Esempio n. 1
def corr_uvw(uvw, p, rho, dt, dxyz, obstacle=None, verbose=True):
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      uvw: .... Tuple with three staggered or centered velocity components.
                (Each component is object of type "Unknown").
      p: ...... Unknown holding the pressure correction.
      rho: .... Three-dimensional array holding density for all cells.
      dt: ..... Time step
      dxyz: ... Tuple holding cell dimensions in "x", "y" and "z" directions.
                Each cell dimension is a three-dimensional array.
      obstacle: Obstacle, three-dimensional array with zeros and ones.
                It is zero in fluid, one in solid.

      None, but input argument uvw is modified.

    # Unpack received tuples
    dx, dy, dz = dxyz

    # Compute pressure correction gradients
    p_x = dif_x(p.val) / avg_x(dx)
    p_y = dif_y(p.val) / avg_y(dy)
    p_z = dif_z(p.val) / avg_z(dz)

    # Set to zero in obst
    if obstacle is not None:
        p_x = obst_zero_val(X, p_x, obstacle)
        p_y = obst_zero_val(Y, p_y, obstacle)
        p_z = obst_zero_val(Z, p_z, obstacle)

    # Pad with boundary values by expanding from interior
    # (This is done only for collocated formulation)
    if uvw[X].pos == C:
        p_x = avg_x(cat_x((p_x[:1, :, :], p_x, p_x[-1:, :, :])))
        p_y = avg_y(cat_y((p_y[:, :1, :], p_y, p_y[:, -1:, :])))
        p_z = avg_z(cat_z((p_z[:, :, :1], p_z, p_z[:, :, -1:])))

    # Correct the velocities
    uvw[X].val[:] = uvw[X].val[:] - dt / avg(uvw[X].pos, rho) * p_x
    uvw[Y].val[:] = uvw[Y].val[:] - dt / avg(uvw[Y].pos, rho) * p_y
    uvw[Z].val[:] = uvw[Z].val[:] - dt / avg(uvw[Z].pos, rho) * p_z

    # Compute volume balance for checking
    if verbose is True:
        if not uvw[X].pos == C:
            err = vol_balance(uvw, (dx, dy, dz), obstacle)
            print("  Maximum volume error after correction: %12.5e" %

    return  # end of function
Esempio n. 2
def vol_balance(uvwf, dxyz, obst):
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      uvwf: Tuple with three staggered velocity components (where each
            component is created with "create_unknown" function.
      dxyz: Tuple holding cell dimensions in "x", "y" and "z" directions.
            Each cell dimension is a three-dimensional array.
      obst: Obstacle, three-dimensional matrix with zeros and ones.
            It is zero in fluid, one in solid.

      "obst" is an optional parameter.  If it is not sent, the source
      won't be set to zero inside the obstacle.  That is important for
      calculation of pressure, see function "calc_p" as well.

    # Unpack tuples
    dx, dy, dz = dxyz
    uf, vf, wf = uvwf

    # Compute it throughout the domain
    src = - dif_x(cat_x((uf.bnd[W].val, uf.val, uf.bnd[E].val)))*dy*dz  \
          - dif_y(cat_y((vf.bnd[S].val, vf.val, vf.bnd[N].val)))*dx*dz  \
          - dif_z(cat_z((wf.bnd[B].val, wf.val, wf.bnd[T].val)))*dx*dy

    # Zero it inside obstacles, if obstacle is sent as parameter
    if obst.any() != 0:
        src = obst_zero_val(C, src, obst)

    return src  # end of function
Esempio n. 3
def corr_uvw(uvw, p, rho, dt, dxyz, obst):
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      uvw:  Tuple with three staggered or centered velocity components
            (each component is created with "create_unknown" function.
      p:    Unknown holding the pressure correction.
      rho:  Three-dimensional matrix holding density for all cells.
      dt:   Time step
      dxyz: Tuple holding cell dimensions in "x", "y" and "z" directions.
            Each cell dimension is a three-dimensional array.
      obst: Obstacle, three-dimensional matrix with zeros and ones.
            It is zero in fluid, one in solid.

      none, but input argument uvw is modified.

    # Unpack received tuples
    dx, dy, dz = dxyz

    # Compute pressure correction gradients
    p_x = dif_x(p.val) / avg_x(dx)
    p_y = dif_y(p.val) / avg_y(dy)
    p_z = dif_z(p.val) / avg_z(dz)

    # Set to zero in obst
    if obst.any() != 0:
        p_x = obst_zero_val(X, p_x, obst)
        p_y = obst_zero_val(Y, p_y, obst)
        p_z = obst_zero_val(Z, p_z, obst)

    # Pad with boundary values by expanding from interior
    # (This is done only for collocated formulation)
    if uvw[X].pos == C:
        p_x = avg_x(cat_x((p_x[:1, :, :], p_x, p_x[-1:, :, :])))
        p_y = avg_y(cat_y((p_y[:, :1, :], p_y, p_y[:, -1:, :])))
        p_z = avg_z(cat_z((p_z[:, :, :1], p_z, p_z[:, :, -1:])))

    # Correct the velocities
    uvw[X].val[:] = uvw[X].val[:] - dt / avg(uvw[X].pos, rho) * p_x
    uvw[Y].val[:] = uvw[Y].val[:] - dt / avg(uvw[Y].pos, rho) * p_y
    uvw[Z].val[:] = uvw[Z].val[:] - dt / avg(uvw[Z].pos, rho) * p_z

    return  # end of function
Esempio n. 4
def calc_p(p, uvwf, rho, dt, dxyz, obstacle=None, verbose=True):
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      p: ...... Object of the type "Unknown", holding the pressure.
      uvwf: ... Tuple with three staggered velocity components (where each
                component is an object of type "Unknown".
      rho: .... Three-dimensional array holding density for all cells.
      dt: ..... Time step.
      dxyz: ... Tuple holding cell dimensions in "x", "y" and "z" directions.
                Each cell dimension is a three-dimensional array.
      obstacle: Obstacle, three-dimensional array with zeros and ones.
                It is zero in fluid, one in solid.

      None, but input argument p is modified!

    # Fetch the resolution
    rc = p.val.shape

    # Create system matrix and right hand side
    A_p = diffusion(p, zeros(rc), dt / rho, dxyz, obstacle, NEUMANN)
    b_p = zeros(rc)

    # Compute the source for the pressure.  Important: don't send "obst"
    # as a parameter here, because you don't want to take it into
    # account at this stage.  After velocity corrections, you should.
    b_p = vol_balance(uvwf, dxyz, zeros(rc))

    if verbose is True:
        print("  Volume error before correction     : %12.5e" % abs(b_p).max())
        print("  Volume imbalance before correction : %12.5e" % b_p.sum())

    # Solve for pressure
    p.val[:] = bicgstab(A_p, p, b_p, TOL, False)

    # Anchor it to values around zero (the absolute value of pressure
    # correction can get really volatile.  Although it is in prinicple not
    # important for incompressible flows, it is ugly for post-processing.
    p.val[:] = p.val[:] - p.val.mean()

    # Set to zero in obstacle (it can get strange
    # values during the iterative solution procedure)
    if obstacle is not None:
        p.val[:] = obst_zero_val(p.pos, p.val, obstacle)

    # Finally adjust the boundary values

    return  # end of function
Esempio n. 5
def calc_p(p, uvwf, rho, dt, dxyz, obst):
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      p:    Pressure unknown (created with "pyns.create_unknown" function)
      uvwf: Tuple with three staggered velocity components (where each
            component is created with "pyns.create_unknown" function.
      rho:  Three-dimensional matrix holding density for all cells.
      dt:   Time step.
      dxyz: Tuple holding cell dimensions in "x", "y" and "z" directions.
            Each cell dimension is a three-dimensional matrix.
      obst: Obstacle, three-dimensional matrix with zeros and ones.
            It is zero in fluid, one in solid.

      none, but input argument p is modified!

    # Fetch the resolution
    rc = p.val.shape

    # Create system matrix and right hand side
    A_p = create_matrix(p, zeros(rc), dt / rho, dxyz, obst, NEUMANN)
    b_p = zeros(rc)

    # Compute the source for the pressure.  Important: don't send "obst"
    # as a parameter here, because you don't want to take it into
    # account at this stage.  After velocity corrections, you should.
    b_p = vol_balance(uvwf, dxyz, zeros(rc))

    print('Maximum volume error before correction: %12.5e' % abs(b_p).max())
    print('Volume imbalance before correction    : %12.5e' % b_p.sum())

    # Solve for pressure
    p.val[:] = bicgstab(A_p, p, b_p, TOL, False)

    # Anchor it to values around zero (the absolute value of pressure
    # correction can get really volatile.  Although it is in prinicple not
    # important for incompressible flows, it is ugly for post-processing.
    p.val[:] = p.val[:] - p.val.mean()

    # Set to zero in obstacle (it can get strange
    # values during the iterative solution procedure)
    if obst.any() != 0:
        p.val[:] = obst_zero_val(p.pos, p.val, obst)

    # Finally adjust the boundary values
    p = adj_n_bnds(p)

    return  # end of function
Esempio n. 6
def calc_uvw(uvw,
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      uvw: ............ Tuple with three velocity components, staggered or 
                        (Each component is object of type "Unknown".)
      uvwf: ........... Tuple with three staggered velocity components. 
                        (Each component is object of type "Unknown".)
      rho: ............ Three-dimensional array holding density for all cells.
      mu: ............. Three-dimensional array holding dynamic viscosity.
      pressure: ....... Object "Unknown" holding total pressure.
      force: .......... Tuple containing three-dimensional matrices holding 
                        external forces in each direction.
      dt: ............. Time step.
      dxyz: ........... Tuple holding cell dimensions in "x", "y" and "z" 
                        directions.  Each component (each cell dimension) is 
                        a three-dimensional array.
      obstacle: ....... Obstacle, three-dimensional array with zeros and ones.
                        It is zero in fluid, one in solid.
      under_relaxation: Under relaxation factor.
      advection_scheme: Advection scheme.

      None, but input argument uvw is modified!

    # Unpack tuples
    u, v, w = uvw
    uf, vf, wf = uvwf
    dx, dy, dz = dxyz

    # Fetch resolutions
    ru = u.val.shape
    rv = v.val.shape
    rw = w.val.shape

    # Pre-compute geometrical quantities
    dv = dx * dy * dz

    d = u.pos

    # Create system matrices and right hand sides
    A_u = diffusion(u, rho / dt, mu, dxyz, obstacle, DIRICHLET)
    A_v = diffusion(v, rho / dt, mu, dxyz, obstacle, DIRICHLET)
    A_w = diffusion(w, rho / dt, mu, dxyz, obstacle, DIRICHLET)
    b_u = zeros(ru)
    b_v = zeros(rv)
    b_w = zeros(rw)

    # Advection terms for momentum
    c_u = advection(rho, u, uvwf, dxyz, dt, advection_scheme, matrix=A_u)
    c_v = advection(rho, v, uvwf, dxyz, dt, advection_scheme, matrix=A_v)
    c_w = advection(rho, w, uvwf, dxyz, dt, advection_scheme, matrix=A_w)

    # Innertial term for momentum (this works for collocated and staggered)
    A_u.C += avg(u.pos, rho) * avg(u.pos, dv) / dt
    A_v.C += avg(v.pos, rho) * avg(v.pos, dv) / dt
    A_w.C += avg(w.pos, rho) * avg(w.pos, dv) / dt
    i_u = u.old * avg(u.pos, rho) * avg(u.pos, dv) / dt
    i_v = v.old * avg(v.pos, rho) * avg(v.pos, dv) / dt
    i_w = w.old * avg(w.pos, rho) * avg(w.pos, dv) / dt

    # Full force terms for momentum equations (collocated and staggered)
    f_u = b_u - c_u + i_u
    f_v = b_v - c_v + i_v
    f_w = b_w - c_w + i_w

    # Compute staggered pressure gradients
    if pressure is not None:
        p_tot_x = dif_x(pressure.val) / avg_x(dx)
        p_tot_y = dif_y(pressure.val) / avg_y(dy)
        p_tot_z = dif_z(pressure.val) / avg_z(dz)

        # Make pressure gradients cell-centered
        if d == C:
            p_tot_x = avg_x(
                cat_x((p_tot_x[:1, :, :], p_tot_x, p_tot_x[-1:, :, :])))
            p_tot_y = avg_y(
                cat_y((p_tot_y[:, :1, :], p_tot_y, p_tot_y[:, -1:, :])))
            p_tot_z = avg_z(
                cat_z((p_tot_z[:, :, :1], p_tot_z, p_tot_z[:, :, -1:])))

        # Total pressure gradients (this works for collocated and staggered)
        p_st_u = p_tot_x * avg(u.pos, dv)
        p_st_v = p_tot_y * avg(v.pos, dv)
        p_st_w = p_tot_z * avg(w.pos, dv)

        f_u -= p_st_u
        f_v -= p_st_v
        f_w -= p_st_w

    # If external force is given
    if force is not None:

        # Unpack the tuple
        e_u, e_v, e_w = force

        # Add to right hand side
        f_u += e_u * avg(u.pos, dv)
        f_v += e_v * avg(v.pos, dv)
        f_w += e_w * avg(w.pos, dv)

    # Take care of obsts in the domian
    if obstacle is not None:
        f_u = obst_zero_val(u.pos, f_u, obstacle)
        f_v = obst_zero_val(v.pos, f_v, obstacle)
        f_w = obst_zero_val(w.pos, f_w, obstacle)

    # Solve for velocities
    ur = under_relaxation
    u.val[:] = (1 - ur) * u.val[:] + ur * bicgstab(A_u, u, f_u, TOL, False)
    v.val[:] = (1 - ur) * v.val[:] + ur * bicgstab(A_v, v, f_v, TOL, False)
    w.val[:] = (1 - ur) * w.val[:] + ur * bicgstab(A_w, w, f_w, TOL, False)

    # Update velocities in boundary cells
    adj_o_bnds((u, v, w), (dx, dy, dz), dt)

    # Update face velocities
    # (For collocated arrangement also substract cell-centered
    # pressure gradients and add staggered pressure gradients)
    if d == C:
        uf.val[:] = avg_x(u.val)
        vf.val[:] = avg_y(v.val)
        wf.val[:] = avg_z(w.val)

        if pressure is not None:
            uf.val[:] += avg_x(dt / rho * p_tot_x)
            uf.val[:] -= dt / avg_x(rho) * (dif_x(pressure.val) / avg_x(dx))

            vf.val[:] += avg_y(dt / rho * p_tot_y)
            vf.val[:] -= dt / avg_y(rho) * (dif_y(pressure.val) / avg_y(dy))

            wf.val[:] += avg_z(dt / rho * p_tot_z)
            wf.val[:] -= dt / avg_z(rho) * (dif_z(pressure.val) / avg_z(dz))

        for j in (W, E):
            uf.bnd[j].val[:] = u.bnd[j].val[:]
            vf.bnd[j].val[:] = avg_y(v.bnd[j].val[:])
            wf.bnd[j].val[:] = avg_z(w.bnd[j].val[:])
        for j in (S, N):
            uf.bnd[j].val[:] = avg_x(u.bnd[j].val[:])
            vf.bnd[j].val[:] = v.bnd[j].val[:]
            wf.bnd[j].val[:] = avg_z(w.bnd[j].val[:])
        for j in (B, T):
            uf.bnd[j].val[:] = avg_x(u.bnd[j].val[:])
            vf.bnd[j].val[:] = avg_y(v.bnd[j].val[:])
            wf.bnd[j].val[:] = w.bnd[j].val[:]

        uf.val[:] = u.val[:]
        vf.val[:] = v.val[:]
        wf.val[:] = w.val[:]
        for j in (W, E, S, N, B, T):
            uf.bnd[j].val[:] = u.bnd[j].val[:]
            vf.bnd[j].val[:] = v.bnd[j].val[:]
            wf.bnd[j].val[:] = w.bnd[j].val[:]

    if obstacle is not None:
        uf.val[:] = obst_zero_val(X, uf.val, obstacle)
        vf.val[:] = obst_zero_val(Y, vf.val, obstacle)
        wf.val[:] = obst_zero_val(Z, wf.val, obstacle)

    return  # end of function