def make_elan(source_parent_dir, target_parent_dir): """ Make elan files based on filenames of wav files Written for the TIDIGITS corpus, so some things are specific to the name formats of that corpus """ for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(source_parent_dir): # print path to all subdirectories first. for subdirname in dirnames: print(os.path.join(dirname, subdirname)) # print path to all filenames. for filename in filenames: if '.wav' in filename: parent, gender, child = dirname.split(os.path.sep) basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) print(parent, gender, child, filename) source_path = os.path.join(source_parent_dir, gender, child) target_path = os.path.join(target_parent_dir, gender, child) if not os.path.exists(target_path): print(target_path) os.makedirs(target_path) # Audio file duration - use this as end timeslot duration = int(librosa.get_duration(filename=os.path.join(source_path, filename))*1000) # Make file annotation from filename (minus the suffix) annotation = " ".join([char for char in basename[:-1]]) # These are specific to the TIDIGITS naming convention annotation = annotation.replace("o", "oh") annotation = annotation.replace("z", "zero") text = re.sub(r"(\d+)", lambda x: num2words.num2words(int(, annotation) print(filename, duration, annotation, text) # Make elan output_eaf = Eaf() output_eaf.add_tier('tx') output_eaf.insert_annotation('tx', 0, duration, text) output_eaf.add_linked_file(os.path.join(target_path, f'{basename}.wav')) output_eaf.to_file(os.path.join(target_path, f'{basename}.eaf'))
def make_elans(spreadsheet: str, source: str, target: str): """ Make ELAN files based on filenames of WAV files :param spreadsheet: Path and file name of the spreadsheet containing WAV filenames and matching annotations :param source: Directory name of folder containing WAV audio files :param target: Directory name to save EAF files into """ # Read spreadsheet data and convert to JSON format print('Loading data from spreadsheet') annotations = get_annotations(spreadsheet) # Process each file print('Processing WAVs') for _, _, filenames in os.walk(source): for filename in filenames: if '.wav' in filename: basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) # Get audio file duration - use this as the EAF annotation's end timeslot duration = int( librosa.get_duration( filename=os.path.join(source, filename)) * 1000) # Get annotation from the source data matching on filename annotation = get_annotation(annotations, filename) # Add any annotation cleaning here # annotation = re.sub(r"(\d+)", lambda x: num2words.num2words(int(, annotation) print(filename, duration, annotation) # Make EAF file output_eaf = Eaf() output_eaf.add_tier('tx') output_eaf.insert_annotation('tx', 0, duration, annotation) output_eaf.add_linked_file( os.path.join(target, f'{basename}.wav')) output_eaf.to_file(os.path.join(target, f'{basename}.eaf')) print('>>> Done')
def to_eaf(self, pointlength=0.1): """Convert the object to an pympi.Elan.Eaf object :param int pointlength: Length of respective interval from points in seconds :returns: :class:`pympi.Elan.Eaf` object :raises ImportError: If the Eaf module can't be loaded. :raises ValueError: If the pointlength is not strictly positive. """ from pympi.Elan import Eaf eaf_out = Eaf() if pointlength <= 0: raise ValueError('Pointlength should be strictly positive') for tier in self.get_tiers(): eaf_out.add_tier( for ann in tier.get_intervals(True): if tier.tier_type == 'TextTier': ann = (ann[0], ann[0] + pointlength, ann[1]) eaf_out.insert_annotation(, int(round(ann[0] * 1000)), int(round(ann[1] * 1000)), ann[2]) return eaf_out
def to_eaf(self, skipempty=True, pointlength=0.1): """Convert the object to an pympi.Elan.Eaf object :param int pointlength: Length of respective interval from points in seconds :param bool skipempty: Skip the empty annotations :returns: :class:`pympi.Elan.Eaf` object :raises ImportError: If the Eaf module can't be loaded. :raises ValueError: If the pointlength is not strictly positive. """ from pympi.Elan import Eaf eaf_out = Eaf() if pointlength <= 0: raise ValueError('Pointlength should be strictly positive') for tier in self.get_tiers(): eaf_out.add_tier( for ann in tier.get_intervals(True): if tier.tier_type == 'TextTier': ann = (ann[0], ann[0]+pointlength, ann[1]) if ann[2].strip() or not skipempty: eaf_out.add_annotation(, int(round(ann[0]*1000)), int(round(ann[1]*1000)), ann[2]) return eaf_out
eaf_in_path = args.eaf_in eaf_out_path = args.eaf_out eaf = Eaf(str(eaf_in_path)) seg2tier = {} with open(seg2tier_path) as f: for l in f: tok = l.strip().split() seg2tier[tok[0]] = tok[1] tiers = read_ctm(words_ctm_path, seg2tier, eaf) for tier in tiers.keys(): part = eaf.tiers[tier][2]['PARTICIPANT'] t = eaf.add_tier('{}_words'.format(tier), parent='tier', part=part, ann='Clarin-PL-service') for tier, segs in tiers.items(): for seg in segs: eaf.add_annotation('{}_words'.format(tier), seg[0], seg[1], seg[2]) if args.phones_ctm: phones_ctm_path = args.phones_ctm tiers = read_ctm(phones_ctm_path, seg2tier, eaf) for tier in tiers.keys(): part = eaf.tiers[tier][2]['PARTICIPANT'] t = eaf.add_tier('{}_phones'.format(tier), parent='tier', part=part, ann='Clarin-PL-service') for tier, segs in tiers.items(): for seg in segs:
def make_elans(input_dir: str, output_dir: str, copy_wavs: bool): """ Make ELAN files based on filenames of WAV files and annotation from matching text file :param input_dir: Directory name of folder containing TXT and WAV audio files :param output_dir: Directory name to save EAF files into :param copy_wavs: Setting whether or not to copy the WAV file to the output dir """ # Process each file files = glob.glob(f'{input_dir}/**/*.txt', recursive=True) print(files) for filename in files: filepath, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] subdirname = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filepath)) sex = subdirname[0] participant = subdirname[1:] # SEX :== m | f # SPEAKER_ID :== <INITIALS><DIGIT> # INITIALS :== speaker initials, 3 letters # DIGIT :== number 0-9 to differentiate speakers with identical initials # print(filename) # input/dr1/fmem0/sa2.txt # print(filepath) # input/dr1/fmem0/sa2 # print(subdirname) # fmem0 # print(basename) # sa2 # print(ext) # txt # Get audio file duration - use this as the EAF annotation's end timeslot # duration = int(librosa.get_duration(filename=os.path.join(input_dir, filename))*1000) # Get annotation from the text file matching on file basename with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as text_file: annotation = annotation_split = annotation.split() start = int(annotation_split[0]) duration = int(annotation_split[1]) # convert audio samples to seconds to ms duration = int(duration / 16000 * 1000) annotation_text = " ".join(annotation_split[2:]) # Add any annotation cleaning here # annotation = re.sub(r"(\d+)", lambda x: num2words.num2words(int(, annotation) print(start, duration, annotation_text) # Make EAF file output_eaf = Eaf() output_eaf.add_tier('default', part=participant) output_eaf.add_annotation('default', start, duration, annotation_text) output_eaf.add_linked_file( os.path.join(output_dir, f'{subdirname}-{basename}.wav')) output_eaf.to_file( os.path.join(output_dir, f'{subdirname}-{basename}.eaf')) # Copy WAV? # if copy_wavs: shutil.copyfile( f'{filepath}.wav', os.path.join(output_dir, f'{subdirname}-{basename}.wav')) print('>>> Done')
def main(): """ File 1 has the utterance and utterance translation File 2 has the gloss File 3 is the destination """ # Input files file_1 = 'input/file-1.eaf' file_2 = 'input/file-2.eaf' file_3 = 'input/new.eaf' # Tier names utterance_id_source_tier = "A_phrase-segnum-en" utterance_id_target_tier = "utterance_id" utterance_source_tier = "DDD_Transcription-txt-qaa-fonipa-x-eib" utterance_target_tier = "utterance" utterance_translation_source_tier = "DDD_Translation-gls-en" utterance_translation_target_tier = "utterance_translation" word_source_tier = "A_word-txt-qaa-fonipa-x-eib" word_target_tier = "grammatical_words" morph_source_tier = "A_morph-txt-qaa-fonipa-x-eib" gloss_source_tier = "A_morph-gls-en" gloss_target_tier = "gloss" # Set up the eaf objects eaf_1 = Eaf(file_1) eaf_2 = Eaf(file_2) eaf_3 = Eaf() # Remove default tier and copy media eaf_3.remove_tier("default") # eaf_3 = copy_media(eaf_1, eaf_3) """ Copy annotation number tier from file 2 tier-type default-lt <LINGUISTIC_TYPE GRAPHIC_REFERENCES="false" LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID="default-lt" TIME_ALIGNABLE="true"/> """ print("Copying annotation numbers from file 2") utterance_id_type_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID': 'default-lt', 'TIME_ALIGNABLE': 'true' } utterance_id_tier_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF': 'default-lt', 'TIER_ID': utterance_id_target_tier } _tier_copy(source_eaf=eaf_2, target_eaf=eaf_3, source_tier_name=utterance_id_source_tier, target_tier_name=utterance_id_target_tier, override_params=utterance_id_tier_params) """ Copy utterance tier from file 1 LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Blank" <LINGUISTIC_TYPE CONSTRAINTS="Symbolic_Association" GRAPHIC_REFERENCES="false" LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID="Blank" TIME_ALIGNABLE="false"/> """ print("Copying utterance tier from file 1") blank_type_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID': 'Blank', 'CONSTRAINTS': 'Symbolic_Association', 'TIME_ALIGNABLE': 'false' } eaf_3.add_linguistic_type('Blank', param_dict=blank_type_params) utterance_tier_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF': 'Blank', 'PARENT_REF': utterance_id_target_tier, 'TIER_ID': utterance_target_tier } _tier_copy_to_ref(source_eaf=eaf_1, target_eaf=eaf_3, source_tier_name=utterance_source_tier, target_tier_name=utterance_target_tier, target_parent_tier_name=utterance_id_target_tier, override_params=utterance_tier_params) """ Copy utterance translation tier from file 1 LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Blank" <LINGUISTIC_TYPE CONSTRAINTS="Symbolic_Association" GRAPHIC_REFERENCES="false" LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID="Blank" TIME_ALIGNABLE="false"/> <TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Blank" PARENT_REF="utterance" PARTICIPANT="DDD" TIER_ID="utterance_translation"> """ print("Copying utterance translation tier from file 1") utterance_translation_tier_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF': 'Blank', 'PARENT_REF': utterance_target_tier, 'TIER_ID': utterance_translation_target_tier } _ref_tier_copy(source_eaf=eaf_1, target_eaf=eaf_3, source_tier_name=utterance_translation_source_tier, target_tier_name=utterance_translation_target_tier, target_parent_tier_name=utterance_target_tier, override_params=utterance_translation_tier_params) """ Copy the word tier from file 2 <LINGUISTIC_TYPE CONSTRAINTS="Symbolic_Subdivision" GRAPHIC_REFERENCES="false" LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID="word" TIME_ALIGNABLE="false"/> <TIER DEFAULT_LOCALE="qaa-fonipa-x-eib" LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="word" PARENT_REF="A_phrase-segnum-en" PARTICIPANT="DDD" TIER_ID="A_word-txt-qaa-fonipa-x-eib"> """ print("Copying word tier from file 2") word_type_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID': 'word', 'CONSTRAINTS': 'Symbolic_Subdivision', 'TIME_ALIGNABLE': 'false' } eaf_3.add_linguistic_type('word', param_dict=word_type_params) word_tier_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF': 'word', 'PARENT_REF': utterance_target_tier, 'TIER_ID': word_target_tier } _copy_symbolic_subdivision_tier( source_eaf=eaf_2, target_eaf=eaf_3, source_tier_name=word_source_tier, target_tier_name=word_target_tier, target_parent_tier_name=utterance_id_target_tier, override_params=word_tier_params) """ Get all the annotations from -2 gloss tier (gloss_source_tier A_morph-gls-en) Join the glosses with "-" so there is a 1:1 match with word annotations <LINGUISTIC_TYPE CONSTRAINTS="Symbolic_Association" GRAPHIC_REFERENCES="false" LINGUISTIC_TYPE_ID="Blank" TIME_ALIGNABLE="false"/> <TIER LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF="Blank" PARENT_REF="grammatical_words" TIER_ID="gloss"> """ print("Epic battle with words to get glosses from file 2") gloss_tier_params = { 'LINGUISTIC_TYPE_REF': 'Blank', 'PARENT_REF': word_target_tier, 'TIER_ID': gloss_target_tier } # None of the pympi methods will suit this task, so let's do it manually. # Get all the data eaf_2_tiers = eaf_2.tiers eaf_2_timeslots = eaf_2.timeslots # A tier is of the form: {tier_name -> (aligned_annotations, reference_annotations, attributes, ordinal)}, # Word and gloss tiers are ref_annotations, the second item in the tiers dict. See docs for more info about format. word_tier = eaf_2_tiers[word_source_tier][1] morph_tier = eaf_2_tiers[morph_source_tier][1] gloss_tier = eaf_2_tiers[gloss_source_tier][1] # Each reference annotation is of the form: [{id -> (reference, value, previous, svg_ref)}]. # Start at the top of the hierarchy utterance_id_tier = eaf_2_tiers[utterance_id_source_tier][0] new_dict = dict() # For each utterance, get the words. For each word, get the glosses. Merge glosses for each word for utterance_id, utterance in utterance_id_tier.items(): utt_start = eaf_2_timeslots[utterance[0]] utt_end = eaf_2_timeslots[utterance[1]] word_gloss: List[Union[int, List[str]]] = [] for word_id, word in word_tier.items(): if word[0] == utterance_id: glosses = [] # Find morphs of this word... for morph_id, morph in morph_tier.items(): # filtering on morph parents id matching the word id if morph[0] == word_id: for gloss_id, gloss in gloss_tier.items(): if gloss[0] == morph_id: glosses.append(gloss[1]) # Join glosses for this word with a dash word_gloss.append([word[1], '-'.join(glosses)]) # Now, work out word duration (it is an even division of parent utterance duration) # Make this value the first item in the data list eg [word_duration, [word, gloss], [word, gloss], ...] num_segments = len(word_gloss) utt_dur = utt_end - utt_start word_dur = int(utt_dur / num_segments) word_gloss = [utt_start, word_dur] + word_gloss print("word gloss", word_gloss) new_dict[utterance_id] = word_gloss # Having worked all that out, now we can add a ref annotation tier. # but parent seems to now bubble all the way to the top. eaf_3.add_tier(gloss_target_tier, ling='Blank', parent=word_target_tier, tier_dict=gloss_tier_params) # And some annotations for ann_id, annotation in new_dict.items(): utt_start = annotation[0] word_dur = annotation[1] count = 0 for ann in annotation[2:]: word_start = utt_start + word_dur * count id_tier = gloss_target_tier tier2 = word_target_tier value = ann[1] prev = None svg = None for aid, (ref_id, _value, _prev, _) in eaf_3.tiers[tier2][1].items(): if ann[0] == _value: new_aid = eaf_3.generate_annotation_id() eaf_3.tiers[id_tier][1][new_aid] = (aid, value, prev, svg) count = count + 1 # Save the new file print("Saving object to file") eaf_3.to_file(file_3)