def PrintSignificance(): # Print out totals. print("TOTALS:") print("N_obs = ", sum(obs)) print("N_ss = ", sum(ss)) print("N_brn =", sum(brn_prompt + brn_delayed)) print("N_cevns = ", sum(cevns)) an = Analyzer(4, "multinest/cenns10_stat/cenns10_stat") bf = an.get_best_fit()['parameters'] an_null = Analyzer( 3, "multinest/cenns10_stat_no_cevns/cenns10_stat_no_cevns") bf_null = an_null.get_best_fit()['parameters'] bf = [ an.get_stats()['marginals'][0]['median'], an.get_stats()['marginals'][1]['median'], an.get_stats()['marginals'][2]['median'], an.get_stats()['marginals'][3]['median'] ] bf_null = [ an_null.get_stats()['marginals'][0]['median'], an_null.get_stats()['marginals'][1]['median'], an_null.get_stats()['marginals'][2]['median'] ] # Save best-fit (MLE) parameters from MultiNest (in <out>stats.dat) # Truncated gaussian bf_norm = [ 0.128203949389575733E+01, -0.757751720547599188E-02, 0.928830540200280969E-01, -0.681121212215910043E+00 ] bf_norm_null = [ -0.799580130637969101E-02, 0.253213583049654078E+00, -0.514351228113789194E+00 ] # Unconstrained Gaussian bf_truncnorm = [ 0.168960153287222759E+01, -0.312937517992761469E-01, 0.780942325684447630E-01, -0.970385882467374672E+00 ] bf_truncnorm_null = [ -0.147905160635425168E-01, 0.245574237324468231E+00, -0.460897530294036739E+00 ] # Get ratio test print("Significance (stat):") stat_q = sqrt(abs(2*(-poisson(obs, events_gen_stat(bf)) \ + poisson(obs, events_gen_stat_null(bf_null))))) print(stat_q) print("Best-fit norms:") events_gen_stat(bf, report_stats=True)
def PrintSignificance(): an = Analyzer(9, "multinest/cenns10_syst/cenns10_syst") bf = an.get_best_fit()['parameters'] an_null = Analyzer(6, "multinest/cenns10_syst_no_cevns/cenns10_syst_no_cevns") bf_null = an_null.get_best_fit()['parameters'] # Get ratio test print("Significance (stat):") stat_q = sqrt(abs(2*(-poisson(obs, events_gen(bf)) \ + poisson(obs, events_gen_null(bf_null))))) print(stat_q) print("Best-fit norms:") events_gen(bf, report_stats=True)
def __init__(self, fits, silent=False): ''' Loads the fits and creates an array of analyzers to compare with ''' analyzers = [] modelnames = [] parameters = [] # Loop over the loaded chains and fit files for f in fits: self._LoadData( f) #method should attach self.modelnames and self.parameters anal = Analyzer(n_params=self.n_params, outputfiles_basename=self.basename) analyzers.append(anal) #Gather the analyzers modelnames.append(self.modName) #Gather the model names parameters.append( self.parameters) #Gather the parameter names of the models self.fits = fits self.analyzers = analyzers self.modelnames = modelnames self.parameters = parameters self.silent = silent #Call the private functions self._Evidence() #Compute logZ for each model self._SortModels() # Sort the models based on logZ self._EvidenceMatrix() # Calculate the bayes factors self._PrintResults()
def check_full_solver(finesse_folder): data_filename = path.join(finesse_folder, 'finesse_input.h5') data = file_io.h5_2_dict(data_filename) ix0 = data['fit_ix']['0'] #ix1 = data['fit_ix']['1'] r0 = data['r'][ix0] sig0 = data['sig'][ix0] sig0_sd = data['sig_sd'][ix0] # r1 = data['r'][ix1] # sig1 = data['sig'][ix1] # sig1_sd = data['sig_sd'][ix1] n_params = 4 analyzer = Analyzer(n_params, outputfiles_basename=path.join(finesse_folder, "full_")) post = analyzer.get_equal_weighted_posterior() post = post[:, 0:-1] # Don't include the last column, I forget what it means npost = post.shape[0] nsamples = 100 samples = np.random.choice(npost, size=nsamples) sampled_post = post[samples, :] output0 = np.zeros((nsamples, len(r0))) #output1 = np.zeros((nsamples, len(r1))) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: futures_map = dict() for idx, cube in enumerate(sampled_post): # fut = executor.submit(model_wrapper, r0, r1, cube) fut = executor.submit(model_wrapper, r0, cube) futures_map[fut] = idx for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures_map): idx = futures_map[future] #val0, val1 = future.result() val0 = future.result() output0[idx, :] = val0 #output1[idx, :] = val1 # calculate simple statistics for the fit output0_mean = np.mean(output0, axis=0) output0_low = np.min(output0, axis=0) output0_high = np.max(output0, axis=0) # output1_mean = np.mean(output1, axis=0) # output1_low = np.min(output1, axis=0) # output1_high = np.amax(output1, axis=0) # Plotting fit results fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9)) ax.fill_between(r0, output0_low, output0_high, color='C0', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(r0, output0_mean, color='C0', label='fit') #ax.fill_between(r1, output1_low, output1_high, color='C0', alpha=0.5) #ax.plot(r1, output1_mean, color='C0') ax.errorbar(r0, sig0, yerr=sig0_sd, color='C1', label='data') #ax.errorbar(r1, sig1, yerr=sig1_sd, color='C1') ax.legend(fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel('R (px)', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=16) ax.tick_params(labelsize=16) fig.tight_layout() labels = ["L", "d", "F", "A"] #, "B"]#, "Ti"] fac = [0.004, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] #, 1.0] dbins = (post[:, 1].max() - post[:, 1].min()) / (468e-6 / 10.0) print(post[:, 1].max(), post[:, 1].min()) dbins = int(dbins) print(dbins) #dbins = 50 #bins = ['auto', 'auto', 'auto', 'auto', 'auto', 'auto'] bins = ['auto', dbins, 'auto', 'auto', 'auto'] #, 'auto'] for idx, label in enumerate(labels): print(label, ": ", np.nanmean(post[:, idx] * fac[idx])) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plotting.my_hist(ax, post[:, idx] * fac[idx], bins=bins[idx]) ax.set_xlabel(label)
class FitView(object): ''' FitView examines the output of mnfit and produces plots ''' def __init__(self,data,silent=False,journal="plain",stats="best"): ''' The type of data depends on the subclass. The generic _LoadData function is called and should set the xlabel ______________________________________________________ arguments: data: a file ''' self.xlabel = "x" # This will be called to format the data self._LoadData(data) self.anal = Analyzer(n_params=self.n_params,outputfiles_basename=self.basename) self.stats = stats if self.stats == "best": self.bestFit = array(self.anal.get_best_fit()["parameters"]) elif self.stats == "mean": self.bestFit = array(self.anal.get_stats()['modes'][0]['mean']) self.loglike = self.anal.get_best_fit()["log_likelihood"] #Calculate teh effective # of free parameters from Spiegelhalter (2002) posterior = self.anal.get_equal_weighted_posterior()[:,-1] posteriorMean = mean(posterior) self.effNparams = -2.*(posteriorMean - self.loglike) if silent: #Don't print anything out return self._StatResults() self.journal = journal self.elinewidth = .8 self.capsize= 3 self.linewidth = 1.8 if self.journal == "mnras": figW = 240 if self.journal == "apj": figW = 245.6 if self.journal != "plain": fig_width_pt = figW # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = (sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height] params = {'backend': 'ps',\ 'axes.labelsize': 10,\ 'text.fontsize': 10,\ 'legend.fontsize': 10,\ 'xtick.labelsize': 8,\ 'ytick.labelsize': 8,\ 'figure.figsize': fig_size,\ 'lines.markersize': 1,\ 'legend.numpoints': 1,\ 'legend.fontsize': 6,\ 'legend.markerscale': 1.0,\ '': 'serif',\ 'ps.useafm' : True,\ 'pdf.use14corefonts' : True,\ 'text.usetex' : True,\ 'pdf.use14corefonts' : True,\ } plt.rcParams.update(params) self.elinewidth = .3 self.capsize=1 self.linewidth = .7 def _StatResults(self): ''' Prints the statistical results of the fit as well as other information via the self._CustomInfo() set in inherited classes ''' s = self.anal.get_stats() print print "-"*30+" ANALYIS "+"-"*30 print self._CustomInfo() print #print "Global Evidence:\n\t%.3e +- %.3e" % ( s['nested sampling global log-evidence'],\ # s['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ) print "Effective number of free parameters:\n\t%.2f"%self.effNparams print print "LogLikelihood of Best Fit:\n\t%.2f"%self.loglike print print "-"*69 def _CustomInfo(self): pass def _LoadData(self,data): pass def ViewChain(self): pass def ViewParam(self,param,fignum=1000): i = self.parameters.index(param) marg = self.anal.get_stats()["marginals"] p = probPlot.PlotMarginalModes(self.anal) fig = plt.figure(fignum,figsize=(5*self.n_params,5*self.n_params)) ax = fig.add_subplot(self.n_params,self.n_params, i+1, axisbg="#FCF4F4") p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses=True , with_points = False, grid_points=50) marg1 = marg[i]["1sigma"] h=.005 ax.hlines(h,marg1[0],marg1[1],color="#FF0040",linewidth=1.2) ax.plot(self.bestFit[i],h,"o",color="#FF0040") ax.set_ylabel("Probability") ax.set_xlabel(param) return ax def ViewMarginals(self,fignum=900): ''' Plot the marginal distributions of the parameters along with the best-fit and 1-sigma errors returns: ax: matplotlib ax instance ''' marg = self.anal.get_stats()["marginals"] p = probPlot.PlotMarginalModes(self.anal) fig = plt.figure(fignum,figsize=(5*self.n_params,5*self.n_params)) for i in range(self.n_params): ax = fig.add_subplot(self.n_params,self.n_params, i+1, axisbg="#FCF4F4") p.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses=True , with_points = False, grid_points=50) marg1 = marg[i]["1sigma"] h=.005 ax.hlines(h,marg1[0],marg1[1],color="#FF0040",linewidth=1.2) ax.plot(self.bestFit[i],h,"o",color="#FF0040") if i == 0: ax.set_ylabel("Probability") ax.set_xlabel(self.parameters[i]) for j in range(i): ax = fig.add_subplot(self.n_params,self.n_params, self.n_params*(j+1)+i+1) p.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=30) marg1 = marg[i]["1sigma"] marg2 = marg[j]["1sigma"] ax.hlines(self.bestFit[j],marg1[0],marg1[1],color="#FF0040",linewidth=1.2) ax.vlines(self.bestFit[i],marg2[0],marg2[1],color="#FF0040",linewidth=1.2) ax.plot(self.bestFit[i],self.bestFit[j],"o",color="#FF0040") if j==i-1: ax.set_xlabel(self.parameters[i]) ax.set_ylabel(self.parameters[j]) return ax def ViewFit(self): ''' Plot the best fit and contours ______________________________________________________ returns: ax: matplotlib ax instance ''' fig = plt.figure(120) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) yData = [] for params in self.anal.get_equal_weighted_posterior()[::100,:-1]: tmp = [] for x in self.dataRange: tmp.append(self.model(x, *params)) yData.append(tmp) #Plot the spread in data for y in yData: ax.plot(self.dataRange,y,"#04B404",alpha=.2) ## modify later bfModel = [] # Plot the best fit for x in self.dataRange: bfModel.append(self.model(x, *self.bestFit)) ax.plot(self.dataRange,bfModel,"#642EFE") #modify later ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) return ax pass def GetTeXTable(self,tableName="params.tex"): marg = self.anal.get_stats()["marginals"] tmp = [] for params,val,err in zip(self.parameters,self.bestFit,marg): err = err["1sigma"] print "\t%s:\t%.2f\t+%.2f -%.2f"%(params,val,err[1]-val,val-err[0]) tmp.append(['%s'%params,'%.2f'%val,'%.2f'%(err[1]-val),'%.2f'%(val-err[0])]) data = {} for t in tmp: data[t[0]]=["$%s^{+%s}_{-%s}$"%(t[1],t[2],t[3])] ascii.write(data,output=tableName,Writer=ascii.Latex,latexdict={'preamble': r'\begin{center}','tablefoot': r'\end{center}','tabletype': 'table*','header_end': '\\hline \\hline \\hspace{3mm}','caption':self.modName}) def Propagate(self,function,params,direct=True): ''' Propagates the chain into a derived function arguments: *function: function head to be calculated *params: list of params that are needed returns: *f evaluated function ''' ewp = self.anal.get_equal_weighted_posterior() selectedParams = ewp[:,self.GetParamIndex(params)] f = [] if direct: for p in selectedParams: f.append(function(*p)) else: for p in selectedParams: f.append(function(p)) return array(f) def GetParamIndex (self, params): tmp = map(lambda test: array(self.parameters) == test, params) tt = tmp[0] if len(tmp)>1: for test in tmp[1:]: tt = logical_or(tt,test) return tt
def __init__(self,data,silent=False,journal="plain",stats="best"): ''' The type of data depends on the subclass. The generic _LoadData function is called and should set the xlabel ______________________________________________________ arguments: data: a file ''' self.xlabel = "x" # This will be called to format the data self._LoadData(data) self.anal = Analyzer(n_params=self.n_params,outputfiles_basename=self.basename) self.stats = stats if self.stats == "best": self.bestFit = array(self.anal.get_best_fit()["parameters"]) elif self.stats == "mean": self.bestFit = array(self.anal.get_stats()['modes'][0]['mean']) self.loglike = self.anal.get_best_fit()["log_likelihood"] #Calculate teh effective # of free parameters from Spiegelhalter (2002) posterior = self.anal.get_equal_weighted_posterior()[:,-1] posteriorMean = mean(posterior) self.effNparams = -2.*(posteriorMean - self.loglike) if silent: #Don't print anything out return self._StatResults() self.journal = journal self.elinewidth = .8 self.capsize= 3 self.linewidth = 1.8 if self.journal == "mnras": figW = 240 if self.journal == "apj": figW = 245.6 if self.journal != "plain": fig_width_pt = figW # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch golden_mean = (sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height] params = {'backend': 'ps',\ 'axes.labelsize': 10,\ 'text.fontsize': 10,\ 'legend.fontsize': 10,\ 'xtick.labelsize': 8,\ 'ytick.labelsize': 8,\ 'figure.figsize': fig_size,\ 'lines.markersize': 1,\ 'legend.numpoints': 1,\ 'legend.fontsize': 6,\ 'legend.markerscale': 1.0,\ '': 'serif',\ 'ps.useafm' : True,\ 'pdf.use14corefonts' : True,\ 'text.usetex' : True,\ 'pdf.use14corefonts' : True,\ } plt.rcParams.update(params) self.elinewidth = .3 self.capsize=1 self.linewidth = .7