Esempio n. 1
app = ApplevelClass('''

    import unittest 
    from test import test_support   
    import sys

    def getmethods(suite_or_class): 
        """ flatten out suites down to TestCase instances/methods. """ 
        if isinstance(suite_or_class, unittest.TestCase): 
            res = [suite_or_class]
        elif isinstance(suite_or_class, unittest.TestSuite): 
            res = []
            for x in suite_or_class._tests: 
        elif isinstance(suite_or_class, list): 
            res = []
            for x in suite_or_class: 
            raise TypeError, "expected TestSuite or TestClass, got %r"  %(suite_or_class) 
        return res 

    # exported API 

    def intercept_test_support(): 
        """ intercept calls to test_support.run_doctest and run_suite. 
            Return doctestmodules, suites which will hold collected
            items from these test_support invocations. 
        suites = []
        doctestmodules = []
        def hack_run_doctest(module, verbose=None): 
        test_support.run_doctest = hack_run_doctest 

        def hack_run_suite(suite, testclass=None): 
        test_support.run_suite = hack_run_suite 
        return suites, doctestmodules 

    def collect_intercepted(suites, doctestmodules): 
        namemethodlist = []
        for method in getmethods(suites): 
            name = (method.__class__.__name__ + '.' + 
            namemethodlist.append((name, method))
        doctestlist = []
        for mod in doctestmodules: 
            doctestlist.append((mod.__name__, mod))
        return namemethodlist, doctestlist 

    def run_testcase_method(method): 
        result = method.defaultTestResult()
        if result.errors:
            assert len(result.errors)
            print result.errors[0][1]
        if result.failures:
            assert len(result.failures)
            print result.failures[0][1]
        if result.failures or result.errors:
            return 1

    def set_argv(filename): 
        sys.argv[:] = ['python', filename]
Esempio n. 2
    @unwrap_spec(name=str, startfrom=int)
    def call_method(self, name, w_args, startfrom=0):
        return call_method(, self.b_obj, self.b_obj.GetType(), name, w_args, startfrom)

def cli_object_new(space, w_subtype, typename, w_args):
    b_type = System.Type.GetType(typename)
    b_args, b_paramtypes = rewrap_args(space, w_args, 0)
    b_ctor = get_constructor(space, b_type, b_paramtypes)
        b_obj = b_ctor.Invoke(b_args)
    except TargetInvocationException, e:
        b_inner = native_exc(e).get_InnerException()
        message = str(b_inner.get_Message())
        # TODO: use the appropriate exception, not StandardError
        raise OperationError(space.w_StandardError, space.wrap(message))
    return space.wrap(W_CliObject(space, b_obj))

W_CliObject.typedef = TypeDef(
    __new__ = interp2app(cli_object_new),
    call_method = interp2app(W_CliObject.call_method),

path, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
app_clr = os.path.join(path, '')
app = ApplevelClass(file(app_clr).read())
del path, app_clr
build_wrapper = app.interphook("build_wrapper")
wrapper_from_cliobj = app.interphook("wrapper_from_cliobj")
Esempio n. 3
    def call_method(self, name, w_args, startfrom=0):
        return call_method(, self.b_obj, self.b_obj.GetType(), name, w_args, startfrom)
    call_method.unwrap_spec = ['self', str, W_Root, int]

def cli_object_new(space, w_subtype, typename, w_args):
    b_type = System.Type.GetType(typename)
    b_args, b_paramtypes = rewrap_args(space, w_args, 0)
    b_ctor = get_constructor(space, b_type, b_paramtypes)
        b_obj = b_ctor.Invoke(b_args)
    except TargetInvocationException, e:
        b_inner = native_exc(e).get_InnerException()
        message = str(b_inner.get_Message())
        # TODO: use the appropriate exception, not StandardError
        raise OperationError(space.w_StandardError, space.wrap(message))
    return space.wrap(W_CliObject(space, b_obj))
cli_object_new.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, W_Root, str, W_Root]

W_CliObject.typedef = TypeDef(
    __new__ = interp2app(cli_object_new),
    call_method = interp2app(W_CliObject.call_method),

path, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
app_clr = os.path.join(path, '')
app = ApplevelClass(file(app_clr).read())
del path, app_clr
build_wrapper = app.interphook("build_wrapper")
wrapper_from_cliobj = app.interphook("wrapper_from_cliobj")
Esempio n. 4
    def call_method(self, name, w_args, startfrom=0):
        return call_method(, self.b_obj, self.b_obj.GetType(), name, w_args, startfrom)
    call_method.unwrap_spec = ['self', str, W_Root, int]

def cli_object_new(space, w_subtype, typename, w_args):
    b_type = System.Type.GetType(typename)
    b_args, b_paramtypes = rewrap_args(space, w_args, 0)
    b_ctor = get_constructor(space, b_type, b_paramtypes)
        b_obj = b_ctor.Invoke(b_args)
    except TargetInvocationException, e:
        b_inner = native_exc(e).get_InnerException()
        message = str(b_inner.get_Message())
        # TODO: use the appropriate exception, not StandardError
        raise OperationError(space.w_StandardError, space.wrap(message))
    return space.wrap(W_CliObject(space, b_obj))
cli_object_new.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, W_Root, str, W_Root]

W_CliObject.typedef = TypeDef(
    __new__ = interp2app(cli_object_new),
    call_method = interp2app(W_CliObject.call_method),

path, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
app_clr = os.path.join(path, '')
app = ApplevelClass(file(app_clr).read())
del path, app_clr
build_wrapper = app.interphook("build_wrapper")