Esempio n. 1
def create_hollowed_facade(surface_facade, window):
    b_facade_cmpd = fetch.shape2shapetype(
        construct.boolean_difference(surface_facade, window))
    hole_facade = fetch.geom_explorer(b_facade_cmpd, "face")[0]
    hollowed_facade = construct.simple_mesh(hole_facade)
    #Clean small triangles: this is a despicable source of error
    hollowed_facade_clean = [
        x for x in hollowed_facade if calculate.face_area(x) > 1E-3

    return hollowed_facade_clean, hole_facade
Esempio n. 2
def burn_buildings(geometry, terrain_intersection_curves):
    point_list_2D = list(geometry.exterior.coords)
    point_list_3D = [(a, b, 0) for (a, b) in point_list_2D]  # add 0 elevation

    # creating floor surface in pythonocc
    face = construct.make_polygon(point_list_3D)
    # get the midpt of the face
    face_midpt = calculate.face_midpt(face)

    # project the face_midpt to the terrain and get the elevation
    inter_pt, inter_face = calc_intersection(terrain_intersection_curves,
                                             face_midpt, (0, 0, 1))

    # reconstruct the footprint with the elevation
    loc_pt = fetch.occpt2pypt(inter_pt)
    face = fetch.shape2shapetype(modify.move(face_midpt, loc_pt, face))
    return face
Esempio n. 3
def create_hollowed_facade(surface_facade, window):
    b_facade_cmpd = fetch.shape2shapetype(construct.boolean_difference(surface_facade, window))
    hole_facade = fetch.geom_explorer(b_facade_cmpd, "face")[0]
    hollowed_facade = construct.simple_mesh(hole_facade)

    return hollowed_facade, hole_facade
Esempio n. 4
def create_windows(surface, wwr, ref_pypt):
    return fetch.shape2shapetype(modify.uniform_scale(surface, wwr, wwr, wwr, ref_pypt))
Esempio n. 5
def building2d23d(citygml_writer, zone_shp_path, district_shp_path,
                  tin_occface_list, height_col, nfloor_col):
    This script extrudes buildings from the shapefile and creates intermediate floors.

    :param citygml_writer: the cityGML object to which the buildings are gonna be created.
    :param district_shp_path: path to the shapefile to be extruded of the district
    :param tin_occface_list: the faces of the terrain, to be used to put the buildings on top.
    :param height_col:
    :param nfloor_col:
    # read district shapefile and names of buildings of the zone of analysis
    district_building_records = gdf.from_file(district_shp_path).set_index(
    district_building_names = district_building_records.index.values
    zone_building_names = gdf.from_file(zone_shp_path)['Name'].values

    #make shell out of tin_occface_list and create OCC object
    terrain_shell = construct.make_shell_frm_faces(tin_occface_list)[0]
    terrain_intersection_curves = IntCurvesFace_ShapeIntersector()
    terrain_intersection_curves.Load(terrain_shell, 1e-6)
    bsolid_list = []

    #create the buildings in 3D
    for name in district_building_names:
        height = float(district_building_records.loc[name, height_col])
        nfloors = int(district_building_records.loc[name, nfloor_col])

        # Make floors only for the buildings of the zone of interest
        # for the rest just consider one high floor.
        # simplify geometry tol =1 for buildings of interest, tol = 5 for surroundings
        if name in zone_building_names:
            range_floors = range(nfloors + 1)
            flr2flr_height = height / nfloors
            geometry = district_building_records.ix[name].geometry.simplify(
                1, preserve_topology=True)
            range_floors = [0, 1]
            flr2flr_height = height
            geometry = district_building_records.ix[name].geometry.simplify(
                5, preserve_topology=True)

        point_list_2D = list(geometry.exterior.coords)
        point_list_3D = [(a, b, 0)
                         for (a, b) in point_list_2D]  # add 0 elevation

        #creating floor surface in pythonocc
        face = construct.make_polygon(point_list_3D)
        #get the midpt of the face
        face_midpt = calculate.face_midpt(face)

        #project the face_midpt to the terrain and get the elevation
        inter_pt, inter_face = calc_intersection(terrain_intersection_curves,
                                                 face_midpt, (0, 0, 1))

        loc_pt = fetch.occpt2pypt(inter_pt)
        #reconstruct the footprint with the elevation
        face = fetch.shape2shapetype(modify.move(face_midpt, loc_pt, face))

        moved_face_list = []
        for floor_counter in range_floors:
            dist2mve = floor_counter * flr2flr_height
            #get midpt of face
            orig_pt = calculate.face_midpt(face)
            #move the pt 1 level up
            dest_pt = modify.move_pt(orig_pt, (0, 0, 1), dist2mve)
            moved_face = modify.move(orig_pt, dest_pt, face)

        #loft all the faces and form a solid
        vertical_shell = construct.make_loft(moved_face_list)
        vertical_face_list = fetch.geom_explorer(vertical_shell, "face")
        roof = moved_face_list[-1]
        footprint = moved_face_list[0]
        all_faces = []
        bldg_shell_list = construct.make_shell_frm_faces(all_faces)

        # make sure all the normals are correct (they are pointing out)
        if bldg_shell_list:
            bldg_solid = construct.make_solid(bldg_shell_list[0])
            bldg_solid = modify.fix_close_solid(bldg_solid)
            occface_list = fetch.geom_explorer(bldg_solid, "face")
            geometry_list = gml3dmodel.write_gml_srf_member(occface_list)
            citygml_writer.add_building("lod1", name, geometry_list)

    return bsolid_list
def create_windows(surface, wwr, ref_pypt):
    scaler = math.sqrt(wwr)
    return fetch.shape2shapetype(
        modify.uniform_scale(surface, scaler, scaler, scaler, ref_pypt))