self.H.getfreqs(), # frequencies n, k, # real and imaginary part of n u_n, u_k, # k=1 combined uncertainty on n and k py.sqrt(sn_l_2), py.sqrt(sn_Esam_2), py.sqrt(sn_Eref_2), fn_Theta, fn_H, fn_FP, fn_n0, # Uncertainty components of n due to thickness, H, sample misallignment, k<<<, Neglect FP, ref ind of air py.sqrt(sk_l_2), py.sqrt(sk_Esam_2), py.sqrt(sk_Eref_2), fk_Theta, fk_H, fk_FP, fk_n0, # Uncertainty components of k due to thickness, H, sample misallignment, k<<<, Neglect FP, ref ind of air Epsilon_1, Epsilon_2, # Real and imaginary part of Epsilon u_Epsilon_1, u_Epsilon_2, # k = 1 uncertainty on the real and imaginary part of Epsilon alpha, u_alpha, # Absorption coefficient and its k = 1 uncertainty alpha_max, # Maximum measurable absorption coefficient ))) return
return sig/N def dft(s): N = len(s) out = pl.zeros(N)*1j; for k in range(0,N): for t in range(0,N): out[k] += s[t]*(pl.cos(2*pl.pi*k*t/N) - 1j*pl.sin(2*pl.pi*k*t/N)) return out/N T = 100 saw = pl.zeros(T) t = pl.arange(0,T) N = T // 2 for k in range(1,N): saw += (1/k)*pl.sin(2*pl.pi*k*t/T) saw += 0.001 + 0.001*pl.cos(pl.pi*t/T) saw *= 2/(pl.pi) spec = dft(saw) print(abs(spec[0])) phs = pl.angle(spec) pl.figure(figsize=(8,3)) pl.stem(t,phs, 'k-', linewidth=1) pl.ylim(-pl.pi-0.5, +pl.pi+0.5) pl.tight_layout()
def xyamb(xytab, qu, xyout=''): mytb = taskinit.tbtool() if not isinstance(qu, tuple): raise Exception, 'qu must be a tuple: (Q,U)' if xyout == '': xyout = xytab if xyout != xytab: os.system('cp -r ' + xytab + ' ' + xyout) QUexp = complex(qu[0], qu[1]) print 'Expected QU = ', qu # , ' (',pl.angle(QUexp)*180/pi,')', nomodify=False) QU = mytb.getkeyword('QU')['QU'] P = pl.sqrt(QU[0, :]**2 + QU[1, :]**2) nspw = P.shape[0] for ispw in range(nspw): st = mytb.query('SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID==' + str(ispw)) if (st.nrows() > 0): q = QU[0, ispw] u = QU[1, ispw] qufound = complex(q, u) c = st.getcol('CPARAM') fl = st.getcol('FLAG') xyph0 = pl.angle(pl.mean(c[0, :, :][pl.logical_not(fl[0, :, :])]), True) print 'Spw = ' + str(ispw) + ': Found QU = ' + str( QU[:, ispw]) # +' ('+str(pl.angle(qufound)*180/pi)+')' #if ( (abs(q)>0.0 and abs(qu[0])>0.0 and (q/qu[0])<0.0) or # (abs(u)>0.0 and abs(qu[1])>0.0 and (u/qu[1])<0.0) ): if (pl.absolute(pl.angle(qufound / QUexp) * 180 / pi) > 90.0): c[0, :, :] *= -1.0 xyph1 = pl.angle( pl.mean(c[0, :, :][pl.logical_not(fl[0, :, :])]), True) st.putcol('CPARAM', c) QU[:, ispw] *= -1 print ' ...CONVERTING X-Y phase from ' + str( xyph0) + ' to ' + str(xyph1) + ' deg' else: print ' ...KEEPING X-Y phase ' + str(xyph0) + ' deg' st.close() QUr = {} QUr['QU'] = QU mytb.putkeyword('QU', QUr) mytb.close() QUm = pl.mean(QU[:, P > 0], 1) QUe = pl.std(QU[:, P > 0], 1) Pm = pl.sqrt(QUm[0]**2 + QUm[1]**2) Xm = 0.5 * atan2(QUm[1], QUm[0]) * 180 / pi print 'Ambiguity resolved (spw mean): Q=', QUm[0], 'U=', QUm[ 1], '(rms=', QUe[0], QUe[1], ')', 'P=', Pm, 'X=', Xm stokes = [1.0, QUm[0], QUm[1], 0.0] print 'Returning the following Stokes vector: ' + str(stokes) return stokes
ti = int(ts*H) scal = 3*D/4 def plock(phs): N = len(phs) x = p2r(pl.ones(N),phs) y = pl.zeros(N)+0j y[0], y[N-1] = x[0], x[N-1] for i in range(1,N-1): y[i] = x[i] - (x[i-1] + x[i+1]) return y for n in range(0,L-(N+H),ti): X1 = stft(signal[n:n+N],win) X2 = stft(signal[n+H:n+H+N],win) diffs = pl.angle(X2) - pl.angle(X1) phs += diffs Y = p2r(abs(X2),phs) output[np:np+N] += istft(Y,win) phs = pl.angle(plock(phs)) np += H output = pl.array(output*zdbfs/scal,dtype='int16') wf.write(sys.argv[3],sr,output) import os try: os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'sndfile-play', 'sndfile-play', sys.argv[3]) except: pass
L2 = len(in2) if L2 > L1: L = L2 else: L = L1 signal1 = pl.zeros(L) signal2 = pl.zeros(L) signal1[:len(in1)] = in1 / zdbfs signal2[:len(in2)] = in2 / zdbfs output = pl.zeros(L) win = pl.hanning(N) scal = 1.5 * D / 4 for n in range(0, L, H): if (L - n < N): break frame1 = stft(signal1[n:n + N], win, n) frame2 = stft(signal2[n:n + N], win, n) mags = abs(frame1) env1 = spec_env(frame1, 20) env2 = spec_env(frame2, 20) phs = pl.angle(frame1) if (min(env1) > 0): frame = p2r(mags * env2 / env1, phs) else: frame = p2r(mags * env2, phs) output[n:n + N] += istft(frame, win, n) a = max(signal1) b = max(output) c = a / b output = pl.array(output * zdbfs * c / scal, dtype='int16') wf.write(sys.argv[3], sr, output)
H = N//D zdbfs = 32768 (sr,signal) =[2]) signal = signal/zdbfs L = len(signal) win = pl.hanning(N) phs = pl.zeros(N//2+1) np = 0 ts = float(sys.argv[1]) output = pl.zeros(int(L/ts)+N) ti = int(ts*H) scal = 3*D/4 for n in range(0,L-(N+H),ti): X1 = stft(signal[n:n+N],win) X2 = stft(signal[n+H:n+H+N],win) diffs = pl.angle(X2) - pl.angle(X1) phs += diffs Y = p2r(abs(X2),phs) output[np:np+N] += istft(Y,win) np += H output = pl.array(output*zdbfs/scal,dtype='int16') wf.write(sys.argv[3],sr,output) import os try: os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, 'sndfile-play', 'sndfile-play', sys.argv[3]) except: pass