def test_boxcar(): a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10).astype(float) arep = procimg.boxcar_replicate(a, 2) assert np.array_equal(procimg.boxcar_average(arep, 2), a), 'Bad replicate/average' assert np.array_equal(utils.rebin_evlist(arep, a.shape), a), 'Bad replicate/rebin'
def lacosmic(det, sciframe, saturation, nonlinear, varframe=None, maxiter=1, grow=1.5, remove_compact_obj=True, sigclip=5.0, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0): """ Identify cosmic rays using the L.A.Cosmic algorithm U{} (article : U{}) This routine is mostly courtesy of Malte Tewes Args: det: sciframe: saturation: nonlinear: varframe: maxiter: grow: remove_compact_obj: sigclip: sigfrac: objlim: Returns: ndarray: mask of cosmic rays (0=no CR, 1=CR) """ dnum = parse.get_dnum(det)"Detecting cosmic rays with the L.A.Cosmic algorithm") #"Include these parameters in the settings files to be adjusted by the user") # Set the settings scicopy = sciframe.copy() crmask = np.cast['bool'](np.zeros(sciframe.shape)) sigcliplow = sigclip * sigfrac # Determine if there are saturated pixels satpix = np.zeros_like(sciframe) # satlev = settings_det['saturation']*settings_det['nonlinear'] satlev = saturation * nonlinear wsat = np.where(sciframe >= satlev) if wsat[0].size == 0: satpix = None else: satpix[wsat] = 1.0 satpix = np.cast['bool'](satpix) # Define the kernels laplkernel = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 4.0, -1.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]]) # Laplacian kernal growkernel = np.ones((3, 3)) for i in range(1, maxiter + 1):"Convolving image with Laplacian kernel") # Subsample, convolve, clip negative values, and rebin to original size subsam = utils.subsample(scicopy) conved = signal.convolve2d(subsam, laplkernel, mode="same", boundary="symm") cliped = conved.clip(min=0.0) lplus = utils.rebin_evlist(cliped, np.array(cliped.shape) / 2.0)"Creating noise model") # Build a custom noise map, and compare this to the laplacian m5 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(scicopy, size=5, mode='mirror') if varframe is None: noise = np.sqrt(np.abs(m5)) else: noise = np.sqrt(varframe)"Calculating Laplacian signal to noise ratio") # Laplacian S/N s = lplus / (2.0 * noise ) # Note that the 2.0 is from the 2x2 subsampling # Remove the large structures sp = s - ndimage.filters.median_filter(s, size=5, mode='mirror')"Selecting candidate cosmic rays") # Candidate cosmic rays (this will include HII regions) candidates = sp > sigclip nbcandidates = np.sum(candidates)"{0:5d} candidate pixels".format(nbcandidates)) # At this stage we use the saturated stars to mask the candidates, if available : if satpix is not None:"Masking saturated pixels") candidates = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(satpix), candidates) nbcandidates = np.sum(candidates) "{0:5d} candidate pixels not part of saturated stars".format( nbcandidates))"Building fine structure image") # We build the fine structure image : m3 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(scicopy, size=3, mode='mirror') m37 = ndimage.filters.median_filter(m3, size=7, mode='mirror') f = m3 - m37 f /= noise f = f.clip(min=0.01)"Removing suspected compact bright objects") # Now we have our better selection of cosmics : if remove_compact_obj: cosmics = np.logical_and(candidates, sp / f > objlim) else: cosmics = candidates nbcosmics = np.sum(cosmics)"{0:5d} remaining candidate pixels".format(nbcosmics)) # What follows is a special treatment for neighbors, with more relaxed constains."Finding neighboring pixels affected by cosmic rays") # We grow these cosmics a first time to determine the immediate neighborhod : growcosmics = np.cast['bool'](signal.convolve2d( np.cast['float32'](cosmics), growkernel, mode="same", boundary="symm")) # From this grown set, we keep those that have sp > sigmalim # so obviously not requiring sp/f > objlim, otherwise it would be pointless growcosmics = np.logical_and(sp > sigclip, growcosmics) # Now we repeat this procedure, but lower the detection limit to sigmalimlow : finalsel = np.cast['bool'](signal.convolve2d( np.cast['float32'](growcosmics), growkernel, mode="same", boundary="symm")) finalsel = np.logical_and(sp > sigcliplow, finalsel) # Unmask saturated pixels: if satpix is not None:"Masking saturated stars") finalsel = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(satpix), finalsel) ncrp = np.sum(finalsel)"{0:5d} pixels detected as cosmics".format(ncrp)) # We find how many cosmics are not yet known : newmask = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(crmask), finalsel) nnew = np.sum(newmask) # We update the mask with the cosmics we have found : crmask = np.logical_or(crmask, finalsel) "Iteration {0:d} -- {1:d} pixels identified as cosmic rays ({2:d} new)" .format(i, ncrp, nnew)) if ncrp == 0: break # Additional algorithms (not traditionally implemented by LA cosmic) to remove some false positives. "The following algorithm would be better on the rectified, tilts-corrected image" ) filt = ndimage.sobel(sciframe, axis=1, mode='constant') filty = ndimage.sobel(filt / np.sqrt(np.abs(sciframe)), axis=0, mode='constant') filty[np.where(np.isnan(filty))] = 0.0 sigimg = cr_screen(filty) sigsmth = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(sigimg, 1.5) sigsmth[np.where(np.isnan(sigsmth))] = 0.0 sigmask = np.cast['bool'](np.zeros(sciframe.shape)) sigmask[np.where(sigsmth > sigclip)] = True crmask = np.logical_and(crmask, sigmask)"Growing cosmic ray mask by 1 pixel") crmask = grow_masked(crmask.astype(np.float), grow, 1.0) return crmask.astype(bool)