Esempio n. 1
	plt.subplot(2, 4, i+1)
	plt.scatter(x_m[j:k], y_m[j:k])
	plt.xlabel('$x_{}$'.format(i), fontsize=16)
	plt.ylabel('$y$', fontsize=16, rotation=0)
	plt.xlim(6, 15)
	plt.ylim(7, 17)
	j += N
	k += N


x_centered = x_m - x_m.mean()

with pm.Model() as unpooled_model:
	alpha_tmp = pm.Normal('alpha_tmp', mu=0, sd=10, shape=M)
	beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=10, shape=M)
	epsilon = pm.HalfCauchy('epsilon', 5)
	nu = pm.Exponential('nu', 1/30)
	ypred = pm.StudentT('y_pred', mu=alpha_tmp[idx] + beta[idx] * x_centered, sd=epsilon, 
	nu=nu, observed=y_m)
	alpha = pm.Deterministic('alpha', alpha_tmp - beta * x_m.mean())
	start = pm.find_MAP()
	step = pm.NUTS(scaling=start)
	trace_up = pm.sample(2000, step=step, start=start, njobs=1)

varnames = ['alpha', 'beta', 'epsilon', 'nu']
pm.traceplot(trace_up, varnames)
# In[16]:


# In[14]:

# NOTE: the linear regression model we're trying to solve for is
# given by:
# y = b0 + b1(x) + error
# where b0 is the intercept term, b1 is the slope, and error is
# the error

# model the intercept/slope terms of our model as
# normal random variables with comically large variances
with mc3.Model() as model:
    b0 = mc3.Normal('b0', 0, 0.0003)
    b1 = mc3.Normal('b1', 0, 0.0003)

    # model our error term as a uniform random variable
    err = mc3.Uniform('err', 0, 500)

    # "model" the observed x values as a normal random variable
    # in reality, because x is observed, it doesn't actually matter
    # how we choose to model x -- PyMC isn't going to change x's values
    x_weight = mc3.Normal('weight',

    # this is the heart of our model: given our b0, b1 and our x observations, we want
    # to predict y
                                usecols=[1, 2], missing_values="NA",
challenger_data = challenger_data[~np.isnan(challenger_data[:, 1])]
plt.scatter(challenger_data[:, 0], challenger_data[:, 1], s=75, color="k",
# fitting sigmoid function
temperature = challenger_data[:,0]
D = challenger_data[:,1]

def logistic(x, beta, alpha=0):
    return 1./(1. + np.exp(, x) + alpha))

if __name__ == '__main__': # needs to be here bc some issues wit pm3(?)
    with pm.Model() as model:
        beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0., tau=0.001, testval=0.)
        alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0., tau=0.001, testval=0.)
        p = pm.Deterministic('p', 1./(1.+tt.exp(beta*temperature+alpha)))
        observed = pm.Bernoulli('bernoulli_obs', p, observed=D)
        # artificially generate credible data sets, from POSTERIOR (not the prior)
        simulated_data = pm.Bernoulli('simulated-data', p, shape=p.tag.test_value.shape)
        start = pm.find_MAP()
        step = pm.Metropolis(vars=[p])
        trace = pm.sample(120000, step = step, start=start)
        burned_trace = trace[100000::2] # 100k burnin, 2 to break the autocorrelation (if any)

    alpha_samples = burned_trace["alpha"][:, None]
    beta_samples = burned_trace["beta"][:, None]
    simulations = burned_trace["bernoulli_sim"]
    plt.hist(alpha_samples, histtype='stepfilled', bins=35, alpha=0.85,
Esempio n. 4
 def test_draw_scalar_parameters(self):
     with pm.Model():
         y = pm.Normal('y1', mu=0., sigma=1.)
         mu, tau = draw_values([, y.distribution.tau])
     npt.assert_almost_equal(mu, 0)
     npt.assert_almost_equal(tau, 1)
kcal_per_g = df_milk['kcal.per.g'].values
log_mass = np.log(df_milk['mass'].values)
neocortex_perc = df_milk['neocortex.perc'].values

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
ax[0].plot(log_mass, kcal_per_g, 'b.')
ax[1].plot(neocortex_perc, kcal_per_g, 'b.')

# Model with single predictor 1
with pm.Model() as model_neocortex:
    a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0, sigma=100)
    bl = pm.Normal('bl', mu=0, sigma=1)
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', lower=0, upper=1)
    mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', a + bl * neocortex_perc)
    h = pm.Normal('h', mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=kcal_per_g)
    trace_neocortex = pm.sample(cores=2)

# Model with single predictor 2
with pm.Model() as model_log_mass:
    a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0, sigma=100)
    br = pm.Normal('br', mu=0, sigma=1)
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', lower=0, upper=1)
    mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', a + br * log_mass)
    h = pm.Normal('h', mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=kcal_per_g)
    trace_log_mass = pm.sample(cores=2)
Esempio n. 6
    def gen_mod_bayes(
            símismo, líms_paráms, obs_x, obs_y, aprioris=None, binario=False, nv_jerarquía=None, í_datos=None,

        if pm is None:
            return ImportError(_('Hay que instalar PyMC3 para poder utilizar modelos bayesianos.'))

        def _gen_d_vars_pm(tmñ=(), fmt_nmbrs='{}'):
            egr = {}
            norm = {}
            for p, líms in líms_paráms.items():
                nmbr = fmt_nmbrs.format(p)
                if aprioris is None:
                    if líms[0] is líms[1] is None:
                        final = pm.Normal(name=nmbr, mu=0, sd=100 ** 2, shape=tmñ)
                        dist_norm = pm.Normal(name='transf' + nmbr, mu=0, sd=1, shape=tmñ)
                        if líms[0] is None:
                            final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr, líms[1] - pm.math.exp(dist_norm))
                        elif líms[1] is None:
                            final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr, líms[0] + pm.math.exp(dist_norm))
                            final = pm.Deterministic(
                                nmbr, (pm.math.tanh(dist_norm) / 2 + 0.5) * (líms[1] - líms[0]) + líms[0]
                        norm[p] = dist_norm
                    dist, prms = aprioris[p]
                    if (líms[0] is not None or líms[1] is not None) and dist != pm.Uniform:
                        acotada = pm.Bound(dist, lower=líms[0], upper=líms[1])
                        final = acotada(nmbr, shape=tmñ, **prms)
                        if dist == pm.Uniform:
                            prms['lower'] = max(prms['lower'], líms[0])
                            prms['upper'] = min(prms['upper'], líms[1])
                        final = dist(nmbr, shape=tmñ, **prms)

                egr[p] = final
            for p, v in egr.items():
                if p not in norm:
                    norm[p] = v
            return {'final': egr, 'norm': norm}

        def _gen_d_vars_pm_jer():
            dists_base = _gen_d_vars_pm(
                tmñ=(1,), fmt_nmbrs='mu_{}_nv_0' if len(nv_jerarquía) else '{}'

            egr = {}

            for p, líms in líms_paráms.items():
                mu_v = dists_base[p]

                if líms[0] is líms[1] is None:
                    mu_sg = 2
                    mu_sg = 0.5

                sg_v = pm.Gamma(name='sg_{}_nv_0'.format(p), mu=mu_sg, sd=0.2, shape=(1,))

                for í, nv in enumerate(nv_jerarquía):
                    tmñ_nv = len(nv)
                    últ_niv = í == (len(nv_jerarquía) - 1)
                    í_nv = í+1

                    nmbr_mu = p if últ_niv else 'mu_{}_nv_{}'.format(p, í_nv)
                    nmbr_sg = 'sg_{}_nv_{}'.format(p, í_nv)
                    nmbr_trsld = 'trlsd_{}_nv_{}'.format(p, í_nv)

                    if False and (trsld_sub or últ_niv):
                        trsld = pm.Normal(name=nmbr_trsld, mu=0, sd=1, shape=tmñ_nv)
                        if líms[0] is líms[1] is None:
                            mu_v = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, mu_v[nv] + trsld * sg_v[nv])

                            mu_v = pm.Deterministic('transf' + nmbr_mu, mu_v[nv] + trsld * sg_v[nv])
                            if líms[0] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[1] - pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                            elif líms[1] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[0] + pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                                final = pm.Deterministic(
                                    nmbr_mu, (pm.math.tanh(mu_v) / 2 + 0.5) * (líms[1] - líms[0]) + líms[0]

                            if últ_niv:
                                mu_v = final
                        if líms[0] is líms[1] is None:
                            mu_v = pm.Normal(name=nmbr_mu, mu=mu_v[nv], sd=sg_v[nv], shape=tmñ_nv)
                            mu_v = pm.Normal(name='transf' + nmbr_mu, mu=mu_v[nv], sd=sg_v[nv], shape=tmñ_nv)
                            if líms[0] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[1] - pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                            elif líms[1] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[0] + pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                                final = pm.Deterministic(
                                    nmbr_mu, (pm.math.tanh(mu_v) / 2 + 0.5) * (líms[1] - líms[0]) + líms[0]
                            if últ_niv:
                                mu_v = final

                    if not últ_niv:
                        sg_v = pm.Gamma(name=nmbr_sg, mu=mu_sg, sd=0.2, shape=tmñ_nv)

                egr[p] = mu_v

            return egr

        modelo = pm.Model()
        with modelo:
            if nv_jerarquía is None:
                d_vars_pm = _gen_d_vars_pm()['final']
                d_vars_pm = _gen_d_vars_pm_jer()

            mu = VstrAPyMC3(
                d_vars_pm=d_vars_pm, obs_x=obs_x, í_datos=í_datos, dialecto=símismo.dialecto

            if binario:
                pm.Bernoulli(name='Y_obs', logit_p=mu, observed=obs_y.values)

                sigma = pm.HalfNormal(name='sigma', sd=obs_y.values.std())
                # theta = pm.Normal(name='theta', sd=1)
                # beta = pm.HalfNormal(name='beta', sd=1 / obs_y.values.std())
                pm.Normal(name='Y_obs', mu=mu,
                          sd=sigma,  # * (beta*pm.math.abs_(mu) + 1),

        return modelo
b_left = np.random.uniform(size=N, low=.4, high=.5)
b_right = np.random.uniform(size=N, low=.04, high=.05)
leg_left = b_left * height + np.random.uniform(size=N, low=0, high=0.02)
leg_right = b_right * height + np.random.uniform(size=N, low=0, high=0.02)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
ax[0].plot(leg_right, height, 'b.')
ax[1].plot(leg_left, height, 'b.')

# Model with single predictor 1
with pm.Model() as model_bl:
    a = pm.Normal('a', mu=10, sigma=100)
    bl = pm.Normal('bl', mu=2, sigma=10)
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', lower=0, upper=10)
    mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', a + bl * leg_left)
    h = pm.Normal('h', mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=height)
    trace_bl = pm.sample(cores=2)

# Model with single predictor 2
with pm.Model() as model_br:
    a = pm.Normal('a', mu=10, sigma=100)
    br = pm.Normal('br', mu=2, sigma=10)
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', lower=0, upper=10)
    mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', a + br * leg_right)
    h = pm.Normal('h', mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=height)
    trace_br = pm.sample(cores=2)
Esempio n. 8
def build_sho_model(x,
    Must specify either var or var_method
    Build PyMC3/exoplanet model for correlated noise using a sum of SHOTerms
    x : array-like
        independent variable data (e.g. time)
    y : array-like
        corresponding dependent variable data (e.g. empirical ACF or flux)
    var_method : string
        automatic method for selecting y data variance
        'global' --> var = np.var(y)
        'local' --> var = np.var(y - local_trend)
        'fit' --> logvar is a free hyperparameter in the GP model
    test_freq : float (optional)
        an (ordinary, not angular) frequency to initialize the model
    fmin : float (optional)
        lower bound on (ordinary, not angular) frequency
    fmax : float (optional)
        upper bound on (ordinary, not angular) frequency
    fixed_Q : float (optional)
        a fixed value for Q
    model : a pymc3 model
    with pm.Model() as model:

        # amplitude parameter
        logSw4 = pm.Normal('logSw4', mu=np.log(np.var(y)), sd=15.0)

        # qualify factor
        if fixed_Q is not None:
            logQ = pm.Deterministic('logQ', T.log(fixed_Q))
            logQ = pm.Uniform('logQ',
                              lower=np.log(1 / np.sqrt(2)),

        # frequency; for Q > 0.7, the difference between standard and damped frequency is minimal
        if fmin is None and fmax is None:
            if test_freq is None:
                logw0 = pm.Normal('logw0', mu=0.0, sd=15.0)
                test_w0 = convert_frequency(2 * pi * test_freq[0], T.exp(logQ))
                logw0 = pm.Normal('logw0', mu=np.log(test_w0), sd=np.log(1.1))

        if fmin is not None or fmax is not None:
            if fmin is None: logwmin = None
            else: logwmin = np.log(2 * pi * fmin)

            if fmax is None: logwmax = None
            else: logwmax = np.log(2 * pi * fmax)

            if test_freq is None:
                logw0 = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=logwmin,
                                 upper=logwmax)('logw0', mu=0.0, sd=15.0)

                test_w0 = convert_frequency(2 * pi * test_freq[0], T.exp(logQ))
                logw0 = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=logwmin,

        # here's the kernel
        kernel =, log_w0=logw0, log_Q=logQ)

        # set the variance
        if var_method == 'global':
            var = np.var(y)

        elif var_method == 'local':
            var = np.var(y - boxcar_smooth(y, 29))

        elif var_method == 'fit':
            logvar = pm.Normal('logvar',
            var = T.exp(logvar)

            raise ValueError(
                "Must specify var_method as 'global', 'local', or 'fit'")

        # set up the GP
        gp =, x, var * T.ones(len(x)))

        # add custom potential (log-prob fxn) with the GP likelihood
        pm.Potential('obs', gp.log_likelihood(y))

        # track GP prediction
        gp_pred = pm.Deterministic('gp_pred', gp.predict())

    return model
import os
os.chdir('D:\Machine Learning\A-Data Prediction - House')
data = pd.read_csv('radon.csv')

county_names = data.county.unique()
county_idx = data['county_code'].values

data[['county', 'log_radon', 'floor']].head()

#Hierarchical Model
with pm.Model() as hierarchical_model:
    # Hyperpriors
    mu_a = pm.Normal('mu_alpha', mu=0., sd=1)
    sigma_a = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_alpha', beta=1)
    mu_b = pm.Normal('mu_beta', mu=0., sd=1)
    sigma_b = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_beta', beta=1)
    # Intercept for each county, distributed around group mean mu_a
    a = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=mu_a, sd=sigma_a, shape=len(data.county.unique()))
    # Intercept for each county, distributed around group mean mu_a
    b = pm.Normal('beta', mu=mu_b, sd=sigma_b, shape=len(data.county.unique()))
    # Model error
    eps = pm.HalfCauchy('eps', beta=1)
    # Expected value
    radon_est = a[county_idx] + b[county_idx] * data.floor.values
Esempio n. 10
    # with pm.Model():
    #     a = pm.Normal(name="a")
    #     trace = pm.sample(10000, tune=2000, chains=2)
    #     pm.traceplot(trace, compact=True)
    #     plt.savefig("test_00.png")
    #     pm.autocorrplot(trace, "a")
    #     plt.savefig("test_01.png")

    # with pm.Model():
    #     a = pm.Normal(name="a")
    #     M = pm.LKJCorr(name="C", n=4, eta=1)
    #     trace = pm.sample(10000, tune=2000, chains=2)
    #     pm.traceplot(trace, compact=True)
    #     plt.savefig("test_10.png")
    #     pm.autocorrplot(trace, "a")
    #     plt.savefig("test_11.png")

    with pm.Model():

        a = pm.Normal(name="a", shape=(1, 2))
        # f = pm.HalfNormal.dist()
        # M = pm.LKJCholeskyCov(name="M", n=4, eta=1, sd_dist=f)
        # trace = pm.sample(10000, tune=2000, chains=2)
        # pm.traceplot(trace, compact=True)
        # plt.savefig("test_20.png")
        # pm.autocorrplot(trace, "a")
        # plt.savefig("test_21.png")
Esempio n. 11
X = np.array(X)
Y = np.array(Y)


Z = Y / X

with pm.Model() as example2:

    theta = pm.HalfNormal('theta', sd=1., testval=1.)
    coeff = pm.HalfNormal('coeff', sd=1., testval=1.)
    sigma = pm.Normal('sigma', sd=1., testval=1.)

    sde = lambda x, theta, distance: (theta * (coeff - x), sigma)
                     sde, [theta, coeff],

    trace = pm.sample(10000, tune=10000, nuts_kwargs=dict(target_accept=0.95))

    pm.traceplot(trace, varnames=['theta', 'coeff'])

print "theta = ", np.mean(trace['theta'])
Esempio n. 12
with model_1:
    # priors as specified in stan model
    # mu = pm.Uniform('mu', lower = -tt.inf, upper= np.inf)
    # sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', lower = 0, upper= np.inf)

    # using vague priors works
    mu = pm.Uniform('mu',
                    lower=light_speed.std() / 1000.0,
                    upper=light_speed.std() * 1000.0)
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma',
                       lower=light_speed.std() / 1000.0,
                       upper=light_speed.std() * 1000.0)

    # define likelihood
    y_obs = pm.Normal('Y_obs', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=light_speed)

    # inference fitting the model

    # I have to use slice because the following command
    # trace = pm.sample(5000)
    # produce the error
    # ValueError: Cannot construct a ufunc with more than 32 operands
    # (requested number were: inputs = 51 and outputs = 1)valueerror

def run(n=5000):
    with model_1:
        xstart = pm.find_MAP()
        xstep = pm.Slice()
        trace = pm.sample(5000,
Esempio n. 13
        p[2] + y[2]) - y[0] * (p[5] * p[3] + p[4] * y[2]) / (p[5] + y[2]) + (
            -1) * (p[16] * y[0])
    ydot[1] = p[16] * y[0] + y[1] * (p[8] * p[6] + p[7] * y[2]) / (
        p[8] + y[2]) - y[1] * (p[11] * p[9] + p[10] * y[2]) / (
            p[11] + y[2]) + (-1) * (p[18] * y[1]) + (-1) * (p[17] * y[1])
    ydot[2] = p[18] * y[1] + y[2] * (p[14] * p[12] + p[13] * (y[0] + y[1])) / (
        p[14] + y[0] + y[1]) + (-1) * (p[15] * y[2])
    return ydot

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with pm.Model() as pysb_model:
        sampled_params_list = list()

        sp_k_NE_div_0 = pm.Normal('sp_k_NE_div_0',
        sp_k_NE_div_x = pm.Normal('sp_k_NE_div_x', mu=np.log10(1.05), sigma=1)
        sp_KD_Kx_NE_div = pm.Normal('sp_KD_Kx_NE_div',

        sp_k_NE_die_0 = pm.Normal('sp_k_NE_die_0',
        sp_k_NE_die_x = pm.Normal('sp_k_NE_die_x', mu=np.log10(0.95), sigma=1)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_discrete_continuous(self):
     with pm.Model() as model:
         a = pm.Poisson("a", 5)
         b = pm.HalfNormal("b", 10)
         y = pm.Normal("y", a, b, observed=[1, 2, 3, 4])
         trace = pm.sample_smc()
Esempio n. 15
 def setup(self, step):
     self.n_steps = 10000
     with pm.Model() as self.model:
         pm.Normal('x', mu=0, sd=1)
def MultiOutput_Bayesian_Calibration(n_y,DataComp,DataField,DataPred,output_folder):
    # This is data preprocessing part
    n = np.shape(DataField)[0] # number of measured data
    m = np.shape(DataComp)[0] # number of simulation data

    p = np.shape(DataField)[1] - n_y # number of input x
    q = np.shape(DataComp)[1] - p - n_y # number of calibration parameters t

    xc = DataComp[:,n_y:] # simulation input x + calibration parameters t
    xf = DataField[:,n_y:] # observed input

    yc = DataComp[:,:n_y] # simulation output
    yf = DataField[:,:n_y] # observed output

    x_pred = DataPred[:,n_y:] # design points for predictions
    y_true = DataPred[:,:n_y] # true measured value for design points for predictions
    n_pred = np.shape(x_pred)[0] # number of predictions
    N = n+m+n_pred

    # Put points xc, xf, and x_pred on [0,1] 
    for i in range(p):
        x_min = min(min(xc[:,i]),min(xf[:,i]))
        x_max = max(max(xc[:,i]),max(xf[:,i]))
        xc[:,i] = (xc[:,i]-x_min)/(x_max-x_min)
        xf[:,i] = (xf[:,i]-x_min)/(x_max-x_min)
        x_pred[:,i] = (x_pred[:,i]-x_min)/(x_max-x_min)

    # Put calibration parameters t on domain [0,1]
    for i in range(p,(p+q)):
        t_min = min(xc[:,i])
        t_max = max(xc[:,i])
        xc[:,i] = (xc[:,i]-t_min)/(t_max-t_min)

    # store mean and std of yc for future scale back use
    yc_mean = np.zeros(n_y)
    yc_sd = np.zeros(n_y)

    # standardization of output yf and yc
    for i in range(n_y):
        yc_mean[i] = np.mean(yc[:,i])
        yc_sd[i] = np.std(yc[:,i])
        yc[:,i] = (yc[:,i]-yc_mean[i])/yc_sd[i]
        yf[:,i] = (yf[:,i]-yc_mean[i])/yc_sd[i]

    # This is modeling part
    with pm.Model() as model:
        # Claim prior part
        eta1 = pm.HalfCauchy("eta1", beta=5) # for eta of gaussian process
        lengthscale = pm.Gamma("lengthscale", alpha=2, beta=1, shape=(p+q)) # for lengthscale of gaussian process
        tf = pm.Beta("tf", alpha=2, beta=2, shape=q) # for calibration parameters
        sigma1 = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma1', beta=5) # for noise
        y_pred = pm.Normal('y_pred', 0, 1.5, shape=(n_pred,n_y)) # for y prediction

        # Setup prior of right cholesky matrix
        sd_dist = pm.HalfCauchy.dist(beta=2.5, shape=n_y)
        colchol_packed = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('colcholpacked', n=n_y, eta=2,sd_dist=sd_dist)
        colchol = pm.expand_packed_triangular(n_y, colchol_packed)

        # Concate data into a big matrix[[xf tf], [xc tc], [x_pred tf]]
        xf1 = tt.concatenate([xf, tt.fill(tt.zeros([n,q]), tf)], axis = 1)
        x_pred1 = tt.concatenate([x_pred, tt.fill(tt.zeros([n_pred,q]), tf)], axis = 1)
        X = tt.concatenate([xf1, xc, x_pred1], axis = 0)
        # Concate data into a big matrix[[yf], [yc], [y_pred]]
        y = tt.concatenate([yf, yc, y_pred], axis = 0)

        # Covariance funciton of gaussian process
        cov_z = eta1**2 *, ls=lengthscale)
        # Gaussian process with covariance funciton of cov_z
        gp = MultiMarginal(cov_func = cov_z)

        # Bayesian inference
        matrix_shape = [n+m+n_pred,n_y]
        outcome = gp.marginal_likelihood("outcome", X=X, y=y, colchol=colchol, noise=sigma1, matrix_shape=matrix_shape)
        trace = pm.sample(250,cores=1)

    # This part is for data collection and visualization
    pm.summary(trace).to_csv(output_folder + '/trace_summary.csv')

    name_columns = []
    n_columns = n_pred
    for i in range(n_columns):
        for j in range(n_y):
    y_prediction = pd.DataFrame(np.array(trace['y_pred']).reshape(500,n_pred*n_y),columns=name_columns)

    #Draw Picture of cvrmse_dist and calculate index
    for i in range(n_y):
        index = list(range(0+i,n_pred*n_y+i,n_y))
        y_prediction1 = pd.DataFrame(y_prediction.iloc[:,index])
        y_prediction1 = y_prediction1*yc_sd[i]+yc_mean[i] # Scale y_prediction back
        y_prediction1.to_csv(output_folder + '/y_pred'+str(i+1)+'.csv') # Store y_prediction

        # Calculate the distribution of cvrmse
        cvrmse = 100*np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(y_prediction1-y_true[:,i]),axis=1)/n_pred)/np.mean(y_true[:,i])
        # Calculate the index and store it into csv
        index_cal(y_prediction1,y_true[:,i]).to_csv(output_folder + '/index'+str(i+1)+'.csv')
        # Draw pictrue of cvrmse distribution of each y
        plt.subplot(n_y, 1, i+1)

    plt.savefig(output_folder + '/cvrmse_dist.pdf')

    #Draw Picture of Prediction_Plot
    for i in range(n_y):
        index = list(range(0+i,n_pred*n_y+i,n_y))

        y_prediction_mean = np.array(pm.summary(trace)['mean'][index])*yc_sd[i]+yc_mean[i]
        y_prediction_975 = np.array(pm.summary(trace)['hpd_97.5'][index])*yc_sd[i]+yc_mean[i]
        y_prediction_025 = np.array(pm.summary(trace)['hpd_2.5'][index])*yc_sd[i]+yc_mean[i]

        plt.subplot(n_y, 1, i+1)
        # estimated probability
        plt.scatter(x=range(n_pred), y=y_prediction_mean)
        # error bars on the estimate

        plt.vlines(range(n_pred), ymin=y_prediction_025, ymax=y_prediction_975)
        # actual outcomes
                   y=y_true[:,i], marker='x')


        # This is just to print original cvrmse to test whether outcome good
        if i == 0:
            cvrmse = 100*np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(y_prediction_mean-y_true[:,0]))/len(y_prediction_mean-y_true[:,0]))/np.mean(y_true[:,0])

    plt.savefig(output_folder + '/Prediction_Plot.pdf')
Esempio n. 17
X = x_cov.merge(x_control, left_index=True, right_index=True)
X = X.loc[y.index, :].copy()

# standardize all
def standardize(x):
    return (x-np.mean(x))/np.std(x)

X = X.apply(standardize, axis=0)

# mask NA
X_masked =

# model
with pm.Model() as model:
    # priors
    intercept = pm.Normal('intercept', mu=0, sigma=100)
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sigma=100, shape=X_masked.shape[1])
    alpha = pm.HalfCauchy('alpha', beta=5)

    # impute missing X
    chol, stds, corr = pm.LKJCholeskyCov('chol', n=X_masked.shape[1], eta=2, sd_dist=pm.Exponential.dist(1), compute_corr=True)
    cov = pm.Deterministic('cov',
    X_mu = pm.Normal('X_mu', mu=0, sigma=100, shape=X_masked.shape[1], testval=X_masked.mean(axis=0))
    X_modeled = pm.MvNormal('X', mu=X_mu, chol=chol, observed=X_masked)

    # observation
    mu_ = intercept +, beta)

    # likelihood
    mu = tt.exp(mu_)
    likelihood = pm.Gamma('y', alpha=alpha, beta=alpha/mu, observed=y)

# In[28]:


# In[29]:

with pm.Model() as model:
        # model specifications in PyMC3
        # are wrapped in a with-statement
    # define priors
    alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=20)
    beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=20)
    sigma = pm.Uniform('sigma', lower=0, upper=10)

    # define linear regression
    y_est = alpha + beta * x

    # define likelihood
    likelihood = pm.Normal('y', mu=y_est, sd=sigma, observed=y)

    # inference
    start = pm.find_MAP()
      # find starting value by optimization
    step = pm.NUTS()
      # instantiate MCMC sampling algorithm
    trace = pm.sample(100, step, start=start, progressbar=False)
Esempio n. 19
        def _gen_d_vars_pm_jer():
            dists_base = _gen_d_vars_pm(
                tmñ=(1,), fmt_nmbrs='mu_{}_nv_0' if len(nv_jerarquía) else '{}'

            egr = {}

            for p, líms in líms_paráms.items():
                mu_v = dists_base[p]

                if líms[0] is líms[1] is None:
                    mu_sg = 2
                    mu_sg = 0.5

                sg_v = pm.Gamma(name='sg_{}_nv_0'.format(p), mu=mu_sg, sd=0.2, shape=(1,))

                for í, nv in enumerate(nv_jerarquía):
                    tmñ_nv = len(nv)
                    últ_niv = í == (len(nv_jerarquía) - 1)
                    í_nv = í+1

                    nmbr_mu = p if últ_niv else 'mu_{}_nv_{}'.format(p, í_nv)
                    nmbr_sg = 'sg_{}_nv_{}'.format(p, í_nv)
                    nmbr_trsld = 'trlsd_{}_nv_{}'.format(p, í_nv)

                    if False and (trsld_sub or últ_niv):
                        trsld = pm.Normal(name=nmbr_trsld, mu=0, sd=1, shape=tmñ_nv)
                        if líms[0] is líms[1] is None:
                            mu_v = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, mu_v[nv] + trsld * sg_v[nv])

                            mu_v = pm.Deterministic('transf' + nmbr_mu, mu_v[nv] + trsld * sg_v[nv])
                            if líms[0] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[1] - pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                            elif líms[1] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[0] + pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                                final = pm.Deterministic(
                                    nmbr_mu, (pm.math.tanh(mu_v) / 2 + 0.5) * (líms[1] - líms[0]) + líms[0]

                            if últ_niv:
                                mu_v = final
                        if líms[0] is líms[1] is None:
                            mu_v = pm.Normal(name=nmbr_mu, mu=mu_v[nv], sd=sg_v[nv], shape=tmñ_nv)
                            mu_v = pm.Normal(name='transf' + nmbr_mu, mu=mu_v[nv], sd=sg_v[nv], shape=tmñ_nv)
                            if líms[0] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[1] - pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                            elif líms[1] is None:
                                final = pm.Deterministic(nmbr_mu, líms[0] + pm.math.exp(mu_v))
                                final = pm.Deterministic(
                                    nmbr_mu, (pm.math.tanh(mu_v) / 2 + 0.5) * (líms[1] - líms[0]) + líms[0]
                            if últ_niv:
                                mu_v = final

                    if not últ_niv:
                        sg_v = pm.Gamma(name=nmbr_sg, mu=mu_sg, sd=0.2, shape=tmñ_nv)

                egr[p] = mu_v

            return egr
Esempio n. 20
 def model():
     with pm.Model() as model:
         x = pm.Normal('x', 0, 1)
         y = pm.Normal('y', x, 1, observed=2)
         z = pm.Normal('z', x + y, 1)
     return model
size = 500
sigma = 5.
mu = 13.
samples = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size)

# Set censoring limits.
high = 16.
low = -1.

# Truncate samples
truncated = samples[(samples > low) & (samples < high)]

# Omniscient model
with pm.Model() as omniscient_model:
    mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=0., sd=(high - low) / 2.)
    sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sd=(high - low) / 2.)
    observed = pm.Normal('observed', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=samples)

# Imputed censored model
# Keep tabs on left/right censoring
n_right_censored = len(samples[samples >= high])
n_left_censored = len(samples[samples <= low])
n_observed = len(samples) - n_right_censored - n_left_censored
with pm.Model() as imputed_censored_model:
    mu = pm.Normal('mu', mu=0., sd=(high - low) / 2.)
    sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', sd=(high - low) / 2.)
    right_censored = pm.Bound(pm.Normal, lower=high)('right_censored',
    #  generate some data
    t = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)
    y = alpha + beta * t + np.random.rand(len(t))

    def sys_model(alpha, beta, t):
        return alpha + beta * t

    plt.scatter(t, y)

    line_model = pm.Model()

    with line_model:

        #  Set up priors
        alpha = pm.Normal("alpha", mu=0, sigma=10)
        beta = pm.Normal("beta", mu=0, sigma=10)
        sigma = pm.HalfNormal("sigma", sigma=1)

        #  System model
        mu = sys_model(alpha, beta, t)

        #  Likelihood of observations
        Y = pm.Normal("y", mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=y)

        # Sampler to use
        step = pm.NUTS()
        trace = pm.sample(5000, chains=8, cores=4, step=step)

    map_estimate = pm.find_MAP(model=line_model)
    print("Map_estimate", map_estimate)
let's simulate some regression dataset and apply PyMC3 to infer the coefficients

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    #  step 1: Create dataset using PyMC3
    # y = 1 + 0.5 x
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    with pm.Model() as generate_model:
        alpha = pm.Uniform('alpha', lower = 0, upper = 100)
        x = pm.Normal('x', mu = 10, sd = 2)
        y = pm.Deterministic('y', alpha + 5 * x)
        gtrace = pm.sample(5000, step=pm.NUTS())

    X = pd.DataFrame( columns = ['x','y'] )
    X['x'] = gtrace['x']
    X['y'] = gtrace['y']

    n_samples = X.shape[0]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize = (12,6))
    plt.hist(gtrace['x'], bins = 100, label = 'x', alpha= 0.8)
    plt.hist(gtrace['alpha'], bins = 100, label = 'alpha', alpha= 0.5)
    plt.hist(gtrace['y'], bins = 100, label = 'y', alpha= 1)
Esempio n. 24
def bayes_estimate_cell(k, adm, eadm, coh, ecoh, alph=False, atype='joint'):
    Function to estimate the parameters of the flexural model at a single cell location
    of the input grids. 

    :type k: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param k: 1D array of wavenumbers
    :type adm: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param adm: 1D array of wavelet admittance
    :type eadm: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param eadm: 1D array of error on wavelet admittance
    :type coh: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param coh: 1D array of wavelet coherence
    :type ecoh: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
    :param ecoh: 1D array of error on wavelet coherence
    :type alph: bool, optional
    :param alph: Whether or not to estimate parameter ``alpha``
    :type atype: str, optional
    :param atype: Whether to use the admittance (`'admit'`), coherence (`'coh'`) or both (`'joint'`)

        (tuple): Tuple containing:
            * ``trace`` : :class:`~pymc3.backends.base.MultiTrace`
                Posterior samples from the MCMC chains
            * ``summary`` : :class:`~pandas.core.frame.DataFrame`
                Summary statistics from Posterior distributions
            * ``map_estimate`` : dict
                Container for Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) estimates


    with pm.Model() as model:

        # k is an array - needs to be passed as distribution
        k_obs = pm.Normal('k', mu=k, sigma=1., observed=k)

        # Prior distributions
        Te = pm.Uniform('Te', lower=1., upper=250.)
        F = pm.Uniform('F', lower=0., upper=0.9999)

        if alph:

            # Prior distribution of `alpha`
            alpha = pm.Uniform('alpha', lower=0., upper=np.pi)
            admit_exp, coh_exp = real_xspec_functions_alpha(
                k_obs, Te, F, alpha)

            admit_exp, coh_exp = real_xspec_functions_noalpha(k_obs, Te, F)

        # Select type of analysis to perform
        if atype == 'admit':

            # Uncertainty as observed distribution
            sigma = pm.Normal('sigma', mu=eadm, sigma=1., \

            # Likelihood of observations
            admit_obs = pm.Normal('admit_obs', mu=admit_exp, \
                sigma=sigma, observed=adm)

        elif atype == 'coh':

            # Uncertainty as observed distribution
            sigma = pm.Normal('sigma', mu=ecoh, sigma=1., \

            # Likelihood of observations
            coh_obs = pm.Normal('coh_obs', mu=coh_exp, \
                sigma=sigma, observed=coh)

        elif atype == 'joint':

            # Define uncertainty as concatenated arrays
            ejoint = np.array([eadm, ecoh]).flatten()

            # Define array of observations and expected values as concatenated arrays
            joint = np.array([adm, coh]).flatten()
            joint_exp = tt.flatten(tt.concatenate([admit_exp, coh_exp]))

            # Uncertainty as observed distribution
            sigma = pm.Normal('sigma', mu=ejoint, sigma=1., \

            # Likelihood of observations
            joint_obs = pm.Normal('admit_coh_obs', mu=joint_exp, \
                sigma=sigma, observed=joint)

        # Sample the Posterior distribution
        trace = pm.sample(cf.draws,, cores=cf.cores)

        # Get Max a porteriori estimate
        map_estimate = pm.find_MAP()

        # Get Summary
        summary = pm.summary(trace)

    return trace, summary, map_estimate
Esempio n. 25
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jul 31 17:11:39 2019

@author: jpeacock

import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm

with pm.Model() as model:
    s1 = pm.Lognormal("s1", mu=0.01, sigma=0.1)
    m1 = pm.Normal("m1", mu=1.5, sigma=0.5)
    p1 = pm.Normal("p1", mu=0.8, sigma=0.2)
_, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,4))
axes[0].set_ylabel('y', rotation=0)
az.plot_kde(y, ax=axes[1])

# In[3]:

with pm.Model() as model_g:
    α = pm.Normal('α', mu=0, sd=10)
    β = pm.Normal('β', mu=0, sd=1)
    ϵ = pm.HalfCauchy('ϵ', 5)
    μ = pm.Deterministic('μ', α+β*x)
    y_pred = pm.Normal('y_pred', mu=μ, sd=ϵ, observed=y)
    trace_g = pm.sample(2000, tune=1000)

# Note the new object: `Deterministic`. With this we're telling pyMC3 that mu is defined using a formula, not a probablity distribution.

# In[4]:

az.plot_trace(trace_g, var_names=['α','β','ϵ'])
b_GC = 0  # direct influence of grandparents on children
b_PC = 1  # direct influence of parents on children
b_U = 2  # direct influence of neighborhood on parents and children

U = 2 * bernoulli.rvs(p=0.5, loc=0, size=N) - 1

G = norm.rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=N)

P = norm.rvs(loc=b_GP * G + b_U * U, scale=1, size=N)

C = norm.rvs(loc=b_GC * G + b_U * U + b_PC * P, scale=1, size=N)

df = pd.DataFrame({'C': C, 'P': P, 'G': G, 'U': U})

with pm.Model() as m_6_11:
    a = pm.Normal('a', mu=0, sigma=0.25)
    b_GC = pm.Normal('b_GC', mu=0, sigma=0.5)
    b_PC = pm.Normal('b_PC', mu=1, sigma=0.5)
    sigma = pm.Exponential('sigma', lam=10)

    mu = a + b_GC * df['G'] + b_PC * df['P']
    C = pm.Normal('C', mu=mu, sigma=sigma, observed=df['C'])

    trace_6_11 = pm.sample(2000,

    '******************Summary for Trace 6.11*******************************')
Esempio n. 28
                         [3.162, 3.162]])

x3_mu, x3_sd = np.array([[50, 60],
                         [3.162, 3.162]])

with pm.Model() as dna_model:

    g1 = pm.Categorical('g1', p=g1_prob)

    g2_prob = theano.shared(g2_g1_prob)  # make numpy-->theano

    g2_0 = g2_prob[g1]  # select the prob array that "happened" thanks to parents

    g2 = pm.Categorical('g2', p=g2_0)

    g3_prob = theano.shared(g3_g1_prob)  # make numpy-->theano

    g3_0 = g3_prob[g1]  # select the prob array that "happened" thanks to parents

    g3 = pm.Categorical('g3', p=g3_0)

    x2 = pm.Normal('x2', mu=50 + 10*g2, tau=3.162)

    x3 = pm.Normal('x3', mu=50 + 10*g3, tau=3.162)

with dna_model:
    trace = pm.sample(1)
    print(pm.summary(trace, varnames=['g1', 'g2', 'g3'], start=1))
Esempio n. 29
def exp_shifted(sample_kwargs=None):

    clustering_data = pd.read_pickle(
    clustering_data.index = range(len(clustering_data))

    lin_gp_data = pd.read_csv('Data/exp_shifted/gplinshifted.csv')
    lin_gp_data.index = range(len(lin_gp_data))

    rbf_gp_data = pd.read_csv('Data/exp_shifted/gprbfshifted.csv')
    rbf_gp_data.index = range(len(rbf_gp_data))

    kalman_data = pd.read_pickle('Data/exp_shifted/kalmanshifted.pkl')
    kalman_data.index = range(len(kalman_data))

    bayes_gp_data = pd.read_pickle('Data/exp_shifted/bayes_gp_exp_shifted.pkl')
    bayes_gp_data.index = range(len(bayes_gp_data))

    raw_data = pd.read_csv('Data/exp_shifted/datashifted_withoffset.csv',

    # the GP-RBF can fail if subject always choose the same response. For simplicity, we are dropping those
    # subjects
    subjects_to_drop = set()
    for s in set(
        if s not in set(

    for s in subjects_to_drop:
        clustering_data = clustering_data[
            clustering_data['Subject'] != s].copy()
        lin_gp_data = lin_gp_data[ != s].copy()
        raw_data = raw_data[ != s].copy()
        kalman_data = kalman_data[kalman_data.Subject != s].copy()
        bayes_gp_data = bayes_gp_data[bayes_gp_data['Subject'] != s].copy()

    # construct a sticky choice predictor. This is the same for all of the models
    x_sc = construct_sticky_choice(raw_data)

    # PYMC3 doesn't care about the actual subject numbers, so remap these to a sequential list
    subj_idx = construct_subj_idx(lin_gp_data)
    n_subj = len(set(subj_idx))

    intercept = raw_data['int'].values

    # prep the predictor vectors
    x_mu_cls = np.array(
        [clustering_data.loc[:, 'mu_%d' % ii].values for ii in range(8)]).T
    x_sd_cls = np.array(
        [clustering_data.loc[:, 'std_%d' % ii].values for ii in range(8)]).T

    x_mu_lin = np.array([
        lin_gp_data.loc[:, 'mu_%d' % ii].values + intercept for ii in range(8)
    x_sd_lin = np.array(
        [lin_gp_data.loc[:, 'std_%d' % ii].values for ii in range(8)]).T

    x_mu_kal = np.array([
        kalman_data.loc[:, 'mu_%d' % ii].values + intercept for ii in range(8)
    x_sd_kal = np.array(
        [kalman_data.loc[:, 'std_%d' % ii].values for ii in range(8)]).T

    y = raw_data['arm'].values - 1  # convert to 0 indexing

    n, d = x_mu_cls.shape
    if sample_kwargs is None:
        sample_kwargs = dict(draws=2000,

    with pm.Model() as hier_rbf_clus:
        mu_1 = pm.Normal('mu_beta_rbf_mean', mu=0., sd=100.)
        mu_2 = pm.Normal('mu_beta_rbf_stdv', mu=0., sd=100.)
        mu_3 = pm.Normal('mu_beta_cls_mean', mu=0., sd=100.)
        mu_4 = pm.Normal('mu_beta_cls_stdv', mu=0., sd=100.)
        mu_5 = pm.Normal('mu_beta_stick', mu=0., sd=100.)

        sigma_1 = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_rbf_means', beta=100)
        sigma_2 = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_rbf_stdev', beta=100)
        sigma_3 = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_cls_means', beta=100)
        sigma_4 = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_cls_stdev', beta=100)
        sigma_5 = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma_stick', beta=100)

        b_1 = pm.Normal('beta_rbf_mu', mu=mu_1, sd=sigma_1, shape=n_subj)
        b_2 = pm.Normal('beta_rbf_std', mu=mu_2, sd=sigma_2, shape=n_subj)
        b_3 = pm.Normal('beta_cls_mu', mu=mu_3, sd=sigma_3, shape=n_subj)
        b_4 = pm.Normal('beta_cls_std', mu=mu_4, sd=sigma_4, shape=n_subj)
        b_5 = pm.Normal('beta_sc', mu=mu_5, sd=sigma_5, shape=n_subj)

        rho = \
            tt.tile(tt.reshape(b_1[subj_idx], (n, 1)), d) * x_mu_rbf + \
            tt.tile(tt.reshape(b_2[subj_idx], (n, 1)), d) * x_sd_rbf + \
            tt.tile(tt.reshape(b_3[subj_idx], (n, 1)), d) * x_mu_cls + \
            tt.tile(tt.reshape(b_4[subj_idx], (n, 1)), d) * x_sd_cls + \
            tt.tile(tt.reshape(b_5[subj_idx], (n, 1)), d) * x_sc

        p_hat = softmax(rho)

        # Data likelihood
        yl = pm.Categorical('yl', p=p_hat, observed=y)

        # inference!
        trace_gprbf_cls = pm.sample(**sample_kwargs)

    ppc = pm.sample_ppc(trace_gprbf_cls, samples=500, model=hier_rbf_clus)

    for ii in range(500):
        sim_draws = raw_data.copy()
        sim_draws['arm_sim'] = ppc['yl'][ii, :] + 1
        sim_draws.to_pickle('./Data/PPC/exp_shifted/sim_%d.pkl' % ii)
Esempio n. 30
    def _create_pymc3_model(self, pm_model, parent, ops):
        # we are a graph not a tree, so
        # if name already in pm_model return it
        # ode models can have multiple outputs, so make
        # sure to choose the right one

        if parent is not None:
            param = LogLikelihoodParameter.objects.get(parent=parent,

            # outputs for models are assumed to be unique and ordered
            # by parent id, outputs for the rest can be non-unique, so use
            # child_index in this case
            if self.form == self.Form.MODEL:
                parents = list(self.parents.order_by())
                parent_index = parents.index(parent)
                parent_index = param.child_index

            parent_index = 0

        name =
            return ops[name][parent_index]
        except KeyError:

        values, times, subjects = self.get_data()

        outputs = list(self.outputs.order_by('child_index'))
        if len(outputs) == 0:
            n_distinct_outputs = 0
            n_distinct_outputs = outputs[-1].child_index + 1

        # the distributions need a shape, take this from the data
        # if no data then assume scalar
        if self.is_a_distribution():
            length_by_index = [()] * n_distinct_outputs
            for output in outputs:
                length_by_index[output.child_index] = \
                    1 if output.length is None else output.length
            total_length = sum(length_by_index)

            # set shape and check total length of outputs is < this shape
            if values is None:
                shape = ()
                if total_length > 1:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'log_likelihood {} is scalar but total length of '
                        'outputs is {}'.format(, total_length))
                shape = (len(values), )
                if total_length > shape[0]:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'log_likelihood {} has data of length {} but total '
                        'length of outputs is {}'.format(
                  , shape[0], total_length))
            observed = values if self.observed else None

        # if its not random, just evaluate it, otherwise create the pymc3 op
        if not self.is_random():
            value = self.sample()
            if isinstance(value, list):
                value = np.array(value)
            op = theano.shared(value)
        elif self.form == self.Form.NORMAL:
            mean, sigma = self.get_noise_log_likelihoods()
            mean = mean._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
            sigma = sigma._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
            op = pm.Normal(name, mean, sigma, observed=observed, shape=shape)
        elif self.form == self.Form.LOGNORMAL:
            mean, sigma = self.get_noise_log_likelihoods()
            mean = mean._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
            sigma = sigma._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
            op = pm.LogNormal(name,
        elif self.form == self.Form.UNIFORM:
            lower, upper = self.get_noise_log_likelihoods()
            lower = lower._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
            upper = upper._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
            op = pm.Uniform(name, lower, upper, observed=observed, shape=shape)
        elif self.form == self.Form.MODEL:
            # ASSUMPTIONS / LIMITATIONS: - parents of models must be observed
            # random variables (e.g. can't have equation to, say, measure 2 *
            # model output - subject ids of output data, e.g. [0, 1, 2, 8, 10]
            # are the same subjects of input data, we only check that the
            # lengths of the subject vectors are the same

            output_names = []
            times = []
            subjects = []
            all_subjects = set()
            for parent in parents:
                output = LogLikelihoodParameter.objects.get(parent=parent,
                _, this_times, this_subjects = parent.get_data()

            all_subjects = sorted(list(all_subjects))
            n_subjects = len(all_subjects)

            # look at all parameters and check their length, if they are all
            # scalar values then we can just run 1 sim, if any are vector
            # values then each value is a different parameter for each subject,
            # so we need to run a sim for every subject
            all_params_scalar = all(
                [p.length is None for p in self.parameters.all()])

            if all_params_scalar:
                subjects = None
                # transform subject ids into an index into all_subjects
                for i, this_subjects in enumerate(subjects):
                    subjects[i] = np.searchsorted(all_subjects, this_subjects)

            forward_model, fitted_parameters = self.create_forward_model(
                output_names, times, subjects)
            forward_model_op = ODEop(name, forward_model)
            if fitted_parameters:
                # create child pymc3 models
                all_params = [
                    param.child._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
                    for param in fitted_parameters

                # if any vector params, need to broadcast any scalars to
                # max_length and create a 2d tensor to pass to the model with
                # shape (n_params, max_length)
                if not all_params_scalar:
                    max_length = max([
                        param.length if param.length is not None else 1
                        for param in fitted_parameters
                    if max_length != n_subjects:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'Error: n_subjects given by params is '
                            'different to n_subjects given by output data.')
                    for index in range(len(all_params)):
                        param = fitted_parameters[index]
                        pymc3_param = all_params[index]
                        if pymc3_param.ndim == 0:
                            all_params[index] = theano.tensor.tile(
                                pymc3_param, (max_length))

                # now we stack them along axis 0
                all_params = pm.math.stack(all_params, axis=0)
                all_params = []
            op = forward_model_op(all_params)

            # make sure its a list
            if len(parents) == 1:
                op = [op]

            # track outputs of model so we can simulate
            op = [
                pm.Deterministic(name +, output)
                for output, parent in zip(op, parents)
        elif self.form == self.Form.EQUATION:
            params = self.get_noise_log_likelihoods()
            pymc3_params = []
            for param in params:
                param = param._create_pymc3_model(pm_model, self, ops)
            lcls = {
                'arg{}'.format(i): param
                for i, param in enumerate(pymc3_params)
            op = eval(self.description, None, lcls)
        elif self.form == self.Form.FIXED:
            if self.biomarker_type is None:
                op = theano.shared(self.value)
                op = theano.shared(np.array(values))
            raise RuntimeError('unrecognised form', self.form)

        # split the op into its distinct outputs
        if self.form == self.Form.MODEL:
            ops[name] = op
        elif n_distinct_outputs == 1:
            ops[name] = [op]
            indexed_list = []
            current_index = 0
            for length in length_by_index:
                indexed_list.append(op[current_index:current_index + length])
            ops[name] = indexed_list

        # if no parent then we don't need to return anything
        if parent is None:
            return None
        return ops[name][parent_index]