def normalize(self,area=False): """ Normalize the pulse so that the peak has a value of 1.0 """ if area: = u.normalize_area( else: minimum = np.mean(self.getOffpulse()) = u.normalize(,minimum=minimum)
def normalize(self, area=False): """ Normalize the pulse so that the peak has a value of 1.0 """ if area: = u.normalize_area( else: minimum = np.mean(self.getOffpulse()) = u.normalize(, minimum=minimum)
def getTemplate(PSR, rcvr): if rcvr == "Rcvr1_2" or rcvr == "Rcvr_800": dirname = "guppi2" be = "GUPPI" elif rcvr == "L-wide" or rcvr == "S0wide" or rcvr == "430" or rcvr == "327": dirname = "puppi" be = "PUPPI" tempfilename = "/nanograv/releases/11y/%s/%s/" % ( dirname, PSR, PSR, rcvr, be) ar = Archive(tempfilename, verbose=False) sptemp = SinglePulse(u.normalize(ar.getData(), simple=True), windowsize=256, period=ar.getPeriod()) return sptemp
def getWeff(self, fourier=False, sumonly=False, timeunits=True): """ Calculate the effective width of the pulse """ if not timeunits or self.period is None: return None P = self.period N = self.nbins U = u.normalize(, simple=True) #remove baseline? tot = np.sum(np.power(U[1:] - U[:-1], 2)) if sumonly: return tot self.weff = P / np.sqrt(N * tot) return self.weff
def getWeff(self,fourier=False,sumonly=False,timeunits=True): """ Calculate the effective width of the pulse """ if not timeunits or self.getPeriod() is None: return None P=self.getPeriod() N=self.getNbins() U=u.normalize(,simple=True) #remove baseline? tot=np.sum(np.power(U[1:]-U[:-1],2)) if sumonly: return tot self.weff=P/np.sqrt(N*tot) return self.weff
def plotProfiles(self,ax=None,nchan=None,difference=False, labels = False, profiles = None, reset = False, BW = None, F = None): """ Plot the data profiles, useful if on a specific axis """ if nchan is None: nchan = self.NCHAN doshow = False if ax is None: doshow = True fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if profiles is None: profiles = self.getProfiles(nchan=nchan,difference=difference, reset = reset) #for profile in profiles: # plt.clf() # plt.plot(profile) # #raise SystemExit if BW is None: BW = self.getBandwidth()#np.abs(self.getBandwidth()) if F is None: F = self.F #nchan is number of averaged channels step_size = BW/np.size(F) fsize = np.size(F) scale_diff = np.amax(profiles) - np.amin(profiles) for i,prof in enumerate(profiles): #gets middle for frequency range index = (i*fsize/nchan + fsize/nchan/2)*step_size + F[0] if difference: scale_diff = np.amax(prof) - np.amin(prof) ax.plot( (prof/scale_diff) * fsize/nchan*abs(step_size) + index, color = 'k') else: ax.plot(u.normalize(prof,simple=True)*fsize/nchan*abs(step_size) + index, color = 'k') ax.set_xlim(0,len(prof)) if labels: ax.axes.set_ylabel('Frequency (MHz)') ax.axes.set_xlabel('Phase Bins') if doshow: show() return ax
def spline_smoothing(self, sigma=None, lam=None, **kwargs): """ Cubic Spline Interplation sigma: phase bin error bars lam: (0,1], 1 = maximize fitting through control points (knots), 0 = minimize curvature of spline """ tdata = self.bins ydata = u.normalize(, simple=True) N = len(ydata) noise = self.getOffpulseNoise() if lam is None or (lam > 1 or lam <= 0): lam = 1 - noise**2 mu = 2 * float(1 - lam) / (3 * lam) ### Define knot locations # Rotate the pulse so the peak is at the edges of the spline shift = -np.argmax(ydata) yshift = np.roll(ydata, shift) # Add periodic point tdata = np.concatenate((tdata, [tdata[-1] + np.diff(tdata)[0]])) yshift = np.concatenate((yshift, [yshift[0]])) knots = u.subdivide(tdata, yshift, noise, **kwargs) knots = np.array(np.sort(knots), knots = np.concatenate(([0], knots, [N])) #Add endpoints if sigma is None: setsigma = True #for passnum in range(2): while True: Nknots = len(knots) Narcs = Nknots - 1 t = np.array(tdata[knots], dtype=np.float) # Determine the knot y-values. y = np.zeros_like(t) y[0] = yshift[0] y[-1] = yshift[-1] for i in range(1, len(knots) - 1): knotL = knots[i - 1] knotR = knots[i + 1] dt = tdata[knotL:knotR] dy = yshift[knotL:knotR] p = np.polyfit( dt, dy, 3 ) #Fit a preliminary cubic over the data to place the point. f = np.poly1d(p) y[i] = f(tdata[knots[i]]) if setsigma: sigma = np.ones(len(y), dtype=np.float) Sigma = np.diag(sigma[:-1]) #matrix # Smoothing with Cubic Splines by D.S.G. Pollock 1999 h = t[1:] - t[:-1] r = 3.0 / h f = np.zeros_like(h) p = np.zeros_like(h) #q = np.zeros_like(h) p[0] = 2 * (h[0] + h[-1]) #q[0] = 3*(y[1] - y[0])/h[0] - 3*(y[-1] - y[-2])/h[-1] #note the indices f[0] = -(r[-1] + r[0]) for i in range(1, Narcs): p[i] = 2 * (h[i] + h[i - 1]) #q[i] = 3*(y[i+1] - y[i])/h[i] - 3*(y[i] - y[i-1])/h[i-1] f[i] = -(r[i - 1] + r[i]) # Build projection matrices R = np.zeros((Narcs, Narcs)) Qp = np.zeros((Narcs, Narcs)) for i in range(Narcs): #for j in range(Narcs): # if i == j: R[i, i] = p[i] Qp[i, i] = f[i] if i != Narcs - 1: R[i + 1, i] = h[i] R[i, i + 1] = h[i] Qp[i + 1, i] = r[i] Qp[i, i + 1] = r[i] R[0, -1] = h[-1] R[-1, 0] = h[-1] Qp[0, -1] = r[-1] Qp[-1, 0] = r[-1] Q = np.transpose(Qp) A = mu *, Sigma), Q) + R b = np.linalg.solve(A,, y[:-1])) d = y[:-1] - mu *, Q), b) a = np.zeros(Narcs) c = np.zeros(Narcs) i = Narcs - 1 a[i] = (b[0] - b[i]) / (3 * h[i]) for i in range(Narcs - 1): a[i] = (b[i + 1] - b[i]) / (3 * h[i]) i = Narcs - 1 c[i] = (d[0] - d[i]) / h[i] - a[i] * h[i]**2 - b[i] * h[i] for i in range(Narcs - 1): c[i] = (d[i + 1] - d[i]) / h[i] - a[i] * h[i]**2 - b[i] * h[i] # Build polynomials S = [] for i in range(Narcs): S.append(np.poly1d([a[i], b[i], c[i], d[i]])) ytemp = np.zeros_like(yshift) for i in range(Narcs): ts = np.arange(t[i], t[i + 1]) hs = ts - t[i] yS = S[i](hs) ytemp[int(t[i]):int(t[i + 1])] = yS ytemp[-1] = ytemp[0] resids = yshift - ytemp #print resids,noise rms_resids = u.RMS(resids) #inds = np.where(np.abs(resids)>4*rms_resids)[0] inds = np.where( np.logical_and(yshift > 3 * noise, np.abs(resids) > 4 * rms_resids) )[0] #require the intensity to be "significant", and the residuals if len(inds) == 0: break #newinds = np.sort(np.abs(resids)) newinds = np.argsort(np.abs(resids)) #print np.argmax(np.abs(resids)) #print newinds #raise SystemExit #newind = np.argmax(np.abs(resids)) newind = newinds[-1] i = 1 addknot = True while newind in knots and np.any(np.abs(knots - newind) <= 4): if i == N: addknot = False break i += 1 newind = newinds[-i] ''' for newind in newinds: if newind in knots: continue elif np.all(np.abs(newind-knots)<=1): continue print newind break ''' if addknot: #print newind knots = np.sort(np.concatenate((knots, [newind]))) else: break resids = yshift - ytemp rms_resids = u.RMS(resids) tdata = tdata[:-1] #yshift = yshift[:-1] ytemp = ytemp[:-1] #yshift = np.roll(yshift,-shift) ytemp = np.roll(ytemp, -shift) ytemp /= np.max(ytemp) return ytemp
def spline_smoothing(self,sigma=None,lam=None,**kwargs): """ Cubic Spline Interplation sigma: phase bin error bars lam: (0,1], 1 = maximize fitting through control points (knots), 0 = minimize curvature of spline """ tdata = self.bins ydata = u.normalize(,simple=True) N = len(ydata) noise = self.getOffpulseNoise() if lam is None or (lam > 1 or lam <= 0): lam = 1-noise**2 mu = 2*float(1-lam)/(3*lam) ### Define knot locations # Rotate the pulse so the peak is at the edges of the spline shift = -np.argmax(ydata) yshift = np.roll(ydata,shift) # Add periodic point tdata = np.concatenate((tdata,[tdata[-1] + np.diff(tdata)[0]])) yshift = np.concatenate((yshift,[yshift[0]])) knots = u.subdivide(tdata,yshift,noise,**kwargs) knots = np.array(np.sort(knots), knots = np.concatenate(([0],knots,[N])) #Add endpoints if sigma is None: setsigma = True #for passnum in range(2): while True: Nknots = len(knots) Narcs = Nknots-1 t = np.array(tdata[knots],dtype=np.float) # Determine the knot y-values. y = np.zeros_like(t) y[0] = yshift[0] y[-1] = yshift[-1] for i in range(1,len(knots)-1): knotL = knots[i-1] knotR = knots[i+1] dt = tdata[knotL:knotR] dy = yshift[knotL:knotR] p = np.polyfit(dt,dy,3) #Fit a preliminary cubic over the data to place the point. f = np.poly1d(p) y[i] = f(tdata[knots[i]]) if setsigma: sigma = np.ones(len(y),dtype=np.float) Sigma = np.diag(sigma[:-1]) #matrix # Smoothing with Cubic Splines by D.S.G. Pollock 1999 h = t[1:]-t[:-1] r = 3.0/h f = np.zeros_like(h) p = np.zeros_like(h) #q = np.zeros_like(h) p[0] = 2*(h[0] + h[-1]) #q[0] = 3*(y[1] - y[0])/h[0] - 3*(y[-1] - y[-2])/h[-1] #note the indices f[0] = -(r[-1]+r[0]) for i in range(1,Narcs): p[i] = 2*(h[i] + h[i-1]) #q[i] = 3*(y[i+1] - y[i])/h[i] - 3*(y[i] - y[i-1])/h[i-1] f[i] = -(r[i-1]+r[i]) # Build projection matrices R = np.zeros((Narcs,Narcs)) Qp = np.zeros((Narcs,Narcs)) for i in range(Narcs): #for j in range(Narcs): # if i == j: R[i,i] = p[i] Qp[i,i] = f[i] if i != Narcs -1: R[i+1,i] = h[i] R[i,i+1] = h[i] Qp[i+1,i] = r[i] Qp[i,i+1] = r[i] R[0,-1] = h[-1] R[-1,0] = h[-1] Qp[0,-1] = r[-1] Qp[-1,0] = r[-1] Q = np.transpose(Qp) A = mu*,Sigma),Q) + R b = np.linalg.solve(A,,y[:-1])) d = y[:-1] - mu*,Q),b) a = np.zeros(Narcs) c = np.zeros(Narcs) i = Narcs-1 a[i] = (b[0] - b[i])/(3*h[i]) for i in range(Narcs-1): a[i] = (b[i+1] - b[i])/(3*h[i]) i = Narcs-1 c[i] = (d[0] - d[i])/h[i] - a[i]*h[i]**2 - b[i]*h[i] for i in range(Narcs-1): c[i] = (d[i+1] - d[i])/h[i] - a[i]*h[i]**2 - b[i]*h[i] # Build polynomials S = [] for i in range(Narcs): S.append(np.poly1d([a[i],b[i],c[i],d[i]])) ytemp = np.zeros_like(yshift) for i in range(Narcs): ts = np.arange(t[i],t[i+1]) hs = ts-t[i] yS = S[i](hs) ytemp[int(t[i]):int(t[i+1])] = yS ytemp[-1] = ytemp[0] resids = yshift-ytemp #print resids,noise rms_resids = u.RMS(resids) #inds = np.where(np.abs(resids)>4*rms_resids)[0] inds = np.where(np.logical_and(yshift>3*noise,np.abs(resids)>4*rms_resids))[0] #require the intensity to be "significant", and the residuals if len(inds) == 0: break #newinds = np.sort(np.abs(resids)) newinds = np.argsort(np.abs(resids)) #print np.argmax(np.abs(resids)) #print newinds #raise SystemExit #newind = np.argmax(np.abs(resids)) newind = newinds[-1] i = 1 addknot = True while newind in knots and np.any(np.abs(knots-newind)<=4): if i == N: addknot = False break i+=1 newind = newinds[-i] ''' for newind in newinds: if newind in knots: continue elif np.all(np.abs(newind-knots)<=1): continue print newind break ''' if addknot: #print newind knots = np.sort(np.concatenate((knots,[newind]))) else: break resids = yshift-ytemp rms_resids = u.RMS(resids) tdata = tdata[:-1] #yshift = yshift[:-1] ytemp = ytemp[:-1] #yshift = np.roll(yshift,-shift) ytemp = np.roll(ytemp,-shift) ytemp /= np.max(ytemp) return ytemp
def __init__(self,filename,NCHAN = NCHAN,templatefilename=None,windowsize=256,prepare = True,**kwargs): name , file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) path , = os.path.split(name) self.fullname = "%s%s" % (,file_extension) if file_extension == '.npz': self.npz = np.load(filename) #if file_extension == '.fits' or file_extension == '.zap': else: self.npz = None #else: # raise RuntimeError('File has improper extension for Quicklook, and this code will not work') self.NCHAN = NCHAN name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) self.filename = filename self.templatefilename = templatefilename self.windowsize = windowsize self.ds = None #is all this necessary? = None self.acf2d = None self.profiles = None self.difference_profiles = None self.SS_xaxis = None self.SS_yaxis = None self.ACF2D_xaxis = None self.ACF2D_yaxis = None self.peak_DM = None self.DM_arr = None self.calculated_DM = None if self.templatefilename is not None: artemp = Archive(self.templatefilename, prepare=False,lowmem=True) #force lowmem? artemp.pscrunch() temp = u.normalize(u.center_max(artemp.getData()),simple=True) self.sptemp = SinglePulse(temp,windowsize=windowsize) if self.npz is None: = Archive(self.filename, prepare=prepare) self.F ='F') # temporary holdover from frequency issues #if self.F[0] > self.F[-1]: # self.F = self.F[::-1] self.T ='T') = #self.calculateAverageProfile() #calculateAverageProfile avgprof = imax = np.argmax(avgprof) self.average_profile = u.center_max(avgprof) #not normalized! if self.templatefilename is None: self.spavgprof = SinglePulse(self.average_profile,windowsize=windowsize) self.sptemp = SinglePulse(u.normalize(self.average_profile),mpw=self.spavgprof.mpw,opw=self.spavgprof.opw) else: self.spavgprof = SinglePulse(self.average_profile,mpw=self.sptemp.mpw,opw=self.sptemp.opw) self.spavgprof.remove_baseline() #Reset archive self.nbins = len(self.average_profile) alignval = self.nbins/2 - imax = np.roll(,alignval) self.DM0 = else: self.F = self.npz['frequency'] self.T = self.npz['time'] self.average_profile = self.npz['average_profile'][0,:] #is it bad that we need to do this? if self.templatefilename is None: self.spavgprof = SinglePulse(self.average_profile,windowsize=windowsize) self.sptemp = SinglePulse(u.normalize(self.average_profile),mpw=self.spavgprof.mpw,opw=self.spavgprof.opw) else: self.spavgprof = SinglePulse(self.average_profile,mpw=self.sptemp.mpw,opw=self.sptemp.opw) self.spavgprof.remove_baseline() self.nbins = len(self.average_profile) self.DM0 = self.npz['DM'] self.peak_DM = self.npz['peak_DM'] self.DM_arr = self.npz['DM_arr'] if len(self.F) % self.NCHAN != 0: str(len(self.F)) + '%' + str(self.NCHAN) + '=' + str( len(self.F) % self.NCHAN ) raise UserWarning('Number of frequency channels in file is not multiple of your provided NCHAN')
def normalize(self): """ Normalize the pulse so that the peak has a value of 1.0 """ minimum=np.mean(self.getOffpulse()),minimum=minimum)