Esempio n. 1
def reconstruct_as_pointer(path, index):
    Reconstruct a block by reassembling a codeword it was part of and plucking it
    from the result.
        path(str): Path to the file the block belongs to
        index(int): Index of the block
        bytes: The constructed block
        ValueError: If path is not a string or is empty or if the index is
        RuntimeError: If the block has never been pointed at
    if not isinstance(path, str) or not path:
        raise ValueError("path argument must be a non empty string")
    if not isinstance(index, int) or index < 0:
        raise ValueError("index argument must be an integer greater or equal to 0")
    metablock = get_block_metadata(path, index)
    documents = find_pointing_documents(path, index)
    if not documents:
        raise RuntimeError("Could not find any pointing document")
    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "dispatcher.json"), "r") as handle:
        entanglement_configuration = json.load(handle)["entanglement"]["configuration"]
    source_blocks = entanglement_configuration["s"]
    pointer_blocks = entanglement_configuration["t"]
    offset = source_blocks  + pointer_blocks
    files = Files()
    for document in documents:
        index_to_reconstruct = get_position_in_codeword(document, metablock)
        coder_client = CoderClient()
        reconstructed_block = coder_client.reconstruct(document.path, [index_to_reconstruct])[index_to_reconstruct].data
        elements = split_strip_header(reconstructed_block)
        fragment_header = elements[2]
        metadata = files.get(path)
        fragment_header.metadata.index = offset + index
        fragment_size = int(math.ceil(metadata.original_size / float(source_blocks)))
        if (fragment_size % 2) == 1:
            fragment_size += 1
        fragment_header.metadata.size = fragment_size
        fragment_header.metadata.orig_data_size = fragment_size * (offset)
        brand_new = json.dumps(metadata.entangling_blocks) + HEADER_DELIMITER + \
                    str(metadata.original_size) + HEADER_DELIMITER + \
                    fragment_header.pack() + \
        brand_new = brand_new[:metablock.size]
        computed_checksum = hashlib.sha256(brand_new).digest()
        if computed_checksum == metablock.checksum:
            return brand_new
    raise RuntimeError("Could not reconstruct {:s} from pointing documents".format(metablock.key))
Esempio n. 2
def test_files_get(monkeypatch):
    with mock.patch("socket.gethostbyname", return_value=""):
        files = Files()
    def mock_pipeline_get(path):
        return [{
            "path": "path",
            "original_size": "0",
            "creation_date": "2017-01-01 00:00:00.42",
            "blocks": "",
            "providers": "",
            "entangling_blocks": "[]"
    monkeypatch.setattr(FakeRedisPipeline, "execute", mock_pipeline_get)
    monkeypatch.setattr(files.redis, "pipeline", get_me_a_fake_redis_pipeline)
    metadata = files.get("path")
    assert metadata.path == "path"
Esempio n. 3
def test_files_get_raises_keyerror_when_path_not_in_files(monkeypatch):
    with mock.patch("socket.gethostbyname", return_value=""):
        files = Files()
    monkeypatch.setattr(files.redis, "pipeline", get_me_a_fake_redis_pipeline)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match="path NonExistingKey not found"):
Esempio n. 4
def test_files_get_raises_valueerror_when_path_is_empty():
    with mock.patch("socket.gethostbyname", return_value=""):
        files = Files()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="path argument must be a valid non-empty string"):