for data in signals[signal_name]:
            method = data['method']
            #Call the method
            print method(*args, **kwds)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    plugin_dirs = (os.path.abspath("pyPlugin_plugins"), )  
    services_to_plugins = ServiceCollection()
    #provide a SERVICE to the plugins
    services_to_plugins.add("connect", connect)
    mb = MessageBox('pyplugin_message_box')
    pm = PyPluginManager(plugin_dirs, services_to_plugins, message_box=mb)
    if len(pm):
        print "Listing all the plugins:"
	print "========================"
	for p in pm:
            print "    %s - %s" % (p, pm[p].get_info())
        print "\n"
    answer = True
    print 'Valid usernames to emit signals are: (admin, pyplugin)'
    while answer:
        key = str(raw_input("Username: \n"))
        if key == 'admin':
            print ''
            print 'Inside the plugin'
            print '================='
            emit('hi_and_write', 'Emitted by the app', password='******')