Esempio n. 1
def taylor_series_expansion(expr,
    Generate a taylor series approximation for expr.

    expr: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ExpressionBase
    diff_mode: pyomo.core.expr.calculus.derivatives.Modes
        The method for differentiation.
    order: The order of the taylor series expansion
        If order is not 1, then symbolic differentiation must
        be used (differentiation.Modes.reverse_sybolic or

    res: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ExpressionBase
    if order < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            'Cannot compute taylor series expansion of order {0}'.format(
    if order != 1 and diff_mode is differentiate.Modes.reverse_numeric:
            'taylor_series_expansion can only use symbolic differentiation for orders larger than 1'
        diff_mode = differentiate.Modes.reverse_symbolic
    e_vars = list(identify_variables(expr=expr, include_fixed=False))

    res = value(expr)
    if order >= 1:
        derivs = differentiate(expr=expr, wrt_list=e_vars, mode=diff_mode)
        res += sum(
            value(derivs[i]) * (e_vars[i] - e_vars[i].value)
            for i in range(len(e_vars)))
    This last bit of code is just for higher order taylor series expansions.
    The recursive function _loop modifies derivs in place so that derivs becomes a 
    list of lists of lists... However, _loop is also a generator so that 
    we don't have to loop through it twice. _loop yields two lists. The 
    first is a list of indices corresponding to the first k-1 variables that
    differentiation is being done with respect to. The second is a list of 
    derivatives. Each entry in this list is the derivative with respect to 
    the first k-1 variables and the kth variable, whose index matches the 
    index in _derivs.
    if order >= 2:
        for n in range(2, order + 1):
            coef = 1.0 / math.factorial(n)
            for ndx_list, _derivs in _loop(derivs, e_vars, diff_mode, list()):
                tmp = coef
                for ndx in ndx_list:
                    tmp *= (e_vars[ndx] - e_vars[ndx].value)
                res += tmp * sum(
                    value(_derivs[i]) * (e_vars[i] - e_vars[i].value)
                    for i in range(len(e_vars)))

    return res
Esempio n. 2
    def test_sympy(self):
        m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
        m.x = pyo.Var(initialize=0.23)
        m.y = pyo.Var(initialize=0.88)
        ddx = differentiate(m.x**2, wrt=m.x, mode='sympy')
        self.assertTrue(compare_expressions(ddx, 2 * m.x))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ddx(), 0.46)
        ddy = differentiate(m.x**2, wrt=m.y, mode='sympy')
        self.assertEqual(ddy, 0)

        ddx = differentiate(m.x**2, wrt_list=[m.x, m.y], mode='sympy')
        self.assertIsInstance(ddx, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(ddx), 2)
        self.assertTrue(compare_expressions(ddx[0], 2 * m.x))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ddx[0](), 0.46)
        self.assertEqual(ddx[1], 0)
Esempio n. 3
    def generate(self, problem, relaxed_problem, mip_solution, tree, node):
        if not self._convex_relaxations_map:
            return []

        cuts = []
        for relaxation, (rel_expr,
                         rel_vars) in self._convex_relaxations_map.items():
            aux_var = relaxation.get_aux_var()
            rhs_expr = relaxation.get_rhs_expr()
            side = relaxation.relaxation_side
            deviation = get_deviation_adjusted_by_side(aux_var, rhs_expr, side)
            if deviation < self.threshold:
            diff_map = differentiate(rel_expr, wrt_list=rel_vars)
            cut_expr = pe.value(rel_expr) + sum(
                diff_map[i] * (v - pe.value(v))
                for i, v in enumerate(rel_vars))
            relaxation_side = relaxation.relaxation_side
            if relaxation_side == RelaxationSide.UNDER:
                cut_ineq = cut_expr <= 0
            elif relaxation_side == RelaxationSide.OVER:
                cut_ineq = cut_expr >= 0
                assert relaxation_side == RelaxationSide.BOTH
                cut_ineq = cut_expr <= 0


        return cuts
Esempio n. 4
 def test_bad_mode(self):
     m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
     m.x = pyo.Var(initialize=0.23)
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             ValueError, r'Unrecognized differentiation mode: foo\n'
             r"Expected one of \['sympy', 'reverse_symbolic', "
         ddx = differentiate(m.x**2, m.x, mode='foo')
Esempio n. 5
    def test_reverse_numeric(self):
        m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
        m.x = pyo.Var(initialize=0.23)
        m.y = pyo.Var(initialize=0.88)
        ddx = differentiate(m.x**2, wrt=m.x, mode='reverse_numeric')
        self.assertIsInstance(ddx, float)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ddx, 0.46)
        ddy = differentiate(m.x**2, wrt=m.y, mode='reverse_numeric')
        self.assertEqual(ddy, 0)

        ddx = differentiate(m.x**2, wrt_list=[m.x, m.y],
        self.assertIsInstance(ddx, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(ddx), 2)
        self.assertIsInstance(ddx[0], float)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ddx[0], 0.46)
        self.assertEqual(ddx[1], 0)
Esempio n. 6
def _loop(derivs, e_vars, diff_mode, ndx_list):
    for ndx, item in enumerate(derivs):
        if item.__class__ == list:
            for a, b in _loop(item, e_vars, diff_mode, ndx_list):
                yield a, b
            _derivs = differentiate(item, wrt_list=e_vars, mode=diff_mode)
            derivs[ndx] = _derivs
            yield ndx_list, _derivs
Esempio n. 7
 def updateSurrogateModel(self):
     The parameters needed for the surrogate model are the values of:
         b(w_k)      : basis_model_output
         d(w_k)      : truth_model_output
         grad b(w_k) : grad_basis_model_output
         grad d(w_k) : grad_truth_model_output
     b =
     for i, y in b.ef_outputs.items():
         b.basis_model_output[i] = value(b.basis_expressions[y])
         b.truth_model_output[i] = value(b.truth_models[y])
         # Basis functions are Pyomo expressions (in theory)
         gradBasis = differentiate(b.basis_expressions[y],
         # These, however, are external functions
         gradTruth = differentiate(b.truth_models[y],
         for j, w in enumerate(b.ef_inputs[i]):
             b.grad_basis_model_output[i, j] = gradBasis[j]
             b.grad_truth_model_output[i, j] = gradTruth[j]
             b.value_of_ef_inputs[i, j] = value(w)
Esempio n. 8
def differentiate(expr, wrt=None, wrt_list=None):
    """Return derivative of expression.

    This function returns an expression or list of expression objects
    corresponding to the derivative of the passed expression 'expr' with
    respect to a variable 'wrt' or list of variables 'wrt_list'

        expr (Expression): Pyomo expression
        wrt (Var): Pyomo variable
        wrt_list (list): list of Pyomo variables

        Expression or list of Expression objects

    return diff_core.differentiate(expr=expr,
Esempio n. 9
def dT_expression_exponential(cobj, prop, T, yc, tau=False):
    Create expressions for temperature derivative of CoolProp exponential sum
    forms with tau

        cobj: Component object that will contain the parameters
        prop: name of property parameters are associated with
        T: temperature to use in expression
        yc: value of property at critical point
        tau: whether tau=Tc/T should be included in expression (default=False)

        Pyomo expression for temperature derivative of CoolProp exponential sum
        form with tau
    # y = yc * exp(Tc/T * sum(ni*theta^ti))
    # Need d(y)/dT

    y = expression_exponential(cobj, prop, T, yc, tau)

    return differentiate(expr=y, wrt=T, mode=Modes.reverse_symbolic)
Esempio n. 10
 def test_bad_wrt(self):
     m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
     m.x = pyo.Var(initialize=0.23)
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
                                 r'Cannot specify both wrt and wrt_list'):
         ddx = differentiate(m.x**2, wrt=m.x, wrt_list=[m.x])
Esempio n. 11
def calculate_variable_from_constraint(variable,
    """Calculate the variable value given a specified equality constraint

    This function calculates the value of the specified variable
    necessary to make the provided equality constraint feasible
    (assuming any other variables values are fixed).  The method first
    attempts to solve for the variable value assuming it appears
    linearly in the constraint.  If that doesn't converge the constraint
    residual, it falls back on Newton's method using exact (symbolic)

    This is an unconstrained solver and is NOT guaranteed to respect the
    variable bounds or domain.  The solver may leave the variable value
    in an infeasible state (outside the declared bounds or domain bounds).

    variable: :py:class:`_VarData`
        The variable to solve for
    constraint: :py:class:`_ConstraintData` or relational expression or `tuple`
        The equality constraint to use to solve for the variable value.
        May be a `ConstraintData` object or any valid argument for
        ``Constraint(expr=<>)`` (i.e., a relational expression or 2- or
    eps: `float`
        The tolerance to use to determine equality [default=1e-8].
    iterlim: `int`
        The maximum number of iterations if this method has to fall back
        on using Newton's method.  Raises RuntimeError on iteration
        limit [default=1000]
    linesearch: `bool`
        Decides whether or not to use the linesearch (recommended).
    alpha_min: `float`
        The minimum fractional step to use in the linesearch [default=1e-8].


    # Leverage all the Constraint logic to process the incoming tuple/expression
    if not isinstance(constraint, _ConstraintData):
        constraint = Constraint(expr=constraint,

    body = constraint.body
    lower =
    upper = constraint.ub

    if lower != upper:
        raise ValueError("Constraint must be an equality constraint")

    if variable.value is None:
        # Note that we use "skip_validation=True" here as well, as the
        # variable domain may not admit the calculated initial guesses,
        # and we want to bypass that check.
        if is None:
            if variable.ub is None:
                # no variable values, and no lower or upper bound - set
                # initial value to 0.0
                variable.set_value(0, skip_validation=True)
                # no variable value or lower bound - set to 0 or upper
                # bound whichever is lower
                variable.set_value(min(0, variable.ub), skip_validation=True)
        elif variable.ub is None:
            # no variable value or upper bound - set to 0 or lower
            # bound, whichever is higher
            variable.set_value(max(0,, skip_validation=True)
            # we have upper and lower bounds
            if <= 0 and variable.ub >= 0:
                # set the initial value to 0 if bounds bracket 0
                variable.set_value(0, skip_validation=True)
                # set the initial value to the midpoint of the bounds
                variable.set_value(( + variable.ub) / 2.0,

    # store the initial value to use later if necessary
    orig_initial_value = variable.value

    # solve the common case where variable is linear with coefficient of 1.0
    x1 = value(variable)
    # Note: both the direct (linear) calculation and Newton's method
    # below rely on a numerically valid initial starting point.
    # While we have strategies for dealing with hitting numerically
    # invalid (e.g., sqrt(-1)) conditions below, if the initial point is
    # not valid, we will allow that exception to propagate up
        residual_1 = value(body)
            "Encountered an error evaluating the expression at the "
            "initial guess.\n\tPlease provide a different initial guess.")

    variable.set_value(x1 - (residual_1 - upper), skip_validation=True)
    residual_2 = value(body, exception=False)

    # If we encounter an error while evaluating the expression at the
    # linear intercept calculated assuming the derivative was 1.  This
    # is most commonly due to nonlinear expressions (like sqrt())
    # becoming invalid/complex.  We will skip the rest of the
    # "shortcuts" that assume the expression is linear and move directly
    # to using Newton's method.

    if residual_2 is not None and type(residual_2) is not complex:
        # if the variable appears linearly with a coefficient of 1, then we
        # are done
        if abs(residual_2 - upper) < eps:
            # Re-set the variable value to trigger any warnings WRT the
            # final variable state

        # Assume the variable appears linearly and calculate the coefficient
        x2 = value(variable)
        slope = float(residual_1 - residual_2) / (x1 - x2)
        intercept = (residual_1 - upper) - slope * x1
        if slope:
            variable.set_value(-intercept / slope, skip_validation=True)
            body_val = value(body, exception=False)
            if body_val is not None and abs(body_val - upper) < eps:
                # Re-set the variable value to trigger any warnings WRT
                # the final variable state

    # Variable appears nonlinearly; solve using Newton's method
    # restore initial value
    variable.set_value(orig_initial_value, skip_validation=True)
    expr = body - upper
    expr_deriv = differentiate(expr,

    if type(expr_deriv) in native_numeric_types and expr_deriv == 0:
        raise ValueError("Variable derivative == 0, cannot solve for variable")

    if abs(value(expr_deriv)) < 1e-12:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Initial value for variable results in a derivative value that is '
            'very close to zero.\n\tPlease provide a different initial guess.')

    iter_left = iterlim
    fk = residual_1 - upper
    while abs(fk) > eps and iter_left:
        iter_left -= 1
        if not iter_left:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Iteration limit (%s) reached; remaining residual = %s" %
                (iterlim, value(expr)))

        # compute step
        xk = value(variable)
            fk = value(expr)
            if type(fk) is complex:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Complex numbers are not allowed in Newton's method.")
            # We hit numerical problems with the last step (possible if
            # the line search is turned off)
                "Newton's method encountered an error evaluating the "
                "expression.\n\tPlease provide a different initial guess "
                "or enable the linesearch if you have not.")
        fpk = value(expr_deriv)
        if abs(fpk) < 1e-12:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Newton's method encountered a derivative that was too "
                "close to zero.\n\tPlease provide a different initial guess "
                "or enable the linesearch if you have not.")
        pk = -fk / fpk
        alpha = 1.0
        xkp1 = xk + alpha * pk
        variable.set_value(xkp1, skip_validation=True)

        # perform line search
        if linesearch:
            c1 = 0.999  # ensure sufficient progress
            while alpha > alpha_min:
                # check if the value at xkp1 has sufficient reduction in
                # the residual
                fkp1 = value(expr, exception=False)
                # HACK for Python3 support, pending resolution of #879
                # Issue #879 also pertains to other checks for "complex"
                # in this method.
                if type(fkp1) is complex:
                    # We cannot perform computations on complex numbers
                    fkp1 = None
                if fkp1 is not None and fkp1**2 < c1 * fk**2:
                    # found an alpha value with sufficient reduction
                    # continue to the next step
                    fk = fkp1
                alpha /= 2.0
                xkp1 = xk + alpha * pk
                variable.set_value(xkp1, skip_validation=True)

            if alpha <= alpha_min:
                residual = value(expr, exception=False)
                if residual is None or type(residual) is complex:
                    residual = "{function evaluation error}"
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Linesearch iteration limit reached; remaining "
                    "residual = %s." % (residual, ))
    # Re-set the variable value to trigger any warnings WRT the final
    # variable state