Esempio n. 1
def assign_license(token, user=None, email=None, os=None):



    if not(user) and not(email):
        raise ValueError("An email or user_key is required")

    params = {

    # if both user key and email are sent, we prefer the user key
    if user:
        params['user'] = user
        params['email'] = email

    if os:
        params['os'] = os

    send(_assign_url, data_out=params)
Esempio n. 2
def cancel_retries(token, receipt):
    Ceases retrying to notify the user of an Emergency Priority notification.

    Cancel an emergency-priority notification early.
    :param str token: application token
    :param str receipt: receipt of the message
    url_to_send = _cancel_receipt_url.format(receipt=receipt)
    return send(url_to_send, data_out={'token': token})
Esempio n. 3
def check_receipt(token, receipt):
    Check to see if an Emergency Priority notification has been acknowledged.

    :param str token: the application token
    :param str receipt: the message receipt
    url_to_send = _receipt_url.format(receipt=receipt)
    return send(url_to_send, data_out={'token': token}, get_method=True)
Esempio n. 4
    def acknowledge_message(self, receipt):
        Sends an acknowledgement to the server that the message was read.

        :param receipt: receipt of the message to ack
        params = {
            'secret': self.__secret__

        self.latest_response_dict = send(self._ack_message_url.format(receipt_id=receipt), params)
Esempio n. 5
    def clear_server_messages(self):
        Clears the messages stored on Pushover servers.
        if self.messages:
            params = {
                'secret': self.__secret__,
                'message': max([i['id'] for i in self.messages])

            self.latest_response_dict = send(self._del_message_url.format(device_id=self.__device_id__), params)
Esempio n. 6
    def retrieve_message(self):
        Retrieves messages stored on the Pushover servers and saves them into the `messages` property.
        params = {
            'secret': self.__secret__,
            'device_id': self.__device_id__

        self.latest_response_dict = send(self._message_url, data_out=params, get_method=True)
        self.messages = self.latest_response_dict['messages']
Esempio n. 7
def info(app_token, group):
    Fetches the group name and a list of users subscribed to the group.

    :param str app_token: your applications token
    :param str group: the group id to return info on
    :return: A dictionary representing the json response.
    param_data = {
        'token': app_token,

    return send(_group_info_url.format(group_key=group), param_data, get_method=True)
Esempio n. 8
def enable_user(app_token, group, user):
    Enables the user to receive notifications sent to the group
    :param str app_token: your applications token
    :param str group: the group id
    :param str user: the user id of the user to enable
    :return: A dictionary representing the json response.
    param_data = {
        'token': app_token,
        'user': user

    return send(_group_ena_user_url.format(group_key=group), param_data)
Esempio n. 9
def rename(app_token, group, name):
    Renames the group
    :param str app_token: your applications token
    :param str group: the group id
    :param str name: the name of the group to change to
    :return: A dictionary representing the json response.

    param_data = {
        'token': app_token,
        'name': name

    return send(_group_ren_url.format(group_key=group), param_data)
Esempio n. 10
def remove_user(app_token, group, user):
    Removes the selected user from the group
    :param str app_token: your applications token
    :param str group: the group id
    :param str user: the user id of the user to deleted
    :return: A dictionary representing the json response.

    param_data = {
        'token': app_token,
        'user': user

    return send(_group_del_user_url.format(group_key=group), param_data)
Esempio n. 11
    def register_device(self, name):
        Registers the device (this client) with the name of `name`.  The devices id is then stored and returned.

        :param str name: Name of the device to register
        :return string: device_id of the device registered
        params = {
            'secret': self.__secret__,
            'name': name,
            'os': 'O'

        self.latest_response_dict = send(self._register_device_url, data_out=params)
        self.__device_id__ = self.latest_response_dict['id']
        return self.__device_id__
Esempio n. 12
    def login(self, email, password):
        Logs into the Pushover server with the user's email and password.  Retrieves a secret key, stores it, and then
        returns it.

        :param email: the users email
        :param password: the users password
        params = {
            'email': email,
            'password': password
        self.latest_response_dict = send(self._login_url, data_out=params)
        self.__secret__ = self.latest_response_dict['secret']
        return self.__secret__
Esempio n. 13
def verify_user(app_token, user, device=None):
    Verifies whether a userID is a valid ID if device is given, then the user/device pair is verified.

    :param device:
    :param app_token: the application token
    :param user: the user id
    :return :
    param_data = {
        'token': app_token,
        'user': user,

    if device:
        param_data['device'] = device

    return send(verify_url, param_data)['status'] == 1  # An HTTPError will be raised if invalid
Esempio n. 14
def add_user(app_token, group, user, device=None, memo=None):
    Adds the selected user to the group

    :param str app_token: your applications token
    :param str group: the group id
    :param str user: the user id of the user to add
    :param str device: the associated device name (optional)
    :param str memo: memo (optional)
    :return: A dictionary representing the json response.

    param_data = {
        'token': app_token,
        'user': user

    if device:
        param_data['device'] = device
    if memo:
        param_data['memo'] = memo

    return send(_group_add_user_url.format(group_key=group), param_data)
Esempio n. 15
def push_message(token, user, message, **kwargs):
    Send message to selected user/group/device.

    :param str token: application token
    :param str user: user or group id to send the message to
    :param str message: your message
    :param str title: your message's title, otherwise your app's name is used
    :param str device: your user's device name to send the message directly to that device
    :param list device: your user's devices names to send the message directly to that device
    :param str url: a supplementary URL to show with your message
    :param str url_title: a title for your supplementary URL, otherwise just the URL is shown
    :param int priority: message priority (Use the Priority class to select)
    :param int retry: how often (in seconds) the Pushover servers will retry the notification to the user (required
                      only with priority level of Emergency)
    :param int expire: how many seconds your notification will continue to be retried (required only with priority
                       level of Emergency)
    :param datetime timestamp: a datetime object repr the timestamp of your message's date and time to display to the user
    :param str sound: the name of the sound to override the user's default sound choice (Use the Sounds consts to
    :param bool html: Enable rendering message on user device using HTML
    data_out = {
        'token': token,
        'user': user,  # can be a user or group key
        'message': message

    # Support for non-required parameters of PushOver
    if 'title' in kwargs:
        data_out['title'] = kwargs['title']
    if 'device' in kwargs:
        temp = kwargs['device']
        if type(temp) == list:
            data_out['device'] = ','.join(temp)
            data_out['device'] = temp
        data_out['device'] = kwargs['device']
    if 'url' in kwargs:
        data_out['url'] = kwargs['url']
    if 'url_title' in kwargs:
        data_out['url_title'] = kwargs['url_title']
    if 'priority' in kwargs:
        data_out['priority'] = kwargs['priority']

        # Emergency prioritized messages require 'retry' and 'expire' to be defined
        if data_out['priority'] == PRIORITIES.EMERGENCY:
            if 'retry' not in kwargs:
                raise TypeError('Missing `retry` argument required for message priority of Emergency')
                retry_val = kwargs['retry']

                # 'retry' val must be a minimum of _MIN_RETRY and max of _MAX_EXPIRE
                if not (_MIN_RETRY <= retry_val <= _MAX_EXPIRE):
                    raise ValueError('`retry` argument must be at a minimum of {} and a maximum of {}'.format(
                        _MIN_RETRY, _MAX_EXPIRE

                data_out['retry'] = retry_val
            if 'expire' not in kwargs:
                raise TypeError('Missing `expire` arguemnt required for message priority of Emergency')
                expire_val = kwargs['expire']

                # 'expire' val must be a minimum of _MIN_RETRY and max of _MAX_EXPIRE
                if not(_MIN_RETRY <= expire_val <= _MAX_EXPIRE):
                    raise ValueError('`expire` argument must be at a minimum of {} and a maximum of {}'.format(
                        _MIN_RETRY, _MAX_EXPIRE

                data_out['expire'] = expire_val

            # Optionally a callback url may be supplied for the Emergency Message
            if 'callback' in kwargs:
                data_out['callback'] = kwargs['callback']

    if 'timestamp' in kwargs:
        data_out['timestamp'] = int(time.mktime(kwargs['timestamp'].timetuple()))
    if 'sound' in kwargs:
        data_out['sound'] = kwargs['sound']
    if 'html' in kwargs:
        data_out['html'] = int(kwargs['html'])

    return send(_push_url, data_out=data_out)