class testPlugin(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin() sys.stdout = StringIO() sys.stderr = StringIO() def tearDown(self): sys.argv = self.argv_store sys.stdout = original_stdout sys.stderr = original_stderr def run_expect(self, case, expected_exit, value): sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + case.split() try:'fake', value, uom='fakes', warn=10, crit=20, minimum=-100, maximum=100) perfdata_string = print perfdata_string self.assertEquals(perfdata_string, "| '%s'=%s%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % ( 'fake', value, 'fakes', 10, 20, -100, 100))'OK', 'Some message') self.assertEquals(['messages'][0], ['Some message']) except SystemExit, e: self.assertEquals(type(e), type(SystemExit())) self.assertEquals(e.code, expected_exit) except Exception, e: import traceback print traceback.format_exc()'unexpected exception: %s' % e)
class testPluginNoThreshold(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin(must_threshold=False) def tearDown(self): sys.argv = self.argv_store def run_expect(self, case, expected_exit, value): sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + case.split() try: except SystemExit, e: self.assertEquals(type(e), type(SystemExit())) self.assertEquals(e.code, expected_exit) except Exception, e:'unexpected exception: %s' % e)
class PluginNoThreshold(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin(must_threshold=False) sys.stdout = StringIO() def tearDown(self): sys.argv = self.argv_store sys.stdout = original_stdout def run_expect(self, case, expected_exit, value): sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + case.split() try: except SystemExit as e: self.assertEquals(type(e), type(SystemExit())) self.assertEquals(e.code, expected_exit) except Exception as e:'unexpected exception: %s' % e) else:'SystemExit exception expected') # All tests return OK since thresholds are not required def test_number_1(self): case = '' self.run_expect(case, 0, -23) def test_number_2(self): case = '' self.run_expect(case, 0, 0) def test_number_3(self): case = '' self.run_expect(case, 0, 2) def test_number_4(self): case = '' self.run_expect(case, 0, 10) def test_number_5(self): case = '' self.run_expect(case, 0, 15)
class PluginParams(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin(must_threshold=False) sys.stdout = StringIO() def tearDown(self): sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] sys.stdout = original_stdout def create_params(self, *args): sys.argv.extend(args) def test_default_verbose(self): #sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + ['-v', '10'] self.create_params('-v', '10') self.assertEquals(['verbosity'], 0) def test_verbose(self): self.create_params('-v', '3') self.assertEquals(['verbosity'], 3) def test_set_hostname(self): self.create_params('-H', '') self.assertEquals(['host'], '') def test_set_timeout(self): self.create_params('-t', '100') self.assertEquals(['timeout'], '100') def test_default_timeout(self): self.assertEquals(['timeout'], None) def test_shortname(self): from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin np = Plugin(shortname='testcase') self.assertEquals(['shortname'], 'testcase')
#!/usr/bin/python import os,sys ## This is for the custom nagios module sys.path.insert(1, '../') from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("l","load-file", "Enter a load average file", required=None) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use a custom load average file, if specified to if np['load-file']: load_file = np['load-file'] else: load_file = "/proc/loadavg" if not os.path.isfile(load_file): np.nagios_exit("UNKNOWN", "Missing Load average file %s" % load_file) ## Get the check value current_load = os.popen("cat %s" % load_file).readline().split()[0] ## Add the perdata np.add_perfdata("1min", current_load)
#!/usr/bin/python import os.path import sys pynagbase = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) sys.path[0] = pynagbase # Standard init import pynag.Plugins from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin np = Plugin(must_threshold=False) # Feed fake data for range checking np.add_arg('F', 'fakedata', 'fake data to test thresholds', required=True) # Activate np.activate() # Test supplied fake data against thresholds np.check_range(int(np['fakedata']))
def main(): global plugin plugin = Plugin(must_threshold=False) plugin.add_arg("l", "logical-volume", "Comma seperated list of VG/LV, eg vg00/data,vg00/snap", required=False) plugin.add_arg("V", "volume-group", "Comma seperated list of VG, eg vg00,vg01", required=False) plugin.add_arg("a", "check-all", "Check all LVs", required=False, action="store_true") plugin.activate() lvs = plugin["logical-volume"] and plugin["logical-volume"].split( ",") or [] vgs = plugin["volume-group"] and plugin["volume-group"].split(",") or [] if not lvs and not vgs and not plugin['check-all']: plugin.parser.error( "Either logical-volume or volume-group must be specified") elif plugin['check-all'] and (lvs or vgs): plugin.parser.error( "Mixing check-all and logical-volume or volume-group does not make sense" ) check_mirror(lvs, vgs, plugin['check-all'], plugin['host']) (code, message) = (plugin.check_messages(joinallstr="\n")) plugin.nagios_exit(code, message)
def main(): global np np = Plugin(must_threshold=False) np.add_arg('w', 'warning', 'Warn when X days until certificate expires', required=None) np.add_arg('c', 'critical', 'Critical when X days until certificate expires', required=None) np.activate() if np['warning'] is None: np['warning'] = "14" if np['critical'] is None: np['critical'] = "2" for t in ['warning', 'critical']: if np[t] and np[t].isdigit() is False: print "%s threshold must be a positive number" % t.capitalize() sys.exit(3) certs = getcert_list() for cert in certs: if cert['stuck'] != "no": np.add_message( WARNING, "Certificate %s from certdb %s is stuck=%s" % ( cert['certificate']['nickname'], cert['certificate']['location'], cert['stuck'])) expires_diff = cert['expires'] - if expires_diff.days < 0: np.add_message( CRITICAL, "Certificate %s from certdb %s has EXPIRED %i days ago" % ( cert['certificate']['nickname'], cert['certificate']['location'], expires_diff.days*-1)) elif expires_diff.days < int(np['critical']): np.add_message( CRITICAL, "Certificate %s from certdb %s expires in %i days" % ( cert['certificate']['nickname'], cert['certificate']['location'], expires_diff.days)) elif expires_diff.days < int(np['warning']): np.add_message( WARNING, "Certificate %s from certdb %s expires in %i days" % ( cert['certificate']['nickname'], cert['certificate']['location'], expires_diff.days)) else: np.add_message( OK, "Certificate %s from certdb %s expires in %i days" % ( cert['certificate']['nickname'], cert['certificate']['location'], expires_diff.days)) code, messages = np.check_messages(joinallstr="\n") np.nagios_exit(code, messages)
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("n", "name", "Amazon ELB name", required=True) np.add_arg( "N", "numbers", "Numbers of desired instance running in the pool. Default will be half total number of node", required=False) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified ELB name elb_name = np['name'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_elb() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit( UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable." )
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto import boto.ec2 ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("i","instance-id", "Amazon EC2 Instance ID", required=True) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified Instance ID ec2_instance_id = np['i'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_ec2() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.") ## Unable to get instance status try: instance = conn.get_all_instance_status(ec2_instance_id)[0] except: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to get instance %s. Is network up ? Is region configured ? (Region %s)" % ( ec2_instance_id, conn.DefaultRegionName))
def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin(must_threshold=False) sys.stdout = StringIO()
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("n","name", "Amazon ELB name", required=True) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified ELB name elb_name = np['name'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_elb() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.") ## Unable to get elbs try: elbs = conn.get_all_load_balancers(elb_name) except: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to get elb list. Is network up ? Is region configured ? (Region %s)" % ( conn.DefaultRegionName)) # Return value
#!/usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import UNKNOWN, WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, simple as Plugin from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from pprint import pprint ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() np.add_arg('l', 'long-output', 'Allows for long multiline output', required=0, action='store_true') # Parse the plugin options np.activate() p = Popen("mtr -c 4 --raw %s" % (np['host']), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate('through stdin to stdout') if p.returncode > 0: if p.returncode == 127: # File not found, lets print path np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to find mtr, check that it is installed") else: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to run mtr: %s" % (stderr.strip())) mtr_output = {} for line in stdout.split("\n"): if not line: continue line.strip() (l_type, l_id, l_data) = line.split(" ", 3) if mtr_output.has_key(l_id) == False:
def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin()
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("n", "name", "Amazon ELB name", required=True) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified ELB name elb_name = np['name'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_elb() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit( UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable." ) ## Unable to get elbs try: elbs = conn.get_all_load_balancers(elb_name) except: np.nagios_exit(
def main(): global np global tmpdir # new pynag.Plugin np = Plugin(must_threshold=False) # Arguments np.add_arg('f', 'file', 'Remote file, space seperate multiple files', required=False) np.add_arg('w', 'warning', 'Warn if tftp downloads take longer', required=False) np.add_arg('c', 'critical', 'Critical if tftp downloads take longer', required=False) np.add_arg('l', 'longoutput', 'Each file broken up into a new line for readability', required=False, action="store_true") # Activate np.activate() if np['host'] == "": np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Hostname is required") tmpdir = mktmpdir() end_time = time.time() + int(np['timeout'] or 20) # data.txt add manually contient list of file that we will check # dirname = os.path.join('data', 'tftplist.txt') dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with open(dir + '/data.txt', 'r') as myfile: files ='\n', '') # creat list of ips #files = np['file'].split() with open(dir + '/ips.txt', 'r') as myips: ips ='\n', '') # Loop through the files for ip in ips: for file in files: file_start_time = time.time() try: size = tftp_get(ip, file, timeout=(end_time - time.time())) file_end_time = time.time() run_time = time.time() - file_start_time if size is not False: if np['critical'] and run_time >= int(np['critical']): stat = CRITICAL elif np['warning'] and run_time >= int(np['warning']): stat = WARNING else: stat = OK np.add_message( stat, "tftp://%s/%s got %iB in %.2f secs" % (np['host'], file, size, (file_end_time - file_start_time))) np.add_perfdata("%s_size" % (file), size) np.add_perfdata("%s_fetch" % (file), (file_end_time - file_start_time)) except Exception, e: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, e)
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, # see <>. import re import subprocess from pynag import Plugins from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin DEFAULT_CHRONYD_PORT = 323 plugin = Plugin() # Specify arguments to the plugin plugin.add_arg('p', 'port', 'Chrony UDP port', required=None) plugin.activate() if plugin['critical'] <= plugin['warning']: plugin.parser.error( 'Critical level cannot be lesser than or equal to warning') if plugin['host'] is None: plugin['host'] = 'localhost' if plugin['port'] is None: plugin['port'] = DEFAULT_CHRONYD_PORT
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto import boto.ec2 ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("i", "instance-id", "Amazon EC2 Instance ID", required=True) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified Instance ID ec2_instance_id = np['i'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_ec2() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit( UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable." ) ## Unable to get instance status try: instance = conn.get_all_instance_status(ec2_instance_id)[0] except:
#!/opt/zenoss/bin/python #Script dependencies: # pynag, subprocess import os,sys, subprocess, re from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin from pexpect import ANSI, fdpexpect, FSM, pexpect, pxssh, screen #Create the plugin option np = Plugin() #Configure additional command line arguments np.add_arg("R", "ssh_host", "Ssh remote machine name to connect to", required=True) np.add_arg("P", "ssh_password", "Ssh romote host password", required=None) np.add_arg("U", "ssh_username", "Ssh remote username", required=None) np.add_arg("s", "ssh_port", "Ssh remote host port (default: 22)", required=None) np.add_arg("l", "query_address", "Machine name to lookup", required=True) np.add_arg("p", "port", "DNS Server port number (default: 53)", required=None) np.add_arg("T", "record_type", "Record type to lookup (default: A)", required=None) np.add_arg("a", "expected_address", "An address expected to be in the answer section. If not set, uses whatever was in query address", required=None) np.add_arg("A", "dig-arguments", "Pass the STRING as argument(s) to dig", required=None) #Plugin activation np.activate() #Main script logic 8-) CMD_ITEM_1 = "dig" CMD_ITEM_2 = " " #Here we should insert a servername/ip CMD_ITEM_3 = " " #Here should be the port for a server/ip (default: 53) CMD_ITEM_4 = " " #Machine name to lookup
#!/usr/bin/python import os.path import sys pynagbase = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) sys.path[0] = pynagbase # Standard init import pynag.Plugins from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin np = Plugin() # Feed fake data for range checking np.add_arg('F', 'fakedata', 'fake data to test thresholds', required=True) # Activate np.activate() # Test supplied fake data against thresholds np.check_range(int(np['fakedata']))
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("n", "name", "Amazon ELB name", required=True) np.add_arg("i", "instance", "Amazon EC2 instance ID", required=True) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified ELB name elb_name = np['name'] instance_id = np['instance'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_elb() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit( UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable." ) ## Unable to get elbs try: instances_health = conn.describe_instance_health(elb_name)
def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin() sys.stdout = StringIO() sys.stderr = StringIO()
class Plugin(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.argv_store = sys.argv from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin = Plugin() sys.stdout = StringIO() sys.stderr = StringIO() def tearDown(self): sys.argv = self.argv_store sys.stdout = original_stdout sys.stderr = original_stderr def run_expect(self, case, expected_exit, value): sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + case.split() try:'fake', value, uom='fakes', warn=10, crit=20, minimum=-100, maximum=100) perfdata_string = print(perfdata_string) self.assertEquals(perfdata_string, "| '%s'=%s%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % ( 'fake', value, 'fakes', 10, 20, -100, 100))'OK', 'Some message') self.assertEquals(['messages'][0], ['Some message']) except SystemExit as e: self.assertEquals(type(e), type(SystemExit())) self.assertEquals(e.code, expected_exit) except Exception as e: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc())'unexpected exception: %s' % e) else:'SystemExit exception expected') # Throws SystemExit, required parameter not set when activating def test_add_arg_req_missing(self):'F', 'fakedata', 'fake data to test thresholds', required=True) self.assertRaises(SystemExit, def test_add_arg_req(self):'F', 'fakedata', 'fake data to test thresholds', required=True) sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + '-F 100 -w 1 -c 2'.split() def test_add_arg(self):'F', 'fakedata', 'fake data to test thresholds', required=False) sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + '-w 1 -c 2'.split() def test_codestring_to_int(self): code ='OK') self.assertEquals(code, 0, "OK did not map to 0") code ='WARNING') self.assertEquals(code, 1, "WARNING did not map to 1") code ='CRITICAL') self.assertEquals(code, 2, "CRITICAL did not map to 2") code ='UNKNOWN') self.assertEquals(code, 3, "UNKNOWN did not map to 3") # Critical if "stuff" is over 20, else warn if over 10 # (will be critical if "stuff" is less than 0) def test_number_1(self): case = '-w 10 -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 2, -23) def test_number_2(self): case = '-w 10 -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 0, 3) def test_number_3(self): case = '-w 10 -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 1, 13) def test_number_4(self): case = '-w 10 -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 2, 23) # Same as above. Negative "stuff" is OK def test_number_5(self): case = '-w ~:10 -c ~:20' self.run_expect(case, 0, -23) def test_number_6(self): case = '-w ~:10 -c ~:20' self.run_expect(case, 0, 3) def test_number_7(self): case = '-w ~:10 -c ~:20' self.run_expect(case, 1, 13) def test_number_8(self): case = '-w ~:10 -c ~:20' self.run_expect(case, 2, 23) # Critical if "stuff" is over 20, else warn if "stuff" is below 10 # (will be critical if "stuff" is less than 0) def test_number_9(self): case = '-w 10: -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 2, -23) def test_number_10(self): case = '-w 10: -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 1, 3) def test_number_11(self): case = '-w 10: -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 0, 13) def test_number_12(self): case = '-w 10: -c 20' self.run_expect(case, 2, 23) # Critical if "stuff" is less than 1 def test_number_13(self): case = '-c 1:' self.run_expect(case, 2, -23) def test_number_14(self): case = '-c 1:' self.run_expect(case, 2, 0) def test_number_15(self): case = '-c 1:' self.run_expect(case, 0, 13) def test_number_16(self): case = '-c 1:' self.run_expect(case, 0, 23) # 1-9 is warning, negative or above 10 is critical def test_number_17(self): case = '-w ~:0 -c 10' self.run_expect(case, 2, -23) def test_number_18(self): case = '-w ~:0 -c 10' self.run_expect(case, 0, 0) def test_number_19(self): case = '-w ~:0 -c 10' self.run_expect(case, 1, 7) def test_number_20(self): case = '-w ~:0 -c 10' self.run_expect(case, 2, 23) # The only noncritical range is 5:6 def test_number_21(self): case = '-c 5:6' self.run_expect(case, 2, -23) def test_number_22(self): case = '-c 5:6' self.run_expect(case, 2, 0) def test_number_23(self): case = '-c 5:6' self.run_expect(case, 2, 2) def test_number_24(self): case = '-c 5:6' self.run_expect(case, 0, 5) def test_number_25(self): case = '-c 5:6' self.run_expect(case, 0, 6) # Critical if "stuff" is 10 to 20 def test_number_26(self): case = '-c @10:20' self.run_expect(case, 0, -23) def test_number_27(self): case = '-c @10:20' self.run_expect(case, 0, 0) def test_number_28(self): case = '-c @10:20' self.run_expect(case, 0, 2) def test_number_29(self): case = '-c @10:20' self.run_expect(case, 2, 10) def test_number_30(self): case = '-c @10:20' self.run_expect(case, 2, 15) def test_number_31(self): case = '-c @10:20' self.run_expect(case, 2, 20) def test_number_32(self): case = '-c @10:20' self.run_expect(case, 0, 23)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import sys from pydisque.client import Client from pynag.Plugins import CRITICAL, simple as Plugin np = Plugin(must_threshold=False) np.activate() try: client = Client() # Client(['']) client.connect() except: np.nagios_exit( CRITICAL, 'Mayby disque is down.', ) sys.exit(1) class Disque(object): def __init__(self): self.__info = client.execute_command('INFO') self.create_properties() def create_properties(self): for k, v in self.__info.iteritems(): self.__dict__[k] = v
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("n","name", "Amazon ELB name", required=True) np.add_arg("i","instance", "Amazon EC2 instance ID", required=True) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified ELB name elb_name = np['name'] instance_id = np['instance'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_elb() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.") ## Unable to get elbs try: instances_health = conn.describe_instance_health(elb_name) except: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to get elb list. Is network up ? Is region configured ? (Region %s)" % ( conn.DefaultRegionName))
#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import absolute_import import os, sys ## Import plugin from nagios Module from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("l", "load-file", "Enter a load average file", required=None) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use a custom load average file, if specified to if np['load-file']: load_file = np['load-file'] else: load_file = "/proc/loadavg" if not os.path.isfile(load_file): np.nagios_exit("UNKNOWN", "Missing Load average file %s" % load_file) ## Get the check value current_load = open(load_file).readline().split()[0] ## Add the perdata np.add_perfdata("1min", current_load)
def main(): global plugin plugin = Plugin(must_threshold=False) plugin.add_arg("l", "logical-volume", "Comma seperated list of VG/LV, eg vg00/data,vg00/snap", required=False) plugin.add_arg("V", "volume-group", "Comma seperated list of VG, eg vg00,vg01", required=False) plugin.add_arg("a", "check-all", "Check all LVs", required=False, action="store_true") plugin.activate() lvs = plugin["logical-volume"] and plugin["logical-volume"].split( ",") or [] vgs = plugin["volume-group"] and plugin["volume-group"].split(",") or [] if not lvs and not vgs and not plugin['check-all']: plugin.parser.error( "Either logical-volume or volume-group must be specified") elif plugin['check-all'] and ( lvs or vgs ): plugin.parser.error( "Mixing check-all and logical-volume or volume-group does not make sense") check_mirror(lvs, vgs, plugin['check-all'], plugin['host']) (code, message) = (plugin.check_messages(joinallstr="\n")) plugin.nagios_exit(code, message)
#! /usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, UNKNOWN, simple as Plugin import boto ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() ## Add a command line argument np.add_arg("n","name", "Amazon ELB name", required=True) np.add_arg("N","numbers", "Numbers of desired instance running in the pool. Default will be half total number of node", required=False) ## This starts the actual plugin activation np.activate() ## Use specified ELB name elb_name = np['name'] ## Unable to connect try: conn = boto.connect_elb() except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to log into AWS. Please Check your /etc/boto.cfg file or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.") ## Unable to get elbs try: instances_health = conn.describe_instance_health(elb_name) except: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to get elb list. Is network up ? Is region configured ? (Region %s)" % ( conn.DefaultRegionName))