Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """ Constructor """

        executable = kwargs.pop('executable', None)
        validate = kwargs.pop('validate', True)

        OptSolver.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self._keepfiles  = False
        self._results_file = None
        self._timer      = ''
        self._user_executable = None
        # broadly useful for reporting, and in cases where
        # a solver plugin may not report execution time.
        self._last_solve_time = None
        self._define_signal_handlers = None

        if executable is not None:
            self.set_executable(name=executable, validate=validate)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, **kwds):
        OptSolver.__init__(self, **kwds)

        self._pyomo_model = None
        """The pyomo model being solved."""

        self._solver_model = None
        """The python instance of the solver model (e.g., the gurobipy Model instance)."""

        self._symbol_map = SymbolMap()
        """A symbol map used to map between pyomo components and their names used with the solver."""

        self._labeler = None
        """The labeler for creating names for the solver model components."""

        self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map = ComponentMap()
        """A dictionary mapping pyomo Var's to the solver variables."""

        self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map = ComponentMap()
        """A dictionary mapping pyomo constraints to solver constraints."""

        self._vars_referenced_by_con = ComponentMap()
        """A dictionary mapping constraints to a ComponentSet containt the pyomo variables referenced by that
        constraint. This is primarily needed for the persistent solvers. When a constraint is deleted, we need
        to decrement the number of times those variables are referenced (see self._referenced_variables)."""

        self._vars_referenced_by_obj = ComponentSet()
        """A set containing the pyomo variables referenced by that the objective.
        This is primarily needed for the persistent solvers. When a the objective is deleted, we need
        to decrement the number of times those variables are referenced (see self._referenced_variables)."""

        self._objective = None
        """The pyomo Objective object currently being used with the solver."""

        self.results = None
        """A results object return from the solve method."""

        self._skip_trivial_constraints = False
        """A bool. If True, then any constraints with a constant body will not be added to the solver model.
        Be careful with this. If a trivial constraint is skipped then that constraint cannot be removed from
        a persistent solver (an error will be raised if a user tries to remove a non-existent constraint)."""

        self._output_fixed_variable_bounds = False
        """A bool. If False then an error will be raised if a fixed variable is used in one of the solver constraints.
        This is useful for catching bugs. Ordinarily a fixed variable should appear as a constant value in the
        solver constraints. If True, then the error will not be raised."""

        self._python_api_exists = False
        """A bool indicating whether or not the python api is available for the specified solver."""

        self._version = None
        """The version of the solver."""

        self._version_major = None
        """The major version of the solver. For example, if using Gurobi 7.0.2, then _version_major is 7."""

        self._symbolic_solver_labels = False
        """A bool. If true then the solver components will be given names corresponding to the pyomo component names."""

        self._capabilites = Options()

        self._referenced_variables = ComponentMap()
        """dict: {var: count} where count is the number of constraints/objective referencing the var"""

        self._keepfiles = False
        """A bool. If True, then the solver log will be saved."""

        self._save_results = True
        """A bool. This is used for backwards compatability. If True, the solution will be loaded into the Solution