def __init__(self, beta, K, O):
        """Generate a set of harmonic oscillators.  
        beta : np.ndarray, float
            number of samples per state
        K : np.ndarray, float
            force constants of harmonic oscillators in dimensionless units
        O : np.ndarray, float
            offsets of the harmonic oscillators in dimensionless units
        self.n_states = len(K)

        K = ensure_type(K, np.float64, 1, 'K')
        O = ensure_type(O, np.float64, 1, 'O', self.n_states)

        self.sigma = (beta * K) ** (-0.5)

        self.f_k = -np.log(np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * self.sigma)
        f_as_2D = np.array([self.f_k])
        self.f_ij = f_as_2D - f_as_2D.T

        # Calculate and store observables
        self.RMS_displacement = self.sigma
        self.potential_energy = 1.0 / (2.0 * beta) * np.ones(self.n_states)
        self.position = O.copy()
        self.position_squared = (1.0 + beta * K * O ** 2.0) / (beta * K)
        self.displacement = np.zeros(self.n_states)  # CHECK
        self.displacement_squared = self.sigma ** 2.0  # CHECK
Esempio n. 2
def validate_inputs(u_kn, N_k, f_k):
    """Check types and return inputs for MBAR calculations.

    u_kn or q_kn : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states, n_samples), dtype='float'
        The reduced potential energies or unnormalized probabilities
    N_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='int'
        The number of samples in each state
    f_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='float'
        The reduced free energies of each state

    u_kn or q_kn : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states, n_samples), dtype='float'
        The reduced potential energies or unnormalized probabilities
    N_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='float'
        The number of samples in each state.  Converted to float because this cast is required when log is calculated.
    f_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='float'
        The reduced free energies of each state
    n_states, n_samples = u_kn.shape

    u_kn = ensure_type(u_kn,
                       "u_kn or Q_kn",
                       shape=(n_states, n_samples))
    N_k = ensure_type(
        N_k, 'float', 1, "N_k", shape=(n_states, ), warn_on_cast=False
    )  # Autocast to float because will be eventually used in float calculations.
    f_k = ensure_type(f_k, 'float', 1, "f_k", shape=(n_states, ))

    return u_kn, N_k, f_k
Esempio n. 3
def validate_inputs(u_kn, N_k, f_k):
    """Check types and return inputs for MBAR calculations.

    u_kn or q_kn : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states, n_samples), dtype='float'
        The reduced potential energies or unnormalized probabilities
    N_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='int'
        The number of samples in each state
    f_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='float'
        The reduced free energies of each state

    u_kn or q_kn : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states, n_samples), dtype='float'
        The reduced potential energies or unnormalized probabilities
    N_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='float'
        The number of samples in each state.  Converted to float because this cast is required when log is calculated.
    f_k : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states), dtype='float'
        The reduced free energies of each state
    n_states, n_samples = u_kn.shape

    u_kn = ensure_type(u_kn, "float", 2, "u_kn or Q_kn", shape=(n_states, n_samples))
    N_k = ensure_type(
        N_k, "float", 1, "N_k", shape=(n_states,), warn_on_cast=False
    )  # Autocast to float because will be eventually used in float calculations.
    f_k = ensure_type(f_k, "float", 1, "f_k", shape=(n_states,))

    return u_kn, N_k, f_k
    def __init__(self, beta, K, O):
        """Generate a set of harmonic oscillators.  
        beta : np.ndarray, float
            number of samples per state
        K : np.ndarray, float
            force constants of harmonic oscillators in dimensionless units
        O : np.ndarray, float
            offsets of the harmonic oscillators in dimensionless units
        self.n_states = len(K)

        K = ensure_type(K, np.float64, 1, 'K')
        O = ensure_type(O, np.float64, 1, 'O', self.n_states)

        self.sigma = (beta * K)**(-0.5)

        self.f_k = -np.log(np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * self.sigma)
        f_as_2D = np.array([self.f_k])
        self.f_ij = f_as_2D - f_as_2D.T

        # Calculate and store observables
        self.RMS_displacement = self.sigma
        self.potential_energy = 1.0 / (2.0 * beta) * np.ones(self.n_states)
        self.position = O.copy()
        self.position_squared = (1.0 + beta * K * O**2.0) / (beta * K)
        self.displacement = np.zeros(self.n_states)  # CHECK
        self.displacement_squared = self.sigma**2.0  # CHECK
Esempio n. 5
def save(name, u_kn, N_k, s_n=None, least_significant_digit=None):
    """Create an HDF5 dump of an existing MBAR job for later use / testing.
    name : str
        Name of dataset
    u_kn : np.ndarray, dtype='float', shape=(n_states, n_samples)
        Reduced potential energies
    N_k : np.ndarray, dtype='int', shape=(n_states)
        Number of samples taken from each state
    s_n : np.ndarray, optional, default=None, dtype=int, shape=(n_samples)
        The state of origin of each state.  If none, guess the state origins.
    least_significant_digit : int, optional, default=None
        If not None, perform lossy compression using tables.Filter(least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit)

    The output HDF5 files should be readible by the helper funtions
    import tables

    (n_states, n_samples) = u_kn.shape

    u_kn = ensure_type(u_kn,
                       "u_kn or Q_kn",
                       shape=(n_states, n_samples))
    N_k = ensure_type(N_k, 'int64', 1, "N_k", shape=(n_states, ))

    if s_n is None:
        s_n = get_sn(N_k)

    s_n = ensure_type(s_n, 'int64', 1, "s_n", shape=(n_samples, ))

    hdf_filename = os.path.join("./", "%s.h5" % name)
    f = tables.File(hdf_filename, 'a')
                   filters=tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib="zlib"))
                   filters=tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib="zlib"))
Esempio n. 6
    def sample(self, N_k):
        """Draw samples from the distribution.


        N_k : np.ndarray, int
            number of samples per state
        x_kn : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states, n_samples), dtype=float
            1D harmonic oscillator positions            
        N_k = ensure_type(N_k, np.float64, 1, "N_k", self.n_states, warn_on_cast=False)

        states = ["state %d" % k for k in range(self.n_states)]
        x_n = []
        origin_and_frame = []
        for k, N in enumerate(N_k):
            x0 = self.O_k[k]
            sigma = (self.beta * self.K_k[k]) ** -0.5
            x_n.extend(np.random.normal(loc=x0, scale=sigma, size=N))
            origin_and_frame.extend([(states[k], i) for i in range(int(N))])
        origin_and_frame = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(origin_and_frame, names=["origin", "frame"])
        x_n = pd.Series(x_n, name="x", index=origin_and_frame)

        u_kn = pd.DataFrame(dict([(state, x_n) for state in states]))
        u_kn = 0.5 * self.K_k * (u_kn - self.O_k) ** 2.0        
        u_kn = u_kn.T

        return x_n, u_kn, origin_and_frame
    def sample(self, N_k):
        """Draw samples from the distribution.


        N_k : np.ndarray, int
            number of samples per state
        x_kn : np.ndarray, shape=(n_states, n_samples), dtype=float
            1D harmonic oscillator positions            
        N_k = ensure_type(N_k, np.float64, 1, "N_k", self.n_states, warn_on_cast=False)

        states = ["state %d" % k for k in range(self.n_states)]
        x_n = []
        origin_and_frame = []
        for k, N in enumerate(N_k):
            x_n.extend(np.random.exponential(scale=self.rates[k] ** -1., size=N))
            origin_and_frame.extend([(states[k], i) for i in range(int(N))])
        origin_and_frame = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(origin_and_frame, names=["origin", "frame"])
        x_n = pd.Series(x_n, name="x", index=origin_and_frame)

        u_kn = np.outer(x_n, self.rates)
        u_kn = pd.DataFrame(u_kn, columns=states, index=origin_and_frame).T  # Note the transpose

        return x_n, u_kn, origin_and_frame
Esempio n. 8
def save(name, u_kn, N_k, s_n=None, least_significant_digit=None):
    """Create an HDF5 dump of an existing MBAR job for later use / testing.
    name : str
        Name of dataset
    u_kn : np.ndarray, dtype='float', shape=(n_states, n_samples)
        Reduced potential energies
    N_k : np.ndarray, dtype='int', shape=(n_states)
        Number of samples taken from each state
    s_n : np.ndarray, optional, default=None, dtype=int, shape=(n_samples)
        The state of origin of each state.  If none, guess the state origins.
    least_significant_digit : int, optional, default=None
        If not None, perform lossy compression using tables.Filter(least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit)

    The output HDF5 files should be readible by the helper funtions
    import tables
    (n_states, n_samples) = u_kn.shape
    u_kn = ensure_type(u_kn, 'float', 2, "u_kn or Q_kn", shape=(n_states, n_samples))
    N_k = ensure_type(N_k, 'int64', 1, "N_k", shape=(n_states,))

    if s_n is None:
        s_n = get_sn(N_k)

    s_n = ensure_type(s_n, 'int64', 1, "s_n", shape=(n_samples,))

    hdf_filename = os.path.join("./", "%s.h5" % name)
    f = tables.File(hdf_filename, 'a')
    f.createCArray("/", "u_kn", tables.Float64Atom(), obj=u_kn, filters=tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib="zlib", least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit))
    f.createCArray("/", "N_k", tables.Int64Atom(), obj=N_k, filters=tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib="zlib"))
    f.createCArray("/", "s_n", tables.Int64Atom(), obj=s_n, filters=tables.Filters(complevel=9, complib="zlib"))
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, O_k, K_k, beta=1.0):
        """Generate test case with exponential distributions.

        O_k : np.ndarray, float, shape=(n_states)
            Offset parameters for each state.
        K_k : np.ndarray, float, shape=(n_states)
            Force constants for each state.            
        We assume potentials of the form U(x) = (k / 2) * (x - o)^2
        Here, k and o are the corresponding entries of O_k and K_k.
        The equilibrium distribution is given analytically by
        p(x;beta,K) = sqrt[(beta K) / (2 pi)] exp[-beta K (x-x_0)**2 / 2]
        The dimensionless free energy is therefore
        f(beta,K) = - (1/2) * ln[ (2 pi) / (beta K) ]        
        self.O_k = ensure_type(O_k, np.float64, 1, "O_k")
        self.n_states = len(self.O_k)
        self.K_k = ensure_type(K_k, np.float64, 1, "K_k", self.n_states)

        self.beta = beta
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, rates):
        """Generate test case with exponential distributions.

        rates : np.ndarray, float, shape=(n_states)
            Rate parameters (e.g. lambda) for each state.
        We assume potentials of the form U(x) = lambda x.  
        rates = ensure_type(rates, np.float64, 1, "rates")

        self.n_states = len(rates)
        self.rates = rates