def getTrace(alMean, Sal, case): # prior bounds allLow = case.xAllT - case.allDelta allUpp = case.xAllT + case.allDelta alSeed = np.random.randn(case.nChains, case.nFree) * Sal # .reshape((-1, 1)) alSeed += alMean # .reshape((-1, 1)) start = [dict({'xAl': alSeed[i]}) for i in range(nChains)] projectionModel = pm.Model() with projectionModel: # Priors for unknown model parameters xAl = pm.Uniform('xAl', lower=allLow, upper=allUpp, shape=allLow.shape, transform=None) xAl.tag.test_value= case.xAllT # # proj = project2diagonalisedError(case) # x = theano.tensor.vector() # x.tag.test_value= case.xAllT # xyMNor = project2diagonalisedError(xAl, theano.shared(case)) # f = theano.function([xAl], project2diagonalisedError(case)(xAl)) # xyMNor = f(xAl) xyMNor = project2diagonalisedError(xAl) Y_obs = pm.Normal('Y_obs', mu=xyMNor, sd=1, observed=case.observedNormed) step = pm.DEMetropolis(vars=[xAl], S=Sal, tune=tuneBool, tune_interval=nTuneInter, tune_throughout=tune_thr, tally=tallyBool, scaling=scaAl) step.tune = tuneBool step.lamb = scaAl step.scaling = scaAl trace = pm.sample(draws=nDraws, step=step, njobs=nChains, start=start, tune=nTune, chains=nChains, progressbar=True, discard_tuned_samples=False, cores=nCores, compute_convergence_checks=convChecksBool, parallelize=True) return trace
s = tt.stack(s, axis=0) # Log-likelihood function def logp(data): observedRenewed = data[0, :] observedReleased = data[1, :] # Released entries every year released = tt.mul(p[1:].log(), observedReleased[1:]) # Renewed entries every year renewed = s[-1].log() * observedRenewed[-1] return released.sum() + renewed retention = pm.DensityDist('retention', logp, observed=data) step = pm.DEMetropolis() trace = pm.sample(10000, step=step, tune=2000) # Maximum a posteriori estimators for the model mapValues = pm.find_MAP(model=BdWwithcfromNorm) # Extract alpha and beta MAP-estimators betaParams = mapValues.get('alpha').item(), mapValues.get('beta').item() theta = stats.beta.mean(betaParams[0], betaParams[1]) cHat = mapValues.get('c').item() rvar = stats.beta.var(betaParams[0], betaParams[1]) # Define a Discrete Weibull distribution def DiscreteWeibull(q, b, x):
}) #%% plt.figure() plt.plot(elbos1, alpha=.3) plt.legend() #%% NUTS with mixedEffect: trace = pm.sample(3000, njobs=2, tune=1000) pm.traceplot(trace, lines={ 'w': w0, 'z': z0 }) #%% DEMetropolis with mixedEffect: tracede = pm.sample(5000, njobs=50, tune=1000, step=pm.DEMetropolis()) pm.traceplot(tracede, lines={ 'w': w0, 'z': z0 }) #%% atmcmc from tempfile import mkdtemp from pymc3.step_methods import smc test_folder = mkdtemp(prefix='ATMIP_TEST') n_chains = 500 samples = 1000 tune_interval = 25 n_jobs = 1
shape=len(thresh), observed=thresh_obs) zbeta0 = pm.Normal('zbeta0', mu=float(n_cat)/2., tau=1./n_cat**2) zbeta = pm.Normal('zbeta', mu=0., tau=1./n_cat**2, shape=Z_data.shape[1]) zsigma = pm.Uniform('zsigma', n_cat/1000., n_cat*10.) # Linear model mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', zbeta0 +, Z_data.T)) # Link function pr = outcome_probabilities(theta, mu, zsigma) # For the *robust* version of the ordered "probit" regression # comment the previous line and uncomment the following lines ##nu = pm.Exponential('nu', lam=1./30.) ##pr = outcome_probabilities_robust(theta, mu, zsigma, nu) # Likelihood y = pm.Categorical('y', pr, observed=y_train_log) # MCMC (it is not possible to use gradient-based samplers) step_M = pm.DEMetropolis() # experimental sampler! chain = pm.sample(draws=32000, tune=4000, step=step_M, chains=4, parallelize=True) # In[30]: burnin = 2000 thin = 6 # Trace after burn-in and thinning trace = chain[burnin::thin] # In[31]:
def InitPyMCSampling(self, **kwargs): ''' PyMC3 initialisation: Sampler N_tune : N_chains : N_cores : IsProgressbar : Sampler_Name : ''' #Checking if all the necessary stuff is loaded if not self.VarNames: self.InitPar(kwargs["ParFile"]) try: self.Cov[0][0] except TypeError: self.SetCovMatrix(Scale=1.2) if not self.basic_model: self.InitPyMC() # Further initialisation print(' >> Logging calculation steps in {}'.format(self.log_file_name)) open(self.log_file_name, 'w+').close() with self.basic_model: Sampler_Name = kwargs.get("Sampler_Name", "Metropolis") N_tune = kwargs.get("N_tune", 0) N_chains = kwargs.get("N_chains", 1) N_cores = kwargs.get("N_cores", min(4, N_chains)) IsProgressbar = kwargs.get("IsProgressbar", 1) print( '\n >> using configuration : {:12}, N_tune = {}, N_chains = {}, N_cores = {}' .format(Sampler_Name, N_tune, N_chains, N_cores)) self.S = Storage_Container( 3 * N_chains * len(self.VarNames)) # updating the cach size # Setting up the samplers # Calling S = self.Cov[::-1,::-1] is a neccessary hack in order to avoid a problem in the PyMC3 code: # The order of the variables is inverted (by accident?) durint the BlockStep().__init__() (see terminal promts) if Sampler_Name == "DEMetropolis": step = pm.DEMetropolis( S=self.Cov[::-1, ::-1], proposal_dist=pm.MultivariateNormalProposal) elif Sampler_Name == "Metropolis": step = pm.Metropolis( S=self.Cov[::-1, ::-1], proposal_dist=pm.MultivariateNormalProposal, blocked=True) elif Sampler_Name == "Hamiltonian": # the settings for HMC are very tricky. allowing adapt_step_size=True may lead to very small step sizes causing the method to stuck. length = max( 0.3, 1.5 * np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(self.STDs)**2)) ) # this is the length in the parameter-space to travel between two points #length = np.sqrt(self.STDs) * np.mean(self.STDs) sub_l = length / 7 # setting substeps step = pm.HamiltonianMC(scaling=self.Cov[::-1, ::-1], adapt_step_size=0, step_scale=sub_l, path_length=length, is_cov=True) self.step.adapt_step_size = False # workaround for PyMC3 bug ( 'adapt_step_size= 0' is ignored) print( ' >> Hamiltonian settings: {:7.4f} / {:7.4f} = {:4} substeps between points' .format(length, sub_l / (len(self.STDs)**0.25), int(length / (sub_l / (len(self.STDs)**0.25))))) else: print( ' >> Unknown Sampler_Name = {:20}, Using Metropolis instead' .format(Sampler_Name)) step = pm.Metropolis( S=self.Cov[::-1, ::-1], proposal_dist=pm.MultivariateNormalProposal, blocked=True) self.Custom_sample_args = { "step": step, "progressbar": IsProgressbar, "chains": N_chains, "cores": N_cores, "tune": N_tune, #"parallelize" : True, } self.trace = None self.Prev_End = None