def setUp(self): """Run at the begining of every test to setup the gui""" self.test_obj = LamHole(Rint=0.1, Rext=0.2) self.test_obj.hole = list() self.test_obj.hole.append( HoleM53(H0=0.10, H1=0.11, H2=0.12, H3=0.13, W1=0.14, W2=0.15, W3=0.16, W4=0.17)) self.widget = PHoleM53(self.test_obj.hole[0])
def test_init_53(self): """Check that you can edit a hole 53""" self.test_obj.rotor.hole[0] = HoleM53(Zh=11) self.test_obj.rotor.hole[0] = "Magnet1" self.widget = SMHoleMag(machine=self.test_obj, matlib=self.matlib, is_stator=False) self.assertEqual(self.widget.out_hole_pitch.text(), "Slot pitch = 360 / 2p = 32.73 °") self.assertEqual( self.widget.tab_hole.widget(0).c_hole_type.currentIndex(), 3) self.assertEqual( self.widget.tab_hole.widget(0).c_hole_type.currentText(), "Slot Type 53")
def setUp(self): """Run at the begining of every test to setup the machine""" plt.close("all") test_obj = Machine() test_obj.rotor = LamHole( is_internal=True, Rint=0.1, Rext=0.2, is_stator=False, L1=0.7 ) test_obj.rotor.hole = list() test_obj.rotor.hole.append( HoleM53( Zh=8, W1=15e-3, W2=10e-3, W3=40e-3, W4=pi / 4, H0=75e-3, H1=5e-3, H2=20e-3, H3=5e-3, ) ) self.test_obj = test_obj
from numpy import exp, arcsin, ndarray, pi # For AlmostEqual DELTA = 1e-6 HoleM53_test = list() # Two hole test_obj = LamHole(is_internal=True, Rext=80.2e-3, Rint=0) test_obj.hole = list() test_obj.hole.append( HoleM53(Zh=8, H0=0.02, H1=0.001, H2=0.01, H3=0.003, W1=0.005, W2=0, W3=0.01, W4=0.78)) HoleM53_test.append({ "test_obj": test_obj, "S_exp": 3.63836e-4, "SM_exp": 0.0002, "Rmin": 5.8879558e-2, "Rmax": 7.92e-2, "W5": 7.78324e-3, }) # One hole test_obj = LamHole(is_internal=True, Rext=80.2e-3, Rint=0)