def create_demo_dcm_data(dcm_dir): """ convert the test data set from nifti to dicom """ pet_fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'brainweb_06_osem.nii') mr_fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'brainweb_06_t1.nii') pet, pet_affine = flip_ras_lps(*load_nii_in_ras(pet_fname)) mr, mr_affine = flip_ras_lps(*load_nii_in_ras(mr_fname)) os.mkdir(dcm_dir) write_3d_static_dicom(pet, os.path.join(dcm_dir, 'PT'), pet_affine, modality='PT') write_3d_static_dicom(mr, os.path.join(dcm_dir, 'MR'), mr_affine, modality='MR')
nii = nib.as_closest_canonical(nii) vol_ras = nii.get_data() affine_ras = nii.affine vol = np.flip(np.flip(vol_ras, 0), 1) affine = affine_ras.copy() affine[0, -1] = (-1 * nii.affine @ np.array([vol.shape[0] - 1, 0, 0, 1]))[0] affine[1, -1] = (-1 * nii.affine @ np.array([0, vol.shape[1] - 1, 0, 1]))[1] # load the list of dicom tags to copy from the reference header from an input text file with open(args.dcm_tag_file, 'r') as f: tags_to_copy = [x.strip() for x in] # read the reference dicom volume ref_dcm = pydicom.read_file(args.ref_dcm_file) # create the dictionary of tags and values that are copied from the reference dicom header dcm_header_kwargs = {} for tag in tags_to_copy: if tag in ref_dcm: dcm_header_kwargs[tag] = ref_dcm.data_element(tag).value # write the dicoms pymf.write_3d_static_dicom(vol, output_dir, affine=affine, SeriesDescription=args.series_desc_prefix + ' ' + ref_dcm.SeriesDescription, modality=args.output_modality, **dcm_header_kwargs)
vol = dcm.get_data() aff = dcm.affine # interpolate the volume to the target voxelsize using trilinear interpolation vol_interp = pi.zoom3d(vol, dcm.voxsize / target_voxsize) # generate the new affine of the interpolated array aff_interp = aff.copy() aff_interp[:, 0] *= (target_voxsize[0] / dcm.voxsize[0]) aff_interp[:, 1] *= (target_voxsize[1] / dcm.voxsize[1]) aff_interp[:, 2] *= (target_voxsize[2] / dcm.voxsize[2]) aff_interp[:-1, 3] = aff[:-1, -1] - 0.5 * dcm.voxsize + 0.5 * target_voxsize # create the dictionary of tags and values that are copied from the reference dicom header dcm_header_kwargs = {} for tag in tags_to_copy: if tag in dcm.firstdcmheader: dcm_header_kwargs[tag] = dcm.firstdcmheader.data_element(tag).value # adjust the GridFrameOffsetVector dcm_header_kwargs['GridFrameOffsetVector'] = (np.arange(vol_interp.shape[2]) * target_voxsize[2]).tolist() pf.write_3d_static_dicom(vol_interp, output_dir, affine=aff_interp, modality='RTDOSE', **dcm_header_kwargs) print(f'wrote {output_dir}')
#------------------------------------------------------------------ # save prediction also as dicom # get a list of dicom keys to copy from the original PET dicom header dcm_kwargs = {} for key in pet_dcm_keys_to_copy(): try: dcm_kwargs[key] = getattr(pet_dcm.firstdcmheader, key) except AttributeError: warn('Cannot copy tag ' + key) # write the dicom volume if not os.path.exists(output_dcm_dir): write_3d_static_dicom(pred, output_dcm_dir, affine=o_aff, ReconstructionMethod='CNN MAP Bowsher', SeriesDescription=f'CNN MAP Bowsher {model_name}', **dcm_kwargs) else: warn('Output dicom directory already exists. Not ovewrting it') #------------------------------------------------------------------ # show the results import pymirc.viewer as pv pmax = np.percentile(pred, 99.9) mmax = np.percentile(mr_preproc, 99.9) ims = [{ 'vmin': 0, 'vmax': mmax, 'cmap':
def predict(pet_input, mr_input, model_name, input_format='dicom', odir=None, model_dir=os.path.join('..', 'trained_models'), perc=99.99, verbose=False, clip_neg=True, ReconstructionMethod='CNN Bowsher', coreg=True, seriesdesc=None, affine=None, crop_mr=False, patchsize=(128, 128, 128), overlap=8, output_on_pet_grid=False, mr_ps_fwhm_mm=None, model_custom_objects=None, debug_mode=False): if seriesdesc is None: SeriesDescription = 'CNN Bowsher beta = 10 ' + model_name.replace( '.h5', '') else: SeriesDescription = seriesdesc if affine is None: if input_format == 'dicom': if isinstance(pet_input, list): regis_affine_file = os.path.dirname( pet_input[0]) + '_coreg_affine.txt' else: regis_affine_file = os.path.dirname( pet_input) + '_coreg_affine.txt' else: regis_affine_file = pet_input + '_coreg_affine.txt' else: regis_affine_file = affine # generate the output directory if odir is None: if input_format == 'dicom': if isinstance(pet_input, list): odir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pet_input[0])), 'cnn_bow_' + model_name.replace('.h5', '')) else: odir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pet_input)), 'cnn_bow_' + model_name.replace('.h5', '')) else: odir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pet_input), 'cnn_bow_' + model_name.replace('.h5', '')) # check if output directory already exists, if so add a counter to prevent overwriting o_suf = 1 if os.path.isdir(odir): while os.path.isdir(odir + '_' + str(o_suf)): o_suf += 1 odir = odir + '_' + str(o_suf) # load the model model = load_model(os.path.join(model_dir, model_name), custom_objects=model_custom_objects) # read the input data if input_format == 'dicom': # read the MR dicoms if verbose: print('\nreading MR dicoms') if isinstance(mr_input, list): mr_files = deepcopy(mr_input) else: mr_files = glob(mr_input) mr_dcm = DicomVolume(mr_files) mr_vol = mr_dcm.get_data() mr_affine = mr_dcm.affine # read the PET dicoms if verbose: print('\nreading PET dicoms') if isinstance(pet_input, list): pet_files = deepcopy(pet_input) else: pet_files = glob(pet_input) pet_dcm = DicomVolume(pet_files) pet_vol = pet_dcm.get_data() pet_affine = pet_dcm.affine elif input_format == 'nifti': if verbose: print('\nreading MR nifti') mr_nii = nib.load(mr_input) mr_nii = nib.as_closest_canonical(mr_nii) mr_vol_ras = mr_nii.get_data() mr_affine_ras = mr_nii.affine # the closest canonical orientation of nifti is RAS # we have to convert that into LPS (dicom standard) mr_vol = np.flip(np.flip(mr_vol_ras, 0), 1) mr_affine = mr_affine_ras.copy() mr_affine[0, -1] = ( -1 * mr_nii.affine @ np.array([mr_vol.shape[0] - 1, 0, 0, 1]))[0] mr_affine[1, -1] = ( -1 * mr_nii.affine @ np.array([0, mr_vol.shape[1] - 1, 0, 1]))[1] if verbose: print('\nreading PET nifti') pet_nii = nib.load(pet_input) pet_nii = nib.as_closest_canonical(pet_nii) pet_vol_ras = pet_nii.get_data() pet_affine_ras = pet_nii.affine # the closest canonical orientation of nifti is RAS # we have to convert that into LPS (dicom standard) pet_vol = np.flip(np.flip(pet_vol_ras, 0), 1) pet_affine = pet_affine_ras.copy() pet_affine[0, -1] = ( -1 * pet_nii.affine @ np.array([pet_vol.shape[0] - 1, 0, 0, 1]))[0] pet_affine[1, -1] = ( -1 * pet_nii.affine @ np.array([0, pet_vol.shape[1] - 1, 0, 1]))[1] else: raise TypeError('Unsupported input data format') # read the internal voxel size that was used during training from the model header if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(model_dir, model_name)): with open(os.path.join(model_dir, model_name, 'config.json')) as f: cfg = json.load(f) training_voxsize = cfg['internal_voxsize'] * np.ones(3) else: model_data = h5py.File(os.path.join(model_dir, model_name)) if 'header/internal_voxsize' in model_data: training_voxsize = model_data['header/internal_voxsize'][:] else: # in the old models the training (internal) voxel size is not in the header # but it was always 1x1x1 mm^3 training_voxsize = np.ones(3) ################################################################ ############ data preprocessing ################################ ################################################################ pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated, mr_vol_interpolated, mr_affine, pet_max, mr_max = \ preprocess_volumes(pet_vol, mr_vol, pet_affine, mr_affine, training_voxsize, perc = perc, coreg = coreg, crop_mr = crop_mr, mr_ps_fwhm_mm = mr_ps_fwhm_mm, verbose = verbose) ################################################################ ############# make the actual prediction ####################### ################################################################ if verbose: print('\npredicting the bowsher') if patchsize is None: # case of predicting the whole volume in one big chunk # bring the input volumes in the correct shape for the model x = [ np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated, 0), -1), np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(mr_vol_interpolated, 0), -1) ] predicted_bow = model.predict(x).squeeze() else: # case of doing the prediction in multiple smaller 3D chunks (patches) predicted_bow = np.zeros(pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated.shape, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated.shape[0] // patchsize[0] + 1): for j in range(pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated.shape[1] // patchsize[1] + 1): for k in range(pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated.shape[2] // patchsize[2] + 1): istart = max(i * patchsize[0] - overlap, 0) jstart = max(j * patchsize[1] - overlap, 0) kstart = max(k * patchsize[2] - overlap, 0) ioffset = i * patchsize[0] - istart joffset = j * patchsize[1] - jstart koffset = k * patchsize[2] - kstart iend = min(((i + 1) * patchsize[0] + overlap), pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated.shape[0]) jend = min(((j + 1) * patchsize[1] + overlap), pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated.shape[1]) kend = min(((k + 1) * patchsize[2] + overlap), pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated.shape[2]) pet_patch = pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] mr_patch = mr_vol_interpolated[istart:iend, jstart:jend, kstart:kend] # make the prediction x = [ np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(pet_patch, 0), -1), np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(mr_patch, 0), -1) ] tmp = model.predict(x).squeeze() ntmp0 = min( (i + 1) * patchsize[0], pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated. shape[0]) - i * patchsize[0] ntmp1 = min( (j + 1) * patchsize[1], pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated. shape[1]) - j * patchsize[1] ntmp2 = min( (k + 1) * patchsize[2], pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated. shape[2]) - k * patchsize[2] predicted_bow[i * patchsize[0]:(i * patchsize[0] + ntmp0), j * patchsize[1]:(j * patchsize[1] + ntmp1), k * patchsize[2]:( k * patchsize[2] + ntmp2)] = tmp[ioffset:(ioffset + ntmp0), joffset:(joffset + ntmp1), koffset:(koffset + ntmp2)] if clip_neg: np.clip(predicted_bow, 0, None, predicted_bow) # unnormalize the data if verbose: print('\nunnormalizing the images') mr_vol_interpolated *= mr_max pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated *= pet_max predicted_bow *= pet_max print('\n\n------------------------------------------') print('------------------------------------------') print('\nCNN prediction finished') ############################################################## ########## write the output as nifti, png, dcm ############### ############################################################## # write output pngs pmax = np.percentile(pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated, 99.99) mmax = np.percentile(mr_vol_interpolated, 99.99) imshow_kwargs = [{ 'cmap':, 'vmin': 0, 'vmax': mmax }, { 'cmap':, 'vmin': 0, 'vmax': pmax }, { 'cmap':, 'vmin': 0, 'vmax': pmax }] vi = ThreeAxisViewer( [mr_vol_interpolated, pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated, predicted_bow], imshow_kwargs=imshow_kwargs, ls='') vi.fig.savefig(odir + '.png') py.close(vi.fig) py.close(vi.fig_cb) py.close(vi.fig_sl) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # generate the output affines if output_on_pet_grid: output_affine = pet_affine.copy() predicted_bow = aff_transform(predicted_bow, np.linalg.inv(pet_mr_interp_aff), pet_vol.shape, cval=pet_vol.min()) else: output_affine = mr_affine.copy() for i in range(3): output_affine[i, :-1] *= training_voxsize[i] / np.sqrt( (output_affine[i, :-1]**2).sum()) # create the output affine in RAS orientation to save niftis output_affine_ras = output_affine.copy() output_affine_ras[0, -1] = ( -1 * output_affine @ np.array([predicted_bow.shape[0] - 1, 0, 0, 1]))[0] output_affine_ras[1, -1] = ( -1 * output_affine @ np.array([0, predicted_bow.shape[1] - 1, 0, 1]))[1] # safe the input volumes in case of debug mode if debug_mode: nib.Nifti1Image(np.flip(np.flip(mr_vol_interpolated, 0), 1), output_affine_ras), odir + '_debug_mr.nii') nib.Nifti1Image( np.flip(np.flip(pet_vol_mr_grid_interpolated, 0), 1), output_affine_ras), odir + '_debug_pet.nii') #------------------------------------------------------------ # write a simple nifti as fall back in case the dicoms are not working # keep in mind that nifti used RAS internally nib.Nifti1Image(np.flip(np.flip(predicted_bow, 0), 1), output_affine_ras), odir + '.nii') print('\nWrote nifti:') print(odir + '.nii\n') #------------------------------------------------------------ # write the dicoms if input_format == 'dicom': # read the reference PET dicom file to copy some header tags refdcm = pydicom.read_file(pet_files[0]) dcm_kwargs = {} # copy the following tags if present in the reference dicom pet_keys_to_copy = [ 'AcquisitionDate', 'AcquisitionTime', 'ActualFrameDuration', 'AccessionNumber', 'DecayCorrection', 'DecayCorrectionDateTime', 'DecayFactor', 'DoseCalibrationFactor', 'FrameOfReferenceUID', 'FrameReferenceTime', 'InstitutionName', 'ManufacturerModelName', 'OtherPatientIDs', 'PatientAge', 'PatientBirthDate', 'PatientID', 'PatientName', 'PatientPosition', 'PatientSex', 'PatientWeight', 'ProtocolName', 'RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence', 'RescaleType', 'SeriesDate', 'SeriesTime', 'StudyDate', 'StudyDescription', 'StudyID', 'StudyInstanceUID', 'StudyTime', 'Units' ] for key in pet_keys_to_copy: try: dcm_kwargs[key] = getattr(refdcm, key) except AttributeError: warn('Cannot copy tag ' + key) # write the dicom volume write_3d_static_dicom(predicted_bow, odir, affine=output_affine, ReconstructionMethod=ReconstructionMethod, SeriesDescription=SeriesDescription, **dcm_kwargs) print('\nWrote dicom folder:') print(odir, '\n') print('------------------------------------------') print('------------------------------------------')
output_dir = args.output_dir if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) odir = os.path.join(output_dir, args.output_subdir) if os.path.isdir(odir): raise FileExistsError('output directory ' + odir + ' already exists') # write the dicoms # the number of tags to be copied from the original recon can be extented new_series_desc = args.series_desc_prefix + ' ' + ref_dcm.firstdcmheader.SeriesDescription dcm_out_fnames = pymf.write_3d_static_dicom(kul_recon, odir, affine = ref_dcm.affine, SeriesDescription = new_series_desc, modality = ref_dcm.firstdcmheader.Modality, **dcm_header_kwargs) # for PACS import we have to write two additional text files dcm_props = {} dcm_props['import.type'] = 'reconstruction' dcm_props['study.size'] = kul_recon.shape[2] dcm_props['version'] = 2 dcm_props['study.uid'] = ref_dcm.firstdcmheader.StudyInstanceUID dcm_props['institution'] = 'UZL' dcm_props[''] = os.uname().nodename dcm_props[''] = ref_dcm.firstdcmheader.StudyDate[:8] dcm_props['importer.login'] = '******' dcm_props['patient.ead'] = ref_dcm.firstdcmheader.PatientID dcm_props['file.list'] = 'filelist.txt'