def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.api = MXApi() self.namespace = 'mx' self.site_name = 'ManiaExchange' self.site_short_name = 'MX' self.award_widget = None self.setting_mx_key = Setting( 'mx_key', 'ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange Key', Setting.CAT_KEYS, type=str, default=None, description= 'Is only required when you want to download from a private group/section!' ) self.setting_display_award_widget = Setting( 'display_award_widget', 'Display the award widget on podium', Setting.CAT_BEHAVIOUR, type=bool, description= 'Whether to display the widget linking to the MX award page on podium.', default=True)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.api = MXApi() self.namespace = 'mx' self.site_name = 'ManiaExchange' self.site_short_name = 'MX' self.setting_mx_key = Setting( 'mx_key', 'ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange Key', Setting.CAT_KEYS, type=str, default=None, description='Is only required when you want to download from a private group/section!' )
class MX(AppConfig): # pragma: no cover name = '' game_dependencies = ['trackmania', 'trackmania_next', 'shootmania'] app_dependencies = ['core.maniaplanet'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.api = MXApi() self.namespace = 'mx' self.site_name = 'ManiaExchange' self.site_short_name = 'MX' self.setting_mx_key = Setting( 'mx_key', 'ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange Key', Setting.CAT_KEYS, type=str, default=None, description='Is only required when you want to download from a private group/section!' ) async def on_init(self): # Set server login in the API. self.api.server_login = # Set the default site in. = await self.api.create_session() async def on_start(self): await self.instance.permission_manager.register( 'add_remote', 'Add map from remote source (such as MX)', app=self, min_level=2) await self.context.setting.register( self.setting_mx_key ) if == 'tmnext': self.namespace = 'tmx' self.site_name = 'TrackmaniaExchange' self.site_short_name = 'TMX' await self.instance.command_manager.register( Command(command='info', namespace=self.namespace, target=self.mx_info, description='Display ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange information for current map.'), # support backwards Command(command='mx', namespace='add', target=self.add_mx_map, perms='mx:add_remote', admin=True, description='Add map from ManiaExchange to the maplist.').add_param( 'maps', nargs='*', type=str, required=True, help='MX ID(s) of maps to add.'), # new mx command random (Adding) Random Maps from MX Command(command='random', namespace=self.namespace, target=self.random_mx_map, perms='mx:add_remote', admin=True, description='Get Random Maps on ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange.'), # new mx namespace Command(command='search', aliases=['list'], namespace=self.namespace, target=self.search_mx_map, perms='mx:add_remote', admin=True, description='Search for maps on ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange.'), Command(command='add', namespace=self.namespace, target=self.add_mx_map, perms='mx:add_remote', admin=True, description='Add map from ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange to the maplist.').add_param( 'maps', nargs='*', type=str, required=True, help='MX/TMX ID(s) of maps to add.'), Command(command='status', namespace=self.namespace, target=self.status_mx_maps, perms='mx:add_remote', admin=True, description='View the map statuses compared to ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange.'), # new mxpack namespace Command(command='search', aliases=['list'], namespace='{}pack'.format(self.namespace), target=self.search_mx_pack, perms='mx:add_remote', admin=True, description='Search for mappacks on ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange.'), Command(command='add', namespace='{}pack'.format(self.namespace), target=self.add_mx_pack, perms='mx:add_remote', admin=True, description='Add mappack from ManiaExchange/TrackmaniaExchange to the maplist.') .add_param('pack', nargs='*', type=str, required=True, help='MX/TMX ID(s) of mappacks to add.'), ) async def random_mx_map(self, player, data, **kwargs): map_random_id = await self.api.mx_random() await self.instance.command_manager.execute( player, '//{} add maps'.format(self.namespace), str(map_random_id) ) async def mx_info(self, player, data, **kwargs): map_info = await self.api.map_info(self.instance.map_manager.current_map.uid) if len(map_info) != 1: message = '$f00Map could not be found on MX!' await, player) return map_info = map_info[0][1] messages = [ '$o$ff0{site_name} info:$o Name: $fff{map_name}$ff0, {site_code}-username: $fff{map_username}'.format( site_name=self.site_name, site_code=self.site_short_name, map_name=map_info['Name'], map_username=map_info['Username'], ) ] if 'ReplayCount' in map_info: # If TM with ReplayCount messages.append( '$ff0Number of replays: $fff{num_replays}$ff0, Number of awards: $fff{num_awards}$ff0, {site_code}-ID: $l[{link}]$fff{id}$l $n(click to open {site_code})'.format( num_replays=map_info['ReplayCount'], num_awards=map_info['AwardCount'], site_code=self.site_short_name, link='{}/s/tr/{}'.format(self.api.base_url(), map_info['TrackID']), id=map_info['TrackID'], ) ) else: messages.append( '$ff0{site_code}-ID: $l[{link}]$fff{id}$l (click to open {site_code})'.format( site_code=self.site_short_name, link='{}/s/tr/{}'.format(self.api.base_url(), map_info['MapID']), id=map_info['MapID'] ) ) await self.instance.gbx.multicall(*[, player) for message in messages]) async def search_mx_pack(self, player, data, **kwargs): self.api.key = await self.setting_mx_key.get_value() window = MxPacksListView(self, player, self.api) await window.display() async def search_mx_map(self, player, data, **kwargs): self.api.key = await self.setting_mx_key.get_value() window = MxSearchListView(self, player, self.api) await window.display() async def status_mx_maps(self, player, data, **kwargs): await'$ff0{site_code}: Please wait, checking for updated maps... This can take a while.'.format( site_code=self.site_short_name ), player) self.api.key = await self.setting_mx_key.get_value() window = MxStatusListView(self, self.api) await window.display(player=player) async def add_mx_pack(self, player, data, **kwargs): try: pack_id = data.pack[0] token = data.pack[1] if len(data.pack) == 2 else "" ids = await self.api.get_pack_ids(pack_id, token) mx_ids = list() for obj in ids: mx_ids.append(str(obj[0])) mock = namedtuple("data", ["maps"]) await'$ff0{}: Installing mappack... This can take a while.'.format(self.site_short_name), player) await self.add_mx_map(player, mock(maps=mx_ids)) await'$ff0{}: Done Installing mappack!'.format(self.site_short_name), player) except MXMapNotFound: message = '$ff0Error: Can\'t add map pack from {}, due error.'.format(self.site_short_name) await, player) async def add_mx_map(self, player, data, **kwargs): # Make sure we update the key in the api. self.api.key = await self.setting_mx_key.get_value() # Prepare and fetch information about the maps from MX. mx_ids = data.maps try: infos = await self.api.map_info(*mx_ids) if len(infos) == 0: raise MXMapNotFound() except MXMapNotFound: message = '$f00Error: Can\'t add map from {}. Map not found on {}!'.format(self.site_short_name, self.site_name) await, player) return except MXInvalidResponse as e: message = '$f00Error: Got invalid response from {}: {}'.format(self.site_name, str(e)) await, player.login) return try: if not await'UserData', 'Maps', 'PyPlanet-MX')): await'UserData', 'Maps', 'PyPlanet-MX')) except Exception as e: message = '$f00Error: Can\'t check or create folder: {}'.format(str(e)) await, player.login) return # Fetch setting if juke after adding is enabled. juke_after_adding = await self.instance.setting_manager.get_setting( 'admin', 'juke_after_adding', prefetch_values=True) juke_maps = await juke_after_adding.get_value() if 'jukebox' not in self.instance.apps.apps: juke_maps = False added_map_uids = list() for mx_id, mx_info in infos: if 'Name' not in mx_info: continue try: # Test if map isn't yet in our current map list. if self.instance.map_manager.playlist_has_map(mx_info['MapUID']): raise Exception('Map already in playlist! Update? remove it first!') # Download file + save resp = await map_filename = os.path.join('PyPlanet-MX', '{}-{}.Map.Gbx'.format(, mx_id )) async with, 'wb+') as map_file: await map_file.write(await await map_file.close() # Insert map to server. result = await self.instance.map_manager.add_map(map_filename, save_matchsettings=False) if result: added_map_uids.append(mx_info['MapUID']) message = '$ff0Admin $fff{}$z$s$ff0 has added{} the map $fff{}$z$s$ff0 by $fff{}$z$s$ff0 from {}..'.format( player.nickname, ' and juked' if juke_maps else '', mx_info['Name'], mx_info['Username'], self.site_short_name ) await else: raise Exception('Unknown error while adding the map!') except Exception as e: logger.warning('Error when player {} was adding map from {}: {}'.format(player.login, self.site_short_name, str(e))) message = '$ff0Error: Can\'t add map {}, Error: {}'.format(mx_info['Name'], str(e)) await, player.login) # Save match settings after inserting maps. try: await self.instance.map_manager.save_matchsettings() except: pass # Reindex and create maps in database. try: await self.instance.map_manager.update_list(full_update=True) except: pass # Jukebox all the maps requested, in order. if juke_maps and len(added_map_uids) > 0: # Fetch map objects. for juke_uid in added_map_uids: map_instance = await self.instance.map_manager.get_map(uid=juke_uid) if map_instance: self.instance.apps.apps['jukebox'].insert_map(player, map_instance) return [await self.instance.map_manager.get_map(uid=added_uid) for added_uid in added_map_uids]