Esempio n. 1
def getRawData(channel, gps, dt):
    """Read data from RAW file:
    ch  = channel name
    gps = gps time
    dt  = duration

    global files

    # get the list of frame files
    obs = channel[0:2]
    if len(files) == 0:
        files = find_data_path(obs, gps, gps + dt)
    # read data from all files
    data = array([])
    for f in files:
        # get the frame file start GPS and duration from the name
        gps0 = int(f.split('-')[-2])
        gps1 = gps0 + int(f.split('-')[-1].split('.')[-2])
        # find the right time segment to load from this file
        gps0 = max(gps0, gps)
        gps1 = min(gps1, gps + dt)
        # read data and append
        x = Fr.frgetvect(f, channel, gps0, gps1 - gps0)
        data = concatenate([data, x[0]])
    return data, int(1 / x[3][0])
Esempio n. 2
import pmns_utils
import pmns_simsig

import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) 
matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) 
matplotlib.rc('font', size=16) 
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
import as cm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

# Load frame data
h1data = Fr.frgetvect('H-H1-871727590-513.gwf', 'H1:LSC-STRAIN', span=500)

# Put frame data in lal TimeSeries
noise = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries('H1', lal.LIGOTimeGPS(h1data[1]), 0,
        h1data[3][0], lal.StrainUnit, len(h1data[0])) = h1data[0]

nonoise = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries('H1', lal.LIGOTimeGPS(h1data[1]), 0,
        h1data[3][0], lal.StrainUnit, len(h1data[0])) = np.zeros(len(h1data[0]))

# Generate a post-merger signal
Esempio n. 3
def  readframedata(frameCache, channelName, frameType, startTime, stopTime,
		   allowRedundantFlag, debugLevel):
  #READFRAMEDATA Read a single channel of data from frame files
  #READFRAMEDATA finds and retrieves the requested time series data from a
  #set of frame files.  The data is specified by the frame file type,
  #channel name, start time, and duration or stop time.  The necessary frame
  #files are located using a file name caching scheme.
  #usage: [data, sampleFrequency, time] = ...
  #readframedata(frameCache, channelName, frameType, ...
  #startTime, stopTime, allowRedundantFlag, ...
  #frameCache           file name cache
  #channelName          channel name
  #frameType            frame file type
  #startTime            GPS start time
  #stopTime             GPS stop time (or duration)
  #allowRedundantFlag   permit redundant frame data
  #debugLevel           verboseness of debug output
  #data                 data vector
  #sampleFrequency      sample frequency [Hz]
  #time                 time vector
  #READFRAMEDATA expects frame cache information in the format produced by
  #LOADFRAMECACHE which contains the site, frame type, duration, time, and
  #location of available frame data files.
  #The requested site designator is determined from the first character of
  #the requested channel name.  The frame file type may contain wildcards.
  #Unless redundant frame data is permitted, it is an error if the same
  #frame file appears more than once in the frame cache file.  If redundant
  #frame data is permitted, the first matching frame file from the cache is
  #used.  It is always an error if two frame files overlap but do not cover
  #the same time range or differ in type.  By default, redundant frame data
  #is permitted.
  #READFRAMEDATA retrieves data from the requested start time up to, but not
  #including, the requested stop time, such that stop minus start seconds
  #are retrieved.  Alternatively, the desired duration in seconds may be
  #specified instead of the GPS stop time parameter.
  #The resulting time series is returned as two row vectors containing the
  #data sequence and the corresponding GPS timestamps, as well as the scalar
  #sample frequency.  To protect against roundoff error, an integer sample
  #frequency is assumed.
  #If it is unable to load the requested data, READFRAMEDATA returns empty
  #result vectors and zero sample frequency as well as a warning if
  #debugLevel is set to 1 or higher.  By default, a debugLevel of unity is
  #READFRAMEDATA is built on top of the FRGETVECT function from the FrameL
  #library, which is available from the following URL.
  #Shourov K. Chatterji <*****@*****.**>
  #Jameson Rollins <*****@*****.**>
  #$Id: readframedata.m 2326 2009-09-21 08:37:42Z jrollins $
  # Rewritten in Python by Sudarshan Ghonge <*****@*****.**>
  # 2015-09-04

  # if specified stop time precedes start time,
    # treat stop time as a duration
    stopTime = startTime + stopTime
  # determine site designator from channel name
  site = channelName[0]
  #if specified frame cache is invalid
      # Issue warning
      print 'Warning: Invalid frame cache'
    data = []
    time = []
    sampleFrequency = 0
    return [data, sampleFrequency]
    # return empty results
  # Identifying matching segments from frame cache
  # find overlap of cache segments with requested data
  segmentStartTimes = np.maximum(startTime, frameCache.startTimes)
  segmentStopTimes = np.minimum(stopTime, frameCache.stopTimes)
  # identify cache segments which overlap requested times
  segments = np.where(segmentStopTimes > segmentStartTimes)[0]
  # if no segments overlap with requested times
    if debugLevel>=1:
      print 'Warning: No data available for [%d, %d]' %(startTime, stopTime)
    data = []
    time = []
    sampleFrequency = 0
    # return empty results
    return [data, sampleFrequency]
  # otherwise, find overlapping segments
    # identify cache segments with requested site and frame type
    siteMatches = []
    for iSite in frameCache.sites[segments]:
      if site in iSite:
    siteMatches = np.asarray(siteMatches)
    frameTypeMatches = []
    for iType in frameCache.frameTypes[segments]:
      if frameType in iType:
    frameTypeMatches = np.asarray(frameTypeMatches)
    segIdx = np.intersect1d(siteMatches, frameTypeMatches)
      segments = []
      segments = segments[segIdx]
  # Identify available frame files
  # initialize list of available frame files
  frameFilePaths = []
  frameFileTypes = []
  frameFileStartTimes = []
  frameFileStopTimes = []
  # lopp over the matching segments
  for segment in segments:
    # frame type of the frame files in segment
    frameFileType = frameCache.frameTypes[segment]
    firstFrameFileStartTime = frameCache.startTimes[segment] + frameCache.durations[segment]*np.floor((segmentStartTimes[segment]-frameCache.startTimes[segment])/frameCache.durations[segment])
    lastFrameFileStartTime = frameCache.startTimes[segment] + frameCache.durations[segment]*np.ceil((segmentStopTimes[segment] - frameCache.startTimes[segment])/frameCache.durations[segment] - 1)
    for frameFileStartTime in np.arange(firstFrameFileStartTime,
					lastFrameFileStartTime + frameCache.durations[segment],
      frameFileStopTime = frameFileStartTime +  frameCache.durations[segment]
      frameFilePath = frameCache.directories[segment] + '/' + frameCache.sites[segment] + '-' + frameCache.frameTypes[segment] + '-' + '%09d' %(frameFileStartTime) + '-' + '%d' %(frameCache.durations[segment]) + '.gwf'
      # In case the frame file durations start becoming variable. The ls <name> with a '*' in place of the duration field
      # returns the file name. we then use that file name
      import os.path
      if(not os.path.isfile(frameFilePath)):
	frameFilePath = frameCache.directories[segment] + '/' + frameCache.sites[segment] +'-' + frameCache.frameTypes[segment] + '-' + '%010d' %(frameFileStartTime) + '-' + '*'+ '.gwf'
	frameFilePath = os.popen('ls %s'%(frameFilePath)).readlines()[0].split('\n')[0]
  frameFilePaths = np.asarray(frameFilePaths)
  frameFileTypes = np.asarray(frameFileTypes)
  frameFileStartTimes = np.asarray(frameFileStartTimes)
  frameFileStopTimes = np.asarray(frameFileStopTimes)
  numberOfFrameFiles = len(frameFilePaths)
  keepFrameFileNumbers = []
  for frameFileNumber in range(numberOfFrameFiles):
    keepFrameFileFlag = True
    for previousFrameFileNumber in range(frameFileNumber):
      overlapStartTime = np.maximum(frameFileStartTimes[frameFileNumber],
      overlapStoptime = np.minimum(frameFileStopTimes[frameFileNumber],
      if (overlapStartTime < overlapStoptime):
	  if((frameFileStartTimes[frameFileNumber]==frameFileStartTimes[previousFrameFileNumber])      & (frameFileStopTimes[frameFileNumber] == frameFileStopTimes[previousFrameFileNumber])
          & (frameFileTypes[frameFileNumber]==frameFileTypes[previousFrameFileNumber])):
	    keepFrameFileFlag = False
	      print 'Warning: Overlapping but dissimilar frame files %s and %s.' %(frameFilePaths[frameFileNumber], frameFilePaths[previousFrameFileNumber])
	    data = []
	    time = []
	    return [data, sampleFrequency]
	    print 'Warning: Redundant frame files %s and %s.' %(frameFilePaths[frameFileNumber], frameFilePaths[previousFrameFileNumber])
	  data = []
	  time = []
	  sampleFrequency = 0
	  return [data, sampleFrequency]
  keepFrameFileNumbers = np.asarray(keepFrameFileNumbers)
  frameFilePaths = frameFilePaths[keepFrameFileNumbers]
  frameFileTypes = frameFileTypes[keepFrameFileNumbers]
  frameFileStartTimes = frameFileStartTimes[keepFrameFileNumbers]
  frameFileStopTimes = frameFileStopTimes[keepFrameFileNumbers]
  sortedIndices = np.argsort(frameFileStartTimes)
  frameFilePaths = frameFilePaths[sortedIndices]
  frameFiletypes = frameFileTypes[sortedIndices]
  frameFileStartTimes = frameFileStartTimes[sortedIndices]
  frameFileStopTimes = frameFileStopTimes[sortedIndices]
  continuityStartTimes = np.append(np.maximum(startTime, frameFileStartTimes), stopTime)
  continuityStopTimes = np.append(startTime, np.minimum(stopTime, frameFileStopTimes))
  discontinuities =  np.where(continuityStartTimes!=continuityStopTimes)[0]
    if(debugLevel >=1):
      print 'Warning: Missing %s '%(channelName), frameType[1:len(frameType)-1], ' data at ' , '%d'%(np.round(continuityStopTimes[discontinuities[0]])), '.'
    data = []
    time = []
    sampleFrequency = 0
    return [data, sampleFrequency]
  data = np.array([])
  time = np.array([])
  sampleFrequency = None
  numberOfFrameFiles = len(frameFilePaths)
  for frameFileNumber in range(numberOfFrameFiles):
    frameFilePath = frameFilePaths[frameFileNumber]
      print 'Reading %s...\n' %(frameFilePath)
    frameFileStartTime = frameFileStartTimes[frameFileNumber]
    frameFileStopTime = frameFileStopTimes[frameFileNumber]
    readData = []
    readStartTime = np.maximum(startTime, frameFileStartTime)
    readDuration = np.minimum(stopTime, frameFileStopTime) - readStartTime
    realChannelName = channelName
      outputStruct = Fr.frgetvect(frameFilePath, realChannelName, readStartTime, readDuration, False)
      readData = outputStruct[0]
      readTime = outputStruct[2]
      readSampleFrequency = 1.0/outputStruct[3][0]
      readTimeStep = outputStruct[3][0]
      readGPS = outputStruct[1]
    except Exception as inst:
	print  inst.message
    if((len(readData)==0) | np.any(np.isnan(readData))):
	print 'Warning: Error reading %s from %s.' %(channelName, frameFilePath)
      data = []
      time = []
      sampleFrequency = 0
      return [data, sampleFrequency]
      sampleFrequency = readSampleFrequency
	print 'Warning: Inconsistent sample frequency for %s in frameFilePath.' %(channelname, frameFilePath)
      data = []
      time = []
      sampleFrequency = 0
      return [data, sampleFrequency]
    data = np.append(data, readData)
  return [data, sampleFrequency]
Esempio n. 4
#!/usr/bin/env python

from pylal import Fr

h_frame = 'H-H1_magA_tapered_1105199095-946076460-512.gwf'
l_frame = 'L-L1_magA_tapered_1105199095-946076460-512.gwf'

gps_start = 946076563.480737805
ra  = 1.39
dec = -0.93

h_data = Fr.frgetvect(h_frame, 'H1:STRAIN', start=gps_start, span=1)
l_data = Fr.frgetvect(l_frame, 'L1:STRAIN', start=gps_start, span=1)
Esempio n. 5
def readframedata(frameCache, channelName, frameType, startTime, stopTime,
                  allowRedundantFlag, debugLevel):
    #READFRAMEDATA Read a single channel of data from frame files
    #READFRAMEDATA finds and retrieves the requested time series data from a
    #set of frame files.  The data is specified by the frame file type,
    #channel name, start time, and duration or stop time.  The necessary frame
    #files are located using a file name caching scheme.
    #usage: [data, sampleFrequency, time] = ...
    #readframedata(frameCache, channelName, frameType, ...
    #startTime, stopTime, allowRedundantFlag, ...
    #frameCache           file name cache
    #channelName          channel name
    #frameType            frame file type
    #startTime            GPS start time
    #stopTime             GPS stop time (or duration)
    #allowRedundantFlag   permit redundant frame data
    #debugLevel           verboseness of debug output
    #data                 data vector
    #sampleFrequency      sample frequency [Hz]
    #time                 time vector
    #READFRAMEDATA expects frame cache information in the format produced by
    #LOADFRAMECACHE which contains the site, frame type, duration, time, and
    #location of available frame data files.
    #The requested site designator is determined from the first character of
    #the requested channel name.  The frame file type may contain wildcards.
    #Unless redundant frame data is permitted, it is an error if the same
    #frame file appears more than once in the frame cache file.  If redundant
    #frame data is permitted, the first matching frame file from the cache is
    #used.  It is always an error if two frame files overlap but do not cover
    #the same time range or differ in type.  By default, redundant frame data
    #is permitted.
    #READFRAMEDATA retrieves data from the requested start time up to, but not
    #including, the requested stop time, such that stop minus start seconds
    #are retrieved.  Alternatively, the desired duration in seconds may be
    #specified instead of the GPS stop time parameter.
    #The resulting time series is returned as two row vectors containing the
    #data sequence and the corresponding GPS timestamps, as well as the scalar
    #sample frequency.  To protect against roundoff error, an integer sample
    #frequency is assumed.
    #If it is unable to load the requested data, READFRAMEDATA returns empty
    #result vectors and zero sample frequency as well as a warning if
    #debugLevel is set to 1 or higher.  By default, a debugLevel of unity is
    #READFRAMEDATA is built on top of the FRGETVECT function from the FrameL
    #library, which is available from the following URL.
    #Shourov K. Chatterji <*****@*****.**>
    #Jameson Rollins <*****@*****.**>
    #$Id: readframedata.m 2326 2009-09-21 08:37:42Z jrollins $
    # Rewritten in Python by Sudarshan Ghonge <*****@*****.**>
    # 2015-09-04

    # if specified stop time precedes start time,
    if (stopTime < startTime):
        # treat stop time as a duration
        stopTime = startTime + stopTime

    # determine site designator from channel name
    site = channelName[0]

    #if specified frame cache is invalid
    if (frameCache == None):
        if (debugLevel >= 1):
            # Issue warning
            print 'Warning: Invalid frame cache'

        data = []
        time = []
        sampleFrequency = 0
        return [data, sampleFrequency]
        # return empty results

    # Identifying matching segments from frame cache

    # find overlap of cache segments with requested data
    segmentStartTimes = np.maximum(startTime, frameCache.startTimes)
    segmentStopTimes = np.minimum(stopTime, frameCache.stopTimes)

    # identify cache segments which overlap requested times
    segments = np.where(segmentStopTimes > segmentStartTimes)[0]

    # if no segments overlap with requested times
    if (len(segments) == 0):

        if debugLevel >= 1:
            print 'Warning: No data available for [%d, %d]' % (startTime,
        data = []
        time = []
        sampleFrequency = 0
        # return empty results
        return [data, sampleFrequency]
    # otherwise, find overlapping segments
        # identify cache segments with requested site and frame type
        siteMatches = []
        sitesScanned = 0
        for iSite in frameCache.sites[segments]:
            if site in iSite:
            sitesScanned += 1

        siteMatches = np.asarray(siteMatches)

        frameTypeMatches = []
        frameTypesScanned = 0
        for iType in frameCache.frameTypes[segments]:
            if frameType in iType:
            frameTypesScanned += 1

        frameTypeMatches = np.asarray(frameTypeMatches)

        segIdx = np.intersect1d(siteMatches, frameTypeMatches)
        if (len(segIdx) == 0):
            segments = []
            segments = segments[segIdx]

    # Identify available frame files

    # initialize list of available frame files
    frameFilePaths = []
    frameFileTypes = []
    frameFileStartTimes = []
    frameFileStopTimes = []

    # lopp over the matching segments
    for segment in segments:

        # frame type of the frame files in segment
        frameFileType = frameCache.frameTypes[segment]

        firstFrameFileStartTime = frameCache.startTimes[
            segment] + frameCache.durations[segment] * np.floor(
                (segmentStartTimes[segment] - frameCache.startTimes[segment]) /

        lastFrameFileStartTime = frameCache.startTimes[
            segment] + frameCache.durations[segment] * np.ceil(
                (segmentStopTimes[segment] - frameCache.startTimes[segment]) /
                frameCache.durations[segment] - 1)

        for frameFileStartTime in np.arange(
                lastFrameFileStartTime + frameCache.durations[segment],

            frameFileStopTime = frameFileStartTime + frameCache.durations[

            frameFilePath = frameCache.directories[
                segment] + '/' + frameCache.sites[
                    segment] + '-' + frameCache.frameTypes[
                        segment] + '-' + '%09d' % (
                            frameFileStartTime) + '-' + '%d' % (
                                frameCache.durations[segment]) + '.gwf'

            # In case the frame file durations start becoming variable. The ls <name> with a '*' in place of the duration field
            # returns the file name. we then use that file name
            import os.path
            if (not os.path.isfile(frameFilePath)):
                frameFilePath = frameCache.directories[
                    segment] + '/' + frameCache.sites[
                        segment] + '-' + frameCache.frameTypes[
                            segment] + '-' + '%010d' % (
                                frameFileStartTime) + '-' + '*' + '.gwf'
                frameFilePath = os.popen(
                    'ls %s' % (frameFilePath)).readlines()[0].split('\n')[0]

            if (os.path.isfile(frameFilePath)):

    frameFilePaths = np.asarray(frameFilePaths)
    frameFileTypes = np.asarray(frameFileTypes)
    frameFileStartTimes = np.asarray(frameFileStartTimes)
    frameFileStopTimes = np.asarray(frameFileStopTimes)

    numberOfFrameFiles = len(frameFilePaths)

    keepFrameFileNumbers = []

    for frameFileNumber in range(numberOfFrameFiles):
        keepFrameFileFlag = True

        for previousFrameFileNumber in range(frameFileNumber):

            overlapStartTime = np.maximum(
            overlapStoptime = np.minimum(

            if (overlapStartTime < overlapStoptime):
                if (allowRedundantFlag):
                    if ((frameFileStartTimes[frameFileNumber]
                         == frameFileStartTimes[previousFrameFileNumber]) &
                         == frameFileStopTimes[previousFrameFileNumber])
                            & (frameFileTypes[frameFileNumber]
                               == frameFileTypes[previousFrameFileNumber])):
                        keepFrameFileFlag = False
                        if (debugLevel >= 1):
                            print 'Warning: Overlapping but dissimilar frame files %s and %s.' % (
                        data = []
                        time = []
                        sampleFrequency = 0
                        return [data, sampleFrequency]
                    if (debugLevel >= 1):
                        print 'Warning: Redundant frame files %s and %s.' % (
                    data = []
                    time = []
                    sampleFrequency = 0
                    return [data, sampleFrequency]

        if (keepFrameFileFlag):
    keepFrameFileNumbers = np.asarray(keepFrameFileNumbers)
    frameFilePaths = frameFilePaths[keepFrameFileNumbers]
    frameFileTypes = frameFileTypes[keepFrameFileNumbers]
    frameFileStartTimes = frameFileStartTimes[keepFrameFileNumbers]
    frameFileStopTimes = frameFileStopTimes[keepFrameFileNumbers]

    sortedIndices = np.argsort(frameFileStartTimes)
    frameFilePaths = frameFilePaths[sortedIndices]
    frameFiletypes = frameFileTypes[sortedIndices]
    frameFileStartTimes = frameFileStartTimes[sortedIndices]
    frameFileStopTimes = frameFileStopTimes[sortedIndices]

    continuityStartTimes = np.append(
        np.maximum(startTime, frameFileStartTimes), stopTime)
    continuityStopTimes = np.append(startTime,
                                    np.minimum(stopTime, frameFileStopTimes))
    discontinuities = np.where(continuityStartTimes != continuityStopTimes)[0]

    if (len(discontinuities) > 0):
        if (debugLevel >= 1):
            print 'Warning: Missing %s ' % (channelName), frameType[
                1:len(frameType) - 1], ' data at ', '%d' % (np.round(
                    continuityStopTimes[discontinuities[0]])), '.'
        data = []
        time = []
        sampleFrequency = 0
        return [data, sampleFrequency]

    data = np.array([])
    time = np.array([])
    sampleFrequency = None

    numberOfFrameFiles = len(frameFilePaths)
    for frameFileNumber in range(numberOfFrameFiles):
        frameFilePath = frameFilePaths[frameFileNumber]

        if (debugLevel >= 2):
            print 'Reading %s...\n' % (frameFilePath)

        frameFileStartTime = frameFileStartTimes[frameFileNumber]

        frameFileStopTime = frameFileStopTimes[frameFileNumber]

        readData = []

        readStartTime = np.maximum(startTime, frameFileStartTime)

        readDuration = np.minimum(stopTime, frameFileStopTime) - readStartTime

        realChannelName = channelName

            outputStruct = Fr.frgetvect(frameFilePath, realChannelName,
                                        readStartTime, readDuration, False)
            readData = outputStruct[0]
            readTime = outputStruct[2]
            readSampleFrequency = 1.0 / outputStruct[3][0]
            readTimeStep = outputStruct[3][0]
            readGPS = outputStruct[1]

        except Exception as inst:
            if (debugLevel >= 2):
                print inst.message
        if ((len(readData) == 0) | np.any(np.isnan(readData))):
            if (debugLevel >= 1):
                print 'Warning: Error reading %s from %s.' % (channelName,

            data = []
            time = []
            sampleFrequency = 0
            return [data, sampleFrequency]
        if (sampleFrequency == None):
            sampleFrequency = readSampleFrequency
        elif (sampleFrequency != readSampleFrequency):
            if (debugLevel >= 1):
                print 'Warning: Inconsistent sample frequency for %s in frameFilePath.' % (
                    channelname, frameFilePath)
            data = []
            time = []
            sampleFrequency = 0
            return [data, sampleFrequency]

        data = np.append(data, readData)

    return [data, sampleFrequency]
Esempio n. 6
virgo_fs = 20000.0

f, ax = pl.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=1)

for s,site in enumerate(sites):


    if site=='V':
        delta_t = 1/virgo_fs
        delta_t = 1/ligo_fs

    # Stick these in pycbc time series and we'll have an easy time computing
    # matches etc later
    bmdc_data[site] = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(Fr.frgetvect(burstmdc_frame,
            burstmdc_channels[s], start=start, span=datalen)[0],
            delta_t=delta_t, epoch=start)

    lalsim_data[site] = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(Fr.frgetvect(lalsim_frames[s],
            lalsim_channels[s], start=start, span=datalen)[0],
            delta_t=1/ligo_fs, epoch=start)

    # Plot burstMDC channels
    ax[0].plot(bmdc_data[site].sample_times-float(trigger_time), bmdc_data[site],
    ax[0].set_xlabel('Seconds after %s'%trigger_time)

    # Plot lalsim channels