Esempio n. 1
    def test_basic(self):
        # Standard distributions
        rv = pm.Normal.dist(mu=2.3)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(moment(rv).eval(), 2.3)

        # Special distributions
        rv = pm.Flat.dist()
        assert moment(rv).eval() == np.zeros(())
        rv = pm.HalfFlat.dist()
        assert moment(rv).eval() == np.ones(())
        rv = pm.Flat.dist(size=(2, 4))
        assert np.all(moment(rv).eval() == np.zeros((2, 4)))
        rv = pm.HalfFlat.dist(size=(2, 4))
        assert np.all(moment(rv).eval() == np.ones((2, 4)))
Esempio n. 2
 def moment(rv, size, mu, sigma, init, steps):
     grw_moment = at.zeros_like(rv)
     grw_moment = at.set_subtensor(grw_moment[..., 0], moment(init))
     # Add one dimension to the right, so that mu broadcasts safely along the steps
     # dimension
     grw_moment = at.set_subtensor(grw_moment[..., 1:], mu[..., None])
     return at.cumsum(grw_moment, axis=-1)
Esempio n. 3
def marginal_mixture_moment(op, rv, rng, weights, *components):
    ndim_supp = components[0].owner.op.ndim_supp
    weights = at.shape_padright(weights, ndim_supp)
    mix_axis = -ndim_supp - 1

    if len(components) == 1:
        moment_components = moment(components[0])

        moment_components = at.stack(
            [moment(component) for component in components],

    mix_moment = at.sum(weights * moment_components, axis=mix_axis)
    if components[0].dtype in discrete_types:
        mix_moment = at.round(mix_moment)
    return mix_moment
Esempio n. 4
 def test_moment_from_dims(self, rv_cls):
     with pm.Model(
                 "year": [2019, 2020, 2021, 2022],
                 "city": ["Bonn", "Paris", "Lisbon"],
         rv = rv_cls("rv", dims=("year", "city"))
         assert not hasattr(rv.tag, "test_value")
         assert tuple(moment(rv).shape.eval()) == (4, 3)
Esempio n. 5
def make_initial_point_expression(
    free_rvs: Sequence[TensorVariable],
    rvs_to_values: Dict[TensorVariable, TensorVariable],
    initval_strategies: Dict[TensorVariable, Optional[Union[np.ndarray,
                                                            Variable, str]]],
    jitter_rvs: Set[TensorVariable] = None,
    default_strategy: str = "moment",
    return_transformed: bool = False,
) -> List[TensorVariable]:
    """Creates the tensor variables that need to be evaluated to obtain an initial point.

    free_rvs : list
        Tensors of free random variables in the model.
    rvs_to_values : dict
        Mapping of free random variable tensors to value variable tensors.
    initval_strategies : dict
        Mapping of free random variable tensors to initial value strategies.
        For example the `Model.initial_values` dictionary.
    jitter_rvs : set
        The set (or list or tuple) of random variables for which a U(-1, +1) jitter should be
        added to the initial value. Only available for variables that have a transform or real-valued support.
    default_strategy : str
        Which of { "moment", "prior" } to prefer if the initval strategy setting for an RV is None.
    return_transformed : bool
        Switches between returning the tensors for untransformed or transformed initial points.

    initial_points : list of TensorVariable
        Aesara expressions for initial values of the free random variables.
    from pymc.distributions.distribution import moment

    if jitter_rvs is None:
        jitter_rvs = set()

    initial_values = []
    initial_values_transformed = []

    for variable in free_rvs:
        strategy = initval_strategies.get(variable, None)

        if strategy is None:
            strategy = default_strategy

        if isinstance(strategy, str):
            if strategy == "moment":
                    value = moment(variable)
                except NotImplementedError:
                        f"Moment not defined for variable {variable} of type "
                        f"{variable.owner.op.__class__.__name__}, defaulting to "
                        f"a draw from the prior. This can lead to difficulties "
                        f"during tuning. You can manually define an initval or "
                        f"implement a moment dispatched function for this "
                    value = variable
            elif strategy == "prior":
                value = variable
                raise ValueError(
                    f'Invalid string strategy: {strategy}. It must be one of ["moment", "prior"]'
            value = at.as_tensor(strategy,

        transform = getattr(rvs_to_values[variable].tag, "transform", None)

        if transform is not None:
            value = transform.forward(value, *variable.owner.inputs)

        if variable in jitter_rvs:
            jitter = at.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=value.shape)
   = f"{}_jitter"
            value = value + jitter

        value = value.astype(variable.dtype)

        if transform is not None:
            value = transform.backward(value, *variable.owner.inputs)


    all_outputs: List[TensorVariable] = []

    copy_graph = FunctionGraph(outputs=all_outputs, clone=True)

    n_variables = len(free_rvs)
    free_rvs_clone = copy_graph.outputs[:n_variables]
    initial_values_clone = copy_graph.outputs[n_variables:-n_variables]
    initial_values_transformed_clone = copy_graph.outputs[-n_variables:]

    # We now replace all rvs by the respective initial_point expressions
    # in the constrained (untransformed) space. We do this in reverse topological
    # order, so that later nodes do not reintroduce expressions with earlier
    # rvs that would need to once again be replaced by their initial_points
    graph = FunctionGraph(outputs=free_rvs_clone, clone=False)
    replacements = reversed(list(zip(free_rvs_clone, initial_values_clone)))
    graph.replace_all(replacements, import_missing=True)

    if not return_transformed:
        return graph.outputs
    # Because the unconstrained (transformed) expressions are a subgraph of the
    # constrained initial point they were also automatically updated inplace
    # when calling graph.replace_all above, so we don't need to do anything else
    return initial_values_transformed_clone
Esempio n. 6
def ar_moment(op, rv, rhos, sigma, init_dist, steps, noise_rng):
    # Use last entry of init_dist moment as the moment for the whole AR
    return at.full_like(rv, moment(init_dist)[..., -1, None])
Esempio n. 7
 def test_symbolic_moment_shape(self, rv_cls):
     s = at.scalar()
     rv = rv_cls.dist(shape=(s, ))
     assert not hasattr(rv.tag, "test_value")
     assert tuple(moment(rv).shape.eval({s: 4})) == (4, )
Esempio n. 8
 def test_numeric_moment_shape(self, rv_cls):
     rv = rv_cls.dist(shape=(2, ))
     assert not hasattr(rv.tag, "test_value")
     assert tuple(moment(rv).shape.eval()) == (2, )