Esempio n. 1
 def _ebind(self, n_indent, of):
     bintable = BindingTable()
     for nuc in self.unique_nuclei:
         nuc_in_table = bintable.get_nuclide(n=nuc.N, z=nuc.Z)
         str_nucbind = self.fmt_to_dp_f90(nuc_in_table.nucbind)
         of.write('{}ebind_per_nucleon(j{})   = {}\n'.format(
             self.indent * n_indent, nuc, str_nucbind))
Esempio n. 2
class TestAME(object):
    def setup_class(cls):
        """ this is run once for each class before any tests """

    def teardown_class(cls):
        """ this is run once for each class after all tests """

    def setup_method(self):
        """ this is run before each test """
        self.bintable = BindingTable()

    def teardown_method(self):
        """ this is run after each test """
        self.bintable = None

    def test_get(self):
        nuc = self.bintable.get_nuclide(n=1, z=1)
        assert nuc.z == 1
        assert nuc.n == 1
        assert nuc.nucbind == 1.112283

        nuc = self.bintable.get_nuclide(n=5, z=6)
        assert nuc.z == 6
        assert nuc.n == 5
        assert nuc.nucbind == 6.676456

        nuc = self.bintable.get_nuclide(n=17, z=23)
        assert nuc.z == 23
        assert nuc.n == 17
        assert nuc.nucbind == 7.317

        nuc = self.bintable.get_nuclide(n=90, z=78)
        assert nuc.z == 78
        assert nuc.n == 90
        assert nuc.nucbind == 7.773605
Esempio n. 3
 def setup_method(self):
     """ this is run before each test """
     self.bintable = BindingTable()
Esempio n. 4
alpha_p = RateFilter(reactants="he4", products="p", exact=False)

# Reverse and weak rates
gamma_p = RateFilter(products="p", max_reactants=1, exact=False)
gamma_alpha = RateFilter(products="he4", max_reactants=1, exact=False)
p_alpha = RateFilter(reactants="p", products="he4", exact=False)
beta_plus = RateFilter(filter_function=is_beta_plus)

# Compute reduced library
red_lib = full_lib.filter(
    (p_gamma, alpha_gamma, alpha_p, gamma_p, gamma_alpha, p_alpha, beta_plus))

# Make BindingTable a dict for easy containment checking
# Perhaps we could modify the BindingTable class to use one?
# That can be done without changing the interface
bintable = BindingTable()
nuclides = {(nuc.n, nuc.z): nuc for nuc in bintable.nuclides}

def flatten(iterable):
    """ Take iterable of iterables, and flatten it to one dimension. """

    for col in iterable:

        for item in col:

            yield item

def append_all(q, iterable):
    """ Append all items in the iterable to the queue. """