Esempio n. 1
def extended_euclidean(q, r):
    """Return a tuple *(p, a, b)* such that :math:`p = aq + br`,
    where *p* is the greatest common divisor of *q* and *r*.

    See also the
    `Wikipedia article on the Euclidean algorithm
    import pymbolic.traits as traits

    # see [Davenport], Appendix, p. 214

    t = traits.common_traits(q, r)

    if t.norm(q) < t.norm(r):
        p, a, b = extended_euclidean(r, q)
        return p, b, a

    Q = 1, 0  # noqa
    R = 0, 1  # noqa

    while r:
        quot, t = divmod(q, r)
        T = Q[0] - quot * R[0], Q[1] - quot * R[1]  # noqa
        q, r = r, t
        Q, R = R, T

    return q, Q[0], Q[1]
Esempio n. 2
def extended_euclidean(q, r):
    """Return a tuple *(p, a, b)* such that :math:`p = aq + br`,
    where *p* is the greatest common divisor of *q* and *r*.

    See also the
    `Wikipedia article on the Euclidean algorithm
    import pymbolic.traits as traits

    # see [Davenport], Appendix, p. 214

    t = traits.common_traits(q, r)

    if t.norm(q) < t.norm(r):
        p, a, b = extended_euclidean(r, q)
        return p, b, a

    Q = 1, 0  # noqa
    R = 0, 1  # noqa

    while r:
        quot, t = divmod(q, r)
        T = Q[0] - quot*R[0], Q[1] - quot*R[1]  # noqa
        q, r = r, t
        Q, R = R, T

    return q, Q[0], Q[1]
Esempio n. 3
    def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Rational):
            newother = Rational(other)
            newother = other

            t = traits.common_traits(self.Denominator, newother.Denominator)
            newden = t.lcm(self.Denominator, newother.Denominator)
            newnum = self.Numerator * newden/self.Denominator + \
                     newother.Numerator * newden/newother.Denominator
            gcd = t.gcd(newden, newnum)
            return primitives.quotient(newnum/gcd, newden/gcd)
        except traits.NoTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__add__(self, other)
        except traits.NoCommonTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__add__(self, other)
Esempio n. 4
    def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Rational):
            newother = Rational(other)
            newother = other

            t = traits.common_traits(self.Denominator, newother.Denominator)
            newden = t.lcm(self.Denominator, newother.Denominator)
            newnum = self.Numerator * newden/self.Denominator + \
                     newother.Numerator * newden/newother.Denominator
            gcd = t.gcd(newden, newnum)
            return primitives.quotient(newnum/gcd, newden/gcd)
        except traits.NoTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__add__(self, other)
        except traits.NoCommonTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__add__(self, other)
Esempio n. 5
def quotient(numerator, denominator):
    if not (denominator - 1):
        return numerator

    import pymbolic.rational as rat
    if isinstance(numerator, rat.Rational) and \
            isinstance(denominator, rat.Rational):
        return numerator * denominator.reciprocal()

        c_traits = traits.common_traits(numerator, denominator)
        if isinstance(c_traits, traits.EuclideanRingTraits):
            return rat.Rational(numerator, denominator)
    except traits.NoCommonTraitsError:
    except traits.NoTraitsError:

    return Quotient(numerator, denominator)
Esempio n. 6
def quotient(numerator, denominator):
    if not (denominator-1):
        return numerator

    import pymbolic.rational as rat
    if isinstance(numerator, rat.Rational) and \
            isinstance(denominator, rat.Rational):
        return numerator * denominator.reciprocal()

        c_traits = traits.common_traits(numerator, denominator)
        if isinstance(c_traits, traits.EuclideanRingTraits):
            return rat.Rational(numerator, denominator)
    except traits.NoCommonTraitsError:
    except traits.NoTraitsError:

    return Quotient(numerator, denominator)
Esempio n. 7
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Rational):
            newother = Rational(other)

            t = traits.common_traits(self.Numerator, newother.Numerator,
                                     self.Denominator, newother. Denominator)
            gcd_1 = t.gcd(self.Numerator, newother.Denominator)
            gcd_2 = t.gcd(newother.Numerator, self.Denominator)

            new_num = self.Numerator/gcd_1 * newother.Numerator/gcd_2
            new_denom = self.Denominator/gcd_2 * newother.Denominator/gcd_1

            if not (new_denom-1):
                return new_num

            return Rational(new_num, new_denom)
        except traits.NoTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__mul__(self, other)
        except traits.NoCommonTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__mul__(self, other)
Esempio n. 8
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Rational):
            newother = Rational(other)

            t = traits.common_traits(self.Numerator, newother.Numerator,
                                     self.Denominator, newother. Denominator)
            gcd_1 = t.gcd(self.Numerator, newother.Denominator)
            gcd_2 = t.gcd(newother.Numerator, self.Denominator)

            new_num = self.Numerator/gcd_1 * newother.Numerator/gcd_2
            new_denom = self.Denominator/gcd_2 * newother.Denominator/gcd_1

            if not (new_denom-1):
                return new_num

            return Rational(new_num, new_denom)
        except traits.NoTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__mul__(self, other)
        except traits.NoCommonTraitsError:
            return primitives.Expression.__mul__(self, other)
Esempio n. 9
def extended_euclidean(q, r):
    """Return a tuple (p, a, b) such that p = aq + br,
    where p is the greatest common divisor.
    import pymbolic.traits as traits

    # see [Davenport], Appendix, p. 214

    t = traits.common_traits(q, r)

    if t.norm(q) < t.norm(r):
        p, a, b = extended_euclidean(r, q)
        return p, b, a

    Q = 1, 0
    R = 0, 1

    while r:
        quot, t = divmod(q, r)
        T = Q[0] - quot * R[0], Q[1] - quot * R[1]
        q, r = r, t
        Q, R = R, T

    return q, Q[0], Q[1]
Esempio n. 10
def extended_euclidean(q, r):
    """Return a tuple (p, a, b) such that p = aq + br,
    where p is the greatest common divisor.
    import pymbolic.traits as traits

    # see [Davenport], Appendix, p. 214

    t = traits.common_traits(q, r)

    if t.norm(q) < t.norm(r):
        p, a, b = extended_euclidean(r, q)
        return p, b, a

    Q = 1, 0
    R = 0, 1

    while r:
        quot, t = divmod(q, r)
        T = Q[0] - quot*R[0], Q[1] - quot*R[1]
        q, r = r, t
        Q, R = R, T

    return q, Q[0], Q[1]