Esempio n. 1
def test_joint_logp_basic():
    """Make sure we can compute a log-likelihood for a hierarchical model with transforms."""

    with Model() as m:
        a = Uniform("a", 0.0, 1.0)
        c = Normal("c")
        b_l = c * a + 2.0
        b = Uniform("b", b_l, b_l + 1.0)

    a_value_var = m.rvs_to_values[a]
    assert a_value_var.tag.transform

    b_value_var = m.rvs_to_values[b]
    assert b_value_var.tag.transform

    c_value_var = m.rvs_to_values[c]

    b_logp = joint_logp(b, b_value_var, sum=False)

    with pytest.warns(FutureWarning):
        b_logpt = joint_logpt(b, b_value_var, sum=False)

    res_ancestors = list(walk_model(b_logp, walk_past_rvs=True))
    res_rv_ancestors = [
        v for v in res_ancestors
        if v.owner and isinstance(v.owner.op, RandomVariable)

    # There shouldn't be any `RandomVariable`s in the resulting graph
    assert len(res_rv_ancestors) == 0
    assert b_value_var in res_ancestors
    assert c_value_var in res_ancestors
    assert a_value_var in res_ancestors
Esempio n. 2
def test_ignore_logprob_model():
    # logp that does not depend on input
    def logp(value, x):
        return value

    with Model() as m:
        x = Normal.dist()
        y = DensityDist("y", x, logp=logp)
    # Aeppl raises a KeyError when it finds an unexpected RV
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        joint_logpt([y], {y: y.type()})

    with Model() as m:
        x = ignore_logprob(Normal.dist())
        y = DensityDist("y", x, logp=logp)
    assert joint_logpt([y], {y: y.type()})
Esempio n. 3
def test_joint_logpt_incsubtensor(indices, size):
    """Make sure we can compute a log-likelihood for ``Y[idx] = data`` where ``Y`` is univariate."""

    mu = floatX(np.power(10, np.arange(
    data = mu[indices]
    sigma = 0.001
    rng = np.random.RandomState(232)
    a_val = rng.normal(mu, sigma, size=size).astype(aesara.config.floatX)

    rng = aesara.shared(rng, borrow=False)
    a = Normal.dist(mu, sigma, size=size, rng=rng)
    a_value_var = a.type() = "a"

    a_idx = at.set_subtensor(a[indices], data)

    assert isinstance(
        (IncSubtensor, AdvancedIncSubtensor, AdvancedIncSubtensor1))

    a_idx_value_var = a_idx.type() = "a_idx_value"

    a_idx_logp = joint_logpt(a_idx, {a_idx: a_value_var}, sum=False)

    logp_vals = a_idx_logp[0].eval({a_value_var: a_val})

    # The indices that were set should all have the same log-likelihood values,
    # because the values they were set to correspond to the unique means along
    # that dimension.  This helps us confirm that the log-likelihood is
    # associating the assigned values with their correct parameters.
    a_val_idx = a_val.copy()
    a_val_idx[indices] = data
    exp_obs_logps = sp.norm.logpdf(a_val_idx, mu, sigma)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(logp_vals, exp_obs_logps)
Esempio n. 4
def test_joint_logpt_subtensor():
    """Make sure we can compute a log-likelihood for ``Y[I]`` where ``Y`` and ``I`` are random variables."""

    size = 5

    mu_base = floatX(np.power(10, np.arange(
    mu = np.stack([mu_base, -mu_base])
    sigma = 0.001
    rng = aesara.shared(np.random.RandomState(232), borrow=True)

    A_rv = Normal.dist(mu, sigma, rng=rng) = "A"

    p = 0.5

    I_rv = Bernoulli.dist(p, size=size, rng=rng) = "I"

    A_idx = A_rv[I_rv, at.ogrid[A_rv.shape[-1]:]]

    assert isinstance(A_idx.owner.op,
                      (Subtensor, AdvancedSubtensor, AdvancedSubtensor1))

    A_idx_value_var = A_idx.type() = "A_idx_value"

    I_value_var = I_rv.type() = "I_value"

    A_idx_logps = joint_logpt(A_idx, {
        A_idx: A_idx_value_var,
        I_rv: I_value_var
    A_idx_logp = at.add(*A_idx_logps)

    logp_vals_fn = aesara.function([A_idx_value_var, I_value_var], A_idx_logp)

    # The compiled graph should not contain any `RandomVariables`

    decimals = select_by_precision(float64=6, float32=4)

    for i in range(10):
        bern_sp = sp.bernoulli(p)
        I_value = bern_sp.rvs(size=size).astype(I_rv.dtype)

        norm_sp = sp.norm(mu[I_value, np.ogrid[mu.shape[1]:]], sigma)
        A_idx_value = norm_sp.rvs().astype(A_idx.dtype)

        exp_obs_logps = norm_sp.logpdf(A_idx_value)
        exp_obs_logps += bern_sp.logpmf(I_value)

        logp_vals = logp_vals_fn(A_idx_value, I_value)
