Esempio n. 1
def part_sample(D, s_min, s_max, gap_d, gap_s):
    # s_min = 44
    # s_max= 84

    # gap_d = 3
    # gap_s = 4
    node_s1 = np.arange(0, s_min, gap_s)
    node_s2 = np.arange(s_max, nr, gap_s)
    node_d = np.arange(s_min, s_max, gap_d)
    jitter_s1 = np.random.randint(gap_s, size=node_s1.size)
    jitter_s1[-1] = np.random.randint(s_min - node_s1[-1])
    jitter_s2 = np.random.randint(gap_s, size=node_s2.size)
    jitter_s2[-1] = np.random.randint(nr - node_s2[-1])
    jitter_d = np.random.randint(gap_d, size=node_d.size)
    jitter_d[-1] = np.random.randint(s_max - node_d[-1])

    jitter_d = 0  # regular sampling in the denser part
    # jitter_s1= 0
    # jitter_s2= 0

    idr = np.concatenate(
        (node_s1 + jitter_s1, node_d + jitter_d, node_s2 + jitter_s2),

    cod = np.arange(0, nt * nr).reshape(nt, nr)
    idx = cod[:, idr].flatten()

    R = pylops.Restriction(N, idx)
    D_dec = R * D_sqz
    D_adj = R.H * D_dec
    return D_dec, D_adj, idr.size
Esempio n. 2
def load_sample(D, file_name):
    idr = np.load('%s.npy' % file_name)
    cod = np.arange(0, nt * nr).reshape(nt, nr)
    idx = cod[:, idr].flatten()
    R = pylops.Restriction(N, idx)
    D_dec = (R * D.flatten()).reshape(nt, idr.szie)
    D_adj = (R.H * D_dec).reshape(nt, nr)
    return D_dec, D_adj, idr.size
Esempio n. 3
def re_sample(D, gap):
    nt, nr = D.size
    idr = np.arange(0, nr, gap)
    cod = np.arange(0, nt * nr).reshape(nt, nr)
    idx = cod[:, idr].flatten()
    R = pylops.Restriction(N, idx)
    D_dec = (R * D.flatten()).reshape(nt, idr.szie)
    D_adj = (R.H * D_dec).reshape(nt, nr)
    return D_dec, D_adj, idr.size
Esempio n. 4
def irre_sample(D, gap):
    nt, nr = D.size
    interval = 6
    node = np.arange(0, nr, interval)
    jitter = np.random.randint(interval, size=node.size - 1)
    jitter_last = np.random.randint(nr - node[-1])
    jitter = np.concatenate((jitter, jitter_last), axis=None)
    idr = node + jitter

    cod = np.arange(0, nt * nr).reshape(nt, nr)
    idx = cod[:, idr].flatten()
    R = pylops.Restriction(N, idx)
    D_dec = (R * D.flatten()).reshape(nt, idr.szie)
    D_adj = (R.H * D_dec).reshape(nt, nr)
    return D_dec, D_adj, idr.size
Esempio n. 5
def SubSampling(size: int, sampling_indices: Union[np.ndarray, list], shape: Optional[tuple] = None, axis: int = 0,
                dtype: str = 'float64', inplace: bool = True):
    Subsampling operator.

    Extract subset of values from input array at locations ``sampling_indices``
    in forward mode and place those values at locations ``sampling_indices``
    in an otherwise zero array in adjoint mode.

    size : int
        Size of input array.
    sampling_indices : :obj:`list` or :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Integer indices of samples for data selection.
    shape : tuple
        Shape of input array
        (``None`` if only one dimension is available).
    axis : int
        When ``shape`` is not ``None``, axis along which subsampling is applied.
    dtype : str
        Type of elements in input array.
    inplace : bool
        Work inplace (``True``) or make a new copy (``False``). By default,
        data is a reference to the model (in forward) and model is a reference
        to the data (in adjoint).

        The subsampling operator.

        If shape and size do not match.


    .. testsetup::

       import numpy as np
       from pycsou.linop.sampling import SubSampling

    .. doctest::

       >>> x = np.arange(9).reshape(3,3)
       >>> sampling_indices = [0,2]
       >>> SamplingOp=SubSampling(size=x.size, sampling_indices=sampling_indices)
       >>> SamplingOp * x.reshape(-1)
       array([0, 2])
       >>> SamplingOp.adjoint(SamplingOp* x.reshape(-1)).reshape(x.shape)
       array([[0., 0., 2.],
              [0., 0., 0.],
              [0., 0., 0.]])
       >>> SamplingOp=SubSampling(size=x.size, sampling_indices=sampling_indices, shape=x.shape, axis=1)
       >>> (SamplingOp * x.reshape(-1)).reshape(x.shape[1], len(sampling_indices))
       array([[0, 2],
              [3, 5],
              [6, 8]])
       >>> SamplingOp.adjoint(SamplingOp* x.reshape(-1)).reshape(x.shape)
       array([[0., 0., 2.],
              [3., 0., 5.],
              [6., 0., 8.]])

    Subsampling of a subset of :math:`L` values at locations
    ``sampling_indices`` from an input vector :math:`\mathbf{x}` of size
    :math:`N` can be expressed as:

    .. math::

        y_i = x_{n_i}  \quad \forall i=1,2,...,L,

    where :math:`\mathbf{n}=[n_1, n_2,..., n_L]` is a vector containing the indeces
    of the original array at which samples are taken.

    Conversely, in adjoint mode the available values in the data vector
    :math:`\mathbf{y}` are placed at locations
    :math:`\mathbf{n}=[n_1, n_2,..., n_L]` in the model vector:

    .. math::

        x_{n_i} = y_i  \quad \forall i=1,2,...,L

    and :math:`x_{j}=0 \,\forall j \neq n_i` (i.e., at all other locations in input

    See Also
    :py:class:`~pycsou.linop.sampling.Masking`, :py:class:`~pycsou.linop.sampling.Downsampling`
    PyLop = pylops.Restriction(M=size, iava=sampling_indices, dims=shape, dir=axis, dtype=dtype, inplace=inplace)
    return PyLopLinearOperator(PyLop=PyLop, is_symmetric=False, is_dense=False, is_sparse=False)
Esempio n. 6
axs[0].set_title('Data(frequency domain)')
axs[1].plot(t, x, 'k', LineWidth=2)
axs[1].set_title('Data(time domain)')

# We now define the locations at which the signal will be sampled.

# subsampling locations
perc_subsampling = 0.2
Nsub = int(np.round(N * perc_subsampling))

iava = np.sort(np.random.permutation(np.arange(N))[:Nsub])

# Create restriction operator
Rop = pylops.Restriction(N, iava, dtype='float64')

y = Rop * x
ymask = Rop.mask(x)

# Visualize data
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.plot(t, x, 'k', lw=3)
plt.plot(t, x, '.k', ms=20, label='all samples')
plt.plot(t, ymask, '.g', ms=15, label='available samples')
plt.title('Data restriction')

# To start let's consider the simplest *'solver'*, i.e., *least-square inversion
# without regularization*. We aim here to minimize the following cost function:
Esempio n. 7
# To start we import a 2d image and define our restriction operator to irregularly and randomly
# sample the image for 30% of the entire grid
im = np.load("../testdata/python.npy")[:, :, 0]

Nz, Nx = im.shape
N = Nz * Nx

# Subsample signal
perc_subsampling = 0.2

Nsub2d = int(np.round(N * perc_subsampling))
iava = np.sort(np.random.permutation(np.arange(N))[:Nsub2d])

# Create operators and data
Rop = pylops.Restriction(N, iava, dtype="float64")
D2op = pylops.Laplacian((Nz, Nx), weights=(1, 1), dtype="float64")

x = im.ravel()
y = Rop * x
y1 = Rop.mask(x)

# We will now use two different routines from our optimization toolbox
# to estimate our original image in the regular grid.

xcg_reg_lop = pylops.optimization.leastsquares.NormalEquationsInversion(
    Rop, [D2op],
Esempio n. 8
plt.title("TV inversion")

# Finally, we repeat the same exercise on a 2-dimensional image. In this case
# we mock a medical imaging problem: the data is created by appling a 2D
# Fourier Transform to the input model and by randomly sampling 60% of
# its values.
x = np.load("../testdata/optimization/shepp_logan_phantom.npy")
x = x / x.max()
ny, nx = x.shape

perc_subsampling = 0.6
nxsub = int(np.round(ny * nx * perc_subsampling))
iava = np.sort(np.random.permutation(np.arange(ny * nx))[:nxsub])
Rop = pylops.Restriction(ny * nx, iava, dtype=np.complex128)
Fop = pylops.signalprocessing.FFT2D(dims=(ny, nx))

n = np.random.normal(0, 0.0, (ny, nx))
y = Rop * Fop * (x.ravel() + n.ravel())
yfft = Fop * (x.ravel() + n.ravel())
yfft = np.fft.fftshift(yfft.reshape(ny, nx))

ymask = Rop.mask(Fop * (x.ravel()) + n.ravel())
ymask = ymask.reshape(ny, nx)[:] = np.fft.fftshift(
ymask.mask[:] = np.fft.fftshift(ymask.mask)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 5))
axs[0].imshow(x, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="gray")
Esempio n. 9
# Load image
X = misc.ascent()
X = X/np.max(X)
ny, nx = X.shape

# We can now define a :class:`pylops.Restriction` operator and look at how
# the eigenvalues of our image change when we remove some of its sample.

# Restriction operator
sub = 0.4
nsub = int(ny*nx*sub)
iava = np.random.permutation(np.arange(ny*nx))[:nsub]

Rop = pylops.Restriction(ny*nx, iava)

# Data
y = Rop * X.ravel()

# Masked data
Y = (Rop.H * Rop * X.ravel()).reshape(ny, nx)

# SVD of true and masked data
Ux, Sx, Vhx = np.linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
Uy, Sy, Vhy = np.linalg.svd(Y, full_matrices=False)

plt.semilogy(Sx, 'k', label=r'$||X||_*$=%.2f' % np.sum(Sx))
plt.semilogy(Sy, 'r', label=r'$||Y||_*$=%.2f' % np.sum(Sy))
Esempio n. 10
# model
_, x = linear2d(xaxis, taxis, v, t0_m, theta_m, amp_m, wav)

# We can now define the spatial locations along which the data has been
# sampled. In this specific example we will assume that we have access only to
# 40% of the 'original' locations.
perc_subsampling = 0.6
nxsub = int(np.round(par['nx'] * perc_subsampling))

iava = np.sort(np.random.permutation(np.arange(par['nx']))[:nxsub])

# restriction operator
Rop = pylops.Restriction(par['nx'] * par['nt'],
                         dims=(par['nx'], par['nt']),

# data
y = Rop * x.ravel()
y = y.reshape(nxsub, par['nt'])

# mask
ymask = Rop.mask(x.flatten())

# inverse
xinv = Rop / y.ravel()
xinv = xinv.reshape(par['nx'], par['nt'])

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(5, 4))
Esempio n. 11
# model
_, x = linear2d(xaxis, taxis, v, t0_m, theta_m, amp_m, wav)

# We can now define the spatial locations along which the data has been
# sampled. In this specific example we will assume that we have access only to
# 40% of the 'original' locations.
perc_subsampling = 0.6
nxsub = int(np.round(par["nx"] * perc_subsampling))

iava = np.sort(np.random.permutation(np.arange(par["nx"]))[:nxsub])

# restriction operator
Rop = pylops.Restriction(par["nx"] * par["nt"],
                         dims=(par["nx"], par["nt"]),

# data
y = Rop * x.ravel()
y = y.reshape(nxsub, par["nt"])

# mask
ymask = Rop.mask(x.ravel())

# inverse
xinv = Rop / y.ravel()
xinv = xinv.reshape(par["nx"], par["nt"])

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(5, 4))
Esempio n. 12
#node = np.arange(0,nr,interval)
#jitter = np.random.randint(interval,size=node.size-1)
#jitter_last = np.random.randint(nr - node[-1])
#jitter = np.concatenate((jitter,jitter_last),axis=None)
#idr = node + jitter
idr = np.load('idr_14.npy')

N = nt * nr * ns
cod = np.arange(0, N).reshape(nt, nr, ns)
#idr = np.arange(0,nr,3)
#ids = np.arange(0,ns,3)

idrn = cod[:, idr, :]
idx = idrn[:, :, idr].flatten()

R = pylops.Restriction(N, idx)

D_dec = R * ND.flatten()
D_adj = (R.H * D_dec).reshape(nt, nr, ns)
D1_r_dec = np.real(R * (D1_r.flatten()))
D1_s_dec = np.real(R * (D1_s.flatten()))
D2_r_dec = np.real(R * (D2_r.flatten()))
D2_s_dec = np.real(R * (D2_s.flatten()))
D1_rs_dec = np.real(R * (D1_rs.flatten()))
D1sD2r_dec = np.real(R * (D1sD2r.flatten()))
D2sD1r_dec = np.real(R * (D2sD1r.flatten()))
D2sD2r_dec = np.real(R * (D2sD2r.flatten()))

Forward = pylops.VStack([
    R * mask_tt * F.H * mask_fre, R * mask_tt * F.H * D1op_r * mask_fre,
    R * mask_tt * F.H * D1op_s * mask_fre,
Esempio n. 13
    x = x + np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*t)

# First of all, we subsample the signal at random locations and we retain 40%
# of the initial samples.
perc_subsampling = 0.4
ntsub = int(np.round(nt*perc_subsampling))

isample = np.arange(nt)
iava = np.sort(np.random.permutation(np.arange(nt))[:ntsub])

# We then create the restriction and interpolation operators and display
# the original signal as well as the subsampled signal.

Rop = pylops.Restriction(nt, iava, dtype='float64')
NNop, iavann = pylops.signalprocessing.Interp(nt, iava + 0.4,
                                              kind='nearest', dtype='float64')
LIop, iavali = pylops.signalprocessing.Interp(nt, iava+0.4,
                                              kind='linear', dtype='float64')
SIop, iavasi = pylops.signalprocessing.Interp(nt, iava + 0.4,
                                              kind='sinc', dtype='float64')
y = Rop*x
ynn = NNop*x
yli = LIop*x
ysi = SIop*x
ymask = Rop.mask(x)

# Visualize data
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.plot(isample, x, '.-k', lw=3, ms=10, label='all samples')