Esempio n. 1
    def test_buffer_plot_metrics(self):
        ba = pls.BufferAnalysis(self.landscape_fp, self.geom,
                                self.buffer_dists, base_mask_crs=self.geom_crs)

        # test for `None` (landscape-level) and an existing class (class-level)
        for class_val in [None, ba.classes[0]]:
            # test that the x data of the line corresponds to `buffer_dists`
                    ba.plot_metric('patch_density', class_val=class_val).lines[
                        0].get_xdata() == self.buffer_dists))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_buffer_init(self):
        naive_gser = gpd.GeoSeries([self.geom])
        gser = gpd.GeoSeries([self.geom], crs=self.geom_crs)

        # test that we cannot init from a shapely geometry without providing
        # its crs
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, pls.BufferAnalysis, self.landscape_fp,
                          self.geom, self.buffer_dists)
        # test that we cannot init with a landscape that does not have crs and
        # transform information, even when providing the `base_mask` arguments
        # properly
        for base_mask in [self.geom, naive_gser, gser]:
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, pls.BufferAnalysis, self.landscape,
                              base_mask, self.buffer_dists,
                              {'base_mask_crs': self.geom_crs})
                ValueError, pls.BufferAnalysis, self.landscape, base_mask,
                self.buffer_dists, {
                    'base_mask_crs': self.geom_crs,
                    'landscape_crs': self.landscape_crs
                ValueError, pls.BufferAnalysis, self.landscape, base_mask,
                self.buffer_dists, {
                    'base_mask_crs': self.geom_crs,
                    'landscape_transform': self.landscape_transform

        # test that we can properly instantiate it from:
        # 1. a landscape filepath, shapely geometry, and its crs
        # 2. a landscape filepath, naive geopandas GeoSeries (with no crs set)
        #    and its crs
        # 3. a landscape filepath, geopandas GeoSeries with crs set
        # 4. a landscape filepath, geopandas GeoSeries with crs set and a crs (
        #    which will override the crs of the GeoSeries)
        # 5. any of the above but changing the landscape filepath for a
        #    Landscape instance with its crs and transform
        for ba in [
                pls.BufferAnalysis(self.landscape_fp, self.geom,
                pls.BufferAnalysis(self.landscape_fp, naive_gser,
                pls.BufferAnalysis(self.landscape_fp, gser, self.buffer_dists),
                pls.BufferAnalysis(self.landscape_fp, gser, self.buffer_dists,
                    self.landscape, gser, self.buffer_dists,
            self.assertEqual(ba.feature_name, 'buffer_dists')
            self.assertEqual(len(ba), len(ba.masks_arr))
            self.assertEqual(len(ba), len(ba.buffer_dists))

        # test that we cannot instantiate a `BufferAnalysis` with
        # `buffer_rings=True` if `base_mask` is a polygon or a GeoSeries
        # containing a polygon
        polygon = self.geom.buffer(1000)  # this will return a polygon instance
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, pls.BufferAnalysis, self.landscape_fp,
                          polygon, self.buffer_dists, {
                              'buffer_rings': True,
                              'base_mask_crs': self.geom_crs
        polygon_gser = gpd.GeoSeries([polygon], crs=self.geom_crs)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, pls.BufferAnalysis, self.landscape_fp,
                          polygon_gser, self.buffer_dists, {
                              'buffer_rings': True,

        # test that otherwise, buffer rings are properly instantiated
        ba_rings = pls.BufferAnalysis(self.landscape_fp, gser,
                                      self.buffer_dists, buffer_rings=True)
        # the `buffer_dists` attribute must be a string of the form '{r}-{R}'
        # where r and R respectively represent the smaller and larger radius
        # that compose each ring
        for buffer_ring_str in ba_rings.buffer_dists:
            self.assertIn('-', buffer_ring_str)

        # compare it with the default instance (with the argument
        # `buffer_rings=False`) that does not consider rings but cumulatively
        # considers the inner areas in each mask. The first mask will in fact
        # be the same in both cases (the region that goes from 0 to the first
        # item of `self.buffer_dists`), but the successive masks will be
        # always larger in the default instance (since they will have the
        # surface of the corresponding ring plus the surface of the inner
        # region that is excluded when `buffer_rings=True`)
        ba = pls.BufferAnalysis(self.landscape_fp, gser, self.buffer_dists)
        for mask_arr, ring_mask_arr in zip(ba.masks_arr, ba_rings.masks_arr):
            self.assertGreaterEqual(np.sum(mask_arr), np.sum(ring_mask_arr))