Esempio n. 1
    def test_write_geomap(self):
        estimator = SHEstimator()
        estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.geomap
        estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].start = -1.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].start = -25.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].start = -15.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].stop = 1.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].stop = 25.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].stop = 35.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].nbins = 1
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].nbins = 50
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].nbins = 50
        estimator.detector_type =
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.unknown
        estimator.filename = "ex_yzzon"
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "GEOMAP          -1.0     -25.0     -15.0       1.0      25.0      35.0"
        ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0      ZONE  ex_yzzon"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.medium
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0    MEDIUM  ex_yzzon"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.rho
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0       RHO  ex_yzzon"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_write_geomap(self):
        estimator = SHEstimator()
        estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.geomap
        estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].start = -1.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].start = -25.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].start = -15.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].stop = 1.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].stop = 25.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].stop = 35.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].nbins = 1
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].nbins = 50
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].nbins = 50
        estimator.detector_type =
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.unknown
        estimator.filename = "ex_yzzon"
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "GEOMAP          -1.0     -25.0     -15.0       1.0      25.0      35.0"
        ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0      ZONE  ex_yzzon"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.medium
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0    MEDIUM  ex_yzzon"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.rho
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0       RHO  ex_yzzon"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 3
    def test_write_zone(self):
        estimator = SHEstimator()
        estimator.estimator =
        estimator.geometry = Zone()
        estimator.geometry.start = 1
        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.dose
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
        estimator.filename = "DH_dose"
        line1, = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "ZONE               1                            -1      DOSE   DH_dose"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)

        estimator.geometry.stop = 300
        line1, = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "ZONE               1       300                  -1      DOSE   DH_dose"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)

        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.heavy_ion
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.a = 12
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.z = 6
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "ZONE               1       300                  25      DOSE   DH_dose"
        ref_line2 = "                   6        12                                        "
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 4
def generate_geomap():
    result = ""

    # create empty estimator object
    estimator = SHEstimator()
    estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.geomap
    estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.unknown

    # possible detector types and associated names
    det_types = OrderedDict({
        "rho": SHDetType.rho,
        "med": SHDetType.medium

    # possible geometries and associated names
    geometries_dict = msh_geometries()
    for geometry_name, det_name in product(geometries_dict, det_types):
        estimator.geometry = geometries_dict[geometry_name]
        estimator.detector_type = det_types[det_name]
        estimator.filename = det_name + "_" + geometry_name
        text = EstimatorWriter.get_text(estimator, add_comment=True)
        result += text

    return result
Esempio n. 5
def generate_mesh(geometry_function, estimator_type):
    result = ""

    # create empty estimator object
    estimator = SHEstimator()
    estimator.estimator = estimator_type

    # possible particle types and associated names
    part_types = OrderedDict({
        "al": SHParticleType.all,
        "p": SHParticleType.proton,
        "n": SHParticleType.neutron

    # possible detector types and associated names
    det_types = OrderedDict({
        "fl": SHDetType.fluence,
        "aen": SHDetType.avg_energy,
        "bet": SHDetType.avg_beta

    # possible geometries and associated names
    geometries_dict = geometry_function()
    for geometry_name, part_name, det_name in product(geometries_dict,
                                                      part_types, det_types):
        estimator.geometry = geometries_dict[geometry_name]
        estimator.detector_type = det_types[det_name]
        estimator.particle_type = part_types[part_name]
        estimator.filename = det_name + "_" + geometry_name + "_" + part_name
        text = EstimatorWriter.get_text(estimator, add_comment=True)
        result += text

    return result
Esempio n. 6
    def test_write_zone(self):
        estimator = SHEstimator()
        estimator.estimator =
        estimator.geometry = Zone()
        estimator.geometry.start = 1
        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.dose
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
        estimator.filename = "DH_dose"
        line1, = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "ZONE               1                            -1      DOSE   DH_dose"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)

        estimator.geometry.stop = 300
        line1, = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "ZONE               1       300                  -1      DOSE   DH_dose"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)

        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.heavy_ion
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.a = 12
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.z = 6
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "ZONE               1       300                  25      DOSE   DH_dose"
        ref_line2 = "                   6        12                                        "
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 7
def generate_plane():
    result = ""

    # create empty estimator object
    estimator = SHEstimator()
    estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.plane

    # possible particle types and associated names
    part_types = OrderedDict({
        "al": SHParticleType.all,
        "p": SHParticleType.proton,
        "n": SHParticleType.neutron

    # possible detector types and associated names
    det_types = OrderedDict({"cnt": SHDetType.counter})

    # possible geometries and associated names
    geometries_dict = plane_geometries()
    for geometry_name, part_name, det_name in product(geometries_dict,
                                                      part_types, det_types):
        estimator.geometry = geometries_dict[geometry_name]
        estimator.detector_type = det_types[det_name]
        estimator.particle_type = part_types[part_name]
        estimator.filename = det_name + "_" + geometry_name + "_" + part_name
        text = EstimatorWriter.get_text(estimator, add_comment=True)
        result += text

    return result
Esempio n. 8
    def test_write_cyl(self):
        estimator = SHEstimator()
        estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.cyl
        estimator.geometry = CylindricalMesh()
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].start = 0.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].start = 0.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].start = 0.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].stop = 10.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].stop = 7.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].stop = 30.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].nbins = 1
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].nbins = 1
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].nbins = 300
        estimator.detector_type =
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
        estimator.filename = "ex_cyl"
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "CYL              0.0       0.0       0.0      10.0       7.0      30.0"
        ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        -1    ENERGY    ex_cyl"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.avg_beta
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.proton
        ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300         2  AVG-BETA    ex_cyl"
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.heavy_ion
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.a = 12
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.z = 6
        ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        25  AVG-BETA    ex_cyl"
        ref_line3 = "                   6        12                                        "
        line1, line2, line3 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
        self.assertEqual(str(line3), ref_line3)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_write_cyl(self):
        estimator = SHEstimator()
        estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.cyl
        estimator.geometry = CylindricalMesh()
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].start = 0.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].start = 0.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].start = 0.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].stop = 10.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].stop = 7.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].stop = 30.0
        estimator.geometry.axis[0].nbins = 1
        estimator.geometry.axis[1].nbins = 1
        estimator.geometry.axis[2].nbins = 300
        estimator.detector_type =
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
        estimator.filename = "ex_cyl"
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        ref_line1 = "CYL              0.0       0.0       0.0      10.0       7.0      30.0"
        ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        -1    ENERGY    ex_cyl"
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.avg_beta
        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.proton
        ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300         2  AVG-BETA    ex_cyl"
        line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)

        estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.heavy_ion
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.a = 12
        estimator.heavy_ion_type.z = 6
        ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        25  AVG-BETA    ex_cyl"
        ref_line3 = "                   6        12                                        "
        line1, line2, line3 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
        self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
        self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
        self.assertEqual(str(line3), ref_line3)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_write_plane_compact(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.plane
     estimator.geometry = Plane()
     estimator.geometry.set_point(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
     estimator.geometry.set_normal(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=1.0)
     estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.counter
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.proton
     estimator.filename = "NB_count2"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "PLANE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       1.0"
     ref_line2 = "                                                 2   COUNTER NB_count2"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 11
 def test_write_plane_compact(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.plane
     estimator.geometry = Plane()
     estimator.geometry.set_point(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
     estimator.geometry.set_normal(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=1.0)
     estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.counter
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.proton
     estimator.filename = "NB_count2"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "PLANE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       1.0"
     ref_line2 = "                                                 2   COUNTER NB_count2"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_write_geomap_compact(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.geomap
     estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-1.0, stop=1.0, nbins=1)
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-25.0, stop=25.0, nbins=50)
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=-15.0, stop=35.0, nbins=50)
     estimator.detector_type =
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.unknown
     estimator.filename = "ex_yzzon"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "GEOMAP          -1.0     -25.0     -15.0       1.0      25.0      35.0"
     ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0      ZONE  ex_yzzon"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_write_cyl_compact(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.cyl
     estimator.geometry = CylindricalMesh()
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=0.0, stop=10.0, nbins=1)
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=0.0, stop=7.0, nbins=1)
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=30.0, nbins=300)
     estimator.detector_type =
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
     estimator.filename = "ex_cyl"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "CYL              0.0       0.0       0.0      10.0       7.0      30.0"
     ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        -1    ENERGY    ex_cyl"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_write_cyl_compact(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.cyl
     estimator.geometry = CylindricalMesh()
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=0.0, stop=10.0, nbins=1)
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=0.0, stop=7.0, nbins=1)
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=30.0, nbins=300)
     estimator.detector_type =
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
     estimator.filename = "ex_cyl"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "CYL              0.0       0.0       0.0      10.0       7.0      30.0"
     ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        -1    ENERGY    ex_cyl"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 15
 def test_write_plane(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.plane
     estimator.geometry = Plane()
     estimator.geometry.point_x = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.point_y = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.point_z = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.normal_x = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.normal_y = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.normal_z = 1.0
     estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.counter
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
     estimator.filename = "NB_count1"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "PLANE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       1.0"
     ref_line2 = "                                                -1   COUNTER NB_count1"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 16
 def test_write_plane(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.plane
     estimator.geometry = Plane()
     estimator.geometry.point_x = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.point_y = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.point_z = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.normal_x = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.normal_y = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.normal_z = 1.0
     estimator.detector_type = SHDetType.counter
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
     estimator.filename = "NB_count1"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "PLANE            0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       1.0"
     ref_line2 = "                                                -1   COUNTER NB_count1"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 17
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
    Compose programatically detect.dat SHIELDHIT-12A input file
    with fixed mesh and many combinations of detector and particle type.
    :param args: part of sys.argv, used here to simplify automated testing
    :return: None

    # create empty estimator object
    estimator = SHEstimator()

    # create carthesian mesh
    # it is done once and in single place
    # editing in manually in detect.dat file would require changes in many lines,
    # for every combination of particle and detector type, making it error prone
    estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.msh
    estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
    estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=1)
    estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=1)
    estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=30.0, nbins=300)

    # possible detector types and associated names
    det_types = { "en", SHDetType.fluence: "fl"}

    # possible particle types and associated names
    particle_types = {
        SHParticleType.all: "all",
        SHParticleType.proton: "p",
        SHParticleType.neutron: "n"

    # open detector.dat file for writing
    with open("detect.dat", "w") as f:
        f.write(CardLine.credits + "\n")

        # loop over all combinations of detector and particle types
        # output filename will be composed from associated detector and particle names
        for dt, pt in product(det_types.keys(), particle_types.keys()):
            estimator.detector_type = dt
            estimator.particle_type = pt
            estimator.filename = det_types[dt] + "_" + particle_types[pt]
            text = EstimatorWriter.get_text(estimator, add_comment=True)
        f.write(CardLine.comment + "\n")
Esempio n. 18
 def test_write_msh(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.msh
     estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
     estimator.geometry.axis[0].start = -5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[1].start = -5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[2].start = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[0].stop = 5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[1].stop = 5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[2].stop = 30.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[0].nbins = 1
     estimator.geometry.axis[1].nbins = 1
     estimator.geometry.axis[2].nbins = 300
     estimator.detector_type =
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
     estimator.filename = "ex_zmsh"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "MSH             -5.0      -5.0       0.0       5.0       5.0      30.0"
     ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        -1    ENERGY   ex_zmsh"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 19
 def test_write_msh(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.msh
     estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
     estimator.geometry.axis[0].start = -5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[1].start = -5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[2].start = 0.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[0].stop = 5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[1].stop = 5.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[2].stop = 30.0
     estimator.geometry.axis[0].nbins = 1
     estimator.geometry.axis[1].nbins = 1
     estimator.geometry.axis[2].nbins = 300
     estimator.detector_type =
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.all
     estimator.filename = "ex_zmsh"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "MSH             -5.0      -5.0       0.0       5.0       5.0      30.0"
     ref_line2 = "                   1         1       300        -1    ENERGY   ex_zmsh"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
Esempio n. 20
 def test_write_geomap_compact(self):
     estimator = SHEstimator()
     estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.geomap
     estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
     estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-1.0, stop=1.0, nbins=1)
     estimator.detector_type =
     estimator.particle_type = SHParticleType.unknown
     estimator.filename = "ex_yzzon"
     line1, line2 = EstimatorWriter.get_lines(estimator)
     ref_line1 = "GEOMAP          -1.0     -25.0     -15.0       1.0      25.0      35.0"
     ref_line2 = "                   1        50        50         0      ZONE  ex_yzzon"
     self.assertEqual(str(line1), ref_line1)
     self.assertEqual(str(line2), ref_line2)
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
    Compose programatically detect.dat SHIELDHIT-12A input file
    with fixed mesh and many combinations of detector and particle type.
    :param args: part of sys.argv, used here to simplify automated testing
    :return: None

    # create empty estimator object
    estimator = SHEstimator()

    # create carthesian mesh
    # it is done once and in single place
    # editing in manually in detect.dat file would require changes in many lines,
    # for every combination of particle and detector type, making it error prone
    estimator.estimator = SHGeoType.msh
    estimator.geometry = CarthesianMesh()
    estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=1)
    estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=1)
    estimator.geometry.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=30.0, nbins=300)

    # possible detector types and associated names
    det_types = { "en", SHDetType.fluence: "fl"}

    # possible particle types and associated names
    particle_types = {SHParticleType.all: "all", SHParticleType.proton: "p", SHParticleType.neutron: "n"}

    # open detector.dat file for writing
    with open("detect.dat", "w") as f:
        f.write(CardLine.credits + "\n")

        # loop over all combinations of detector and particle types
        # output filename will be composed from associated detector and particle names
        for dt, pt in product(det_types.keys(), particle_types.keys()):
            estimator.detector_type = dt
            estimator.particle_type = pt
            estimator.filename = det_types[dt] + "_" + particle_types[pt]
            text = EstimatorWriter.get_text(estimator, add_comment=True)
        f.write(CardLine.comment + "\n")