def saveAsPDF(self, argv, data): writer = PDFLite(argv) writer.set_information(title="Hello World!") document = writer.get_document() document.set_font('arial', '', 11) document.add_text(data) writer.close()
def saveAsPDF(self,argv,data): writer = PDFLite(argv) writer.set_information(title="Hello World!") document = writer.get_document() document.set_font('arial', '', 11) document.add_text(data) writer.close()
def make_pdf_clusters_without_descr(data, number): writer = PDFLite("reports/Cluster#" + str(number) + ".pdf") writer.set_information(title="Statistic") document = writer.get_document() document.add_text("Cluster #" + str(number) + ":\n") index_list = 0 for i in data: if index_list == 0 or index_list == 1: index_list += 1 continue index_list += 1 line = "Area#" + str(i[0]) + " FBI CODE: " + str(i[1]) + "\n" document.add_text(+line) writer.close()
def make_pdf_clusters(data, dictionary, number): writer = PDFLite("reports/Cluster#" + str(number) + ".pdf") writer.set_information(title="Statistic") document = writer.get_document() document.add_text("Cluster #" + str(number) + ":\n") index_list = 0 for i in data: if index_list == 0 or index_list == 1: index_list += 1 continue index_list += 1 line = "Area#" + str(i[0]) + " Description: " + str({key for key, value in dictionary.iteritems() if value == i[1]})\ .replace('set([','').replace('])','') + "\n" document.add_text(line) writer.close()
def makeCounter(data, dictionary, isLingvistic): data_counter = [] for i in data: if isLingvistic: data_counter.append("In area #" + str(i[0]) + " crimea " + str({key for key, value in dictionary.iteritems() if value == i[1]})\ .replace('set([','').replace('])','') + " contains ones ") else: data_counter.append("In area #" + str(i[0]) + " crimea " + str(i[1]) + " contains ones ") writer = PDFLite("reports/Counter.pdf") writer.set_information(title="Statistic") document = writer.get_document() counter = Counter(data_counter) for i in counter.most_common(len(counter)): document.add_text(str(i[0]) + " " + str(i[1]) + "\n") writer.close()
class PDFSectorMap(Map): def __init__(self, galaxy, routes): super(PDFSectorMap, self).__init__(galaxy, routes) self.lineStart = PDFCursor(0, 0) self.lineEnd = PDFCursor(0, 0) def document(self, sector): """ Generated by the type of document """ path = os.path.join(self.galaxy.output_path, sector.sector_name() + " Sector.pdf") self.writer = PDFLite(path) title = "Sector %s" % sector subject = "Trade route map generated by PyRoute for Traveller" author = None keywords = None creator = "PyPDFLite" self.writer.set_information(title, subject, author, keywords, creator) document = self.writer.get_document() document.set_margins(4) return document def close(self): self.writer.close() def cursor(self, x=0, y=0): return PDFCursor(x, y) def sector_name(self, doc, name): """ Write name at the top of the document """ cursor = PDFCursor(5, -5, True) def_font = doc.get_font() doc.set_font('times', size=30) width = doc.get_font()._string_width(name) cursor.x = 306 - (width / 2) doc.add_text(name, cursor) doc.set_font(font=def_font) def coreward_sector(self, pdf, name): cursor = PDFCursor(5, self.y_start - 15, True) def_font = pdf.get_font() pdf.set_font('times', size=10) width = pdf.get_font()._string_width(name) / 2 cursor.x = 306 - width pdf.add_text(name, cursor) pdf.set_font(font=def_font) def rimward_sector(self, pdf, name): cursor = PDFCursor(306, 767, True) def_font = pdf.get_font() pdf.set_font('times', size=10) cursor.x_plus(-pdf.get_font()._string_width(name) / 2) pdf.add_text(name, cursor) pdf.set_font(font=def_font) def spinward_sector(self, pdf, name): cursor = PDFCursor(self.x_start - 5, 396, True) def_font = pdf.get_font() pdf.set_font('times', size=10) cursor.y_plus(pdf.get_font()._string_width(name) / 2) text = PDFText(pdf.session,, None, cursor=cursor) text.text_rotate(90) text._text(name) pdf.set_font(font=def_font) def trailing_sector(self, pdf, name): cursor = PDFCursor(598, 396 - self.y_start, True) def_font = pdf.get_font() pdf.set_font('times', size=10) cursor.y_plus(-(pdf.get_font()._string_width(name) / 2)) text = PDFText(pdf.session,, None, cursor=cursor) text.text_rotate(-90) text._text(name) pdf.set_font(font=def_font) def add_line(self, pdf, start, end, colorname): """ Add a line to the document, from start to end, in color """ color = pdf.get_color() color.set_color_by_name(colorname) pdf.set_draw_color(color) pdf.add_line(cursor1=start, cursor2=end) def add_circle(self, pdf, center, radius, colorname): color = pdf.get_color() color.set_color_by_name(colorname) radius = PDFCursor(radius, radius) circle = PDFEllipse(pdf.session,, center, radius, color, size=2) circle._draw() def get_line(self, doc, start, end, colorname, width): """ Get a line draw method processor """ color = doc.get_color() color.set_color_by_name(colorname) return PDFLine(doc.session,, start, end, stroke='solid', color=color, size=width) def place_system(self, pdf, star): def_font = pdf.get_font() pdf.set_font('times', size=4) col = (self.xm * 3 * (star.col)) if (star.col & 1): row = (self.y_start - self.ym * 2) + (star.row * self.ym * 2) else: row = (self.y_start - self.ym) + (star.row * self.ym * 2) point = PDFCursor(col, row), star, point.copy()) width = self.string_width(pdf.get_font(), star.uwp) point.y_plus(7) point.x_plus(self.ym - (width / 2)) pdf.add_text(star.uwp.encode('ascii', 'replace'), point) if len( > 0: for chars in xrange(len(, 0, -1): width = self.string_width(pdf.get_font(),[:chars]) if width <= self.xm * 3.5: break point.y_plus(3.5) point.x = col point.x_plus(self.ym - (width / 2)) pdf.add_text([:chars].encode('ascii', 'replace'), point) added = star.alg if 'Cp' in star.tradeCode: added += '+' elif 'Cx' in star.tradeCode or 'Cs' in star.tradeCode: added += '*' else: added += ' ' added += '{:d}'.format(star.ggCount) point.y_plus(3.5) point.x = col width = pdf.get_font()._string_width(added) point.x_plus(self.ym - (width / 2)) pdf.add_text(added, point) added = '' tradeIn = StatCalculation.trade_to_btn(star.tradeIn) tradeThrough = StatCalculation.trade_to_btn(star.tradeIn + star.tradeOver) if self.routes == 'trade': added += "{:X}{:X}{:X}{:d}".format(star.wtn, tradeIn, tradeThrough, star.starportSize) elif self.routes == 'comm': added += "{}{} {}".format(star.baseCode, star.ggCount, star.importance) elif self.routes == 'xroute': added += " {}".format(star.importance) width = pdf.get_font()._string_width(added) point.y_plus(3.5) point.x = col point.x_plus(self.ym - (width / 2)) pdf.add_text(added, point) pdf.set_font(def_font)