def graphSpec(self,graphName): csv_reader = csv.reader(open(self.specFile,'r')) cnt = 0 frequencies = None decibels = None for line in csv_reader: if cnt == 0: frequencies = line cnt += 1 else: decibels = line # decibels = [(decibels)] print frequencies, decibels cnt=0 frequencies_floats=[] for x in frequencies: frequencies_floats.append(float(x)) cnt+=1 cnt=0 decibels_floats=[] for x in decibels: decibels_floats.append(float(x)) cnt+=1 N=len(decibels) ind = np.arange(N) width = .35 fig = plt.figure(),decibels_floats,width) plt.xticks(ind+width/2., frequencies,rotation=40, size='small') plt.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") plt.ylabel("Decibels (db)")
def graphDB(self,graphName): print self.dbFile csv_reader = csv.reader(open(self.dbFile,'r')) bigx = float(-sys.maxint -1) bigy = float(-sys.maxint -1) smallx = float(sys.maxint) smally = float(sys.maxint) verts = [] for row in csv_reader: print row verts.append(row) x_arr = [] y_arr = [] for vert in verts: date = vert[0].split(':') print float(date[0])+(float(date[1])/60) x_arr.append(float(date[0])+(float(date[1])/60)) y_arr.append(vert[1]) # dates.date2num(x_arr) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8]) ax.set_xlabel('Time (hh:mm:ss)') ax.set_ylabel('Decibels (db)') #ax.set_xlim() ax.set_ylim(30,80) ax.plot(x_arr,y_arr) plt.savefig(graphName)
def xzCloudPlot(nest,time,plotTemp=True,plotRH=False): nc = openWRF(nest) Nx,Ny,Nz,longitude,_lats,_dx,_dy,x_nr,y_nr = getDimensions(nc) heightground_x,heighthalf_xz = _getHeight(nc, time, Nx, -1, Nz, -1, y_nr) print 'Model height: ' + str(heightground_x[x_nr]) theta = nc.variables['T'][time,:,y_nr,:] + T_base P = nc.variables['P'][time,:,y_nr,:] + nc.variables['PB'][time,:,y_nr,:] T = theta*(P/P_bot)**kappa # Temperatur i halvflatene (Kelvin) rho = P/(R*T) #[kg/m3] qcloud_xz = 1000.0*nc.variables['QCLOUD'][time,:,y_nr,:]*rho # regner om til g/m3 qrain_xz = 1000.0*nc.variables['QRAIN'][time,:,y_nr,:]*rho qsnow_xz = 1000.0*nc.variables['QSNOW'][time,:,y_nr,:]*rho plt.figure() plt.set_cmap(cmap_red) plt.axis([0,Nx-1,0.0,z_max]) print u'Cloud water red, snow blue, rain green ($g/m^3$)' grid = np.reshape(np.tile(arange(Nx),Nz),(Nz,-1)) plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, qcloud_xz, alpha=0.9,levels=xz_cloudwater_levels, cmap=cmap_red)# plt.colorbar() plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, qrain_xz, alpha=0.6,levels=xz_rain_levels, cmap=cmap_green)# plt.colorbar() plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_xz, qsnow_xz, alpha=0.6,levels=xz_snow_levels,cmap=cmap_blue)# plt.colorbar() if plotTemp: temp_int = arange(-80.0,50.0,2.0) cs = plt.contour(grid, heighthalf_xz, T-T_zero, temp_int,colors='black',linestyles='solid')#linewidths=4 plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f', fontsize=12,colors='black') if plotRH: rh = _getRH(nc,time,-1,y_nr,T,P) rh_int = arange(90.,111.,5.) cs = plt.contour(grid, heighthalf_xz,rh , rh_int, colors='grey') plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f', fontsize=12, colors='grey') plt.plot(arange(Nx),heightground_x,color='black') plt.fill_between(arange(Nx),heightground_x,0,facecolor='lightgrey') plt.xticks(np.arange(0,Nx,8),np.round(longitude[Ny/2,::8], 1), fontsize='small') plt.yticks(np.arange(0,z_max,dz), fontsize='small') plt.xlabel('Lengdegrad') plt.ylabel(u'Høyde [m]') plt.close()
def skewTPlot(nest, time): """ This is the method to use from the outside nest: The nesting level of the nc-file from WRF time: The time for which to plot """ nc = openWRF(nest) _Nx, _Ny, _Nz, _longs, _lats, _dx, _dy, x, y = getDimensions(nc) plt.figure() _isotherms() _isobars() _dry_adiabats() _moist_adiabats() P = nc.variables['P'][time, :, y, x] + nc.variables['PB'][time, :, y, x] _windbarbs(nc, time, y, x, P) _temperature(nc, time, y, x, P) _dewpoint(nc, time, y, x, P) plt.axis([-40, 50, P_b, P_t]) plt.xlabel('Temperatur ($^{\circ}\! C$) ved 1000hPa') xticks = np.arange(-40, 51, 5) plt.xticks(xticks, ['' if tick % 10 != 0 else str(tick) for tick in xticks]) plt.ylabel('Trykk (hPa)') yticks = np.arange(P_bot, P_t - 1, -10**4) plt.yticks(yticks, yticks / 100) sfcT = nc.variables['T2'][time, y, x] - T_zero sfcP = nc.variables['PSFC'][time, y, x] sfcW = nc.variables['Q2'][time, y, x] sfcTd = td(e(sfcW, sfcP)) plt.suptitle('Bakketemp: %4.1f$^{\circ}\! C$ Duggpunkt: %3.1f$^{\circ}\! C$ Trykk: %5.1f hPa' % (sfcT,sfcTd,0.01*sfcP), \ fontsize=10, x = 0.5, y = 0.03) plt.close()
def skewTPlot(nest,time): """ This is the method to use from the outside nest: The nesting level of the nc-file from WRF time: The time for which to plot """ nc = openWRF(nest) _Nx,_Ny,_Nz,_longs,_lats,_dx,_dy,x,y = getDimensions(nc) plt.figure() _isotherms() _isobars() _dry_adiabats() _moist_adiabats() P = nc.variables['P'][time,:,y,x] + nc.variables['PB'][time,:,y,x] _windbarbs(nc,time,y,x,P) _temperature(nc,time,y,x,P) _dewpoint(nc,time,y,x,P) plt.axis([-40,50,P_b,P_t]) plt.xlabel('Temperatur ($^{\circ}\! C$) ved 1000hPa') xticks = np.arange(-40,51,5) plt.xticks(xticks,['' if tick%10!=0 else str(tick) for tick in xticks]) plt.ylabel('Trykk (hPa)') yticks = np.arange(P_bot,P_t-1,-10**4) plt.yticks(yticks,yticks/100) sfcT = nc.variables['T2'][time,y,x]-T_zero sfcP = nc.variables['PSFC'][time,y,x] sfcW = nc.variables['Q2'][time,y,x] sfcTd = td(e(sfcW,sfcP)) plt.suptitle('Bakketemp: %4.1f$^{\circ}\! C$ Duggpunkt: %3.1f$^{\circ}\! C$ Trykk: %5.1f hPa' % (sfcT,sfcTd,0.01*sfcP), \ fontsize=10, x = 0.5, y = 0.03) plt.close()
def tzCloudPlot(nest, plotMetar=False, offset=0): nc = openWRF(nest) Nx, Ny, Nz, _longs, _lats, _dx, _dy, x_nr, y_nr = getDimensions(nc) heightground_t, heighthalf_tz = _getHeight(nc, Nx, Ny, Nz, x_nr, y_nr) T_tz = np.zeros((Nz, Nt)) qcloud_tz = np.zeros((Nz, Nt)) qice_tz = np.zeros((Nz, Nt)) qsnow_tz = np.zeros((Nz, Nt)) qrain_tz = np.zeros((Nz, Nt)) for t in arange(Nt): theta = nc.variables['T'][t, :, y_nr, x_nr] + T_base P = nc.variables['P'][t, :, y_nr, x_nr] + nc.variables['PB'][t, :, y_nr, x_nr] T_tz[:, t] = theta * (P / P_bot)**kappa # Temperatur i halvflatene (Kelvin) rho = P[:] / (R * T_tz[:, t]) # regner om til g/m3 qcloud_tz[:, t] = 1000.0 * nc.variables['QCLOUD'][t, :, y_nr, x_nr] * rho qice_tz[:, t] = 1000.0 * nc.variables['QICE'][t, :, y_nr, x_nr] * rho qsnow_tz[:, t] = 1000.0 * nc.variables['QSNOW'][t, :, y_nr, x_nr] * rho qrain_tz[:, t] = 1000.0 * nc.variables['QRAIN'][t, :, y_nr, x_nr] * rho for s in [u'Snø', 'Regn']: plt.figure() plt.axis([-offset, Nt - 1, 0.0, z_max]) grid = np.reshape(np.tile(arange(Nt), Nz), (Nz, -1)) if (s == u"Snø"): var = qsnow_tz cm = cmap_blue levs = tz_snow_levels else: var = qrain_tz cm = cmap_green levs = tz_rain_levels plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_tz, qcloud_tz, alpha=0.9, levels=tz_cloudwater_levels, cmap=cmap_red) # plt.colorbar() plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_tz, var, alpha=0.6, levels=levs, cmap=cm) # plt.colorbar() cs = plt.contour(grid, heighthalf_tz, T_tz - T_zero, temp_int, colors='black', linestyles='solid') plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f', fontsize=12, colors='black') plt.fill_between(arange(-offset, Nt), heightground_t[0], 0, facecolor='lightgrey') if plotMetar: _metar() print s + ' ($g/m^3$)' plt.xlabel('Timer etter ' + date + 'T00:00Z') plt.ylabel(u'Høyde [m]') plt.yticks(np.arange(0, z_max, dz), fontsize='small') plt.close() fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_xlim(0, Nt - 1) ax1.plot(np.sum(qcloud_tz, axis=0), color='black', label=u"skyvann") ax1.plot(np.sum(qsnow_tz, axis=0), color='green', label=u"snø") ax1.set_xlabel('Timer etter ' + date + 'T00:00Z') ax1.set_ylabel(u'Skyvann og snø ($g/m^2$)') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(np.sum(qice_tz, axis=0), color='blue', label="is") ax2.plot(np.sum(qrain_tz, axis=0), color='red', label="regn") ax2.set_ylabel('Regn og is ($g/m^2$)') ax1.set_xlim(0, Nt - 1) ax1.legend(loc='upper left') ax2.legend(loc='upper right') plt.close()
def from_file_home_outside_calls(): file1 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/ORGANIZED/SET3/Clustering/usr res/usr_home_calls.tsv" file2 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/ORGANIZED/SET3/Clustering/usr res/usr_outside_calls.tsv" usr_home_c = n.zeros(500001) usr_outside_c = n.zeros(500001) i = 0 f1 = open(file1, 'r') f2 = open(file2, 'r') # read the file1 for line in f1: i = i + 1 u, home_c = line.split('\t') home_c = float(home_c) u = int(u) usr_home_c[u] = home_c # read the file for line in f2: i = i + 1 u, outside_c = line.split('\t') outside_c = float(outside_c) u = int(u) usr_outside_c[u] = outside_c ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot pdf of home calls ############################################################################################################################ fig1 = plt.figure(1) ax = fig1.add_subplot(211) nn, bins, rectangles = ax.hist(usr_home_c, 100, normed=True) #plt.plot(nc_distr_pct, 'ro', linewidth=0.5, label= 'pdf Num of calls') plt.xlabel('NcH, number of calls from the home subprefecture') plt.ylabel('P(NcH)') plt.legend() # # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/rg/pdf rg loglog.png" #this is a regular plot file, then comment the previous loglog block #figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/rg/pdf home calls.png" #print(figure_name) #plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png") ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot pdf of outside calls ############################################################################################################################ #fig1 = plt.figure(1) ax = fig1.add_subplot(212) nn, bins, rectangles = ax.hist(usr_outside_c, 100, normed=True) #plt.plot(nc_distr_pct, 'ro', linewidth=0.5, label= 'pdf Num of calls') plt.xlabel('NcO, number of calls from outside the home subprefecture') plt.ylabel('P(NcO)') plt.legend() # # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/rg/pdf home outside calls.png" # #this is a regular plot file, then comment the previous loglog block # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/rg/pdf home outside calls.png" print(figure_name) plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png") return # invoke the function for plotting number of calls and frequency probability distribution (percents of users) #from_file_home_outside_calls()
def from_fq_files_hist_pdf(): file_name= "/home/sscepano/D4D res/ORGANIZED/SET3/Distr of Num and Fq of Calls/new results -- check the same/Users_and_their_total_calls_number.tsv" file_name2 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/ORGANIZED/SET3/Distr of Num and Fq of Calls/new results -- check the same/Users_and_their_calling_fq.tsv" # here we store the num of calls made by a user usr_and_his_num_calls = n.zeros(500001, nc_distr = n.zeros(max_num_calls, # a loop where we populate those two arrays from the file i = 0 f = open(file_name, 'r') # read the file for line in f: i = i + 1 u, nc = line.split('\t') nc = int(nc) u = int(u) usr_and_his_num_calls[u] = nc nc_distr[nc] += 1 mi = min(usr_and_his_num_calls) mx = max(usr_and_his_num_calls) print("Minimum number of calls ", mi) print("Maximum number of calls ", mx) total_u = float(sum(nc_distr)) print("Total users found ", total_u) ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot number of users pdf ############################################################################################################################ # fig1 = plt.figure(1) # ax = fig1.add_subplot(111) # nn, bins, rectangles = ax.hist(usr_and_his_num_calls, 100, normed=True) # # plt.xlabel('N, num of calls') # plt.ylabel('P(N)') # plt.legend() # # # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file # plt.yscale('log') # plt.xscale('log') # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/hist of num of calls loglog.png" # ## #this is a regular plot file, then comment the previous loglog block ## figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/hist of num of calls.png" # # print(figure_name) # plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png") # # plt.clf() ############################################################################################################################### # THIS is to plot fq pdf ############################################################################################################################### # here we store the num of calls made by a user usr_and_his_fq = n.zeros(500001) # a loop where we populate those two arrays from the file i = 0 f2 = open(file_name2, 'r') # read the file for line in f2: i = i + 1 u, fq = line.split('\t') fq = float(fq) u = int(u) usr_and_his_fq[u] = fq mi = min(usr_and_his_fq) mx = max(usr_and_his_fq) print("Minimum fq of calls ", mi) print("Maximum fq of calls ", mx) fig2 = plt.figure(2) ax = fig2.add_subplot(111) nn, bins, rectangles = ax.hist(usr_and_his_fq, 100, normed=True) plt.xlabel('fq of calls') plt.ylabel('P(fq)') plt.legend() figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/hist of fq of calls.png" # # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file # plt.yscale('log') # plt.xscale('log') # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/hist of fq of calls loglog.png" print(figure_name) plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png") return
def from_file_num_calls(file_name): # here we store the num of calls made by a user usr_and_his_num_calls = n.zeros(500001, # here we store the fq of calls made by a user, but we calculate it from the num_calls fq_distr = n.zeros(max_num_calls) # from the previous array obtained by counting users who made the same total number of calls nc_distr = n.zeros(max_num_calls, # here we just save percents of users nc_distr_pct = n.zeros(max_num_calls) # a loop where we populate those two arrays from the file i = 0 f = open(file_name, 'r') # read the file for line in f: i = i + 1 u, nc = line.split('\t') nc = int(nc) u = int(u) usr_and_his_num_calls[u] = nc nc_distr[nc] += 1 mi = min(usr_and_his_num_calls) mx = max(usr_and_his_num_calls) print("Minimum number of calls ", mi) print("Maximum number of calls ", mx) total_u = float(sum(nc_distr)) print("Total users found ", total_u) # test_file_out = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/Obtained_num_calls_and_its_pct.tsv" # fto = open(test_file_out,"w") for j in range(0, max_num_calls): nc_distr_pct[j] = (nc_distr[j] / total_u) # fto.write(str(j) + '\t' + str(nc_distr_pct[j]) + '\n') # # I was just checking that the total percents sums up to 100 and they do but it looked funny as we have so small values # total = 0 # for i in range (max_num_calls): # total += percent_users[i] # print ("Check ", total) ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot number of users pdf ############################################################################################################################ plt.figure(1) plt.plot(nc_distr_pct, 'r', linewidth=0.5, label= 'distribution of N') plt.xlabel('N, num of calls') plt.ylabel('% Users') plt.legend() # # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/SET3 distr of num of calls loglog.png" #this is a regular plot file, then comment the previous loglog block figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/distr of num of calls2.png" print(figure_name) plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png", pdi=300) ############################################################################################################################### # THIS is to plot fq pdf ############################################################################################################################### plt.figure(2) # fq = [] # # for j in range(max_num_calls): # fq.append( float(j / 3360.0)) # # ffq = [] # # for j in range(max_num_calls): # ffq.append(nc_distr_pct[j]) # for j in range(0, max_num_calls): # nc_distr_pct[j] = (nc_distr[j] / total_u) fq = [] for j in range(max_num_calls): fq.append( float(j / 3360.0)) ffq = [] for j in range(max_num_calls): ffq.append(nc_distr_pct[j]) # test_file_out2 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/Calculated_fq_calls_and_its_pct2.tsv" # fto2 = open(test_file_out2,"w") # for j in range(0, max_num_calls): # fto2.write(str(fq[j]) + '\t' + str(ffq[j]) + '\n') # Finally understood here -- when I give two arrays: x, y (at least append values IN ORDER like here) -- pyplot will plot y versus x plt.plot(fq, ffq, 'g', linewidth=0.3, label= 'distribution of Fq') plt.xlabel('Fq of calls') plt.ylabel('% Users') plt.legend() # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/distr of fq of calls2.png" # # this is a regular plot file, then comment the previous loglog block # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/SET3 distr of fq of calls.png" print(figure_name) plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png") return
def save_to_plot(avg_usr_traj): nits = [] its = [] # a loop where we populate those two arrays from the file i = 0 # f = open(file_name, 'r') # # read the file for usr in range(500001): i = i + 1 nits.append(int(avg_usr_traj[usr])) its.append(usr) mi = min(nits) mx = max(nits) print("Minimum radius of gyr ", mi) print("Maximum radius of gyr ", mx) total_nit = float(sum(nits)) print("Total radius of gyr ", total_nit) pdf_nits = defaultdict(int) for j in range(0, len(nits)): pdf_nits[nits[j]] += 1 ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(pdf_nits.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) nits7s = [] its7s = [] test = 0 for j in ordered.iterkeys(): nits7s.append(ordered[j]/500000.0) test += ordered[j]/500000.0 its7s.append(j) print test ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot number of users pdf ############################################################################################################################ plt.figure(7) plt.plot(its7s, nits7s, 'o', linewidth=0.5, label= 'distribution of Rg') plt.xlabel('rg [km]') plt.ylabel('P(rg)') plt.legend() # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/traj/avg daily/avg_daily_traj_total.png" print(figure_name) plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png", dpi=300) return
# coding: utf-8 import numerical1 as num from defns import * def anal(t, g): x=np.exp(-g/2. t)*np.cos(np.sqrt(4-g**2)/2. t) p=np.exp(-g/2. t)*np.sin(np.sqrt(4-g**2)/2. t) return x,p def anal(t, g): x=np.exp(-g/2.*t)*np.cos(np.sqrt(4-g**2)/2.*t) p=np.exp(-g/2.*t)*np.sin(np.sqrt(4-g**2)/2.*t) return x,p get_ipython().set_next_input(u't=np.arange');get_ipython().magic(u'pinfo np.arange') t=np.arange(0., 100., 0.5) x,p=anl(t, g) x,p=anal(t, g) x import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(t, x, t, p) get_ipython().magic(u'save ""')
def from_file_radius_gyr3(file_name, subpref): users_list = rd.read_in_subpref_users(subpref) total = float(rd.read_in_subpref_num_users()[subpref]) if total > 0: nits = [] its = [] # a loop where we populate those two arrays from the file i = 0 f = open(file_name, 'r') # read the file for line in f: i = i + 1 it, nit = line.split('\t') nit = float(nit) it = int(it) if users_list[it] == 1: nit = int(nit) nits.append(nit) its.append(it) mi = min(nits) mx = max(nits) print("Minimum radius of gyr ", mi) print("Maximum radius of gyr ", mx) total_nit = float(sum(nits)) print("Total radius of gyr ", total_nit) pdf_nits = defaultdict(int) for j in range(0, len(nits)): pdf_nits[nits[j]] += 1 ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(pdf_nits.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) nits7s = [] its7s = [] test = 0 #total = 500000.0 for j in ordered.iterkeys(): nits7s.append(ordered[j]/total) test += ordered[j]/total its7s.append(j) print test ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot number of users pdf ############################################################################################################################ plt.figure(7) plt.plot(its7s, nits7s, 'o', linewidth=0.5, label= 'distribution of Rg') plt.xlabel('rg [km]') plt.ylabel('P(rg)') plt.legend() # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/rg/1/rg_" + str(subpref) + ".png" print(figure_name) plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png", dpi=300) plt.clf() return
def from_file_radius_gyr(file_name): usr_rg = nn.zeros(500001) # a loop where we populate those two arrays from the file i = 0 f = open(file_name, 'r') # read the file for line in f: i = i + 1 u, rg = line.split('\t') rg = float(rg) u = int(u) usr_rg[u] = rg mi = min(usr_rg) mx = max(usr_rg) print("Minimum number of calls ", mi) print("Maximum number of calls ", mx) # total_u = float(sum(nc_distr)) # print("Total users found ", total_u) # test_file_out = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/Obtained_num_calls_and_its_pct.tsv" # fto = open(test_file_out,"w") # for j in range(0, max_num_calls): # nc_distr_pct[j] = (nc_distr[j] / total_u) * 100 # fto.write(str(j) + '\t' + str(nc_distr_pct[j]) + '\n') # # I was just checking that the total percents sums up to 100 and they do but it looked funny as we have so small values # total = 0 # for i in range (max_num_calls): # total += percent_users[i] # print ("Check ", total) ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot number of users pdf ############################################################################################################################ fig1 = plt.figure(1) ax = fig1.add_subplot(111) n, bins, rectangles = ax.hist(usr_rg, 100, normed=True) #plt.plot(nc_distr_pct, 'ro', linewidth=0.5, label= 'pdf Num of calls') plt.xlabel('rg [km]') plt.ylabel('P(rg)') plt.legend() # # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/rg/pdf rg loglog.png" # #this is a regular plot file, then comment the previous loglog block # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/rg/pdf rg.png" print(figure_name) plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png") ################################################################################################################################ ## THIS is to plot fq pdf ################################################################################################################################ # # plt.figure(2) # # fq = [] # # for j in range(max_num_calls): # fq.append( float(j / 3360.0)) # # ffq = [] # # for j in range(max_num_calls): # ffq.append(nc_distr_pct[j]) # # ## test_file_out2 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/Calculated_fq_calls_and_its_pct2.tsv" ## fto2 = open(test_file_out2,"w") ## for j in range(0, max_num_calls): ## fto2.write(str(fq[j]) + '\t' + str(ffq[j]) + '\n') # # # # Finally understood here -- when I give two arrays: x, y (at least append values IN ORDER like here) -- pyplot will plot y versus x # plt.plot(fq, ffq, 'g.', linewidth=0.3, label= 'pdf fq of calls') # # plt.xlabel('fq of calls') # plt.ylabel('% Users') # plt.legend() # # # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file # plt.yscale('log') # plt.xscale('log') # figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/SET3 distr of fq of calls loglog.png" # ## # this is a regular plot file, then comment the previous loglog block ## figure_name = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/SET3 frequent callers from python/1/SET3 distr of fq of calls.png" # # print(figure_name) # plt.savefig(figure_name, format = "png") return
def yzCloudPlot(nest, time, plotTemp=True, plotRH=False): nc = openWRF(nest) Nx, Ny, Nz, _longs, latitude, _dx, _dy, x_nr, y_nr = getDimensions(nc) heightground_y, heighthalf_yz = _getHeight(nc, time, -1, Ny, Nz, x_nr, -1) print 'Model height: ' + str(heightground_y[y_nr]) theta = nc.variables['T'][time, :, :, x_nr] + T_base P = nc.variables['P'][time, :, :, x_nr] + nc.variables['PB'][time, :, :, x_nr] T = theta * (P / P_bot)**kappa # Temperatur i halvflatene (Kelvin) rho = P / (R * T) #[kg/m3] qcloud_yz = 1000.0 * nc.variables['QCLOUD'][ time, :, :, x_nr] * rho # regner om til g/m3 qrain_yz = 1000.0 * nc.variables['QRAIN'][time, :, :, x_nr] * rho qsnow_yz = 1000.0 * nc.variables['QSNOW'][time, :, :, x_nr] * rho plt.figure() plt.set_cmap(cmap_red) plt.axis([0, Ny - 1, 0.0, z_max]) print u'Cloud water red, snow blue, rain green ($g/m^3$)' grid = np.reshape(np.tile(arange(Ny), Nz), (Nz, -1)) plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_yz, qcloud_yz, alpha=0.9, levels=xz_cloudwater_levels, cmap=cmap_red) # plt.colorbar() plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_yz, qrain_yz, alpha=0.6, levels=xz_rain_levels, cmap=cmap_green) # plt.colorbar() plt.contourf(grid, heighthalf_yz, qsnow_yz, alpha=0.6, levels=xz_snow_levels, cmap=cmap_blue) # plt.colorbar() if plotTemp: cs = plt.contour(grid, heighthalf_yz, T - T_zero, temp_int, colors='black', linestyles='solid') #linewidths=4 plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f', fontsize=12, colors='black') if plotRH: rh = _getRH(nc, time, x_nr, -1, T, P) rh_int = arange(90., 111., 5.) cs = plt.contour(grid, heighthalf_yz, rh, rh_int, colors='grey') plt.clabel(cs, inline=1, fmt='%1.0f', fontsize=12, colors='grey') plt.plot(arange(Ny), heightground_y, color='black') plt.fill_between(arange(Ny), heightground_y, 0, facecolor='lightgrey') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, Ny, 8), np.round(latitude[::8, Nx / 2], 1), fontsize='small') plt.yticks(np.arange(0, z_max, dz), fontsize='small') plt.xlabel('Breddegrad') plt.ylabel(u'Høyde [m]') plt.close()
def from_files_usr_movements(): file_name1 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/USER GRAPHS stats/user_number_of_edges_v1.tsv" file_name2 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/USER GRAPHS stats/user_number_of_nodes_v1.tsv" file_name3 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/USER GRAPHS stats/user_number_of_displacements_v1.tsv" nits = [] its = [] # a loop where we populate those two arrays from the file i = 0 f = open(file_name3, "r") # read the file for line in f: i = i + 1 it, nit = line.split("\t") nit = int(nit) it = int(it) nit = int(nit) nits.append(nit) its.append(it) mi = min(nits) mx = max(nits) print ("Minimum # edges ", mi) print ("Maximum # edges ", mx) total_nit = float(sum(nits)) print ("Total # edges ", total_nit) pdf_nits = defaultdict(int) for j in range(0, len(nits)): pdf_nits[nits[j]] += 1 ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(pdf_nits.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) nits7s = [] its7s = [] test = 0 for j in ordered.iterkeys(): nits7s.append(ordered[j] / 500000.0) test += ordered[j] / 500000.0 its7s.append(j) print test ############################################################################################################################ # THIS is to plot number of users pdf ############################################################################################################################ plt.figure(7) plt.plot(its7s, nits7s, "o", linewidth=0.5, label="distr. of # displacements ") plt.xlabel("# displacements") plt.ylabel("P(# displacements)") plt.legend() # this is if we want loglog lot, otheriwse comment and uncomment next line for regular plot file plt.yscale("log") plt.xscale("log") # figure_name1 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/USER GRAPHS stats/usr_num_edges.png" # figure_name2 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/USER GRAPHS stats/usr_num_nodes.png" figure_name3 = "/home/sscepano/D4D res/allstuff/USER GRAPHS stats/usr_num_displacements.png" print (figure_name3) plt.savefig(figure_name3, format="png", dpi=300) return
pred=conv_net(x,weights,biases,keep_prob) cost=tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred,y)) optimizer=tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost) correct_pred=tf.equal(tf.argmax(pred,1),tf.argmax(y,1)) accuracy=tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred,tf.float32)) init=tf.initialize_all_variables() with tf.Session() as sess: step=1 while step*batch_size<training_iters: batch_x,batch_y=mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) test=batch_x[0] fig=plt.figure() plt.imshow(test.reshape((28,28),order='C'),cmap='Greys',interpolation='nearest') print(weights['wc1'].eval()[0]) plt.imshow(weights['wc1'].eval()[0][0].reshape(4,8),cmap='Greys',interpolation='nearest'),feed_dict={x:batch_x,y:batch_y,keep_prob:dropout}) if step%display_step==0: loss,[cost,accuracy],feed_dict={x:batch_x,y:batch_y,keep_prob:1.}) print('Iter'+str(step*batch_size)+',Minibatch Loss='+'{:.6f}'.format(loss)+'+,Training Accuracy='+'{:.5f}'.format(acc)) step+=1 print('Optimization Finished!') print('Testing Accuracy:',,feed_dict={x:minist.test.images[:256], y:minist.test.images[:256], keep_prob:1.}))
# load the dataset import pyplot as plt data = read_csv('brain activity.txt', header=None) # retrieve data as numpy array values = data.values # create a subplot for each time series plt.figure() for i in range(values.shape[1]): plt.subplot(values.shape[1], 1, i+1) plt.plot(values[:, i])