Esempio n. 1
        msg += (' but no encoding declared; see '
                ' for details')
    return TokenError(msg, line, lnum, pos, token_list)

def verify_identifier(token):
    # 1=ok; 0=not an identifier; -1=bad utf-8
        rutf8.check_utf8(token, False)
    except rutf8.CheckError:
        return -1
    from pypy.objspace.std.unicodeobject import _isidentifier
    return _isidentifier(token)

DUMMY_DFA = automata.DFA([], [])

def generate_tokens(lines, flags):
    This is a rewrite of pypy.module.parser.pytokenize.generate_tokens since
    the original function is not RPYTHON (uses yield)
    It was also slightly modified to generate Token instances instead
    of the original 5-tuples -- it's now a 4-tuple of

    * the Token instance
    * the whole line as a string
    * the line number (the real one, counting continuation lines)
    * the position on the line of the end of the token.

    Original docstring ::
Esempio n. 2
        '0': 45,
        '1': 45,
        '2': 45,
        '3': 45,
        '4': 45,
        '5': 45,
        '6': 45,
        '7': 45,
        '8': 45,
        '9': 45,
        'J': 14,
        'j': 14
pseudoDFA = automata.DFA(states, accepts)

accepts = [False, False, False, False, False, True]
states = [
    # 0
        automata.DEFAULT: 0,
        '"': 1,
        '\\': 2
    # 1
        automata.DEFAULT: 4,
        '"': 3,
        '\\': 2
Esempio n. 3
        '0': 38,
        '1': 38,
        '2': 38,
        '3': 38,
        '4': 38,
        '5': 38,
        '6': 38,
        '7': 38,
        '8': 38,
        '9': 38,
        'J': 13,
        'j': 13

pseudoDFA = automata.DFA(pseudoStates, pseudoStatesAccepts)

double3StatesAccepts = [False, False, False, False, False, True]
double3States = [
        automata.DEFAULT: 0,
        '"': 1,
        '\\': 2
        automata.DEFAULT: 4,
        '"': 3,
        '\\': 2
        automata.DEFAULT: 4
Esempio n. 4
def generate_tokens(lines, flags):
    This is a rewrite of pypy.module.parser.pytokenize.generate_tokens since
    the original function is not RPYTHON (uses yield)
    It was also slightly modified to generate Token instances instead
    of the original 5-tuples -- it's now a 4-tuple of

    * the Token instance
    * the whole line as a string
    * the line number (the real one, counting continuation lines)
    * the position on the line of the end of the token.

    Original docstring ::

        The generate_tokens() generator requires one argment, readline, which
        must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
        readline() method of built-in file objects. Each call to the function
        should return one line of input as a string.

        The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
        token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
        column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
        ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
        and the line on which the token was found. The line passed is the
        logical line; continuation lines are included.
    token_list = []
    lnum = parenlev = continued = 0
    namechars = NAMECHARS
    numchars = NUMCHARS
    contstr, needcont = '', 0
    contline = None
    indents = [0]
    last_comment = ''
    parenlevstart = (0, 0, "")

    # make the annotator happy
    endDFA = automata.DFA([], [])
    # make the annotator happy
    line = ''
    pos = 0
    strstart = (0, 0, "")
    for line in lines:
        lnum = lnum + 1
        pos, max = 0, len(line)

        if contstr:
            if not line:
                raise TokenError(
                    "EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal",
                    strstart[2], strstart[0], strstart[1] + 1, token_list,
                    lnum - 1)
            endmatch = endDFA.recognize(line)
            if endmatch >= 0:
                pos = end = endmatch
                tok = (tokens.STRING, contstr + line[:end], strstart[0],
                       strstart[1], line)
                last_comment = ''
                contstr, needcont = '', 0
                contline = None
            elif (needcont and not line.endswith('\\\n')
                  and not line.endswith('\\\r\n')):
                tok = (tokens.ERRORTOKEN, contstr + line, strstart[0],
                       strstart[1], line)
                last_comment = ''
                contstr = ''
                contline = None
                contstr = contstr + line
                contline = contline + line

        elif parenlev == 0 and not continued:  # new statement
            if not line: break
            column = 0
            while pos < max:  # measure leading whitespace
                if line[pos] == ' ': column = column + 1
                elif line[pos] == '\t':
                    column = (column / tabsize + 1) * tabsize
                elif line[pos] == '\f':
                    column = 0
                pos = pos + 1
            if pos == max: break

            if line[pos] in '#\r\n':
                # skip comments or blank lines

            if column > indents[-1]:  # count indents or dedents
                token_list.append((tokens.INDENT, line[:pos], lnum, 0, line))
                last_comment = ''
            while column < indents[-1]:
                indents = indents[:-1]
                token_list.append((tokens.DEDENT, '', lnum, pos, line))
                last_comment = ''
            if column != indents[-1]:
                err = "unindent does not match any outer indentation level"
                raise TokenIndentationError(err, line, lnum, 0, token_list)

        else:  # continued statement
            if not line:
                if parenlev > 0:
                    lnum1, start1, line1 = parenlevstart
                    raise TokenError("parenthesis is never closed", line1,
                                     lnum1, start1 + 1, token_list, lnum)
                raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line statement", line, lnum, 0,
            continued = 0

        while pos < max:
            pseudomatch = pseudoDFA.recognize(line, pos)
            if pseudomatch >= 0:  # scan for tokens
                # JDR: Modified
                start = whiteSpaceDFA.recognize(line, pos)
                if start < 0:
                    start = pos
                end = pseudomatch

                if start == end:
                    raise TokenError("Unknown character", line, lnum,
                                     start + 1, token_list)

                pos = end
                token, initial = line[start:end], line[start]
                if initial in numchars or \
                   (initial == '.' and token != '.'):      # ordinary number
                        (tokens.NUMBER, token, lnum, start, line))
                    last_comment = ''
                elif initial in '\r\n':
                    if parenlev <= 0:
                        tok = (tokens.NEWLINE, last_comment, lnum, start, line)
                    last_comment = ''
                elif initial == '#':
                    # skip comment
                    last_comment = token
                elif token in triple_quoted:
                    endDFA = endDFAs[token]
                    endmatch = endDFA.recognize(line, pos)
                    if endmatch >= 0:  # all on one line
                        pos = endmatch
                        token = line[start:pos]
                        tok = (tokens.STRING, token, lnum, start, line)
                        last_comment = ''
                        strstart = (lnum, start, line)
                        contstr = line[start:]
                        contline = line
                elif initial in single_quoted or \
                    token[:2] in single_quoted or \
                    token[:3] in single_quoted:
                    if token[-1] == '\n':  # continued string
                        strstart = (lnum, start, line)
                        endDFA = (endDFAs[initial] or endDFAs[token[1]]
                                  or endDFAs[token[2]])
                        contstr, needcont = line[start:], 1
                        contline = line
                    else:  # ordinary string
                        tok = (tokens.STRING, token, lnum, start, line)
                        last_comment = ''
                elif initial in namechars:  # ordinary name
                    token_list.append((tokens.NAME, token, lnum, start, line))
                    last_comment = ''
                elif initial == '\\':  # continued stmt
                    continued = 1
                    if initial in '([{':
                        if parenlev == 0:
                            parenlevstart = (lnum, start, line)
                        parenlev = parenlev + 1
                    elif initial in ')]}':
                        parenlev = parenlev - 1
                        if parenlev < 0:
                            raise TokenError("unmatched '%s'" % initial, line,
                                             lnum, start + 1, token_list)
                    if token in python_opmap:
                        punct = python_opmap[token]
                        punct = tokens.OP
                    token_list.append((punct, token, lnum, start, line))
                    last_comment = ''
                start = whiteSpaceDFA.recognize(line, pos)
                if start < 0:
                    start = pos
                if start < max and line[start] in single_quoted:
                    raise TokenError("EOL while scanning string literal", line,
                                     lnum, start + 1, token_list)
                tok = (tokens.ERRORTOKEN, line[pos], lnum, pos, line)
                last_comment = ''
                pos = pos + 1

    lnum -= 1
    if not (flags & consts.PyCF_DONT_IMPLY_DEDENT):
        if token_list and token_list[-1][0] != tokens.NEWLINE:
            tok = (tokens.NEWLINE, '', lnum, 0, '\n')
        for indent in indents[1:]:  # pop remaining indent levels
            token_list.append((tokens.DEDENT, '', lnum, pos, line))
    tok = (tokens.NEWLINE, '', lnum, 0, '\n')

    token_list.append((tokens.ENDMARKER, '', lnum, pos, line))
    return token_list
Esempio n. 5
    'b': None,
    'B': None

for uniPrefix in ("", "b", "B"):
    for rawPrefix in ("", "r", "R"):
        prefix = uniPrefix + rawPrefix
        endDFAs[prefix + "'''"] = single3DFA
        endDFAs[prefix + '"""'] = double3DFA
for uniPrefix in ("u", "U"):
    endDFAs[uniPrefix + "'''"] = single3DFA
    endDFAs[uniPrefix + '"""'] = double3DFA

whiteSpaceStatesAccepts = [True]
whiteSpaceStates = [{'\t': 0, ' ': 0, '\x0c': 0}]
whiteSpaceDFA = automata.DFA(whiteSpaceStates, whiteSpaceStatesAccepts)

# ______________________________________________________________________

triple_quoted = {}
for t in ("'''", '"""', "r'''", 'r"""', "R'''", 'R"""', "u'''", 'u"""', "U'''",
          'U"""', "b'''", 'b"""', "B'''", 'B"""', "br'''", 'br"""', "Br'''",
          'Br"""', "bR'''", 'bR"""', "BR'''", 'BR"""'):
    triple_quoted[t] = t
single_quoted = {}
for t in ("'", '"', "r'", 'r"', "R'", 'R"', "u'", 'u"', "U'", 'U"', "b'", 'b"',
          "B'", 'B"', "br'", 'br"', "Br'", 'Br"', "bR'", 'bR"', "BR'", 'BR"'):
    single_quoted[t] = t

tabsize = 8
Esempio n. 6
        '0': 43,
        '1': 43,
        '2': 43,
        '3': 43,
        '4': 43,
        '5': 43,
        '6': 43,
        '7': 43,
        '8': 43,
        '9': 43,
        'J': 13,
        'j': 13
pseudoDFA = automata.DFA(states, accepts)

accepts = [False, False, False, False, False, True]
states = [
    # 0
        automata.DEFAULT: 0,
        '"': 1,
        '\\': 2
    # 1
        automata.DEFAULT: 4,
        '"': 3,
        '\\': 2