Esempio n. 1
class NestPrinter(object):
    This class contains all methods as required to transform
    def __init__(self, expression_pretty_printer, reference_convert=None):
        The standard constructor.
        :param reference_convert: a single reference converter
        :type reference_convert: IReferenceConverter
        if expression_pretty_printer is not None:
            self.expression_pretty_printer = expression_pretty_printer
            self.expression_pretty_printer = ExpressionsPrettyPrinter(reference_convert)

    def print_expression(self, node):
        # type: (ASTExpressionNode) -> str
        Pretty Prints the handed over rhs to a nest readable format.
        :param node: a single meta_model node.
        :type node: ASTExpressionNode
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        return self.expression_pretty_printer.print_expression(node)

    def print_method_call(self, node):
        # type: (ASTFunctionCall) -> str
        Prints a single handed over function call.
        :param node: a single function call.
        :type node: ASTFunctionCall
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        return self.expression_pretty_printer.print_function_call(node)

    def print_comparison_operator(cls, for_stmt):
        Prints a single handed over comparison operator for a for stmt to a Nest processable format.
        :param for_stmt: a single for stmt
        :type for_stmt: ASTForStmt
        :return: a string representation
        :rtype: str
        step = for_stmt.get_step()
        if step < 0:
            return '>'
        elif step > 0:
            return '<'
            return '!='

    def print_step(cls, for_stmt):
        Prints the step length to a nest processable format.
        :param for_stmt: a single for stmt
        :type for_stmt: ASTForStmt
        :return: a string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(for_stmt, ASTForStmt), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGenerator.Printer) No or wrong type of for-stmt provided (%s)!' % type(for_stmt)
        return for_stmt.get_step()

    def print_origin(cls, variable_symbol):
        Returns a prefix corresponding to the origin of the variable symbol.
        :param variable_symbol: a single variable symbol.
        :type variable_symbol: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding prefix
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(variable_symbol, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGenerator.Printer) No or wrong type of variable symbol provided (%s)!' % type(
        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.STATE:
            return 'S_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INITIAL_VALUES:
            return 'S_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.EQUATION:
            return 'S_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.PARAMETERS:
            return 'P_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INTERNALS:
            return 'V_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INPUT_BUFFER_CURRENT:
            return 'B_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INPUT_BUFFER_SPIKE:
            return 'B_.'
            return ''

    def print_output_event(cls, ast_body):
        For the handed over neuron, this operations checks of output event shall be preformed.
        :param ast_body: a single neuron body
        :type ast_body: ASTBody
        :return: the corresponding representation of the event
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_body is not None and isinstance(ast_body, ASTBody)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of body provided (%s)!' % type(ast_body)
        outputs = ast_body.get_output_blocks()
        if len(outputs) > 0:
            output = outputs[0]
            if output.is_spike():
                return 'nest::SpikeEvent'
            elif output.is_current():
                return 'nest::CurrentEvent'
                raise RuntimeError('Unexpected output type. Must be current or spike, is %s.' % str(output))
            return 'none'

    def print_buffer_initialization(cls, variable_symbol):
        Prints the buffer initialization.
        :param variable_symbol: a single variable symbol.
        :type variable_symbol: VariableSymbol
        :return: a buffer initialization
        :rtype: str
        return 'get_' + variable_symbol.get_symbol_name() + '().clear(); //includes resize'

    def print_function_declaration(cls, ast_function):
        Returns a nest processable function declaration head, i.e. the part which appears in the .h file.
        :param ast_function: a single function.
        :type ast_function: ASTFunction
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        from pynestml.meta_model.ast_function import ASTFunction
        from pynestml.symbols.symbol import SymbolKind
        assert (ast_function is not None and isinstance(ast_function, ASTFunction)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_function provided (%s)!' % type(ast_function)
        function_symbol = ast_function.get_scope().resolve_to_symbol(ast_function.get_name(), SymbolKind.FUNCTION)
        if function_symbol is not None:
            declaration = ast_function.print_comment('//') + '\n'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(function_symbol.get_return_type()).replace('.', '::')
            declaration += ' '
            declaration += ast_function.get_name() + '('
            for typeSym in function_symbol.get_parameter_types():
                declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(typeSym)
                if function_symbol.get_parameter_types().index(typeSym) < len(
                        function_symbol.get_parameter_types()) - 1:
                    declaration += ', '
            declaration += ')\n'
            return declaration
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve the method ' + ast_function.get_name())

    def print_function_definition(cls, ast_function, namespace):
        Returns a nest processable function definition, i.e. the part which appears in the .c file.
        :param ast_function: a single function.
        :type ast_function: ASTFunction
        :param namespace: the namespace in which this function is defined in
        :type namespace: str
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_function, ASTFunction), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_function provided (%s)!' % type(ast_function)
        assert isinstance(namespace, str), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of namespace provided (%s)!' % type(namespace)
        function_symbol = ast_function.get_scope().resolve_to_symbol(ast_function.get_name(), SymbolKind.FUNCTION)
        if function_symbol is not None:
            # first collect all parameters
            params = list()
            for param in ast_function.get_parameters():
            declaration = ast_function.print_comment('//') + '\n'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(function_symbol.get_return_type()).replace('.', '::')
            declaration += ' '
            if namespace is not None:
                declaration += namespace + '::'
            declaration += ast_function.get_name() + '('
            for typeSym in function_symbol.get_parameter_types():
                # create the type name combination, e.g. double Tau
                declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(typeSym) + ' ' + \
                # if not the last component, separate by ','
                if function_symbol.get_parameter_types().index(typeSym) < \
                        len(function_symbol.get_parameter_types()) - 1:
                    declaration += ', '
            declaration += ')\n'
            return declaration
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve the method ' + ast_function.get_name())

    def print_buffer_array_getter(self, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string containing the nest declaration for a multi-receptor spike buffer.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer Variable Symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: a string representation of the getter
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_buffer is not None and isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.is_spike_buffer() and ast_buffer.is_inhibitory() and ast_buffer.is_excitatory():
            return 'inline ' + PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + '&' + ' get_' \
                   + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + '() {' + \
                   '  return spike_inputs_[' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name().upper() + ' - 1]; }'
            return self.print_buffer_getter(ast_buffer, True)

    def print_buffer_getter(cls, ast_buffer, is_in_struct=False):
        Returns a string representation declaring a buffer getter as required in nest.
        :param ast_buffer: a single variable symbol representing a buffer.
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :param is_in_struct: indicates whether this getter is used in a struct or not
        :type is_in_struct: bool
        :return: a string representation of the getter.
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_buffer is not None and isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol)), \
            '(PyNestMl.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        assert (is_in_struct is not None and isinstance(is_in_struct, bool)), \
            '(PyNestMl.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of is-in-struct provided (%s)!' % type(is_in_struct)
        declaration = 'inline '
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            declaration += 'std::vector<'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(ast_buffer.get_type_symbol())
            declaration += '> &'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + '&'
        declaration += ' get_' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + '() {'
        if is_in_struct:
            declaration += 'return ' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + ';'
            declaration += 'return B_.get_' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + '();'
        declaration += '}'
        return declaration

    def print_buffer_declaration_value(cls, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string representation for the declaration of a buffer's value.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            return 'std::vector<double> ' + NestNamesConverter.buffer_value(ast_buffer)
            return 'double ' + NestNamesConverter.buffer_value(ast_buffer)

    def print_buffer_declaration(cls, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string representation for the declaration of a buffer.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            buffer_type = 'std::vector< ' + PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + ' >'
            buffer_type = PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(ast_buffer.get_type_symbol())
        buffer_type.replace(".", "::")
        return buffer_type + " " + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name()

    def print_buffer_declaration_header(cls, ast_buffer):
        Prints the comment as stated over the buffer declaration.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol.
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        return '//!< Buffer incoming ' + ast_buffer.get_type_symbol().get_symbol_name() + 's through delay, as sum'
Esempio n. 2
class NestPrinter:
    This class contains all methods as required to transform
    def __init__(self, expression_pretty_printer, reference_convert=None):
        The standard constructor.
        :param reference_convert: a single reference converter
        :type reference_convert: IReferenceConverter
        if expression_pretty_printer is not None:
            self.expression_pretty_printer = expression_pretty_printer
            self.expression_pretty_printer = ExpressionsPrettyPrinter(

    def print_node(self, node):
        ret = ''
        if isinstance(node, ASTArithmeticOperator):
            ret = self.print_arithmetic_operator(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTAssignment):
            ret = self.print_assignment(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTBitOperator):
            ret = self.print_bit_operator(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTBlock):
            ret = self.print_block(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTBlockWithVariables):
            ret = self.print_block_with_variables(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTBody):
            ret = self.print_body(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTComparisonOperator):
            ret = self.print_comparison_operator(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTCompoundStmt):
            ret = self.print_compound_stmt(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTDataType):
            ret = self.print_data_type(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTDeclaration):
            ret = self.print_declaration(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTElifClause):
            ret = self.print_elif_clause(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTElseClause):
            ret = self.print_else_clause(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTEquationsBlock):
            ret = self.print_equations_block(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTExpression):
            ret = self.print_expression(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTForStmt):
            ret = self.print_for_stmt(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTFunction):
            ret = self.print_function(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTFunctionCall):
            ret = self.print_function_call(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTIfClause):
            ret = self.print_if_clause(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTIfStmt):
            ret = self.print_if_stmt(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTInputBlock):
            ret = self.print_input_block(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTInputPort):
            ret = self.print_input_port(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTInputQualifier):
            ret = self.print_input_qualifier(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTLogicalOperator):
            ret = self.print_logical_operator(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTNestMLCompilationUnit):
            ret = self.print_compilation_unit(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTNeuron):
            ret = self.print_neuron(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTOdeEquation):
            ret = self.print_ode_equation(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTInlineExpression):
            ret = self.print_inline_expression(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTKernel):
            ret = self.print_kernel(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTOutputBlock):
            ret = self.print_output_block(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTParameter):
            ret = self.print_parameter(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTReturnStmt):
            ret = self.print_return_stmt(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTSimpleExpression):
            ret = self.print_simple_expression(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTSmallStmt):
            ret = self.print_small_stmt(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTUnaryOperator):
            ret = self.print_unary_operator(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTUnitType):
            ret = self.print_unit_type(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTUpdateBlock):
            ret = self.print_update_block(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTVariable):
            ret = self.print_variable(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTWhileStmt):
            ret = self.print_while_stmt(node)
        if isinstance(node, ASTStmt):
            ret = self.print_stmt(node)
        return ret

    def print_assignment(self, node: ASTAssignment, prefix: str = "") -> str:
        ret = self.print_node(node.lhs) + ' '
        if node.is_compound_quotient:
            ret += '/='
        elif node.is_compound_product:
            ret += '*='
        elif node.is_compound_minus:
            ret += '-='
        elif node.is_compound_sum:
            ret += '+='
            ret += '='
        ret += ' ' + self.print_node(node.rhs)
        return ret

    def print_variable(self, node: ASTVariable) -> str:
        ret =
        for i in range(1, node.differential_order + 1):
            ret += "__d"
        return ret

    def print_expression(self,
                         node: ASTExpressionNode,
                         prefix: str = "",
                         with_origins=True) -> str:
        Pretty Prints the handed over rhs to a nest readable format.
        :param node: a single meta_model node.
        :type node: ASTExpressionNode
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        return self.expression_pretty_printer.print_expression(
            node, prefix=prefix, with_origins=with_origins)

    def print_method_call(self, node: ASTFunctionCall) -> str:
        Prints a single handed over function call.
        :param node: a single function call.
        :type node: ASTFunctionCall
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        return self.expression_pretty_printer.print_function_call(node)

    def print_comparison_operator(cls, for_stmt):
        Prints a single handed over comparison operator for a for stmt to a Nest processable format.
        :param for_stmt: a single for stmt
        :type for_stmt: ASTForStmt
        :return: a string representation
        :rtype: str
        step = for_stmt.get_step()
        if step < 0:
            return '>'
        elif step > 0:
            return '<'
            return '!='

    def print_step(cls, for_stmt):
        Prints the step length to a nest processable format.
        :param for_stmt: a single for stmt
        :type for_stmt: ASTForStmt
        :return: a string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(for_stmt, ASTForStmt), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGenerator.Printer) No or wrong type of for-stmt provided (%s)!' % type(for_stmt)
        return for_stmt.get_step()

    def print_origin(cls, variable_symbol, prefix=''):
        Returns a prefix corresponding to the origin of the variable symbol.
        :param variable_symbol: a single variable symbol.
        :type variable_symbol: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding prefix
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(variable_symbol, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGenerator.Printer) No or wrong type of variable symbol provided (%s)!' % type(

        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.STATE:
            return prefix + 'S_.'

        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.EQUATION:
            return prefix + 'S_.'

        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.PARAMETERS:
            return prefix + 'P_.'

        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INTERNALS:
            return prefix + 'V_.'

        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INPUT_BUFFER_CURRENT:
            return prefix + 'B_.'

        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INPUT_BUFFER_SPIKE:
            return prefix + 'B_.'

        return ''

    def print_output_event(cls, ast_body):
        For the handed over neuron, this operations checks of output event shall be preformed.
        :param ast_body: a single neuron body
        :type ast_body: ASTBody
        :return: the corresponding representation of the event
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_body is not None and isinstance(ast_body, ASTBody)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of body provided (%s)!' % type(ast_body)
        outputs = ast_body.get_output_blocks()
        if len(outputs) > 0:
            output = outputs[0]
            if output.is_spike():
                return 'nest::SpikeEvent'
            elif output.is_current():
                return 'nest::CurrentEvent'
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unexpected output type. Must be current or spike, is %s.'
                    % str(output))
            # no output port defined in the model: pretend dummy spike output port to obtain usable model
            return 'nest::SpikeEvent'

    def print_buffer_initialization(cls, variable_symbol):
        Prints the buffer initialization.
        :param variable_symbol: a single variable symbol.
        :type variable_symbol: VariableSymbol
        :return: a buffer initialization
        :rtype: str
        return 'get_' + variable_symbol.get_symbol_name(
        ) + '().clear(); //includes resize'

    def print_function_declaration(cls, ast_function):
        Returns a nest processable function declaration head, i.e. the part which appears in the .h file.
        :param ast_function: a single function.
        :type ast_function: ASTFunction
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        from pynestml.meta_model.ast_function import ASTFunction
        from pynestml.symbols.symbol import SymbolKind
        assert (ast_function is not None and isinstance(ast_function, ASTFunction)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_function provided (%s)!' % type(ast_function)
        function_symbol = ast_function.get_scope().resolve_to_symbol(
            ast_function.get_name(), SymbolKind.FUNCTION)
        if function_symbol is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve the method ' +
        declaration = ast_function.print_comment('//') + '\n'
        declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
            function_symbol.get_return_type()).replace('.', '::')
        declaration += ' '
        declaration += ast_function.get_name() + '('
        for typeSym in function_symbol.get_parameter_types():
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(typeSym)
            if function_symbol.get_parameter_types().index(typeSym) < len(
                    function_symbol.get_parameter_types()) - 1:
                declaration += ', '
        declaration += ') const\n'
        return declaration

    def print_function_definition(cls, ast_function, namespace):
        Returns a nest processable function definition, i.e. the part which appears in the .cpp file.
        :param ast_function: a single function.
        :type ast_function: ASTFunction
        :param namespace: the namespace in which this function is defined in
        :type namespace: str
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_function, ASTFunction), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_function provided (%s)!' % type(ast_function)
        assert isinstance(namespace, str), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of namespace provided (%s)!' % type(namespace)
        function_symbol = ast_function.get_scope().resolve_to_symbol(
            ast_function.get_name(), SymbolKind.FUNCTION)
        if function_symbol is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve the method ' +
        # first collect all parameters
        params = list()
        for param in ast_function.get_parameters():
        declaration = ast_function.print_comment('//') + '\n'
        declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
            function_symbol.get_return_type()).replace('.', '::')
        declaration += ' '
        if namespace is not None:
            declaration += namespace + '::'
        declaration += ast_function.get_name() + '('
        for typeSym in function_symbol.get_parameter_types():
            # create the type name combination, e.g. double Tau
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(typeSym) + ' ' + \
            # if not the last component, separate by ','
            if function_symbol.get_parameter_types().index(typeSym) < \
                    len(function_symbol.get_parameter_types()) - 1:
                declaration += ', '
        declaration += ') const\n'
        return declaration

    def print_buffer_array_getter(self, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string containing the nest declaration for a multi-receptor spike buffer.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer Variable Symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: a string representation of the getter
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_buffer is not None and isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.is_spike_buffer() and ast_buffer.is_inhibitory(
        ) and ast_buffer.is_excitatory():
            return 'inline ' + PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + '&' + ' get_' \
                   + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + '() {' + \
                   '  return spike_inputs_[' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name().upper() + ' - 1]; }'
            return self.print_buffer_getter(ast_buffer, True)

    def print_buffer_getter(cls, ast_buffer, is_in_struct=False):
        Returns a string representation declaring a buffer getter as required in nest.
        :param ast_buffer: a single variable symbol representing a buffer.
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :param is_in_struct: indicates whether this getter is used in a struct or not
        :type is_in_struct: bool
        :return: a string representation of the getter.
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_buffer is not None and isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol)), \
            '(PyNestMl.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        assert (is_in_struct is not None and isinstance(is_in_struct, bool)), \
            '(PyNestMl.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of is-in-struct provided (%s)!' % type(is_in_struct)
        declaration = 'inline '
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            declaration += 'std::vector<'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
            declaration += '> &'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
                ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + '&'
        declaration += ' get_' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + '() {'
        if is_in_struct:
            declaration += 'return ' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + ';'
            declaration += 'return B_.get_' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name(
            ) + '();'
        declaration += '}'
        return declaration

    def print_buffer_declaration_value(cls, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string representation for the declaration of a buffer's value.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            return 'std::vector<double> ' + NestNamesConverter.buffer_value(
            return 'double ' + NestNamesConverter.buffer_value(ast_buffer)

    def print_buffer_declaration(cls, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string representation for the declaration of a buffer.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            buffer_type = 'std::vector< ' + PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
                ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + ' >'
            buffer_type = PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
        buffer_type.replace(".", "::")
        return buffer_type + " " + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name()

    def print_buffer_declaration_header(cls, ast_buffer):
        Prints the comment as stated over the buffer declaration.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol.
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        return '//!< Buffer for input (type: ' + ast_buffer.get_type_symbol(
        ).get_symbol_name() + ')'
Esempio n. 3
class NestPrinter(object):
    This class contains all methods as required to transform
    def __init__(self, expression_pretty_printer, reference_convert=None):
        The standard constructor.
        :param reference_convert: a single reference converter
        :type reference_convert: IReferenceConverter
        if expression_pretty_printer is not None:
            self.expression_pretty_printer = expression_pretty_printer
            self.expression_pretty_printer = ExpressionsPrettyPrinter(

    def print_expression(self, node):
        # type: (ASTExpressionNode) -> str
        Pretty Prints the handed over rhs to a nest readable format.
        :param node: a single meta_model node.
        :type node: ASTExpressionNode
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        return self.expression_pretty_printer.print_expression(node)

    def print_method_call(self, node):
        # type: (ASTFunctionCall) -> str
        Prints a single handed over function call.
        :param node: a single function call.
        :type node: ASTFunctionCall
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        return self.expression_pretty_printer.print_function_call(node)

    def print_comparison_operator(cls, for_stmt):
        Prints a single handed over comparison operator for a for stmt to a Nest processable format.
        :param for_stmt: a single for stmt
        :type for_stmt: ASTForStmt
        :return: a string representation
        :rtype: str
        step = for_stmt.get_step()
        if step < 0:
            return '>'
        elif step > 0:
            return '<'
            return '!='

    def print_step(cls, for_stmt):
        Prints the step length to a nest processable format.
        :param for_stmt: a single for stmt
        :type for_stmt: ASTForStmt
        :return: a string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(for_stmt, ASTForStmt), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGenerator.Printer) No or wrong type of for-stmt provided (%s)!' % type(for_stmt)
        return for_stmt.get_step()

    def print_origin(cls, variable_symbol):
        Returns a prefix corresponding to the origin of the variable symbol.
        :param variable_symbol: a single variable symbol.
        :type variable_symbol: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding prefix
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(variable_symbol, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGenerator.Printer) No or wrong type of variable symbol provided (%s)!' % type(
        if variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.STATE:
            return 'S_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INITIAL_VALUES:
            return 'S_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.EQUATION:
            return 'S_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.PARAMETERS:
            return 'P_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INTERNALS:
            return 'V_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INPUT_BUFFER_CURRENT:
            return 'B_.'
        elif variable_symbol.block_type == BlockType.INPUT_BUFFER_SPIKE:
            return 'B_.'
            return ''

    def print_output_event(cls, ast_body):
        For the handed over neuron, this operations checks of output event shall be preformed.
        :param ast_body: a single neuron body
        :type ast_body: ASTBody
        :return: the corresponding representation of the event
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_body is not None and isinstance(ast_body, ASTBody)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of body provided (%s)!' % type(ast_body)
        outputs = ast_body.get_output_blocks()
        if len(outputs) > 0:
            output = outputs[0]
            if output.is_spike():
                return 'nest::SpikeEvent'
            elif output.is_current():
                return 'nest::CurrentEvent'
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Unexpected output type. Must be current or spike, is %s.'
                    % str(output))
            return 'none'

    def print_buffer_initialization(cls, variable_symbol):
        Prints the buffer initialization.
        :param variable_symbol: a single variable symbol.
        :type variable_symbol: VariableSymbol
        :return: a buffer initialization
        :rtype: str
        return 'get_' + variable_symbol.get_symbol_name(
        ) + '().clear(); //includes resize'

    def print_function_declaration(cls, ast_function):
        Returns a nest processable function declaration head, i.e. the part which appears in the .h file.
        :param ast_function: a single function.
        :type ast_function: ASTFunction
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        from pynestml.meta_model.ast_function import ASTFunction
        from pynestml.symbols.symbol import SymbolKind
        assert (ast_function is not None and isinstance(ast_function, ASTFunction)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_function provided (%s)!' % type(ast_function)
        function_symbol = ast_function.get_scope().resolve_to_symbol(
            ast_function.get_name(), SymbolKind.FUNCTION)
        if function_symbol is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve the method ' +
        declaration = ast_function.print_comment('//') + '\n'
        declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
            function_symbol.get_return_type()).replace('.', '::')
        declaration += ' '
        declaration += ast_function.get_name() + '('
        for typeSym in function_symbol.get_parameter_types():
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(typeSym)
            if function_symbol.get_parameter_types().index(typeSym) < len(
                    function_symbol.get_parameter_types()) - 1:
                declaration += ', '
        declaration += ') const\n'
        return declaration

    def print_function_definition(cls, ast_function, namespace):
        Returns a nest processable function definition, i.e. the part which appears in the .cpp file.
        :param ast_function: a single function.
        :type ast_function: ASTFunction
        :param namespace: the namespace in which this function is defined in
        :type namespace: str
        :return: the corresponding string representation.
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_function, ASTFunction), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_function provided (%s)!' % type(ast_function)
        assert isinstance(namespace, str), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of namespace provided (%s)!' % type(namespace)
        function_symbol = ast_function.get_scope().resolve_to_symbol(
            ast_function.get_name(), SymbolKind.FUNCTION)
        if function_symbol is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve the method ' +
        # first collect all parameters
        params = list()
        for param in ast_function.get_parameters():
        declaration = ast_function.print_comment('//') + '\n'
        declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
            function_symbol.get_return_type()).replace('.', '::')
        declaration += ' '
        if namespace is not None:
            declaration += namespace + '::'
        declaration += ast_function.get_name() + '('
        for typeSym in function_symbol.get_parameter_types():
            # create the type name combination, e.g. double Tau
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(typeSym) + ' ' + \
            # if not the last component, separate by ','
            if function_symbol.get_parameter_types().index(typeSym) < \
                    len(function_symbol.get_parameter_types()) - 1:
                declaration += ', '
        declaration += ') const\n'
        return declaration

    def print_buffer_array_getter(self, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string containing the nest declaration for a multi-receptor spike buffer.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer Variable Symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: a string representation of the getter
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_buffer is not None and isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol)), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.is_spike_buffer() and ast_buffer.is_inhibitory(
        ) and ast_buffer.is_excitatory():
            return 'inline ' + PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + '&' + ' get_' \
                   + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + '() {' + \
                   '  return spike_inputs_[' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name().upper() + ' - 1]; }'
            return self.print_buffer_getter(ast_buffer, True)

    def print_buffer_getter(cls, ast_buffer, is_in_struct=False):
        Returns a string representation declaring a buffer getter as required in nest.
        :param ast_buffer: a single variable symbol representing a buffer.
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :param is_in_struct: indicates whether this getter is used in a struct or not
        :type is_in_struct: bool
        :return: a string representation of the getter.
        :rtype: str
        assert (ast_buffer is not None and isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol)), \
            '(PyNestMl.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        assert (is_in_struct is not None and isinstance(is_in_struct, bool)), \
            '(PyNestMl.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of is-in-struct provided (%s)!' % type(is_in_struct)
        declaration = 'inline '
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            declaration += 'std::vector<'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
            declaration += '> &'
            declaration += PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
                ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + '&'
        declaration += ' get_' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + '() {'
        if is_in_struct:
            declaration += 'return ' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name() + ';'
            declaration += 'return B_.get_' + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name(
            ) + '();'
        declaration += '}'
        return declaration

    def print_buffer_declaration_value(cls, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string representation for the declaration of a buffer's value.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            return 'std::vector<double> ' + NestNamesConverter.buffer_value(
            return 'double ' + NestNamesConverter.buffer_value(ast_buffer)

    def print_buffer_declaration(cls, ast_buffer):
        Returns a string representation for the declaration of a buffer.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        if ast_buffer.has_vector_parameter():
            buffer_type = 'std::vector< ' + PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
                ast_buffer.get_type_symbol()) + ' >'
            buffer_type = PyNestml2NestTypeConverter.convert(
        buffer_type.replace(".", "::")
        return buffer_type + " " + ast_buffer.get_symbol_name()

    def print_buffer_declaration_header(cls, ast_buffer):
        Prints the comment as stated over the buffer declaration.
        :param ast_buffer: a single buffer variable symbol.
        :type ast_buffer: VariableSymbol
        :return: the corresponding string representation
        :rtype: str
        assert isinstance(ast_buffer, VariableSymbol), \
            '(PyNestML.CodeGeneration.Printer) No or wrong type of ast_buffer symbol provided (%s)!' % type(ast_buffer)
        return '//!< Buffer incoming ' + ast_buffer.get_type_symbol(
        ).get_symbol_name() + 's through delay, as sum'