Esempio n. 1
    def proc_diff(self,
        Process a list of science images and their background frames
        Primarily for near-IR reductions

        Wrapper to proc_sci for

        Needed in part to set self.sciframe, although I could kludge it another way..



        sciimg_sci, sciivar_sci, rn2img_sci, mask_sci, crmask_sci = self.proc_sci(
        sciimg_bg, sciivar_bg, rn2img_bg, mask_bg, crmask_bg = self.proc_sci(

        # Combine the images
        outmask_comb = (mask_sci == 0) & (mask_bg == 0)
        sciimg = sciimg_sci - sciimg_bg
        varcomb = utils.calc_ivar(sciivar_sci) + utils.calc_ivar(sciivar_bg)
        sciivar = utils.calc_ivar(varcomb) * outmask_comb
        rn2img = rn2img_sci + rn2img_bg
        # Now reject CRs again on the differenced image
        crmask_diff = self.build_crmask(sciimg,
        # crmask_eff assumes evertything masked in the outmask_comb is a CR in the individual images
        crmask = crmask_diff | np.invert(outmask_comb)
        # Create a mask for this image now
        mask = self.build_mask(sciimg,

        return sciimg, sciivar, rn2img, mask, crmask
Esempio n. 2
def test_calc_ivar():
    """ Run the parameter setup script
    x = np.array([-1.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0])
    res = utils.calc_ivar(x)
    assert np.array_equal(res, np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0]))
    assert np.array_equal(utils.calc_ivar(res),
                          np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.0]))
Esempio n. 3
    def proc_sci(self, file_list, reject_cr=True, sigma_clip=False, sigrej=None, maxiters=5):
        Process a list of science images

        This includes stacking the images if there is more than 1

            file_list (list): List of filenames for science frames
            reject_cr (bool, optional):
            sigrej (int or float, optional): Rejection threshold for sigma clipping.
                 Code defaults to determining this automatically based on the numberr of images provided.
            maxiters (int, optional):
            show (bool, optional):

            ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray:

        nsci = len(file_list)
        weights = np.ones(nsci)/float(nsci)
        sciimg_stack, sciivar_stack, rn2img_stack, crmask_stack, mask_stack = \
        self.read_stack(file_list, self.bias, self.pixel_flat, self.bpm, self.det, self.par['process'], self.spectrograph,
                            illum_flat=self.illum_flat, reject_cr=reject_cr, binning=self.binning)

        # ToDO The bitmask is not being properly propagated here!

        if nsci > 1:
            sci_list = [sciimg_stack]
            var_stack = utils.calc_ivar(sciivar_stack)
            var_list = [var_stack, rn2img_stack]
            sci_list_out, var_list_out, outmask, nused = coadd2d.weighted_combine(
                weights, sci_list, var_list, (mask_stack == 0),
                sigma_clip=sigma_clip, sigma_clip_stack = sciimg_stack, sigrej=sigrej, maxiters=maxiters)
            sciimg = sci_list_out[0]
            sciivar = utils.calc_ivar(var_list_out[0])
            rn2img = var_list_out[1]
            # assumes everything masked in the outmask is a CR in the individual images
            crmask = np.invert(outmask)
            # Create a mask for this image now
            mask = self.build_mask(sciimg, sciivar, crmask, self.bpm, saturation=self.saturation, mincounts=self.mincounts)
            mask = mask_stack[0, :, :]
            crmask = crmask_stack[0, :, :]
            sciimg = sciimg_stack[0, :, :]
            sciivar = sciivar_stack[0, :, :]
            rn2img = rn2img_stack[0, :, :]

        return sciimg, sciivar, rn2img, mask, crmask
Esempio n. 4
    def build_crmask(stack, proc_par, det, spectrograph, ivar=None, binning=None):
        Generate the CR mask frame

        Wrapper to procimg.lacosmic

        varframe : ndarray, optional

        self.crmask : ndarray
          1. = Masked CR

        # Run LA Cosmic to get the cosmic ray mask
        varframe = utils.calc_ivar(ivar)
        saturation = spectrograph.detector[det-1]['saturation']
        nonlinear = spectrograph.detector[det-1]['nonlinear']
        #sigclip, objlim = spectrograph.get_lacosmics_par(proc_par,binning=binning)
        crmask = procimg.lacosmic(det, stack, saturation, nonlinear,
                                  varframe=varframe, maxiter=proc_par['lamaxiter'],

        # Return
        return crmask
Esempio n. 5
def read_lris_stack():
    stackfile = '/Users/joe/REDUX/lris_redux/Nov_2004/Final/SDSSJ073522.43+295710.1_N.fits'
    hdu =
    flux_ref = hdu[0].data
    sig_ref = hdu[1].data
    ivar_ref = utils.calc_ivar(sig_ref)
    mask_ref = (ivar_ref > 0.0)
    wave_ref = hdu[2].data

    infiles = [
    nfiles = len(infiles)
    objid = 0
    for idx, file in enumerate(infiles):
        obj =, hdu=5)
        flux = obj[objid]['FLUX_OPT']
        ivar = obj[objid]['IVAR_OPT']
        wave = obj[objid]['WAVE_OPT']
        if idx == 0:
            nspec = flux.size
            flux_arr = np.zeros((nfiles, nspec))
            wave_arr = np.zeros((nfiles, nspec))
            ivar_arr = np.zeros((nfiles, nspec))
        flux_arr[idx, :] = flux
        ivar_arr[idx, :] = ivar
        wave_arr[idx, :] = wave

    mask_arr = (ivar_arr > 0.0)

    return wave_arr, flux_arr, ivar_arr, mask_arr

#plt.plot(wave_ref, flux_ref, drawstyle='steps-mid')
#for ii in range(nfiles):
#    plt.plot(wave_arr[:,ii], flux_arr[:,ii],drawstyle='steps-mid')

#flux_inter, ivar_inter, mask_inter = interp_spec(wave_ref, wave_arr, flux_arr, ivar_arr, mask_arr)

#idx = 5
#wave = wave_ref
#flux = flux_inter[idx, :]
#ivar = ivar_inter[idx, :]
#mask = ivar > 0
#norder = 3

#ymult,flux_rescale, ivar_rescale, outmask = solve_poly_ratio(wave, flux, ivar, flux_ref, ivar_ref, norder,
#                                                            mask=mask, mask_ref=mask_ref, debug=True)
Esempio n. 6
def apply_sens_tell_spec(wave, counts, ivar, sensfunc, airmass, exptime, mask=None, extinct_correct=True, telluric=None,
                   longitude=None, latitude=None, debug=False):

    if mask is None:
        mask = ivar > 0.0

    # Did the user request a telluric correction from the same file?
    if telluric is not None:
        # This assumes there is a separate telluric key in this dict.'Applying telluric correction')
        sensfunc = sensfunc*(telluric > 1e-10)/(telluric + (telluric < 1e-10))

    if extinct_correct:
        if longitude is None or latitude is None:
            msgs.error('You must specify longitude and latitude if we are extinction correcting')
        # Apply Extinction if optical bands"Applying extinction correction")
        msgs.warn("Extinction correction applyed only if the spectra covers <10000Ang.")
        extinct = load_extinction_data(longitude,latitude)
        ext_corr = extinction_correction(wave* units.AA, airmass, extinct)
        senstot = sensfunc * ext_corr
        senstot = sensfunc.copy()

    flam = counts * senstot/ exptime
    flam_ivar = ivar / (senstot / exptime) **2

    # Mask bad pixels" Masking bad pixels")
    outmask =  mask & (senstot>0.)

    # debug
    if debug:
        wave_mask = wave > 1.0
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
        ymin, ymax = coadd1d.get_ylim(flam, flam_ivar, outmask)
        plt.plot(wave[wave_mask], flam[wave_mask], color='black', drawstyle='steps-mid', zorder=1, alpha=0.8)
        plt.plot(wave[wave_mask], np.sqrt(utils.calc_ivar(flam_ivar[wave_mask])), zorder=2, color='red', alpha=0.7,
                       drawstyle='steps-mid', linestyle=':')
        plt.xlabel('Wavelength (Angstrom)')

    return flam, flam_ivar, outmask
Esempio n. 7
    def read_stack(cls, files, bias, pixel_flat, bpm, det, proc_par, spectrograph, illum_flat=None, reject_cr=False,
        """  Utility function for reading in image stacks using ProcessImages
        nfiles = len(files)
        for ifile in range(nfiles):
            this_proc = ProcessImages(spectrograph, proc_par, [files[ifile]], det=det)
            # TODO I think trim should be hard wired, and am not letting it be a free parameter
            sciimg = this_proc.process(bias_subtract=bias,pixel_flat=pixel_flat, illum_flat=illum_flat, bpm=bpm,
                                       apply_gain=True, trim=True)
            # Allocate the images
            if ifile == 0:
                # numpy is row major so stacking will be fastest with nfiles as the first dimensions
                shape = (nfiles, sciimg.shape[0],sciimg.shape[1])
                sciimg_stack  = np.zeros(shape)
                sciivar_stack = np.zeros(shape)
                rn2img_stack  = np.zeros(shape)
                crmask_stack  = np.zeros(shape,dtype=bool)
                mask_stack  = np.zeros(shape,this_proc.bitmask.minimum_dtype(asuint=True))

            # Construct raw variance image
            rawvarframe = this_proc.build_rawvarframe(trim=True)
            # Mask cosmic rays
            sciivar_stack[ifile,:,:] =  utils.calc_ivar(rawvarframe)
            if reject_cr:
                crmask_stack[ifile,:,:] = this_proc.build_crmask(sciimg, proc_par, det, spectrograph,
                                                                 ivar=sciivar_stack[ifile,:,:], binning=binning)
            sciimg_stack[ifile,:,:] = sciimg
            # Build read noise squared image
            rn2img_stack[ifile,:,:] = this_proc.build_rn2img()
            # Final mask for this image
            mask_stack[ifile,:,:] = this_proc.build_mask(sciimg, sciivar_stack[ifile,:,:], crmask_stack[ifile,:,:],
                                                         bpm, saturation = spectrograph.detector[det - 1]['saturation'],
                                                         mincounts = spectrograph.detector[det - 1]['mincounts'])

        return sciimg_stack, sciivar_stack, rn2img_stack, crmask_stack, mask_stack
Esempio n. 8
def read_lris_stack():
    stackfile = '/Users/joe/REDUX/lris_redux/Nov_2004/Final/SDSSJ073522.43+295710.1_N.fits'
    hdu =
    flux_ref = hdu[0].data
    sig_ref = hdu[1].data
    ivar_ref = utils.calc_ivar(sig_ref)
    mask_ref = (ivar_ref > 0.0)
    wave_ref = hdu[2].data

    infiles = [
    nfiles = len(infiles)
    objid = 0
    for idx, file in enumerate(infiles):
        obj =, hdu=5)
        flux = obj[objid]['FLUX_OPT']
        ivar = obj[objid]['IVAR_OPT']
        wave = obj[objid]['WAVE_OPT']
        if idx == 0:
            nspec = flux.size
            flux_arr = np.zeros((nspec, nfiles))
            wave_arr = np.zeros((nspec, nfiles))
            ivar_arr = np.zeros((nspec, nfiles))
        flux_arr[:, idx] = np.flip(flux)
        ivar_arr[:, idx] = np.flip(ivar)
        wave_arr[:, idx] = np.flip(wave)

    mask_arr = (ivar_arr > 0.0)

    return wave_arr, flux_arr, ivar_arr, mask_arr
Esempio n. 9
def coadd2d(trace_stack, sciimg_stack, sciivar_stack, skymodel_stack, inmask_stack, tilts_stack,
            waveimg_stack, thismask_stack, weights=None, loglam_grid=None, wave_grid=None):
    Construct a 2d co-add of a stack of PypeIt spec2d reduction outputs.

    Slits are 'rectified' onto a spatial and spectral grid, which
    encompasses the spectral and spatial coverage of the image stacks.
    The rectification uses nearest grid point interpolation to avoid
    covariant errors.  Dithering is supported as all images are centered
    relative to a set of reference traces in trace_stack.

        trace_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
            Stack of reference traces about which the images are
            rectified and coadded.  If the images were not dithered then
            this reference trace can simply be the center of the slit::

                slitcen = (slit_left + slit_righ)/2

            If the images were dithered, then this object can either be
            the slitcen appropriately shifted with the dither pattern,
            or it could the trace of the object of interest in each
            exposure determined by running PypeIt on the individual
            images.  Shape is (nimgs, nspec).
        sciimg_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
            Stack of science images.  Shape is (nimgs, nspec, nspat).
        sciivar_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
            Stack of inverse variance images.  Shape is (nimgs, nspec,
        skymodel_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
            Stack of the model sky.  Shape is (nimgs, nspec, nspat).
        inmask_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
            Boolean array with the input masks for each image; `True`
            values are *good*, `False` values are *bad*.  Shape is
            (nimgs, nspec, nspat).
        tilts_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
           Stack of the wavelength tilts traces.  Shape is (nimgs,
           nspec, nspat).
        waveimg_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
           Stack of the wavelength images.  Shape is (nimgs, nspec,
        thismask_stack (`numpy.ndarray`_):
            Boolean array with the masks indicating which pixels are on
            the slit in question.  `True` values are on the slit;
            `False` values are off the slit.  Shape is (nimgs, nspec,
        weights (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
            The weights used when combining the rectified images (see
            :func:`weighted_combine`).  If no weights are provided,
            uniform weighting is used.  Weights are broadast to the
            correct size of the image stacks (see
            :func:`broadcast_weights`), as necessary.  Shape must be
            (nimgs,), (nimgs, nspec), or (nimgs, nspec, nspat).
        loglam_grid (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
            Wavelength grid in log10(wave) onto which the image stacks
            will be rectified.  The code will automatically choose the
            subset of this grid encompassing the wavelength coverage of
            the image stacks provided (see :func:`waveimg_stack`).
            Either `loglam_grid` or `wave_grid` must be provided.
        wave_grid (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
            Same as `loglam_grid` but in angstroms instead of
            log(angstroms). (TODO: Check units...)

        TODO: This needs to be updated.

        (sciimg, sciivar, imgminsky, outmask, nused, tilts, waveimg, dspat, thismask, tslits_dict)

        sciimg: float ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            Rectified and coadded science image
        sciivar: float ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            Rectified and coadded inverse variance image with correct error propagation
        imgminsky: float ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            Rectified and coadded sky subtracted image
        outmask: bool ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            Output mask for rectified and coadded images. True = Good, False=Bad.
        nused: int ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            Image of integers indicating the number of images from the image stack that contributed to each pixel
        tilts: float ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            The averaged tilts image corresponding to the rectified and coadded data.
        waveimg: float ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            The averaged wavelength image corresponding to the rectified and coadded data.
        dspat: float ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            The average spatial offsets in pixels from the reference trace trace_stack corresponding to the rectified
            and coadded data.
        thismask: bool ndarray shape = (nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd)
            Output mask for rectified and coadded images. True = Good, False=Bad. This image is trivial, and
            is simply an image of True values the same shape as the rectified and coadded data.
        tslits_dict: dict
            tslits_dict dictionary containing the information about the slits boundaries. The slit boundaries
            are trivial and are simply vertical traces at 0 and nspat_coadd-1.
    nimgs, nspec, nspat = sciimg_stack.shape

    # Determine the wavelength grid that we will use for the current slit/order
    # TODO This cut on waveimg_stack should not be necessary
    wavemask = thismask_stack & (waveimg_stack > 1.0)
    wave_lower = waveimg_stack[wavemask].min()
    wave_upper = waveimg_stack[wavemask].max()
    if loglam_grid is not None:
        ind_lower, ind_upper = get_wave_ind(loglam_grid, np.log10(wave_lower), np.log10(wave_upper))
        loglam_bins = loglam_grid[ind_lower:ind_upper + 1]
        wave_bins = np.power(10.0, loglam_bins)
    elif wave_grid is not None:
        ind_lower, ind_upper = get_wave_ind(wave_grid, wave_lower, wave_upper)
        wave_bins = wave_grid[ind_lower:ind_upper + 1]
        loglam_bins = np.log10(wave_bins)
        msgs.error('You must input either a uniformly space loglam grid or wave grid')

    if weights is None:'No weights were provided. Using uniform weights.')
        weights = np.ones(nimgs)/float(nimgs)

    weights_stack = broadcast_weights(weights, sciimg_stack.shape)

    # Create the slit_cen_stack and determine the minimum and maximum
    # spatial offsets that we need to cover to determine the spatial
    # bins
    spat_img = np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat))
    dspat_stack = np.zeros_like(sciimg_stack)
    spat_min = np.inf
    spat_max = -np.inf
    for img in range(nimgs):
        # center of the slit replicated spatially
        slit_cen_img = np.outer(trace_stack[img, :], np.ones(nspat))
        dspat_iexp = (spat_img - slit_cen_img)
        dspat_stack[img, :, :] = dspat_iexp
        thismask_now = thismask_stack[img, :, :]
        spat_min = np.fmin(spat_min, dspat_iexp[thismask_now].min())
        spat_max = np.fmax(spat_max, dspat_iexp[thismask_now].max())

    spat_min_int = int(np.floor(spat_min))
    spat_max_int = int(np.ceil(spat_max))
    dspat_bins = np.arange(spat_min_int, spat_max_int + 1, 1)

    sci_list = [weights_stack, sciimg_stack, sciimg_stack - skymodel_stack, tilts_stack,
                waveimg_stack, dspat_stack]
    var_list = [utils.calc_ivar(sciivar_stack)]

    sci_list_rebin, var_list_rebin, norm_rebin_stack, nsmp_rebin_stack \
            = rebin2d(wave_bins, dspat_bins, waveimg_stack, dspat_stack, thismask_stack,
                      inmask_stack, sci_list, var_list)

    # Now compute the final stack with sigma clipping
    sigrej = 3.0
    maxiters = 10
    # sci_list_rebin[0] = rebinned weights image stack
    # sci_list_rebin[1:] = stacks of images that we want to weighted combine
    # sci_list_rebin[2] = rebinned sciimg-sky_model images that we used for the sigma clipping
    sci_list_out, var_list_out, outmask, nused \
            = weighted_combine(sci_list_rebin[0], sci_list_rebin[1:], var_list_rebin,
                               norm_rebin_stack != 0, sigma_clip=True,
                               sigma_clip_stack=sci_list_rebin[2], sigrej=sigrej,
    sciimg, imgminsky, tilts, waveimg, dspat = sci_list_out
    sciivar = utils.calc_ivar(var_list_out[0])

    # Compute the midpoints vectors, and lower/upper bins of the rectified image
    wave_mid = ((wave_bins + np.roll(wave_bins,1))/2.0)[1:]
    wave_min = wave_bins[:-1]
    wave_max = wave_bins[1:]
    dspat_mid = ((dspat_bins + np.roll(dspat_bins,1))/2.0)[1:]

    # Interpolate the dspat images wherever the coadds are masked
    # because a given pixel was not sampled. This is done because the
    # dspat image is not allowed to have holes if it is going to work
    # with local_skysub_extract
    nspec_coadd, nspat_coadd = imgminsky.shape
    spat_img_coadd, spec_img_coadd = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nspat_coadd), np.arange(nspec_coadd))

    if np.any(np.invert(outmask)):
        points_good = np.stack((spec_img_coadd[outmask], spat_img_coadd[outmask]), axis=1)
        points_bad = np.stack((spec_img_coadd[np.invert(outmask)],
                                spat_img_coadd[np.invert(outmask)]), axis=1)
        values_dspat = dspat[outmask]
        dspat_bad = scipy.interpolate.griddata(points_good, values_dspat, points_bad,
        dspat[np.invert(outmask)] = dspat_bad
        # Points outside the convex hull of the data are set to nan. We
        # identify those and simply assume them values from the
        # dspat_img_fake, which is what dspat would be on a regular
        # perfectly rectified image grid.
        nanpix = np.isnan(dspat)
        if np.any(nanpix):
            dspat_img_fake = spat_img_coadd + dspat_mid[0]
            dspat[nanpix] = dspat_img_fake[nanpix]

    return dict(wave_bins=wave_bins, dspat_bins=dspat_bins, wave_mid=wave_mid, wave_min=wave_min,
                wave_max=wave_max, dspat_mid=dspat_mid, sciimg=sciimg, sciivar=sciivar,
                imgminsky=imgminsky, outmask=outmask, nused=nused, tilts=tilts, waveimg=waveimg,
                dspat=dspat, nspec=imgminsky.shape[0], nspat=imgminsky.shape[1])
Esempio n. 10
    objminsky = hdu[0].data - hdu[2].data
    ivar  = hdu[4].data
    #ivar = utils.calc_ivar(var)
    mask = (ivar > 0.0)
    slit_left = readsav(user + 'Dropbox/hires_fndobj/MAGE/left_edge.sav',python_dict=False)['left_edge'].T
    slit_righ = readsav(user + 'Dropbox/hires_fndobj/MAGE/right_edge.sav',python_dict=False)['right_edge'].T
    plate_scale = 0.3
    hdu_std = + 'Dropbox/hires_fndobj/MAGE/ObjStr1046.fits')
    std_trace = hdu_std[1].data['trace'].T
    # Standard is the ObjStr1046.fits exten = 1
elif spectro == 'ESI':
    # ESI
    hdu = + '/Dropbox/Cowie_2002-02-17/Final/fringe_ES.20020217.35453.fits.gz')
    sciimg = hdu[0].data
    var  = hdu[1].data
    ivar = utils.calc_ivar(var)
    mask = (var > 0.0)
    skyimg = hdu[2].data
    objminsky = sciimg - skyimg
    hdu_sedg = + '/Dropbox/Cowie_2002-02-17/Flats/SEdgECH75_1x1.fits')
    data = hdu_sedg[0].data
    slit_left = data[0,:,:].T
    slit_righ = data[1,:,:].T
    plate_scale = 0.149
    hdu_std + '/Dropbox/Cowie_2002-02-17/Extract/Obj_ES.20020217.20037.fits.gz')
    std_trace = hdu_std[1].data['trace'][:,0:slit_left.shape[0]].T
    std_trace[:,-1] = std_trace[:,-2]+ (np.median(std_trace[:200,-1])-np.median(std_trace[:200,-2]))
    #The structure is exten = 1, and the xpos,ypos are the standard trace
elif spectro == 'NIRES':
    from linetools import utils as ltu
    jdict = ltu.loadjson(user + '/Dropbox/hires_fndobj/tilt_nires.json')
def ech_objfind(image,

    if inmask is None:
        inmask = (ordermask > 0)

    frameshape = image.shape
    nspec = frameshape[0]
    norders = slit_left.shape[1]

    if isinstance(plate_scale, (float, int)):
        plate_scale_ord = np.full(
            norders, plate_scale)  # 0.12 binned by 3 spatially for HIRES
    elif isinstance(plate_scale, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
        if len(plate_scale) == norders:
            plate_scale_ord = plate_scale
        elif len(plate_scale) == 1:
            plate_scale_ord = np.full(norders, plate_scale[0])
                'Invalid size for plate_scale. It must either have one element or norders elements'
        msgs.error('Invalid type for plate scale')

    specmid = nspec // 2
    slit_width = slit_righ - slit_left
    spec_vec = np.arange(nspec)
    slit_spec_pos = nspec / 2.0
    slit_spat_pos = np.zeros((norders, 2))
    for iord in range(norders):
        slit_spat_pos[iord, :] = (np.interp(slit_spec_pos, spec_vec,
                                            slit_left[:, iord]),
                                  np.interp(slit_spec_pos, spec_vec,
                                            slit_righ[:, iord]))

    # Loop over orders and find objects
    sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs()
    show_peaks = True
    show_fits = True
    # ToDo replace orderindx with the true order number here? Maybe not. Clean up slitid and orderindx!
    for iord in range(norders):'Finding objects on slit # {:d}'.format(iord + 1))
        thismask = ordermask == (iord + 1)
        inmask_iord = inmask & thismask
        specobj_dict = {
            'setup': 'HIRES',
            'slitid': iord + 1,
            'scidx': 0,
            'det': 1,
            'objtype': 'science'
        sobjs_slit, skymask[thismask], objmask[thismask], proc_list = \
            extract.objfind(image, thismask, slit_left[:,iord], slit_righ[:,iord], inmask=inmask_iord,show_peaks=show_peaks,
                            show_fits=show_fits, show_trace=False, specobj_dict = specobj_dict)#, sig_thresh = 3.0)
        # ToDO make the specobjs _set_item_ work with expressions like this spec[:].orderindx = iord
        for spec in sobjs_slit:
            spec.ech_orderindx = iord

    nfound = len(sobjs)

    # Compute the FOF linking length based on the instrument place scale and matching length FOFSEP = 1.0"
    FOFSEP = 1.0  # separation of FOF algorithm in arcseconds
    FOF_frac = FOFSEP / (np.median(slit_width) * np.median(plate_scale_ord))

    # Feige: made the code also works for only one object found in one order
    # Run the FOF. We use fake coordinaes
    fracpos = sobjs.spat_fracpos
    ra_fake = fracpos / 1000.0  # Divide all angles by 1000 to make geometry euclidian
    dec_fake = 0.0 * fracpos
    if nfound > 1:
        (ingroup, multgroup, firstgroup,
         nextgroup) = spheregroup(ra_fake, dec_fake, FOF_frac / 1000.0)
        group = ingroup.copy()
        uni_group, uni_ind = np.unique(group, return_index=True)
        nobj = len(uni_group)'FOF matching found {:d}'.format(nobj) + ' unique objects')
    elif nfound == 1:
        group = np.zeros(1, dtype='int')
        uni_group, uni_ind = np.unique(group, return_index=True)
        nobj = len(group)
        msgs.warn('Only find one object no FOF matching is needed')

    gfrac = np.zeros(nfound)
    for jj in range(nobj):
        this_group = group == uni_group[jj]
        gfrac[this_group] = np.median(fracpos[this_group])

    uni_frac = gfrac[uni_ind]

    sobjs_align = sobjs.copy()
    # Now fill in the missing objects and their traces
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        for iord in range(norders):
            # Is there an object on this order that grouped into the current group in question?
            on_slit = (group == uni_group[iobj]) & (sobjs_align.ech_orderindx
                                                    == iord)
            if not np.any(on_slit):
                # Add this to the sobjs_align, and assign required tags
                thisobj = specobjs.SpecObj(frameshape,
                                           slit_spat_pos[iord, :],
                                           slitid=(iord + 1),
                thisobj.ech_orderindx = iord
                thisobj.spat_fracpos = uni_frac[iobj]
                thisobj.trace_spat = slit_left[:,
                                               iord] + slit_width[:, iord] * uni_frac[
                                                   iobj]  # new trace
                thisobj.trace_spec = spec_vec
                thisobj.spat_pixpos = thisobj.trace_spat[specmid]
                # Use the real detections of this objects for the FWHM
                this_group = group == uni_group[iobj]
                # Assign to the fwhm of the nearest detected order
                imin = np.argmin(
                    np.abs(sobjs_align[this_group].ech_orderindx - iord))
                thisobj.fwhm = sobjs_align[imin].fwhm
                thisobj.maskwidth = sobjs_align[imin].maskwidth
                thisobj.ech_fracpos = uni_frac[iobj]
                thisobj.ech_group = uni_group[iobj]
                thisobj.ech_usepca = True
                group = np.append(group, uni_group[iobj])
                gfrac = np.append(gfrac, uni_frac[iobj])
                # ToDo fix specobjs to get rid of these crappy loops!
                for spec in sobjs_align[on_slit]:
                    spec.ech_fracpos = uni_frac[iobj]
                    spec.ech_group = uni_group[iobj]
                    spec.ech_usepca = False

    # Some code to ensure that the objects are sorted in the sobjs_align by fractional position on the order and by order
    # respectively
    sobjs_sort = specobjs.SpecObjs()
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        this_group = group == uni_group[iobj]
        this_sobj = sobjs_align[this_group]

    # Loop over the objects and perform a quick and dirty extraction to assess S/N.
    varimg = utils.calc_ivar(ivar)
    flux_box = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj))
    ivar_box = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj))
    mask_box = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj))
    SNR_arr = np.zeros((norders, nobj))
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        for iord in range(norders):
            indx = (sobjs_sort.ech_group
                    == uni_group[iobj]) & (sobjs_sort.ech_orderindx == iord)
            spec = sobjs_sort[indx]
            thismask = ordermask == (iord + 1)
            inmask_iord = inmask & thismask
            box_rad_pix = box_radius / plate_scale_ord[iord]
            flux_tmp = extract.extract_boxcar(image * inmask_iord,
            var_tmp = extract.extract_boxcar(varimg * inmask_iord,
            ivar_tmp = utils.calc_ivar(var_tmp)
            pixtot = extract.extract_boxcar(ivar * 0 + 1.0,
            mask_tmp = (extract.extract_boxcar(ivar * inmask_iord == 0.0,
                                               ycen=spec.trace_spec) != pixtot)
            flux_box[:, iord, iobj] = flux_tmp * mask_tmp
            ivar_box[:, iord, iobj] = np.fmax(ivar_tmp * mask_tmp, 0.0)
            mask_box[:, iord, iobj] = mask_tmp
            (mean, med_sn, stddev) = sigma_clipped_stats(
                flux_box[mask_tmp, iord, iobj] *
                np.sqrt(ivar_box[mask_tmp, iord, iobj]),
            SNR_arr[iord, iobj] = med_sn

    # Purge objects with low SNR and that don't show up in enough orders
    keep_obj = np.zeros(nobj, dtype=bool)
    sobjs_trim = specobjs.SpecObjs()
    uni_group_trim = np.array([], dtype=int)
    uni_frac_trim = np.array([], dtype=float)
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        if (np.sum(SNR_arr[:, iobj] > min_snr) >= nabove_min_snr):
            keep_obj[iobj] = True
            ikeep = sobjs_sort.ech_group == uni_group[iobj]
            uni_group_trim = np.append(uni_group_trim, uni_group[iobj])
            uni_frac_trim = np.append(uni_frac_trim, uni_frac[iobj])
                'Purging object #{:d}'.format(iobj) +
                ' which does not satisfy min_snr > {:5.2f}'.format(min_snr) +
                ' on at least nabove_min_snr >= {:d}'.format(nabove_min_snr) +
                ' orders')

    nobj_trim = np.sum(keep_obj)
    if nobj_trim == 0:
        return specobjs.SpecObjs()

    SNR_arr_trim = SNR_arr[:, keep_obj]

    # Do a final loop over objects and make the final decision about which orders will be interpolated/extrapolated by the PCA
    for iobj in range(nobj_trim):
        SNR_now = SNR_arr_trim[:, iobj]
        indx = (sobjs_trim.ech_group == uni_group_trim[iobj])
        # PCA interp/extrap if:
        #      (SNR is below pca_percentile of the total SNRs) AND (SNR < snr_pca)
        #                                 OR
        #      (if this order was not originally traced by the object finding, see above)
        usepca = ((SNR_now < np.percentile(SNR_now, pca_percentile)) &
                  (SNR_now < snr_pca)) | sobjs_trim[indx].ech_usepca
        # ToDo fix specobjs to get rid of these crappy loops!
        for iord, spec in enumerate(sobjs_trim[indx]):
            spec.ech_usepca = usepca[iord]
            if usepca[iord]:
      'Using PCA to predict trace for object #{:d}'.format(
                    iobj) + ' on order #{:d}'.format(iord))

    sobjs_final = sobjs_trim.copy()
    # Loop over the objects one by one and adjust/predict the traces
    npoly_cen = 3
    pca_fits = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj_trim))
    for iobj in range(nobj_trim):
        igroup = sobjs_final.ech_group == uni_group_trim[iobj]
        # PCA predict the masked orders which were not traced
        pca_fits[:, :, iobj] = pca_trace((sobjs_final[igroup].trace_spat).T,
        # usepca = sobjs_final[igroup].ech_usepca,
        # Perform iterative flux weighted centroiding using new PCA predictions
        xinit_fweight = pca_fits[:, :, iobj].copy()
        inmask_now = inmask & (ordermask > 0)
        xfit_fweight = extract.iter_tracefit(image,
        # Perform iterative Gaussian weighted centroiding
        xinit_gweight = xfit_fweight.copy()
        xfit_gweight = extract.iter_tracefit(image,
        # Assign the new traces
        for iord, spec in enumerate(sobjs_final[igroup]):
            spec.trace_spat = xfit_gweight[:, iord]
            spec.spat_pixpos = spec.trace_spat[specmid]

    # Set the IDs
    if show_trace:
        viewer, ch = ginga.show_image(objminsky * (ordermask > 0))
        for iobj in range(nobj_trim):
            for iord in range(norders):
                                 pca_fits[:, iord, iobj],

        for spec in sobjs_trim:
            color = 'green' if spec.ech_usepca else 'magenta'

        #for spec in sobjs_final:
        #    color = 'red' if spec.ech_usepca else 'green'
        #    ginga.show_trace(viewer, ch, spec.trace_spat, spec.idx, color=color)

    return sobjs_final
    hdu ='/Users/feige/Dropbox/hires_fndobj/f_hires0184G.fits.gz')
    objminsky = hdu[2].data
    ivar = hdu[1].data
    mask = (ivar > 0.0)
    order_str ='/Users/feige/Dropbox/hires_fndobj/OStr_G_04.fits')
    slit_left = (order_str['LHEDG']).T
    slit_righ = (order_str['RHEDG']).T
    plate_scale = 0.36
elif spectro == 'ESI':
    # ESI
    hdu =
    sciimg = hdu[0].data
    var = hdu[1].data
    ivar = utils.calc_ivar(var)
    mask = (var > 0.0)
    skyimg = hdu[2].data
    objminsky = sciimg - skyimg
    hdu_sedg =
    data = hdu_sedg[0].data
    slit_left = data[0, :, :].T
    slit_righ = data[1, :, :].T
    plate_scale = 0.149
elif spectro == 'NIRES':
    from linetools import utils as ltu
    jdict = ltu.loadjson('/Users/feige/Dropbox/hires_fndobj/tilt_nires.json')
    slit_left = np.array(jdict['lcen'])
    slit_righ = np.array(jdict['rcen'])
    hdu =
def ech_objfind(image, ivar, ordermask, slit_left, slit_righ,inmask=None,plate_scale=0.2,npca=2,ncoeff = 5,min_snr=0.0,nabove_min_snr=0,

    if inmask is None:
        inmask = (ordermask > 0)

    frameshape = image.shape
    nspec = frameshape[0]
    norders = slit_left.shape[1]

    if isinstance(plate_scale,(float, int)):
        plate_scale_ord = np.full(norders, plate_scale)  # 0.12 binned by 3 spatially for HIRES
    elif isinstance(plate_scale,(np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
        if len(plate_scale) == norders:
            plate_scale_ord = plate_scale
        elif len(plate_scale) == 1:
            plate_scale_ord = np.full(norders, plate_scale[0])
            msgs.error('Invalid size for plate_scale. It must either have one element or norders elements')
        msgs.error('Invalid type for plate scale')

    specmid = nspec // 2
    slit_width = slit_righ - slit_left
    spec_vec = np.arange(nspec)
    slit_spec_pos = nspec/2.0
    slit_spat_pos = np.zeros((norders, 2))
    for iord in range(norders):
        slit_spat_pos[iord, :] = (np.interp(slit_spec_pos, spec_vec, slit_left[:,iord]), np.interp(slit_spec_pos, spec_vec, slit_righ[:,iord]))

    # Loop over orders and find objects
    sobjs = specobjs.SpecObjs()
    # ToDo replace orderindx with the true order number here? Maybe not. Clean up slitid and orderindx!
    for iord  in range(norders):'Finding objects on slit # {:d}'.format(iord + 1))
        thismask = ordermask == (iord + 1)
        inmask_iord = inmask & thismask
        specobj_dict = {'setup': 'HIRES', 'slitid': iord + 1, 'scidx': 0,'det': 1, 'objtype': 'science'}
        sobjs_slit, skymask[thismask], objmask[thismask], proc_list = \
            extract.objfind(image, thismask, slit_left[:,iord], slit_righ[:,iord], inmask=inmask_iord,show_peaks=show_peaks,
                            show_fits=show_fits, show_trace=False, specobj_dict = specobj_dict)#, sig_thresh = 3.0)
        # ToDO make the specobjs _set_item_ work with expressions like this spec[:].orderindx = iord
        for spec in sobjs_slit:
            spec.ech_orderindx = iord

    nfound = len(sobjs)

    # Compute the FOF linking length based on the instrument place scale and matching length FOFSEP = 1.0"
    FOFSEP = 1.0 # separation of FOF algorithm in arcseconds
    FOF_frac = FOFSEP/(np.median(slit_width)*np.median(plate_scale_ord))

    # Feige: made the code also works for only one object found in one order
    # Run the FOF. We use fake coordinaes
    fracpos = sobjs.spat_fracpos
    ra_fake = fracpos/1000.0 # Divide all angles by 1000 to make geometry euclidian
    dec_fake = 0.0*fracpos
    if nfound>1:
        (ingroup, multgroup, firstgroup, nextgroup) = spheregroup(ra_fake, dec_fake, FOF_frac/1000.0)
        group = ingroup.copy()
        uni_group, uni_ind = np.unique(group, return_index=True)
        nobj = len(uni_group)'FOF matching found {:d}'.format(nobj) + ' unique objects')
    elif nfound==1:
        group = np.zeros(1,dtype='int')
        uni_group, uni_ind = np.unique(group, return_index=True)
        nobj = len(group)
        msgs.warn('Only find one object no FOF matching is needed')

    gfrac = np.zeros(nfound)
    for jj in range(nobj):
        this_group = group == uni_group[jj]
        gfrac[this_group] = np.median(fracpos[this_group])

    uni_frac = gfrac[uni_ind]

    sobjs_align = sobjs.copy()
    # Now fill in the missing objects and their traces
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        for iord in range(norders):
            # Is there an object on this order that grouped into the current group in question?
            on_slit = (group == uni_group[iobj]) & (sobjs_align.ech_orderindx == iord)
            if not np.any(on_slit):
                # Add this to the sobjs_align, and assign required tags
                thisobj = specobjs.SpecObj(frameshape, slit_spat_pos[iord,:], slit_spec_pos, det = sobjs_align[0].det,
                                           setup = sobjs_align[0].setup, slitid = (iord + 1),
                                           scidx = sobjs_align[0].scidx, objtype=sobjs_align[0].objtype)
                thisobj.ech_orderindx = iord
                thisobj.spat_fracpos = uni_frac[iobj]
                thisobj.trace_spat = slit_left[:,iord] + slit_width[:,iord]*uni_frac[iobj] # new trace
                thisobj.trace_spec = spec_vec
                thisobj.spat_pixpos = thisobj.trace_spat[specmid]
                # Use the real detections of this objects for the FWHM
                this_group = group == uni_group[iobj]
                # Assign to the fwhm of the nearest detected order
                imin = np.argmin(np.abs(sobjs_align[this_group].ech_orderindx - iord))
                thisobj.fwhm = sobjs_align[imin].fwhm
                thisobj.maskwidth = sobjs_align[imin].maskwidth
                thisobj.ech_fracpos = uni_frac[iobj]
                thisobj.ech_group = uni_group[iobj]
                thisobj.ech_usepca = True
                group = np.append(group, uni_group[iobj])
                gfrac = np.append(gfrac, uni_frac[iobj])
                # ToDo fix specobjs to get rid of these crappy loops!
                for spec in sobjs_align[on_slit]:
                    spec.ech_fracpos = uni_frac[iobj]
                    spec.ech_group = uni_group[iobj]
                    spec.ech_usepca = False

    # Some code to ensure that the objects are sorted in the sobjs_align by fractional position on the order and by order
    # respectively
    sobjs_sort = specobjs.SpecObjs()
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        this_group = group == uni_group[iobj]
        this_sobj = sobjs_align[this_group]

    # Loop over the objects and perform a quick and dirty extraction to assess S/N.
    varimg = utils.calc_ivar(ivar)
    flux_box = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj))
    ivar_box = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj))
    mask_box = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj))
    SNR_arr = np.zeros((norders, nobj))
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        for iord in range(norders):
            indx = (sobjs_sort.ech_group == uni_group[iobj]) & (sobjs_sort.ech_orderindx == iord)
            spec = sobjs_sort[indx]
            thismask = ordermask == (iord + 1)
            inmask_iord = inmask & thismask
            box_rad_pix = box_radius/plate_scale_ord[iord]
            flux_tmp  = extract.extract_boxcar(image*inmask_iord, spec.trace_spat,box_rad_pix, ycen = spec.trace_spec)
            var_tmp  = extract.extract_boxcar(varimg*inmask_iord, spec.trace_spat,box_rad_pix, ycen = spec.trace_spec)
            ivar_tmp = utils.calc_ivar(var_tmp)
            pixtot  = extract.extract_boxcar(ivar*0 + 1.0, spec.trace_spat,box_rad_pix, ycen = spec.trace_spec)
            mask_tmp = (extract.extract_boxcar(ivar*inmask_iord == 0.0, spec.trace_spat,box_rad_pix, ycen = spec.trace_spec) != pixtot)
            flux_box[:,iord,iobj] = flux_tmp*mask_tmp
            ivar_box[:,iord,iobj] = np.fmax(ivar_tmp*mask_tmp,0.0)
            mask_box[:,iord,iobj] = mask_tmp
            (mean, med_sn, stddev) = sigma_clipped_stats(flux_box[mask_tmp,iord,iobj]*np.sqrt(ivar_box[mask_tmp,iord,iobj]),
            SNR_arr[iord,iobj] = med_sn

    # Purge objects with low SNR and that don't show up in enough orders
    keep_obj = np.zeros(nobj,dtype=bool)
    sobjs_trim = specobjs.SpecObjs()
    uni_group_trim = np.array([],dtype=int)
    uni_frac_trim =  np.array([],dtype=float)
    for iobj in range(nobj):
        if (np.sum(SNR_arr[:,iobj] > min_snr) >= nabove_min_snr):
            keep_obj[iobj] = True
            ikeep = sobjs_sort.ech_group == uni_group[iobj]
            uni_group_trim = np.append(uni_group_trim, uni_group[iobj])
            uni_frac_trim = np.append(uni_frac_trim, uni_frac[iobj])
  'Purging object #{:d}'.format(iobj) + ' which does not satisfy min_snr > {:5.2f}'.format(min_snr) +
                      ' on at least nabove_min_snr >= {:d}'.format(nabove_min_snr) + ' orders')

    nobj_trim = np.sum(keep_obj)
    if nobj_trim == 0:
        return specobjs.SpecObjs()

    SNR_arr_trim = SNR_arr[:,keep_obj]

    # Do a final loop over objects and make the final decision about which orders will be interpolated/extrapolated by the PCA
    for iobj in range(nobj_trim):
        SNR_now = SNR_arr_trim[:,iobj]
        indx = (sobjs_trim.ech_group == uni_group_trim[iobj])
        # PCA interp/extrap if:
        #      (SNR is below pca_percentile of the total SNRs) AND (SNR < snr_pca)
        #                                 OR
        #      (if this order was not originally traced by the object finding, see above)
        usepca = ((SNR_now < np.percentile(SNR_now, pca_percentile)) & (SNR_now < snr_pca)) | sobjs_trim[indx].ech_usepca
        # ToDo fix specobjs to get rid of these crappy loops!
        for iord, spec in enumerate(sobjs_trim[indx]):
            spec.ech_usepca = usepca[iord]
            if usepca[iord]:
      'Using PCA to predict trace for object #{:d}'.format(iobj) + ' on order #{:d}'.format(iord))

    sobjs_final = sobjs_trim.copy()
    # Loop over the objects one by one and adjust/predict the traces
    npoly_cen = 3
    pca_fits = np.zeros((nspec, norders, nobj_trim))
    for iobj in range(nobj_trim):
        igroup = sobjs_final.ech_group == uni_group_trim[iobj]
        # PCA predict the masked orders which were not traced
        pca_fits[:,:,iobj] = pca_trace((sobjs_final[igroup].trace_spat).T, usepca = None, npca = npca, npoly_cen = npoly_cen)
        # usepca = sobjs_final[igroup].ech_usepca,
        # Perform iterative flux weighted centroiding using new PCA predictions
        xinit_fweight = pca_fits[:,:,iobj].copy()
        inmask_now = inmask & (ordermask > 0)
        xfit_fweight = extract.iter_tracefit(image, xinit_fweight, ncoeff, inmask = inmask_now, show_fits=show_fits)
        # Perform iterative Gaussian weighted centroiding
        xinit_gweight = xfit_fweight.copy()
        xfit_gweight = extract.iter_tracefit(image, xinit_gweight, ncoeff, inmask = inmask_now, gweight=True,show_fits=show_fits)
        # Assign the new traces
        for iord, spec in enumerate(sobjs_final[igroup]):
            spec.trace_spat = xfit_gweight[:,iord]
            spec.spat_pixpos = spec.trace_spat[specmid]

    # Set the IDs
    if show_trace:
        viewer, ch = ginga.show_image(objminsky*(ordermask > 0))
        for iobj in range(nobj_trim):
            for iord in range(norders):
                ginga.show_trace(viewer, ch, pca_fits[:,iord, iobj], str(uni_frac[iobj]), color='yellow')

        for spec in sobjs_trim:
            color = 'green' if spec.ech_usepca else 'magenta'
            ginga.show_trace(viewer, ch, spec.trace_spat, spec.idx, color=color)

        #for spec in sobjs_final:
        #    color = 'red' if spec.ech_usepca else 'green'
        #    ginga.show_trace(viewer, ch, spec.trace_spat, spec.idx, color=color)

    return sobjs_final
 sciframe_B, sciivar_B, rawvarframe_B, crmask_B = sciIMG_B.process(bias_subtract=None,
 # This addition of a tiny bit of effor imposes a maximum S/N ratio which stabilizes the fits
 adderr = 0.01  # Additional error to add to the formal errors, as a fraction of the flux; default to 0.01 (1 per cent).
 ivar_A = utils.calc_ivar(rawvarframe_A) * (crmask_A == False)
 gmask_A = (ivar_A > 0.0).astype(int)  # = 1 for good points, 0 for bad points
 ivar_A = gmask_A / (1.0 / (ivar_A + (1.0 - gmask_A)) + (adderr ** 2) * (np.abs(sciframe_A)) ** 2)
 ivar_B = utils.calc_ivar(rawvarframe_B) * (crmask_B == False)
 gmask_B = (ivar_B > 0.0).astype(int)  # = 1 for good points, 0 for bad points
 ivar_B = gmask_B / (1.0 / (ivar_B + (1.0 - gmask_B)) + (adderr ** 2) * (np.abs(sciframe_B)) ** 2)
 # Diff the images
 diff_AB = sciframe_A - sciframe_B
 var_A = utils.calc_ivar(ivar_A)
 var_B = utils.calc_ivar(ivar_B)
 var_AB = var_A + var_B
 # I think processimages already masks saturation but am not sure
 mask_AB = (sciframe_A > 0.0) & (sciframe_B > 0.0) & \
           (sciframe_A < spectrograph.detector[0]['saturation']) & \
           (sciframe_B < spectrograph.detector[0]['saturation']) & \
           (crmask_A == False) & (crmask_B == False)