Esempio n. 1
def _create_filter_parser():
    and_kw = Keyword('AND')
    or_kw = Keyword('OR')
    variable = Literal('?') + Word(alphanums + '_').leaveWhitespace()
    uri_term = NotAny(Literal('"')) + Word(printables, excludeChars='>*')
    uri_part = Keyword('*') ^ uri_term ^ variable
    literal_term = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\')
    triple = Group(Literal('<').suppress() + uri_part.setResultsName('subj')
                   + uri_part.setResultsName('pred')
                   + (Group(uri_part).setResultsName('obj')
                      ^ Group(literal_term).setResultsName('objlit'))
                   + Literal('>').suppress())
    expr = Forward()
    atom = (triple.setResultsName('triple')
            | Literal('(').suppress() + expr + Literal(')').suppress())
    and_group = Group(atom + ZeroOrMore(and_kw.suppress() + atom))
    or_group = Group(atom + ZeroOrMore(or_kw.suppress() + atom))
    expr << (and_group.setResultsName('and') ^ or_group.setResultsName('or'))
    return expr
Esempio n. 2
def SPICE_BNF():
    global bnf

    if not bnf:

        # punctuation
        colon = Literal(":").suppress()
        lbrace = Literal("{").suppress()
        rbrace = Literal("}").suppress()
        lbrack = Literal("[").suppress()
        rbrack = Literal("]").suppress()
        lparen = Literal("(").suppress()
        rparen = Literal(")").suppress()
        equals = Literal("=").suppress()
        comma = Literal(",").suppress()
        semi = Literal(";").suppress()

        # primitive types
        int8_ = Keyword("int8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int8))
        uint8_ = Keyword("uint8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint8))
        int16_ = Keyword("int16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int16))
        uint16_ = Keyword("uint16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint16))
        int32_ = Keyword("int32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int32))
        uint32_ = Keyword("uint32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint32))
        int64_ = Keyword("int64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int64))
        uint64_ = Keyword("uint64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint64))

        # keywords
        enum32_ = Keyword("enum32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32))
        enum16_ = Keyword("enum16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16))
        enum8_ = Keyword("enum8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8))
        flags32_ = Keyword("flags32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32))
        flags16_ = Keyword("flags16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16))
        flags8_ = Keyword("flags8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8))
        channel_ = Keyword("channel")
        server_ = Keyword("server")
        client_ = Keyword("client")
        protocol_ = Keyword("protocol")
        typedef_ = Keyword("typedef")
        struct_ = Keyword("struct")
        message_ = Keyword("message")
        image_size_ = Keyword("image_size")
        bytes_ = Keyword("bytes")
        cstring_ = Keyword("cstring")
        switch_ = Keyword("switch")
        default_ = Keyword("default")
        case_ = Keyword("case")

        identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
        enumname = Word(alphanums + "_")

        integer = (
            (Combine(CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word(nums + "abcdefABCDEF")) | Word(nums + "+-", nums))

        typename = identifier.copy().setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.TypeRef(str(toks[0])))

        # This is just normal "types", i.e. not channels or messages
        typeSpec = Forward()

        attributeValue = integer ^ identifier
        attribute = Group(Combine("@" + identifier) + Optional(lparen + delimitedList(attributeValue) + rparen))
        attributes = Group(ZeroOrMore(attribute))
        arraySizeSpecImage = Group(image_size_ + lparen + integer + comma + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecBytes = Group(bytes_ + lparen + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecCString = Group(cstring_ + lparen + rparen)
        arraySizeSpec = (
            + Optional(
                identifier ^ integer ^ arraySizeSpecImage ^ arraySizeSpecBytes ^ arraySizeSpecCString, default=""
            + rbrack
        variableDef = Group(
            + Optional("*", default=None)
            + identifier
            + Optional(arraySizeSpec, default=None)
            + attributes
            - semi

        switchCase = Group(
                    default_.setParseAction(replaceWith(None)) + colon
                    | Group(case_.suppress() + Optional("!", default="") + identifier) + colon
            + variableDef
        ).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.SwitchCase(toks[0][0], toks[0][1]))
        switchBody = Group(
            + lparen
            + delimitedList(identifier, delim=".", combine=True)
            + rparen
            + lbrace
            + Group(OneOrMore(switchCase))
            + rbrace
            + identifier
            + attributes
            - semi
        ).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.Switch(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3], toks[0][4]))
        messageBody = structBody = Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(variableDef | switchBody) + rbrace)
        structSpec = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])

        # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "channel_type"
        typeSpec << (
            structSpec ^ int8_ ^ uint8_ ^ int16_ ^ uint16_ ^ int32_ ^ uint32_ ^ int64_ ^ uint64_ ^ typename

        flagsBody = enumBody = Group(
            lbrace + delimitedList(Group(enumname + Optional(equals + integer))) + Optional(comma) + rbrace

        messageSpec = (
            Group(message_ + messageBody + attributes).setParseAction(
                lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(None, toks[0][1], toks[0][2])
            | typename

        channelParent = Optional(colon + typename, default=None)
        channelMessage = Group(
            messageSpec + identifier + Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi
        ).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2]))
        channelBody = channelParent + Group(
            lbrace + ZeroOrMore(server_ + colon | client_ + colon | channelMessage) + rbrace

        enum_ = enum32_ | enum16_ | enum8_
        flags_ = flags32_ | flags16_ | flags8_
        enumDef = Group(enum_ + identifier + enumBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.EnumType(toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])
        flagsDef = Group(flags_ + identifier + flagsBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.FlagsType(toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])
        messageDef = Group(message_ + identifier + messageBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])
        channelDef = Group(channel_ + identifier + channelBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3], toks[0][4])
        structDef = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])
        typedefDef = Group(typedef_ + identifier + typeSpec + attributes - semi).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.TypeAlias(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])

        definitions = typedefDef | structDef | enumDef | flagsDef | messageDef | channelDef

        protocolChannel = Group(typename + identifier + Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi).setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2])
        protocolDef = Group(
            protocol_ + identifier + Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(protocolChannel) + rbrace) + semi
        ).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2]))

        bnf = ZeroOrMore(definitions) + protocolDef + StringEnd()

        singleLineComment = "//" + restOfLine

    return bnf
Esempio n. 3
def SPICE_BNF():
    global bnf

    if not bnf:

        # punctuation
        colon = Literal(":").suppress()
        lbrace = Literal("{").suppress()
        rbrace = Literal("}").suppress()
        lbrack = Literal("[").suppress()
        rbrack = Literal("]").suppress()
        lparen = Literal("(").suppress()
        rparen = Literal(")").suppress()
        equals = Literal("=").suppress()
        comma = Literal(",").suppress()
        semi = Literal(";").suppress()

        # primitive types
        int8_ = Keyword("int8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int8))
        uint8_ = Keyword("uint8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint8))
        int16_ = Keyword("int16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int16))
        uint16_ = Keyword("uint16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint16))
        int32_ = Keyword("int32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int32))
        uint32_ = Keyword("uint32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint32))
        int64_ = Keyword("int64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int64))
        uint64_ = Keyword("uint64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint64))

        # keywords
        channel_ = Keyword("channel")
        enum32_ = Keyword("enum32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32))
        enum16_ = Keyword("enum16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16))
        enum8_ = Keyword("enum8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8))
        flags32_ = Keyword("flags32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32))
        flags16_ = Keyword("flags16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16))
        flags8_ = Keyword("flags8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8))
        channel_ = Keyword("channel")
        server_ = Keyword("server")
        client_ = Keyword("client")
        protocol_ = Keyword("protocol")
        typedef_ = Keyword("typedef")
        struct_ = Keyword("struct")
        message_ = Keyword("message")
        image_size_ = Keyword("image_size")
        bytes_ = Keyword("bytes")
        cstring_ = Keyword("cstring")
        switch_ = Keyword("switch")
        default_ = Keyword("default")
        case_ = Keyword("case")

        identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
        enumname = Word(alphanums + "_")

        integer = (
            Combine(CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word(nums + "abcdefABCDEF"))
            | Word(nums + "+-", nums)).setName("int").setParseAction(cvtInt)

        typename = identifier.copy().setParseAction(
            lambda toks: ptypes.TypeRef(str(toks[0])))

        # This is just normal "types", i.e. not channels or messages
        typeSpec = Forward()

        attributeValue = integer ^ identifier
        attribute = Group(
            Combine("@" + identifier) +
            Optional(lparen + delimitedList(attributeValue) + rparen))
        attributes = Group(ZeroOrMore(attribute))
        arraySizeSpecImage = Group(image_size_ + lparen + integer + comma +
                                   identifier + comma + identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecBytes = Group(bytes_ + lparen + identifier + comma +
                                   identifier + rparen)
        arraySizeSpecCString = Group(cstring_ + lparen + rparen)
        arraySizeSpec = lbrack + Optional(
            identifier ^ integer ^ arraySizeSpecImage ^ arraySizeSpecBytes
            ^ arraySizeSpecCString,
            default="") + rbrack
        variableDef = Group(typeSpec + Optional("*", default=None) + identifier + Optional(arraySizeSpec, default=None) + attributes - semi) \

        switchCase = Group(Group(OneOrMore(default_.setParseAction(replaceWith(None)) + colon | Group(case_.suppress() + Optional("!", default="") + identifier) + colon)) + variableDef) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.SwitchCase(toks[0][0], toks[0][1]))
        switchBody = Group(switch_ + lparen + delimitedList(identifier,delim='.', combine=True) + rparen + lbrace + Group(OneOrMore(switchCase)) + rbrace + identifier + attributes - semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.Switch(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3], toks[0][4]))
        messageBody = structBody = Group(lbrace +
                                         ZeroOrMore(variableDef | switchBody) +
        structSpec = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody +
                               lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(
                                   toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))

        # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "channel_type"
        typeSpec << (structSpec ^ int8_ ^ uint8_ ^ int16_ ^ uint16_ ^ int32_
                     ^ uint32_ ^ int64_ ^ uint64_ ^ typename).setName("type")

        flagsBody = enumBody = Group(
            lbrace +
            delimitedList(Group(enumname + Optional(equals + integer))) +
            Optional(comma) + rbrace)

        messageSpec = Group(message_ + messageBody + attributes
                            ).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(
                                None, toks[0][1], toks[0][2])) | typename

        channelParent = Optional(colon + typename, default=None)
        channelMessage = Group(messageSpec + identifier + Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2]))
        channelBody = channelParent + Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(
            server_ + colon | client_ + colon | channelMessage) + rbrace)

        enum_ = (enum32_ | enum16_ | enum8_)
        flags_ = (flags32_ | flags16_ | flags8_)
        enumDef = Group(enum_ + identifier + enumBody + attributes -
                        semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.EnumType(
                            toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        flagsDef = Group(flags_ + identifier + flagsBody + attributes -
                         semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.FlagsType(
                             toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        messageDef = Group(message_ + identifier + messageBody + attributes -
                               lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(
                                   toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        channelDef = Group(channel_ + identifier + channelBody -
                               lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelType(
                                   toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        structDef = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes -
                          semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(
                              toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))
        typedefDef = Group(typedef_ + identifier + typeSpec + attributes -
                           semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.TypeAlias(
                               toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3]))

        definitions = typedefDef | structDef | enumDef | flagsDef | messageDef | channelDef

        protocolChannel = Group(typename + identifier +  Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2]))
        protocolDef = Group(protocol_ + identifier + Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(protocolChannel) + rbrace) + semi) \
            .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2]))

        bnf = ZeroOrMore(definitions) + protocolDef + StringEnd()

        singleLineComment = "//" + restOfLine

    return bnf
Esempio n. 4
    tokens[1] = date_time
    del tokens[2]


UTC_FLAG = Dict(
            int_ + Keyword('inUtc') + equals + UINT_VALUE

    date.suppress() + lcurly +
    int_ + day.suppress() + equals + UINT_VALUE +
    int_ + month.suppress() + equals + UINT_VALUE +
    int_ + year.suppress() + equals + UINT_VALUE +
    rcurly + Optional(COMMENT)

    time.suppress() + lcurly +
    int_ + hour.suppress() + equals + UINT_VALUE +
    int_ + min_.suppress() + equals + UINT_VALUE +
    int_ + sec.suppress() + equals + UINT_VALUE +
    rcurly + Optional(COMMENT)
Esempio n. 5
insert_kw = Keyword('insert', caseless=True)
into_kw = Keyword('into', caseless=True)

# define sql reserved words
reserved_words = (
    update_kw | volatile_kw | create_kw | table_kw
    | as_kw | from_kw | where_kw | join_kw | on_kw | left_kw
    | right_kw | cross_kw | outer_kw | on_kw | insert_kw | into_kw

ident = ~reserved_words + Word(alphas, alphanums + '_$.').setName('identifier')

function = (
    (Word(alphas) + '(' + Word(alphanums + '*_$.') + ')')
    + Optional(as_kw.suppress() + delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True))

column_name = delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True)
column_name_list = Group(delimitedList(column_name))

# To make it simple, enclode all expressions in parens.
expression = "(" + OneOrMore( Word(alphanums + '_-.') | Word('-+*')) + ")"

# column from the select statement with `as` keyword support.
# the quoted string handles cases like : SELECT 'CA' AS state
select_column = (
    ( delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True).setResultsName('parsed_name') | quotedString | expression )
    + Optional(as_kw.suppress() + delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True)).setResultsName('parsed_alias')
Esempio n. 6
#     BOOLEAN |
#     dblQuotedString |
#     (LBRACE + restOfLine))
# ASGN = VAR + Suppress("=") + VAL + SkipTo(LineEnd()).suppress()
# TRACE = OneOrMore(Group(Group(INFO) + SEP.suppress() + Group(ASGN)))
# PROP = Suppress(INFO) + STUFF + Suppress(SkipTo(StringEnd()))

HEADER = Regex(
    r'(?:State (?P<state>\d+) )?file (?P<file>[^\s]+) function (?P<function>[^\s]+) line (?P<line>\d+) (?:thread (?P<thread>\d+))?'
)  # noqa: E501
    r'(?:State (?P<state>\d+) )?file (?P<file>[^\s]+) line (?P<line>\d+) function (?P<function>[^\s]+) (?:thread (?P<thread>\d+))?'
)  # noqa: E501
SEP = Keyword("----------------------------------------------------")
ASGN = Regex(r'(?P<lhs>[^\s=]+)=(?P<rhs>.+)')
TRACE = OneOrMore(Group(Group(HEADER) + SEP.suppress() + Group(ASGN))).ignore(
    OneOrMore(SKIP))  # noqa: E501
TRACE_OLD = OneOrMore(Group(Group(HEADER_OLD) + SEP.suppress() +
                            Group(ASGN))).ignore(OneOrMore(SKIP))  # noqa: E501
PROP = Suppress(SkipTo(LineEnd())) + Suppress(SkipTo(
    LineStart())) + STUFF + Suppress(SkipTo(StringEnd()))  # noqa: E501

def pprint_agent(info, tid):
    return f"{info.spawn[int(tid)]} {tid}"

def translateCPROVER54(cex, info):
    yield from translateCPROVER(cex, info, parser=TRACE_OLD)

Esempio n. 7
                lambda s, l, t: DropGraph(

describe_graph = (describe + graph).\
    setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: DescribeGraph())

def vi(s,l,t):
    return CreateVertexIndex(label=t.label,

create_vertex_index = (create + index_type('type') + index + \
                        ident('index_name') +
                        on_ + vertex.suppress() + ident('label') +
                        lparen + delimitedList(ident, ",")('fields') + rparen).\

def cei(s, l, t):
    return CreateEdgeIndex(direction=t.direction.upper(),

create_edge_index = (create + direction("direction") + index +
                     ident('name') +
                     on_ + vertex + ident('vertex') +
                     on_ + edge + ident('edge') +
Esempio n. 8
natural_kw = Keyword('natural', caseless=True)
on_kw = Keyword('on', caseless=True)
insert_kw = Keyword('insert', caseless=True)
into_kw = Keyword('into', caseless=True)

# define sql reserved words
reserved_words = (update_kw | volatile_kw | create_kw | table_kw
                  | as_kw | from_kw | where_kw | join_kw | on_kw | left_kw
                  | right_kw | cross_kw | outer_kw | on_kw | insert_kw
                  | into_kw)

ident = ~reserved_words + Word(alphas, alphanums + '_$.').setName('identifier')

function = (
    (Word(alphas) + '(' + Word(alphanums + '*_$.') + ')') +
    Optional(as_kw.suppress() + delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True)))

column_name = delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True)
column_name_list = Group(delimitedList(column_name))

# To make it simple, enclode all expressions in parens.
expression = "(" + OneOrMore(Word(alphanums + '_-.') | Word('-+*')) + ")"

# column from the select statement with `as` keyword support.
# the quoted string handles cases like : SELECT 'CA' AS state
select_column = (
    (delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True).setResultsName('parsed_name')
     | quotedString | expression) +
    Optional(as_kw.suppress() + delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True)