Esempio n. 1
def pulseC(x, re=1., om=1., px=1.):
    h = x[-1] / 2
    mu = sqrt(om * re / 2.) * h
    nu = sqrt(om * re / 2.) * (x - h)
    d = px / (om * (cos(mu)**2 * cosh(mu)**2 + sin(mu)**2 * sinh(mu)**2))
    return (d * (cos(nu) * cosh(nu) * sin(mu) * sinh(mu) -
                 sin(nu) * sinh(nu) * cos(mu) * cosh(mu)))
Esempio n. 2
 def diffRtc(self,z):
     Dh = self.cH
     Dc = self.rc(z)
     sqOmR = M.sqrt(abs(self.k0))
     diff = Dh/self.E(z)
     if self.k0 > 0:
         diff = diff * M.cosh(sqOmR*Dc/Dh)
     elif self.k0 < 0:
         diff = diff * M.cos (sqOmR*Dc/Dh);
     return diff
Esempio n. 3
 def f(self,xarr,t):
     temp = 0.0
     for i in range(2):
     temp = temp*self.coef
     temp -= self.drg*xarr[0]
     x1dot = temp
     x2dot = 0.0
     x3dot = xarr[0]
     x4dot = 0.0
     return [x1dot,x2dot,x3dot,x4dot]
Esempio n. 4
    def J(self,which_M,t):
        # to get the solution at a particular time we need the index that is assosiated witht that
        # time. we get this by taking the time value wanted and deviding by dt. In order for this to
        # work with single (non array values) of time we need a self,dt to be defined.
        x1 = self.sol[int(t/self.dt+.5),2]
        y  = self.sol[int(t/self.dt+.5),3]
        # define the matrix elements of the time dependent jacobian
        M11 = 0.0
        M12 = 1.0
        #M21 = self.coef*pl.cos(x1)*pl.cosh(y)*pl.cos(t)*(pl.cos(2.0*x1)+pl.cosh(2.0*y)-2.0)/(pl.cos(x1)**2-pl.cosh(y)**2)**2
        M21 = -2.0*self.coef*pl.cos(x1)*pl.cosh(y)*pl.cos(t)*(pl.cos(x1)**2-pl.cosh(y)**2+2.0*pl.sin(x1)**2)/(pl.cos(x1)**2-pl.cosh(y)**2)**2
        M22 = -self.drg

        if (which_M == "M11"):      
            return M11
        if (which_M == "M12"):      
            return M12
        if (which_M == "M21"):      
            return M21
        if (which_M == "M22"):      
            return M22
Esempio n. 5
 def phiPrime2(self,t):
     return 0.5*M.pi*t*M.cosh(t)/M.cosh(0.5*M.pi*M.sinh(t))**2+M.tanh(0.5*M.pi*M.sinh(t))
Esempio n. 6
    def eph2D(self,epoch):
        if self.ref == None:
            return ([0,0,0],[0,0,0])
        dt = epoch-self.epoch  
        #print "dT",dt
        # Step 1 - Determine mean anomaly at epoch
        if self.e == 0:
            M = self.M0 + dt * sqrt( / self.a**3)
            M %= PI2
            E = M
            ta = E
            r3 = (self.h**2/
            rv = r3 * array([cos(ta),sin(ta),0])
            v3 = / self.h
            vv = v3 * array([-sin(ta),self.e+cos(ta),0])
            return (rv,vv)
        if self.e < 1:
            if epoch == self.epoch:
                M = self.M0
                M = self.M0 + dt * sqrt( / self.a**3)
                M %= PI2
             # Step 2a - Eccentric anomaly
                E = so.newton(lambda x: x-self.e * sin(x) - M,M)
            except RuntimeError: # Debugging a bug here, disregard
                print "Eccentric anomaly failed for",
                print "On epoch",epoch
                print "Made error available at self.ERROR"
                self.ERROR = [lambda x: x-self.e * sin(x) - M,M]
            # Step 3a - True anomaly, method 1
            ta = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(1+self.e)*sin(E/2.0), sqrt(1-self.e)*cos(E/2.0))
            #print "Ta:",ta
            # Method b is faster
            cosE = cos(E)
            ta2 = arccos((cosE - self.e) / (1-self.e*cosE))
            #print "e",self.e
            #print "M",M
            #print "E",E
            #print "TA:",ta
            #print "T2:",ta2
            # Step 4a - distance to central body (eccentric anomaly).
            r = self.a*(1-self.e * cos(E))
            # Alternative (true anomaly)
            r2 = (self.a*(1-self.e**2) / (1.0 + self.e * cos(ta)))
            # Things get crazy
            #h = sqrt(self.a**(1-self.e**2))
            r3 = (self.h**2/*(1.0/(1.0+self.e*cos(ta)))
            #print "R1:",r
            #print "R2:",r2
            #print "R3:",r3
            rv = r3 * array([cos(ta),sin(ta),0])
            #v1 = sqrt( * (2.0/r - 1.0/self.a))
            #v2 = sqrt( * self.a) / r
            v3 = / self.h
            #meanmotion = sqrt( / self.a**3)
            #v2 = sqrt( * self.a)/r
            #print "v1",v1
            #print "v2",v2
            #print "v3",v3
            #print "mm",meanmotion
            # Velocity can be calculated from the eccentric anomaly            
            #vv = v1 * array([-sin(E),sqrt(1-self.e**2) * cos(E),0])
            # Or from the true anomaly (this one has an error..)
            #vv = sqrt( * self.a)/r * array([-sin(ta),self.e+cos(ta),0])
            vv = v3 * array([-sin(ta),self.e+cos(ta),0])
            #print "rv",rv
            #print "vv",vv
            #print "check",E,-sin(E),v1*-sin(E)
            #print "V1:",vv
            #print "V2:",vv2

            return (rv,vv)
        elif self.e > 1:
            # Hyperbolic orbits
            # Reference: Stephen Kemble: Interplanetary Mission Analysis and Design, Pg 220-221
            M = self.M0 + dt * sqrt(-( / self.a**3))
            #print "M0",self.M0
            #print "M",M
            #print "M",M
            #print "M0",self.M0
            # Step 2b - Hyperbolic eccentric anomaly
            #print "Hyperbolic mean anomaly:",M
            F = so.newton(lambda x: self.e * sinh(x) - x - M,M,maxiter=1000)
            #F = -F
            H = M / (self.e-1)
            #print "AAAA"*10
            #print "F:",F
            #print "H:",H
            #print "Hyperbolic eccentric anomaly:",F
            # Step 3b - Hyperbolic true anomaly?
            # This is wrong prooobably            
            #hta = arccos((cosh(F) - self.e) / (1-self.e*cosh(F)))
            #hta = arccos((self.e-cosh(F)) / (self.e*cosh(F) - 1))
            # TÄSSÄ ON BUGI
            hta = arccos((cosh(F) - self.e) / (1 - self.e*cosh(F)))
            hta2 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(self.e+1)*sinh(F/2.0),sqrt(self.e-1)*cosh(F/2.0))
            hta3 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(1+self.e)*sinh(F/2.0),sqrt(self.e-1)*cosh(F/2.0))
            hta4 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(self.e-1)*cosh(F/2.0),sqrt(1+self.e)*sinh(F/2.0))
            #print "Hyperbolic true anomaly:",degrees(hta)
            # This is wrong too            
            #hta2 = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(1+self.e)*sin(F/2.0), sqrt(1-self.e)*cos(F/2.0))
            if M == self.M0:
                print "HTA1:",degrees(hta)
                print "HTA2:",degrees(hta2)
                print "HTA3:",degrees(hta3)
                print "HTA4:",degrees(hta4)
            # According to
            # this is right..
            hta = hta2
            #print cos(hta)
            #print cosh(hta)
            #####hta = arctan(sqrt((self.e-1.0)/self.e+1.0) * tanh(F/2.0)) / 2.0
            #print "Mean anomaly:",M
            #print "Hyperbolic eccentric anomaly:",F
            #print "HTA:",hta
            # Step 4b - Distance from central body?
            # Can calculate it from hyperbolic true anomaly..
            #p = self.a*(1-self.e**2)
            #r = p / (1+self.e * cos(hta))
            r3 = (self.h**2/*(1.0/(1.0+self.e*cos(hta)))
            v3 = / self.h
            # But it's faster to calculate from eccentric anomaly
            #r = self.a*(1-self.e * cos(F))
            #print "Hyper r1:",r
            #print "Hyper r2:",r2
            rv = r3 * array([cos(hta),sin(hta),0])
            #rv = array([ r * sin(hta),-self.a*self.e + r * cos(hta), 0])
            #sinhta = sin(hta)
            #coshta = cos(hta)
            #vv = sqrt( *(2.0/r - 1.0/self.a)) * array([-sin(hta),self.e+cos(hta),0])
            vv = v3 * array([-sin(hta),self.e+cos(hta),0])
            return (rv,vv)
 def cc(x):
     return cos(x) * cosh(x)