def get_two_best_sondes(date_str, **kwargs): sonde_file=kwargs.get('sonde_file', '/data/twpice/darwin.txt') #outdir=kwargs.get('outdir', '/flurry/home/scollis/bom_mds/dealias/') sonde_file=kwargs.get('sonde_file', '/data/twpice/darwin.txt') outdir=kwargs.get('outdir', '/home/scollis/bom_mds/dealias/') tim_date=num2date(datestr2num(date_str)) sonde_list=read_sounding_within_a_day(sonde_file, tim_date) launch_dates=[sonde['date_list'][0] for sonde in sonde_list] #print launch_dates launch_date_offset=[date2num(sonde['date_list'][0])- date2num(tim_date) for sonde in sonde_list] sonde_made_it=False candidate=0 while not(sonde_made_it): best_sonde=sonde_list[argsort(abs(array(launch_date_offset)))[candidate]] candidate=candidate+1 sonde_made_it=best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1] > 18000. if not sonde_made_it: print "Sonde Burst at ", best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m rejecting" print "Sonde Burst at ", best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m Accepting" sonde_made_it=False while not(sonde_made_it): sec_best_sonde=sonde_list[argsort(abs(array(launch_date_offset)))[candidate]] candidate=candidate+1 sonde_made_it=sec_best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1] > 18000. if not sonde_made_it: print "Sonde Burst at ", sec_best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m rejecting" print "Sonde Burst at ", sec_best_sonde['alt(m)'][-1], "m Accepting" print 'Time of radar: ', tim_date, ' Time of best sonde_launch: ', best_sonde['date_list'][0], ' Time of sonde_termination: ', best_sonde['date_list'][-1] print 'Time of radar: ', tim_date, ' Time of second sonde_launch: ', sec_best_sonde['date_list'][0], ' Time of sonde_termination: ', best_sonde['date_list'][-1] for i in range(len(sonde_list)): best_sonde=sonde_list[argsort(abs(array(launch_date_offset)))[i]] print 'Time of radar: ', tim_date, ' Time of best sonde_launch: ', best_sonde['date_list'][0], ' Offset', abs(date2num(best_sonde['date_list'][0])-date2num(tim_date))*24.0 return best_sonde, sec_best_sonde
def generate_filename(self, fld='chl', fldtype="DAY", **kwargs): """Generate filename""" if len(kwargs): self._timeparams(**kwargs) ydmax = (pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr, 12, 31)) - pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr, 1, 1))) + 1 if fldtype == "MC": self.add_mnclim() datestr = self.mc_datedict[] if "mo" in fldtype.lower(): self.add_filepreflist(fldtype="mo") datestr = self.mo_fileprefs[self.yr*100 +] elif fldtype == "DAY": datestr = "%i%03i" % (self.yr, self.yd) elif fldtype == "8D": yd1 = np.arange(1,365,8) yd2 = np.arange(8,370,8) yd2[-1] = ydmax pos = np.nonzero(self.yd >= yd1)[0].max() datestr = ("%i%03i%i%03i" % (self.yr, yd1[pos], self.yr, yd2[pos])) elif fldtype == "CU": self.a_cu_url_9km = 'MODISA/Mapped/Cumulative/4km/chlor/' datestr = max(self._retrieve_datestamps(self.a_cu_url_9km)) else: raise TypeError, "File average type not included" return("" % (self.fp, datestr, fldtype,[fld][0], self.res[0],[fld][1]))
def main(): print("start program") countTaxis() # a figure (chart) where we add the bar's and change the axis properties fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # set the width of the bar to interval-size barWidth = date2num(intervalDate + intervalDelta) - date2num(intervalDate) # add a bar with specified values and width, barList.values(), width=barWidth) # set the x-Axis to show the hours ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(HourLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter("%H:%M")) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MinuteLocator()) ax.grid(True) xlabel('Zeit (s)') ylabel('Quantit' + u'\u00E4' + 't') title('Menge der Taxis im VLS-Gebiet') ax.autoscale_view() # shows the text of the x-axis in a way that it looks nice fig.autofmt_xdate() # display the chart show()
def movie(self): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' pl.close(1) pl.figure(1, (8, 4.5), facecolor='k') miv = figpref.current() jd0 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005, 1, 1)) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005, 12, 31)) mp = projmaps.Projmap('glob') x, y = mp(self.llon, self.llat) for t in np.arange(jd0, jd1): print pl.num2date(t) self.load(t) pl.clf() pl.subplot(111, axisbg='k') mp.pcolormesh(x, y, miv(np.sqrt(self.u**2 + self.v**2)), cmap=cm.gist_heat) pl.clim(0, 1.5) mp.nice() pl.title( '%04i-%02i-%02i' % (pl.num2date(t).year, pl.num2date(t).month, pl.num2date(t).day), color='w') pl.savefig('/Users/bror/oscar/norm/%03i.png' % t, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor='k', dpi=150)
def _l3read_hdf(self, fieldname='l3m_data'): self.vprint( "Reading hdf file") sd = SD(self.filename, SDC.READ) ds = field = ds[self.j1:self.j2, self.i1:self.i2].copy() intercept = ds.attributes()['Intercept'] slope = ds.attributes()['Slope'] try: nanval = ds.attributes()['Fill'] except: nanval = 65535 try: base = ds.attributes()['Base'] except KeyError: base = -999 if 'Scaled Data Maximum' in sd.attributes().keys(): self.maxval = sd.attributes()['Scaled Data Maximum'] self.minval = sd.attributes()['Scaled Data Minimum'] elif 'Suggested Image Scaling Maximum' in sd.attributes().keys(): self.maxval = sd.attributes()['Suggested Image Scaling Maximum'] self.minval = sd.attributes()['Suggested Image Scaling Minimum'] else: self.minval =[fld][2] self.maxval =[fld][3] start_iso = (pl.date2num(dtm( sd.attributes()['Period Start Year'],1,1)) + sd.attributes()['Period Start Day'] - 1) end_iso = (pl.date2num(dtm( sd.attributes()['Period End Year'],1,1)) + sd.attributes()['Period End Day'] - 1) self.jd = ((start_iso+end_iso)/2) = pl.num2date(self.jd) return field,base,intercept,slope
def plot_coverage(self, siteid): """ Makes a bar plot (ganntt like) for the time coverage of datasets at a site """ st = io.BytesIO() with db.session_scope() as session: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=False) import pylab as plt import numpy as np ds = session.query(db.Dataset).filter_by(_site=int(siteid)).order_by( db.Dataset._source, db.Dataset._valuetype, db.Dataset.start).all() left = plt.date2num([d.start for d in ds]) right = plt.date2num([d.end for d in ds]) btm = np.arange(-.5, -len(ds), -1) # return 'left=' + str(left) + ' right=' + str(right) + ' btm=' + str(btm) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() ax.barh(left=left, width=right - left, bottom=btm, height=0.9, fc='0.75', ec='0.5') for l, b, d in zip(left, btm, ds): ax.text(l, b + .5, '#%i' %, color='k', va='center') ax.xaxis_date() ax.set_yticks(btm + .5) ax.set_yticklabels( [ + '/' + for d in ds]) ax.set_position([0.3, 0.05, 0.7, 0.9]) ax.set_title('Site #' + siteid) ax.set_ylim(-len(ds) - .5, .5) ax.grid() fig.savefig(st, dpi=100) return st.getvalue()
def generate_filename(self, fld='chl', fldtype="DAY", **kwargs): """Generate filename""" if len(kwargs): self._timeparams(**kwargs) ydmax = (pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr, 12, 31)) - pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr, 1, 1))) + 1 if fldtype == "MC": self.add_mnclim() datestr = self.mc_datedict[] if "mo" in fldtype.lower(): self.add_filepreflist(fldtype="mo") datestr = self.mo_fileprefs[self.yr * 100 +] elif fldtype == "DAY": datestr = "%i%03i" % (self.yr, self.yd) elif fldtype == "8D": yd1 = np.arange(1, 365, 8) yd2 = np.arange(8, 370, 8) yd2[-1] = ydmax pos = np.nonzero(self.yd >= yd1)[0].max() datestr = ("%i%03i%i%03i" % (self.yr, yd1[pos], self.yr, yd2[pos])) elif fldtype == "CU": self.a_cu_url_9km = 'MODISA/Mapped/Cumulative/4km/chlor/' datestr = max(self._retrieve_datestamps(self.a_cu_url_9km)) else: raise TypeError, "File average type not included" return ("" % (self.fp, datestr, fldtype,[fld][0], self.res[0],[fld][1]))
def plotaverages(data): months = list(data.apply(set)[7]) #we need a list of all the uniqe months months1 = [] for row in months: months1.append(datetime.strptime( row, "%Y-%m")) #create a list with unique months as datetime values medians = [] for i in months: #for each date in months to iterate loop below dd = data[ data['Month'] == i] #change the dataset to only include thos rows with unique months price = [] for row in dd[ 'Price1']: #for each row that corresponds with that unique month price.append(float(row)) #add it to a list medians.append(py.median( price)) #then add the value to a means list, then iterate x = months1 #plot y = medians x, y = ( list(i) for i in zip(*sorted(zip(x, y))) ) #to numerically order both arrays in date order, relating the individual values from each array plt.plot(pl.date2num(x), y) plt.xlim(733400, 735400) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter( '%m/%Y')) #reformat x axis to show date in correct format plt.xlabel('Date') plt.ylabel('Price in Pounds') plt.title('Monthly Median House Prices') p = py.polyfit(pl.date2num(x), y, 1) #fit a straight line with order 1 plt.plot( pl.date2num(x), p[0] * pl.date2num(x) + p[1], 'r-' ) #plot x against the coeffecients ofthe line, p[0]x + p[1] == mx + c
def movie(self): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' pl.close(1) pl.figure(1,(8,4.5),facecolor='k') miv = figpref.current() jd0 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,1,1)) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2005,12,31)) mp = projmaps.Projmap('glob') x,y = mp(self.llon,self.llat) for t in np.arange(jd0,jd1): print pl.num2date(t) self.load(t) pl.clf() pl.subplot(111,axisbg='k') mp.pcolormesh(x,y, miv(np.sqrt(self.u**2 +self.v**2)), cmap=cm.gist_heat) pl.clim(0,1.5) mp.nice() pl.title('%04i-%02i-%02i' % (pl.num2date(t).year, pl.num2date(t).month, pl.num2date(t).day), color='w') pl.savefig('/Users/bror/oscar/norm/%03i.png' % t, bbox_inches='tight',facecolor='k',dpi=150)
def plot_1d_comparison(data_dict,style_dict,time_dict,start_date,finish_date,file_path,axis_label,interval=3): """ """ start_time = date2num(datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) finish_time = date2num(datetime.strptime(finish_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) # plot 1d graph... fig = figure(figsize=(15,8),dpi=90) ax = fig.add_axes([.05,.12,.9,.85]) max_value = 0.0 for key, data_arr in data_dict.iteritems(): ax.plot(time_dict[key],data_arr,style_dict[key], label=key) data_arr = vtktools.arr(data_arr) if data_arr.max() > max_value: max_value = data_arr.max() max_value += max_value * 0.1 dateFmt = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%m/%Y') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dateFmt) monthsLoc = mpl.dates.MonthLocator(interval=interval) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(monthsLoc) labels = ax.get_xticklabels() for label in labels: label.set_rotation(30) ax.set_ylim(max_value, 0) ax.set_xlim(start_time,finish_time) xlabel('Date (mm/yyyy)') ylabel(axis_label) legend(loc=0) form = file_path.split('.')[-1].strip() savefig(file_path, dpi=90,format=form) close(fig)
def _timeparams(self, **kwargs): """Calculate time parameters from given values""" for key in kwargs.keys(): self.__dict__[key] = kwargs[key] if "date" in kwargs: self.jd = pl.datestr2num(kwargs['date']) self.jd = int(self.jd) if self.jd == int(self.jd) else self.jd elif ('yd' in kwargs) & ('yr' in kwargs): if self.yd < 1: self.yr = self.yr -1 ydmax = (pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr, 12, 31)) - pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr, 1, 1))) + 1 self.yd = ydmax + self.yd self.jd = self.yd + pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr,1,1)) - 1 elif ('yr' in kwargs) & ('mn' in kwargs) & ('dy' in kwargs): self.jd = pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr,,self.dy)) elif not 'jd' in kwargs: if hasattr(self, 'defaultjd'): self.jd = self.defaultjd else: raise KeyError, "Time parameter missing" if hasattr(self,'hourlist'): dd = self.jd-int(self.jd) ddlist = np.array(self.hourlist).astype(float)/24 ddpos = np.argmin(np.abs(ddlist-dd)) self.jd = int(self.jd) + ddlist[ddpos] self._jd_to_dtm()
def setTicks(self): """ set x and y axes major and minor tick locators, formatters and labels """ # define tick locators self.xMajor = LinearLocator(numticks = 16) self.xMinor = LinearLocator(numticks = 76) self.yMajor = LinearLocator(numticks = 5) self.yMinor = LinearLocator(numticks = 17) self.starttime = self.starttime_tick = time.mktime(self.starttime.timetuple()) self.currenttime = self.starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3) self.currenttime_tick = time.mktime(self.currenttime.timetuple()) self.lines = self.axes.plot([self.starttime], [0], 'r-') # set tick locators self.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(self.xMajor) self.axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(self.xMinor) self.axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(self.yMajor) self.axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(self.yMinor) self.axes.set_xlim((date2num(self.starttime),date2num(self.currenttime))) # create x-axis tick labels (seconds) self.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels(self.createXTickLabels(self.currenttime_tick), rotation = 30, ha = "right", size = 'smaller', name = 'Calibri') self.axes.set_ylim(self.ymin,self.ymax) # create y-axis tick labels (mV) self.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels(self.createYTickLabels(self.ymin), size = 'smaller', name = 'Calibri') # set the properties of the minor axes self.axes.grid(color = 'lightgrey', linewidth = 0.05, linestyle = ':', which = 'minor') # set the properties of the major axes self.axes.grid(color = 'slategrey', linewidth = 0.5, linestyle = '-', which = 'major')
def setXYlim(self, data, para): for label in self.axes.get_xaxis().get_ticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(9) if data[1][-1] > 0: #正 if data[1][-1] > para["open"]*0.75: self.axes.axhline(y = para["open"], linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.5, color = "gray") if data[1][-1] > para["stop"]*0.85: self.axes.axhline(y = para["stop"], linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.5, color = "red") if data[1][-1] < para["close"]*1.15: self.axes.axhline(y = para["close"], linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.5, color = "green") else: #反 if data[1][-1] < -para["open"]*0.75: self.axes.axhline(y = -para["open"], linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.5, color = "gray") if data[1][-1] < -para["stop"]*0.85: self.axes.axhline(y = -para["stop"], linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.5, color = "red") if data[1][-1] > -para["close"]*1.15: self.axes.axhline(y = -para["close"], linestyle = "--", linewidth = 0.5, color = "green") thisDate = copy.copy(data[0][-1]) if data[0][-1].time() <= datetime.time(11,30,0): self.axes.axis(xmin=pylab.date2num(thisDate.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=0)), xmax=pylab.date2num(thisDate.replace(hour=11,minute=30))) else: self.axes.axis(xmin=pylab.date2num(thisDate.replace(hour=13,minute=0,second=0)), xmax=pylab.date2num(thisDate.replace(hour=15,minute=0))) pass
def plotSceleton(self, axes, xlabel='Power', ylabel='Period', scaling='log', min_h=0., max_h=1000.): cw = self._cw scales = cw.getscales() pwr = self.getSceleton(cw.getpower()) y = cw.fourierwl * scales axes.imshow(pwr[0],, extent=[ plb.date2num(self._x[0]), plb.date2num(self._x[-1]), y[-1], y[0] ], aspect='auto', interpolation=None) axes.xaxis_date() axes.imshow(pwr[1],, extent=[ plb.date2num(self._x[0]), plb.date2num(self._x[-1]), y[-1], y[0] ], aspect='auto', interpolation=None) axes.xaxis_date() if scaling == "log": axes.set_yscale('log') axes.set_ylim(y[0], y[-1])
def initPlot(self): """ redraw the canvas to set the initial x and y axes when plotting starts """ self.starttime = self.currenttime = self.starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3) self.endtime = self.starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=15) self.timeaxis = num2date(drange(self.starttime, self.endtime, datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=10))) self.xvalues.append(self.timeaxis[0]) self.yvalues.append(self.parentPanel.myECG.ecg_leadII[0]) # for counter purposes only self.ybuffer = self.yvalues self.lines[0].set_data(self.xvalues, self.yvalues) self.axes.set_xlim((date2num(self.starttime), date2num(self.currenttime))) self.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels( self.createXTickLabels(self.currenttime), rotation=30, ha="right", size="smaller", name="Calibri" ) self.samples_counter += 1 self.ysamples_counter += 1 self.buff_counter = 1
def setTicks(self): """ set x and y axes major and minor tick locators, formatters and labels """ # set tick locators self.xMajor = LinearLocator(numticks=16) self.xMinor = LinearLocator(numticks=76) self.yMajor = LinearLocator(numticks=13) self.yMinor = LinearLocator(numticks=61) self.starttime = self.currenttime = self.starttime + datetime.timedelta(seconds=3) self.lines = self.axes.plot([self.starttime], [0], "r-") self.axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(self.xMajor) self.axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(self.xMinor) self.axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(self.yMajor) self.axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(self.yMinor) self.axes.set_xlim((date2num(self.starttime), date2num(self.currenttime))) self.axes.xaxis.set_ticklabels( self.createXTickLabels(self.currenttime), rotation=30, ha="right", size="smaller", name="Calibri" ) self.axes.set_ylim(self.ymin, self.ymax) self.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels(self.createYTickLabels(self.ymin), size="smaller", name="Calibri") self.axes.grid(color="lightgrey", linewidth=0.05, linestyle=":", which="minor") self.axes.grid(color="slategrey", linewidth=0.5, linestyle="-", which="major")
def plot(dates,time,mode,temp): global nfigure, datemin, datemax v, a, b, c = invers(temp, time-datemin) amp,dphi=np.sqrt(a**2+b**2),np.arctan2(b,a) if dphi < 0: dphi = dphi + 2*np.pi phase[i,j], amplitude[i,j] = dphi,amp print('Mean T: {:0.3f} °'.format(np.mean(t))) print('Vitesse: {:0.3f} °/yr'.format(v)) print('Amplitude: {:0.3f} °'.format(np.sqrt(a**2+b**2))) print('Phase Shift: {:0.3f} rad'.format(np.arctan2(b,a))) fit = seasonal(time-datemin,v,a,b,c) # plot data fig = plt.figure(nfigure,figsize=(12,5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # convert idates to num x = date2num(dates) xmin,xmax=datetime.datetime(, 01, 01),datetime.datetime(datemax, 01, 01) xlim=date2num(np.array([xmin,xmax])) # format the ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y/%m/%d")) ax.plot(x,temp, '-bo',ms=.5,lw=.1,color='blue',label='ERAI point {}, {}'.format(lat,lon),rasterized=True) ax.plot(x,fit,'-r',lw=2.0,label='MAAT: {0:.2f}, v: {1:.2f} deg/yrs, dphi:{2:.2f} rad, Amp:{3:.2f} deg'.format(np.mean(temp),v,dphi,amp)) ax.plot(xlim,[0,0],'--',c='black') fig.autofmt_xdate() ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim([-30,30]) plt.xlabel('Time (Year/month/day)') plt.ylabel('Temperature (deg)') plt.legend(loc='best') fig.savefig('temperatures_{}_{}.pdf'.format(lat,lon), format='PDF') nfigure=+1 # plot mod fig2 = plt.figure(nfigure,figsize=(7,5)) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1) ax2.set_xlim([0,1]) ax2.plot(mode,temp, '-bo',ms=.5,lw=.1,color='blue',label='ERAI point {}, {}'.format(lat,lon),rasterized=True) x = np.arange(0,1,0.01) fit = seasonal(x,v,a,b,c) ax2.plot(x,fit,'-r',lw=2.0,label='MAAT: {0:.2f}'.format(np.mean(temp))) ax2.plot([0,1],[0,0],'--',c='black') idx = np.argwhere(np.diff(np.sign(fit))).flatten() for k in range(len(idx)): ax2.text(x[idx[k]],-25,'{:0.3f}'.format(x[idx[k]])) ax2.text(x[idx[k]],-28,(datetime.datetime(, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(x[idx[k]]*365.1 - 1)).strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) ax2.plot([x[idx[k]],x[idx[k]]],[-30,30],'--',c='black') ax2.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 1, 1./12)) ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%0.1f')) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Temperature (deg)') plt.legend(loc='best') ax2.set_ylim([-30,30]) fig2.savefig('Modtemperatures_{}_{}.pdf'.format(lat,lon), format='PDF')
def save_data_cube(radar1, radar2, ncf_fname): ncf = NetCDFFile(ncf_fname, "w") ncf.createDimension("nx", len(radar1["xar"])) ncf.createDimension("ny", len(radar1["yar"])) ncf.createDimension("nl", len(radar1["levs"])) ncf.createDimension("one", 1) ncf.createDimension("two", 2) avail_vars_radar1 = set(radar1.keys()) & set( ["VE", "VR", "CZ", "RH", "PH", "ZD", "SW", "KD", "i_comp", "j_comp", "k_comp", "u_array", "v_array", "w_array"] ) avail_vars_radar2 = set(radar2.keys()) & set( ["VE", "VR", "CZ", "RH", "PH", "ZD", "SW", "KD", "i_comp", "j_comp", "k_comp"] ) # testme=make_var(ncf, var, 'f', ('nx', 'ny', 'nl'), gp[var]) ncf_varlist_radar1 = [ make_var(ncf, var + "_radar1", "f", ("nx", "ny", "nl"), radar1[var]) for var in avail_vars_radar1 ] ncf_varlist_radar2 = [ make_var(ncf, var + "_radar2", "f", ("nx", "ny", "nl"), radar2[var]) for var in avail_vars_radar2 ] xvar = ncf.createVariable("xar", "f", ("one", "nx")) for i in range(len(radar1["xar"])): xvar[0, i] = float(radar1["xar"][i]) yvar = ncf.createVariable("yar", "f", ("one", "ny")) for j in range(len(radar1["yar"])): yvar[0, j] = float(radar1["yar"][j]) # yvar.assignValue(array([gp['yar']])) lvar = ncf.createVariable("levs", "f", ("one", "nl")) for k in range(len(radar1["levs"])): lvar[0, k] = float(radar1["levs"][k]) # lvar.assignValue(array([gp['levs']])) rad1_locvar = ncf.createVariable("radar1_loc", "f", ("one", "two")) rad2_locvar = ncf.createVariable("radar2_loc", "f", ("one", "two")) rad1_disvar = ncf.createVariable("radar1_dis", "f", ("one", "two")) rad2_disvar = ncf.createVariable("radar2_dis", "f", ("one", "two")) rad1_datvar = ncf.createVariable("radar1_date", "d", ("one", "one")) rad2_datvar = ncf.createVariable("radar2_date", "d", ("one", "one")) rad1_locvar[0, 0] = float(radar1["radar_loc"][0]) rad1_locvar[0, 1] = float(radar1["radar_loc"][1]) rad2_locvar[0, 0] = float(radar2["radar_loc"][0]) rad2_locvar[0, 1] = float(radar2["radar_loc"][1]) rad1_disvar[0, 0] = float(radar1["displacement"][0]) rad1_disvar[0, 1] = float(radar1["displacement"][1]) rad2_disvar[0, 0] = float(radar2["displacement"][0]) rad2_disvar[0, 1] = float(radar2["displacement"][1]) rad1_datvar[0, 0] = float(date2num(radar1["date"])) rad2_datvar[0, 0] = float(date2num(radar2["date"])) setattr(ncf, "radar1_name", radar1["radar_name"]) setattr(ncf, "radar2_name", radar2["radar_name"]) # ncf_varlist_gp=dict([(var+'_gp',ncf.createVariable(var+'_gp', 'f', ('nx', 'ny', 'nl'))) for var in avail_vars_gp]) # for var in avail_vars_gp: # for i in range(ncf_varlist_gp[var+'_gp'].shape[0]): # for j in range(ncf_varlist_gp[var+'_gp'].shape[1]): # for k in range(ncf_varlist_gp[var+'_gp'].shape[2]): # ncf_varlist_gp[var+'_gp'][i,j,k]=gp[var][i,j,k] ncf.close()
def addSlider(self, valmax): """ put a slider widget to navigate through the whole ECG plot """ ### FIX ME: Make all time objects as parameters??? (for flexibility) ### Maybe the self.endtime? Kase constant lagi ang starting point ### added valmax as the endtime parameter self.axtime = self.figure.add_axes([0.125, 0.1, 0.775, 0.03]) self.time_scroller = matplotlib.widgets.Slider( self.axtime, "", date2num(self.starttime), date2num(valmax), valinit=date2num(self.starttime) ) self.time_scroller.on_changed(self.updateWindow)
def Draw01(D2A, StockName, Duration): #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # show as a picture # x axis, time Llength = len(D2A) - 1 CXL02 = [] for Ll in range(1, Llength): CXL02.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(D2A[Ll][0], '%Y-%m-%d')) CXL02.reverse() #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # y axis, adj close value CXL03 = [] for Ll in range(1, Llength): CXL03.append(float(D2A[Ll][2])) CXL03.reverse() Label03 = D2A[0][2] # Buy piont CXL06 = [] CXL07 = [] for Ll in range(1, Llength): if D2A[Ll][12] == "BBB": CXL06.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(D2A[Ll][0], '%Y-%m-%d')) CXL07.append(float(D2A[Ll][2])) CXL06.reverse() CXL07.reverse() #--------------------------------------- # Sell point CXL08 = [] CXL09 = [] for Ll in range(1, Llength): if D2A[Ll][13] == "SSS": CXL08.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(D2A[Ll][0], '%Y-%m-%d')) CXL09.append(float(D2A[Ll][2])) CXL08.reverse() CXL09.reverse() #--------------------------------------- # volumn CXL10 = [] for Ll in range(1, Llength): CXL10.append(int(D2A[Ll][5])) CXL10.reverse() #--------------------------------------- plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot(211) ax2 = plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(CXL02, CXL03, color="black", label=Label03) plt.plot_date(pylab.date2num(CXL06), CXL07) plt.plot_date(pylab.date2num(CXL08), CXL09, color="red") plt.title(StockName + " + Average " + str(Duration) + " + Buy / Sell point ") plt.plot(CXL02, CXL10) plt.title(" Vol. ")
def make_hourly(data): ''' ''' time = data['time'] ntimesnew = int((time[-1] - time[0]).total_seconds() / 3600) timenew = [time[0] + dt.timedelta(i) / 24 for i in range(ntimesnew)] for varname, var in data.iteritems(): if (varname == 'time'): continue var = sp.interp(pl.date2num(timenew), pl.date2num(time), var) data[varname] = var data['time'] = timenew return 0
def make_hourly(data): ''' ''' time = data['time'] ntimesnew = int((time[-1]-time[0]).total_seconds() / 3600) timenew = [time[0]+dt.timedelta(i)/24 for i in range(ntimesnew)] for varname, var in data.iteritems(): if (varname == 'time'): continue var = sp.interp(pl.date2num(timenew), pl.date2num(time), var) data[varname] = var data['time'] = timenew return 0
def extraPlots(): import datetime from matplotlib.dates import MONDAY, MonthLocator, WeekdayLocator, DateFormatter #converts dates to format matplotlib understands... time = P.date2num(data[:,dict['DateTimeUT']]) mondays = WeekdayLocator(MONDAY) months = MonthLocator(range(1,13, 2), bymonthday=2) monthsFmt = DateFormatter("%b '%y") y2007 =, 1, 1) y2008 =, 1, 1) y2007plot = P.date2num(y2007) y2008plot = P.date2num(y2008) widening = 5. fig = P.figure() P.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) P.title('ALFOSC focus pyramid data') ax.plot_date(time, telfocusOld, 'wo', xdate = True) ax.plot_date(time, telfocusCorrected, 'bo') ax.axhline(medianNew, color = 'b', label = 'New Median', lw = 1., ls = '-') ax.axhline(medianOld, color = 'r', label ='Old Median', lw = 1., ls = '--') ax.axvline(y2007plot, color = 'k') ax.axvline(y2008plot, color = 'k') ax.legend(shadow = True, loc = 'best') P.ylabel('Telescope Focus + Median Offset') P.xlim(min(time)-widening, max(time)+widening) P.ylim(23300.,23500.) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(monthsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mondays) fig.autofmt_xdate() bx = fig.add_subplot(212) bx.plot_date(time, data[:,dict['TempInAirDegC']], fmt='ro', xdate=True) bx.axhline(0.) bx.axvline(y2007plot, color = 'k') bx.axvline(y2008plot, color = 'k') bx.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) bx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(monthsFmt) bx.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mondays) P.xlim(min(time)-widening, max(time)+widening) P.ylabel('Temperature In Air (DegC)') fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.savefig('foc-pyr_time.png') P.close()
def extraPlots(): import datetime from matplotlib.dates import MONDAY, MonthLocator, WeekdayLocator, DateFormatter #converts dates to format matplotlib understands... time = P.date2num(data[:, dict['DateTimeUT']]) mondays = WeekdayLocator(MONDAY) months = MonthLocator(range(1, 13, 2), bymonthday=2) monthsFmt = DateFormatter("%b '%y") y2007 =, 1, 1) y2008 =, 1, 1) y2007plot = P.date2num(y2007) y2008plot = P.date2num(y2008) widening = 5. fig = P.figure() P.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) P.title('ALFOSC focus pyramid data') ax.plot_date(time, telfocusOld, 'wo', xdate=True) ax.plot_date(time, telfocusCorrected, 'bo') ax.axhline(medianNew, color='b', label='New Median', lw=1., ls='-') ax.axhline(medianOld, color='r', label='Old Median', lw=1., ls='--') ax.axvline(y2007plot, color='k') ax.axvline(y2008plot, color='k') ax.legend(shadow=True, loc='best') P.ylabel('Telescope Focus + Median Offset') P.xlim(min(time) - widening, max(time) + widening) P.ylim(23300., 23500.) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(monthsFmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mondays) fig.autofmt_xdate() bx = fig.add_subplot(212) bx.plot_date(time, data[:, dict['TempInAirDegC']], fmt='ro', xdate=True) bx.axhline(0.) bx.axvline(y2007plot, color='k') bx.axvline(y2008plot, color='k') bx.xaxis.set_major_locator(months) bx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(monthsFmt) bx.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mondays) P.xlim(min(time) - widening, max(time) + widening) P.ylabel('Temperature In Air (DegC)') fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.savefig('foc-pyr_time.png') P.close()
def uvmat(self): hsmat = np.zeros ([20]+list(self.llat.shape)).astype(np.int16) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2003,1,1)) jd2 = pl.date2num(dtm(2009,12,31)) vlist = np.linspace(0,1.5,21) for jd in np.arange(jd1,jd2+1): print pl.num2date(jd) self.load(jd=jd) uv = np.sqrt(self.u**2 + self.v**2) for n,(v1,v2) in enumerate(zip(vlist[:-1],vlist[1:])): msk = (uv>=v1) & (uv<v2) hsmat[n,msk] += 1 return hsmat
def uvmat(self): hsmat = np.zeros([20] + list(self.llat.shape)).astype(np.int16) jd1 = pl.date2num(dtm(2003, 1, 1)) jd2 = pl.date2num(dtm(2009, 12, 31)) vlist = np.linspace(0, 1.5, 21) for jd in np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1): print pl.num2date(jd) self.load(jd=jd) uv = np.sqrt(self.u**2 + self.v**2) for n, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(vlist[:-1], vlist[1:])): msk = (uv >= v1) & (uv < v2) hsmat[n, msk] += 1 return hsmat
def plot(prediction_dir): # get real data USING_CACHE = True series_cache_path = './data/series_cache.pkl' real_data = extractHourlyPower(series_cache_path, USING_CACHE) # get prediction data fi = open(prediction_dir,'rb') prediction = pickle.load(fi) fi.close() print('prediction amount: '+str(len(prediction))) print('prediction sahpe: '+str(numpy.shape(prediction[0]))) # get prediction data #fi = open('./result/pre_history_average.pkl','rb') fi = open('./result/pre_ecd-dcd_batch1_lstm1_patience5.pkl','rb') history_average = pickle.load(fi) fi.close() # plot real data date = [str(real_data[i:i+1].keys().values[0]) for i in range(len(real_data))] real_power = [i for i in real_data] real_x = [dt.datetime.strptime(d,'%Y%m%d%H') for d in date] pylab.plot_date(pylab.date2num(real_x), real_power, linestyle='-', color='black') # plot prediction data power_pre = prediction pre_point_num = len(power_pre) data_pre = date[-pre_point_num:] #print(data_pre) #print(power_pre) x_pre = [dt.datetime.strptime(d,'%Y%m%d%H') for d in data_pre] pylab.plot_date(pylab.date2num(x_pre), power_pre, linestyle='-', color='green') # plot history average pylab.plot_date(pylab.date2num(x_pre), history_average, linestyle='-', color='red') # calculate rmse y_true = real_power[-pre_point_num:] print('history average rmse: ', sqrt(smet.mean_squared_error(y_true, history_average))) print('predection rmse: ', sqrt(smet.mean_squared_error(y_true, power_pre))) #print(sqrt(smet.mean_squared_error(y_true, power_val_pre))) xlabel(u"date & hour") ylabel(u"power_used (every hour)") grid(True) show()
def refresh(self, fld, fldtype="DAY", jd1=None, jd2=None, delall=False): """ Read a L3 mapped file and add field to current instance""" jd1 = pl.datestr2num('2003-01-01') if jd1 is None else jd1 jd2 = int(pl.date2num( - 1 if jd2 is None else jd2 for jd in np.arange(jd1, jd2): print " --- %s --- " % pl.num2date(jd).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') filename = os.path.join( self.datadir, self.generate_filename(jd,fld,fldtype) + ".nc") if delall: for fn in glob.glob(filename + "*"): print "Deleted %s" % fn os.remove(fn) print "Checking files" if not os.path.isfile(filename[:-3] + '.npz'): try: self.load(fld, fldtype, jd=jd, verbose=True) except IOError: print "Downloading failed. Trying to remove old files." try: os.remove(filename) except: pass try: self.load(fld,fldtype,jd=jd,verbose=True) except: print (" ### Warning! Failed to add %s ###" % os.path.basename(filename)) print "\n" else: print "found"
def plotresult(outflow, wetness): "Plots the result using matplotlib" # import some matplotlib functionality import pylab import numpy import cmf.draw # Make the upper plot pylab.subplot(211) # Draw the timeseries. cmf.draw.plot_timeseries is a thin wrapper over pylab.plot_date cmf.draw.plot_timeseries(outflow) pylab.title('Groundwater recharge') pylab.axis('tight') # Make the lower plot pylab.subplot(212) # Convert wetness to a numpy array - for faster analysis wetness = numpy.array(wetness) # Make a times/depth contour map pylab.contourf([pylab.date2num(t.AsPython()) for t in outflow.iter_time()], c.layers.thickness * 0.5 - c.layers.lower_boundary, wetness.T, levels=numpy.linspace(wetness.min(), 1, 50),, extend='both', ) pylab.title('Wetness') pylab.gca().xaxis_date() pylab.axis('tight')
def _jd_to_dtm(self): dtobj = pl.num2date(self.jd) njattrlist = ['yr', 'mn', 'dy', 'hr', 'min', 'sec'] dtattrlist = ['year','month','day','hour','minute', 'second'] for njattr,dtattr in zip(njattrlist, dtattrlist): setattr(self, njattr, getattr(dtobj, dtattr)) self.yd = self.jd - pl.date2num(dtm(self.yr,1,1)) + 1
def make_ticket_history_table(env, dates, sorted_events): """ This function takes list of dates in milestone and ticket events then produce a dictionary with key as milestone event and value as that list of ticket counts each day. dates is the numerical array of date in UTC time. sorted_event is dictionary of events that occurs in milestone """ #Initialize the count using key in events tkt_counts = {'Enter':[], 'Leave':[], 'Finish':[]} #initialize the table for date in dates:"Date:%s" % (num2date(date),)) for key in tkt_counts: tkt_counts[key].append(0) #Create dictionary of list that hold ticket count each day in dates for event in sorted_events: #Time in epoch time date = to_datetime(event[0]) #Get the index of this date in the dates list index = bisect(dates, date2num(date)) - 1 for key in tkt_counts: tkt_counts[key][index] = tkt_counts[key][index] + len(event[1][key]) return tkt_counts
def calc_mld(files, start, x0=0.0, y0=0.0): """ Caclulate density-based MLD from a bunch of VTU files """ mld = [] times = [] dates = [] for file in files: try: os.stat(file) except: print("No such file: %s" % file) sys.exit(1) # open vtu and derive the field indices of the edge at (x=0,y=0) ordered by depth u = vtktools.vtu(file) pos = u.GetLocations() ind = get_1d_indices(pos, x0, y0) # from this we can derive the 1D profile of any field like this: depth = vtktools.arr([-pos[i, 2] for i in ind]) # handle time for different types of plots time = u.GetScalarField('Time') times.append(time[0]) # seconds dates.append(date2num(start + timedelta(seconds=time[0]))) # integer datetime # grab density profile and calculate MLD_den (using 2 different deviation parameters d = u.GetScalarField('Density') den = vtktools.arr([d[i] * 1000 for i in ind]) mld.append(calc_mld_den(den, depth)) #den0 = 0.03 is default return mld, times, dates
def __init__(self, projname, casename=None, **kwargs): super(Trm, self).__init__(projname, casename, **kwargs) if not hasattr(self, 'trmdir'): self.trmdir = os.getenv('TRMDIR') if self.trmdir is None: raise EnvironmentError, """ Trmdir is not set. Add TRMDIR=/path/to/tracmass to your local environment or specify trmdir when calling Trm.""" def parse(od, pn, cn, sfx): gridfile = '/%s/projects/%s/' % (od, pn, cn, sfx) if not os.path.isfile(gridfile): raise IOError("Can't find the file %s" % gridfile) return nlt.parse(gridfile) self.nlgrid = parse(self.trmdir, self.projname, self.projname, "grid") self.nlrun = parse(self.trmdir, self.projname, self.casename, "run") if not hasattr(self, 'datadir'): self.datadir = self.nlrun.outDataDir if not hasattr(self, 'datafile'): self.datafile = self.nlrun.outDataFile self.base_iso = pl.date2num( dtm(self.nlgrid.baseYear, self.nlgrid.baseMon, self.nlgrid.baseDay)) - 1 self.imt = self.nlgrid.IMT self.jmt = self.nlgrid.JMT
def __init__(self, ob): # populate attributes with sounding data, initially this will # only work with a netcdf variable object (from Sceintific.IO) # but more objects can be added by simply adding elif.. # PLEASE always populate height in the values['alt'] position and # append values['date_list'] and datetime # datetime and date_list[index] are datetime objects # check if it is a netcdf variable list if "getValue" in dir(ob[ob.keys()[0]]): # this is a netcdf variables object self.datetime = num2date(datestr2num("19700101") + ob["base_time"].getValue() / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)) values = {} units = {} longname = {} for var in ob.keys(): values.update({var: ob[var][:]}) try: units.update({var: ob[var].units}) except AttributeError: units.update({var: "no units"}) try: longname.update({var: ob[var].long_name}) except AttributeError: longname.update({var: "no longname"}) values.update( {"date_list": num2date(date2num(self.datetime) + values["time_offset"] / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0))} ) units.update({"date_list": "unitless (object)"}) self.values = values self.units = units self.long_name = longname
def _set_time_origin(self): try: self._time_counter_origin = self.read_nc_att( 'time_counter', 'time_origin') ymd, hms = self._time_counter_origin.split(' ') except Exception: try: self._time_counter_origin = self.read_nc_att( 'time_counter', 'units') junk, junk, ymd, hms = self._time_counter_origin.split(' ') #print self._time_counter_origin except Exception: self._time_counter_origin = self.read_nc_att('time', 'units') junk, junk, ymd, hms = self._time_counter_origin.split(' ') #else: Exception #print self._time_counter_origin y, mo, d = ymd.split('-') h, mi, s = hms.split(':') #print y, mo, d, h, mi, s try: time_origin = datetime(int(y), strptime(mo, '%b').tm_mon, int(d), int(h), int(mi), int(s)) except Exception: time_origin = datetime(int(y), int(mo), int(d), int(h), int(mi), int(s)) self.time_origin = plt.date2num(time_origin) return self
def calc(self): p0=3. a0=15. ts = wn.TrainStrategy.BFGS inp = plb.date2num(self.time) tar = self.value-np.average(self.value) inp -= np.min(inp) delta = np.max(inp)-np.min(inp) k = 4*24/delta inp *= k w = wn.Net(10, np.min(inp), np.max(inp), np.average(tar), a0, .01, p0) track = w.train(inp, tar, ts, 200, 100000, 1, True, True) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace(), tar, w, track) we = wn.Net(10, np.min(inp), np.max(inp), np.average(tar), a0, .01, p0) tracke = we.train(inp, tar, ts, 200, 100000, 1, False, False) plb.title('Суммарная квадратичная ошибка') plb.plot(tracke['e'][0], label='Обычная вейвсеть') plb.plot(track['e'][0], linestyle='--', label='Полиморфная вейвсеть') plb.xlabel('Эпохи') plb.legend() print (tracke['e'][-1]) print (track['e'][-1]), tar, w, tracke) sys.exit()
def refresh_chart(self): # Generate a chart. from pylab import setp, date2num, DateFormatter from datetime import datetime ps = 1e-12 t, dt = date = array([date2num(datetime.fromtimestamp(x)) for x in t]) self.figure.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) self.plot = self.figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.plot.clear() self.plot.set_xlabel("time") self.plot.xaxis_date() setp(self.plot.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90, fontsize=10) self.plot.set_ylabel("timing error [ps]") self.plot.grid() if not all(isnan(dt)): self.plot.plot(date, (dt - self.nom_delay) / ps, '.') # Restrict the time range plotted according to the slider. tmin, tmax = amin(date[~isnan(dt)]), amax(date[~isnan(dt)]) ##tmin = tmax - self.fraction*(tmax-tmin) self.plot.set_xlim(tmin, tmax) tmin, tmax = self.plot.get_xlim() if tmax - tmin < 5. / 24 / 60: date_format = "%H:%M:%S" elif tmax - tmin < 1: date_format = "%H:%M" else: date_format = "%b %d %H:%M" self.plot.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter(date_format)) if not isnan(self.min_dt): self.plot.set_ylim(ymin=self.min_dt / ps) if not isnan(self.max_dt): self.plot.set_ylim(ymax=self.max_dt / ps) self.canvas.draw()
def work_1(): data_in = datetime(2010,6,24,8,00,0) data_fin = datetime(2010,6,24,22,00,0) #np.concatenate((dati,dati2)) dati = df.query_db('greenhouse.db','data',data_in,data_fin) Is = dati['rad_int_sup_solar'] lista_to_filter = df.smooht_Is(Is) Is_2 = df.smooth_value(Is,lista_to_filter) tra_P_M = mf.transpiration_P_M(Is_2,dati['rad_int_inf_solar'],0.64,2.96,((dati['temp_1']+dati['temp_2'])/2)+273.15,(dati['RH_1']+dati['RH_2'])/200) tra_weight = mf.transpiration_from_balance(dati['peso_balanca'],300,2260000) delta_peso = np.diff(dati['peso_balanca']) fr,lista_irr,lista_irr_free = mf.find_irrigation_point(delta_peso,dati['data']) lista_night = mf.remove_no_solar_point(dati['rad_int_sup_solar'],50) lista_no = list(set(lista_irr+ lista_night)) tran_weight,lista_yes = mf.transpiration_from_balance_irr(dati['peso_balanca'],300,2260000,lista_no) min_avg = 6 tra_weigh_avg,time_weight = df.avg2(tran_weight,lista_yes,min_avg) tra_P_M_avg,time_P_M = df.avg2(tra_P_M,lista_yes,min_avg) data_plot.plot_time_data_2_y_same_axis(dati['data'][time_P_M], tra_P_M_avg, 'tra Penman', tra_weigh_avg, 'trans weight') RMSE = df.RMSE(tra_P_M_avg, tra_weigh_avg) print "RMSE is", RMSE print "RRMSE is", df.RRMSE(RMSE, tra_weigh_avg) date = dati['data'][time_P_M].astype(object) dates= pylab.date2num(date) pylab.plot_date(dates,tra_weigh_avg,'rx')
def time_string_to_pylab_float_time(string): # I don't want this entire module to be dependent on pylab. try: import pylab except: print >> sys.stderr, "Couldn't import pylab module." sys.exit(1) # strptime can't handle the fractional part. Split that off. pieces = string.split('.') date_and_time_part = pieces[0] time_struct = date_and_time_part_to_time_struct(date_and_time_part) float_time = pylab.date2num(time_struct) # Add in the fractional part. Also try to handle the timezone part, # if any. if len(pieces) > 1: remaining_pieces = pieces[1].split() if len(remaining_pieces) == 1: pass # No timezone offset elif len(remaining_pieces) == 2: pass # Timezone offset; ignore it. else: print >> sys.stderr, "Extra stuff in time string ", string sys.exit(1) sec_frac = float('.' + remaining_pieces[0]) return float_time + sec_frac / 24 / 60 / 60 else: return float_time
def __init__(self, projname, casename=None, **kwargs): super(Trm, self).__init__(projname, casename, **kwargs) if not hasattr(self, "trmdir"): self.trmdir = os.getenv("TRMDIR") if self.trmdir is None: raise EnvironmentError, """ Trmdir is not set. Add TRMDIR=/path/to/tracmass to your local environment or specify trmdir when calling Trm.""" def parse(od, pn, cn, sfx): gridfile = "/%s/projects/%s/" % (od, pn, cn, sfx) if not os.path.isfile(gridfile): raise IOError("Can't find the file %s" % gridfile) return nlt.parse(gridfile) self.nlgrid = parse(self.trmdir, self.projname, self.projname, "grid") self.nlrun = parse(self.trmdir, self.projname, self.casename, "run") if not hasattr(self, "datadir"): self.datadir = self.nlrun.outDataDir if not hasattr(self, "datafile"): self.datafile = self.nlrun.outDataFile self.base_iso = pl.date2num(dtm(self.nlgrid.baseYear, self.nlgrid.baseMon, self.nlgrid.baseDay)) - 1 self.imt = self.nlgrid.IMT self.jmt = self.nlgrid.JMT
def plot_date_time_graph(db_name,table_name): format='%d %b %Y %I:%M %p' conn = sqlite3.connect(os.getcwd()+'/data/'+db_name+'.db') c=conn.cursor() date_time_arr=[] tweet_count=[] for row in c.execute('SELECT date_posted,time_posted From '+table_name): date_string= ' '.join(row) date_time_arr.append(datetime.strptime(date_string, format)) for row in c.execute('SELECT retweets From '+table_name): tweet_count.append(row[0]+1) y= np.array(tweet_count) x=np.array(date_time_arr) N=len(tweet_count) colors = np.random.rand(N) numtime = [date2num(t) for t in x] # plotting the histogram ax = figure().gca() x, y, patches = hist(numtime, bins=50,alpha=.5) print x,y # adding the labels for the x axis tks = [num2date(p.get_x()) for p in patches] xticks(tks,rotation=40) # formatting the dates on the x axis ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%d %b %H:%M')) ax.set_xlabel('Time(dd-mm HH:MM)', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Tweet Count', fontsize=16) show()
def meter_logs(lines): lists = (line.lower().split(',') for line in lines) log = (dict(zip(defaultcolnames, el)) for el in lists) log = field_map(log, 'Time Stamp', lambda s: pylab.date2num(datetime.strptime(s, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))) log = field_map(log, 'Watts', lambda s: float(s)) return log
def calc_mld(files,start,x0=0.0,y0=0.0): """ Caclulate density-based MLD from a bunch of VTU files """ mld = [] times = [] dates = [] for file in files: try: os.stat(file) except: print("No such file: %s" % file) sys.exit(1) # open vtu and derive the field indices of the edge at (x=0,y=0) ordered by depth u=vtktools.vtu(file) pos = u.GetLocations() ind = get_1d_indices(pos, x0, y0) # from this we can derive the 1D profile of any field like this: depth = vtktools.arr([-pos[i,2] for i in ind]) # handle time for different types of plots time = u.GetScalarField('Time') times.append(time[0]) # seconds dates.append( date2num(start + timedelta(seconds=time[0])) ) # integer datetime # grab density profile and calculate MLD_den (using 2 different deviation parameters d = u.GetScalarField('Density') den = vtktools.arr( [d[i] * 1000 for i in ind] ) mld.append( calc_mld_den(den, depth) ) #den0 = 0.03 is default return mld, times, dates
def make_ticket_history_table(env, dates, sorted_events): """ This function takes list of dates in milestone and ticket events then produce a dictionary with key as milestone event and value as that list of ticket counts each day. dates is the numerical array of date in UTC time. sorted_event is dictionary of events that occurs in milestone """ #Initialize the count using key in events tkt_counts = {'Enter': [], 'Leave': [], 'Finish': []} #initialize the table for date in dates:"Date:%s" % (num2date(date),)) for key in tkt_counts: tkt_counts[key].append(0) #Create dictionary of list that hold ticket count each day in dates for event in sorted_events: #Time in epoch time date = to_datetime(event[0]) #Get the index of this date in the dates list index = bisect(dates, date2num(date)) - 1 for key in tkt_counts: tkt_counts[key][index] = tkt_counts[key][index] + len( event[1][key]) return tkt_counts
def get_spot_history(self, instance_type, start=None, end=None, plot=False): if not utils.is_iso_time(start): raise exception.InvalidIsoDate(start) if not utils.is_iso_time(end): raise exception.InvalidIsoDate(end) hist = self.conn.get_spot_price_history(start_time=start, end_time=end, instance_type=instance_type, product_description="Linux/UNIX") if not hist: raise exception.SpotHistoryError(start,end) dates = [ utils.iso_to_datetime_tuple(i.timestamp) for i in hist] prices = [ i.price for i in hist ] maximum = max(prices) avg = sum(prices)/len(prices)"Current price: $%.2f" % hist[-1].price)"Max price: $%.2f" % maximum)"Average price: $%.2f" % avg) if plot: try: import pylab pylab.plot_date(pylab.date2num(dates), prices, linestyle='-') pylab.xlabel('date') pylab.ylabel('price (cents)') pylab.title('%s Price vs Date (%s - %s)' % (instance_type, start, end)) pylab.grid(True) except ImportError,e: log.error("Error importing pylab:") log.error(str(e)) log.error("please check that matplotlib is installed and that:") log.error(" $ python -c 'import pylab'") log.error("completes without error")
def refresh(self, fld, fldtype="DAY", jd1=None, jd2=None, delall=False): """ Read a L3 mapped file and add field to current instance""" jd1 = pl.datestr2num('2003-01-01') if jd1 is None else jd1 jd2 = int(pl.date2num( - 1 if jd2 is None else jd2 for jd in np.arange(jd1, jd2): print " --- %s --- " % pl.num2date(jd).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') filename = os.path.join( self.datadir, self.generate_filename(jd, fld, fldtype) + ".nc") if delall: for fn in glob.glob(filename + "*"): print "Deleted %s" % fn os.remove(fn) print "Checking files" if not os.path.isfile(filename[:-3] + '.npz'): try: self.load(fld, fldtype, jd=jd, verbose=True) except IOError: print "Downloading failed. Trying to remove old files." try: os.remove(filename) except: pass try: self.load(fld, fldtype, jd=jd, verbose=True) except: print(" ### Warning! Failed to add %s ###" % os.path.basename(filename)) print "\n" else: print "found"
def batch_insert(): import batch def copy(jd): tr = traj('jplNOW','ftp','/Volumes/keronHD3/ormOut/') print pl.num2date(jd), jd tr.load(jd) tr.remove_satnans() if len(tr.x>0): tr.db_copy() #batch.jdloop(copy,733773.0, 734138.0,3) for jd in np.arange(733865.0,734138): dt1 = pl.date2num( copy(jd) dt2 = pl.date2num( print "----------",dt2-dt1
def predict(recentDate, models): newDates = [] estCPI = [] for i in range(24): newDates.append(add_months(recentDate, 1)) recentDate = newDates[-1] mplDates = pylab.date2num(newDates) for m in models: for x in mplDates: estCPI.append(pylab.polyval(m, x)) fig, ax = pylab.subplots() pylab.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1 pylab.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 10 pylab.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 10 pylab.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 8 pylab.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 8 pylab.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 8 pylab.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 8 pylab.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 5 pylab.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = 1 pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(min(estCPI), max(estCPI) + 1, 0.5)) ax.fmt_xdata = pylab.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.set_title('Projected Canada CPI Inflation') pylab.xlabel('Date') fig.autofmt_xdate() pylab.ylabel('Est. CPI') pylab.plot(newDates, estCPI)
def refresh(self, jd1=None, jd2=None): """ Read a L3 mapped file and add field to current instance""" jd1 = self.jdmin if jd1 is None else jd1 jd2 = int(pl.date2num( - 1 if jd2 is None else jd2 for jd in np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1): filename = os.path.join(self.datadir, self.generate_filename(jd)) print " --- %s --- " % pl.num2date(jd).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') print "Checking %s" % filename + '.bz2' if not os.path.isfile(filename + '.bz2'): try: self.load(jd=jd, verbose=True) except IOError: print "Downloading failed. Trying to remove old files." try: os.remove(filename) except: pass try: os.remove(filename + ".bz2") except: pass try: self.load(jd=jd, verbose=True) except: print(" ### Warning! Failed to add %s ###" % os.path.basename(filename)) print "\n" else: print "found"
def parsedate(s): if len(s) <= 7: year, month = s.split("-") result = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), 15) else: result = parser.parse(s) return pylab.date2num(result)
def plot_dwaf_data(realtime, file_name='data_plot.png', gauge=True): x = pl.date2num( y = realtime.q pl.clf() pl.figure(figsize=(7.5, 4.5)) pl.rc('text', usetex=True)# TEX fonts pl.plot_date(x,y,'b-',linewidth=1) pl.grid(which='major') pl.grid(which='minor') if gauge: pl.ylabel(r'Flow rate (m$^3$s$^{-1}$)') title = 'Real-time flow -- %s [%s]' % (realtime.station_id[0:6], realtime.station_desc) else: title = 'Real-time capacity -- %s [%s]' % (realtime.station_id[0:6], realtime.station_desc) pl.ylabel('Percentage of F.S.C') labeled_days = DayLocator(interval=3) ticked_days = DayLocator() dayfmt = DateFormatter('%d/%m/%Y') ax = pl.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(labeled_days) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dayfmt) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(ticked_days) pl.xticks(fontsize=10) pl.yticks(fontsize=10) pl.title(title, fontsize=14) pl.savefig(file_name, dpi=100)
def calc_mld_tke_files(files,start,x0=0.0,y0=0.0): """ Caclulate tke-based MLD from a bunch of VTU files """ mld = [] times = [] dates = [] for file in files: try: os.stat(file) except: print "No such file: %s" % file sys.exit(1) # open vtu and derive the field indices of the edge at (x=0,y=0) ordered by depth u=vtktools.vtu(file) pos = u.GetLocations() ind = get_1d_indices(pos, x0, y0) # from this we can derive the 1D profile of any field like this: depth = vtktools.arr([-pos[i,2] for i in ind]) # handle time for different types of plots time = u.GetScalarField('Time') times.append(time[0]) # seconds dates.append( date2num(start + timedelta(seconds=time[0])) ) # integer datetime # grab density profile and calculate MLD d = u.GetScalarField('GLSTurbulentKineticEnergy') tke = vtktools.arr( [d[i] for i in ind] ) mld.append( calc_mld_tke(tke, depth) ) return mld, times, dates
def refresh(self, jd1=None, jd2=None): """ Read a L3 mapped file and add field to current instance""" jd1 = self.jdmin if jd1 is None else jd1 jd2 = int(pl.date2num( - 1 if jd2 is None else jd2 for jd in np.arange(jd1, jd2+1): filename = os.path.join(self.datadir, self.generate_filename(jd)) print " --- %s --- " % pl.num2date(jd).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') print "Checking %s" % filename + '.bz2' if not os.path.isfile(filename + '.bz2'): try: self.load(jd=jd, verbose=True) except IOError: print "Downloading failed. Trying to remove old files." try: os.remove(filename) except: pass try: os.remove(filename + ".bz2") except: pass try: self.load(jd=jd,verbose=True) except: print (" ### Warning! Failed to add %s ###" % os.path.basename(filename)) print "\n" else: print "found"
def get_spot_history(self, instance_type, start=None, end=None, plot=False): if not utils.is_iso_time(start): raise exception.InvalidIsoDate(start) if not utils.is_iso_time(end): raise exception.InvalidIsoDate(end) hist = self.conn.get_spot_price_history(start_time=start, end_time=end, instance_type=instance_type, product_description="Linux/UNIX") if not hist: raise exception.SpotHistoryError(start, end) dates = [utils.iso_to_datetime_tuple(i.timestamp) for i in hist] prices = [i.price for i in hist] maximum = max(prices) avg = sum(prices) / len(prices)"Current price: $%.2f" % hist[-1].price)"Max price: $%.2f" % maximum)"Average price: $%.2f" % avg) if plot: try: import pylab pylab.plot_date(pylab.date2num(dates), prices, linestyle='-') pylab.xlabel('date') pylab.ylabel('price (cents)') pylab.title('%s Price vs Date (%s - %s)' % (instance_type, start, end)) pylab.grid(True) except ImportError, e: log.error("Error importing pylab:") log.error(str(e)) log.error("please ensure matplotlib is installed and that:") log.error(" $ python -c 'import pylab'") log.error("completes without error")
def plot_2d_data(data,depths,time_secs,start_date,file_path,axis_label,finish_date=None,mld_data=None,max_depth=150,interval=3,minimum=None,maximum=None,spacing=None,colour_scale=cm.jet,dates=None): """ """ # turn given 2d-arrays into numpy arrays (in case they are not already) data = vtktools.arr(data) time_secs = vtktools.arr(time_secs) depths = vtktools.arr(depths) # convert time profiles in seconds into months start = datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if (dates == None): dates = time_secs i = 0 for time in time_secs: t = float(time[0].item()) dates[i,:] = date2num(start + timedelta(seconds=t)) i += 1 # see if finishing date is given, default to last time given if (finish_date != None): finish = datetime.strptime(finish_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: finish = dates[-1][0] # define min/max and spacing of data if not given (so we see all of the data) if (minimum == None): minimum = data.min() minimum = minimum - (0.1*minimum) if (maximum == None): maximum = data.max() maximum = maximum + (0.1*maximum) if (spacing == None): spacing = (maximum - minimum) /256. # plot 2d colour graph... fig = figure(figsize=(15,8),dpi=90) ax = fig.add_axes([.1,.18,.9,.7]) cs=ax.contour(dates, depths, data, arange(minimum,maximum,spacing),cmap=colour_scale) cs=ax.contourf(dates, depths, data, arange(minimum,maximum,spacing),cmap=colour_scale) pp=colorbar(cs,format='%.2f') if(mld_data!=None): ax.plot(dates[:,0],mld_data,'w', alpha=0.7) dateFmt = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%m/%Y') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(dateFmt) monthsLoc = mpl.dates.MonthLocator(interval=interval) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(monthsLoc) labels = ax.get_xticklabels() for label in labels: label.set_rotation(30) ax.set_ylim(max_depth, 0) ax.set_xlim(start,finish) pp.set_label(axis_label) xlabel('Date (mm/yyyy)') ylabel('Depth (m)') form = file_path.split('.')[-1].strip() savefig(file_path, dpi=90,format=form) close(fig)