Esempio n. 1
def test_nan_and_special_values():
    from pypy.rlib.rfloat import isnan, isinf, isfinite, copysign
    inf = 1e300 * 1e300
    assert isinf(inf)
    nan = inf/inf
    assert isnan(nan)

    for value, checker in [
            (inf,   lambda x: isinf(x) and x > 0.0),
            (-inf,  lambda x: isinf(x) and x < 0.0),
            (nan,   isnan),
            (42.0,  isfinite),
            (0.0,   lambda x: not x and copysign(1., x) == 1.),
            (-0.0,  lambda x: not x and copysign(1., x) == -1.),
        def f():
            return value
        f1 = compile(f, [])
        res = f1()
        assert checker(res)

        l = [value]
        def g(x):
            return l[x]
        g2 = compile(g, [int])
        res = g2(0)
        assert checker(res)

        l2 = [(-value, -value), (value, value)]
        def h(x):
            return l2[x][1]
        h3 = compile(h, [int])
        res = h3(1)
        assert checker(res)
Esempio n. 2
def c_exp(x, y):
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = copysign(0., math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(0., math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = exp_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN and not -infinity
        if isinf(y) and (isfinite(x) or (isinf(x) and x > 0)):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

        l = math.exp(x-1.)
        real = l * math.cos(y) * math.e
        imag = l * math.sin(y) * math.e
        l = math.exp(x)
        real = l * math.cos(y)
        imag = l * math.sin(y)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 3
 def test_math_sqrt(self):
     def f(x):
             return math.sqrt(x)
         except ValueError:
             return -INFINITY
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [0.0])
     assert res == 0.0
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [25.0])
     assert res == 5.0
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [-0.0])
     assert str(res) == '-0.0'
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [1000000.0])
     assert res == 1000.0
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [-1.0])
     assert res == -INFINITY
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [INFINITY])
     assert isinf(res) and not isnan(res) and res > 0.0
     res = self.interp_operations(f, [NAN])
     assert isnan(res) and not isinf(res)
Esempio n. 4
def c_rect(r, phi):
    if not isfinite(r) or not isfinite(phi):
        # if r is +/-infinity and phi is finite but nonzero then
        # result is (+-INF +-INF i), but we need to compute cos(phi)
        # and sin(phi) to figure out the signs.
        if isinf(r) and isfinite(phi) and phi != 0.:
            if r > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(phi))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(phi))
                real = -copysign(INF, math.cos(phi))
                imag = -copysign(INF, math.sin(phi))
            z = (real, imag)
            z = rect_special_values[special_type(r)][special_type(phi)]

        # need to raise ValueError if r is a nonzero number and phi
        # is infinite
        if r != 0. and not isnan(r) and isinf(phi):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return z

    real = r * math.cos(phi)
    imag = r * math.sin(phi)
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 5
def round(space, number, w_ndigits=0):
    """round(number[, ndigits]) -> floating point number

Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).
This always returns a floating point number.  Precision may be negative."""
    # Algorithm copied directly from CPython

    # interpret 2nd argument as a Py_ssize_t; clip on overflow
    ndigits = space.getindex_w(w_ndigits, None)

    # nans, infinities and zeros round to themselves
    if number == 0 or isinf(number) or isnan(number):
        return space.wrap(number)

    # Deal with extreme values for ndigits. For ndigits > NDIGITS_MAX, x
    # always rounds to itself.  For ndigits < NDIGITS_MIN, x always
    # rounds to +-0.0.
    if ndigits > NDIGITS_MAX:
        return space.wrap(number)
    elif ndigits < NDIGITS_MIN:
        # return 0.0, but with sign of x
        return space.wrap(0.0 * number)

    # finite x, and ndigits is not unreasonably large
    z = round_double(number, ndigits)
    if isinf(z):
        raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError, space.wrap("rounded value too large to represent"))
    return space.wrap(z)
Esempio n. 6
def c_sinh(x, y):
    # special treatment for sinh(+/-inf + iy) if y is finite and nonzero
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = -copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = sinh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN
        if isinf(y) and not isnan(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x)
        real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x)
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 7
def ll_math_atan2(y, x):
    """wrapper for atan2 that deals directly with special cases before
    delegating to the platform libm for the remaining cases.  This
    is necessary to get consistent behaviour across platforms.
    Windows, FreeBSD and alpha Tru64 are amongst platforms that don't
    always follow C99.
    if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
        return NAN

    if isinf(y):
        if isinf(x):
            if math_copysign(1.0, x) == 1.0:
                # atan2(+-inf, +inf) == +-pi/4
                return math_copysign(0.25 * math.pi, y)
                # atan2(+-inf, -inf) == +-pi*3/4
                return math_copysign(0.75 * math.pi, y)
        # atan2(+-inf, x) == +-pi/2 for finite x
        return math_copysign(0.5 * math.pi, y)

    if isinf(x) or y == 0.0:
        if math_copysign(1.0, x) == 1.0:
            # atan2(+-y, +inf) = atan2(+-0, +x) = +-0.
            return math_copysign(0.0, y)
            # atan2(+-y, -inf) = atan2(+-0., -x) = +-pi.
            return math_copysign(math.pi, y)

    return math_atan2(y, x)
Esempio n. 8
def c_exp(x, y):
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = copysign(0., math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(0., math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = exp_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN and not -infinity
        if isinf(y) and (isfinite(x) or (isinf(x) and x > 0)):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

        l = math.exp(x - 1.)
        real = l * math.cos(y) * math.e
        imag = l * math.sin(y) * math.e
        l = math.exp(x)
        real = l * math.cos(y)
        imag = l * math.sin(y)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 9
def c_cosh(x, y):
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = -copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = cosh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN
        if isinf(y) and not isnan(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        # deal correctly with cases where cosh(x) overflows but
        # cosh(z) does not.
        x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x)
        real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x)
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 10
def round(space, number, w_ndigits=0):
    """round(number[, ndigits]) -> floating point number

Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).
This always returns a floating point number.  Precision may be negative."""
    # Algorithm copied directly from CPython

    # interpret 2nd argument as a Py_ssize_t; clip on overflow
    ndigits = space.getindex_w(w_ndigits, None)

    # nans, infinities and zeros round to themselves
    if number == 0 or isinf(number) or isnan(number):
        return space.wrap(number)

    # Deal with extreme values for ndigits. For ndigits > NDIGITS_MAX, x
    # always rounds to itself.  For ndigits < NDIGITS_MIN, x always
    # rounds to +-0.0.
    if ndigits > NDIGITS_MAX:
        return space.wrap(number)
    elif ndigits < NDIGITS_MIN:
        # return 0.0, but with sign of x
        return space.wrap(0.0 * number)

    # finite x, and ndigits is not unreasonably large
    z = round_double(number, ndigits)
    if isinf(z):
        raise OperationError(
            space.wrap("rounded value too large to represent"))
    return space.wrap(z)
Esempio n. 11
def c_rect(r, phi):
    if not isfinite(r) or not isfinite(phi):
        # if r is +/-infinity and phi is finite but nonzero then
        # result is (+-INF +-INF i), but we need to compute cos(phi)
        # and sin(phi) to figure out the signs.
        if isinf(r) and isfinite(phi) and phi != 0.:
            if r > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(phi))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(phi))
                real = -copysign(INF, math.cos(phi))
                imag = -copysign(INF, math.sin(phi))
            z = (real, imag)
            z = rect_special_values[special_type(r)][special_type(phi)]

        # need to raise ValueError if r is a nonzero number and phi
        # is infinite
        if r != 0. and not isnan(r) and isinf(phi):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return z

    real = r * math.cos(phi)
    imag = r * math.sin(phi)
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 12
def c_cosh(x, y):
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = -copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = cosh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN
        if isinf(y) and not isnan(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        # deal correctly with cases where cosh(x) overflows but
        # cosh(z) does not.
        x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x)
        real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        real = math.cos(y) * math.cosh(x)
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.sinh(x)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 13
def ll_math_atan2(y, x):
    """wrapper for atan2 that deals directly with special cases before
    delegating to the platform libm for the remaining cases.  This
    is necessary to get consistent behaviour across platforms.
    Windows, FreeBSD and alpha Tru64 are amongst platforms that don't
    always follow C99.
    if isnan(x):
        return NAN

    if not isfinite(y):
        if isnan(y):
            return NAN
        if isinf(x):
            if math_copysign(1.0, x) == 1.0:
                # atan2(+-inf, +inf) == +-pi/4
                return math_copysign(0.25 * math.pi, y)
                # atan2(+-inf, -inf) == +-pi*3/4
                return math_copysign(0.75 * math.pi, y)
        # atan2(+-inf, x) == +-pi/2 for finite x
        return math_copysign(0.5 * math.pi, y)

    if isinf(x) or y == 0.0:
        if math_copysign(1.0, x) == 1.0:
            # atan2(+-y, +inf) = atan2(+-0, +x) = +-0.
            return math_copysign(0.0, y)
            # atan2(+-y, -inf) = atan2(+-0., -x) = +-pi.
            return math_copysign(math.pi, y)

    return math_atan2(y, x)
Esempio n. 14
def c_sinh(x, y):
    # special treatment for sinh(+/-inf + iy) if y is finite and nonzero
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
                real = -copysign(INF, math.cos(y))
                imag = copysign(INF, math.sin(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = sinh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/- infinity and x is not
        # a NaN
        if isinf(y) and not isnan(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        x_minus_one = x - copysign(1., x)
        real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x_minus_one) * math.e
        real = math.cos(y) * math.sinh(x)
        imag = math.sin(y) * math.cosh(x)
    if isinf(real) or isinf(imag):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 15
def ll_math_pow(x, y):
    # deal directly with IEEE specials, to cope with problems on various
    # platforms whose semantics don't exactly match C99

    if isnan(y):
        if x == 1.0:
            return 1.0   # 1**Nan = 1
        return y

    if not isfinite(x):
        if isnan(x):
            if y == 0.0:
                return 1.0   # NaN**0 = 1
            return x
        else:   # isinf(x)
            odd_y = not isinf(y) and math_fmod(math_fabs(y), 2.0) == 1.0
            if y > 0.0:
                if odd_y:
                    return x
                return math_fabs(x)
            elif y == 0.0:
                return 1.0
            else:   # y < 0.0
                if odd_y:
                    return math_copysign(0.0, x)
                return 0.0

    if isinf(y):
        if math_fabs(x) == 1.0:
            return 1.0
        elif y > 0.0 and math_fabs(x) > 1.0:
            return y
        elif y < 0.0 and math_fabs(x) < 1.0:
            if x == 0.0:
                raise ValueError("0**-inf: divide by zero")
            return -y    # result is +inf
            return 0.0

    r = math_pow(x, y)
    errno = rposix.get_errno()
    if not isfinite(r):
        if isnan(r):
            # a NaN result should arise only from (-ve)**(finite non-integer)
            errno = EDOM
        else:   # isinf(r)
            # an infinite result here arises either from:
            # (A) (+/-0.)**negative (-> divide-by-zero)
            # (B) overflow of x**y with x and y finite
            if x == 0.0:
                errno = EDOM
                errno = ERANGE
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 16
def ll_math_pow(x, y):
    # deal directly with IEEE specials, to cope with problems on various
    # platforms whose semantics don't exactly match C99

    if isnan(y):
        if x == 1.0:
            return 1.0  # 1**Nan = 1
        return y

    if not isfinite(x):
        if isnan(x):
            if y == 0.0:
                return 1.0  # NaN**0 = 1
            return x
        else:  # isinf(x)
            odd_y = not isinf(y) and math_fmod(math_fabs(y), 2.0) == 1.0
            if y > 0.0:
                if odd_y:
                    return x
                return math_fabs(x)
            elif y == 0.0:
                return 1.0
            else:  # y < 0.0
                if odd_y:
                    return math_copysign(0.0, x)
                return 0.0

    if isinf(y):
        if math_fabs(x) == 1.0:
            return 1.0
        elif y > 0.0 and math_fabs(x) > 1.0:
            return y
        elif y < 0.0 and math_fabs(x) < 1.0:
            if x == 0.0:
                raise ValueError("0**-inf: divide by zero")
            return -y  # result is +inf
            return 0.0

    r = math_pow(x, y)
    errno = rposix.get_errno()
    if not isfinite(r):
        if isnan(r):
            # a NaN result should arise only from (-ve)**(finite non-integer)
            errno = EDOM
        else:  # isinf(r)
            # an infinite result here arises either from:
            # (A) (+/-0.)**negative (-> divide-by-zero)
            # (B) overflow of x**y with x and y finite
            if x == 0.0:
                errno = EDOM
                errno = ERANGE
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 17
def _gamma(x):
    if rfloat.isnan(x) or (rfloat.isinf(x) and x > 0.):
        return x
    if rfloat.isinf(x):
        raise ValueError("math domain error")
    if x == 0.:
        raise ValueError("math domain error")
    if x == math.floor(x):
        if x < 0.:
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        if x < len(_gamma_integrals):
            return _gamma_integrals[int(x) - 1]
    absx = abs(x)
    if absx < 1e-20:
        r = 1. / x
        if rfloat.isinf(r):
            raise OverflowError("math range error")
        return r
    if absx > 200.:
        if x < 0.:
            return 0. / -_sinpi(x)
            raise OverflowError("math range error")
    y = absx + _lanczos_g_minus_half
    if absx > _lanczos_g_minus_half:
        q = y - absx
        z = q - _lanczos_g_minus_half
        q = y - _lanczos_g_minus_half
        z = q - absx
    z = z * _lanczos_g / y
    if x < 0.:
        r = -math.pi / _sinpi(absx) / absx * math.exp(y) / _lanczos_sum(absx)
        r -= z * r
        if absx < 140.:
            r /= math.pow(y, absx - .5)
            sqrtpow = math.pow(y, absx / 2. - .25)
            r /= sqrtpow
            r /= sqrtpow
        r = _lanczos_sum(absx) / math.exp(y)
        r += z * r
        if absx < 140.:
            r *= math.pow(y, absx - .5)
            sqrtpow = math.pow(y, absx / 2. - .25)
            r *= sqrtpow
            r *= sqrtpow
    if rfloat.isinf(r):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return r
Esempio n. 18
def _gamma(x):
    if rfloat.isnan(x) or (rfloat.isinf(x) and x > 0.):
        return x
    if rfloat.isinf(x):
        raise ValueError("math domain error")
    if x == 0.:
        raise ValueError("math domain error")
    if x == math.floor(x):
        if x < 0.:
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        if x < len(_gamma_integrals):
            return _gamma_integrals[int(x) - 1]
    absx = abs(x)
    if absx < 1e-20:
        r = 1. / x
        if rfloat.isinf(r):
            raise OverflowError("math range error")
        return r
    if absx > 200.:
        if x < 0.:
            return 0. / -_sinpi(x)
            raise OverflowError("math range error")
    y = absx + _lanczos_g_minus_half
    if absx > _lanczos_g_minus_half:
        q = y - absx
        z = q - _lanczos_g_minus_half
        q = y - _lanczos_g_minus_half
        z = q - absx
    z = z * _lanczos_g / y
    if x < 0.:
        r = -math.pi / _sinpi(absx) / absx * math.exp(y) / _lanczos_sum(absx)
        r -= z * r
        if absx < 140.:
            r /= math.pow(y, absx - .5)
            sqrtpow = math.pow(y, absx / 2. - .25)
            r /= sqrtpow
            r /= sqrtpow
        r = _lanczos_sum(absx) / math.exp(y)
        r += z * r
        if absx < 140.:
            r *= math.pow(y, absx - .5)
            sqrtpow = math.pow(y, absx / 2. - .25)
            r *= sqrtpow
            r *= sqrtpow
    if rfloat.isinf(r):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return r
Esempio n. 19
 def push_primitive_constant(self, TYPE, value):
     ilasm = self.ilasm
     if TYPE is ootype.Void:
     elif TYPE is ootype.Bool:
         ilasm.opcode('ldc.i4', str(int(value)))
     elif TYPE is ootype.Char or TYPE is ootype.UniChar:
         ilasm.opcode('ldc.i4', ord(value))
     elif TYPE is ootype.Float:
         if isinf(value):
             if value < 0.0:
                 ilasm.opcode('ldc.r8', '(00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ff)')
                 ilasm.opcode('ldc.r8', '(00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 7f)')
         elif isnan(value):
             ilasm.opcode('ldc.r8', '(00 00 00 00 00 00 f8 ff)')
             ilasm.opcode('ldc.r8', repr(value))
     elif isinstance(value, CDefinedIntSymbolic):
         ilasm.opcode('ldc.i4', DEFINED_INT_SYMBOLICS[value.expr])
     elif TYPE in (ootype.Signed, ootype.Unsigned, rffi.SHORT):
         ilasm.opcode('ldc.i4', str(value))
     elif TYPE in (ootype.SignedLongLong, ootype.UnsignedLongLong):
         ilasm.opcode('ldc.i8', str(value))
     elif TYPE in (ootype.String, ootype.Unicode):
         if value._str is None:
             ilasm.opcode("ldstr", string_literal(value._str))
         assert False, "Unexpected constant type"
Esempio n. 20
 def push_primitive_constant(self, TYPE, value):
     ilasm = self.ilasm
     if TYPE is ootype.Void:
     elif TYPE is ootype.Bool:
         ilasm.opcode("ldc.i4", str(int(value)))
     elif TYPE is ootype.Char or TYPE is ootype.UniChar:
         ilasm.opcode("ldc.i4", ord(value))
     elif TYPE is ootype.Float:
         if isinf(value):
             if value < 0.0:
                 ilasm.opcode("ldc.r8", "(00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 ff)")
                 ilasm.opcode("ldc.r8", "(00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 7f)")
         elif isnan(value):
             ilasm.opcode("ldc.r8", "(00 00 00 00 00 00 f8 ff)")
             ilasm.opcode("ldc.r8", repr(value))
     elif isinstance(value, CDefinedIntSymbolic):
         ilasm.opcode("ldc.i4", DEFINED_INT_SYMBOLICS[value.expr])
     elif TYPE in (ootype.Signed, ootype.Unsigned, rffi.SHORT):
         ilasm.opcode("ldc.i4", str(value))
     elif TYPE in (ootype.SignedLongLong, ootype.UnsignedLongLong):
         ilasm.opcode("ldc.i8", str(value))
     elif TYPE in (ootype.String, ootype.Unicode):
         if value._str is None:
             ilasm.opcode("ldstr", string_literal(value._str))
         assert False, "Unexpected constant type"
Esempio n. 21
 def format_float(self, w_value, char):
     space =
     x = space.float_w(maybe_float(space, w_value))
     if isnan(x):
         if char in 'EFG':
             r = 'NAN'
             r = 'nan'
     elif isinf(x):
         if x < 0:
             if char in 'EFG':
                 r = '-INF'
                 r = '-inf'
             if char in 'EFG':
                 r = 'INF'
                 r = 'inf'
         prec = self.prec
         if prec < 0:
             prec = 6
         if char in 'fF' and x / 1e25 > 1e25:
             char = chr(ord(char) + 1)  # 'f' => 'g'
         flags = 0
         if self.f_alt:
             flags |= DTSF_ALT
         r = formatd(x, char, prec, flags)
Esempio n. 22
 def format_float(self, w_value, char):
     space =
     x = space.float_w(maybe_float(space, w_value))
     if isnan(x):
         if char in 'EFG':
             r = 'NAN'
             r = 'nan'
     elif isinf(x):
         if x < 0:
             if char in 'EFG':
                 r = '-INF'
                 r = '-inf'
             if char in 'EFG':
                 r = 'INF'
                 r = 'inf'
         prec = self.prec
         if prec < 0:
             prec = 6
         if char in 'fF' and x/1e25 > 1e25:
             char = chr(ord(char) + 1)     # 'f' => 'g'
         flags = 0
         if self.f_alt:
             flags |= DTSF_ALT
         r = formatd(x, char, prec, flags)
Esempio n. 23
def c_abs(x, y):
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        # C99 rules: if either the real or the imaginary part is an
        # infinity, return infinity, even if the other part is a NaN.
        if isinf(x):
            return INF
        if isinf(y):
            return INF

        # either the real or imaginary part is a NaN,
        # and neither is infinite. Result should be NaN.
        return NAN

    result = math.hypot(x, y)
    if not isfinite(result):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return result
Esempio n. 24
def isfinitejs(ctx, args, this):
    if len(args) < 1:
        return newbool(True)
    n = args[0].ToNumber(ctx)
    if  isinf(n) or isnan(n):
        return newbool(False)
        return newbool(True)
Esempio n. 25
def ll_math_fmod(x, y):
    if isinf(x) and not isnan(y):
        raise ValueError("math domain error")

    if y == 0:
        raise ValueError("math domain error")

    return math_fmod(x, y)
Esempio n. 26
def ll_math_fmod(x, y):
    if isinf(y):
        if isinf(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return x  # fmod(x, +/-Inf) returns x for finite x (or if x is a NaN).

    r = math_fmod(x, y)
    errno = rposix.get_errno()
    if isnan(r):
        if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
            errno = 0
            errno = EDOM
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 27
def c_abs(x, y):
    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        # C99 rules: if either the real or the imaginary part is an
        # infinity, return infinity, even if the other part is a NaN.
        if isinf(x):
            return INF
        if isinf(y):
            return INF

        # either the real or imaginary part is a NaN,
        # and neither is infinite. Result should be NaN.
        return NAN

    result = math.hypot(x, y)
    if not isfinite(result):
        raise OverflowError("math range error")
    return result
Esempio n. 28
def format_float(x, code, precision):
    # like float2string, except that the ".0" is not necessary
    if isinf(x):
        if x > 0.0:
            return "inf"
            return "-inf"
    elif isnan(x):
        return "nan"
        return formatd(x, code, precision)
Esempio n. 29
def format_float(x, code, precision):
    # like float2string, except that the ".0" is not necessary
    if isinf(x):
        if x > 0.0:
            return "inf"
            return "-inf"
    elif isnan(x):
        return "nan"
        return formatd(x, code, precision)
Esempio n. 30
 def ll_math(x):
     r = c_func(x)
     # Error checking fun.  Copied from CPython 2.6
     errno = rposix.get_errno()
     if isnan(r):
         if isnan(x):
             errno = 0
             errno = EDOM
     elif isinf(r):
         if isinf(x) or isnan(x):
             errno = 0
         elif can_overflow:
             errno = ERANGE
             errno = EDOM
     if errno:
         _likely_raise(errno, r)
     return r
Esempio n. 31
def ll_math_ldexp(x, exp):
    if x == 0.0 or isinf(x) or isnan(x):
        return x    # NaNs, zeros and infinities are returned unchanged
    if exp > INT_MAX:
        # overflow (64-bit platforms only)
        r = math_copysign(INFINITY, x)
        errno = ERANGE
    elif exp < INT_MIN:
        # underflow to +-0 (64-bit platforms only)
        r = math_copysign(0.0, x)
        errno = 0
        r = math_ldexp(x, exp)
        errno = rposix.get_errno()
        if isinf(r):
            errno = ERANGE
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 32
def name_float(value, db):
    if isinf(value):
        if value > 0:
            return '(Py_HUGE_VAL)'
            return '(-Py_HUGE_VAL)'
    elif isnan(value):
        return '(Py_HUGE_VAL/Py_HUGE_VAL)'
        x = repr(value)
        assert not x.startswith('n')
        return x
Esempio n. 33
def name_singlefloat(value, db):
    value = float(value)
    if isinf(value):
        if value > 0:
            return '((float)Py_HUGE_VAL)'
            return '((float)-Py_HUGE_VAL)'
    elif isnan(value):
        # XXX are these expressions ok?
        return '((float)(Py_HUGE_VAL/Py_HUGE_VAL))'
        return repr(value) + 'f'
Esempio n. 34
def float2string(x, code, precision):
    # we special-case explicitly inf and nan here
    if isfinite(x):
        s = formatd(x, code, precision, DTSF_ADD_DOT_0)
    elif isinf(x):
        if x > 0.0:
            s = "inf"
            s = "-inf"
    else:  # isnan(x):
        s = "nan"
    return s
Esempio n. 35
def name_singlefloat(value, db):
    value = float(value)
    if isinf(value):
        if value > 0:
            return '((float)Py_HUGE_VAL)'
            return '((float)-Py_HUGE_VAL)'
    elif isnan(value):
        # XXX are these expressions ok?
        return '((float)(Py_HUGE_VAL/Py_HUGE_VAL))'
        return repr(value) + 'f'
Esempio n. 36
def name_float(value, db):
    if isinf(value):
        if value > 0:
            return '(Py_HUGE_VAL)'
            return '(-Py_HUGE_VAL)'
    elif isnan(value):
        return '(Py_HUGE_VAL/Py_HUGE_VAL)'
        x = repr(value)
        assert not x.startswith('n')
        return x
Esempio n. 37
def float2string(x, code, precision):
    # we special-case explicitly inf and nan here
    if isfinite(x):
        s = formatd(x, code, precision, DTSF_ADD_DOT_0)
    elif isinf(x):
        if x > 0.0:
            s = "inf"
            s = "-inf"
    else:  # isnan(x):
        s = "nan"
    return s
Esempio n. 38
def test_nan_and_special_values():
    from pypy.rlib.rfloat import isnan, isinf, isfinite, copysign
    inf = 1e300 * 1e300
    assert isinf(inf)
    nan = inf / inf
    assert isnan(nan)

    for value, checker in [
        (inf, lambda x: isinf(x) and x > 0.0),
        (-inf, lambda x: isinf(x) and x < 0.0),
        (nan, isnan),
        (42.0, isfinite),
        (0.0, lambda x: not x and copysign(1., x) == 1.),
        (-0.0, lambda x: not x and copysign(1., x) == -1.),

        def f():
            return value

        f1 = compile(f, [])
        res = f1()
        assert checker(res)

        l = [value]

        def g(x):
            return l[x]

        g2 = compile(g, [int])
        res = g2(0)
        assert checker(res)

        l2 = [(-value, -value), (value, value)]

        def h(x):
            return l2[x][1]

        h3 = compile(h, [int])
        res = h3(1)
        assert checker(res)
Esempio n. 39
def c_tanh(x, y):
    # Formula:
    #   tanh(x+iy) = (tanh(x)(1+tan(y)^2) + i tan(y)(1-tanh(x))^2) /
    #   (1+tan(y)^2 tanh(x)^2)
    #   To avoid excessive roundoff error, 1-tanh(x)^2 is better computed
    #   as 1/cosh(x)^2.  When abs(x) is large, we approximate 1-tanh(x)^2
    #   by 4 exp(-2*x) instead, to avoid possible overflow in the
    #   computation of cosh(x).

    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = 1.0  # vv XXX why is the 2. there?
                imag = copysign(0., 2. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y))
                real = -1.0
                imag = copysign(0., 2. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = tanh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/-infinity and x is finite
        if isinf(y) and isfinite(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        real = copysign(1., x)
        imag = 4. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y) * math.exp(-2. * fabs(x))
        tx = math.tanh(x)
        ty = math.tan(y)
        cx = 1. / math.cosh(x)
        txty = tx * ty
        denom = 1. + txty * txty
        real = tx * (1. + ty * ty) / denom
        imag = ((ty / denom) * cx) * cx
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 40
def c_tanh(x, y):
    # Formula:
    #   tanh(x+iy) = (tanh(x)(1+tan(y)^2) + i tan(y)(1-tanh(x))^2) /
    #   (1+tan(y)^2 tanh(x)^2)
    #   To avoid excessive roundoff error, 1-tanh(x)^2 is better computed
    #   as 1/cosh(x)^2.  When abs(x) is large, we approximate 1-tanh(x)^2
    #   by 4 exp(-2*x) instead, to avoid possible overflow in the
    #   computation of cosh(x).

    if not isfinite(x) or not isfinite(y):
        if isinf(x) and isfinite(y) and y != 0.:
            if x > 0:
                real = 1.0        # vv XXX why is the 2. there?
                imag = copysign(0., 2. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y))
                real = -1.0
                imag = copysign(0., 2. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y))
            r = (real, imag)
            r = tanh_special_values[special_type(x)][special_type(y)]

        # need to raise ValueError if y is +/-infinity and x is finite
        if isinf(y) and isfinite(x):
            raise ValueError("math domain error")
        return r

    if fabs(x) > CM_LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        real = copysign(1., x)
        imag = 4. * math.sin(y) * math.cos(y) * math.exp(-2.*fabs(x))
        tx = math.tanh(x)
        ty = math.tan(y)
        cx = 1. / math.cosh(x)
        txty = tx * ty
        denom = 1. + txty * txty
        real = tx * (1. + ty*ty) / denom
        imag = ((ty / denom) * cx) * cx
    return real, imag
Esempio n. 41
def _lgamma(x):
    if rfloat.isnan(x):
        return x
    if rfloat.isinf(x):
        return rfloat.INFINITY
    if x == math.floor(x) and x <= 2.:
        if x <= 0.:
            raise ValueError("math range error")
        return 0.
    absx = abs(x)
    if absx < 1e-20:
        return -math.log(absx)
    if x > 0.:
        r = (math.log(_lanczos_sum(x)) - _lanczos_g + (x - .5) *
             (math.log(x + _lanczos_g - .5) - 1))
        r = (math.log(math.pi) - math.log(abs(_sinpi(absx))) - math.log(absx) -
             (math.log(_lanczos_sum(absx)) - _lanczos_g + (absx - .5) *
              (math.log(absx + _lanczos_g - .5) - 1)))
    if rfloat.isinf(r):
        raise OverflowError("math domain error")
    return r
Esempio n. 42
 def _push_double_constant(self, value):
     if isnan(value):
     elif isinf(value):
         if value > 0: jvm.DOUBLEPOSINF.load(self)
         else: jvm.DOUBLENEGINF.load(self)
     elif value == 0.0:
     elif value == 1.0:
         # Big hack to avoid exponential notation:
         self.emit(jvm.LDC2, "%22.22f" % value)
Esempio n. 43
def ll_math_frexp(x):
    # deal with special cases directly, to sidestep platform differences
    if isnan(x) or isinf(x) or not x:
        mantissa = x
        exponent = 0
        exp_p = lltype.malloc(rffi.INTP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
            mantissa = math_frexp(x, exp_p)
            exponent = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, exp_p[0])
  , flavor='raw')
    return (mantissa, exponent)
Esempio n. 44
def _lgamma(x):
    if rfloat.isnan(x):
        return x
    if rfloat.isinf(x):
        return rfloat.INFINITY
    if x == math.floor(x) and x <= 2.:
        if x <= 0.:
            raise ValueError("math range error")
        return 0.
    absx = abs(x)
    if absx < 1e-20:
        return -math.log(absx)
    if x > 0.:
        r = (math.log(_lanczos_sum(x)) - _lanczos_g + (x - .5) *
             (math.log(x + _lanczos_g - .5) - 1))
        r = (math.log(math.pi) - math.log(abs(_sinpi(absx))) - math.log(absx) -
             (math.log(_lanczos_sum(absx)) - _lanczos_g +
              (absx - .5) * (math.log(absx + _lanczos_g - .5) - 1)))
    if rfloat.isinf(r):
        raise OverflowError("math domain error")
    return r
Esempio n. 45
def fsum(space, w_iterable):
    """Sum an iterable of floats, trying to keep precision."""
    w_iter = space.iter(w_iterable)
    inf_sum = special_sum = 0.0
    partials = []
    while True:
            w_value =
        except OperationError, e:
            if not e.match(space, space.w_StopIteration):
        v = _get_double(space, w_value)
        original = v
        added = 0
        for y in partials:
            if abs(v) < abs(y):
                v, y = y, v
            hi = v + y
            yr = hi - v
            lo = y - yr
            if lo != 0.0:
                partials[added] = lo
                added += 1
            v = hi
        del partials[added:]
        if v != 0.0:
            if rfloat.isinf(v) or rfloat.isnan(v):
                if (not rfloat.isinf(original) and
                    not rfloat.isnan(original)):
                    raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
                                         space.wrap("intermediate overflow"))
                if rfloat.isinf(original):
                    inf_sum += original
                special_sum += original
                del partials[:]
Esempio n. 46
def c_phase(x, y):
    # Windows screws up atan2 for inf and nan, and alpha Tru64 5.1 doesn't
    # follow C99 for atan2(0., 0.).
    if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
        return NAN
    if isinf(y):
        if isinf(x):
            if copysign(1., x) == 1.:
                # atan2(+-inf, +inf) == +-pi/4
                return copysign(0.25 * math.pi, y)
                # atan2(+-inf, -inf) == +-pi*3/4
                return copysign(0.75 * math.pi, y)
        # atan2(+-inf, x) == +-pi/2 for finite x
        return copysign(0.5 * math.pi, y)
    if isinf(x) or y == 0.:
        if copysign(1., x) == 1.:
            # atan2(+-y, +inf) = atan2(+-0, +x) = +-0.
            return copysign(0., y)
            # atan2(+-y, -inf) = atan2(+-0., -x) = +-pi.
            return copysign(math.pi, y)
    return math.atan2(y, x)
Esempio n. 47
def ll_math_hypot(x, y):
    # hypot(x, +/-Inf) returns Inf, even if x is a NaN.
    if isinf(x):
        return math_fabs(x)
    if isinf(y):
        return math_fabs(y)

    r = math_hypot(x, y)
    errno = rposix.get_errno()
    if isnan(r):
        if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
            errno = 0
            errno = EDOM
    elif isinf(r):
        if isinf(x) or isnan(x) or isinf(y) or isnan(y):
            errno = 0
            errno = ERANGE
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 48
def ll_math_modf(x):
    # some platforms don't do the right thing for NaNs and
    # infinities, so we take care of special cases directly.
    if isinf(x):
        return (math_copysign(0.0, x), x)
    elif isnan(x):
        return (x, x)
    intpart_p = lltype.malloc(rffi.DOUBLEP.TO, 1, flavor='raw')
        fracpart = math_modf(x, intpart_p)
        intpart = intpart_p[0]
    finally:, flavor='raw')
    return (fracpart, intpart)
Esempio n. 49
def c_phase(x, y):
    # Windows screws up atan2 for inf and nan, and alpha Tru64 5.1 doesn't
    # follow C99 for atan2(0., 0.).
    if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
        return NAN
    if isinf(y):
        if isinf(x):
            if copysign(1., x) == 1.:
                # atan2(+-inf, +inf) == +-pi/4
                return copysign(0.25 * math.pi, y)
                # atan2(+-inf, -inf) == +-pi*3/4
                return copysign(0.75 * math.pi, y)
        # atan2(+-inf, x) == +-pi/2 for finite x
        return copysign(0.5 * math.pi, y)
    if isinf(x) or y == 0.:
        if copysign(1., x) == 1.:
            # atan2(+-y, +inf) = atan2(+-0, +x) = +-0.
            return copysign(0., y)
            # atan2(+-y, -inf) = atan2(+-0., -x) = +-pi.
            return copysign(math.pi, y)
    return math.atan2(y, x)
Esempio n. 50
def fsum(space, w_iterable):
    """Sum an iterable of floats, trying to keep precision."""
    w_iter = space.iter(w_iterable)
    inf_sum = special_sum = 0.0
    partials = []
    while True:
            w_value =
        except OperationError, e:
            if not e.match(space, space.w_StopIteration):
        v = _get_double(space, w_value)
        original = v
        added = 0
        for y in partials:
            if abs(v) < abs(y):
                v, y = y, v
            hi = v + y
            yr = hi - v
            lo = y - yr
            if lo != 0.0:
                partials[added] = lo
                added += 1
            v = hi
        del partials[added:]
        if v != 0.0:
            if rfloat.isinf(v) or rfloat.isnan(v):
                if (not rfloat.isinf(original) and not rfloat.isnan(original)):
                    raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
                                         space.wrap("intermediate overflow"))
                if rfloat.isinf(original):
                    inf_sum += original
                special_sum += original
                del partials[:]
Esempio n. 51
def ll_math_hypot(x, y):
    # hypot(x, +/-Inf) returns Inf, even if x is a NaN.
    if isinf(x):
        return math_fabs(x)
    if isinf(y):
        return math_fabs(y)

    r = math_hypot(x, y)
    errno = rposix.get_errno()
    if not isfinite(r):
        if isnan(r):
            if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
                errno = 0
                errno = EDOM
        else:  # isinf(r)
            if isfinite(x) and isfinite(y):
                errno = ERANGE
                errno = 0
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 52
def rAssertAlmostEqual(a, b, rel_err=2e-15, abs_err=5e-323, msg=''):
    """Fail if the two floating-point numbers are not almost equal.

    Determine whether floating-point values a and b are equal to within
    a (small) rounding error.  The default values for rel_err and
    abs_err are chosen to be suitable for platforms where a float is
    represented by an IEEE 754 double.  They allow an error of between
    9 and 19 ulps.

    # special values testing
    if isnan(a):
        if isnan(b):
        raise AssertionError(msg + '%r should be nan' % (b, ))

    if isinf(a):
        if a == b:
        raise AssertionError(msg + 'finite result where infinity expected: '
                             'expected %r, got %r' % (a, b))

    # if both a and b are zero, check whether they have the same sign
    # (in theory there are examples where it would be legitimate for a
    # and b to have opposite signs; in practice these hardly ever
    # occur).
    if not a and not b:
        # only check it if we are running on top of CPython >= 2.6
        if sys.version_info >= (2, 6) and copysign(1., a) != copysign(1., b):
            raise AssertionError(msg + 'zero has wrong sign: expected %r, '
                                 'got %r' % (a, b))

    # if a-b overflows, or b is infinite, return False.  Again, in
    # theory there are examples where a is within a few ulps of the
    # max representable float, and then b could legitimately be
    # infinite.  In practice these examples are rare.
        absolute_error = abs(b - a)
    except OverflowError:
        # test passes if either the absolute error or the relative
        # error is sufficiently small.  The defaults amount to an
        # error of between 9 ulps and 19 ulps on an IEEE-754 compliant
        # machine.
        if absolute_error <= max(abs_err, rel_err * abs(a)):
    raise AssertionError(msg + '%r and %r are not sufficiently close' % (a, b))
Esempio n. 53
def ll_math_fmod(x, y):
    # fmod(x, +/-Inf) returns x for finite x.
    if isinf(y) and isfinite(x):
        return x

    r = math_fmod(x, y)
    errno = rposix.get_errno()
    if isnan(r):
        if isnan(x) or isnan(y):
            errno = 0
            errno = EDOM
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 54
def special_type(d):
    if isnan(d):
        return ST_NAN
    elif isinf(d):
        if d > 0.0:
            return ST_PINF
            return ST_NINF
        if d != 0.0:
            if d > 0.0:
                return ST_POS
                return ST_NEG
            if copysign(1., d) == 1.:
                return ST_PZERO
                return ST_NZERO
Esempio n. 55
def ll_math_ldexp(x, exp):
    if x == 0.0 or not isfinite(x):
        return x  # NaNs, zeros and infinities are returned unchanged
    if exp > INT_MAX:
        # overflow (64-bit platforms only)
        r = math_copysign(INFINITY, x)
        errno = ERANGE
    elif exp < INT_MIN:
        # underflow to +-0 (64-bit platforms only)
        r = math_copysign(0.0, x)
        errno = 0
        r = math_ldexp(x, exp)
        errno = rposix.get_errno()
        if isinf(r):
            errno = ERANGE
    if errno:
        _likely_raise(errno, r)
    return r
Esempio n. 56
def _hash_float(f):
    """The algorithm behind compute_hash() for a float.
    This implementation is identical to the CPython implementation,
    except the fact that the integer case is not treated specially.
    In RPython, floats cannot be used with ints in dicts, anyway.
    from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
    from pypy.rlib.rfloat import isfinite, isinf
    if not isfinite(f):
        if isinf(f):
            if f < 0.0:
                return -271828
                return 314159
        else: #isnan(f):
            return 0
    v, expo = math.frexp(f)
    v *= TAKE_NEXT
    hipart = int(v)
    v = (v - float(hipart)) * TAKE_NEXT
    x = hipart + int(v) + (expo << 15)
    return intmask(x)
Esempio n. 57
def float_as_integer_ratio__Float(space, w_float):
    value = w_float.floatval
    if isinf(value):
        w_msg = space.wrap("cannot pass infinity to as_integer_ratio()")
        raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError, w_msg)
    elif isnan(value):
        w_msg = space.wrap("cannot pass nan to as_integer_ratio()")
        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, w_msg)
    float_part, exp = math.frexp(value)
    for i in range(300):
        if float_part == math.floor(float_part):
        float_part *= 2.0
        exp -= 1
    w_num = W_LongObject.fromfloat(space, float_part)
    w_den = space.newlong(1)
    w_exp = space.newlong(abs(exp))
    w_exp = space.lshift(w_den, w_exp)
    if exp > 0:
        w_num = space.mul(w_num, w_exp)
        w_den = w_exp
    # Try to return int.
    return space.newtuple([,])
Esempio n. 58
def ll_math_cos(x):
    if isinf(x):
        raise ValueError("math domain error")
    return math_cos(x)