Esempio n. 1
 def test_small_tau_limit(self):
     observations = [[[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]],
                     [[0.1, 0.2, 0.3]],
                     [[0.1, 0.2, 0.4]],
                     [[0.1, 0.2]]]
     d_small = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(observations, self.cos, 1e-4)
     d_zero = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(observations, self.cos, 0)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(d_small, d_zero)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_compare_square_with_spykeutils(self):
     for cos in self.cos:
         for tau in self.tau:
             sutils_d = stm.van_rossum_multiunit_dist(self.sutils_units,
             pymuvr_d_square = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(self.pymuvr_observations,
             np.testing.assert_allclose(sutils_d, pymuvr_d_square, atol=5e-5)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_compare_square_with_spykeutils(self):
     for cos in self.cos:
         for tau in self.tau:
             sutils_d = stm.van_rossum_multiunit_dist(self.sutils_units,
             pymuvr_d_square = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(self.pymuvr_observations,
             np.testing.assert_allclose(sutils_d, pymuvr_d_square, atol=5e-5)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_compare_square_and_rectangular(self):
     for cos in self.cos:
         for tau in self.tau:
             d_rectangular = pymuvr.distance_matrix(self.observations,
             d_square = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(self.observations,
             np.testing.assert_allclose(d_rectangular, d_square, atol=5e-5)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_compare_square_and_rectangular_distance(self):
     for cos in self.cos:
         for tau in self.tau:
             d_rectangular = pymuvr.distance_matrix(self.observations,
             d_square = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(self.observations,
             np.testing.assert_allclose(d_rectangular, d_square, atol=5e-5)
def main():
    n_observations = 5
    n_cells = 50
    rate = 30
    tstop = 3
    cos = 0.1
    tau = 0.012

    sutils_units, pymuvr_observations = generate_spike_trains(n_observations, n_cells, rate, tstop)
    sutils_start = time.clock()
    sutils_d = stm.van_rossum_multiunit_dist(sutils_units, weighting=cos, tau=tau * pq.s)
    sutils_stop = time.clock()
    pymuvr_start = time.clock()
    pymuvr_d = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(pymuvr_observations, cos, tau)
    pymuvr_stop = time.clock()

    print("\nspykeutils distance matrix:\n{0}\n\n".format(sutils_d))
    print("\npymuvr distance matrix:\n{0}\n\n".format(pymuvr_d))
    print("Time elapsed: pymuvr {0}s, spykeutils {1}s".format(pymuvr_stop-pymuvr_start, sutils_stop-sutils_start))
def main():
    n_observations = 5
    n_cells = 50
    rate = 30
    tstop = 3
    cos = 0.1
    tau = 0.012

    sutils_units, pymuvr_observations = generate_spike_trains(
        n_observations, n_cells, rate, tstop)
    sutils_start = time.clock()
    sutils_d = stm.van_rossum_multiunit_dist(sutils_units,
                                             tau=tau * pq.s)
    sutils_stop = time.clock()
    pymuvr_start = time.clock()
    pymuvr_d = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(pymuvr_observations, cos, tau)
    pymuvr_stop = time.clock()

    print("\nspykeutils distance matrix:\n{0}\n\n".format(sutils_d))
    print("\npymuvr distance matrix:\n{0}\n\n".format(pymuvr_d))
    print("Time elapsed: pymuvr {0}s, spykeutils {1}s".format(
        pymuvr_stop - pymuvr_start, sutils_stop - sutils_start))
Esempio n. 8
def van_rossum_multiunit_dist(units, weighting, tau=1.0 * pq.s, kernel=None):
    """ Calculates the van Rossum multi-unit distance.

    The single-unit distance is defined as Euclidean distance of the spike
    trains convolved with a causal decaying exponential smoothing filter.
    A detailed description can be found in *Rossum, M. C. W. (2001). A novel
    spike distance. Neural Computation, 13(4), 751-763.* This implementation is
    normalized to yield a distance of 1.0 for the distance between an empty
    spike train and a spike train with a single spike. Divide the result by
    sqrt(2.0) to get the normalization used in the cited paper.

    Given the :math:`p`- and :math:`q`-th spike train of `a` and respectively
    `b` let :math:`R_{pq}` be the squared single-unit distance between these
    two spike trains. Then the multi-unit distance is :math:`\\sqrt{\\sum_p
    (R_{pp} + c \\cdot \\sum_{q \\neq p} R_{pq})}` with :math:`c` being
    equal to `weighting`. The weighting parameter controls the interpolation
    between a labeled line and a summed population coding.

    More information can be found in
    *Houghton, C., & Kreuz, T. (2012). On the efficient calculation of van
    Rossum distances. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 23(1-2), 48-58.*

    Given :math:`N` spike trains in total with :math:`n` spikes on average the
    run-time complexity of this function is :math:`O(N^2 n^2)` and :math:`O(N^2
    + Nn^2)` memory will be needed.

    If `pymuvr` is installed, this function will use the faster C++
    implementation contained in the package.

    :param dict units: Dictionary of sequences with each sequence containing
        the trials of one unit. Each trial should be
        a :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` and all units should have the same
        number of trials.
    :param float weighting: Controls the interpolation between a labeled line
        and a summed population coding.
    :param tau: Decay rate of the exponential function as time scalar. Controls
        for which time scale the metric will be sensitive. This parameter will
        be ignored if `kernel` is not `None`. May also be :const:`scipy.inf`
        which will lead to only measuring differences in spike count.
    :type tau: Quantity scalar
    :param kernel: Kernel to use in the calculation of the distance. This is not
        the smoothing filter, but its autocorrelation. If `kernel` is `None`, an
        unnormalized Laplacian kernel with a size of `tau` will be used.
    :type kernel: :class:`.signal_processing.Kernel`
    :returns: A 2D array with the multi-unit distance for each pair of trials.
    :rtype: 2D arrary

    if kernel is None and tau != sp.inf:
        kernel = sigproc.LaplacianKernel(tau, normalize=False)

    if PYMUVR_AVAILABLE and tau != sp.inf:
        rescaled_trains = []
        n_trials = len(units.itervalues().next())

        for i in xrange(n_trials):
            trial_trains = []
            for u, tr in units.iteritems():
        t = tau.rescale(pq.s).magnitude
        r = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(rescaled_trains, weighting, t)
        print r
        #print rescaled_trains, weighting, t
        print _calc_multiunit_dist_matrix_from_single_trials(
            units, _van_rossum_multiunit_dist_for_trial_pair, weighting=weighting,
            tau=tau, kernel=kernel)
        return r

    return _calc_multiunit_dist_matrix_from_single_trials(
        units, _van_rossum_multiunit_dist_for_trial_pair, weighting=weighting,
        tau=tau, kernel=kernel)
def van_rossum_multiunit_dist(units, weighting, tau=1.0 * pq.s, kernel=None):
    """ Calculates the van Rossum multi-unit distance.

    The single-unit distance is defined as Euclidean distance of the spike
    trains convolved with a causal decaying exponential smoothing filter.
    A detailed description can be found in *Rossum, M. C. W. (2001). A novel
    spike distance. Neural Computation, 13(4), 751-763.* This implementation is
    normalized to yield a distance of 1.0 for the distance between an empty
    spike train and a spike train with a single spike. Divide the result by
    sqrt(2.0) to get the normalization used in the cited paper.

    Given the :math:`p`- and :math:`q`-th spike train of `a` and respectively
    `b` let :math:`R_{pq}` be the squared single-unit distance between these
    two spike trains. Then the multi-unit distance is :math:`\\sqrt{\\sum_p
    (R_{pp} + c \\cdot \\sum_{q \\neq p} R_{pq})}` with :math:`c` being
    equal to `weighting`. The weighting parameter controls the interpolation
    between a labeled line and a summed population coding.

    More information can be found in
    *Houghton, C., & Kreuz, T. (2012). On the efficient calculation of van
    Rossum distances. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 23(1-2), 48-58.*

    Given :math:`N` spike trains in total with :math:`n` spikes on average the
    run-time complexity of this function is :math:`O(N^2 n^2)` and :math:`O(N^2
    + Nn^2)` memory will be needed.

    If `pymuvr` is installed, this function will use the faster C++
    implementation contained in the package.

    :param dict units: Dictionary of sequences with each sequence containing
        the trials of one unit. Each trial should be
        a :class:`neo.core.SpikeTrain` and all units should have the same
        number of trials.
    :param float weighting: Controls the interpolation between a labeled line
        and a summed population coding.
    :param tau: Decay rate of the exponential function as time scalar. Controls
        for which time scale the metric will be sensitive. This parameter will
        be ignored if `kernel` is not `None`. May also be :const:`scipy.inf`
        which will lead to only measuring differences in spike count.
    :type tau: Quantity scalar
    :param kernel: Kernel to use in the calculation of the distance. This is not
        the smoothing filter, but its autocorrelation. If `kernel` is `None`, an
        unnormalized Laplacian kernel with a size of `tau` will be used.
    :type kernel: :class:`.signal_processing.Kernel`
    :returns: A 2D array with the multi-unit distance for each pair of trials.
    :rtype: 2D arrary

    if kernel is None and tau != sp.inf:
        kernel = sigproc.LaplacianKernel(tau, normalize=False)

    if PYMUVR_AVAILABLE and tau != sp.inf:
        rescaled_trains = []
        n_trials = len(units.itervalues().next())

        for i in xrange(n_trials):
            trial_trains = []
            for u, tr in units.iteritems():
        t = tau.rescale(pq.s).magnitude
        r = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(rescaled_trains, weighting, t)
        print r
        #print rescaled_trains, weighting, t
        print _calc_multiunit_dist_matrix_from_single_trials(
        return r

    return _calc_multiunit_dist_matrix_from_single_trials(
Esempio n. 10
 def test_square_distance_matrix(self):
     for cos in self.cos:
         for tau in self.tau:
             d = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(self.observations, cos, tau)
             self.assertEqual(d.shape, (len(self.observations), len(self.observations)))
Esempio n. 11
 def test_large_tau_limit(self):
     observations = [[[1,2]], [[1,2]], [[1]]]
     d = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(observations, self.cos, 1e20)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(d, np.array([[0,0,1],[0,0,1],[1,1,0]]))
Esempio n. 12
 def test_large_tau_limit(self):
     observations = [[[1,2]], [[1,2]], [[1]]]
     d = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(observations, self.cos, 1e20)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(d, np.array([[0,0,1],[0,0,1],[1,1,0]]))
Esempio n. 13
 def test_square_distance_matrix(self):
     for cos in self.cos:
         for tau in self.tau:
             d = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(self.observations, cos, tau)
             self.assertEqual(d.shape, (len(self.observations), len(self.observations)))
    def run_analysis(self):
        if self.results_arch.load():
            # we have the results already (loaded in memory or on the disk)
            # check if the spikes archive to analyse is actually present on disk
            if not os.path.isfile(self.spike_archive_path):
                raise Exception("Spike archive {} not found! aborting analysis.".format(self.spike_archive_path))
            # we actually need to calculate them
            print("Analysing for: {0} from spike archive: {1}".format(self, self.spike_archive_path))
            n_obs = self.n_stim_patterns * self.n_trials
            # load data
            min_clusts_analysed = int(round(self.n_stim_patterns * 1.0))
            max_clusts_analysed = int(round(self.n_stim_patterns * 1.0))
            clusts_step = max(int(round(self.n_stim_patterns * 0.05)), 1)
            # choose training and testing set: trials are picked at random, but every stim pattern is represented equally (i.e., get the same number of trials) in both sets. Trials are ordered with respect to their stim pattern.
            n_tr_obs_per_sp = self.training_size
            n_ts_obs_per_sp = self.n_trials - n_tr_obs_per_sp
            train_idxs = list(itertools.chain(*([x+self.n_trials*sp for x in random.sample(range(self.n_trials), n_tr_obs_per_sp)] for sp in range(self.n_stim_patterns))))
            test_idxs = [x for x in range(n_obs) if x not in train_idxs]
            n_tr_obs = len(train_idxs)
            n_ts_obs = len(test_idxs)
            Ym = self.n_stim_patterns
            Ny = np.array([n_ts_obs_per_sp for each in range(self.n_stim_patterns)])
            Xn = 1 # the output is effectively one-dimensional
            # initialize data structures for storage of results
            ts_decoded_mi_plugin = np.zeros(n_obs)
            ts_decoded_mi_qe = np.zeros(n_obs)
            ts_decoded_mi_pt = np.zeros(n_obs)
            ts_decoded_mi_nsb = np.zeros(n_obs)

            # compute mutual information by using direct clustering on training data (REMOVED)
            # --note: fcluster doesn't work in the border case with n_clusts=n_obs, as it never returns the trivial clustering. Cluster number 0 is never present in a clustering.
            print('counting spikes in output spike trains')
            i_level_array = self.spikes_arch.get_spike_counts(cell_type='mf')
            o_level_array = self.spikes_arch.get_spike_counts(cell_type='grc')
            print('computing mean input and output spike counts')
            i_mean_count = i_level_array.mean()
            o_mean_count = o_level_array.mean()
            print('computing input and output sparsity')
            i_sparseness_hoyer = hoyer_sparseness(i_level_array)
            i_sparseness_activity = activity_sparseness(i_level_array)
            i_sparseness_vinje = vinje_sparseness(i_level_array)
            o_sparseness_hoyer = hoyer_sparseness(o_level_array)
            o_sparseness_activity = activity_sparseness(o_level_array)
            o_sparseness_vinje = vinje_sparseness(o_level_array)
            print('input sparseness: hoyer {:.2f}, vinje {:.2f}, activity {:.2f}'.format(i_sparseness_hoyer, i_sparseness_vinje, i_sparseness_activity))
            print('output sparseness: hoyer {:.2f}, vinje {:.2f}, activity {:.2f}'.format(o_sparseness_hoyer, o_sparseness_vinje, o_sparseness_activity))
            if self.linkage_method_string == 'kmeans':
                spike_counts = o_level_array
                # divide spike count data in training and testing set
                tr_spike_counts = np.array([spike_counts[o] for o in train_idxs])
                ts_spike_counts = np.array([spike_counts[o] for o in test_idxs])
                for n_clusts in range(min_clusts_analysed, max_clusts_analysed+1, clusts_step):
                    clustering = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusts)
                    print('performing k-means clustering on training set (training the decoder) for k='+str(n_clusts))
                    print('using the decoder trained with k-means clustering to classify data points in testing set')
                    decoded_output = clustering.predict(ts_spike_counts)
                    # calculate MI
                    print('calculating MI')
                    Xm = n_clusts
                    X_dims = (Xn, Xm)
                    X = decoded_output
                    s = pe.SortedDiscreteSystem(X, X_dims, Ym, Ny)
                    s.calculate_entropies(method='plugin', calc=['HX', 'HXY'])
                    ts_decoded_mi_plugin[n_clusts-1] = s.I()
                    s.calculate_entropies(method='qe', sampling='naive', calc=['HX', 'HXY'], qe_method='plugin')
                    ts_decoded_mi_qe[n_clusts-1] = s.I()
                    s.calculate_entropies(method='pt', sampling='naive', calc=['HX', 'HXY'])
                    ts_decoded_mi_pt[n_clusts-1] = s.I()
                    s.calculate_entropies(method='nsb', sampling='naive', calc=['HX', 'HXY'])
                    ts_decoded_mi_nsb[n_clusts-1] = s.I()            
                tr_tree = np.zeros(shape=(n_tr_obs-1, 3))
                import pymuvr
                spikes = self.spikes_arch.get_spikes(cell_type='grc')
                tr_spikes = [spikes[o] for o in train_idxs]
                ts_spikes = [spikes[o] for o in test_idxs]

                # compute multineuron distance between each pair of training observations
                print('calculating distances between training observations')
                tr_distances = pymuvr.square_distance_matrix(tr_spikes,
                # cluster training data
                print('clustering training data')
                tr_tree = linkage(tr_distances, method=self.linkage_method_string)

                # train the decoder and use it to calculate mi on the testing dataset
                print("training the decoder and using it to calculate mi on test data")

                tr_distances_square = np.square(tr_distances)

                for n_clusts in range(min_clusts_analysed, max_clusts_analysed+1):
                    # iterate over the number of clusters and, step by
                    # step, train the decoder and use it to calculate mi
                    tr_clustering = fcluster(tr_tree, t=n_clusts, criterion='maxclust')
                    out_alphabet = []
                    for c in range(1,n_clusts+1):
                        # every cluster is represented in the output
                        # alphabet by the element which minimizes the sum
                        # of intra-cluster square distances
                        obs_in_c = [ob for ob in range(n_tr_obs) if tr_clustering[ob]==c]
                        sum_of_intracluster_square_distances = tr_distances_square[obs_in_c,:][:,obs_in_c].sum(axis=1)
                    distances = pymuvr.distance_matrix(ts_spikes,
                    # each observation in the testing set is decoded by
                    # assigning it to the cluster whose representative
                    # element it's closest to
                    decoded_output = distances.argmin(axis=1)
                    # calculate MI
                    Xm = n_clusts
                    X_dims = (Xn, Xm)
                    X = decoded_output
                    s = pe.SortedDiscreteSystem(X, X_dims, Ym, Ny)
                    s.calculate_entropies(method='qe', sampling='naive', calc=['HX', 'HXY'], qe_method='plugin')
                    ts_decoded_mi_qe[n_clusts-1] = s.I()
                    s.calculate_entropies(method='pt', sampling='naive', calc=['HX', 'HXY'])
                    ts_decoded_mi_pt[n_clusts-1] = s.I()
                    s.calculate_entropies(method='nsb', sampling='naive', calc=['HX', 'HXY'])
                    ts_decoded_mi_nsb[n_clusts-1] = s.I()            
                    if n_clusts == self.n_stim_patterns:
                        px_at_same_size_point = s.PX 
                # save linkage tree to results archive (only if
                # performing hierarchical clustering)
                self.results_arch.update_result('tr_linkage', data=tr_tree)

            # save analysis results in the archive
            print('updating results archive')
            self.results_arch.update_result('ts_decoded_mi_plugin', data=ts_decoded_mi_plugin)
            self.results_arch.update_result('ts_decoded_mi_qe', data=ts_decoded_mi_qe)
            self.results_arch.update_result('ts_decoded_mi_pt', data=ts_decoded_mi_pt)
            self.results_arch.update_result('ts_decoded_mi_nsb', data=ts_decoded_mi_nsb)

            self.results_arch.update_result('i_mean_count', data=i_mean_count)
            self.results_arch.update_result('o_mean_count', data=o_mean_count)
            self.results_arch.update_result('i_sparseness_hoyer', data=i_sparseness_hoyer)
            self.results_arch.update_result('i_sparseness_activity', data=i_sparseness_activity)
            self.results_arch.update_result('i_sparseness_vinje', data=i_sparseness_vinje)
            self.results_arch.update_result('o_sparseness_hoyer', data=o_sparseness_hoyer)
            self.results_arch.update_result('o_sparseness_activity', data=o_sparseness_activity)
            self.results_arch.update_result('o_sparseness_vinje', data=o_sparseness_vinje)
            # update attributes