def check_dynamics_operator_symbolic(): """ Notes: import pi, sin and cos from sympy Returns: None """ # todo: make it flexible and working w_c, w1 = sym.symbols('w_c w1') mc = [sym.symbols('m0{}'.format())] # 2-pool model spin_model = SpinModel(s0=100, mc=(1.0, 0.152), w0=((w_c, ) * 2), r1=(1.8, 1.0), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4), k=(0.05, ), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx')) print(spin_model) print(spin_model.m_eq) print(spin_model._k_op) print(spin_model._l_op) print(dynamics_operator(spin_model, w_c + 10.0, w1)) # 3-pool model spin_model = SpinModel(s0=100, mc=(1.0, 0.152), w0=((w_c, ) * 3), r1=(1.8, 1.0, 1.2), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4, 30.0), k=(0.05, 0.5, 0.1), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx', None)) print(spin_model) print(spin_model.m_eq) print(spin_model._k_op) print(spin_model._l_op) print(dynamics_operator(spin_model, w_c + 10.0, w1)) # 4-pool model spin_model = SpinModel(s0=100, mc=(1.0, 0.152), w0=((w_c, ) * 4), r1=(1.8, 1.0, 1.2, 2.0), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4, 30.0, 60.0), k=(0.05, 0.5, 0.1, 0.001, 0.4, 0.2), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx', None, 'gauss')) print(spin_model) print(spin_model.m_eq) print(spin_model._k_op) print(spin_model._l_op) print(dynamics_operator(spin_model, w_c + 10.0, w1))
def check_dynamics_operator(): """ Notes: import pi, sin and cos from numpy Returns: """ w_c = GAMMA['1H'] * B0 w1 = 1.0 # 2-pool model spin_model = SpinModel(s0=100, mc=(1.0, 0.152), w0=((w_c, ) * 2), r1=(1.8, 1.0), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4), k=(0.3456, ), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx')) print(spin_model) print(spin_model.m_eq) print(spin_model._k_op) print(spin_model._l_op) print(dynamics_operator(spin_model, w_c + 10.0, w1)) # 3-pool model spin_model = SpinModel(m0=[v * 100.0 for v in (1.0, 0.152, 0.3)], w0=((w_c, ) * 3), r1=(1.8, 1.0, 1.2), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4, 30.0), k=(0.05, 0.5, 0.1), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx', None)) print(spin_model) print(spin_model.m_eq) print(spin_model._k_op) print(spin_model._l_op) print(dynamics_operator(spin_model, w_c + 10.0, w1)) # 4-pool model spin_model = SpinModel(m0=[v * 100.0 for v in (1.0, 0.152, 0.3, 0.01)], w0=((w_c, ) * 4), r1=(1.8, 1.0, 1.2, 2.0), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4, 30.0, 60.0), k=(0.05, 0.5, 0.1, 0.001, 0.4, 0.2), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx', None, 'gauss')) print(spin_model) print(spin_model.m_eq) print(spin_model._k_op) print(spin_model._l_op) print(dynamics_operator(spin_model, w_c + 10.0, w1))
def check_mt_sequence(): """ Test for the MT sequence. """ w_c = GAMMA['1H'] * B0 spin_model = SpinModel(s0=100, mc=(1.0, 0.152), w0=((w_c, ) * 2), r1=(1.8, 1.0), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4), k=(0.3456, ), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx')) num_repetitions = 300 mt_flash_kernel = PulseSequence([ Delay(10.0e-3), Spoiler(1.0), Pulse.shaped(40.0e-3, 220.0, 4000, 'gauss', None, w_c + 50.0, 'poly', {'fit_order': 5}), Delay(20.0e-3), Spoiler(1.0), Pulse.shaped(10.0e-6, 90.0, 1, 'rect', None), Delay(30.0e-3) ], b0=3.0) mt_flash = PulseSequenceRepeated(mt_flash_kernel, num_repetitions) signal = mt_flash.signal(spin_model) print(mt_flash) print(mt_flash.propagator(spin_model)) print(signal)
def mt_signal(x_arr, s0, mc_a, r1a, r2a, r2b, k_ab): spin_model = SpinModel( s0=s0, mc=(mc_a, 1.0 - mc_a), w0=(w_c, w_c * (1 - 3.5e-6)), # w0=((w_c,) * 2), r1=(r1a, 1.0), r2=(r2a, r2b), k=(k_ab, ), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx')) y_arr = np.zeros_like(x_arr[:, 0]) i = 0 for freq, flip_angle in x_arr: mt_flash.set_flip_angle(flip_angle) mt_flash.set_freq(freq) y_arr[i] = mt_flash.signal(spin_model) i += 1 return y_arr
def check_z_spectrum_sparse(spin_model=SpinModel(s0=1e8, mc=(0.8681, 0.1319), w0=((GAMMA['1H'] * 7.0, ) * 2), r1=(1.8, 1.0), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4), k=(0.3456, ), approx=( None, 'superlorentz_approx')), frequencies=np.round(np.geomspace(50, 10000, 32)), amplitudes=np.round(np.linspace(1, 5000, 24)), plot_data=True, save_file=None): """ Test calculation of z-spectra Args: spin_model (SpinModel): frequencies (ndarray[float]): amplitudes (ndarray[float]): plot_data (bool): save_file (string): Returns: freq """ print('Checking Z-spectrum (sparse)') w_c = spin_model.w0[0] flip_angles = amplitudes * 11.799 / 50.0 my_seq = MultiMtVarMGESS(pulses=[ MagnetizationPreparation.shaped(10.0e-3, 90.0, 4000, 'gauss', {}, w_c, 'poly', {'fit_order': 3}), Delay(1.0e-3), Spoiler(1.0), PulseExc.shaped(2.1e-3, 15.0, 1, 'rect', {}), ReadOut(), Spoiler(1.0), ], tes=5.0e-3, tr=70.0e-3, n_r=300, w_c=w_c, preps=[( df, mfa, ) for df in frequencies for mfa in flip_angles]) data = my_seq.signal(spin_model).reshape( (len(frequencies), len(flip_angles))) # plot results if plot_data: sns.set_style('whitegrid') X, Y = np.meshgrid(flip_angles, np.log10(frequencies)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.set_xlabel('Pulse Amplitude (flip angle) / deg') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency offset / Hz (log10 scale)') ax.set_zlabel('Signal Intensity / arb. units') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, data,, rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0.01, antialiased=False) if save_file: np.savez(save_file, frequencies, amplitudes, data) return data, frequencies, flip_angles
def check_approx_propagator( spin_model=SpinModel(s0=100, mc=(0.8681, 0.1319), w0=((GAMMA['1H'] * 7.0, ) * 2), r1=(1.8, 1.0), r2=(32.2581, 8.4746e4), k=(0.3456, ), approx=(None, 'superlorentz_approx')), flip_angle=90.0): """ Test the approximation of propagators - for speeding up. Args: spin_model (SpinModel): flip_angles (float): """ w_c = spin_model.w0[0] modes = ['exact'] modes.extend(['linear', 'reduced']) # modes.extend(['sum_simple', 'sum_order1', 'sum_sep', 'reduced']) modes.extend(['poly_{}'.format(order) for order in range(4, 5)]) modes.extend([ 'interp_{}_{}'.format(mode, num_samples) for mode in ['linear', 'cubic'] for num_samples in range(4, 5) ]) modes = { 'linear': { 'num_samples': tuple(range(10, 20, 5)) }, 'interp': { 'method': ('linear', 'cubic'), 'num_samples': tuple(range(10, 20, 3)) }, 'reduced': { 'num_resamples': tuple(range(10, 20, 5)) }, 'poly': { 'fit_order': tuple(range(3, 6)) } } shapes = { 'gauss': {}, 'lorentz': {}, 'sinc': {}, 'fermi': {}, # 'random': {}, 'cos_sin': {}, } exact_p_ops = {} for shape, shape_kwargs in shapes.items(): pulse = Pulse.shaped(40.0e-3, flip_angle, 4000, shape, shape_kwargs, w_c, 'exact', {}) exact_p_ops[shape] = pulse.propagator(spin_model) for shape, shape_kwargs in shapes.items(): for mode, mode_params in modes.items(): kwargs_items = [{}] names = mode_params.keys() for values in itertools.product(*[mode_params[i] for i in names]): kwargs_items.append(dict(zip(names, values))) for kws in kwargs_items: pulse = Pulse.shaped(40.0e-3, flip_angle, 4000, shape, shape_kwargs, w_c, mode, kws) begin_time = p_op = pulse.propagator(spin_model) elapsed = datetime.timedelta( - begin_time) rel_error = np.sum(np.abs(exact_p_ops[shape] - p_op)) / \ np.sum(np.abs(exact_p_ops[shape])) print('{:>8s}, {:>8s}, {:>48s},\t{:.3e}, {}'.format( shape, mode, str(kws), rel_error, elapsed))