Esempio n. 1
def linedetection():

    n = 716
    dt = 1.0e-3
    df = 1.0 / (dt * n)

    npi = 4.0
    nwin = 10

    # line and noise components

    fline   = 50.0
    aline   = 10.0
    noise_amplitude = 1.0

    t = np.arange(n) * dt

    lines = np.array([fline, fline + 2.0 * df])
    nlines = len(lines)

    y = noise_amplitude * normal(size = n) \
            + aline * np.cos(2.0 * pi * fline * t)

    r = pymutt.mtft(series = y,
            dt = dt,
            npi = npi,
            nwin = nwin,
            kind = 1,
            paddedlen = 10 * n,
            dodof = 1,
    Fsortidx = r['F'].argsort()
    lidx = Fsortidx[-1]
    linefs = [r['df'] * lidx]
    # print >> sys.stderr, (linefs, r['df'], n * r['df'])

    r = pymutt.mtft(series = y,
            dt = dt,
            npi = npi,
            nwin = nwin,
            kind = 1,
            paddedlen = 10 * n,
            dodof = 1,
            lines = np.array(linefs),

    f = r['df'] * np.arange(len(r['power']))
    setout = file('lineprocmtft.dat', 'w')
              title = 'line + noise',
              subtitle = "npi = %.0f  nwin = %d" % (npi, nwin)

    for psdkey in ['power', 'reshaped', 'F']:
        if not r.has_key(psdkey):
        setdata(setout, f, r[psdkey], legend = psdkey)

Esempio n. 2
def mtanalyze(data,
              dt = 1.0,
              kind = 1,     # adaptive: 2 for vanilla hi-res
              npi = 3.0,
              nwin = 5,     # s.b. 2 * npi - 1
              padby = 8,    # pad to padby * power-of-2-holding-data
              nlines = 0,   # number of lines to find
              linedomain = None,  # could be a range of frequencies to search
              doplot = 0,
              title = None,
              title2 = None,
              verbose = 0,

    if padby and padby > 1:
        paddedlen = 2
        while paddedlen < len(data):
            paddedlen *= 2
        paddedlen *= padby
        paddedlen = 0

    if verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "original length: %d padded to: %d" \
              % (len(data), paddedlen)
    r = pymutt.mtft(data, dt = dt, npi = npi, nwin = nwin,
                    paddedlen = paddedlen, dodof = (nlines > 0))
    r['f'] = r['df'] * np.arange(len(r['power']))

    if nlines:
        # we operate on a copy of r['F'] so we can pass the original up
        # unaltered
        Fcpy = np.array(r['F'], copy = 1)
        flines = []
        Fmin = Fcpy.min() - 1.0
        # For each line, find the maximum current value of the F-test.
        # Then zero the F-test values in the region fline +- W/2 before
        # searching for the next largest value.
        if verbose:
            print >> sys.stderr, "\nspectral lines:"
        while len(flines) < nlines:
            idxfmax = np.argsort(Fcpy)[-1]
            fline = r['df'] * idxfmax
            if not linedomain or \
                   (fline >= linedomain[0] and fline <= linedomain[1]):
                if verbose:
                    print >> sys.stderr, "%5d  %13.6e" % (len(flines), fline)
            wl = max(0, int(idxfmax - round(0.5 * r['W'] / r['df'])))
            wr = min(r['n'] - 1, int(idxfmax + round(0.5 * r['W'] / r['df'])))
            Fcpy[wl:wr] = Fmin

        if len(flines) > 0:
            reducedr = pymutt.mtft(data,
                                   dt = dt,
                                   npi = npi,
                                   nwin = nwin,
                                   kind = kind,
                                   paddedlen = paddedlen,
                                   dodof = 1,
                                   lines = np.array(flines),
            # added reshaped spectrum values to r
            r['reshaped'] = reducedr['reshaped']
            r['linea'] = reducedr['linea']
            r['linevar'] = reducedr['linevar']

    if doplot and mpl:
        if not linedomain:
            il = 0
            ir = r['n'] - 1
            il = int(floor(linedomain[0] / r['df']))
            ir = int(ceil(linedomain[1] / r['df']))
        if nlines:
            if title2:
            mpl.plot(r['f'][il:ir], r['F'][il:ir])
        if nlines:
        if title:
        mpl.plot(r['f'][il:ir], 10.0 * np.log10(r['power'][il:ir]))
        if r.has_key('reshaped'):
            mpl.plot(r['f'][il:ir], 10.0 * np.log10(reducedr['reshaped'][il:ir]))

    return r
Esempio n. 3
# standard dataset: sine wave at 11.5 Hz plus noise (but it could be anything)
dt = 0.01
n = 430
t = dt * np.arange(n)
data = np.random.randn(n) + 0.6 * np.sin(2.0 * 3.141592654 * 11.5 * t)
# mpl.plot(data)
# mpl.figure()

# simplest processing: assume dt = 1 so frequency domain is [0, 0.5]
r = pymutt.mtft(data)
# mpl.plot(r['power'])

# next simplest: use correct dt so frequency has true domain and use
#                correct frequency in the plot
r = pymutt.mtft(data,
                dt = dt
f = np.arange(r['nspec']) * r['df']
# mpl.plot(f, r['power'])

Esempio n. 4
def main(argv = None):
    import getopt
    import traceback

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv


        npi = 4.0
        nwin = 6
        kind = 2
        nlines_to_find = 2
        padfactor = 8

        arglist = "vhW:K:k:l:z:"
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], arglist)
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)

        for opt, v in opts:
            if opt == "-v":
            elif opt == "-h":
                print >> sys.stdout, __doc__
                return 0
            elif opt == "-W":
                npi = float(v)
            elif opt == "-K":
                nwin = int(v)
            elif opt == "-k":
                kind = int(v)
            elif opt == "-z":
                padfactor = int(v)
            elif opt == "-l":
                nlines_to_find = int(v)
        lines = []
        dodof = 1
        doweights = 1
        seriesname = args[0] if len(args) > 0  else "willamette"

        ts, dt, dtu = getseries(seriesname)
        serieslength = len(ts)
        paddedlen = 2
        while paddedlen < serieslength:
            paddedlen *= 2
        paddedlen *= padfactor

        print >> sys.stdout, "dataset %s has %d (%d) samples at %s %s" \
              % (seriesname, len(ts), paddedlen, dt, dtu)
        print >> sys.stdout, "  npi: %.1f   K: %d   lines: %d   %s" \
              % (npi, nwin, nlines_to_find, ("?", "high-res", "adaptive")[kind])

        ts -= nx.mean(ts)

        plotseries(ts, dx = dt, xunits = dtu, title = seriesname)

        r = pymutt.mtft(series = ts,
                        dt = dt,
                        npi = npi,
                        nwin = nwin,
                        kind = kind,
                        paddedlen = paddedlen,
                        dodof = dodof,
                        doweights = doweights,
                        lines = nx.array(lines),

        show_contents(r, "original")
        basetitle = seriesname + (" W %.1f  K %d  a %d  n %d (%d)"
                         % (r['npi'], r['nwin'], r['kind'], len(ts), r['n']))
        mtpanel(r, title = basetitle + ": original")

        tlen = len(ts)
        t = dt * nx.arange(tlen)
        A = nx.zeros((tlen, 2 * nlines_to_find + 1))
        A[:,0] = 1
        flines = []

        Fcpy = nx.array(r['F'], copy = 1)

        for l in range(nlines_to_find):

            idxfmax = nx.argsort(Fcpy)[-1]
            fline = r['df'] * idxfmax

            ir = max(0, int(idxfmax + round(r['W'] / r['df'])))
            il = min(r['n'] - 1, int(idxfmax - round(r['W'] / r['df'])))
            Fcpy[il:ir] = 0.0

        reducedr = pymutt.mtft(series = ts,
                               dt = dt,
                               npi = npi,
                               nwin = nwin,
                               kind = kind,
                               paddedlen = paddedlen,
                               dodof = dodof,
                               lines = nx.array(flines))
        show_contents(reducedr, "reshaped")

        if nlines_to_find > 0:
            if 0:
                plotseries(ts, dx = dt, xunits = dtu,
                           title = seriesname + ": reshaped")
            mtpanel(reducedr, title = basetitle + ": reshaped")
        return 0
Esempio n. 5
def doit(verbose = 0):
    # pick a miscellaneous length and then find a much bigger power-of-2

    n = 716
    dt = 1.0
    df = 1.0 / (dt * n)
    pow2 = ceil(log(5 * n) / log(2.0))
    paddedlen = int(pow(2, pow2))

    print __doc__
    print "here are the actual results for this run:\n"
    print "    test series length padded from %d to %d" % (n, paddedlen)

    # line and noise components

    fline   = 50 * df
    aline   = 10.0
    noise_amplitude = 1.0

    t = np.arange(n) * dt

    lines = np.array([fline, fline + 4.0 * df])
    nlines = len(lines)

    suma = complex(0.0, 0.0) * np.zeros([nlines])
    sumF = None
    sumv = np.zeros([nlines])

    trials = 20

    print "    averaging over %d trials" % trials

    for i in range(trials):

        y = noise_amplitude * normal(size = n) \
            + aline * np.cos(2.0 * pi * fline * t)

        r = pymutt.mtft(series = y,
                        dt = dt,
                        npi = 2,
                        nwin = 8,
                        kind = 1,
                        paddedlen = paddedlen,
                        dodof = 1,
                        lines = lines,
        suma += r['linea']
        sumv += r['linevar']
        if sumF is None:
            sumF = r['F']
            sumF += r['F']

    print "     frequency    real     imag         abs          F      line var"
    for i, f in enumerate(lines):
        amp = suma[i] / trials
        var = sumv[i] / trials
        ifrq = int(round(f / r['df']))
        Ftest = sumF[ifrq] / trials
        print "    %8.5f  %8.3f %8.3f    %8.4f   %8.1f    %10.3e" \
              % (f, amp.real, amp.imag, abs(amp), Ftest, var)

    return 0
Esempio n. 6
def filteredprocess():

    n = 937
    dt = 1e-3
    fu = 80.0
    fs = 90.0
    yr = bandlimited(n, dt, fu, fs)
    setout = file('ranproc.dat', 'w')
              title = 'filtered normal series',
              subtitle = "fpass = %.1f  fstop = %.1f" % (fu, fs)
    setdata(setout, dt * np.arange(n), yr, legend = 'y(t)')

    npi = 4.0
    nwin = 10

    setout = file('ranprocmtft.dat', 'w')
              title = 'filtered normal series',
              subtitle = "npi = %.0f  nwin = %d" % (npi, nwin)

    r = pymutt.mtft(series = yr,
                    dt = dt,
                    npi = npi,
                    nwin = nwin,
                    kind = 1,
                    paddedlen = 4 * n,
                    dodof = 1,
    f = r['df'] * np.arange(len(r['power']))
    for psdkey in ['power', 'dof']:
        if not r.has_key(psdkey):
        setdata(setout, f, r[psdkey], legend = 'hires ' + psdkey)

    r = pymutt.mtft(series = yr,
                    dt = dt,
                    npi = npi,
                    nwin = nwin,
                    kind = 2,
                    paddedlen = 4 * n,
                    dodof = 1,
    for psdkey in ['power', 'dof']:
        if not r.has_key(psdkey):
        setdata(setout, f, r[psdkey], legend = 'adaptive ' + psdkey)

    yrp  = dt * abs(dft.rfft(yr, n = n)) ** 2
    df = 1.0 / (n * dt)
    f = df * np.arange(len(yrp))
    setdata(setout, f, yrp / n, legend = 'raw')
    tscale = 1.0 /np.hanning(n).mean()
    yrph = dt * abs(dft.rfft(tscale * np.hanning(n) * yr, n = n)) ** 2
    setdata(setout, f, yrph / n, legend = 'hanning taper')

Esempio n. 7
def doit(verbose = 0):
    '''This code reproduces figure 512 in Percival and Walden.  It (1)
    analyzes the time series and applies the F-test for spectral
    lines, (2) extracts the two lines with largest F-test values, and
    (3) computes the reshaped spectrum.  It then displays the F-test
    and the original and reshaped spectra as in P&W figure 512.

    print doit.__doc__

    global dt, data

    ts = np.array(data)
    ts -= ts.mean()
    paddedlen = 1024
    r = pymutt.mtft(series = ts,
                    dt = dt,
                    npi = 4,
                    nwin = 5,
                    kind = 1,
                    paddedlen = paddedlen,
                    dodof = 1,

    Fcpy = np.array(r['F'], copy = 1)
    flines = []
    nlines_to_find = 2
    # For each line, find the maximum current value of the F-test.
    # Then zero the F-test values in the region fline +- W/2 before
    # searching for the next largest value.
    for l in range(nlines_to_find):
        idxfmax = np.argsort(Fcpy)[-1]
        fline = r['df'] * idxfmax
        ir = max(0, int(idxfmax + round(0.5 * r['W'] / r['df'])))
        il = min(r['n'] - 1, int(idxfmax - round(0.5 * r['W'] / r['df'])))
        Fcpy[il:ir] = 0.0

    reducedr = pymutt.mtft(series = ts,
                           dt = dt,
                           npi = 4,
                           nwin = 5,
                           kind = 2,
                           paddedlen = paddedlen,
                           dodof = 1,
                           lines = np.array(flines),

    f = r['df'] * np.arange(len(r['power']))
    mpl.title("Compare with Percival and Walden, figure 512")
    mpl.plot(f, r['F'])
    for level in (8.6, 18.5):
        y = level + 0.0 * r['power']
        mpl.plot(f, y)
    mpl.plot(f, 10.0 * np.log10(r['power']))
    mpl.plot(f, 10.0 * np.log10(reducedr['reshaped']))
    mpl.xlabel("f (cycles/year)")