Esempio n. 1
def lris_read_amp(inp, ext):
    Read one amplifier of an LRIS multi-extension FITS image

    inp: tuple 
      (str,int) filename, extension
      (hdu,int) FITS hdu, extension


    function lris_read_amp, filename, ext, $
      linebias=linebias, nobias=nobias, $
      predata=predata, postdata=postdata, header=header, $
      x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, GAINDATA=gaindata
    ; Read one amp from LRIS mHDU image
    from pypit import arload

    # Parse input
    if isinstance(inp, basestring):
        hdu =
        hdu = inp

    #; Get the pre and post pix values
    #; for LRIS red POSTLINE = 20, POSTPIX = 80, PRELINE = 0, PRECOL = 12
    head0 = hdu[0].header
    precol = head0['precol']
    postpix = head0['postpix']

    #; Deal with binning
    binning = head0['BINNING']
    xbin, ybin = [int(ibin) for ibin in binning.split(',')]
    precol = precol//xbin
    postpix = postpix//xbin

    #; get entire extension...
    temp = hdu[ext].data.transpose() # Silly Python nrow,ncol formatting
    tsize = temp.shape
    nxt = tsize[0]

    #; parse the DETSEC keyword to determine the size of the array.
    header = hdu[ext].header
    detsec = header['DETSEC']
    x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(arload.load_sections(detsec, msgs)).flatten()

    #; parse the DATASEC keyword to determine the size of the science region (unbinned)
    datasec = header['DATASEC']
    xdata1, xdata2, ydata1, ydata2 = np.array(arload.load_sections(datasec, msgs)).flatten()

    #; grab the components...
    predata = temp[0:precol, :]
    # datasec appears to have the x value for the keywords that are zero
    # based. This is only true in the image header extensions
    # not true in the main header.  They also appear inconsistent between
    # LRISr and LRISb!
    #data     = temp[xdata1-1:xdata2-1,*]
    #data = temp[xdata1:xdata2+1, :]
    if (xdata1-1) != precol:
        msgs.error("Something wrong in LRIS datasec or precol")
    xshape = 1024 // xbin
    if (xshape+precol+postpix) != temp.shape[0]:
        msgs.error("Wrong size for in LRIS detector somewhere.  Funny binning?")
    data = temp[precol:precol+xshape,:]
    postdata = temp[nxt-postpix:nxt, :]

    #; flip in X as needed...
    if x1 > x2:
        xt = x2
        x2 = x1
        x1 = xt
        data = np.flipud(data) #reverse(temporary(data),1)

    #; flip in Y as needed...
    if y1 > y2:
        yt = y2
        y2 = y1
        y1 = yt
        data = np.fliplr(data)
        predata = np.fliplr(predata)
        postdata = np.fliplr(postdata)

    #; correct gain if requested...
    if keyword_set(GAINDATA) then begin
        gain = gainvalue( gaindata, header)
        data = FLOAT(temporary(data)) * gain
        predata = FLOAT(temporary(predata)) * gain
        postdata = FLOAT(temporary(postdata)) * gain

    ;; optional bias subtraction...
    if ~ keyword_set(NOBIAS) then begin
        if keyword_set( LINEBIAS) then begin
            ;; compute a bias for each line...
            bias = median( postdata, dim=1)

            ;; subtract for data...
            buf = size(data)
            nx = buf[1]
            ny = buf[2]
            data2 = fltarr(nx,ny)
            for i=0,nx-1 do begin
                data2[i,*] = float(data[i,*]) - bias
            data = data2
        endif else begin
            ;; compute a scalar bias....
            bias = median( postdata)
            data -= bias

    return data, predata, postdata, x1, y1
Esempio n. 2
def read_lris(raw_file, det=None, TRIM=False):
    Read a raw LRIS data frame (one or more detectors)
    Packed in a multi-extension HDU
    Based on

    raw_file : str
    det : int, optional
      Detector number; Default = both
    TRIM : bool, optional
      Trim the image?

    array : ndarray
      Combined image 
    header : FITS header
    sections : list
      List of datasec, oscansec, ampsec sections
    from pypit import arload

    # Check for file; allow for extra .gz, etc. suffix
    fil = glob.glob(raw_file+'*') 
    if len(fil) != 1:
        msgs.error("Found {:d} files matching {:s}".format(len(fil)))

    # Read"Reading LRIS file: {:s}".format(fil[0]))
    hdu =[0])
    head0 = hdu[0].header

    # Get post, pre-pix values
    precol = head0['PRECOL']
    postpix = head0['POSTPIX']
    preline = head0['PRELINE']
    postline = head0['POSTLINE']

    # Setup for datasec, oscansec, ampsec
    dsec = []
    osec = []
    asec = []

    # get the x and y binning factors...
    binning = head0['BINNING']
    xbin, ybin = [int(ibin) for ibin in binning.split(',')]

    # First read over the header info to determine the size of the output array...
    n_ext = len(hdu)-1  # Number of extensions (usually 4)
    xcol = []
    xmax = 0
    ymax = 0
    xmin = 10000
    ymin = 10000
    for i in np.arange(1, n_ext+1):
        theader = hdu[i].header
        detsec = theader['DETSEC']
        if detsec != '0':
            # parse the DETSEC keyword to determine the size of the array.
            x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(arload.load_sections(detsec, msgs)).flatten()

            # find the range of detector space occupied by the data
            # [xmin:xmax,ymin:ymax]
            xt = max(x2, x1)
            xmax = max(xt, xmax)
            yt =  max(y2, y1)
            ymax = max(yt, ymax)

            # find the min size of the array
            xt = min(x1, x2)
            xmin = min(xmin, xt)
            yt = min(y1, y2)
            ymin = min(ymin, yt)
            # Save

    #; determine the output array size...
    nx = xmax - xmin + 1
    ny = ymax - ymin + 1

    #; change size for binning...
    nx = nx // xbin
    ny = ny // ybin

    #; Update PRECOL and POSTPIX
    precol = precol // xbin
    postpix = postpix // xbin

    # Deal with detectors
    if det in [1,2]:
        nx = nx // 2
        n_ext = n_ext // 2
        det_idx = np.arange(n_ext, + (det-1)*n_ext
        ndet = 1
    elif det is None:
        ndet = 2
        det_idx = np.arange(n_ext).astype(int)
        raise ValueError('Bad value for det')

    #; change size for pre/postscan...
    if not TRIM:
        nx += n_ext*(precol+postpix)
        ny += preline + postline

    #; allocate output array...
    array = np.zeros( (nx, ny) )
    order = np.argsort(np.array(xcol))

    #; insert extensions into master image...
    for kk, i in enumerate(order[det_idx]):

        #; grab complete extension...
        data, predata, postdata, x1, y1 = lris_read_amp(hdu, i+1)
                            #, linebias=linebias, nobias=nobias, $
                            #x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, gaindata=gaindata)
        #; insert components into output array...
        if not TRIM:
            #; insert predata...
            buf = predata.shape
            nxpre = buf[0]
            xs = kk*precol
            xe = xs + nxpre
            if keyword_set(VERBOSE) then begin
                section = '['+stringify(xs)+':'+stringify(xe)+',*]'
                message, 'inserting extension '+stringify(i)+ $
                         ' predata  in '+section, /info
            array[xs:xe, :] = predata

            #; insert data...
            buf = data.shape
            nxdata = buf[0]
            nydata = buf[1]
            xs = n_ext*precol + kk*nxdata #(x1-xmin)/xbin
            xe = xs + nxdata
            # Data section
            section = '[{:d}:{:d},{:d}:{:d}]'.format(preline,nydata-postline, xs, xe)  # Eliminate lines
            section = '[:,{:d}:{:d}]'.format(xs, xe)  # Amp section
            array[xs:xe, :] = data   # Include postlines

            #; insert postdata...
            buf = postdata.shape
            nxpost = buf[0]
            xs = nx - n_ext*postpix + kk*postpix
            xe = xs + nxpost 
            section = '[:,{:d}:{:d}]'.format(xs, xe)
            if keyword_set(VERBOSE) then begin
                section = '['+stringify(xs)+':'+stringify(xe)+',*]'
                message, 'inserting extension '+stringify(i)+ $
                         ' postdata in '+section, /info
            array[xs:xe, :] = postdata
            buf = data.shape
            nxdata = buf[0]
            nydata = buf[1]

            xs = (x1-xmin)//xbin
            xe = xs + nxdata 
            ys = (y1-ymin)//ybin
            ye = ys + nydata - postline

            yin1 = preline
            yin2 = nydata - postline 

            if keyword_set(VERBOSE) then begin
                section = '['+stringify(xs)+':'+stringify(xe)+ $
                message, 'inserting extension '+stringify(i)+ $
                         ' data     in '+section, /info
            array[xs:xe, ys:ye] = data[:, yin1:yin2]

    #; make sure BZERO is a valid integer for IRAF
    obzero = head0['BZERO']
    head0['O_BZERO'] = obzero
    head0['BZERO'] = 32768-obzero

    # Return, transposing array back to goofy Python indexing
    return array.T, head0, (dsec, osec, asec)