Esempio n. 1
    def test_wrapper_task_subtask_returns(self):
        """Test that execute methods' return values are processed properly."""
        # Use internal _FunctorSubtask to make this easier.  Bonus: testing
        # _FunctorSubtask at the same time.

        def returns_second_arg(wrapper, boolable):
            """Used to test various boolable single returns."""
            return boolable

        # Various valid 'False' boolables - update not needed
        falseables = (0, '', [], {}, False)
        for falseable in falseables:
            txst = tx._FunctorSubtask(returns_second_arg, falseable)
            self.assertFalse(self.tx_subtask_invoke(txst, self.dwrap))

        # Various valid 'True' boolables - update needed
        trueables = (1, 'string', [0], {'k': 'v'}, True)
        for trueable in trueables:
            txst = tx._FunctorSubtask(returns_second_arg, trueable)
            self.assertTrue(self.tx_subtask_invoke(txst, self.dwrap))
Esempio n. 2
    def test_wrapper_task_subtask_returns(self):
        """Test that execute methods' return values are processed properly."""

        # Use internal _FunctorSubtask to make this easier.  Bonus: testing
        # _FunctorSubtask at the same time.

        def returns_second_arg(wrapper, boolable):
            """Used to test various boolable single returns."""
            return boolable

        # Various valid 'False' boolables - update not needed
        falseables = (0, '', [], {}, False)
        for falseable in falseables:
            txst = tx._FunctorSubtask(returns_second_arg, falseable)
            self.assertFalse(self.tx_subtask_invoke(txst, self.dwrap))

        # Various valid 'True' boolables - update needed
        trueables = (1, 'string', [0], {'k': 'v'}, True)
        for trueable in trueables:
            txst = tx._FunctorSubtask(returns_second_arg, trueable)
            self.assertTrue(self.tx_subtask_invoke(txst, self.dwrap))
Esempio n. 3
    def test_wrapper_task_adds_and_replication(self):
        """Deferred replication of individual WrapperTasks with adds.

        - wrapper_tasks
        - get_wrapper
        - add_subtask
        - add_functor_subtask
        def wt_check(wt1, wt2, len1, len2=None, upto=None):
            """Assert that two WrapperTasks have the same Subtasks.

            :param wt1, wt2: The WrapperTask instances to compare.
            :param len1, len2: The expected lengths of the WrapperTask.subtasks
                               of wt1 and wt2, respectively.  If len2 is None,
                               it is assumed to be the same as len1.
            :param upto: (Optional, int) If specified, only the first 'upto'
                         Subtasks are compared.  Otherwise, the subtask lists
                         are compared up to the lesser of len1 and len2.
            if len2 is None:
                len2 = len1
            self.assertEqual(len1, len(wt1.subtasks))
            self.assertEqual(len2, len(wt2.subtasks))
            if upto is None:
                upto = min(len1, len2)
            for i in range(upto):
                self.assertIs(wt1.subtasks[i], wt2.subtasks[i])

        # "Functors" for easy subtask creation.  Named so we can identify them.
        foo = lambda: None
        bar = lambda: None
        baz = lambda: None
        xyz = lambda: None
        abc = lambda: None
        # setUp's initialization of feed_task creates empty dict and common_tx
        self.assertEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.feed_task._common_tx.subtasks))
        # Asking for the feed does *not* replicate the WrapperTasks
        feed = self.feed_task.feed
        self.assertEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.feed_task._common_tx.subtasks))
        # Add to the FeedTask
        # Still does not replicate
        self.assertEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
        subtasks = self.feed_task._common_tx.subtasks
        # Make sure the subtasks are legit and in order
        self.assertEqual(2, len(subtasks))
        self.assertIsInstance(subtasks[0], tx.Subtask)
        self.assertIsInstance(subtasks[1], tx.Subtask)
        # Yes, these are both _FunctorSubtasks, but the point is verifying that
        # they are in the right order.
        self.assertIs(foo, subtasks[0]._func)
        self.assertIs(bar, subtasks[1]._func)
        # Now call something that triggers replication
        wrap10 = self.feed_task.get_wrapper(feed[10].uuid)
        self.assertEqual(feed[10], wrap10)
        self.assertNotEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
                          for lwrap in feed},
        # Pick a couple of wrapper tasks at random.
        wt5, wt8 = (self.feed_task.wrapper_tasks[feed[i].uuid] for i in (5, 8))
        # They should not be the same
        self.assertNotEqual(wt5, wt8)
        # Their subtasks should not refer to the same lists
        self.assertIsNot(wt5.subtasks, wt8.subtasks)
        # But they should have the same Subtasks (the same actual instances)
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 2)
        # Adding more subtasks to the feed manager adds to all (and by the way,
        # we don't have to refetch the WrapperTasks).
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 3)
        self.assertIs(baz, wt5.subtasks[2]._func)
        # Adding to an individual WrapperTask just adds to that one
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 4, 3)
        self.assertIs(xyz, wt5.subtasks[3]._func)
        # And we can still add another to both afterward
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 5, 4, upto=3)
        # Check the last couple by hand
        self.assertIs(xyz, wt5.subtasks[3]._func)
        self.assertIs(wt5.subtasks[4], wt8.subtasks[3])
        self.assertIs(abc, wt5.subtasks[4]._func)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_wrapper_task_adds_and_replication(self):
        """Deferred replication of individual WrapperTasks with adds.

        - wrapper_tasks
        - get_wrapper
        - add_subtask
        - add_functor_subtask
        def wt_check(wt1, wt2, len1, len2=None, upto=None):
            """Assert that two WrapperTasks have the same Subtasks.

            :param wt1, wt2: The WrapperTask instances to compare.
            :param len1, len2: The expected lengths of the WrapperTask.subtasks
                               of wt1 and wt2, respectively.  If len2 is None,
                               it is assumed to be the same as len1.
            :param upto: (Optional, int) If specified, only the first 'upto'
                         Subtasks are compared.  Otherwise, the subtask lists
                         are compared up to the lesser of len1 and len2.
            if len2 is None:
                len2 = len1
            self.assertEqual(len1, len(wt1.subtasks))
            self.assertEqual(len2, len(wt2.subtasks))
            if upto is None:
                upto = min(len1, len2)
            for i in range(upto):
                self.assertIs(wt1.subtasks[i], wt2.subtasks[i])

        # "Functors" for easy subtask creation.  Named so we can identify them.
        foo = lambda: None
        bar = lambda: None
        baz = lambda: None
        xyz = lambda: None
        abc = lambda: None
        # setUp's initialization of feed_task creates empty dict and common_tx
        self.assertEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.feed_task._common_tx.subtasks))
        # Asking for the feed does *not* replicate the WrapperTasks
        feed = self.feed_task.feed
        self.assertEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.feed_task._common_tx.subtasks))
        # Add to the FeedTask
        # Still does not replicate
        self.assertEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
        subtasks = self.feed_task._common_tx.subtasks
        # Make sure the subtasks are legit and in order
        self.assertEqual(2, len(subtasks))
        self.assertIsInstance(subtasks[0], tx.Subtask)
        self.assertIsInstance(subtasks[1], tx.Subtask)
        # Yes, these are both _FunctorSubtasks, but the point is verifying that
        # they are in the right order.
        self.assertIs(foo, subtasks[0]._func)
        self.assertIs(bar, subtasks[1]._func)
        # Now call something that triggers replication
        wrap10 = self.feed_task.get_wrapper(feed[10].uuid)
        self.assertEqual(feed[10], wrap10)
        self.assertNotEqual({}, self.feed_task._tx_by_uuid)
        self.assertEqual({lwrap.uuid for lwrap in feed},
        # Pick a couple of wrapper tasks at random.
        wt5, wt8 = (self.feed_task.wrapper_tasks[feed[i].uuid] for i in (5, 8))
        # They should not be the same
        self.assertNotEqual(wt5, wt8)
        # Their subtasks should not refer to the same lists
        self.assertIsNot(wt5.subtasks, wt8.subtasks)
        # But they should have the same Subtasks (the same actual instances)
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 2)
        # Adding more subtasks to the feed manager adds to all (and by the way,
        # we don't have to refetch the WrapperTasks).
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 3)
        self.assertIs(baz, wt5.subtasks[2]._func)
        # Adding to an individual WrapperTask just adds to that one
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 4, 3)
        self.assertIs(xyz, wt5.subtasks[3]._func)
        # And we can still add another to both afterward
        wt_check(wt5, wt8, 5, 4, upto=3)
        # Check the last couple by hand
        self.assertIs(xyz, wt5.subtasks[3]._func)
        self.assertIs(wt5.subtasks[4], wt8.subtasks[3])
        self.assertIs(abc, wt5.subtasks[4]._func)