Esempio n. 1
def get_incidence_graph(variables, constraints, include_fixed=True):
    This function gets the incidence graph of Pyomo variables and constraints.

    variables: List of Pyomo VarData objects
        Variables that will appear in incidence graph
    constraints: List of Pyomo ConstraintData objects
        Constraints that will appear in incidence graph
    include_fixed: Bool
        Flag for whether fixed variable should be included in the incidence

    NetworkX Graph
    N, M = len(variables), len(constraints)
    graph = nx.Graph()
    graph.add_nodes_from(range(M), bipartite=0)
    graph.add_nodes_from(range(M, M+N), bipartite=1)
    var_node_map = ComponentMap((v, M+i) for i, v in enumerate(variables))
    for i, con in enumerate(constraints):
        for var in identify_variables(con.expr, include_fixed=include_fixed):
            if var in var_node_map:
                graph.add_edge(i, var_node_map[var])
    return graph
Esempio n. 2
 def test_not_directed(self):
     G = networkx.Graph()
     G.add_edge("1", "2")
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Esempio n. 3
    def _construct_graph(self):
        bg = nx.Graph()
        n_l = 12
        n_r = 11
        left_nodes = list(range(n_l))
        right_nodes = list(range(n_r))

        bg.add_nodes_from(left_nodes, bipartite=0)
        bg.add_nodes_from([n_l + i for i in right_nodes], bipartite=1)

        paper_edges = [
            (1, 1),
            (1, 2),
            (1, 3),
            (1, 4),
            (1, 5),
            (1, 6),
            (2, 4),
            (2, 5),
            (2, 7),
            (2, 8),
            (2, 10),
            (3, 1),
            (3, 3),
            (3, 5),
            (4, 6),
            (4, 7),
            (4, 11),
            (5, 6),
            (5, 7),
            (5, 9),
            (6, 8),
            (6, 9),
            (7, 8),
            (7, 9),
            (7, 10),
            (8, 10),
            (8, 11),
            (9, 11),
            (10, 10),
            (11, 10),
            (11, 11),
            (12, 11),

        edges = [(i - 1, j - 1 + n_l) for i, j in paper_edges]

        return bg
Esempio n. 4
    def _construct_graph(self):
        Graph with the following incidence matrix:
        |x x         x|
        |x   x        |
        |      x   x  |
        |        x x  |
        |      x x    |
        |            x|
        |            x|
        N = 7
        top_nodes = list(range(N))
        bot_nodes = list(range(N, 2 * N))

        graph = nx.Graph()
        graph.add_nodes_from(top_nodes, bipartite=0)
        graph.add_nodes_from(bot_nodes, bipartite=1)

        edges = [
            (0, 0),
            (0, 1),
            (0, 6),
            (1, 0),
            (1, 2),
            (2, 3),
            (2, 5),
            (3, 4),
            (3, 5),
            (4, 3),
            (4, 4),
            (5, 6),
            (6, 6),
        edges = [(i, j + N) for i, j in edges]
        return graph, top_nodes
Esempio n. 5
def generate_model_graph(model, type_of_graph, with_objective=True, weighted_graph=True,
    Creates a networkX graph of nodes and edges based on a Pyomo optimization model

    This function takes in a Pyomo optimization model, then creates a graphical representation of the model with
    specific features of the graph determined by the user (see Parameters below).

    (This function is designed to be called by detect_communities, but can be used solely for the purpose of
    creating model graphs as well.)

    model: Block
        a Pyomo model or block to be used for community detection
    type_of_graph: str
        a string that specifies the type of graph that is created from the model
        'constraint' creates a graph based on constraint nodes,
        'variable' creates a graph based on variable nodes,
        'bipartite' creates a graph based on constraint and variable nodes (bipartite graph).
    with_objective: bool, optional
        a Boolean argument that specifies whether or not the objective function is included in the graph; the
        default is True
    weighted_graph: bool, optional
        a Boolean argument that specifies whether a weighted or unweighted graph is to be created from the Pyomo
        model; the default is True (type_of_graph='bipartite' creates an unweighted graph regardless of this parameter)
    use_only_active_components: bool, optional
        a Boolean argument that specifies whether inactive constraints/objectives are included in the networkX graph

    bipartite_model_graph/projected_model_graph: nx.Graph
        a NetworkX graph with nodes and edges based on the given Pyomo optimization model
    number_component_map: dict
        a dictionary that (deterministically) maps a number to a component in the model
    constraint_variable_map: dict
        a dictionary that maps a numbered constraint to a list of (numbered) variables that appear in the constraint

    # Start off by making a bipartite graph (regardless of the value of type_of_graph), then if
    # type_of_graph = 'variable' or 'constraint', we will "collapse" this bipartite graph into a variable node
    # or constraint node graph

    # Initialize the data structure needed to keep track of edges in the graph (this graph will be made
    # without edge weights, because edge weights are not useful for this bipartite graph)
    edge_set = set()

    bipartite_model_graph = nx.Graph()  # Initialize NetworkX graph for the bipartite graph
    constraint_variable_map = {}  # Initialize map of the variables in constraint equations

    # Make a dict of all the components we need for the NetworkX graph (since we cannot use the components directly
    # in the NetworkX graph)
    if with_objective:
        component_number_map = ComponentMap((component, number) for number, component in enumerate(
            model.component_data_objects(ctype=(Constraint, Var, Objective), active=use_only_active_components,
        component_number_map = ComponentMap((component, number) for number, component in enumerate(
            model.component_data_objects(ctype=(Constraint, Var), active=use_only_active_components, descend_into=True,

    # Create the reverse of component_number_map, which will be used in detect_communities to convert the node numbers
    # to their corresponding Pyomo modeling components
    number_component_map = dict((number, comp) for comp, number in component_number_map.items())

    # Add the components as nodes to the bipartite graph
    bipartite_model_graph.add_nodes_from([node_number for node_number in range(len(component_number_map))])

    # Loop through all constraints in the Pyomo model to determine what edges need to be created
    for model_constraint in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint, active=use_only_active_components,
        numbered_constraint = component_number_map[model_constraint]

        # Create a list of the variable numbers that occur in the given constraint equation
        numbered_variables_in_constraint_equation = [component_number_map[constraint_variable]
                                                     for constraint_variable in

        # Update constraint_variable_map
        constraint_variable_map[numbered_constraint] = numbered_variables_in_constraint_equation

        # Create a list of all the edges that need to be created based on the variables in this constraint equation
        edges_between_nodes = [(numbered_constraint, numbered_variable_in_constraint)
                               for numbered_variable_in_constraint in numbered_variables_in_constraint_equation]

        # Update edge_set based on the determined edges between nodes

    # This if statement will be executed if the user chooses to include the objective function as a node in
    # the model graph
    if with_objective:

        # Use a loop to account for the possibility of multiple objective functions
        for objective_function in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Objective, active=use_only_active_components,
            numbered_objective = component_number_map[objective_function]

            # Create a list of the variable numbers that occur in the given objective function
            numbered_variables_in_objective = [component_number_map[objective_variable]
                                               for objective_variable in identify_variables(objective_function)]

            # Update constraint_variable_map
            constraint_variable_map[numbered_objective] = numbered_variables_in_objective

            # Create a list of all the edges that need to be created based on the variables in the objective function
            edges_between_nodes = [(numbered_objective, numbered_variable_in_objective)
                                   for numbered_variable_in_objective in numbered_variables_in_objective]

            # Update edge_set based on the determined edges between nodes

    # Add edges to bipartite_model_graph (the order in which edges are added can affect community detection, so
    # sorting prevents any unpredictable changes)

    if type_of_graph == 'bipartite':  # This is the case where the user wants a bipartite graph, which we made above
        # Log important information with the following logger function
        _event_log(model, bipartite_model_graph, set(constraint_variable_map), type_of_graph, with_objective)

        # Return the bipartite NetworkX graph, the dictionary of node numbers mapped to their respective Pyomo
        # components, and the map of constraints to the variables they contain
        return bipartite_model_graph, number_component_map, constraint_variable_map

    # At this point of the code, we will create the projected version of the bipartite
    # model graph (based on the specific value of type_of_graph)

    constraint_nodes = set(constraint_variable_map)
    if type_of_graph == 'constraint':
        graph_nodes = constraint_nodes
        variable_nodes = set(number_component_map) - constraint_nodes
        graph_nodes = variable_nodes

    if weighted_graph:
        projected_model_graph = nx.bipartite.weighted_projected_graph(bipartite_model_graph, graph_nodes)
        projected_model_graph = nx.bipartite.projected_graph(bipartite_model_graph, graph_nodes)

    # Log important information with the following logger function
    _event_log(model, projected_model_graph, set(constraint_variable_map), type_of_graph, with_objective)

    # Return the projected NetworkX graph, the dictionary of node numbers mapped to their respective Pyomo
    # components, and the map of constraints to the variables they contain
    return projected_model_graph, number_component_map, constraint_variable_map