def hist_plot(thetali, qt, ql, zrange, krange, time_field, path): nk = len(krange) plt.figure(figsize=(25, 5)) for k in range(nk): plt.subplot(1, nk, k + 1) plt.hist2d(thetali[k, :], qt[k, :], bins=100, normed=True) plt.colorbar() plt.title('z=' + str(zrange[k]) + 'm') plt.xlabel(r'$\theta_l$') plt.ylabel(r'$q_t$') # plt.xlim([298, 305]) # plt.ylim([0.007,0.018]) plt.suptitle('LES Data (t=' + str(np.round((time_field / 3600), 1)) + 'h)') plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, 'hist2d_plot_t' + str(time_field) + '.png')) plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(25, 5)) for k in range(nk): plt.subplot(1, nk, k + 1) plt.hist2d(thetali[k, :], qt[k, :], bins=100, norm=LogNorm(), normed=True) plt.colorbar() plt.title('z=' + str(zrange[k]) + 'm') plt.xlabel(r'$\theta_l$') plt.ylabel(r'$q_t$') # plt.xlim([298, 305]) # plt.ylim([0.007,0.018]) plt.suptitle('LES Data (t=' + str(np.round((time_field / 3600), 1)) + 'h)') plt.savefig( os.path.join(path, 'hist2d_plot_log_t' + str(time_field) + '.png')) plt.close() return
def shear_plot2d(env, **kwargs): models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', None) src_index = kwargs.pop('src_index', None) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') obj_slice = index_to_slice(obj_index) src_slice = index_to_slice(src_index) s0 = [[] for o in env.objects] s1 = [[] for o in env.objects] for mi, m in enumerate(models): # For H0 we only have to look at one model because the others are the same for oi, [obj, data] in enumerate(m['obj,data'][obj_slice]): if not data.has_key('shear'): continue #s0[oi].append(90-np.degrees(np.arctan2(*data['shear']))) s0[oi].append(data['shear'][0]) s1[oi].append(data['shear'][1]) #s0,s1 = data['shear'] #Log( 'Model %i Object %i Shear %.4f %.4f' % (mi, oi, s0,s1) ) kw = kwargs.copy() kw.setdefault( 'bins', max(11, min(15, (int(np.sqrt(max(len(s0[0]), len(s1[0]))) // 2)) * 2 + 1))) if s0[0] and s1[0]: pl.hist2d(s0[0], s1[0], **kw) pl.title(r'Shear') pl.xlabel(r'$\varepsilon_1$') pl.ylabel(r'$\varepsilon_2$')
def do_q2_sampling(): NSAMPLES = 10000 u = -1.0 + (2.0 * np.random.random(N)) v = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0) p.hist2d(u, v)
def shear_plot2d(env, **kwargs): models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', None) src_index = kwargs.pop('src_index', None) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') obj_slice = index_to_slice(obj_index) src_slice = index_to_slice(src_index) s0 = [ [] for o in env.objects ] s1 = [ [] for o in env.objects ] for mi,m in enumerate(models): # For H0 we only have to look at one model because the others are the same for oi, [obj,data] in enumerate(m['obj,data'][obj_slice]): if not data.has_key('shear'): continue #s0[oi].append(90-np.degrees(np.arctan2(*data['shear']))) s0[oi].append(data['shear'][0]) s1[oi].append(data['shear'][1]) #s0,s1 = data['shear'] #Log( 'Model %i Object %i Shear %.4f %.4f' % (mi, oi, s0,s1) ) kw = kwargs.copy() kw.setdefault('bins', max(11, min(15,(int(np.sqrt(max(len(s0[0]),len(s1[0])))//2)) * 2 + 1))) if s0[0] and s1[0]: pl.hist2d(s0[0],s1[0], **kw) pl.title(r'Shear') pl.xlabel(r'$\varepsilon_1$') pl.ylabel(r'$\varepsilon_2$')
def __init__(self, num, name, x_data, x_ax_label, x_nbins, y_data, y_ax_label, y_nbins, outputpath): plt.close('all') ## The histogram plot. plot = plt.figure(num, figsize=(5.0, 3.0), dpi=150, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w') # Adjust the position of the axes. plot.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.17, left=0.15) ## The plot axes. plotax = plot.add_subplot(111) # Set the y axis label. plt.ylabel(y_ax_label) # Set the x axis label. plt.xlabel(x_ax_label) # Add a grid. plt.grid(1) # Plot the 2D histogram. plt.hist2d(x_data, y_data, bins=[x_nbins, y_nbins], norm=LogNorm()) # Add a colour bar. plt.colorbar() # Save the figure. plot.savefig("%s/%s.png" % (outputpath, name))
def main(datafile, feature1, feature2, bins, percentile, copula, logscale): X, features = read_sah_h5(datafile, just_good=False) x = X[:, features.index(feature1)] y = X[:, features.index(feature2)] if percentile > 0 and not copula: bx = np.linspace( scoreatpercentile(x, percentile), scoreatpercentile(x, 100-percentile), bins) by = np.linspace( scoreatpercentile(y, percentile), scoreatpercentile(y, 100-percentile), bins) bins = (bx, by) if copula: x = copula_transform(x) y = copula_transform(y) if logscale: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins, norm=LogNorm()) else: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins) pl.xlabel(feature1) pl.ylabel(feature2)
def draw5(x, y): from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from pylab import hist2d, colorbar, show hist2d(x, y, bins=140, norm=LogNorm()) colorbar() show()
def plotgCAIsDomain(X,Y,xDiv=1,yDiv=20,figName=None): fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(320,3)) pylab.hist2d(Y,X,bins=[len(np.unique(Y))/yDiv,xDiv], norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(), pylab.xlabel("Domain Sorted By Translation Level") pylab.ylabel("gCAIs") pylab.title("Desity Plot - Domains Grouped by [%d], gCAIs Divided by [%d], Top [%d] Domains (PS : values in brackets are manipulable)"%(xDiv,yDiv,len(np.unique(Y)))) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) cbar = pylab.colorbar() if figName: pylab.savefig(figName) else: pylab.close(fig)
def plotgCAIsDomain4(X,Y,xDiv=5,yDiv=25,figName=None): fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(200,5)) pylab.hist2d(X,Y,bins=[max(X),yDiv], norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(), pylab.xlabel("Expression Level") pylab.ylabel("gCAIs") pylab.title("Desity Plot - Expressoin Level Grouped by [%d], gCAIs Divided by [%d] (PS : values in brackets are manipulable)"%(xDiv,yDiv)) pylab.xlim(0,5000) cbar = pylab.colorbar() if figName: pylab.savefig(figName) else: pylab.close(fig)
def centroid_heatmap(c_samples, log_dir, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, bins=10): for i in range(np.shape(np.array(c_samples))[1]): cs = np.array(c_samples)[:, i, :] cx, cy = cs[:, 0], cs[:, 1] import matplotlib.colors as mcolors plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) plt.hist2d(cx, cy, bins=bins, range=[[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max]]) plt.xlabel('$x$-coordinate') plt.ylabel('$y$-coordinate') cbar = plt.colorbar()'Number of samples') plt.savefig(log_dir + 'centroid_heat_' + str(i) + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
def tVertexErrorHist2D(diffsList, values): """ Plots a 2D error histogram for the tVertex-genVertex z values along some other axis, such as time smearing. Usage: tVertexErrorHist2D(differencesList) Differences are a 2D list of differences for each time smearing value. """ pylab.hist2d(diffsList, values, bins=(100, len(np.unique(values)))) pylab.xlabel("tVertexed $z$ - genVertex $z$ (mm)") pylab.ylabel("Smearing $\sigma$ (ps)") pylab.title("tVertexing Precision Over Time Smearing") cbar = pylab.colorbar() cbar.set_label("Counts (normalized per $\sigma$ value)")
def tVertexErrorHist2D(diffsList, values): ''' Plots a 2D error histogram for the tVertex-genVertex z values along some other axis, such as time smearing. Usage: tVertexErrorHist2D(differencesList) Differences are a 2D list of differences for each time smearing value. ''' pylab.hist2d(diffsList, values, bins=(100, len(np.unique(values)))) pylab.xlabel("tVertexed $z$ - genVertex $z$ (mm)") pylab.ylabel("Smearing $\sigma$ (ps)") pylab.title("tVertexing Precision Over Time Smearing") cbar = pylab.colorbar() cbar.set_label("Counts (normalized per $\sigma$ value)")
def plot_responsability_2D_hist( file_name, save_img=False, output_file_name='responsability_histogram.png'): with h5py.File(file_name, 'r') as f: responsabilities = numpy.transpose(f['data']) max_o = [] unique_rots = [] for i in range(numpy.shape(responsabilities)[1]): max_o.append(max(responsabilities[:, i])) unique_rots.append(len(unique(responsabilities[:, i]))) fig = pylab.figure('responsability histogram') pylab.hist2d(max_o, unique_rots, bins=100, norm=LogNorm()) if save_img: pylab.savefig(output_file_name)
def draw_testing_result(in_situ_SSM, predicted_ssm, rmse, r, save_path, show_figure=0): plt.figure() # label of the axis. plt.xlabel(r'In-situ soil moisture [$cm^3/cm^3$]', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(r'Estimated soil moisture [$cm^3/cm^3$]', fontsize=12) # plot the data with the density (number of pixels) h = hist2d(list(in_situ_SSM), list(predicted_ssm), bins=40, cmap='PuBu', range=[[0, 0.4], [0, 0.4]]) cb = plt.colorbar() cb.set_label('Numbers of points') # Add 1:1 line x = np.arange(0, 0.4, 0.1, dtype=float) y = x # Add the information of RMSE and r on the figure. plt.text(0.1, 0.35, 'RMSE: %.2f' % rmse, fontdict={'size': 12}) plt.text(0.1, 0.3, 'r: %.2f' % r, fontdict={'size': 12}) plt.text(0.1, 0.25, 'Num: %d' % len(predicted_ssm), fontdict={'size': 12}) plt.plot(x, y, color='black') plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=300) if show_figure == 0: plt.close()
def plot_distribution_2d(data, xpar, ypar, percentiles=[16, 50, 84]): x, y = data[xpar], data[ypar] xpc = np.percentile(x, percentiles, axis=0) ypc = np.percentile(y, percentiles, axis=0) pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=50, normed=True) for i in xpc: pl.axvline(x=i, ls='--', color='w') for i in ypc: pl.axhline(y=i, ls='--', color='w') pl.xlabel(xpar) pl.ylabel(ypar)
def do_hist2(self, s): print s el = self.get_this_command(s, min_args=2) datareduced = self.reduce_data(data, el[0], self.limits) if len(datareduced[0]) == 0: print "No Data" return arg_dict = { 'bins': 25, 'range': [[0.0, 30.0], [0.0, 30.0]], 'normed': True } arg_dict.update(el[1]) #if ’bins’ in el[1]: # arg_dict['bins'] = int(el[1]['bins'] #if ’normed’ in el[1]: # arg_dict['normed'] = True #if 'log' in el[1]: # arg_dict['norm'] = mc.LogNorm() pylab.hist2d(datareduced[0], datareduced[1], **arg_dict) #pylab.hist2d(datareduced[0], datareduced[1], bins=bins, normed=True, range=[[0.0,30.0],[0.0,30.0]]) #bins = 25 # if len(el) > 1: # bins = int(el[1]) #if len(datareduced[0]): # if len(el) > 2: # if el[2].lower() == "log": # pylab.hist2d(datareduced[0], datareduced[1], bins=bins, norm=mc.LogNorm())#, normed=True) # else: # pylab.hist2d(datareduced[0], datareduced[1], bins=bins, normed=True, range=[[0.0,30.0],[0.0,30.0]]) pylab.colorbar() self.consume(s)
def main(datafile, feature1, feature2, clusterfile, clusterid, bins, percentile, copula, logscale): X, features = read_sah_h5(datafile, just_good=False) x = X[:, features.index(feature1)] y = X[:, features.index(feature2)] if 'id' in features: ids = X[:, features.index('id')] else: ids = np.arange(len(X)).astype(int) include = {} with open(clusterfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: i, c = map(float, line.strip().split(',')) include[i] = (c == clusterid) include_mask = np.array([include.get(i, False) for i in ids]) x = x[include_mask] y = y[include_mask] if percentile > 0 and not copula: bx = np.linspace( scoreatpercentile(x, percentile), scoreatpercentile(x, 100-percentile), bins) by = np.linspace( scoreatpercentile(y, percentile), scoreatpercentile(y, 100-percentile), bins) bins = (bx, by) if copula: x = copula_transform(x) y = copula_transform(y) if logscale: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins, norm=LogNorm()) else: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins) pl.xlabel(feature1) pl.ylabel(feature2) pl.colorbar()
def Plot_Prof(med_log, bands, season, whata, whatb): for band in bands: idxb = med_log['band'] == band sel = med_log[idxb] """ H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(sel[whata],sel[whatb],bins=10,normed=True,range=[[np.min(sel[whata]),np.max(sel[whata])],[np.min(sel[whatb]),np.max(sel[whatb])]]) print(xedges,yedges) """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1) fig.suptitle('Season ' + str(season) + ' - ' + band + ' band') plt.hist2d(sel[whata], sel[whatb], bins=20) plt.colorbar(fraction=0.02, pad=0.04) ax.set_xlabel(whata) ax.set_ylabel(whatb) #ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #im = plt.imshow(H, interpolation='nearest', origin='low', # extent=[xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]]) """
def draw4(x, y): from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from pylab import hist2d, contour, grid, colorbar, show counts, ybins, xbins, image = hist2d(x, y, bins=100, norm=LogNorm()) contour(counts, extent=[xbins.min(), xbins.max(), ybins.min(), ybins.max()], linewidths=10) grid(True) colorbar() show()
def plotD(self,PoI=None,DoW=None,ToD=None,uagent=None,nbins=500): parkc = self.all p_title = 'LA Parking Citation density' if DoW != None: if DoW == 'Weedays': p_title += ' during weekdays' parkc = parkc[(parkc.DoW != 'Saturday') & (parkc.DoW != 'Sunday')] elif DoW == 'Weekend': p_title+= ' during weekends' parkc = parkc[(parkc.DoW == 'Saturday') | (parkc.DoW == 'Sunday')] elif (DoW == 'Monday') | (DoW == 'Tuesday') | (DoW == 'Wednesday') | (DoW == 'Thursday') | (DoW == 'Friday') | (DoW == 'Saturday') | (DoW == 'Sunday'): parkc = parkc[parkc.DoW == DoW] p_title+= ' on '+DoW if ToD != None: if ToD == 'Early': p_title+= ' in the early morning' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 0) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 6)] elif ToD == 'Morning': p_title+= ' in the morning' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 6) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 12)] elif ToD == 'Afternoon': p_title+= ' in the afternoon' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 12) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 18)] elif ToD == 'Evening': p_title+= ' in the evening' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 18) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 24)] plt.hist2d(parkc.Longitude,parkc.Latitude,bins=nbins,norm=LogNorm()) if type(PoI) == str: lon,lat = getLaLo(PoI,uagent=uagent) plt.plot(lon,lat,'r*',markersize=10) elif type(PoI) == list: plt.plot(PoI[0],PoI[1],'r*',markersize=10) plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel('Longitude') plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.xlim([-118.7,-118.0]) plt.ylim([33.7,34.4]) plt.title(p_title)
def plot2DHist(points, name, x_dimension, y_dimension, fig): #add points to data at each corner, truncate data past corners. x = points[x_dimension] y = points[y_dimension] #truncate any data outside off -2,-2 2,2 borders index = [] for i in range(0, len(x)): if x[i] > 2 or x[i] < -2: index = numpy.append(index, i) if y[i] > 2 or y[i] < -2: index = numpy.append(index, i) x = numpy.delete(x, index) y = numpy.delete(y, index) #fix borders of histogram with edge points x = numpy.append(x, -2) y = numpy.append(y, -2) x = numpy.append(x, -2) y = numpy.append(y, 2) x = numpy.append(x, 2) y = numpy.append(y, -2) x = numpy.append(x, 2) y = numpy.append(y, 2) #pylab.axis("off") #fig = pylab.figure() dpi = fig.get_dpi() inches = 512.0 / dpi fig.set_size_inches(inches,inches) ax = pylab.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) pylab.hist2d(x, y, bins=100) pylab.set_cmap('gray') pylab.savefig(name + '.png') pylab.clf()
def plot2DHist(points, name, x_dimension, y_dimension, fig): #add points to data at each corner, truncate data past corners. x = points[x_dimension] y = points[y_dimension] #truncate any data outside off -2,-2 2,2 borders index = [] for i in range(0, len(x)): if x[i] > 2 or x[i] < -2: index = numpy.append(index, i) if y[i] > 2 or y[i] < -2: index = numpy.append(index, i) x = numpy.delete(x, index) y = numpy.delete(y, index) #fix borders of histogram with edge points x = numpy.append(x, -2) y = numpy.append(y, -2) x = numpy.append(x, -2) y = numpy.append(y, 2) x = numpy.append(x, 2) y = numpy.append(y, -2) x = numpy.append(x, 2) y = numpy.append(y, 2) #pylab.axis("off") #fig = pylab.figure() dpi = fig.get_dpi() inches = 512.0 / dpi fig.set_size_inches(inches, inches) ax = pylab.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1., 1.]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) pylab.hist2d(x, y, bins=100) pylab.set_cmap('gray') pylab.savefig(name + '.png') pylab.clf()
def plot_hist2d(qt_, qt_env_tr, qt_up_tr, thetal_, th_env_tr, th_up_tr, ql_, ql_env_tr, ql_up_tr, n_tot, n_env_tr, n_up_tr, type_, z, t, path_, file_name): # (B) Figure with ql-coloring # ql_min = np.amin(ql_) # ql_max = np.amax(ql_) # x_min = np.amin(thetal_) # x_max = np.amax(thetal_) # y_min = np.amin(qt_) # y_max = np.amax(qt_) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.hist2d( thetal_, qt_ ) #, c=ql_[:], s=5, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='none', vmin=ql_min, vmax=ql_max) # , cmap = cm) labeling(r'$\theta_l$', r'$q_t$', x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.75) plt.title('all data (n=' + str(n_tot) + ')') # plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) # plt.scatter(th_env_tr, qt_env_tr, c=ql_env_tr[:], s=5, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='none', vmin=ql_min, # vmax=ql_max) # , cmap = cm) # plt.colorbar(shrink=0.75) # labeling(r'$\theta_l$', r'$q_t$', x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) # plt.title('environment (n=' + str(n_env_tr) + ')') # # plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) # plt.scatter(th_up_tr, qt_up_tr, c=ql_up_tr, s=5, alpha=0.5, edgecolors='none', vmin=ql_min, vmax=ql_max) # , cmap = cm) # plt.colorbar(shrink=0.75) # labeling(r'$\theta_l$', r'$q_t$', x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) # plt.title('updrafts (n=' + str(n_up_tr) + ')') # # plt.suptitle('Updraft selection ' + type_ + ' (z=' + str(z) + 'm, t=' + str(t) + ')') # print('save:', os.path.join(path_, file_name)) # plt.savefig(os.path.join(path_, file_name)) # # print('saved') plt.close() return
def draw_colourmap(densmap, quantity, xlims, ylims): """ Draw a colour mesh map of a desired quantity for a given DataMap. """ # Set quantity keyword for value, keyword in zip(['mass', 'number', 'temp', 'shear'], ['M', 'N', 'T', 'shear']): if quantity == value: _type = keyword # Initiate empty lists for cell values x = []; y = []; values = [] # Get shape of system shape = datamap.cells.T.shape # With cells as a flat list, read values for position and quantity with DataMap.FlatArray(datamap.cells) as cells: for cell in cells: x.append(cell['X']) y.append(cell['Y']) values.append(cell[_type]) # Draw quantity as 2D histogram for speed plt.hist2d(x, y, weights=values, bins=shape, vmin=args.Tmin, vmax=args.Tmax)#, xlim=xlims, ylim=ylims) plt.axis(args.axis) plt.xlim(xlims) plt.ylim(ylims) plt.colorbar() if save: plt.savefig(save, dpi=args.dpi) if plt.clf() return None
def main(datafile, feature1, feature2, clusterfile, clusterid, bins, percentile, copula, logscale): X, features = read_sah_h5(datafile, just_good=False) x = X[:, features.index(feature1)] y = X[:, features.index(feature2)] if 'id' in features: ids = X[:, features.index('id')] else: ids = np.arange(len(X)).astype(int) include = {} with open(clusterfile, 'r') as f: for line in f: i, c = map(float, line.strip().split(',')) include[i] = (c == clusterid) include_mask = np.array([include.get(i, False) for i in ids]) x = x[include_mask] y = y[include_mask] if percentile > 0 and not copula: bx = np.linspace(scoreatpercentile(x, percentile), scoreatpercentile(x, 100 - percentile), bins) by = np.linspace(scoreatpercentile(y, percentile), scoreatpercentile(y, 100 - percentile), bins) bins = (bx, by) if copula: x = copula_transform(x) y = copula_transform(y) if logscale: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins, norm=LogNorm()) else: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins) pl.xlabel(feature1) pl.ylabel(feature2) pl.colorbar()
def main(datafile, feature1, feature2, bins, percentile, copula, logscale): X, features = read_sah_h5(datafile, just_good=False) x = X[:, features.index(feature1)] y = X[:, features.index(feature2)] if percentile > 0 and not copula: bx = np.linspace(scoreatpercentile(x, percentile), scoreatpercentile(x, 100 - percentile), bins) by = np.linspace(scoreatpercentile(y, percentile), scoreatpercentile(y, 100 - percentile), bins) bins = (bx, by) if copula: x = copula_transform(x) y = copula_transform(y) if logscale: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins, norm=LogNorm()) else: pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=bins) pl.xlabel(feature1) pl.ylabel(feature2)
def __init__(self, num, name, x_data, x_ax_label, x_nbins, y_data, y_ax_label, y_nbins, outputpath): """ Constructor. """ plt.close('all') ## The histogram plot. plot = plt.figure(num, figsize=(5.0, 3.0), dpi=150, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w') # Adjust the position of the axes. plot.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.17, left=0.15) ## The plot axes. plotax = plot.add_subplot(111) # Set the y axis label. plt.ylabel(y_ax_label) # Set the x axis label. plt.xlabel(x_ax_label) # Add a grid. plt.grid(1) # Plot the 2D histogram. plt.hist2d(x_data, y_data, bins=[x_nbins, y_nbins], norm=LogNorm()) # Add a colour bar. plt.colorbar() # Save the figure. plot.savefig("%s/%s.png" % (outputpath, name))
def pcr_poi(self,PoI,uagent=None,DoW=None,ToD=None,fmil=0.25,dyrs=4): lat_to_mi = 68.92 lon_to_mi = 57.41 p_title = 'Ave. parking citation rate, at PoI given' parkc = self.all if type(PoI) == str: lon,lat = getLaLo(PoI,uagent=uagent) elif type(PoI) == list: lon,lat = PoI[0], PoI[1] if DoW != None: if DoW == 'Weedays': p_title += ', during weekdays' parkc = parkc[(parkc.DoW != 'Saturday') & (parkc.DoW != 'Sunday')] elif DoW == 'Weekend': p_title+= ', during weekends' parkc = parkc[(parkc.DoW == 'Saturday') | (parkc.DoW == 'Sunday')] elif (DoW == 'Monday') | (DoW == 'Tuesday') | (DoW == 'Wednesday') | (DoW == 'Thursday') | (DoW == 'Friday') | (DoW == 'Saturday') | (DoW == 'Sunday'): parkc = parkc[parkc.DoW == DoW] p_title+= ', on '+DoW if ToD != None: if ToD == 'Early': p_title+= ', in the early morning' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 0) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 6)] elif ToD == 'Morning': p_title+= ', in the morning' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 6) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 12)] elif ToD == 'Afternoon': p_title+= ', in the afternoon' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 12) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 18)] elif ToD == 'Evening': p_title+= ', in the evening' parkc = parkc[(parkc['Issue time'] >= 18) & (parkc['Issue time'] < 24)] xbins = np.arange(np.min(parkc.Longitude),np.max(parkc.Longitude),fmil/lon_to_mi) ybins = np.arange(np.min(parkc.Latitude),np.max(parkc.Latitude),fmil/lat_to_mi) ahist,xbins,ybins,junk = plt.hist2d(parkc.Longitude,parkc.Latitude,bins=[xbins,ybins]) plt.close() xdex = np.where([xbins < lon])[1][-1] ydex = np.where([ybins < lat])[1][-1] print(p_title+' : '+str(round(ahist[xdex,ydex]/(365.0*dyrs)/fmil**2,2))+' (per day/mil^2)') print('Largest rate: '+str(int(np.max(ahist)/(365.0*dyrs)/fmil**2)))
def plotAgainstGFP_hist2d(self): fig1 = pylab.figure(figsize = (20, 15)) print len(self.GFP) for i in xrange(min(len(, 4)): print len(self.GFP[self.categories == i]) vect = [] pylab.subplot(2,2,i+1) pop = self.GFP[self.categories == i] print "cat", i, "n pop", len(self.GFP[(self.categories == i) & (self.GFP > -np.log(12.5))]) H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(self.angles[self.categories == i], self.GFP[self.categories == i], bins = 10) hist = pylab.hist2d(self.GFP[self.categories == i], self.angles[self.categories == i], bins = 10, cmap =, normed = True) pylab.clim(0.,0.035) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title([i]) pylab.xlabel('GFP score') pylab.ylabel('Angle (degree)') pylab.xlim([-4.2, -1])
pl.plot(prediction_error_history) pl.title("Prediction Error History") pl.xlabel("time") pl.ylabel("Prediction Error")"/Prediction Error History") pl.figure(expert.cluster_num+2) pl.hist(state1_history) pl.title("Resultant State Histogram") pl.xlabel("State") pl.ylabel("# of Occurrence") pl.autoscale(True)"/Resultant State Histogram") pl.figure(expert.cluster_num+3) pl.hist2d(state0_history, action0_history) pl.title("Initial State vs Initial Action Histogram") pl.xlabel("State") pl.ylabel("Action") pl.colorbar()"/Initial State vs Initial Action Histogram") #print("Most common Action") def most_common(lst): return max(set(lst), key=lst.count) bin_num = 100 bin_size = int(len(action0_history)/bin_num) most_common_action = [] for i in range(bin_num): start = i*bin_size end = start + bin_size
def plot(self, bins=100, cmap="hot_r", fontsize=10, Nlevels=4, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, norm=None, range=None, normed=False, colorbar=True, contour=True, grid=True, **kargs): """plots histogram of mean across replicates versus coefficient variation :param int bins: binning for the 2D histogram (either a float or list of 2 binning values). :param cmap: a valid colormap (defaults to hot_r) :param fontsize: fontsize for the labels :param int Nlevels: must be more than 2 :param str xlabel: set the xlabel (overwrites content of the dataframe) :param str ylabel: set the ylabel (overwrites content of the dataframe) :param norm: set to 'log' to show the log10 of the values. :param normed: normalise the data :param range: as in pylab.Hist2D : a 2x2 shape [[-3,3],[-4,4]] :param contour: show some contours (default to True) :param bool grid: Show unerlying grid (defaults to True) If the input is a dataframe, the xlabel and ylabel will be populated with the column names of the dataframe. """ X = self.df[self.df.columns[0]].values Y = self.df[self.df.columns[1]].values if len(X) > 10000: print("Computing 2D histogram. Please wait") pylab.clf() if norm == 'log': from matplotlib import colors res = pylab.hist2d(X, Y, bins=bins, normed=normed, cmap=cmap, norm=colors.LogNorm()) else: res = pylab.hist2d(X, Y, bins=bins, cmap=cmap, normed=normed, range=range) if colorbar is True: pylab.colorbar() if contour: try: bins1 = bins[0] bins2 = bins[1] except: bins1 = bins bins2 = bins X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(res[1][0:bins1], res[2][0:bins2]) if contour: if res[0].max().max() < 10 and norm == 'log': pylab.contour(X, Y, res[0].transpose(), color="g") else: levels = [round(x) for x in pylab.logspace(0, pylab.log10(res[0].max().max()), Nlevels)] pylab.contour(X, Y, res[0].transpose(), levels[2:], color="g") #pylab.clabel(C, fontsize=fontsize, inline=1) if ylabel is None: ylabel = self.df.columns[1] if xlabel is None: xlabel = self.df.columns[0] pylab.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) if grid is True: pylab.grid(True) return res
def corner(samples, labels): N = len(labels) from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm py.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) axes = {} for i, l1 in enumerate(labels): for j, l2 in enumerate(labels): if j > i: continue ax = py.subplot2grid((N, N), (i, j)) axes[(i, j)] = ax idx_y = labels.index(l1) idx_x = labels.index(l2) x, y = samples[:, idx_x], samples[:, idx_y] if i == j: # plot distributions xx, yy = histogram(x, bins=200, plot=False) py.plot(xx, yy, '-o', markersize=3) py.gca().set_yticklabels([]) if i == (N - 1): py.xlabel(l2) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: counts, ybins, xbins, image = py.hist2d(x, y, bins=100, norm=LogNorm()) #py.contour(counts,extent=[xbins.min(),xbins.max(),ybins.min(),ybins.max()],linewidths=3) if i == (N - 1): py.xlabel(l2) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) if j == 0: py.ylabel(l1) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_yticklabels()] else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) # make all the x- and y-lims the same j = 0 lims = [0] * N for i in range(1, N): ax = axes[(i, 0)] lims[i] = ax.get_ylim() if i == N - 1: lims[0] = ax.get_xlim() for i, l1 in enumerate(labels): for j, l2 in enumerate(labels): if j > i: continue ax = axes[(i, j)] if j == i: ax.set_xlim(lims[i]) else: ax.set_ylim(lims[i]) ax.set_xlim(lims[j])
df = df[df["Primary Type"].isin(["ROBBERY","ASSAULT","BATTERY"])] df = df[df["Location Description"].isin(["STREET","SIDEWALK","ALLEY"])] hours = [datetime.strptime(timestr,"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p").hour for timestr in list(df.Date)] df["hour"] = hours for i in range(24): df1 = df[df.hour==i] plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') y = list(df1["Latitude"]) x = list(df1["Longitude"]) plt.hist2d(x, y, bins=100, vmax=35,range=np.array([(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)])) #plt.title("Robbery, assualt, and battery\n on streets, sidewalks, and alleys") plt.text(-87.95,41.65,"Hour: "+str(i),color="white") plt.xlim([xmin,xmax]) plt.ylim([ymin,ymax]) plt.xlabel("Latitude") plt.ylabel("Longtitude") plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.colorbar() plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # plt.savefig(str(i)+".gif")
def main(): #Set font size font = {'size': 28} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) signalNames = [ "WR800N200", "WR800N400", "WR800N600", "WR800N700", "WR1000N200", "WR1000N400", "WR1000N600", "WR1000N800", "WR1000N900", "WR1200N400", "WR1200N600", "WR1200N800", "WR1200N1000", "WR1200N1100", "WR1400N400", "WR1400N600", "WR1400N800", "WR1400N1000", "WR1400N1200", "WR1400N1300", "WR1600N400", "WR1600N600", "WR1600N800", "WR1600N1000", "WR1600N1200", "WR1600N1400", "WR1600N1500", "WR1800N400", "WR1800N600", "WR1800N800", "WR1800N1000", "WR1800N1200", "WR1800N1400", "WR1800N1600", "WR1800N1700", "WR2000N600", "WR2000N800", "WR2000N1000", "WR2000N1200", "WR2000N1400", "WR2000N1600", "WR2000N1800", "WR2000N1900" ] #Load background files dy = np.load("DY.npy") ttbar = np.load("ttbar.npy") #Modify colormap to be white at 0 viridis = cm.get_cmap('viridis', 256) newcolors = viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, 256)) white = np.array([256 / 256, 256 / 256, 256 / 256, 1]) newcolors[:1, :] = white cmap = ListedColormap(newcolors) resolvedNdy = [] superResolvedNdy = [] leadNdy = [] subleadNdy = [] WRdy = [] weightdy = [] resolvedNttbar = [] superResolvedNttbar = [] leadNttbar = [] subleadNttbar = [] WRttbar = [] weightttbar = [] #Extract ttbar background for x in range(len(ttbar)): resolvedNttbar.append(ttbar[x][2]) superResolvedNttbar.append(ttbar[x][1]) WRttbar.append(ttbar[x][0]) leadNttbar.append(ttbar[x][5]) subleadNttbar.append(ttbar[x][6]) weightttbar.append(ttbar[x][-1] * 1000.0 * 35.9) #Extract dy backgorund for x in range(len(dy)): resolvedNdy.append(dy[x][2]) superResolvedNdy.append(dy[x][1]) WRdy.append(dy[x][0]) leadNdy.append(dy[x][5]) subleadNdy.append(dy[x][6]) weightdy.append(dy[x][-1] * 1000.0 * 35.9) resolvedN = resolvedNttbar + resolvedNdy superResolvedN = superResolvedNttbar + superResolvedNdy leadN = leadNttbar + leadNdy subleadN = subleadNttbar + subleadNdy WR = WRttbar + WRdy weight = weightttbar + weightdy #Iterate over the signal samples for y in range(len(signalNames)): signal = np.load(signalNames[y] + ".npy") resolvedN2 = [] superResolvedN2 = [] leadN2 = [] subleadN2 = [] WR2 = [] weight2 = [] for x in range(len(signal)): resolvedN2.append(signal[x][2]) superResolvedN2.append(signal[x][1]) WR2.append(signal[x][0]) leadN2.append(signal[x][5]) subleadN2.append(signal[x][6]) weight2.append(signal[x][-1] * 1000.0 * 35.9) fSizeX = 13.5 fSizeY = 9 xMax = 4000 #Generate plots plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist(np.array(WR2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=100, range=(0, 3000)) plt.title("WR signal") plt.xlabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/WR_signal.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(resolvedN2), np.array(WR2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Resolved Leptons signal") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_Resolved_Leptons_signal.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(superResolvedN2), np.array(WR2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Super Resolved Leptons signal") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_SuperResolved_Leptons_signal.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(resolvedN2), np.array(WR2) - np.array(resolvedN2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Resolved Leptons signal shifted part 1") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_Resolved_Leptons_signal_shift_p1.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(superResolvedN2), np.array(WR2) - np.array(superResolvedN2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Super Resolved Leptons signal shifted part 1") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_SuperResolved_Leptons_signal_shift_p1.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(resolvedN2), np.log10(np.array(WR2) - np.array(resolvedN2)), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Resolved Leptons signal shifted full\n") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_Resolved_Leptons_signal_shift.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(superResolvedN2), np.log10(np.array(WR2) - np.array(superResolvedN2)), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Super Resolved Leptons signal shifted full\n") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_SuperResolved_Leptons_signal_shift.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist([np.array(WRttbar), np.array(WRdy)], weights=[np.array(weightttbar), np.array(weightdy)], bins=100, range=(0, 3000), stacked=True, label=["ttbar", "dy"]) plt.title("WR background") plt.xlabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.legend() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/WR_background.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(resolvedN), np.array(WR), weights=np.array(weight), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Resolved Leptons background") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_Resolved_Leptons_background.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(superResolvedN), np.array(WR), weights=np.array(weight), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Super Resolved Leptons background") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_SuperResolved_Leptons_background.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(resolvedN), np.log10(np.array(WR) - np.array(resolvedN)), weights=np.array(weight), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Resolved Leptons background") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_Resolved_Leptons_background_shift.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(superResolvedN), np.log10(np.array(WR) - np.array(superResolvedN)), weights=np.array(weight), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Super Resolved Leptons background") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_SuperResolved_Leptons_background_shift.png") fSizeX = 13.5 fSizeY = 9 xMax = 4000 plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist( [np.array(WRttbar), np.array(WRdy), np.array(WR2)], weights=[ np.array(weightttbar), np.array(weightdy), np.array(weight2) ], bins=100, range=(0, 3000), stacked=True, label=["ttbar", "dy", "signal"]) plt.title("WR signal + background") plt.xlabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.legend() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/WR_signal_plus_background.png") resolvedN2 += resolvedN superResolvedN2 += superResolvedN leadN2 += leadN subleadN2 += subleadN WR2 += WR weight2 += weight plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(resolvedN2), np.array(WR2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Resolved Leptons combined") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_Resolved_Leptons_combined.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(superResolvedN2), np.array(WR2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Super Resolved Leptons combined") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_SuperResolved_Leptons_combined.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(resolvedN2), np.log10(np.array(WR2) - np.array(resolvedN2)), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Resolved Leptons combined shifted\n") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_Resolved_Leptons_combined_shift.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(superResolvedN2), np.log10(np.array(WR2) - np.array(superResolvedN2)), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("NN Super Resolved Leptons combined shifted\n") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/NN_SuperResolved_Leptons_combined_shift.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(leadN2), np.array(WR2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("Lead Leptons combined") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/Lead_Leptons_combined.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeY * 2, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(subleadN2), np.array(WR2), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, 2500], [0, 3000]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("Sublead Leptons combined") plt.ylabel("m_lljj (GeV)") plt.xlabel("m_ljj (GeV)") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/Sublead_Leptons_combined.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(leadN2), np.log10(np.array(WR2) - np.array(leadN2)), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("Lead Leptons combined shifted") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/Lead_Leptons_combined_shift.png") plt.figure(figsize=(fSizeX, fSizeY)) plt.hist2d(np.array(subleadN2), np.log10(np.array(WR2) - np.array(subleadN2)), weights=np.array(weight2), bins=[100, 100], range=[[0, xMax], [1, 5]], cmap=cmap) plt.title("Sublead Leptons combined shifted") plt.colorbar() plt.savefig("signalBackground2/" + signalNames[y] + "/Sublead_Leptons_combined_shift.png")
if plot_1 == True: hist_fig = pylab.figure() x = energies if weight_by_p_earth == True: hist_fig.suptitle( 'Trigger = %0.1f (Weighted by $p_\mathrm{earth}$' % trigger_level) else: hist_fig.suptitle('Trigger = %0.1f' % trigger_level) ax1 = pylab.subplot(2, 3, 1) pylab.hist2d(x, info['observation_angle'], bins=bins, weights=w1, norm=LogNorm()) pylab.ylabel('Observation Angle (deg)') pylab.xlabel('E (GeV)') pylab.colorbar() pylab.subplot(2, 3, 4, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1) pylab.hist2d(x, info['observation_angle'], bins=bins, weights=w2, norm=LogNorm()) pylab.ylabel('Observation Angle (deg)') pylab.xlabel(
pl.xticks([]) pl.yticks([]) pl.suptitle(str(cube_sizeX) + ' x ' + str(cube_sizeY) + ' slices comparison') # Plot the 2D histograms pl.figure() prediction = predicted_distances[cube_slice].flatten() results = out.flatten() labels = true_distances[cube_slice].flatten() pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.hist2d(labels, prediction, (max_dist+1, max_dist+1),, norm=pl.mpl.colors.LogNorm()) pl.xlabel('ground truth') pl.ylabel('noisy distance map') pl.title('2d histogram of noisy distance') pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.hist2d(labels, results, (15, 15),, norm=pl.mpl.colors.LogNorm()) pl.xlabel('ground truth') pl.ylabel('smoothed distance map') pl.title('2d histogram of smoothed distance')
#####################e # Some MC Plot to see what Energy We have #####################e #max_nrg_mc = ev_df.p_mc_mag.max() #n, bins, patches = plt.hist(ev_df.p_mc_mag,bins=15,facecolor='blue',alpha = 0.8) #plt.title('Shower Energy') #n, bins, patches = plt.hist(ev_df.p_mc_mag,bins=max_nrg_mc,range=(0,max_nrg_mc),facecolor='red',alpha = 0.8) # Let's compare the totall charge deposited wrt all charge clustered # Pre - factor fit t = np.arange(0., 100000000, 1000) plt.hist2d(ev_df.mc_qdep, ev_df.q_tot_obj, bins=100, range=[[0, 100000000], [0, 100000000]], cmap='gnuplot2', norm=LogNorm()) plt.plot(t, t, 'k', label='y=x') plt.plot(t, 2 * t, 'r-', label='y=2x') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title("Reco_Charge vs MC_charge") plt.xlabel("mc_q (e)") plt.ylabel("reco_q(e)") if _save: plt.savefig('{}/recovmccharge.png'.format(fig_dir)) plt.close() n, bins, patches = plt.hist((ev_df.mc_qdep - ev_df.q_tot_obj) / ev_df.mc_qdep, bins=60,
def plot_PDF(data, x_, y_, z_, ZZ, var_name1, var_name2, var_name3, score, amp_qt, amp_w, z): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.subplot(3, 5, 1) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 2) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 3) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ),axis=2).T) # xxx # plt.text(0.1, 0.9, 'score='+str(score), ha='center', va='center')#, transform=ax.transAxes) # text(x, y, s, fontdict=None, withdash=False, **kwargs) # plt.text(1, 1, 'HOIHOI',color='r') plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 4) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True) # xxx ax2 = plt.contour(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=2).T, colors='w', linewidths=2) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 6) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 7) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 8) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T) # xxx plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 9) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:,0], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True) # xxx ax2 = plt.contour(x_, z_ , np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T, colors='w', linewidths=2) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 11) plt.scatter(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 12) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 13) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.subplot(3, 5, 14) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:,1], data[:,2], bins=30, normed=True) # xxx ax2 = plt.contour(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T, colors='w', linewidths=2) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) # plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) fig.suptitle('EM2 PDF: ' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + ' (score='+str(score)+'; z=' + str(z) +'m)', fontsize=20) plt.savefig(os.path.join( fullpath_out,'EM2_trivar_alltimes_figures','EM2_PDF_trivariate_' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + '_z' + str( + 'm.png') ) plt.close() return
#z reki #pliki=["ot001", "ot002", "ot009", "ot019", "ot020" , "nt001"]; bin_width = 0.01; rec = root2rec(sys.argv[1], "tdig") #x = np.extract(np.absolute(rec.Teta) < 1.61, rec.Tbeta) #x = np.extract(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.absolute(rec.Teta0) < 1.61, rec.Tlbx_1), rec.Tpt0 > 10), rec.Teta0); #y = np.extract(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.absolute(rec.Teta0) < 1.61, rec.Tlbx_1), rec.Tpt0 > 10), rec.Tphi0); for i in range(0, len(rec)): print i ''' print len(x), len(y) pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=200, norm=LogNorm()) #pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=np.arange(0.,4,bin_width) , norm=LogNorm()) pl.colorbar() #plt.xscale('log') plt.ylabel(r'$\phi$') plt.xlabel(r'$\eta$') plt.draw() pp.savefig() pp.close() '''
def plot_PDF(data, x_, y_, z_, ZZ, var_name1, var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w, time, z): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 15)) plt.subplot(3, 5, 1) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 2) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 3) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=2).T) # xxx plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 4) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True) # xxx ax2 = plt.contour(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=2).T, colors='w', linewidths=2) # xxx plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 6) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 7) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 8) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T) # xxx plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 9) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True) # xxx ax2 = plt.contour(x_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T, colors='w', linewidths=2) # xxx plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 11) plt.scatter(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 12) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 13) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.subplot(3, 5, 14) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True) # xxx ax2 = plt.contour(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T, colors='w', linewidths=2) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) fig.suptitle('EM2 PDF: ' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + ' (t=' + str(time) + ', z=' + str(z) + 'm)', fontsize=20) plt.savefig( os.path.join( path, 'EM2_trivar_figures', 'EM2_PDF_trivariate_' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + '_' + str(time) + '_z' + str( + 'm.png')) plt.close() return
def make_2d_plot(dat_joined: pd.DataFrame, factor_1: str, factor_2: str, single_sentence_plots: bool = False) -> None: """Create 2D quilt plot from dataframe row columns ('word_' + factor_1) and ('word_' + factor_2). :param dat_joined: Dataframe of the format returned by pull_mentions :param factor_1: x-axis of the graph, possible entries 'virus', 'therapy', 'drug', 'exp' :param factor_2: y-axis of the graph, possible entries 'virus', 'therapy', 'drug', 'exp' :param single_sentece_plots: If true, plot only coocurrences in the same sentence """ if single_sentence_plots: grouped = dat_joined[dat_joined.same_sentence is True].groupby( ['word_' + factor_1, 'word_' + factor_2]) else: grouped = dat_joined.groupby(['word_' + factor_1, 'word_' + factor_2]) values = grouped.count().values[:, 0] index = grouped.count().index # Holds aggregated, in order appearences of factor_1 and factor_2 respectively index_1, index_2 = zip(*index) uniq_1 = np.unique(index_1) uniq_2 = np.unique(index_2) # Populates index_1 and index_2 with the index they appear in uniq_1 and uniq_2 respectively for i in range(0, len(index_1)): index_1[i] = np.where(index_1[i] == uniq_1)[0][0] index_2[i] = np.where(index_2[i] == uniq_2)[0][0] pylab.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=200) hist = pylab.hist2d(index_1, index_2, (range(0, len(uniq_1) + 1), range(0, len(uniq_2) + 1)), weights=values, cmap='Blues') pylab.xticks(np.arange(0, len(uniq_1)) + 0.5, uniq_1, rotation=90) pylab.yticks(np.arange(0, len(uniq_2)) + 0.5, uniq_2) pylab.clim(0, np.max(hist[0]) * 1.5) for i in range(0, len(uniq_1)): for j in range(0, len(uniq_2)): pylab.text(i + 0.5, j + 0.5, int(hist[0][i][j]), ha='center', va='center') pylab.colorbar() if single_sentence_plots: pylab.title(factor_1 + " and " + factor_2 + " in One Sentence") pylab.tight_layout() pylab.savefig("Overlap" + factor_1 + "_Vs_" + factor_2 + "_2D_sentence.png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200) else: pylab.title(factor_1 + " and " + factor_2 + " in One Block") pylab.tight_layout() pylab.savefig("Overlap" + factor_1 + "_Vs_" + factor_2 + "_2D_block.png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200)
def plot_PDF_log(data, x_, y_, z_, ZZ, var_name1, var_name2, var_name3, score, amp_qt, amp_w, z): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.subplot(3, 5, 1) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 2) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, norm=LogNorm(), normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 3) ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ),axis=2).T, norm=LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 4) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx lvls = np.logspace(-1, 6, 10) ax2 = plt.contour(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=2).T, levels=lvls, colors='w', norm=LogNorm(), linewidths=3) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 6) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 7) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], bins=30, norm=LogNorm(), normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 8) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 9) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:,0], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx # lvls = np.exp(np.arange(-5,6,1)) lvls = np.logspace(-1, 5, 10) ax2 = plt.contour(x_, z_ , np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T, levels=lvls, colors='w', norm=LogNorm(), linewidths=3) plt.colorbar(ax2,shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 11) plt.scatter(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 12) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], bins=30, norm=LogNorm(), normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 13) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.subplot(3, 5, 14) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:,1], data[:,2], bins=30, normed=True, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx lvls = np.logspace(-1, 6, 10) ax2 = plt.contour(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T, levels=lvls, colors='w', linewidths=3, norm=LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) # plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) fig.suptitle('EM2 PDF: ' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + ' (score=' + str(score) + '; z=' + str(z) + 'm)', fontsize=20) plt.savefig(os.path.join( fullpath_out,'EM2_trivar_alltimes_figures','EM2_PDF_trivariate_' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + '_z' + str( + 'm_log.png') ) plt.close() return
print round(np.mean(ecart_abs),3) fig1 = plt.figure() fig1.suptitle('histogramme (scores mesures - predictions)', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.xlabel('valeur des ecarts') plt.ylabel("# d'ecarts") bins = np.arange(-1.0,1.0,0.05) plt.hist(ecart, bins, normed=True) fig1.savefig('spkshow_histo_ecart') fig1 = plt.figure() fig1.suptitle('predictions / scores mesures', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel('prediction') plt.xlabel("scores mesures") bins = np.arange(0,1.01,0.05) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') plt.axis([0,1,0,1]) plt.grid() fig1.savefig('spkshow_nuage') fig1 = plt.figure() fig1.suptitle('predictions / scores mesures', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel('prediction') plt.xlabel("scores mesures") plt.hist2d(x,y,bins=50); fig1.savefig('spkshow_nuage2D')
pl.yticks([]) # Plot the 2D histograms pl.figure() prediction = predicted_distances[square_slice].flatten() results = out.flatten() labels = true_distances[square_slice].flatten() n_binsX = np.max(labels)-np.min(labels) n_binsY = np.max(prediction)-np.min(prediction) pl.subplot(1,2,1) pl.hist2d(labels, prediction, (n_binsX, n_binsY),, norm=pl.mpl.colors.LogNorm()) pl.xlabel('ground truth') pl.ylabel('noisy distance map') pl.title('2d histogram of noisy distance') n_binsY = np.max(results)-np.min(results) pl.subplot(1,2,2) pl.hist2d(labels, results, (n_binsX, n_binsY),, norm=pl.mpl.colors.LogNorm()) pl.xlabel('ground truth') pl.ylabel('smoothed distance map') pl.title('2d histogram of smoothed distance')
def corner(samples,labels): N=len(labels) from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm py.figure(figsize=(12,12)) axes={} for i,l1 in enumerate(labels): for j,l2 in enumerate(labels): if j>i: continue ax = py.subplot2grid((N,N),(i, j)) axes[(i,j)]=ax idx_y=labels.index(l1) idx_x=labels.index(l2) x,y=samples[:,idx_x],samples[:,idx_y] if i==j: # plot distributions xx,yy=histogram(x,bins=200,plot=False) py.plot(xx,yy,'-o',markersize=3) py.gca().set_yticklabels([]) if i==(N-1): py.xlabel(l2) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: counts,ybins,xbins,image = py.hist2d(x,y,bins=100,norm=LogNorm()) #py.contour(counts,extent=[xbins.min(),xbins.max(),ybins.min(),ybins.max()],linewidths=3) if i==(N-1): py.xlabel(l2) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_xticklabels()] else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) if j==0: py.ylabel(l1) [l.set_rotation(45) for l in ax.get_yticklabels()] else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) # make all the x- and y-lims the same j=0 lims=[0]*N for i in range(1,N): ax=axes[(i,0)] lims[i]=ax.get_ylim() if i==N-1: lims[0]=ax.get_xlim() for i,l1 in enumerate(labels): for j,l2 in enumerate(labels): if j>i: continue ax=axes[(i,j)] if j==i: ax.set_xlim(lims[i]) else: ax.set_ylim(lims[i]) ax.set_xlim(lims[j])
def plot_PDF_samples_log(data, var_name1, var_name2, clf, amp, time, z): import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import as cm det1 = np.linalg.det(clf.covariances_[0, :, :]) det2 = np.linalg.det(clf.covariances_[1, :, :]) det_ = min(det1, det2) fact_ = 1. / np.sqrt((2 * np.pi)**2 * det_) fact = 1.1 * clf.weights_[0] * 1. / np.sqrt( (2 * np.pi)**2 * det1) + clf.weights_[1] * 1. / np.sqrt( (2 * np.pi)**2 * det2) # Plotting n_sample = 300 x1_max = np.amax(data[:, 0]) x1_min = np.amin(data[:, 0]) x2_max = np.amax(data[:, 1]) x2_min = np.amin(data[:, 1]) x = np.linspace(x1_min, x1_max, n_sample) y = np.linspace(x2_min, x2_max, n_sample) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) XX = np.array([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T Z = clf.score_samples(XX).reshape(X.shape) mx1 = clf.means_[0, 0] my1 = clf.means_[0, 1] sx1 = np.sqrt(clf.covariances_[0, 0, 0]) sy1 = np.sqrt(clf.covariances_[0, 1, 1]) sxy1 = clf.covariances_[0, 1, 0] mx2 = clf.means_[1, 0] my2 = clf.means_[1, 1] sx2 = np.sqrt(clf.covariances_[1, 0, 0]) sy2 = np.sqrt(clf.covariances_[1, 1, 1]) sxy2 = clf.covariances_[1, 1, 0] Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigmax=sx1, sigmay=sy1, mux=mx1, muy=my1, sigmaxy=sxy1) Z2 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigmax=sx2, sigmay=sy2, mux=mx2, muy=my2, sigmaxy=sxy2) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12)) levels_tot = np.linspace(0, fact, 10) if fact <= 2: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact, 0.2) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact, 0.2) elif fact <= 10: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact, 0.5) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact, 0.5) elif fact <= 20: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact, 2) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact, 2) elif fact <= 50: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact, 5) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact, 5) else: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact, 20) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact, 20) levels_comp = np.linspace(0, fact_, 7) plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.3) ax1 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=np.linspace(10, 20, 2)) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) plt.title(var_name1 + var_name2 + ' (data), t=' + str(time) + ', z=' + str(z)) plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) plt.title(var_name1 + var_name2 + ' (data)') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp) plt.subplot(3, 2, 3) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True, norm=colors.LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) ax2 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.exp(Z), norm=colors.LogNorm(), linewidths=2, colors='w') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 2, 4) ax1 = plt.contourf(X, Y, np.exp(Z), norm=colors.LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp) plt.subplot(3, 2, 5) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.05) ax1 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z1, norm=colors.LogNorm(), linewidths=1.5) ax2 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z2, norm=colors.LogNorm(), linewidths=1.5) plt.plot([clf.means_[0, 0]], [clf.means_[0, 1]], 'wo', markersize=6) plt.plot([clf.means_[1, 0]], [clf.means_[1, 1]], 'wo', markersize=6) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('f1, f2') plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp) plt.subplot(3, 2, 6) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.05) ax1 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.exp(Z), norm=colors.LogNorm(), linewidths=1.5) plt.plot([clf.means_[0, 0]], [clf.means_[0, 1]], 'wo', markersize=6) plt.plot([clf.means_[1, 0]], [clf.means_[1, 1]], 'wo', markersize=6) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp) plt.title('f = f1 + f2') fig.suptitle('EM2 PDF: ' + var_name1 + var_name2 + ' (t=' + str(time) + ', z=' + str(z) + 'm)', fontsize=20) plt.savefig( os.path.join( fullpath_out, 'EM2_bivar_figures', 'EM2_PDF_bivariate_' + var_name1 + '_' + var_name2 + '_' + str(time) + '_z' + str( + 'm_log.png')) plt.close() return
def singlehist2d(x,y, quad): counts, xedges, yedges, Image = pylab.hist2d(x,y,bins=20) quad.set_array(counts) return quad
plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder_output, 'Feature_Importances.jpg')) plt.close() # show the validation of the test set plt.figure() # label of the axis. plt.xlabel( 'In-situ soil moisture [$\mathregular{cm^3}$/$\mathregular{cm^3}$]', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel( 'Estimated soil moisture [$\mathregular{cm^3}$/$\mathregular{cm^3}$]', fontsize=12) # plot the data with the density (number of pixels) h = hist2d(list(test_labels), list(predictions), bins=40, cmap='PuBu', range=[[0, 0.6], [0, 0.6]]) cb = plt.colorbar() cb.set_label('Numbers of points') # Add 1:1 line x = np.arange(0, 0.6, 0.1, dtype=float) y = x # Add the information of RMSE and r on the figure. plt.text(0.1, 0.54, 'RMSE: %.2f' % rmse, fontdict={'size': 12}) plt.text(0.1, 0.50, 'ubRMSE: %.2f' % cal_ubrmse(test_labels, predictions)[0], fontdict={'size': 12}) plt.text(0.1, 0.46, 'r: %.2f' % r, fontdict={'size': 12}) plt.text(0.1, 0.42, 'Num: %d' % len(test_features), fontdict={'size': 12})
""" Example script for plotting histogram """ # import every function from numpy module # can use the function directly from now from numpy import * # import pylab module # use pylab.function to call import pylab # generating data # number of data points in each dimension N = 20000 # random number from "normal" distribution # default: sigma = 1.0, mean = 0.0 x = random.randn(N) y = random.randn(N) # short cut to plot a histogram pylab.hist2d(x,y,bins=50,cmin=0.0001) # show() is required if using in non-interactive environment
matplotlib.use('pdf') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import glob import sys,numpy,pylab file_list = glob.glob(sys.argv[1]) mt_list = [] tt_list = [] for lfile in file_list: try: llh_file = pickle.load(open(lfile, "rb")) mt_list.append(float("%.3f" % llh_file['result']['mt'])) tt_list.append(float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['tt'])) except: print lfile my_bins =101 counts,ybins,xbins,image = pylab.hist2d(mt_list,tt_list,range=[[-0.015,0.015],[-0.1,0.1]],weights=numpy.array([float(1)/float(350) for j in mt_list]),bins=my_bins) print xbins,ybins,counts.shape #counts,ybins,xbins,image = pylab.hist2d(mt_list,tt_list,bins=10) pylab.colorbar() #pylab.xlim(-0.015,0.015) #pylab.ylim(-0.1,0.1) new_counts = numpy.array([[float(-1) for i in xrange(my_bins)] for j in xrange(my_bins)]) for i in xrange(((my_bins-1)/2)+1): if(i>0): p = ((my_bins-1)/2)-i q = ((my_bins-1)/2)+(i+1) tot_counts = 0 #Calculate total counts so far for j in xrange(p,q): for k in xrange(p,q): tot_counts +=counts[j][k]
from numpy import * import pylab import matplotlib.animation as animation def singlehist2d(x,y, quad): counts, xedges, yedges, Image = pylab.hist2d(x,y,bins=20) quad.set_array(counts) return quad fig = pylab.figure() ax = pylab.subplot(111) ims = [] for ind in linspace(0.0,4.0,10): N = int(100*ind) x = random.randn(N) y = random.randn(N) ax.set_title('N = %i'%N) = pylab.hist2d(x,y,hold=False) ims.append((pylab.pcolor(xedges, yedges, counts),)) im_ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=100, repeat_delay=3000, blit=True)
#~ out = sr.solve_via_ILP(predicted_distances[cube], max_gradient=[1,1,2]) t1 = time() elif isinstance(params,int): t0 = time() out = sr.reconstruct_surface(predicted_distances[cube], tmp_file1,tmp_file2,prog,overwrite=True, max_dist=max_dist, sampling = [1,1,2], clipping_dist=params, cost_fun=cost_function[:-2], verbose=True) t1 = time() elif isinstance(params,str): f = h5py.File(os.path.join(ROOT_DATA,params), 'r') predicted_distances_prior = f['inference_results'].value true_distances_prior = f['labels'].value f.close() predicted_distances_prior = np.minimum(predicted_distances_prior,np.max(true_distances)) prior = pl.hist2d(predicted_distances_prior.flatten(), true_distances_prior.flatten(), range=[[-0.5,max_dist+0.5],[-0.5,max_dist+0.5]],bins=np.linspace(-0.5,max_dist + 0.5,max_dist+2)) prior = np.exp(-(prior[0] / prior[0].sum(axis=1)[:,np.newaxis].astype(np.float) ))*1000 pl.close() t0 = time() out = sr.reconstruct_surface(predicted_distances[cube], tmp_file1,tmp_file2,prog,overwrite=True, max_dist=max_dist, sampling = [1,1,2], clipping_dist=params, cost_fun=prior, verbose=True) t1 = time() imsave(output,out.astype(np.int32),compress=1) os.remove(output_flag) os.remove(tmp_file1) os.remove(tmp_file2) times[cost_function].append(t1-t0)
#z reki #pliki=["ot001", "ot002", "ot009", "ot019", "ot020" , "nt001"]; PtBins=[0., 0.1,1.5, 2., 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4., 4.5, 5., 6., 7., 8.,10., 12., 14., 16., 18., 20., 25., 30., 35., 40., 45.,50., 60., 70., 80., 90., 100., 120., 140.,160.]; PtWidth=[(PtBins[j+1]-PtBins[j]) for j in range(len(PtBins)-1)] bin_width = 0.01; rec = root2rec(sys.argv[1], "tvec") #x = np.extract(np.absolute(rec.Teta) < 1.61, rec.Tbeta) x = np.extract(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.absolute(rec.Teta0) < 1.61, rec.Tlbx_1), rec.Tpt0 > 10), rec.Teta0); y = np.extract(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.absolute(rec.Teta0) < 1.61, rec.Tlbx_1), rec.Tpt0 > 10), rec.Tphi0); print len(x), len(y) pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=200, norm=LogNorm()) #pl.hist2d(x, y, bins=np.arange(0.,4,bin_width) , norm=LogNorm()) pl.colorbar() #plt.xscale('log') plt.ylabel(r'$\phi$') plt.xlabel(r'$\eta$') plt.draw() pp.savefig() pp.close()
# if(math.fabs(mt)>0.001): print dm2,th23,dm21,th231,2*(float("%.5f" % llh_file1['result']['llh'])-float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['llh'])) llh_diff.append(2*(float("%.5f" % llh_file1['result']['llh'])-float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['llh']))) n_pull.append((float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['norm'])-1)/0.5) ne_pull.append((float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['norm_e'])-1)/1) g_pull.append((float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['gamma'])-0)/5) atm_pull.append((float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['atmmu_fraction'])-0.01)/1) de_pull.append((float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['domeff'])-1)/0.3) hi_pull.append((float("%.5f" % llh_file['result']['hole_ice'])-0.02)/0.02) except: pass #print lfile print len(llh_diff),len(n_pull) from scipy import stats print 'lists',count,count1,len(mt_list),len(mtp_list) pylab.hist2d(mt_list+mtp_list,exp_rat,bins=20) pylab.xlabel(r"Fitted $\theta_{23}$") #pylab.xlabel(r"Fitted $sin^2(2 \theta_{23})$") pylab.ylabel("Events/5174") pylab.colorbar() pylab.savefig("ElimPlot.pdf") pylab.close() pylab.hist2d(ttdiff_list+ttpdiff_list,exp1_rat,bins=20) pylab.xlabel(r"Fitted $\theta_{23}$") #pylab.xlabel(r"Fitted $sin^2(2 \theta_{23})$") pylab.ylabel("Events/5174") pylab.colorbar() pylab.savefig("ElimPlot1.pdf") pylab.close() #pylab.hist(mt_list+mtp_list,bins=numpy.linspace(-0.01,0.01,30),color='k',histtype='step') #pylab.hist(mt_list+mtp_list,bins=numpy.linspace(0.7,1.2,40),color='k',histtype='step')
numpy matplotlib ''' import argparse from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm import numpy as np import pylab import sys if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type = argparse.FileType('r', encoding = 'utf8'), default = sys.stdin, help = 'input file') parser.add_argument('--num-bins', type = int, default = 50, help = 'number of bins in x and y direction') parser.add_argument('-d', type = str, default = ' ', help = 'delimiter') args = parser.parse_args() x, y = np.loadtxt(args.input, delimiter = args.delimiter, unpack = True) pylab.hist2d(x,y,bins=args.num_bins,norm=LogNorm()) pylab.colorbar()
def plot_PDF_samples(data, var_name1, var_name2, clf, time, z): import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import as cm det_ = np.linalg.det(clf.covariances_[0, :, :]) fact_ = 1. / np.sqrt((2 * np.pi)**2 * det_) # Plotting n_sample = 300 x1_max = np.amax(data[:, 0]) x1_min = np.amin(data[:, 0]) x2_max = np.amax(data[:, 1]) x2_min = np.amin(data[:, 1]) x = np.linspace(x1_min, x1_max, n_sample) y = np.linspace(x2_min, x2_max, n_sample) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) XX = np.array([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T Z = clf.score_samples(XX).reshape(X.shape) mx1 = clf.means_[0, 0] my1 = clf.means_[0, 1] sx1 = np.sqrt(clf.covariances_[0, 0, 0]) sy1 = np.sqrt(clf.covariances_[0, 1, 1]) sxy1 = clf.covariances_[0, 1, 0] Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, sigmax=sx1, sigmay=sy1, mux=mx1, muy=my1, sigmaxy=sxy1) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) levels_tot = np.linspace(0, fact_, 10) if fact_ <= 2: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact_, 0.2) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact_, 0.2) elif fact_ <= 10: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact_, 0.5) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact_, 0.5) elif fact_ <= 20: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact_, 2) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact_, 2) elif fact_ <= 50: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact_, 5) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact_, 5) else: levels_cont = np.arange(0, fact_, 20) levels_contf = np.arange(0, fact_, 20) levels_comp = np.linspace(0, fact_, 7) plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.05) ax1 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=np.linspace(10, 20, 2)) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) plt.title(var_name1 + var_name2 + ' (data), t=' + str(time) + ', z=' + str(z)) plt.xlabel(var_name1) plt.ylabel(var_name2) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) plt.title(var_name1 + var_name2 + ' (data), t=' + str(time) + ', z=' + str(z)) plt.xlabel(var_name1) plt.ylabel(var_name2) plt.subplot(3, 2, 3) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) ax2 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.exp(Z), levels=levels_cont, linewidths=1, colors='w') plt.xlabel(var_name1) plt.ylabel(var_name2) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 2, 4) ax1 = plt.contourf(X, Y, np.exp(Z), levels=levels_contf) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM PDF') plt.xlabel(var_name1) plt.ylabel(var_name2) plt.subplot(3, 2, 5) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.05) ax1 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z1, levels=levels_comp, linewidths=1.5) plt.plot([clf.means_[0, 0]], [clf.means_[0, 1]], 'wo', markersize=6) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('f1, f2') plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) plt.xlabel(var_name1) plt.ylabel(var_name2) plt.subplot(3, 2, 6) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.05) ax1 = plt.contour(X, Y, np.exp(Z), levels=levels_cont, linewidths=1.5) # ax1 = plt.contour(X, Y, Z1+Z2, linewidths=1.5) plt.plot([clf.means_[0, 0]], [clf.means_[0, 1]], 'wo', markersize=6) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.xlim([x1_min, x1_max]) plt.ylim([x2_min, x2_max]) plt.xlabel(var_name1) plt.ylabel(var_name2) plt.title('f = f1 + f2') plt.savefig(fullpath_out + 'CloudClosure_alltimes_figures/CC_bivariate_' + var_name1 + '_' + var_name2 + '_z' + str( + 'm_alltime.png') plt.close() return
def plot(self, bins=100, cmap="hot_r", fontsize=10, Nlevels=4, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, norm=None, range=None, contour=True, **kargs): """plots histogram of mean across replicates versus coefficient variation :param int bins: binning for the 2D histogram :param fontsize: fontsize for the labels :param contour: show some contours :param int Nlevels: must be more than 2 :param range: as in pylab.hist2d : a 2x2 shape [[-3,3],[-4,4]] .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 50% >>> from msdas import * >>> r = replicates.ReplicatesYeast(get_yeast_raw_data()) >>> r.drop_na_count(54) # to speed up the plot creation >>> r.hist2d_mu_versus_cv() """ X = self.df[self.df.columns[0]].values Y = self.df[self.df.columns[1]].values if len(X) > 10000: print("Computing 2D histogram. Please wait") pylab.clf() if norm == 'log': from matplotlib import colors res = pylab.hist2d(X, Y, bins=bins, cmap=cmap, norm=colors.LogNorm()) else: res = pylab.hist2d(X, Y, bins=bins, cmap=cmap, range=range) pylab.colorbar() if contour: try: bins1 = bins[0] bins2 = bins[1] except: bins1 = bins bins2 = bins X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(res[1][0:bins1], res[2][0:bins2]) if contour: levels = [round(x) for x in pylab.logspace(0, pylab.log10(res[0].max().max()),Nlevels)] pylab.contour(X, Y, res[0].transpose(), levels[2:], color="g") #pylab.clabel(C, fontsize=fontsize, inline=1) if ylabel == None: ylabel = self.df.columns[1] if xlabel == None: xlabel = self.df.columns[0] pylab.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) pylab.grid(True) return res
def plot(self, bins=100, cmap="hot_r", fontsize=10, Nlevels=4, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, norm=None, range=None, normed=False, colorbar=True, contour=True, grid=True, **kargs): """plots histogram of mean across replicates versus coefficient variation :param int bins: binning for the 2D histogram (either a float or list of 2 binning values). :param cmap: a valid colormap (defaults to hot_r) :param fontsize: fontsize for the labels :param int Nlevels: must be more than 2 :param str xlabel: set the xlabel (overwrites content of the dataframe) :param str ylabel: set the ylabel (overwrites content of the dataframe) :param norm: set to 'log' to show the log10 of the values. :param normed: normalise the data :param range: as in pylab.Hist2D : a 2x2 shape [[-3,3],[-4,4]] :param contour: show some contours (default to True) :param bool grid: Show unerlying grid (defaults to True) If the input is a dataframe, the xlabel and ylabel will be populated with the column names of the dataframe. """ X = self.df[self.df.columns[0]].values Y = self.df[self.df.columns[1]].values if len(X) > 10000: print("Computing 2D histogram. Please wait") pylab.clf() if norm == 'log': from matplotlib import colors res = pylab.hist2d(X, Y, bins=bins, density=normed, cmap=cmap, norm=colors.LogNorm()) else: res = pylab.hist2d(X, Y, bins=bins, cmap=cmap, density=normed, range=range) if colorbar is True: pylab.colorbar() if contour: try: bins1 = bins[0] bins2 = bins[1] except: bins1 = bins bins2 = bins X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(res[1][0:bins1], res[2][0:bins2]) if contour: if res[0].max().max() < 10 and norm == 'log': pylab.contour(X, Y, res[0].transpose()) else: levels = [ round(x) for x in pylab.logspace( 0, pylab.log10(res[0].max().max()), Nlevels) ] pylab.contour(X, Y, res[0].transpose(), levels[2:]) #pylab.clabel(C, fontsize=fontsize, inline=1) if ylabel is None: ylabel = self.df.columns[1] if xlabel is None: xlabel = self.df.columns[0] pylab.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) if grid is True: pylab.grid(True) return res
se = good[np.in1d(good[OBJECT_ID],coadd[OBJECT_ID])] uid,inv,cts = np.unique(se[OBJECT_ID],False,True,True) if not (uid == coadd[OBJECT_ID]).all(): raise Exception("Object IDs do not match") kwargs = dict(bins=100,histtype='step',lw=1.5) # Spatial distribution maglim = 30 plt.figure() sel = (se['MAG_PSF'] < maglim) & (se['BAND'] == 'g') plt.hist2d(se['RA'][sel],se['DEC'][sel],bins=250,norm=colors.LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(label='log(Counts)') plt.title('HPX %05d (g < 30)'%opts.pix) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') plt.ylabel('DEC (deg)') plt.savefig(pltdir+'spatial_se_%05d.png'%opts.pix) plt.figure() sel = coadd['MAG_PSF_G'] < maglim plt.hist2d(coadd['RA'][sel],coadd['DEC'][sel],bins=250,norm=colors.LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(label='log(Counts)') plt.title('HPX %05d (g < %s)'%(opts.pix,maglim)) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') plt.ylabel('DEC (deg)') plt.savefig(pltdir+'spatial_coadd_%05d.png'%opts.pix)